V fc UL j n u rK Catarrh in the Head Suffered With It for Five Years but Hoods Sarsaparilla Cured I had catarrh in my head and suffered with it for five years I -was also troubled with weakness I have taken Hoods Sar Baparilla and it entirely cured the catarrh built up my system and did me a great deal of good W E MELLOW AY Co lumbia Missouri Remember Hoods Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier Hoods Pills euro sick headache 25c A Fatal Interruption Pruyn Did you ever really know a fnan to be cured of a disease by a pat ent medicine Fields Well I cant ezactly say s 1 ever did I knowed one man t take it repelar fourteen years an et inought o cured him but jess then th goldurned patent expired Howi This Wo oiler Ono Hundred Dollars Rownrd for Any cue of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Halls Catarrh Cura F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O We the undersigned have known P J Cheney for the last fifteen years aud believe him per fectly honorable in nil business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm W08t Tnax Wholesale Drupeists Toledo O Welding Kinnau ilarrin wholesale Drug- fists Toledo Ohio alls Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood aud mucous suriacas of the Bvstfin Price 7Jc per bottle Sold by ull Druggists Dead Easy i He If I were to kiss you would you call for help She What makes you think you would need help Shako Into Your Shoes Allens Foot Ease a powder for the feet It cures painful swollen smart ing feet and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions Its the greatest comfort discovery of the age Allens Foot Ease makes tight fitting or new shoes feel easy It Is a certain ure for sweating callous and hot tired aching feet Try it to day Sold by all druggists and shoe stores By mail for 25 cents in stamps Trial package FREE Address Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y If you married your wife because she was a good cook instead of a musician try to make yourself believe that the plates rattling in the dish pan is a Wagnerian overture California If youre going to California before making your arrangements write for all information as to rales etc to II C Clieyney General Agent Sioux City Iowa One way or round trip tickets via any route Dr Ramaehandravya a converted Hindoo priest is preaching in Tre mont Temple Boston and is attracting considerable attention Pisos Cure for Consumption is our only medicine for coughs and colds Mrs C Belts 439 Sth ave Denver Col Nor 8 1S95 More than 5000 copies of Capt Ma lians Life of Nelson have been al ready sold in England Dandruff forms when the glands of the skin- are weakened and if neglected Imldness is sure to follow Halls Hair Renewer is the best preventive Censure is the tax a man pays to the public for being eminent Swift Semi for Glenn6 Sulphur Soap If troubled with aii eruption or an abrasion of the Bkln Hills Hair and Whisker Use black or brown 50c Cupid steals base every time lovers look at the moon Mrs Winalows Soothing Stbdf for Children tiotninit soitens the mims retraces inflammation iflajs rain cure wind colic cents a bottle Some people save mouey by not pay ing their bills mm 2l TtTtLT1 flP r fT k fll SG SOCIETYS ENDLESS CHAIN Aspects of Iiifc Altered by Our Grow ing Interdependence Some have imagined that the pressure upon the city might be relieved and tho miseries of the slum modified by removing families to unoccupied lands au teaching them to engage in agri culture and steps have been taken in this direction But those who expect to solve or even to simplify the problem by this method fail to appreciate the profound change which has come over the worlds industry during this cen tury by which it has ceased to be in dividual and has become organized a change which is destined to exert more influence on material conditions and on the social intellectual moral and spiritual life of man than did the dis covery of America the invention of gunpowder or the art of prlntig Doubt less this transition is the most impor tant material change which has ever taken place in the history of the race It has separated as by an impassable gulf the simple homespun individual istic life of the worlds past from the complex closely associated life of the present and of the worlds future In the age of homespun which for most of our population reached well on toward tne middle of this century the typical farmer could not only till his own soil but build his own house make his own furniture and many of his own tools His wife could take tho wool as it came from the sheeps back dye cord spin and weave it and then make it into a coat for her husband That is they could together do in a rough way work which now represents ten or a dozen trades Their want were simple and most of them thej could supply with their own hands Such a couple could have raised a fam ily in comparative comfort if they had been alone on the continent The were practically independent of tin whole world The organization of industry ha changed all this In it was involved the division of labor The work of one trade was divided between a dozen oil twenty machines each fed by a differ ent man and each department depend ent on all the others Moreover great branches of industry have become link ed together in a kind of endless chain ol interdependence so that one link can not move far unless the other links move with it North American Ro view Esq In Paris as well as in some other parts of the world there are men oi fashion who aim to do everything as the English do it A foppisb French man who knew no English but never theless called himself a gentleman went so far in iiis Anglomania as tc write Esq after the names of mer to whom lie wrote letters on the backs of the envelopes By and by a friend asked him what this meant Why the English do it the othei answered Yes but what does esq mean Why yon see the English are of a very cold temperament and admir cold things and esq which means Esquimau is a great compliment Gold was known much earlier than silver and was at first the cheaper ol the two metals but the price of silvei was lowered by the discovery of sil ver mines in Cilicia Spain and Lauri urn FITS rermancnly Cured Ko fits or nervousnea after first day- uo or nr Kline Great Jierve Re s orer Send for FREE 820O trial bottle an 1 treatise Dr R H Kline Ltd 931 Arch M Philadelphia Pa The British empire has an area of 11400000 square miles aud a popula tion of 400000000 The British empire is six times as extensive as that of an cient Rome in its palmiest days NEGLECT IS SUICIDE Plain Words From Mrs Pinkham Corroborated by Mrs Cfharlee Dunmore That Ought to Bring Suffering Women to Their Senses If you were drowning and friendly hands shoved a plank io you and you refused it you would be committing suicide Yet that is precisely what women are doing if they go about their homes almost dead with misery yet refuse to grasp the kindly hand held out to them it is suiciaai to go day after day with that dull con stant pam m the region of the womb and that bloating heat and tenderness of the abdomen which make the weight of your clothes an almost intolerable burden to yon It is not natural to suffer so in merely emptying the bladder Does not that special form of suf fering tell you that there is inflammation somewhere Shall I tell you what it is It is inflammation of tho wnmW If it goes on polypus or tumor or cancer will sot m Commence the use of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable oompouna xnousanas ol women in this condition have been cured by it Keep your bowels open with Mrs Pinkhams Liver Pills and if you want further advice write to Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass stat ing freely all your symptoms she stands ready and willing- to oive vou ihevery best advice She has given the helping hand to suitermg just ake yourself many of whom lived miles away from twu jaer nwnciuus vegetauie vumpouna nas Cured many thousands of women It can be found at any respectable drug store Mrs Charlks Dunmobe 102 Fremont St Winter TJilIT Somerville Mass says I was in pain day and niffht mr doctor did not seem to helo me I could not seem to find any relief until I took Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound I had inflammation of tfifi womb a bearing down pain and the whites rerv JOtk a thousands E2uTz3saW w oXyCrt QBnDt - j i Kjh1 The nain was so intense that I could not RWn nt FCTtGal njtght I took Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound for eight W months and am now all right Before that I took morphine pills for my pain that vs a great mistake for the relief was only momentary and the effect vile J w inui w uv reuevcu w uij suuenngs ior tne pains lnad -were some- hing terrible ffes have done I am indeed rery grateful for the good Mrs Pinkhams reme me Bear in Mind that The Gods Help Thos Who Help Themselves Self Help Should Teach You to Use SAPOLIO k XT ibsmsrsJsshsmL K 2A RV5iJr 1v cjy 5io mm sX2sSw wx xwja mu Ksa oifgflHfi W1 HTJ HJd n tt ri tl fU Mis Vp Polishing Linen The secret of laundry polish lies at much in the skillful manipulation oi the polishing iron as in the preparatior of the starch No starch polish is oi any value if it is not properly applied and there is no gain in the use of s starch polish unless it is properlj brought out with a polishing iron These small irons ave usually nickel plated and cost from 1 to 2 Thej should be light in order that they may be used rapidly An exchange illus trates three varieties of polishing irons all of which have their advocates A polishing iron with a heel or a tipped up end is very desirable because all the force of the work can be concen trated on a small portion of the linen at a time and thus bring out the polish The Chinese worker usually lays a damp cloth over his linen and then passes the iron over It He applies the damp cloth and iron again and again with the skill of an expert worker un- TIIKEE POMSHINO IROXS til the linen has a gleaming polish One half a bosom is done at a time Skillful laundresses shape collars with an iron and do not require a form Some American laundresses dampen bosoniB to be polished with a wet cloth instead of laying the cloth over them but it does not give as good results In all cases the worker prefers to have the starched bosom dry before begin ning to iron it How to Detect Dampness If you suspect a room is damp shut it up completely hermetically closing doors windows and any crevices through which air could enter Then place a kilogramme of fresh lime in the room leaving it uncovered in some prominent place In twenty four hours the apartment can be again en tered and the lime carefully weighed If it is found to have absorbed more than ten grammes of water that is more than 1 per cent of moisture the room must be regarded as decidedly damp and unhealthy for a living room To Thieken Milk Although every housewife knows to her cost how promptly milk can curdle and thicken when one least expects it to do so this never seems to happen when sour milk is required but only at the most inconvenient times It is however possible to thicken milk to order as it were and that at twenty four hours notice Add to the remains of the milk of the day before a small quantity of fresh milk and in the afore mentioned time it will have thickened sufficiently for every practical purpose A Good Paste A strong paste that can be really de pended upon to do its duty well is made as follows In half a quart of warm water dissolve a small teaspoonful of alum and when it cools add enough flour to make it into a thin paste Stir it till smooth then add a pinch or so of powdered resin aud pour on to the paste half a cupful of boiling water When fcll mixed and thickened t rn into a receptacle with a cover and store in a dry corner of a cupboard When required for use soften a small quantity with warm water Chocolate Cake Melt a little of the best chocolate in a small saucepan with only enough boiling water to dissolve it then stir into the icing and spread between the laj ers and on top Some persons -lay walnut meats at intervals on tho top slightly pressing them down into the icing to keep them firm Bits About Cooking Marc Anthony gave the cook who prepared the banquet lie gave in Cleo patras honor a city Julius Caesar paid his cook 4000 a year France is called the cradle of good cooking but Athens was tiie home of the best cooks that the world ever knew At nonius called tho cooks the lirst race of kings Empress Josephine ate most of her meals in hor own apartment and re warded the cook who prepared them with magnificently embroidered shawls thread laces hats that cost 50 apiece and silk slippers that sold for almost as much second band Cooking is largely a matter of taste bun the bet cooks in the land to day are negroes Our own Southom col ored women are real cordon bleus the black cooks of Cuba are peerless and no traveler who has visited Constant- nople or Algeria would take a chef If he could get a Moor Napoleons table manners were very bad He not only ate with his fingers but put them into the dishes in serving himself made as much noise as a suc tion pump in drinking ate with dog gish rapacity finished the biggest meal in less than twenty minutes and expected everybody to follow him when he left the table Give Us Rest Tnis la the prayer of the nervous tvho do Aot sleep well Let them use Hostetters Stomach Hitters and their prayer will be speedily answered Insomnia is the product d indigestion and nervousness two nssoei ite ailments soon remedied by the Bitters tvhieh nlso -vanquishes malaria constipation Ilvr r i oiiiplaiiii ni uinatism aud kidney vomnlainU Housed in a Steeple The only man in the United States who lives in a church steeple to Heze kiah Bradds the sexton of the Baptist church at Westport a suburb of Kan sas City says the Times of that town Tho room is small scarcely larger than a drj goods box- It is just under the bells In that tiny room he cooks eats and sleeps Through the small win dows that furnish light in the daytime he can see a portion of Kansas CitjV Above his head the swallows twitter as they fly in and out through the lattice work In his small room are a bed a dresser a tiny stove and a table He has been sexton of the church for several years and has occupied this room in the steeple since his wife left him Some years ago he married a wid ow with a grown son The son proved a bone of contention and after numer ous quarrels the wife left her husband taking the furniture with her Then the church trustees suggested that Mr Bradds move into the little room be neath the bells Church members fur nished the room comfortably and since then Mr Bradds has lived a lonesome life Cider Drinkers in Maine The abundance of water this summer uas not caused any decrease in the ru ral consumption of old cider The abun dance of apples last fall put cider bar rels at a premium Many farmers de clare that two barrels of cider are as much help as an extra man in haying time Up in Canaan one man is said to have drunk five barrels since last fall but he promptly takes a back seat when a Cornville citizen asserts he has consumed eight barrels in the same time Augusta Journal Antpathy to Monopoly The anti monopolistic sentiment in this country is not a modern idea In 1777 Massachusetts passed an act en titled to prevent monopoly and op pression vVvM vtg e aig i All Abont a CraD Is a crab an animal The case Is being argued before the Calcutta High Court where a native woman is charged with cruelty to animals by breaking the crabs legs and backs to show purchasers the quality of the meat within the shell The defense is that the- crab does not come under the act which forbids the torture of an animal or domesticated bird A bushel or corn makes four gallons of whiskey which retails for 1G Out of this the Government gets 3 the railroads SI the manufacturer 4 the vender 7 the farmer 40 cents and the drunkard gets the delirium tremens R- Fthea11 SSBSl W y Family Jk 4M as- V Rudyard Kiplings thrilling new story The Burning of the Sarah Sands will appear exclusively in The Companion during 1898 POUMEL The Best CJI ItfIRO Saddle Coat O JLI V- fVCrV yxp Keeps both rider and saddle per fectly dry in the hardest storms Substitutes will disappoint Ask for 1807 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker It is entirely new If not for sale in your town write for catalogue to A J TOWER Boston Mass 10 35 DAVC BADAS UKE advertise ment4TlJUES lu 100 high grade papers In -Illinois Kuaranieed circu lation lOOOOO or we cau insert It TIMES lii 1400 coun try papers Xor 100 SSXD JOR CATJLOGUM Dliloaero Newspaper Union 83 Souua JeOemo SUM Chicago Uu FREIGHT PAIDSSTSaSfWi nd Celling Manilla Write for samples and prices h Fay Manilla Booting Co Caaadn NJ 1 iarufim i C N U CURE YOURSELF TTm Mtttm d - a 1 oiachareo iodaauaalioBa irritatiana r kratlona el am cobb auatbrasM inMma wiuumm r puiaotuu umciJWUTi VS SI4 or aeat fa Waia wraajwr j QAtuca prvMia nr S 00or3botUwfj rcalar Mat mm raaaatt in tune Sold by droggUta 45 97 liUHlK WHERE AIL ELSE FAILS I Beet Cough Syrnp Taatea Good U8 ho Worry or It The world has come to know that the muscles nave much to do with the health of the system and the era of athletics has so developed them that the whole man is a stronger being than in former years But the worry of it all is that the muscles are of the flesh fleshy A little twist- or slip or jerk these happen in all work and then a sprain Sprains disable and are costly in time and money but not if St Jacobs Oil is used for it cures surely and promptly and the worry of It is over The woman who whips her little boy hardest for stealing birds esgs of ten has the most feathers in her hat AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE UbE OP THE WORD CASTORIA AND PITCHERS CASTORIA AS OUR TRADE MARK J DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Eyannis Massachusetts was the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA the sain that has borne and does now Sly sfTi st 0Th every hear the facsimile signature of J4C4CM wrapper This is tlie original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has leen used in the homes of tTie mothers of America for over thirty years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought X7y q 7i 07h the and has the signature o f 4S wrap per No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas H Melcher is President a March 8 18971- QujC X A t p Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies on it the ingredients of which evetv lie does not know The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE FAC SIMILE SIGNATURE OF CaMcik Insist on Having t The Kind That Never Failed You1 TBC CCMTAUfl COMMKV 77 MURRAY BTftCCT NW YORK CITY JrC the famous story writer is only one of many celebrated contributors engaged to write for the next volume of Hieouths om pan ion Right Hon W E Gladstone Hon Thomas B Reed Hon Justin McCarthy Hon George F Hoar Lieut Peary Alax ORell Frank R Stockton Times A Year To show the varied strength and charm of The Companions original features for 1898 we give the following partial list of Distinguished Contributors W D Howells Mme Lillian Nordica Mrs Burton Harrison Octave Thanet Mary E Wilkins Alargaret E Sangster Harriet P Spofford And Fully Two Hundred Others Gold Embossed Calendar Free to New Subscribers This Calendar is published exclusively by The Youths Companion and could not be sold in Art Stores for less than 100 It consists of three folding parts each a true reproduction of charming- group pictures JSSrSee Important Offer 9 - -- 1 tAA A FREE Jan 1395 JXJiW sUItSUKIIJKKS ivlio will out out tins sup ana semi 11 at once inui name 5 and address and 8175 will receive J FREE The Companion every week from tho time subscription is received till January 1 1898 C FREE Thanksgiving Christmas and Vew Years TotiIil Nuuihrr J FltEE The Companion Art Calendar for 1S1JS a production superior lo any of the famous pieces of Companion color work of previous years It is a bean- tiful ornament and a costly Jfift Size 10x24 in hrer to 2teir Subscriber t jnn iie tjomnanion eeiis a x iui icar m tijiiiuary 1 joaa hji 7i inimi7iiiHitnrzirzirrtifzmiz Illustrated Prospectus 0 the Volume for 1S93 and Sample Copies of the Paper free- THE YOUTHS COMPANION 201 Columtms Avenue Slk tit VT Ml 7l 71V TTC777S mm f I BOSTON MASS ate u Mi ig IF f W M in T f Same ilma ago a dressmaker cf my acquaintance spoke with Sue about a maee of disfiguring pimples Yy inflamed and a agry looldag had bioien oalonitericel and around the corners of her mouth She had hacn poisoned she said by biting off te ndi of colored sewing silks nsed in connection Titahr vrork The pimples had increased lntiaaandtinaJghtlinesaand had become a source of much distress and annoyance X recommended Bipans Taboieafor a trial and for seTaral Tveelu shs took them three times a day according to directions At first the Tubules proved to h er br throwing to the wir faca aaora pimplesthanshehadoriginally thather blood wra badly out of order Persorer lng in the usoof Bipans Tatmles the eruption gradually disappeared and nowsotareztige f the disorder remains A more ardent indorser of Ripans Tabnlcs than she it would avoir he hard to find They are worth their weight in feld to any ono similarly affected X saw ttyle packet coBtatalcs Txx mtajcs tascub ia a paper cxrtoa wHfcoutrUaa la notr for gale ti Mat Ing atorea voa imt cysts h low yricta uort is lntosM far tb poor and ifce wconuaaieal Ooa CBte I tUMtraoeatcarrensiiSta1vlescanbeadl3TEaallly MDillajrortT gljt cents to ttaKAW Csatat OoaTABT No I Syrnea Street Xcir Tork cr a ttnglv cxrZw zis tascixi will ba Mat far firs 4jn1tMt i itdyavd JBfcipling jJjnK i