The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 14, 1897, Image 7

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Ifrom Miss Sachnor of Columbus
O to Ailing- Women
To all women who are ill It af
fords me great pleasure to tell you of
the benefit I have derived from tak
ing Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound I can hardly find words to
express my gratitude for the boon
given to suffering women in that ex
cellent remedy Before taking the
I was thin
nervous I
was trou
bled with
rhoea and
my men
strual pe
riods were
very irreg
ular I
tried three phy
sicians and gradually grew worse
About a year ago I was advised by a
friend to try Mrs Pinkhams Sanative
Wash and Vegetable Compound which
I did After using three bottles of
the Vegetable Compound and one pack
age of Sanative Wash I am now enjoy
ing better health than I ever did and
attribute the same to your wonderful
remedies I cannot find words to ex
press what a Godbend they have been
to me
Whenever I begin to feel nervous and
illIknow I have a never failing phy
sician at hand It would afford me
pleasure to know that my words had
directed some suffering sister to health
and strength through those most ex
cellent remedies Miss May Sacuneb
348 E Rich St Columbus 0
Dont be fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coat If y ou wanta coat
that ill keep you dry in the hard
est storm buy the Fish Brand
Slicker If not for sale in your
town write tor catalogue to
A J TOWER Boston Mass
RCflllTiCV yur liomewitha senuine lantl
ULMUMri scapo OIL PAINTING in an
ELEGANT GOLD FEAME complete for only
Si Decidedly artistic and durable GH GIL
LESPIE Office and Factory River Forest 111
niuii Utod Edgar Tte Co J40BKayiY
Current Condensations
Maine has an orchestra made up of
Indian players
Gunpowder exerts a force of twenty
three tons to the square inch nitro
glycerin 2G4 tons
paste out of which artifi
j cial diamonds are made is a mixture
of best glass and oxide of lead
The feeling in Cape Colony over the
Jameson raid still runs high A meet
lug of Dutch and English farmers in a
certain town not long ago was called to
order in English whereupon the Dutch
men left the room in a body
In a raid on the tramps in the Paris
parks recently the new electric lanterns
provided for the police were used for
the first time The result was quite up
to expectations as far as the lighting
powers of the lanterns were concerned
Pneumatic tubes have many uses
but one of the latest is attracting a
great deal of attention from its novelty
This is the tube for stacking straw It
is built in sections and is controlled
by metal straps pivots and arms The
straw is drawn into the tube carried
through it with great velocity and by
a turntable and swinging arrangement
like a crane is evenly distributed ou the
Two members of the Colorado Legis
lature have been renting their annual
passes on the railroads to traveling
men at 15 a month apiece In the
case of one member who has a Ger
man name the fraud wa discovered
through one of his personff passes be
ing presented by a man of palpably
Hibernian nationality The conductor
could not reconcile the name and the
brogue and held the man and the pass
for investigation Avhen the fraud was
How much insanity develops in hot
Yes people lose their minds when
their Ice bills come in Chicago Rec
Massachusetts Farmer Has a Gold
Mine of His Own
Massachusetts has a little Klondike
It is in Wrenthaui about twenty live
miles from Boston Farmer George J
Hittinger started it That was some
years ago but it is only within a few
days that any considerable excitement
has resulted Farmer Hittinger has
discovered a deptwit of rich ore and he
is working it for all it is worth as the
illustration showing him and his
mine proves There is capital behind
him steady slow going Boston capi
taland the shaft will be sunk though
Hobably not fast enough to disturb the
equipoise of the globe
It is said that ore fron the Hittinger
mine assays as high as 300 a ton in
silver and 30 in gold in the labora
tories of Harvard College Wreutham
is much excited Several people have
already poured in and it is said that
the farmers are likely to dig up their
potato patches in the search for gold
There is no joke about this as any
one can testify who has seen one of
the innumerable gold and silver min
ing excitements in rural New ISngland
A man who goes hunting for gold if
he will stick to that job can starve to
death on his own farm as well as in
the wilds of Alaska
A Queens Visit
To be old and poor and bedridden is
generally to be debarred from the
greater privileges of life but there was
one old man in Scotland who found his
disadvantages had procured him a
privilege that the strong and more ac
tive members of his family were seek
ing in vain
It was on an occasion when Queen
Victoria was at Balmoral and as she
often did she went one day unaccom
panied to visit the cottages In one of
these she found an old man bedridden
and quite alone aud she sat down to
talk to him
And how i It you are alone she
aked Have you no one to keep you
No replied the old man innocent
ly my folks be all away seeing the
Queen they thought they might get a
glimpse of her
His visitor made no reply but she sat
with the old man pleasantry filling the
jap made by the absence of his
folks and then found time to read to
hiin from the Bible she herself treas
ured On leaving she gave a further
proof of her sympathy in the shape of
a live pound note acompanying it with
the words When your people come
back tell them that while they have
been to see the Queen the Queen has
been to see you
Crawfish Gives Away a Milkman
I have a dead sure case against my
milkman said a prominent railroad
official a day or two ago He waters
his milk and I have or rather my wife
has caught him dead to rights The
other day when we got our usual quan
tity of milk my wife was going to pour
some from the can into a glass She
heard something hit the glass with a
kind of dull thud and coua see some
thing dark in the bottom of the glass
Pouring it carefully out into another
vessel what do you suppose she found
A live crawfish by Jove A big lusty
fellow who seemed just as happy and
contented as though he were working
on an embryo crevasse in levee Now
do you mean to tell me that my milk
man did not pour water into the milk
He put a great deal in it too The fact
probably is that lie dipped a big bucket
of water up and put it in the milk His
crawfishship got in the can that way
New Orleans Times Democrat
Of Course
Homy said Mr Pedalcranks wife
in spite of your devotion to the bi
cycle you must admit that it is not dig
nified for public men to ride the
Ill admit no such thing was the
stout response I have always been
in favor of rotation in office Wash
ington Star
is the name to remember when
buying Sarsaparilla It has been
curing people right along for
more than 50 years Thats why
ItVa A A J Jk Jk lk L L A A A A
Askins What kind of an alarm clock
have jou Ilennypeck My wifes el
bow Puck
Our landlady had to lower the din
ing tables three inches Why did she
do that Nearly all the boarders are
scorchers Indianapolis Journal
Gentle hint Danseuse Baron if I
were to receive a bracelet anonymous
ly to morrow morning I should be sure
that it came from you Fliegencle
The golfers scorn First golfer Did
you hear about Weever Hes learning
to play lawn tennis Second golfer ne
must be paying an election bet Brook
lyn Life
Are you one of the striking miners
asked the woman at the door Yes
mum Im what dey call a pioneer I
struck thirty years ago and Ive never
give in yet Detroit Free Press
A real surprise Ethel So he drop
ped right down on his knees and pro
posed Dear me Did you say This
is so sudden Penelope Oh no It
was so unexpected you know Puck
Mrs Peek If I had my life to go
over again I wouldnt marry the best
man alive Mr H Peck his chance at
last You bet you wouldnt I wouldnt
ask you to Philadelphia North Amer
The butli Hand hevery night at
the hour of midnight the ghost hap
pears and groans and wrings its hands
American tourist Ah Must have died
in the cucumber season Cincinnati
Old lady This must be a very
healthy place Now what may the
death rate be Gravedigger Wonder
ful steady mum wonderful steady
Just one death to each person right
along Sketch
1 must have been a fool when I
married said little Tompkyns glar
ing fiercely at his wife Certainly my
dear said Mrs Tompkyns sweetly
it couldnt come on so badly all in two
years could it Tit Bits
Poor Robinson There goes his fun
eral What is Robinson dead I
imagine he is Perhaps he is just rid
ing around town in that hearse for the
fun of the thing however Cincin
nati Commercial Tribune
Miss Grabbs declares her girl
friends cant deny that her attachment
to that gentleman with a title was a
case of love at first sight Thats
very true replied Miss Cayenne she
saw him first Washington Star
Customer You remember you sold
me this coat yesterday You said you
would return the money if it wasnt
satisfactory Clothing merchant But
my dear sir it vos quite satisfactory I
nef er had petter money as dot in all my
life Puck
Doctor If you must know maam
your husband wont live twenty four
hours longer Goodness gracious
ejaculated the broken hearted but
economical woman and here youve
gone and prescribed medicine enough
for five days Tit Bits
Fairly fresh May from the hotel
So youre staying at a farm house
Everything fresh and all that I sup
pose Maude Oh yes indeed Why
after he got through milking last night
the farmers son came around and pro
posed to me Brooklyn Life
Amateur theatrical heroine indig
nantly You say you dont think the
persons in the back of the audience can
hear us speak our lines Professional
coacher No but dont let that worry
you They can hear the prompter so
they wont lose track of the play
Charitable old lady to little beggar
girl Theres some bread for you It is
a day or two old but you can tell your
mother to take three or four fresh eggs
a quart of milk a cup of sugar some
good butter and half a grated nutmeg
and she can make a very excellent pud
ding of it Tid Bits
As he finished drinking his soda he
laid his hands upon the fountain in an
unobtrusive way and remarked I sup
pose this is charged Yes said the
drawer reaching under the counter for
a pistol so is this The moneys
yours said the drinker throwing
down a dime Boston Transcript
Yesterday said Jabson I refused
a poor woman a request for a small sum
of money and in consequence of my act
I passed a sleepless night The tones
of her voice were ringing in my ears
the whole time Your softness of
heart does you credit said Mabson
who was the woman My wife
Tid Bits
It was past midnight and M Ivre
mort was fumbling about in the hall
and mumbling angrily to himselt
Whats the matter called out Mme
Ivremort from the floor above Theres
two hat racks here he answered an
I dont know which one to hang mf
hat on Oh hang one on each and
come to bed Petit Journal Pour Hire
The Parthenon
The Parthenon at Athens is virtu
ally in ruins and likely to tumble down
if another earthquake occurs before
certain repairs are made An immense
scaffold of American timber now props
up the entire entablature and prevents
collapse of the building
The Brida Tour
I want to go abroad the worst way
exclaimed the young thing
Then you should marry I know oi
no worse way Detroit Journal
To be popular with some people all
that Is necessary Is to say Thank you
in a very loud voice
Almost Inside Out
The stomach that Is not turned thus bj a
baking up on the briny must Lie a
weU fortlQcd one The arastric apparatus
tan bo render1 proof aiTain ei hlcfcuess
with that hm1iI - jnr among triv
I Hers lv tta ml su H tetters Stomach
j It h - Ill against
malaria uuii cuuuts ui nu kuuui liver
Iomplalnt constipation and lypep3U
Th Uncial Tour
I want to go abroad the worst way
exclaimed the young thing
Then you should marry 1 know of
no worse way
Saying which the older thing smiled
harshly and without a chaser- Detroit
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allens Foot Ease a powder Cor the
feet It cures painful swollen smart
ing feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions Its the
greatest comfort discovery of the age
Allens Koot Ease makes tight fitting
or new shoes feel easy It is a certain
cure for sweating callous and hot
tired aching feet Try it to day Sold
by all druggists and shoe stores By
mail for 25 cents in stamps Trial
package FREE Address Allen S
Olmsted Le Roy N Y
V Radical Defect
1 wonder how it is that no liquor
iaw seems to work satisfactorily
Well none of them abolishes thirst
Dainty Work for Dainty Hands
To wassh embioideied linens so as not to
fade the colors fill a tub half tu 1 of warm
water to which add a little Ivory t oap
wash each piece throuiili the suds careiul
iy utise in blue water to which a little
ihin starch is added Ilamj in the shade to
dry Iron on the wiong bi e piecing
down heavily to bring out the stitches
thu tciloring then oigmal beauty
Emza II Pas hr
We V onrtr
Little Hugh eating strawberries
from a basket Ma how is it that the
smallest strawberries always fall to the
bottom of the basket Pick-Me-Up
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents
In Spain the gcat is the domestic sub
stitute for the cow that country having
4530000 goats
Pisos Cure for Consumption is the only
cough medicine used in my house D C
Albright MiSinhurg Pa Dec 11 95
Lots of men have nice necks and
shoulders only it doesnt count them
Current Condensations
A 23-year-old horse and a
mule died in Barren County Ky
The different countries of the world
now ue li100different kinds of post
age stamps
A hundred years ago all naturalists
taught that the pelican fed its young
with its own blood
Reports of Connecticut savings banks
for the past year show a large increase
in the number of deposits the latter
increase coming from the smaller de
Ouida docs not see what Haly
want with African possessions when
it ha 100000 persons dying of pellagra
OnOO000 living ou malarious land JT0U
communes in which grain is rare 1 400
communes with scanty and foul water
supplies 00 communes doc
tors within reach and over o00 com
munes which have no burial place
A Vacuum
Jimfitz not beinx present one remarked-
Its a hard thing to say of a man
but I dont think Jimfitz has any great
mental capacity
The capacity is there all right
Miough said the other but there is
nothing to fill it Indianapolis Jour
Mr Gladstone baa contributed an important article for the next
rears volume ot The Companion to bs published
In tbe New Years Number
In Twelve Colors
vyynrsKYvJS of
it d iV v
25 50
M 3ce33sal3
lore and Greater
Are the cures produced by Hoods
pariila than by any other medicine If
you a re suffering with scrofula salt rheum
hip disease running sores boils pimples
dyspepsia loss of appetite or that tired
feeling take Hoods Sarsaparilla You
may confidently expect a prompt and
permanent cure Its unequalled record is
due to its positive merit
Hoods Sarsaparilla
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier
HnnHc Ofltc do not cause pain orgrlpe
nOUCI 5 11115 AH druggists 25c
For drunkenness drink cold water
for health rise early to be happy be
honest to please all mind your own
business- Franklin
Danlruil is due to an enfeebled state of
the i ii Halls Hair Renewer quickens
the nutritive functions of the skin healmu
and preventing the formation of dandruff
Marriage Is the process by which a
girl tries to get the upper hand
Mri Windows Soothivo Strkp for CWlrtrfa
teettilnc softens the cums reduces lnDamuiaUoD allays
calu cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle
Some men tell their wives everything
i at doesnt happen
Hr 9 BBS rtk 09 gr HlF
I Wa
I Trade Mark
It cures In
two or thre
vigorous rubs
aker Cof
Breakfast COCO
Pure Delicious Nutritious
Costs iess than ONE CENT a cnp
Be sure that the package bears our Trade Mark
Walter Baker Co Limited - -
Established I780J - Dorchester MflSS
GIVB MORS thac is premised bas always been the practice of
The Companion Tbe two hemispheres have been searched for
attractive mattei for the volume for 1S98 and the contributors or tbe year
include not ucly popular writers of fiction but some of tbe most eminent
Statesmen Scientists Educators Explorers and Leaders oi Industry
IV Ydiflfos
The following partial list of contributors indicates the strength asd
attractiveness ot next years volume
Distinguished Writers
Right Hon W E Gladstone
Tbe Ouke of Argyll
Hon deary Cabot Lodge
Hoa Justin McCarthy M P
Hon Thomas B Reed
Hon George F Hoar
Lillian Nordica
Prof N S Sbnler
Story Tellers
Rudyard KipHng W D Howells
Octave Tbanet Frank R Stockton
I Zangwill Mrs Burton Harrison
Mary E Wilklns Hayden Carrulh
and more than one hundred others
MEW SUE2CRIBE2S who will cat oat thlj silo and tead It at osee with 51 75 for e vsais zcbscrirtlon to Th
Companion will recslva tbr paper frw every week from the tlxca eniscrlpCot is receWad to Jasoary 1 189 8 ind a fall
year to Janmry i 15
TBE COMPANION AET CAXEIIIAR for 1898 -to twelve eclsra and eacousd to cold It will bs fcrmd a
r nperlor production to uir of the faou piece of Companion color wcrli of prcvlocs yeari It la isperb
t ornament ror me come ana cosuy gu tree to new eucccnaen t
Jllustrated Prospectus or the Volume or 1S3S and Sample Copies o the Paper Free
got to work hard if you do your
washing and cleaning with soap
and youve got to work a long time
over it and you re wearing things
out with your rubbing Pearline
makes the work easy and quick
saves The wonder is that
any woman who has to do soaps hard work can look pleasant
Still some of them do in spite of it
iii mtj u
r natural roMlts Sam-
jeagpjl9BtrealCsa or New York m
f la lie i Jji
flCJ nat fe sxnture
ffPrHett atuiiL
xs s x y X
This is the head
a Pearline woman There are
jthers And if the others dont look
cheerful its no wonder Youve
it I lit
KRV and allow liberal prices lor the wins In ex
cnanjre for Dew Our stock of Cylinder PreBsee Job
Prcaaefi Paper Cutters and Gas Engines Is complete
If ot t isb to trade or buy let us bear from you V
bi barifalng to offer SIOLX CITY XEWS
RlF C3 fn- nvnk1
discharges inflammation
irritation or ulceration
of ran co at membranes
- -0 AUU UUI Ofcf JU
UKEUICILU3 sent or poisonona
Sold by Draeslala
or tent in plain wrapper
aj cipicu prrpaia ioj
IJOO or 3 bottles f275
Circular tent on reqnet
S12 to 35 PER WEEK t
can be
msde wurfc
Pnrtift srefarrprf vhn n cHr hnT Hm tn ffc rrf
now Spare cours though niA be profitably emplcjed
Cood epenins for towt atd citr work as wellai coantry
anricts J E UirroaD nthk ilain St aictmond Va
Get Your Pension
Write Sty 0A222LI TttzxvLitiiViilzsn SC
Lata rrlnslaal Exushu V n kih
3 r ia sxz war Ii 4radlaMax elaiai attj dae
Tbe best Red Hop Eoofln for 1 ct
per sq root caps and nails Included
Substitutes for Flatter Sam Dies free
Th ray Manilla Koollnj Co Camden NJ
- 42 97
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Uie
in time Sold dt drazzists