The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 14, 1897, Image 8

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-Entered at tbe PosWjftce at Valentine Cherry
v county Nebraka astSKond cla3Sniatter
This paper wUlbe mailed regularly
Vtb its subscribers nxntil adefinitfeOrder
to discontinue is received audK11 ar
rsars are paid icffall
Dcnieciatic Ticket
FhrSupreinfe Judge
Fdt Regents StateUsversity
Cquxj Tsckfet
Clerk W A Metzgar
Treasurer - VV G Mallard
- Sheriff Jas Ohilders
Supriiitenx5n1 IL Stoner
Judge W R Towne
Coroner Dr Dwyer
r Surveyor Jos Eatabrook
We the democrats of Cherry county
in Conveatiori a2sembled do hereb
reaffirm and declare our allegiauee to
the platform ofprinciples enunciated
at the Chicago convention and endorse
the resolutions -and platform adopted
at tba late state convention held in
iincffln Ofebraska
Atad we endorse heartily tiss jcandi
rt dac of Judge -Sullivan for meraber of
our -state suppem a court E Von For-
xeE and George F Kenower for re
geats of the stte university and we
piedge oarsekea to work earnestly for
thejr election
We further endorse the oiHpiabacts
-of all the officials elecied upon the
-democratic ticket at the lact eiectiou
ispecialh our AtCorney General Hon
C J Smyth who has shown himself so
true a democratdn the proseexition of
the duties of hiscffice without regard
to persons or position
We condema aR unworthy oareat
party the actiorcf the late republican
convention m eampletely ignoring the
defalcations of -too ex state officials
members of tsiat part Bartley and
iloore and refer this quasi endorse
ment of these two men to the- -voters
of Cherry countytfor judgment
vWe condemn as 3trongly theaction
of the late
populist convention m com-
pletely ignoring the efforts of thw dem
ocrats to secure fusion of the reform
force3 at the forcing election and
charge them -with the grossest
oerity in speakiugcplatitudes regarding
their devotion to tb6 cause of reform
and silver using these as a cloak un
der which they reasecure official po
sition and we furf her condemn their
-Action in attempting to secure votes by
inconsistently denouncing a canvassing
boards acts under the plea that itwas
a republican board when it was oom
posedof members ofijhree parties
Lastly anti mostemphtitically do
-we endorse -the acts of our present
countyijadge W R tTowne who in
his official capacity has proven himself
honest -efficient and impartial meting
out justice to friend and foe alike arsd
we refefchis administration to the
people of this county -as-one typical ef
the greaarty he represents
The desiocratic ticket nas put in
the field mjt forthe f ua arf the thing
not for the purpose of assisting any
-other ticket but for tbe purpose of
electing the csen thereon 3Kie ticket
entire stanfe good show jfpr election
and every bogy knows it yetGeorgie
Eeinert last week said
There is not a democrat in Cherry
county but wfcsJvnows that itbe tight
ia between the populist and republican
candidates If wou want to defeat a
republican candidate
jTheopulist ring the men whoaV
feated Crabb Spar Quigley Carpen
ter ants rine other war horses in the
caucus a short time ago digged a pit
and then fell into it ifceiHselves This
ring was tbe principal factor in defeat
ing fusion U sat dow on Habn and
broke 1 faith with WhillaDs fought
Miss Stouor aalthen cLeaerted Thome
reported that Ilummer was out of the
race and after he did withdraw broke
their agreement with him and defeated
13 candiuate for Eheriif The rin
taougut the democrats would
tba ppulist ticket but now that they
discover Jirairrtivea tUird Id th ctce
Iil Vmi 11 Ltikititrmiin
t ieit doubiedeiiKHg Known find defeat
staring them in -the face Uiey begin
crying for mercy
We are not lighting tfce populist
parly but we are lighting tie ring that
attempts to run it jKeinert fakps a
fling at ye scribe as follows
Good of the Democrat censures
the populis party for its fealty to the
ca tse of free silver reaa his platlorm
Do You will note the admission
that the platform is owS The News
has answered its quc stioi and
That this paper and its editor were
opposed to fusion
That if fusion vHf eifected the dem
erats would nominate a gold staudarct
jnan for clerk
Audlotsof other tnings equally -a
false You undoubtedly heaid thet e
things and yet there is not one word ot
trutii tn them The democrats rwere
not responsible for tne failure of fusinn
CvOrnThlwslQugj J J A Adauison ind the men who circulate stories si
Aioti urt Fitlia
As our pcecinct hopes lo win
ixar to the above ana you will tind th
If you want to vote for good clean
and capable men men who were not
nominated by an v clique ring or fac
Uon men who stand square on the
democratic platform vote for the men
on the democratic ticket
Mrs May Kranlitz and children of
Iowa are visiting the lonnere sister
Mrs Frank Kinae
XiOttie ears spent several days this
week viaiting Ague Ilercy
S Q Spaiu and M Dunham arc
bcildiug commodious sod hollies
JVIrs D A Piercy has beeu suffering
for the last two weeks with a spiained
Win Kime and wife spent Friday
and Saturday at the county seat
J U Grange andifamily departed on
the 6tli for a visit wilh relatives in
Wm Sears and sister Anna started
for Loup county two igo
-Wm Wilkinson and family moved
to Cody where AliW has a class iE
instrumental music
-We understand that the walls of our
school house are laid and a wire feuce
put around same With a little aid
financial or manual from the patrons
District 31 will haveii comfortable sod
school house
C BEicketts has the lumber on the
ground tor a new house
I ii Nichols has been in Cody for a
weekor ten days
AJD Gallop and wife were down in
these parts one day last week
Lewis Adams and wife went to
Chadron last week withtheir sou who
is afflicted with white swelling
T Franks -bought 40vhead of cows
and calves last wtek and Ube Church
invested in 107 head of yearling steers
Peter German and daughters of
south of Memman visited on the river
political hguc this fall we would say
jor our candidate Aor commissioner
note tor him he is worthy of the
John Marks was leading a vountr
hocse the other tdayw hen the animal
reared backward and tell fracturing
its fikull and causing instant eath
J wY Stetter ttf Valentine auid con
tractor Humphrey of Rosebud iS D
were Callers in thia vicinity Tuesday
It Gvooms has his kitohen almost
Benjasaui Jjiave a luliblooded Stoux
of Lower Brule reservation was in -the
city Saturday from iheHosebud board
ing school eiiere he is one of the qi
pioyes Mr JJrave was educated at
the well know a Indian scijool at Hamp
ton Xa White in town ho was the
giiQit of the Valentine Bouse while
in town and did considerable business
tvith Davenport Thacher
Hilllrlc fGr Feed
Bran bulk 40c prr cv t 700toi
hons bulk QOc per cwt 9 00 ton
creenings 35c 600
hop Feed 70c 1300
Corn - 55e J
ti 5 s
7 Dun j
TlniiTriT I ii fl
Vft t
u Jlll
r M I mm v
fsiLX5rtz i5
ipt t
And Cloaks were so badly damaged in the recent fire that
they were not fit to sell and consequently we ordered
And they are now on sale Everything new and up-to-date
Athe old stand stone building t Q HORNBY
jBOSEET GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official OPaperatfOherry Coun
ty Xebraaka
tyliOO JPer OTewr in Advntco
F or a CaxTt Hoime Bond Bl action
Notice is herebv given to the qualified elect
or of Cher o y in the state of Nebraska
that in Hcci ion w In i id it the various pre
cincts of said rheriv count on the 2d day of
November 1897 fir tin- purpose o votii g upon
the following proposition towit
shall the countv Hoard of Chen c untv ii
the stMe of Nebraska issue the coiinnu bonds oi
said couutv in the sum of l20n or the denoti
nation ot 1000 each f r the purpose of buildiu
and furnishing a court house slid bonds to take
effect Tan uar llbfiS and to lipcomc due and
pavahle Januay 1 191S and hearing interest at
the rate of live per cent per aniniu iayalle
aemi annually on the first d ys of lulv and Jan
uary in each year i nti the principal and inter
est thereon has been fully aifi the
sun intei est thereof fieiis payable at ilie offiee
tirmpn itQPlf a liar MUimr of lies lie Guilty I rcasurer
ltseit a liar fcpeaKiug
proven provided lhat the County Rond of said
rnmliids us of a few It was reported yny J ffj 2M
rllll IMIIU ll till nun mil tin wu nw w
on the dav of the pcpulist convention years from the daief ibe r taking effect
- l r R md of county
i And shall ihe Countv Cherry
That the democrats asked for two of afores Id annuall levy open the taxable prop-
crtvof Cherr coin tv a t jajfiicient to pay the
the three principal offices ana county interest and pr ipa1 o s si ionds as th y
i come due and shall the s id Hoard at
judge as a basis forK431on I tie last annual tax lew pmti ied by In pieced-
ing tbe iiiiiiirit of sale to ls lvv upon the
Uiat ttio cast tun VOtS to
popUllSca ta5HUle nroperU of said utt a ta suffieieiit
U P3 tile Hliere l HI Il U lliil not
- v wT provided for and then unt a it upon j aid bonds
That the county conventions Of the And hall said Count B aid negotiate said
J bonds it not pss than their nar value the
democratic party were always control- amount realized from the sale of said bonds to
I be used in the building fnl funiiuim a count
court Utilise lor ihe use of atu Cherry county
The ballots useu in ti upon said proposr
tion shall have primed th reoii
hir toutt -House Douds and Agaiusi
Court iIU e Hoiis
Dated this 7th duv of O tobnr 187
37 41 GEO lUIOIlLuuuu Clerk
5 -
r oap 7 cei side of
Of an Election t Trunnffv Ivlai
Territory from Cherry ojj io
Grunt ami tsootitr C oiut its
Notice is hereby given to the oualifled elector
of Cnern county in the Male of eb a Ua thai
n election Will beheld in the various ntedwb
of said herrj County on the Jd diy of Meii
ber 1SJ7 Jorthe luu poe oi voing upon tit
lollowmg iiiposiliou towit
TiansletriiiK from Cherry County to Gm i
Count Nebraska ad the territory embraced ii
the following lim s Coituiieming at tht
soiitiutest corner of 1 owuship tw nty lhe c5
Itange lorty 40 thence north to the lioitbweM
corner or T wnslup I wt ntj n ne 20 IJangt
I oriv 40 thence east to the inrrh eied co in t
of Township Tweivn uine C2 ltai ge Thirty fie
thence Miutli t ihe southeast corner ol
lowiiMhip Tvnty Uea0 Raime Thirty lne 35
thence west to the place of beginning being all
ot Townships Twenty five Twenty six 16
Tweiitv seven 27l weuty eiiht iS and Twentv
nineri in Ranges Thirty five rj Thiityix
3G Tlnrtv seveii 37 1 Hirty egUt 3S Thirty
nine 3J and Forty 40 in Cherri County Ne
Also the further proposition
Transferring from heiry County to Hnnlicr
Count Nebraska all the Territory embraced in
the toilowingJiies lo wit Commenting at the
southeast corner of Section Thirlv oue 31
Township Twenty live CO Range Thirty iwo
thence north to northeast corner of Section Six
C Township Tweuij emht iS Range Tnirty
30 thence wesi to the noitliwest ioiner of
Township Tweuty eighl 2S Range Thirty four
3t thence south to the southwest cornel of
Township Tweiuv live 2r Range Thiri our
then e east to tbe place of beginnitg being
all of Townships Tventy iive 25 Twenty sly
CM twenty seven 27 anil Twenty eiuht 2s in
Ranges Tin rty onejl Thitty iwo 32 Ilnrty
three 33 Tlnrl four 34 and a strip one mile
wide oft ol the west side oi Townships Twent
11 ve 25 Twent si 2G Twentv seven 27 and
Tuentveight 2S in Range Thirty 30 in Chciry
Count N braaka
Dated this 7th davof Octobt r 1S07
37 40 G lit ELLl TT County Oerk
William M Dunbar
lSaeefrom Heine Kroeger
Cody Neb
D Either side
fl Al misgioii
EEgJa risht
Tcft ear of cattle
Range head of Ilav
Joseph W Downet
IP f address tE5A
Alsrnman Nebr
Charles IJenard
Rosebud S D
J fbd3u
Range Kig into
avid Rad Rivers
Sam Hut sati
Simeon Neb
v J iif beiwoeu
t74i and Suakr
in f tA - and Niobi ara
Lett ear- tagge
d ah
aswTO iViv
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
nme horses l az
z miet snouider
William Shajirren
iti v
catile delioi ned
Henry Pratt
Rosebud S D
Left side
Horses same on
left shoulder
neerhorn clip U
some cattle
v r v
m -KM
axjsiMatKntttwtfjamtKMt0KtaMivs X
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in The Demockat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should any
errors in description of land or spelling of name
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office and this otllce so correction can be made
U S Land Oiuce Valentine Neb
October 11 1607
Xnt inn is horehv riven that Fnierllne L
5on formerly L Lilly of Lyons Burti
county NTeb has lilcd notice of intention to J
maketinal proof before the Clerk ol the District
Court for Hurt county at his office in Tekamah i
Neb on Saturday the 0th dav of November
1807 on timber culture application No 81BR for l
the sneM and uWseH of section No 14 town
ship No 27n range fto 27w
She names as witnesses loan iiarnan livais
R Van legrift Oliver 1 Keller and George M
Keller all of Rrownlee Neb
Testimnnv of witnesses will bo taken before
the Register and Receiver at their office in Val
entine Neb Nov 24 1897 Also
Fidelia A Swan of Simpon Neb
ILK No 9504 for lot 1 and nouW i and nl S
neM section 18 townshIitu range iSw
She names the following witnesses to prove
her connnuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
William H Stratton George Davis Wiliard I
Murgareidge and ilarvcy Hobbs all of Simeon
ji43 C K GLOVER Register
Land Office at Valentine Nebraska
October 1 17
Notice is hereby given that Jacob Harr of
Woodlake Neb lias filed notice of intention to
nake linal proof before the Register and Receiv
ir at their ollice in Valentine Nebr on Friday
the tilth day oi November 1807 on tutiher cul
ture application No 45forlhreue4 sw54lei4
and neselt of section No 8 in township No
3ln rtnge No 27w
He names as witnesses crancis Fl Higgin
of Kort Niobrara Neb lonn t Cronin Chalmers
A Loveio and Charles Smyth of Valentine Neb
33 43 fi 11 CLOVER Register
U S Land Office at Valentine Neb
Ortnher 12 Ittt7 t
Notice is hereby given thai the followmtr nam
ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make linal proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Nov 22
1897 viz
Roswell Hook of Cody Xen
IT E No 10215 for the se4 ec 32 Tp 32n
R 33W
lie mines the followinc witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land vi
William Anderson lesse West William M
Hook and Ceorge 15 irues ill or ed
s 43 C R GLOVER Register
US a d- fll e Vte liie Neb
O toiler 5 lf7 i
Notice is lurln givi n that the lollowm
n imed setler n n lied noie or liis nitentioM t
ninle linal proof in support of his claim and tin
- d proof wib be r ade before the itcri ter
Receiver at Valentine on Nov IJlh IK
JnMi T Kief of Arabia Neh
II E No is for the sswj and sseii e
Tp 32n R 20w
He uauitfs the following witnesses to prov
es continuous residence upoa and cultivatioi
f said land viz
Andrew Reiison Erancis If Higgin Michae 1
1 oidau ai d ihihp u nil of Aialua Neb
37 42 C Ii CLOVER liegister
U S Land Office Valentine Neb i
ntober 2 1897 i
Notice is herebv given tint rtis W King of
Rraiiiaidsvile New York hi- Ill--1 notice of io
tetitlon to ma e final proof before the Reuister
and Receiver at Iheir office in Valentine Nebr
on W ednesday the 17th ti of Noven her 1S97 on
timiier culTur application No 7 2oforlne e
n 1 and esei ot section 25 In towtfelnp 30-
range Ziw
II- liiioie as witnesses Nelson S 1owley
loiiu H shore David Iieiev and Priueaux
nllof Kei mdv Neb
l simon of claimant will be taken before the
Judge of the Count Court m and for Franklin
eounty at his illicein Malone New YorK on Sat
unia the 13th day of Ni veiffber ls7
57 42 C Ii ULOVKR Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb I
Sent 20 lSi7
f otice is herebv give that Joseph Clber on
of Newton Neb has filed iiotne of intention to
make liifcl proof betnre Kegisieraud Receiver at
theii offiee Valenti e Neb on Friday tin nth
d iy of Novemher S7 on umber culture anplt
cation No S1G 1 tor tlij nei ot section An b in
township No 2811 range No 34
Ne names as witnesses Charles M Kime
Isaac N Russell Robert rjHiason George W
adely alhof Newton Nebraska Also
Robert Fmlasoii f Xewtnn Xrbr
FT Efiri M for t lies SspH and sisw1 section
10 town hip 2n range 33w
lie names the folowmg witnesses to prove
hin confc nuous residence on and cultivation of
said andvi
Charles fL Kime Isaac N KusseM losenh
Ciilber on leorge W Ladsly all of Newion
Neb Also
Charles M Kime of Xewton Neb
H E JS8 ir the sw1 section 11 townshi i 29
range 3w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
-aid land vix
Joseph Culberson Isaac K Russell Robert
Finlayson G oige W Rudely all of Newton
Neb Also
Isaac X RnssHl of Xewton Xeb
U K 93 3 for the lots l and 2 and cjsnwh sec
tion IK township 2Sn range 4v
He names tfie folloving witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Charles ft Kime Tose ph Culberson Robert
Finlayson George V Iadelv all of Newton
Neb 30 41 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Vebr
Sept 2717 i
Notic Is hereby given that the
settler has fild notice ot his intention io
make linal proof in support of bis claim and
that said prooi will be made the Reg ster
or Receiu at Valentine Neb on Nov 3 1897
bram Johnson of Valentine Nebr
II K No 90 2 for the ih section 24 town
ship 33n range 29w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation oi
said laud viz
John A damson Jacob J Antes Daniel W
HiNinger eo R Zarr all or Valentine Neb
Also Abrun iohtiou of Valentine Neb T
C No 7 17S for the suction 21 town hip 33n
ramie jw
lie names as witnesses John Adamson
Jacob I Antes Daniel V Ililsinger and George
B Zarr ali f Valentine Neb
3U 41 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb i
t ept 15 lcs7 f
Notice Is hereby given thai Amos F Chider
of Nenzei Nebr ha lied notice intention io
make linai proof Oef ire Regster and lieceiver
0 I heir office m Net on Fridav the
22d a of Octobei If97 on I
No 7787 t rse1 SectfflTp 03n R RJw
He names as witness George L s of
Nenzei Nebr and Aosoa Nowbrry Charles L
Morgan and Irving C of Cody Nebr
i 39 C R G LO Eli liegister
Land Office ai valentiueVebr i
Sept Io 1S97 J
Notice Is hereby given that Sylvester Kemalv
f Johnstown ebi heir of l iizabeih Remah
deceased hts filed notice of ioleuHon to make
fin t proof before Register and Receiver at heir
office in Valentine Neb on Wednesday the 27th
day of Octoter 197 on timber culture appliea
tion No 8003 for the sow1 nwhnwi aui twj
ueh Sec to Tp 2gn R 2w
lie names as witnesses Cyrus May of Pur
duin Nebr Henry Michee of Johnstown Neb
and Cvrus Hagen and Eh Vah mine of Wocu
lake Nebr Alo
lvettT R may ot Johnstown Xb
ipir ElZlf th ReilialY deeenspri
H E No ScC7 or the liec z and
ec Tp 2i K 23w
Just fit the present time ve in shape to
make the lowest prices ever known on
We have iust received a lartce stock of clotbinp from one of
the biggest concerns in the country and aro making Home
hitherto unheard of prices in order to tttrn our money quick
All styles sizes weights and colors A good fit guaranteed
S1 i
sycr d oo
AftAAaASt Jfimakmsam
v nwmw wimmi
Best Value Vrilin Machine
First In improvements IJoncst
Consfpuctioii and a 5ih rade
Typcn riEcr Essentials T t t
US Iuid Office Valentine Vebr t
September 20 187 I
Notice is herebv given tiiat the following
amed settler has tiled notice of intention In
make final proof in support of bis claim and
that said proof will be made before the Register
or Receiver at Valentine Neb on October 30
Sarah A Ilobb of Simpon Xe b
II No 9iOl for he wijinv1 and wisw5
sec 13 To 3i It 29w
He names the following vitiiesses to prove
liis continiK us residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Samuel MmiMKi John P Lord Charles W
Ieimett and Renjainin F Felch all of Simeon
3540 C It GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr i
3 pt 15 1S97 f
Notice is hereby given that John H Rush of
Valentine Nebr has liled notice of intention to i
D miel M Sears Charl s A Role aud
all oi K i nedy Nebr Also
Sanford Q Suain of Kennedy Kbr
I H E10o70 for Lot 2 swVineJS sej jni and
nehsw1 -sec 3 1 p 2i R aiw
He raiueb ihe following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud viz
John II Rush of Valentine Neb and Daniel
M Sears A Pite aod ilonzo Avers of
Kennedy Nebr iJC RtILOVU Register
U S Land Office at Valentine Nt i
seor 13 IP07 l
Notice is hereby inven that the
settler has tiled notice of bis intenti n o
make liual rof in suppoit of his eian and
tliat said proof will be made IWore Rpgister
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Oct
2a isi7 viz
Ltu y CoIp of b
II F 1O2S0 for the Lots 0 and 7 Ss e and nneH
Sec S 1 p 2011 R 27w
Neil faniia Frnest Laud a Am R clc
ley and James M oo ac Neb
He names the following w incases to provili s
continuous residence upon ana culiivatioii of
said and viz
3W9 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
Sept 11 IS97 f
JSotict is hereby given that Iinillp Pullman of
Pullni n Nebr lias tiled notice ot bis intention
to mike final pnof before the Register and
ceiverat their office in Valentine Neb on
I usday tiie 20tli day of Octoner ls7 on timber
eulttirr apiilicaiiou
bH4 and Lot 1 bee
NO PUB for Hie sl
A Ip 2 n R rw
He naiuesas witnesses
William iuliman Jacob a
Metgar ali of Iuliman Neb
se i seli
Timoihy Ialby
Yaryau William
Also JaT A Yarjan of Iuliman Neb T C
No MiJioi thenjswHisoJ43 i and nwliSeH
Sec 12 Ill 2Sli R ottw
He names as witnesses Timothv Falbv
William Iuliman Iliillip rullman Williain
aletzirar all of Pullman Nebr
iVho Williain Pullman ol Puhnan Nebr TC
No S153 tor the usei swise and sesvKi
See 11 TpiSn Rjgw
He names as witnesses Timothy Falbv
PhUIip Pullman Jacob v Yaryan ad Wiliaiu
all of Pullman Neb
34 oil C Ii GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentin N b
Sept 27 ISy f
Notice is hereby given that EmiiU JL Snook
of Fairlield Iowa li s ited oolite of intention to
make final jiroof hef ire Register and uecciver at
their o nee in Va en tine Nebraski on Saturdav
the ctb day of November J7 oi timb r culture
application No 77U for ihr stjsij ami ssw i
oi beet ion No 13 in townsli p No flu rnge J5w
He names as witne ses Kly i Valentine
James H Hay Uitl L h and Edar
Levee all of Woodlikf Nelri ka
wi C It GLO V KR Register
U S Land Office Valentue N b
September 7 lJ7 T
Complabit having been entered a- this ottire
byotlne Loveiett against ilisiia Fjieiston for
tadure locioipiy i ii law to timber ciiltir
entry Vo 701 dated May 17 lSs up m the sA
nwiand s4nei section 24 township 31 range 27
in Tierrv count vebniska with a view tn t e
iiieellition of said entrv conteataiii allegim
t1 at Elsha KgelMon b s failed to pi mt or c iuse
t be plankd to irei s tree heeds or cutting
ituriiiK Hie year 1S30 She eeoud ti acres of ground
b eiven un above described land and sinco the
jvar Ro lie has not cultivated nor caused the
same to be dme nor trees tree seels nor ciif
tings lias been planted on the iand lesenhd
-nice the year ISDOand In has failed to crra his
Itches up to the fiiing of this contest the said
parties are herebv summoue T to appear at this
iffiie on the Huh day of October 197 at 10
k i m to responil and furnish testiuiony
e met r ng said illegeJ failure
S5 J A FIKE Receiver
TJ -
Land Office Valentine Nebr
Cum rrth tsiT
kj i oc unn i i kji
Fine line of samples from which to get tailor made clothe3
5 MiM i s 0 n n 4 fn ti J ft C rm SJ SJ C
Ttsprcwta jat tt 0fir
Tn Mi 19t45A cflitMtfAe or - -2
Omaha Br anch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
iLa KJ S S i3 A
iSSPkvw fit
r JT
TJ s Land Office Valentine Nebr I
Sept 29 1897 f
Crimplainrhvingbeen entPred at this ofltce
bv Htui E Willse against William H Blaalcin
ship for abaudouiiig his homestead entry No
9o dated February 1 1892 npou the lot 6 aeo
tion 21 township 34 range 28 In Cherry couutv
Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of
said entry the sid parties aru hereby summon
to appear at tills office on tho 8th day- of No
vember 1397 at 9 oclock a in to rospoud and
furnish testimony concerning said alleged aban
3S C R GLOVEK liegister
U S Land Office Valentine Nobr I
Sent 22 1897 l
Complaint No 24 having been entered at this
offico by Martin Kcnneney against Chriatian
Forgeiig for faIure to comply with lat as to
timber culture entry No 82VJ dated March 20th
I lMHi upon tho nwVi section 24 township 34 range
2ti in Cherry county Nebraska with a vie to tho
rmPiHiTnii nt uoirl itirr L nntfonr AliAiwlnr
WoSom J1 tiilt Christian Korgeng has failed to cnKlwor
ceiKT at litcil OlHlC ill ilieilllue iei on Vrt
iiiise to hi eilltlVulcil llivn irt nt uafi tmt in
lav the 22nd dav of Oct ber 1SH7 on timber cul 1 JiVe 7 S indVm mi25i inSlnS
v eIr ending Warcn 20 lgD7 and
rnrc iniflifition Nn for I ois ---I mil -
-vi l1 - A- i salI tnict as prown up in weeds and grass and
sw lUtM on o l - there living
are no trees thereonatthia date and
He names as witnesses Sanford Q
lias Tailed to cure his laches to this date thesald
pnrties are In reby summoned to appear at this
office on tho 2d day of November 18D7 at io
oclock a in to respond and furnish tesMmody
concerning said alleged failure
33 J A Fikij Kecelver
Ni 4
K ifJ
S Lind Office Valentine Neb
September a lt7 f
Comrilaint havimr bren entered at thl nffiiv
bv Oliver u Rrowu against Ada V Iush for
abaiidpning her homestead entry No 1W37 datel
O tober 10 lit upon the u2se4 ne4sw4 and
sw4iie4 section 8 township 31 range 2 in Cherry
vounty Nebniska with a view to the cancella
tion of aid entry the said parties are hereby
summoned to appear at U S Laud office Valen
ti e Neb on the 23th day of October 1897 at 10
oclock t in to respoud and furnish testimony
concerning said alleged abandonment Contest
ant further alleges that said Ada V Pugb has
never made actual settlement upon said land as
required by law and has failed to cure her laches
up to date
JS J A Fike Receiver
U S Land Offico Valentine Nub I
Ssptember 2 1877
Complaint No 3526 having been eutered at thL
office by Eliaba Edwards against William A
Whifiaker for hbaudoiiinhi i homestead entry
So 0S4O dated June 20 1834 upon the Iota 2 3 ana
section to and lot l section CO township 25
range 37 in Cnerry County Nebraska with a t w
to the caucellatioi of said entry tbe adld parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this office ou
the 29th day of Octoberjl807 at 11 oclock am t
respond an I furnish testimony eoncenilosc said
adeged abandonment
J A Fix Kecelver
U S Laxd Okfick Valentine Neb
rieptlfi t8f7 f
Complaint having been entered at tbia office
by Williain Rollwerk agaiust iJohaun Pollrles
for abaraioning his Iloinestead Eutry Noft3SI
dated Mch 2lst 18Jti upon the wvnei ne
Sec 1 seseii ec IS Tp 31 R32 in Cherry
county Nb with a view to the cancellation ol
said entry the said parties are hereby summon
ed to appear at ttiis office ou the 18th dav of
Oct IK at 10 oclock a m to respond and fur
nish testimony concerning said alleged abandon
ment 3137 C K GLOVKR Register
6 a
S ySio vv jf
Complaint having bpen entered at this office nan do the same thing
bv Heib rtt De ag mst CUarie 5 A Wai er
for failure to eoiuiJv wuh Iiws to ihaoer
No 725 Hated Jul v 27 I8s7 opon the
May be made to loook entirely dif
ferent if the photographer knows bow
to produce the deception and clothiers
yours your necktie hat or shoes Ixk
ij I t pei and
7 range m Chivj oiniv NVbriak viih j shlbbv COllie in and WH fifc VOtl rmh
view t rbe oi i ttrv
iit aliecng that clitfir Ci fc is failed t break -cause
u bobioKcu the Jiisr dunng Urai
Cynls rttay of Lironm ngd iienrv iiioliea oiuce on Hie 9tu day ot ovifinrr lea at 3
of Jcnustowo Nebr and Cyrus Ilcgjn and Eh j oclock a to to resiond and- furnish t05tntnnv
Sslo liny rf Wooliac i terr r zzid atletrd feii jre j
- 3V - V is fLfiEBv liter 1
V th
a liotv outut tfveryibja f good
lie names iin torovmg witnesses rr prove nis eor alter entrv and ns isii to cira aa imnn imrrn f
contienojH re3ideree unou and cuRivaiion ol iaches no to tbe date of eLtst the siid u - oua
said lava vz parrius rre hery sfjmiuau io ajpeiv it tais t