The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 21, 1897, Image 1

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Al K A M Minnecliaduza Lodge No t92
Ancient Free and Accepted ilasans
meet in regular communication Saturday
evening on or before the full moon in each
month Members of the order in good and reg
ular standing are cordially and fraternally in
vited to attend W T Kincaid W Ji
W W TuoanSOh Seey
Eastern Star
8 Northern Star Chapter- No 59
OK Order of the Eastern Star meots on the
second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each
mouth at Hornbys hall
AY W TiiostPaox Tfrmv J Ykast
Secretary Worthy Matron
Odd Fellows
TOOF Valentine Lodae No 505 Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows meets every
ThMRiday evening Visiting brothers cordial
ly invited to attend our meetings
Secretary Nobio Grand
AOU W Valentine Lodge No 70 Ancient
Order of United Workmen meets on the
first and third Mondays of each month
Kecorder Master Workman
Degree of Honor
Dot H Valentine Lodge No Degree of
Honor holds regular meetings Urst and
third Wednesday evenings of each mwuth
J C Pkttjtohx Lillian- U Stonek
Recorder Chief of Honor
S D of P Valentine Lodge No C Sons and
Daughters of Protection meets first and
third Friday evenings of ach mouth in
hall M ahy Glo vicr President
Lovik VAciiONi Secretary
Red Men
Imj0 It M Sitting Bull Tribe No 22 im
proved Order ot Red Men meet every
second and fourth Friday evening ot each month
at Davenports Hall Visiting brethren are
fraternally invited to be present at tiie council
of the rribo
ti A Sears A H Fjbkgusox
Chief of Records Sachem
Grand Army
GA 31 Col Wood To6t No 203 Department
of Nebraska regular meeting second and
fourth Saturday of each month at a p m sharp
Comrades from other posts are cordially invited
to attend John Dujot Coramauder
J W Tuoker Adjutant
MW A Valentine Camp No nn Modern
Woodman of Americauijet second and
fourth Wednesday eveninus of each month at
Davenports Hall Visiting neighbors cordially
-Invited to attend
W 3 Jacksox W E Haiky
Clerk Venerable Counsel
Knights of Pythias
K of P Cherry Lodge No 1C9 Knights of
Pythias meets every Tuesday evening at
IDavenports Hall
M Chkiltensen
K of It and S
E P Roberts
Chancellor Commander
Coinina Events
5 Senator Allen October 22
Harridgton October 23
Presbyterian Supper October 23
Election Day November 2
Teachers Association November 13
Thanksgiving November 21
Mrs G A Gee of Kennedy visited
in town Saturdav
Prof P DeCory of Rosebud -called
at these headquarters yesterday
Dr WellBhas moved his dental out
fit into his old room over Hornbys
WANT ED Girl for general work
Good wages M S Welch
Alex Altschuler of Omaha is attor
ney for the defense in the Xeeley
E J Davenport is attending the I
O O F Grand Lodge in Lincoln this
Hiram Cornell of Lodi California
is visiting his son C H
Cornell this
J G Stetter is having a neat veran
dah built on the south side of his resi
L P Lesler of Bascobei Wisconsin
was in town yesterday on his way to
G P Crabb falls into his position in
the store like the old hand at the busi
that he is
TV W PaTsons and Nate Blue of
Ainsworth are in town as witnesses in
the INeeley -case
Anna Connolly went to Chadron
Sunday night where she will work for
3Irs Woodward
Curt Callen moved into his own res
idence property north of Carpenters
during the pass week
Mrs Zeilian and Anna Bivens spent
and Sunday with the family
of George Trace well in Kewanee
Miss Ora Shepard came up from
Ainsworth Saturday night and will
make this her home in the future
Work on the -school house has been
almost at a standstill for the past week
mowing to the nonarrival of joist for the
f iret floor
The subject -of Miss Childes address
at the Episcopal church Sunday night
will be A Clear Conscience Serv
ices hcgln at roJ p m
Judge Towne is meeting with prac
tically no opposition in his race for
county judge
TJ G Stevenson was up from Wood
lake Saturday and attended the meet
ing of the republican -county central
A E Thacher made a trip to Foit
Robinson last week to look after his
firms contract with the government
returning Saturday morning
A C Toliver of Ainsworth was in
town Monday on business Art is one
of ye scribes old churns and is now
assistant postmaster at Ainsworth
Senator Allen has been billed to
speak in Valentine on the 22nd of
J W Spirk of Pierce stopped in
town Tuesday and visited old friends
while on his way to the Ilills in the
in the interests of the Pierce and Min
nechaduza Mills
J J Guth is having his dwelling
house remodeled Johnny has always
had a neat place and when the contem
plated improvements are finished it
will be one of the finest in town
Bob McQuade made this office a
pleasant call Monday and showed us a
copy of an Irish paper containing a
reproduction of his marriage announce
ment which appeared in this paper a
short time ago
Burt Hammond returned home to
Valentine Saturday night well pleased
with his three weeks trip to Omaha
and Kansas City He stopped at Ar
lington one day on his way home and
visited the Glover boys
S Xeble editor of the Dane Pioneer
at Omaha L Yager an insurance man
at the same place and M Chnstensen
of Valentine under thejrilotage of A
T White enjoyed a few days hunting
amoung the lakes this week
D Steele age about 70 years died
yesterday ac his home on strt 1
after an illness of several weeks The
funeral will be held this afternoon at
2 oclock the Masonic lodge of th s
place conducting the services
The ladies of the Prpsbyterian
church and Y P G C E will give
an old fashioned supper at Cornell
Hall Friday evening October 29 com
mencing at 530 p m A short pro
gram will be rendered after supper
One of the most pleasant visitors we
hive had this week was EE Crane of
Eli precinct who is in town on jury
duty Mr Crane is one of our countys
best men and though he does not get
to Valentine very often is well known
here by reputation
Someone who has a great big heart
yesterday left a peck of the tinest po
tatoes we have seen this year in our
sanctum Someone did the same
thing two weeks ago Thanks gentle
men You are forgiven for swiping
our melon last summer
The subject for Christian Endeavor
ers to study this week is Confessing
Christ and the topic for the meeting
at the Presbyterian church Sunday ev
ening is Confessing Christ Before
Men Why and Hoav Lesson found
in John 1235 43 and Eom 108 11
The preliminary trial of Frauk Sed
tecek charged with killing his sister
was held before Judge Towne Satur
day and the boy was discharged It
was only the boys resolute denial of
any knowledge of the affair that caused
his arrest Nobody believed he did
the deed purposely
H B Sears and Jas Childers of
Cody Jos Fairhead of Lavaca Geo
Higgins of Brownlee J W Curry of
Mernman S W Chestnut W L
Eulow W E Jones John Masena
Bruce Hewitt Jas Saults and S G
DeFrance of Gordou G W Burge
of Pass J H Haeber of Kennedy
W L Cohee of Simeon are a few or
the people attending court here this
Prof Pt G Easley of Valentine
latley from New Albamy Ind will lec
ture in the school house at Crookston
2STebr Saturday evening Xov 6 1896
On a subject interesting to old and
young A short program will also be
given by the school Price of admis
sion adults 15c children under 12
years of age 10c The proceeds will
be used in increasing the school libra
ry Corse every body it will interest
1 m
2fl aJL
- ill At -V I
M JIA 3 Js
Oct at two p m We hope all parties tnseSj whereby defendant swindled G
ir fll iAin in mobinrr tho mnnhnff n onr
Court 3cw
District court convened here Mon J
day with Judge Vv H Westoer on
the bench and Victor Seymour of
Lincoln reporting testimony As is
usual the first day of court was given
over to the hearing of cases ofrhinor
importanco and of these a number
were settled In addition to tiie fifty
civil cases on the docket there were
nine criminal cases brought by the
state Of these six have been dis
posed of
State against Snurrfor horsestealing
was dismissed by the prosecuting at
torney ou the eround that hkbud riot
euiiicient evidence to comiiot
State against Morgan for obi aiding
endorsements on draft under false pre-
R Watson and J W Yeast resulted
in a verdict of guilty the jury being
out about half an hour
State against Frank Tate larceny
j continued on account of the principal I
witness Sidney Irwin having left the
State against F A Meltendorf
fyr selling liquor to Indians resulted
in a verdict of not guilty
State against George W Monnier
Sfate against John Carter defend
ant pleaded guilty to the charge of
burglarizing George Hornbys store
As we go to press the burglary case
against John Neeley is on trial
Court will probably last all week
J T Keeley left Tuesday morning
for the Fort Belknap Indian Agency
Montana to accept the position of is
sue clerk a promotion from his place
in the Indian warehouse hero Jack
has been a resident of Valentine for
over nine years coming here from
ONeill in 1888 to accept the position
of deputy county treasurer under E
McDonald From the treasurers of
fice he entered the Indian warehouse
when Tucker was first appointed re
ceiving and shipping clprk With the
exception of a short timepassed in the
em ploy df the railroad and later J M
Thacher post trader at Fort Niobrara
he has been in the vvarehouse ever
since 89 serving under the successive
administrations of Tucker Oglesby
Carroll and Tucker up to the time he
v as promoted C R Watson takes
the place formerly occupied by Mr
Keeley aud this fact insures capable
management of the office While we
aie sorry to lose Mr Keeley as a citi
zen we congratulate him upon his pro
motion Mrs Keeley and the children
will remain here for the present
Wherever postal saving banks are in
operation women are among the most
appreciative patrons of the system
As a rule women are more careful
of small sums than men and seem to
have a more practical realization of
the value of such accumlations In
many families it is only the foresight
of the wife that leads to provision be
ing made against a day of adversity
The desire of women more generally
than of men is for a place of absolute
safety for their small savings rather
than high rates of interest Conse
quently they are especially apprecia
tive of the stabibtv which the postal
savings bank affords
Probably congress could do no other
one thing that would so commend it to
the country as would the establish
ment of apostal savings bank system
Chicago Record
Send us the names and addresses of
three or more performers on the piano
or organ together with ten cents in sil
veer or postage and we will mail you
ten pieces full sheet music consisting
of popular songs waltzes marches
etc arranged for the piano and organ
Address PopaLAK Music Pub co
Indianapolis Ind
A quite serious wreck occurred on
the F E at Geurgia last Friday night
An eastbound stock train ran into a
westbound special of empties as the
latter was pulliug into the siding and
smashed up the engine of the stock
train and three empty cars It took
about twelve hours to clear the track
Among those registered at the Val
entine house this week are J T Kief
of Arabia O D Carey of Crookston
C C Parker -of Gordon H E Dewey
of Woddlake Chas Carver of Pullman
and J Estabrook of Lavaca
- y tf3
- -
Pnfolislaetl for Four Years as
If you want officials who are not
the creatines of any ring clique or
faction vote for the democrtic nomi
If you want officials who are capa
bfeVlionest and reliable vote for the
democratic nominees
if yon want to rebuke ring methods
vote for the deniocraic nominees
ThemerchaRfc who patronizes for
eign job offices for his stationery or
uses a rubber stamp to save a printing
bill robs the newspaper office of his
own town of the patronage rightly due
it and has no Legitimate kick coming
if his customers choose to purchase
their goods in a foreign market to save
money by so doing Longplne Ecjntb
Jican Journal S
Among the many lies sprung last
week was one by a certain member of
the populist ring at this place whose
name we will for the present withhold
was one to the effect that he had re
ceived a letter from W A Metzger
cajiHidute for county clerk on the dem
ocratic ticket and that Metzger said
ne wouia not accept trie nomination or
make a run fpr the office That this
was made up out of whole cloth is
proven by the following extract from
a letter from Mr Metzger
It has been rumored that I would
not accept the nomination If this is
true iiijyour vicinity please inform the
people to the contrary as 1 will accept
the nomination
Sehcol Kojtorfs
Harmony School district Ko
M L Herring teacher
lo enrolled 21 Average attend
ance 10 Those neither tardy nor
absent during the month Willie
Clyde and Leone Pettycrew llena
Fowler Lizzie Eliza Mary and Grace
Ilobson Vannie Melvin Ora Hooper
Stella Mabel and Ina Spratt John
Cogswell Ernest Palmer and Cleo
Stowers Those absent but one day
and not tardy Hazel Pettvcrew Kose
Foygler and Flocie Jaycox
- r
ToacJicva Association
The following program will be given
at the high school buildihg at 130 p
in Saturday November- 13 All
friends of education are cordially in
vited to be present
Lesson in Literature Chapters IH
to VI K l I Watson
Hints and Helps Etta Brown
Discussion Mrs S E A Fowler
Simple Experiments in Physics
that May be Used in any School
U G Stevenson
School Government Chas Reece
Discussion Mrs Hornback
Ideals Jean Edwards
-Discussion Amy Burleigh
Program Com3iittj d
decision of Interest
TJ S Land Office Valentine Neb
October 19 1S97
To The Democrat
A recent decision of the Hon Secre
tary of the Interior grants all who have
made homestead entry or who may
hereafter make entry of less than 160
acres the right to make additional en
tries until they get 160 acres They
are required to live upon said addition
al entries same as in the original entry
This decision will be of interest to
many who have made entry of less
than 160 acres thinking that by so do
ing they had exhausted their full right
Very respectfully
C 11 Glover
Until 18 fur sie Doilav
For a dollar bill The emi weekly
State Journal will oe sent from now
until January 1 1899 A good long
time to get two big papers every week
with all the news of the whole world
all the news aDd in fact more news
aud general reading matter than you
get in any other state paper The
Journal is spending money and effort
in writing up the interests of Nebraska
and setting our states advanages be
fore the peple of the wdole cuntry
Nedraskas prospersty will bring
thousanbs of farm buyers to our state
You should read The State Journal
which is not an Omaha paper or a
Lincoln paper but a state paper in its
truest senes What will be for the
best interest of Nebraskans is the
first question aeked by The Journal
when called upon to becide Every
NJabraskan should do his best to keep
The State Journal before the peopl
and that bpst means by sending in One
Dollar which will pay for the paper to
January 1899 After you read it
send it oo your friends in the east and
lee them see what grate things we are
doing in Nebraska Send in your dol
lar to The State Journal Lincoln Neb
The sooner you seud the mere
you will get for uotir moner
5JfH P JS5
NO 9
s 1st
M vJ
C tf v -
7 Mm I
- YA ft riHPBilShi
B ttftlffgA36Me
feS m P S E3 5 g53 Ess 9 H S5
cattle brand
on left side
and hip
Eange Bull Lake
and Vumudiiei
diaries JBeimrd
Ioscbud S I
Hange Hii White
and 7ad ltivers
Joseph W Bownet
3 O address
Mernman Nebr
Right ear cropped
Hole in center of left
Hange Lake creek
some cattle
Tv wrtsnai
Left ears tagged
William M Dunbar
Lessee from Heine Kroeger
J Cody Neb
DUfi Either side
GSggSS55ffyja reeK
fhwsl right
Left ear oi cattle
ange head of Hay
w in
Sam n udson
Simeon Neb
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some horses Lazy
on left snoulder
ilange between
Gordon and Snake
River and Niobrara
All cattle dehorned
Henry Pratt
Eosebud S D
Left side
norses same on
left shoulder
i Dfrhnrn olin on
William Shanren
Cody Neb
7 m I
in iii Mnnwnnn
Dulap underside of
Spa I
We have
line of each
a good
See them
Our Fall Goods
Are now arriving and to make room
for them all goods wiiioli have been in
Stock this summer must go To hurry
them along we hEve put prices down
to bedrock Everything for the home
Call and see our Dry Goods
E McDonald
Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store a t rookston ab
The Vitascope prize
given in Stetters saloon List night
stead of Cornell Hall on account of
court being in session It was a tame
J - - t -
Steadman Eros
Fuss Neb
Hrand on cither
right or left sua
Horses and some
Fine line of plain and fancy je
dry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
Wanlsd fin Idea
Protect your ideas thor mnv brlBjr yoa v
neye Washington D C for their 31SG0 prizo oCu
and new list of one thousand Inventions wanted
Who can thr
ot ronw slnr
Office over
T C Hornhy8 Store
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W II Moses building
jSorth Western Line7 is to besf
to and from the
acifig Short Line
LEAVES 1030 A 31 AR BIVES 3 0 P U
Turnup1 onisectTocs both ways with Blao
Hills trains ly taking this line you cau go t
Sioux City nd return tliesxiredav eoHnectiou
inade with nil trains for the East avd 5ouir
Dakota Bay loeal tickets tqQJNciil