The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 21, 1897, SUPPLEMENT, Image 10

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ment and it is well that at such times
a good man is installed therein The
coroner in certain cases exercises the
power of a sheriff and when a death
occurs under suspicious circumstances
it is his duty to clear away the mvs
tery Dr Dwyer stands high in his
profession and is just such a man as is
needed in the coroners otlice
For surveyor the democrats have en
dorsed Joseph Estabrook of Lavaca
who was nominated by the populists
Mr Estabrook is no neophyte in the
use of the compass chain and level
and though a stranger to us has been a
resident of the county for some time
We have no hesitancy in asking vour
vote and influence for Ins election
When Max Yiertel bids adieu to the
board of county commissioners Cherry
county will lose a capable olliciai one
who can be replaced by but one man
now in the Held John A Adamsou
People have a habit of looking upon
the otlice of commissioner a one of
but little importance but it is a seri
ous mistake to do so True the posi
tion is one little to be desired but to
the people it is of vast importarre It
is the commissioners who in ike the
contracts for the county and it is they
who pass upon all bills against the
county Here is where a business man
is needed and it is an old axiom that
he who has made a success of his own
affairs will make a success of the af
fairs of the county John Adamson
is such a man Twelve rears aio he
located on the Xiobrara in what is
now Oerman precinct with practically
nothing By hard work and honest
dealing he has built himself up until
now he is one of our most substantial
citizens Well liked by his neighbors
honored by his friends and respected
by all with whom he has had dealings
he is the very man wanted for corn mis
sioner Vote for him work for him
elect him and you will never regret it
Voters the foregoing are our candi
dates Have you better Tne words
spoken of each are not words of flat
tery nor words intended to deceive
they are words of praise honestly and
justly deserved If you doubt them
inquire of those who are most inti
matelv acquainted with them thev
will all stand the closest scrutiny On
election day mark your ballot with a
X under ke rposterbird and vou will
never regiet it
We the democrats of Cherry county
in convention assembled do hereby
reallirm and declare our allegiance o
the platform of principles enunciated
at the Chicago convention and endorse
the resolutions and platform adopted
at the late state convention held in
Lincoln Nebraska
And iv u endorse hearthy the candi
dacy of Judge Sullivan for member of
our state supreme court E- Von For
rell and Jeorge F Kenower for-regents
of the State university and we
pledge ourselves to work earnestly for
their election
We further endorse the official acts
of all the otliculs elec ed upon the
democratic ticket at the la t election
especially our Attorney Oeneral Hon
C J Smyth who has shown himself so
truea democrat in the prosecution of
the duties of hisutlice without regard
to persons or position
We condemn as unworthy of a great
party the action of the late republican
convention in eorhpletely ignoring the
defalcations of two ex state officials
members of that part Hartley and
Moore and refer this quasi endorse
ment of these two men to the voters
ofCherry county for judgment
We condemn as strongly the action
of the late -populist convention in com
pletely ignoring the efforts of the dem
ocrats to secure a fusion of the reform
forces at the coming election and
charge Them with the grossest insin
cerity inspeaking platitudes regarding
their devotion to the cause of -reform
and silver using these as a cloak un
der which they may secure olliciai po
sition and we further condemn their
action in attempting to secure votes by
inconsistently denouncing a canvassing
boards acts under the plea that it was
a republican board when it was com
posed of members of three parties
Lastly and most emphaticallydo
we endorse the nets of our present
omity judge W R Towne who in
his olliciai capacity has proven himself
honest efficient and impartial meting
out justice to friend and foe alike and
we reter his administration to the peo
people of this -county as one t ypitalof
the great party he represents
One of the best signs of prosperity
we have heard of is a reduction of the
freight rate from 35 cents to 25 cents
per hundred weight on potatoes from
here to Omaha and an increase of the
telegraph operators salary from 45
per month to 50- Crawford Bulletin
Postal savings banks are in success
ful operation in most of the British
colonies among them Canada Xew
Zealand Xew South Wales South
Australia Victoria the Bahamas and
the Cape of Good Hope Postal sav
ings banks were established in Belgi
um in 1870 in France in 3881 in the
Netherlands in the same year in Italy
in 1S75 in Austria in 1SS3 in Sweden
in 1883 and in Hungary in 1880 Re
cently such banks were established in
Russia and in Finland The system
is also in operation in Japan and the
Hawaiian Islands In Austria and
Hungary the government has gone
further and established banks of de
posit affording a regular check and
clearing service These banks how
ever are kept distinct and separate
from the savings banks
Commissioners Proceeding
Valentine Neb Oct 5 1897
Board of county commissioners met
in regular session Members all pres
On motion the clerk was ordered to
submit the following propositions to a
vote of the qualified voters of Cherry
county at the next general election
Nov 2 1897
Propositions in another column
On motion bids were opened for
furnishing hard coal and J If Hornby
being the lowest bidder was awarded
the contract at 11 0G per ton delivered
Whereupon the board adjourned to
October Q 1897
October G 1897
Board met pursuant to adjournment
On motion the clerk was directed to
have road petitioned for by X S Row
ley et al surveyed
On motion the following claims were
allowed on road fund and warrants or
dered drawn for same
Fred Maytiee cliainmau Co road urvev i -
1liijiji NpLsoii i oo
Win Kadatz i m
Frank Jones
I N earner
Frank Tate 4 0
lias Tate surveviiiK Co road laimeil
00 allowed -50 40 and applied on
delinquent nersonal taxes
John Grooms Sr road overseer Dist 2000
On motion the petition of Herman
Cr Weisllog et al to have the south
half of township 3 1 range 30 in Min
liechaduza precinct attached to f rmari
precinct was granted
Wherenpon the board adjourned to
Mondav January 3 1898