THIS TOE WORLD INTELLIGENCE FROM ALL PARTS JUMPS THE TRESTLE BAD WRECK ON THE ELECTRIC LINE AT WATERLOO IOWA Fifteen People are Injured Half a Dozen of the Thirteen Passengers on the Car are Badly Hurt Con dition of the Kest Not Serious Street Car Takes a Plunge An electric car on the Waterloo and Cedar Falls Electric Interurban line while running at a speed of about twenty miles an hour left the track Monday morning as it approached the river bridge near Waterloo iowa falling from the trestle work to the bank fifteen feet below There were thirteen passengers and four employes aboard All the passengers were injured only two of the employes escaping unhurt The injured are E B Tibbitts motor man left arm and left leg crushed condi tion serious Frank Latier conductor hips badly bruised W H Morton Chi cago a traveling salesman serious inter nal injuries condition very serious D B Morris Chicago traveling salesman cut about the head Miss Charlotte Cunning Iiam Waterloo serious internal injuries Tannic Flieekenger Cedar Falls injured in neck windpipe cut Frank Foulk Waterloo ribs broken and other internal injuries The other eight are badly bruised lrat none of them are in a serious condi tion SACRED EMBLEM DEGRADED No Protection in the United States Tor the Insignia of the Hed Cross Miss Clara Barton president of the American Red Cross Society who has just -returned from the international Red Cross conference at Vienna said that excepting this country the leading nations had passed laws protecting the title and insig nia of the Red Gross On this point Miss -Barton said It was humiliating to confess before that great assemblage that in our own en lightened country there are 281 persons corporations and firms who are using the name and sign of the Red Cross as a trade mark for private gain that there are innumerable bodies of people here -who have founded Red Cross societies for local purposes who are in no way connect ed with the general organization The JRed Cross delegates were amazed to learn that the wealthy men of this great repub lic had not endowed their Red Cross nor could they understand why our congress had not prohibited by stringent laws the prostitution of humanitys sacred emblem JOKE WITH VICTIMS oX OTWI1 35 Teople on a Portland Street Car A car on the Oregon City Electric Line of Portland was held up by two masked nen at Meldrum Station four miles from Oregon City Monday night There were thirty five passengers on board and the highwaymen went through the pockets of U of them getting about 90 One of the s obbers jumped on the front of the car and with a revolver ordered the motorman to stop the car while the second robber climbed on the rear end Conductor John Anderson stepped inside and quickly turned out the lights but he was held a prisoner b3 the man on the rear platform who stood guard The robber who boarded the car in front made the motorman go inside and then he quietly searched each passenger joking as he went through the car EX QUEEN LIL VERY ILL Two Physicians in Almost Constam Attendance on Her Ex Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii is re ported very ill at her apartments in Wash ington She returned from a trip to San JFraueisco ten days ago in bad health She had contracted a heavy cold on the journey eastward and a physician was at once summoned She has since been steadily jjrowing worse and while the greatest secrecy has been maintained by her secre 4ary and servants regarding her illness it Js reported that symptoms of pneumonia 3iave developed and that her condition is regarded as serious Two physicians are in almost constant attendance upon her Train Hits a Street Car A well filled car on the State Street line of the city railway at Elgin III was Jburled from the track by a Chicago and Northwestern train Monday Three peo ple were injured as follows Henry J 2Telix bad scalp wound Frank Fiske fcadly bruised and cut Mrs Frank Fiske cut on the head and badly bruised ser iously hurt The escape of the passengers from death is miraculous The car was lifted bodily and hurled to one side land Jng on its wheels and half demolished Embezzler Ward on Trial After a delay of more than eighteen jHonths A K Ward under ninety six in dictments charging forgery and embezzle anent securing thereby 250030 was placed n trial at Memphis Tenn Monday Mountain Climber Frozen to Death During an ascent of Mt Ayarat by mem bers of the recent geological congress Dr Cloeber professor of medicine was frozen -to death Mr laugtry Becomes Insane Mr Langtry the husband of Lily Lang try was fonnd wawdering on the railway at Cicwe a town thirty four miles south east of Liverpool Eng He was in a dazed condition and subsequently became delir ous He was placed in the lunatic asylum t Chester The Drought In Illinois The present drought in Illinois is un paralleled for this time of the year The precipitation in September was 38 of an inch It was also the hottest September in I Bolivia 4iie history of the weather bureau BRADSTREETS REVIEW Drouth Has Checked Distribution of General Merchandise Bradstreet s Weekly Review says Dis tribution of general merchandise in the renlral west and northwest is further checked owing to the prolonged drouth in Kentucky Illinois Kansas portions of Missouri Nebraska Iowa Minnesota and the Dakotas Telegraphic advices to Bradstreets report serious damage in Kau nas and parts of Nebraska and Iowa where early planted wheat is up and budding out That planted later is not likely to sprout Fall plowing is now impossible six weeks without rain having dried up pastures and compelled farmers to feed stock Manufacturing industries throughout the west particulary iron and steel continue active and there is an increasing tendency on the part of the interior merchants to pay more promptly While the volume of trade has decreased at Chicago it is ahead of the like record in recent years There is a moderate improvement in business in the south BIG CHICAGO GAS DEAL Two Old Companies Consolidate and Reorganize The deal for the sale of the Universal and Mutual Fuel Gas Companies of Chi cago has practically been closed The stock will be placed in trust with the Illi nois Trust and Savings Bank McMillan Co have issued a prospectus for the new company together with a request for subscriptions to its bonds and preferred stock The bonds are to be subscribed at par but each subscriber is to recive in addition two and one half shares of pre ferred stock for each bond taken Full paymeut is to be made by December 1 1897 The new company is to have an au thorized issue of 4000000 of 6 per cent cumulative preferred stock and an author ized issue of 10000000 of first mortgage per cent forty year gold bonds to be dated December 1 1897 SUBMARINE WRECKING BOAT Successful Test of the Argonaut at Baltimore A Baltimore dispatch says A private trial of the submarine wrecking boat Ar gonaut has been had in the dry dock where she was built the result of which is said to have been highly satisfactory -to her inventor and owners She was sub merged in twenty one feet of water re maining under the surface for two hours during which time constant communica tion was kept up with those who were in her cabin and engine room by means of a rubber tube Many tests of her engines were made and while the trial was merely prelimi nary the inventor asserts that enough was learned to make it certain that the boat will be able to perform the work for which she is designed ARRESTED AT A WEDDING Members of a Bad Gang of Ohio Outlaws Captured ctm ioo n oaU and Bert Wines two members of a gang that has been terroriz ing the inhabitants of Meigs and surround ing counties in Ohio have been arrested under sensational circumstances Hysal was standing beside Miss Georgia Mauley atthehomeof Squire Long near Pomeroy awaiting the words that would make them man and wife when officers suddenly appeared on the scene and made a prisonei of him before any resistance could be offered Wines who was a guest at the intended wedding started to run but wa3 captured after leading the officers aspirited chase Howards aggregating 2000 had been offered for their capture THREE VILLAGES DESTROYED Disastrous Fire in the Lumbering District of Ontario Information from Casselman Out is to the effect that the whole village has been destroyed by fire and that the villages of South Indian and Cheney have also been burned These villages are in the center of a large lumbering district and bush lires are raging in the vicinity Guiteaus Pistol Recovered Washington police have recovered what they believe to be the pistol with which Guiteau shot President Garfield and have put it in the cabinet at headquarters for safe keeping Property Clerk Sylvester said that it had been obtained from a citi zen who had had it in his possession for a number of years The pistol was taken from police headquarters July 2 18S1 the day President Garfield was shot by Col Geo B Corhill then district attorney Subsequently it disappeared mysteriously and trace of it was obtained only recently Gold Tide Toward America One million three hundred thousand dol lars in gold has been engaged in London for shipment to America making the total engagements for import since September SO 5100000 To Build a Fast Fleet A Paris special says a French steamship company will shortly construct a fleet of steamers for Havre Xew York service capable of averaging fully 22 knots an hour Maidstone Epidemic Spreading The typhoid fever at Maidstone Kent England is still spreading There are now 1830 cases of the disease and new cases are hourly being reported Bringing Gold to America The American liner Paris sailed from ooumampton saruruay wun aU2buw in gold consigned to different New York houses Portland Packing House Burned The Simraerzan Packing Companys plant at Portland1 Ore burned Sunday morning Loss 80000 75000 Fire in Henderson Ky Thelohnson Block Henderson Ky was destroyed by fire Wednesday Loss 75 000 insurance 82000 Minister to Bolivia The president has appointed George IT Bridgeman of New York minister to AN INHUMAN WEETCH OHIOAN ACCUSED OF BURNING HIS WIFE ALIVE Before Aid Could Be Rendered Mrs Wm Peyster of Canton Had Her Clothing Burned from Her Body and Her Flesh Laterally Roasted Woman Burned Alive Residents of the tenderloin district of Canton Ohio who investigated screams saw a column of flames in the rear yard of the home of Wm De Pejstcr Sunday night In the flames was found Mrs De Peyster and before aid could be rendered she was dead the clothing burned from her body and her flesh literally roasted De Peyster when found would give no explanation of what had occurred and was placed under arrest on suspicion of murder -Neighbors say lie and his wife had been quarreling all night Maggie Greathouse tells of a former attempt of De Peyster to kill his wife several months agp At that time when he was arrested for disorderly conduct she says after a pro tracted quarrel between Do Peyster and his wife she went to their room in answer to a call for help and found Mrs De Peysters night robe on fire and saturated with oil which De Peyster had poured over her after breaking the lamp He had ignited the garment The two women fought him off and extin guished the flames The De Peysters have born unenviable reputations for some time and have conducted several questionable places FOR CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Gov Leedy of Kansas Wont Show Mercy to Murderers In an interview Monday afternoon at Topeka Kan Gov Leedy advocated cap ital punishment for murder in the first degree The present Kansas law provides that a person convicted of murder in the first degree shall remain in the peniten tiary one year at least and then shall not be hung until the governor signs the death warrant There are about fifty persons in the pen itentiary sentenced to be hanged but who are permitted to live because no governor of Kansas has signed their death warrants Gov Leedy says he will not sign their warrants as that was the duty of preced ing governors but he intimates that he will sign the warrants for the execution of all murderers sentenced to hang during his term of office A MYTHICAL ESTATE Treasury Department Gives Alle ed Heirs of Joseph Ball a Tip The treasury department has had many inquiries from time to time about the alleged estate of one Joseph Ball of Phil adelphia which is supposed to be held in trust in the treasury department The letters speak of this truct and an alleged 81 year lease given uy Mr Ball to eortain valuable property in Philadelphia To all of these inquiries replies are sent out in forming heirs that there is no such fund in the treasury and that the only rocord in the treasury department of Joseph Ball of Philadelphia relates to a claim of about 8000 which he filed as an underwriter against the government in 1S01 for cargoes seized by the French The claim is one of the ordinary French spoliation claims WEYLER MAKES NO PROTEST Cables Sagasta that He Is Ready to Submit to His Superior The Spanish cabinet on Saturday held a few hours session during which the decis ion previously arrived at regarding the re call from Cuba of Capt Gen Weyler was confirmed In reply to an inquiry by Pre mier Sagasta Capt Gen Weyler has cabled the following statement to the gov ernment I have always been and in every case shall ever be the first man to accept re spect obey and enforce the governments orders I would not allow any demonstra tion to go beyond the expression of per sonal affection and the approval of any policy Veteran Newspaper Man DeadT Charles Gallagher for years connected with the Missouri Republican now the St Louis Republic died Sunday from typhoid fever He was 77 years old and was one of the best known newspaper men in the west During the past few years ho had devoted his time to magazine writing Fanatical Chief Killed The Brazillian legation in Washington has received an official cable from Rio de Janeiro that Canudos the stronghold of the religious fanatics in the interior of the state ot Babia has been captunl by fed eral troops and Antonio Conselhedro chief of the fanatics is dead Big Strike by Chinamen Two Chinamen who have been mining in the Cassiar district British Columbia have arrived at Victoria They took out 40000 and have drafts of the Hudson Bay Company to show for it There is much excitement in Chinatown Estimates for the Navy The estimates for the support of the navy for the next fiscal year have just been prepared by Secretary Long and sub mitted to the secretary of the treasury for transmission to congress They aggregate 31991727 Short Tobacco Crop Commissioner of Agriculture Moore of Frankfort Ky in his monthly report says that the tobacco crop has been cut short 16 per cent as a result of the drouth in Kentucky Eight Burned to Death It was learned Monday that Mrs Bree kin a halfbreed and her six children and a man named Tencau lost their lives in the prairie fires near St Anne Manitoba Horatio King for Congress Gen Horatio C King has been nomi nated for congress by the Shepard or in pendent Democracy of the Third district of New York NEEDS MO HELLO GIRL St Paul Electrician Devises a New Telephone System John J Schoenleber of the Northwest Engineering Company of St Paul has in vented a device by which a practical tele phone system may be operated independ ent of a switching system at a central sta tion and whereby the users are entirely protected from interfering callers while in communication with a distant person The device is simple and requires no attention to keep it in working order The instru ment is operated in the same way as the ordinary telephone with the addition of a dial switch which in the throwing of the pointer from home position by automatic means locks the receiver hook from use and prevents the receiver from being hung up again until the switch is returned to its normal position A CARNIVAL OF CRIME Marks the Close of the Annual Fes tival in Kansas City Festival week at Kansas City closea with an unusual number of crimes and ac cidents John W Dunlap was stabbed through the heart during a fight with drunken cavorter W H Gould a negro was beaten to death with a rock during a row L B Noah of Gallatin Mo died of morphine supposedly suicide Andrew T Brennan of San Francisco was killed by a switch engine John Bennett a packing house hand was killed while trying to crawl under a moving car The Kansas City Transfer Companys barns were burned and eighty horses including four fancy coach teams were destroyed The Wales Building Fifth and Deleware Streets was also partly destroyed by fire 250000 BAD PAPER FOUND Officials of the Asheville N C Bank Placed Under Arrest Wm E Brooks president W II Pheh land cashier and J C Dickinson a di rector of the defunct First National Bank of Asheville X C have been arrested on indictmeuts from the United States court in session at Greensboro charging them with embezzlement and conspiracy They were released on 30000 bail each National Bank Examiner Maway has made some startling discoveries One of these it is alleged reveals the fact that 250000 of accommodation notes signed by insolvent persons and filled out by officials and some forged papers are in the bank C B Leonard the man who is said to have secured the note signers has fled to Mexico CAPT WIBORG RELEASED Served Sixteen Months in Prison toe Filibustering Capt J II n Wiborg of Philadelphia has been released from prison after a six teen months sentence for carrying on the Danish steamship Horsa a filibustering ex pedition to Cuba There was a fine of 300 and costs or 500 in all attached to the term of imprisonment but Capt Wiborg could not raise the money The regular term expired last Saturday but this default would have added thirty days to Ills con finement A popular subscription headed by a Philadelphia newspaper raised the money however and the captain was Saturday night restored to his wife and children Work for 1500 Men Minneapolis employment agents report that work is ready at hand for 1500 men The men are wanted for the woods and for railroad work Agents say that men are hard to obtain although the wages are good and railroad fares are advanced to send workmen to their destination Message from a Dead Man A bottle containing a letter from Ed Mason one of the men of the steamer Chicora which was loit on Lake Michigan nearly three years ago was found on the beach west of Chesterton Ind the other day Jumps Into the Lake Ill health is said to have caused Thomas ADillon president of Cavanaugh Co distillers and wholesale liquor dealers of Chicago to suicide by jumping into tho lake Forest Fires in Colorado Forest fires are raging in the timber southwest of Easter Park Colo Unless there is a rainstorm the destruction will be enormous 3IARKET WUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 300 to 550 bogs shipping grades 300 to 450 sheep fair to choice 200 to 423 wheat No 2 red 00c to dxc corn No 2 2Sc to 20c oate No 2 19c to 20c rye No 2 40c to 47c butter choice creamery 20c to 22c eggs fresh 13c to 14c new potatoes 38c to 50c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 525 hogs choice light 300 to 450 sheep common to choice 300 to 400 wheat No 2 91c to 93c corn No 2 white 2Sc to 30c oats No 2 white 22c to 24c St Louis Cattle 300 to 525 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 300 to 400 wheat No 2 97c to 99c corn No S yellow 2Gc to 28c oats No 2 white 21c to 23c rye No 2 42c to 44c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs1 300 to 450 sheep 250 to 425 wheat No 2 93c to 95e corn No 2 mixed 29c to 31c oats No 2 mixed 21c to 22c rye No 2 4Gc to 48c Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 250 to 400 wheat No 2 93c to 95c corn No 2 yellow 30c to 31c oats No 2 white 22c to 24c rye 47c to 49c Toledo Wheat No 2 red 95c to SMSc corn No 2 mixed 29c to 30c oats No 2 white 18c to 20c rye No 2 47c to 48c clover seed 320 to 330 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring S5c to 87c corn No 3 28c to 29c oats No 2 white 21c to 23c rye No 1 47c to 4Sc barley No 2 40c to 43c pork mess 775 to S25 Buffalo Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 300 to S475 wheat No 2 winter 95c to 9Uc corn No 2 yellow 32c to 33c oats No 2 white 25c to 2fic New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 350 to 500 sheep 300 to 450 wheat No 2 red 99c to 100 corn No 2 34c to 35c oats No 2 white 23c to Me butter creamery Westrni Ulc U IS- loc to -De eggs STATE OF NEBEASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM Bondsmen of Defaulting Ex State Treasurer tToseph S Hartley and the State Now Pitted Against fJnch Other in District Court Big Sum at Stake The bondsmen of defaulting ex State Treasurer Joseph S Bartley and the sover eign state of Nebraska are now fairly pit ed against each other in the legal arena of he district court Omaha for the big stake af over half a million dollars the amount of Hartleys defalcation for the embele jnent of a portion of which the latter is now under sentence to serve twenty years in the state penitentiarv and to pa a line itf 30376S The trial of this big and well known zivil suit has begun before Judge Powell It was instituted at the last term of the district court by the state against Hartleys bondsmen to recover the amount of the latters defalcation which in exact figures is placed at 55579009 together with inter est from January 7 1897 the date on which Bartley should have accounted for the money There is an expectancy that the trial will Tie a long one There is no doubt that every legal point on which either side can expect to gain an advantage will be closely fought Time will probably cut little figure AGAINST CATTLE THIEVES Supreme Court Settles a Number of Appeal Cases Among the decisions handed down by supreme court during its sitting at Lincoln are the affirmations of the trial court in the cases of Catron and Granger both of Sheridan County In ealh of these cases the crime charged was cattle stealing which under the law passed in 1885 is a penitentiary otfeuse the same as horse stealing Appeals were taken to test this law Similar appeals came from other western counties until there were seven or eight cases depending upon a decision as to the validity of the law The decision handed down in the Granger case upholds the law and practically decides all the vsther cases The Catron case was appealed an the same grounds buthad an additional 2laim of error because of alleged miscon duct on the part of the prosecuting attor ney Long Lost Man Found George II Robinson the chief rate clerk Df the Union Pacific office of passenger Accounts disappeared from Omaha May 29 His abandoned bicycle and part of his slothes were found on the river bank Robinson has written to his friends He says he has not realized until recently what he has been doing His letter indi sates that he is now engaged in out of sloor work and that his health is restored He has been in Illinois Indiana Ohio and now is in Michigan Robinson was deputy grand chancellor of the Pythians and the members of Nebraska lodges and others of die order sought for him dilhgently all over the United States olfering large re wards He was supposed to have suddenly become insane and drowned himself in the river Quarrel Ends In a Killing- I A corners jury empaneled at Nebraska City found a verdict to the effect that Wil iam Reisch the German dairyman who was found in a dying condition on the street early the other morning came to his death from a blow inflicted by Lee Dillon Pillon was placed under arrest to answer io the charge of homicide The evidence sends to show that the men quarreled over a trifling matter finally coming to blows And that Dillon struck Reich in such a manner as to cause his death Hog Cholera in York County Ilog cholera is ravaging in the northern portion of York County Charles R Keek ley a prominent farmer living a few miles north of York has lost over 20f hogs al ready and unless some efficacious remedy an be found soon he will lose 400 more Other farmers in that part of the county are suffering serious losses owing to the epidemic Sentenced For Stealing- Jewelry William and Wallace Stanley a search Of whose premises near Unadilla a few days ago revealed stolen plunder to the value of 250 J weie arranged in district ourt at Nebraska City upon the charge of robbing a Palmyra jewelry store last De 2ember They nleaded cuiltv and were T each sentenced penitentiary to three years in the Hogs Dying by the Hundreds Some strange disease is working sad havoc among the hogs on the Looking Glass Creek in Plntte County Opinion is divided as to whether it is the old time hog cholera or not Over 1500 hogs have died within the last forty days Remedies that Heretofore have checked cholera to some extent have proved of but little value in hese cases Governor Approves the Bill The governor has received a voucher from the exposition commission for the payment of ground rent on the exposition grounds for the Nebraska building The sharge is 25 ceiits per square foot for l4 m eet making a total of 355020 i nu has approved the bill Contract for a New Building A t the meeting of the board of regents of fhe University of Nebraska in Lincoln the contract for putting up the new Mechanic Arts Building was let to Grace Kelley whose bid was 25638 Some additional items will make the amount slightly in ex cess of thee figures Falls Down an Elevator Shaft Jacob Godtel a fanner was trading in the hardware store of Stanton Carney at Clay Center He stepped backward into the open elevatar shaft and fell to the cellar below His hip was dislocated Diphtheria In Piatt County There are three cases of diphtheria in the family of Richard Ives living about five miles northwest of Columbus Unveil a Monument le monument erected to the memory of the late Frank Bauer bv the Woodmen of the World was unveiled at Xebraska City with appropriate ceremonies There were a large number of visiting Woodmen present from Plattsmouth Auburn Ham burg Syracuse and nearby towns Small Decrease in 3Iortgages The Otoe County mortgage record for the moriv i of September shows a small de crease in indebtedness During the month thorn trorn t uTitit r f innrriroifac filat WHICH PARTY COMES FIRST Great Question Xow Agitating thcr Minds of Some Politicians GEORGE MORGAN IS HUNG Valley Countys Showing Yalley countys mortgage record for the month of September is as follows Seen farm mortgages filed amounting to 400 seventeen satisfied 13118 three town mortgages filed 2200 seven satisfied The ninth annual meeting of the Beaver Valley Harvest Home and Exposition So ciety founded by Hon John Gillilan opened its gates to the public Wednesday and 3030 people passed the turnstile to view the exhibits and listen to the inter esting program arranged for the day Badly Injured in a Itunaway While Mrs Kavan of Morse Bluffs was taking her children to school at North Bend the other morning her horse took fright and ran away throwing Mrs Kavan out of the buggy and badly injur ing her C L Morse who caught the runaway was struck in the side by tho point of the shaft Build a New Livery Barn Work has commenced on a brick livery barn 48x42 feet on the Harbine lots on Fourth Street Fairbury The building will be two stories in height and finished in good style Take Cash From a Bank Safe The safe in the Boelus bank was blowiv open the other night The robbers ecrelX 1200 and escaped leaving no trace bank was insured against theft Henry T Specht Is Acquitted Henry T Specht charged with a assault upon Miss Buckholtz of Berlin was acquited by a jury in the district court at Xebraska City The parties belong to prominent German families and consider able interest was manifested in the case on this account Specht was 18 years of age and the girl about 20 Shot While Examining a Gnn dK s10t in the left hand while ezr aggregating 823533 nineteen released 1 amounting to 25550 K There is much differenced opinion even in the fusion ranks as to the proper course to be pursued by the secretary of state in regard to the ballot protesis Some be liere he should leave the Silver republi cans on the ticket and rule out the Na tional Democrats some say they should both be ruled off and others think they should both be allowed to go on the ticket A prominent free Silver Kepublican at the state house at Lincoln was interviewed on the puestion He gave it as his opinion that both parties should be allowed to go on the ticket and said that in case either was ruled off the matter would be appealed to the courts He said that the Silver Re publicans had complied with the new law in holding their convention while the Na tional Democrats had not but the differ ence was so small it would be hard to ex plain to the people who were already im patient of technicalities After reading section 7 of the Australian ballot law where it says Provided further that in such case neither candidate or caucus shall be allowed to use any party name or em blem hitherto adopted by any political party the gentleman said he believed a strict suling on that section would shut out both Silver Republicans and National Democrats Slayer of Ida Gaskill Protests Hif Innocence to the Last George Morgan was hanged Friday at Omaha for the murder of Ida Gaskill in 1895 He protested his innocence His victim was but 1 years old and had been choked v i death after she was outraged The evi dence was mainly circumstantial but was very conclusive Chief Refuses to Give a Bond The trouble that has been brewing Be tween the fire department and the city council at York for some time threatens tc reach a climax unless the council makes the concessions demanded It seems that there is a difference of opinion as to ths authority of the council to interfere with the affairs of the department The imme diate cause of the friction however is the demand which the council has made for s bond of 500 from the chief of the fire de partment The chief refuses to give s bond claiming that inasmuch as lie re ceives no material salary for his services and has no personal supervision of the fire apparatus he should not be held responsi ble The departmedt supports him to a man Seward Will Have a Flour Mill Mulfinger Harrison leading grain buyers of Seward have submitted a propo sition to the Business Mens Fraternity to build a cereal mill for the manufacture ol oatmeal and the various products of cornT etc They propose to put up a mill to cost 15000 if the citizens will donate 1000 which sum is not to be paid until the mill is completed and in operation Machinery will be put in for manufacturing all the products of wheat oats and corn and thtr mils are to be enlarged as the demand for their products increase A committee has been at work securing snbscriptions and has already very nearly secured the re quired amount making the mill a cer tainty I State Irrigation Association The State Irrigation Association held their meeting at Lincoln last week The following are the officers for the coming year President A G Wolfenbarger vice president W R Akers secretary Joseph Oberfelder treasurer T C Lloyd The committee on resolutions were in structed to report to the executive com mittee which was authorized to act on the report President Wolfenbarger stated that the executive and other committees would be appointed at an early date am announcement of the selection made through the public press Thrown from a Wagon and Hurt A serious accident happened recently to Mrs Moody wife of a prominent fanuez living five miles northeast of West Point The family had just returned from town and during the unhitching of the team one of the tugs was left fastened The team started and threw the woman out of the wagon breaking her arm and dislocating her wrist and foot V George Liiht of Juniata who is attend- - inc Tnstinrr Rnina Pnllonn tt oc z l -e vviitc iioo awi amining a loaded revolver A w n c t 731 seventy four chattel mortgages- yv r P1 30168 eighty six satisfied 147130 rf filed Girl of Thirteen Is Missing Pearl Wilsey a girl about 13 years of aje has disappeared from her home in Kearney and all efforts to find her have so far failed She has a light complexion is fairly good looking and weighs 113 pounds It is believed she has gone south and officers have been notified to watch for her Beaver Yalley Harvest Home p il