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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1897)
- vs y Kr jfr THE VOL XII THIS AND THAT iminlna Event Octffrerai Kit uliou Day November J rnlyttrian scr Novumbw 5 Teaclww Association No ember 13 Thanksgiving November i W II Kern UushvihVs constable -was hi town Monday A new chimney was built cm ie M E church the past week L A Rod well f Ainsworth wa3 in town on business Friday Miss May Stevens of Longpine ye editors family Saturday and Sunday AVm and Phillip Pullman and A Taryan made proof on their tuatbar claims Tuesday Tin proximity of election day is excuse -enough for the lack of local iiiews 4u the paper this week J 7 Guth has the foundation part Jy laid for a new dwelling house just jiorth of his present residence Wm Clarkaon Wh Taylor and iRev Moore accompanied Amos Strong and his prisoners to Lincoln Tuesday as deputies J W Oens whs as living on ithe Hornback place is Sparks precinct -was a pleasant caller at these head quarters Tuesday Born Wednesday Oct27 to Mr and 3Irs Harry Hilsinger a ten pound boy All parties wijit and Harry has been passiqg the cigars Topic for Christian Endeavor next Sunday is Trust Christ For What 2 Timothy 11 12 Meeting in the Presbyterian church at 630 Buring the storm Tuesday J K 3Ioores cattle about 900 head got away from the herders and drifted S0uth No losses are yet reported t One of the most unique characters and original talkers in this neck of the woods is L D Lincoln of Schlegel -precinct He is a hard political fight er too Presiding Elder Eighmy of Long pine held quarterly conference at this place Saturday night and preached in the Methodist church Sunday morning and evening I The supper advertised by the hyterian laffies to take place tomorrow evening has been postponed for a week on account ot the weather Wait for ut Friday Nov 5 G P Crabb has moved hre family uto the property he lecently bought of J T Keeley on the west eide J W Freeman has moved into tfhe Hols claw property thus vacated Ve have been informed that the treaty under which the supply depot at Rusbville was established will ex pire Jan 1st next and the probabili ties are that it will be abandoned The stone for the Sparks baa build ing is on the ground and being dressed for use The first story of Rebuild ing will be of Ulack Hills pink sand atone and the second story will be made of pressed brick Senator Allen made a strong address at Cornell Hall last Friday afternoon Westover adjourning court to give jurors and witnesses an opportunity to hear him M F Harrington spoke at the same place Saturday evening Geo Campbell of St Joe C W Cox f Minneapolis S D Blythe of Sioux City F E Joy of Omaha H Roberts of Des Moines and W D Webster of Omaha were among the commercial men who spent Sunday at The Don oher Jackson and Brayton will build an addition to their store using the lot between their present building and 3rabb and Vincents for that purpose This will cause the Bank of Valentine to move again which will be done by placing the buildjng on the lot north of Efnerg Prof It G iJasley of Valentine latley from New Albamy Ind will lec ture in the school house at Crookston Nebr Saturday evening Nov 6 1896 Ona subject interesting to old and young A short program will also be given by the scqol Price of admjs aion adults lcj children under 12 years of age 10c The proceeds witi be used in increasing the school libra ry Come every tipdy it will interest ou VALENTINE District Court JteNUltw A L Morgan obtaining endorse ment on draft under false pretenses five years John Xeeley burglary five years H F Schwaberow cattle stealing five years lohn Carter burglary three years Henry Slademan horse stealing one year The foregoing are the sentences giv en violators of the law by Judge West over in district court Monday Each of the prisoners except Schwaberow admitted his guilt before sentence was pronounced and asked for mercy As we went to press last week the Neeley burglary case was on The jury brought in a verdict of guilty but recommended that he be given a light sentence Friday the case against Herman F Schwaberow for stealing two calves from the Enlow Cattle Co was called Walcott and Harrington prosecuted while Clarke and Altschuler defended The case occupied the courts time all day Friday and was given to the jury Saturday morning about 1030 A verdict was reached late in the after noon but court having adjourned it was not delivered until Monday -Henry Slademan was arrested Sun day fcr stealing six head of horses from John Holman of near Irwin a couple of moaths ago and selling them He pleaded guilty to the charge Monday afternoon In view of this fact and the young mans previous good char acter the judge was very lenient with him Monday afternoon Judge Westover heard a demurrer in a case brought from Itushville on a writ of habeas corpus Frank ONeill was arrested on a charge of having burned a lot of hay on Pine Ridge reservation the sheriff from Hot Springs making the arrest After listening to arguments ittishvnie appeared tor uiseiii i In the case of Elizabeth Fitzgerald vs Peter J Donoher et al judgment of 900 was given the plaintiff L P Larson received a judgment of 335 against Arthur Thacher On appeal J W Stetter G H Hornby A Lewis T C Hornby and Geo Elliott obtained judgments against Cherry county C Brayton obtained a judgment of 65 against Jos II Burns Among the cases continued were Aultman Miller Co vs E Stilwell Paxton vs Reese Sparks vs Tate F Fischer vs C C Parker Robinson vs Hobson Balwerk vs Scholtes Ware vs Grooms et al Ormesher vs Cherry Co Ed Quigley vs HiLle Finney vs Gallop Walcott vs Denny Divorces were granted to Hugh R Sears from Lottie Sears and Aggie B Watson from Charles It Watson The Hoffman case was continued The damage case of E McDonald vs F E Railroad was settled out of court Thirty cars of potatoes aggregating 20000 bushels have been shipped from Gordon during the past two weeks and still the crop of spuds is by no means exhausted Thousands of bush els yet remain to be shipped this fall and still other thousands are being holed up for spring shipment The crop is of fine quality and the price paid is 30 cents a bushel--Gordon Journal J K Fee of Crookston filed a pet ition last Thursday evening to have his name placed upon the ballots as a candidate for commissioner from this district Mr Fee is a rustler and says he is in this fight to win not to be sacrificed He will be in Valentine Monday evening prepared to answer all charges which may be made against bim aud answer questions Monday was cold and rainy Next morning the ground was covered with snow and the wind was blowing pretty stiffly The storm continued all day but yesterday and today the snow is rapidly melting and election day prom ises to be fair This is the same ex perience we had last year and while we will have lot of nice weather yet the winter will probably be severe Come in and sign the petition for postal savings banks This is not a partisan move at all leading men of jlV parlicSUdvocatiiig the measure FuMislieljrorJFour Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT A FEW REASONS WHY Ucforc the next fcsue of this paper goes to press the campaign in this siiite and county will be closed the election will bo over and the votes counted During the campaign Vc have to the best of our abil ity supported the straight democratic ticket both state and local and we hope our efforts have nqt beeil fruitless We have supported the ticket not alone because tye are a democrat not alone because we de sired to defeat republicanism these things in part caused us to sup port the democrat ticket but the primary cause is the fact that the democratic nominees are betteiwrien for the positions to which they aspire than are their opponents Should the majority of the voters believe otherwise well and good we will trust to time for a vindica tion of our position However in this issue we desire to make a last appeal to the voters of Cherry county and present to them a few rea sons why they should vote the democrat ticket Republican state officials have during the last few years robbed the state of almost a million dollars the republican supreme court jpade it possible for the state treasurer to steal 200000 of the per manent school fund the supreme court has almost invariably given decisions against the common people and in favor of the corporations tfre court needs renovating even as the other state offices needed vating Will not republicans assisir in the renovation The rebuke to corruption will do then party good After a general turning down of rascals a party can consistently ask support on grounds of honesty and purity Coming to local affairs many republicans will vote the democratic ticket because they know there is not an incompetent man thereon not a man who is figuring on prejudice to elect him not a man who was nominated by any deal or on account of any promise not a man who was nominated because he was the first man thought of Every man was nominated because of his fitness for the place This is a fact which appeals to lovers of good government and there aremany such inthe republican party They will vote the democrat ticket because they lack confidence in their own That the leaders have that same lack of confidence is shown by the difficulty encoun tered in getting a chairman to assume the responsibility of the cam paign Republicans know they are weak and the democratic ticket appeals to them by its strength Popnlists should support the state ticket Though the head of that ticket is a democrat he was nominated by the populists as a par- jtial reward t0 the democrats for their votes last year Pursuing the oner discharged Judge Patterson of same plan they -will vote the connty ticket They know that their county convention was run by a ring and that honest delegates were duped by lies to serve the rings purpose they know that the demo crats last year supported the same national state congressional sena torial representative and county tickets they did when but two men on those tickets were nominated as democrats Knowing this they will if they believe in fairness vote the democratic ticket They cannot conscientiously vote the republican ticket because their princi ples are so diametrically opposed they cannot vote their own ticket if they believe in their own doctrine and are opposed to rings and dirty methods in polities and here is where the democrats come in Their principles are much the same their nominees are all free silver men they are all clean well qualified men and they were not nominated by any ring or clique Populists have three good reasons for voting the ticket straight to obtain good officials to rebuke the ring which thwarted the will of the majority to do observe the golden rule A number of other reasons exist but these are the principal ones Democrats should vote the ticket straight from top to bottom for more than one reason They should vote it because it is democratic they should vote it because it is the best ticket in the field because it represents all parts of the county because the populists have said there are no democrats and the republicans hope to gain democratic votes they should vote the democratic ticket because they are oppos ed to ring rule and in favor of honest government because they were refused assistance by those they have always helped democrats should vote the ticket because they can elect it and once in power they need uever again pose as a supplicant for favors from any other party be cause if they dont vote the ticket the name democrat will become a by word in this county Make a X under the rooster The battle will soon be over and if we as democrats stand solid for our ticket victory will perch upon our banner and our friends the enemy will realize the significance of the crowing rooster as the em blem of democracy The contest is for good government and but f or party names there would be no doubt -about the election of the entire democratic ticket The nominees of the -republicans and populists are all said tc be good honest fellows and while we doubt that the compliment can honestly be paid to all of them well let it pass no good honest fellow will make a good public officer unless he is well qualified for the place and his honesty may be sorely tried if he enters office with a corrupt ring influencing him either the ring or the office must be neglected Voters mUBbthink of these things and if they think deeply a vote for the democrat ticket will be the result Why is it that the populists are do ing their best to down Metzger if he is not in the race Why are both re publicans and populists fightiDg Bal lard so hard if he is the weakest man in the Geld Why are the republicans jumping sideways and pulling against Childers if theyre not afraid Strong will be defeated by him Why does everybody stick to it that Adamson is the best man in the field unless tbey intend to vote for him and think he will be elected Echo answers wbv DEMOCRAT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY OCTOBER 28 1897 Word reaches us that the populists and republicans especially the latter are reporting throughout the county that Metzger is making no race for the position of clerk This is a mistake- and on a par with the canard to the effect that he would not accept the nomination Metzger is making a hard pull for the clerkship and he be comes a greater favorite every day A vote for the court house bond a vote for economy and safety is HBwMMiBi m HSI I m V A Tin William M Dunbar Lessee from Heine Kroeger h HWB Cody Neb DUn Either side Also Esa low on right Tpff par fit ottf Sam Hudson Simeon Neb TBI ill lil Rosebud S D Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle Left hip on cattle Left shoulder on horses Some horses Lazy 2 on left shoulder Range between Gordon and Snake River and Niobrara IRiver Left ears tagged All catde dehorned Henry Pratt William Shangren Cody Neb I S3 J Dulap under ride of neck I 0k NO 40 SWEATERS BY DAY AND NICE WARM BLANKETS BY NIGHT ARE JUST NOW THE TWO THINGS MOST COMFORTABLE We have a good line of each See them Davenport Thachei GENERAL MERCHANTS i i i i Winters Coming And now the careful housewife begins to look around for FLANNELS - AND - ARCTIC aud other warm and heavy goods The best place to get them is at the store of E McDonald Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Crookston aluo Among the visitors in town this week were W G Ballard our candi date for county treasurer His popu larity is evidenced by the many con gratulatory remarks made to him Steadman Bros m wivwKKumm m mja Pass Neb Brand on either right or left side Horses and some cattle brand oir left side and hip Range Bull Lake and Wamaduce creek Charles Eenard Kosebud S D Range Big White and Bad Rivers B 0 W MOREY WATCHMAKER - AHD - JEWELEE Fine line of plain and fancy jev elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed aud done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods C A WELLS DENTIST Office over T C Hornbys Store Whats the Ufte Of travlingone hundred miles further and three hours longer to get to Sioux City when you can take the Pacific Short Line at ONeill and save both time and distance Connections made e7ery day except Sunday with trains east and west between Sioux City and the Black Hills Buy tickets to ONeill Same Fare spt n Tir a a uange neaa oi my i iih arv iTPirinn reek I rw n 9 Joseph W Bownet P O address Mernnmn Nebr Right ear cropped Hole in center of left ear Range Lake creek SD 7 gj TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS THE ELKHORN RAILROAD North Western line is to beat to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD NORTH NEBRASKA - Pacific Short Ljhe - TIME TABLE AT ONEILL NEBRASKA PASSENGER LEATES 1030 A M ARRIVES QG02 DMLY EXCEPr SUNDAi Through connections both wkm with trains by taking this line you can so xr Stoux City and return the name rtav connection made with all trains for the East and Sou Dafcot a Buy local tickets te ONeill