The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 07, 1897, Image 8

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BOBBT Q0D -Editor and Publisher
facial PapOT of Cherry
ty Nebraska
100 Jer ewr in dLfefcKr
-V SC15T
t tfi
Entered at tljtf Post office at Valentine Gherry
TMluity NebrerKt aySecond class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
Co its subscribers untila definite ordsr
So discontinue is received
aire paid in full
fcmocatIe Ticket
2or8upwine Judge5 -
For Rtujeata Crate University
CouMyiticket on first page tbitrweok
MtsSf F Gilman died at herhcaie
in Dtevenport Iowa la3t week of
hearc disease - -
JEc3 T W Smvser spending-
rS Cnr
W Ul
day inCookston this week and hei
frieadsvUsre sincerely hope that she
will mot lose herself ic the roaftss of
thatCity3 streets
fl v7wTTQitT r rvrio TtTi
Mehool Iteporla
District No 4 S E A Fowler
Totaicrolled 15 Average attend
ance Vi Total days taught 20
Neither terdy nor absent dicing the
montlr Tessie Archer Dora iFowler
-Johnnie Gharley and Walter Slvetbourn
CbarleyFcwler Virginia Bowden
District Jso 16 Crookston Iebr
F F Gordon teacher
Days taught 20 Total enrolment
19 Average atcendance 15 Aver
age tardinass 2 Xo grades in school
Neitfcerrtardy nor absent Lena
Viola audsKudofph VierteVOllie Blizs
The Oti2ha Dental Co failed Co
rjmt iu anappearance here this week a
ivertised VVTiiy they did not corae
aw do not Jinaw If traveling con
cerns business kere they
tntit do as tboy advertise or we will
tibeav them up ia tbeir true light
Pcla Cc
TEatls right 55ro Fritz GJ after
theiia if they ura ot all right This
uuiwaa jjencai cuo or urd was in
Valentine several weeks ago and took
offeDsc mightily at an article which
appeared iu Jhisipaper about that time
so much offense in fact that thej
advertised their intention of locating
here permanently Thsy remained a
week and then went to Norden an
nouncing that they would return in a
of days The couple of days
Lave lengthened into week ail their
Effects have since bceu sent them and
they are now but a memory iu
V -
In the old town when we get onr Stot k moved into our own quarters again and no mistake
At present we are not in position to display our gooJs very well but everything we have
Asid will continue going until all our present stock is cleaned up The fire in our store last
freek was a serious thing for us but it will be a blessing
to the bargain htintcrs Eemcmber everything goes I i rH fj rs FJ
I air the wnter -among them
sidered the lair a complete btitctss
1 Webster -Levi Cady K Wilber
ohd families are being visited by reltt
tives from Burl county
P 11 Ilolaies is havings new hdnss
erected upon his choice Nebraska oil
north of thslsiobrara
Misses Nettie and Maggie Cady wore
callers at GrUop the firstof the wek
Air and Mrs D Webster and Miss
McGuirp visited old friKids in Valeh
tine Friduy and JSaturdsy
E F San born has hie new residence
about completed whicli will be a pleas
ant and comfortable lvotne
Wtn flatten and wfe went to Mer
rimun Stmdayand will spend a few
veeks wit fc Mis Hattens parents Mr
and Mrs S Guucher
Levi Gady and L Sawtell were in
Gordon hut Thursday
Mis P M Holmes and children
called inGordon acquaintances hut
A loadof fair spectators got lost
while returning irom Gordon Thurs
day evenfcg They fully intended to
reach their homes before old Sol had
retired acd the day had changed to
nights darKer grv Alas their in
teutions -were pood the road was miss
gtney rented thir pective
Hecald was in town buying -limber
otnerconsmess m con
una axtenaing to
nection with his stoct ranch in this
C0ttBtvj Fridav and Saturday
Josic Cedlacek of near Kenne2rr5 10
yecraxJlS was shot sd killed iktur
liay coroner1sjary returned a
Verdictcccusing Fraek of
tioingSLe deed but the boy denies it
Tcas3 will be tried week afterxnext
IJFeecitor was off politicking two
or three days this week and has not
paid much attention to personal items
The- convention reports crowded v cut a
ioof scatter araongother things be
ingSbatch of correspondeuceifrom
Il osebcd and Fort Xtcbrara
Sunday morning -Charley B Cook
left for his school in the Cuteoriib
tnet ard is probably by this tirce a
fell Hedged pedagogue Charley s a
rradae from the dentine schools
aoa thrt means he is -qualified for a
teacher His school is new one the
- district having been organized vonly
Iastveck and is aboctJ2f mires south
wstof Cody
In another column cf this papervill
beifucd a consolidated proclamation
of -two division proposiLions which cre
to be vcted upon at the -coming
tion v One proposes cutting off terri
torytSG by 36 miles in -extent for pur
pcHeOi annexing sameto Grant county
tedthe other ptoposes giving a strip
IS byO miles in extent to Hookar
county Citizens of Cherry county
should consider these propositions well
before noting They are important
Son Cyrus Lindell the colored ora
tor frotti Lincoln addressed the popu
list convention Saturday forenoon ol
the oabject of free silver In the
addressed a lage audience
on thecame subject VTe were unable
to aUead the evening meeting but we
are told that the ex-
ceptions lly line speech and poured the
hotshot into the enpmysicamp At
the morning meeting Jie advised union
of thsciiver forces and msce a- very
good impression
A light shower Sunday night
A Cass was i Cody the first ti the
Quite a iKKnbgr of Cherry county
people attended the fchenditw county
last rays
We gladly extend a welcome to
brothety Good Have we
Kellys ia or has he changed
Good Boy
iioui de plume
Frank Higgins and family spent
Sunday -with J Adamson and family
Mrs Johnson of Sparks Sun
day ed with relatives
Lon spent the latter port of
last week visiting friends about the
Alice Metzger is again with her sis
ter Mrs Adamson
Albert -Lynn of Oasis and Elva
llackler 6f Vatentinp spent Monday
with RJrooms and famiiv
Frank Lansing was a caller in this
vicinity ysterdiy
F Ainslie and family were overi
from the ilats vsriing with Mrs Ains
lies molhtr M3 Doc Johnson
Grcoms isbuildiuKan addition to
his house
Doc Johnsons now house is rapid ii
progressing- under the hands of himsell
Cole Jack McCardy
Frank5 Reece gave the youug people
another opportunity co dance but only
a few were present
The Chenoworth family passed
through this vicinity Monday enroute
to their old home near Arabia After
gve months of hard traveling they
Ye discontented mortals take warning 1
ere it is too late Bad Boy
Fireguards are the order of the day
The neighbors turn out in force and
burn wide guards to keep the fatal
flames away
The Simeon echool is making fine
progress with an enrollment of 26
Miss has the good will of the
-pupils and is wording with much zeal
nd energy
Many of our citizens attended the
senvenuons and the general expression
ie that the tickets -are satisfactory and
wo beiieve that Cherry county is sure
ofn eliicieut set of officers in 98 99
tlessrs Bennett Burleigh Morgar
eicfce Thompson and CJapp delivered
catUe last wefik Bennett and Reece
Bree hove been buying again to re
olace those sold
JD Reeceis building a house on
his homestead This is a suspicious
circumstance because we have heard
mm sav that oatcniNg is very dis
tasteful to him
Rev Smith our new minister
bin first sermon to a crowded
house Last Sunday Mr -Smith is a
very abtevcpsaker and we i ope he will
be the meaas of doing muas good for
our people
A wedding took place ai Justice
Festers Suoday The cootsracting
parties were Mls Newland aad Jake
We saw Georgs Foster out ciding
with two girls Sunday
Most of tbe delegates to the flocyen
lions from hereabouts stayed in town
untiTSrxeday morning
M l Prices or vFecrf
Bran balk 40c per cwt S700ton j
Shorts bulk 50o per cs7t 900 tou
screenings doc
Ohop Feed 70c
Lorn ooc
9a N Wc
t x p
ijnrvsTriicristariai tgi
-T -V
n wiiir inii i
O EH T - -
We pee by the Valentkb Demo
crat that Charles Wellfoid who is
well kriowa to the writer and not a few
of thepeopie of Eushville left Valen
tine last Saturday to teach a country
school near theie We wish Chanit
success in his new field rf labnr
There was a time when he worked un
der us on the Gordon Journal then he
had little confidence in himself but
hard work and stud hasnsade a decid
ed charge in this respect He left
Gordon for Valentine where he worker
on The Democrat leaving that place
for the school room Eusliville iif
2IW -v
CT So- ireUto Cr editor d EZ
It county court within and for Cherry county
Nebraska in the matter of the estate of
Fcrdeiiiind Ncidert deceased
To the creditors ot said estate
Yog are hereby notified Thai I will sit at til e
county cmirt room in Valentliw In said county
on the 9tii day of October 1837 to receive andSX
amine ail claitns aKiinat said estate with a view
t their adjustment and allowance The rimr
limited for ihejmMMitati mi of claims ugtiiM
siaid estate is eijlit months from the 30th lay o
January A I 18H7 and the tinie limited for the
payment of debts is one jear from tald 30th ia
of ht unary 1807
Witness mj hand and the seal of the Conntv
Court this loth day to Septt mbe 197
-- 3-1-37 County JuJjie
Of an JStectlou to Transfer Vevfictln
Wevritory fyum Clicrry Countgto
Gvftut ail JUooiei GouistiGx
Notice is hereby given to the qualified ector n
ol CnerVi county m the btate ot tnlakv lliat
jid election wni uu iieni in me vuuus piecmci
oi saui i heiiy County on the Ud dty of oen
ber 18S7 tor the purpose ot voting upon Hi
t oIIuwng liKipoiition towit
Tiaiisfening from Cherry County to Crai
Gouniy Nebraska ail the territory esbbruueci it
tiefollmviug lhifs touit Conmieneiug t tin
Mlnrthwest corner of Township lw nty five CJ5
Kauge Forty -10 thence north to the ncrthwesi
coiner or Township 1 wenty nme 1jj Range
Forty -10 thence east to the north east co net
otTowuship Twentv nine iJU Uange Thirty live
35 thence xouth t the southeast corner ot
rownshin Tveiit live ir Rauue Thirty five 35
thence west to tiie fihiee of beginning being al
oi Jownsuips twenty uve W iveuy six 0
Twenty seven J7lweity eiiliti3ancl Twentj
nine 3 in Range- Thirty live 3T
3G Thirty seven 37 lhirty egiit38 Thirty
nine 3D and Forty 40 in Cherry County Ne
Also the further proposition
Tiaiibierring from herry County to Hooker
County Nebraska all the territory embraced it
the following lines to wit Comnienuirg at the
southeast corner of Section Tliirty one 31
Township Twenty live J3 Range Thirty 3o
thence north to noriheait corner of Section rtix
G lowiiihip Twenti eifiht Thirtj
3u thence wesi to the nouhwest 7onier oi
township Tweniy tight 28 Range Ihirty loui
31 thence south u the soutlrwest cornel ol
Township Twenty live 25 liauge Ihirt loiu
l then- e east to the jilace ot heiiiuniiig being
all of townships Twenty live 25 Twenty si
26 tweniy seven 27 and Twenty eiidit 23 h
Ranges thirty one Si Ihiriy two 32 Thntj
three33 Thirli loiir 34aiul a strip one mile
wide oil of the west hide ot Tuwuships Tweutj
iive 125 Twentj six 2G Twuuiyseveu 7 and
Twentj -eight 2S in Range Thirty 30 in Jiicrrj
County Nebraska
Dated this 7th day of October fS07
37 10 GEO ULLtw IT County Clerk
William M DimbaT
Lessee from Heine Kroeger
Cody Neb
7 Dun
Either side-
ffl low
AIs on
Ieft ear of caltie
Range lieaa ot iay
Joseph W Bownet
r O address
Menmian Nebr
Cliarles Eenard
Rosebud S D
Range Big Wfcite
ad Jad Rivers
Sara Iliidsoii
Simeon Neb
Left ears tagged
Rosebud S D
Horses oame
left shoulder
Deerhoru iclip
some cattle
Left hip on cattle
Left shoulder on
Some horses Lazv
S on left shoulder
Range between
Gordon and Snake
River and Niobrara
li eatile dehorned
Ilenry Pratt
VT- liTi irfrnuaati
Williain Shngren
- Cody Ti 3D
uuiapaaacrsjdG oi
For a Court House flontl Election
Kotice is hereby given to the qualillod elcct
ois of Cherrvcouttty iu the state of Nebmska
that an elecfiort Till be held in the various pre
cincts of said Clferry county on the Id day of
November 18f7 for the purpose of voting upon
the following proposition towif
shall the conhtv Board of Cherr county in
the state of Nebraska Issue the coupon bonds of
3aid countv in mc sum oi izuuu oi me neiiouu
nniiou of 51000 each for the Ditrnose of building
Claimants and witnesses in fihul prooT cases
notice of vvhicii appear in Thk IJkmookat will
receive a marked copy of Hip paper Should any
errors in describpon of laud or spelling ot names
be discovered -notice should be Kent to the land
oflice and tfaisxMlce so correctidh can be made
US Land Office Valentine Nob 1
Oetfeber f 1317 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named setilerhas filed notice of iissutention to
make lliu proof in support of his claim and that
said proof will ht rrade before the Register or
Heceiver at Valetitine Nebr on 3Fiv 12th 1S07
John T Kief of Aralria Neb
H E No 9218 for the sAswJS cid sVJseK See
8 Tp 32n R 2tnv
He names the following witnesses to rrove
his continuous residence upon iind cultivation
of said land viz
Andre w Benson Frank IT tlipyhis Mlehae J
Joidau and Phifp llcelnn all o Arabia Nel
37 42 C R GLOVER Register
U H Land Office Valentine Neb i
Otoier l 1807
Notice Is hereby given that Cuus W King of
Bralnardsville New York has Stel notice ot in
tention to make final proof before the Register
and Receiver at their office In Valentine Nefcr
in V ulneMlay tin- nrli tiaii f Nme bei lSl7on
tinnier euilure ajiplieaiioirNo ioti for tu
ne1 nd eliseol section 5 iu township
muse ilw
lie naiiuS as witnesses Nelson S Iowlev
John I Shore David Pierej and Irideauj
saufo il alt of Kennedy Neti
IVsiimony ot tlaimunt w ill betaken before tin
Judge of the Count Court in and Franklii
couuiy m ins ouice in mmioiip iiv ionc on
dav tne 13th day of Novemlxv W7
J7 tJ CILGIWV Eli lies
Land Ollice Valentine Veb
ix pt -JO 7 f
otire is hereby givei that Joseph C iltieron
of Newton jeh has lllod notice of intention tn
make linal proof hglore Register ami Heceier at
their otliee i Valentine Neb on Friday le1th
day of November iSQ7 on timber culture appli
cation No 81C4 tor th neS or section No 8 in
township No 28n range No 31
He names as witnesses Charles W Kim e
Isaac N Russell Robert Kiniavson f Jeorge W
iadey ail of Newton Nebraska Also
Robert Finlaysoti of Newton Nr br
II E fifWl f irthesSsei and sisivH section
10 town hip 20n ran ire 3w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his conttnuorss residence on and cultivation of
said andviz
Charles M Kime Isaac N RussoU Joseph
CuIberftou Gtorge W Laddv all of Newtcn
Neti Also
Charles M Kime of Xewton Neb
IT E 0288 for the swji section n 20
range How
He names the following witnesses to prove hie
continuous re jfdeiiee upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Joseph Culberson Isaac N Rnwil Robert
Finlayson Goige W Ladely all oi Newton
Neb Also
Isaac X lviisell of Xewton Neb
H E i33 for the lots l and 2 and env i sec
tion 18 township 29n range J4w
He names the following wrneses to prove
his continuous residence upou and cultivation
ol said land viz
Charles M Kime Joseph Culberson Knberr
Mnlajson Ceoiso W Ladelv all oi Newt u
Neb a l CU GLOVER Register
U S Land OfliceVientne Nebr
Sept 27 1KJ7 l
Notice is hereby given that the following
iruned settler has tiled notice ul his intention to
makelinal proof m support of his claim smd
that said prooi will he made r efcre the Renter
or Receiver at Valentine Nebrn Nov oliidl
Abrarn Johnson of Valentine Nebr
II E No 00 2 for the nw section 21 town
shin 33ii rsuiiH 2fu
He names the following witnesses to prove his
eontinuous residence upon and cultivation oi
said laud viz
John Adamson Jacob J Antes Daniel W
Hilsinger eo 15 Zarr all of Nalentine Neb
Also Abrnm Johnson of Valentine Nb T
t No 7478 for the neji section 24 township 33n
range 20w
He names as witnesses John Adamson
Jacob J Antes Daniel W Hilsinger and George
B Zarr all f Valentine Neb
3C 41
C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Oilice Valentine Nrn i
Sept 15 1S07 C
Notice is hereby given that Amos F Cluldero
of Ncnzel Nebr has fiiid noticpof Cttmttrri t
make linal proof before Register aud Receiver
at their oflice in Valentine Neb on Friday the
jzu oa oi ucioner ltar on timper culture appli
cation No 7787 t ir set Sec 2D Tp 33n R 32w
Henamesas witness George L Miss of
Nenzel Nebr and Anson Newberry Charles L
Morjian and Irving C Stotts of Co iy sr
3 1 39 C R G LO V ER Register
Land Ofilce at v alentmeNenr i
fpi ly l07
Notice is hereby given that Svlvester Iemalv
of Johnstown Nebr heir of Kiizabeib ileinaly
oseeased has tiled notice of intention make
liinl proof before Register and Reonver at tin u
Uice in Valentine Neb on Wednesilav Mie 27th
day of October 1897 on timber culture applica
tion No 8003 for the siiuvv1 mvhnwJi ai J wi
nek Sec tO Tp 2Sn R 25w
Henamesas witnesses Cvrus May oi Pur
duni Nebr Henry Micheel of Johnstown Neb
and Cyrus Hagen and Eli Valentine of Wood
laLe Nebr Also
Sylvester Remaly ot Johnstown Xeb
heir of Elizabeth lieraalv decensed
H E No 637 for the wjiswji See 3 and ey seh
Sec Tp 2Sn R 25w
Hejiames the following witnesses to prove his
contritions residence upon and cultivation of
sciia mud viz
and furnishing a court houo said bonds to tako
eliect January l ira anu to Decome aue auu
payable Jtmunry i mis anu nearine interest at
the rate of live per cent per annum payable
semi annually on the first dys of July and Jan
uary in each year until the principal and inter
est thereon has been fullv naid the principal
mil fliornnf luhifr nnivihlr if Tlin nfllrf
of thqPouuty Treasurer of bant county
Provided That tiie County Hoard of said
county may at its option pay olf any or all of
said boad3 at anv time sifter the expiration or
ten years from the date of their taking effect
Atifi shrill tin Connlv Rnard of Cherrv countv I
aforesaid annunllv lew noon tlfo taxable prop
erty of Cherry county a tax sullioteut to pay the
interest ami principal oi sain ooirusas iney oe
come due and shall tiie said Comity Board at
the laat annual tax levy provided bylaw preced
ing tiie iiuuciin oi snu l y upuii tilt
taxable prowettv of sud county a tix niMieietit
to pay the interest and principal not otherwise
provided for and then unpaid upon said bonds
And shall aid Camay Board negotiate said
honfls at not less than their par value the
amount reaueu irore tne sai oi sain nouns i
hfcU3cd in the building and furniKiiimr a couuiy
court bouse for thcTisi of sakl Cherrr count
The ballots tii ed m voting upon said proper
tion shall have pritc 1 thereon
For Couit Unu k Bonds and Agianst
Court House Uouiis
Dated this 7th div of October ISST
37 41 QUO ELLIOTT County CltvJ
L b Land Oilice Valentine Vcbr i
September 20 1807 T
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed untie 1 of intention to
make fual proof iu support of his claim a id
that aid pi oof will made before the Register
or Receiver at Vulfiitliii Neb on October c0
is7 vi
Stirah A Ilobbp of Simeon Nab
II K No jio i for he wjinwri and wjjsivj
See 13 iu 3 ii u
He names the following witnesses to prove
Iis contiiuMisr Mdenceupou and cultivation
of said land viz
i anuie Hudsoi John R Lord Charles W
Bennett and Benjamin Fclch all of Simeon
3540 CR GLOVER Kt gistcr
V S Land Oilice Valentine Nebr
-Sept in 1S07
Muee ia uercoy given mar enn n niisii or
aleiifiiw Neur has filed notice of intention to
Heiiamesas witnesses Sanfoid Spain
Daniel M Sears Charles A Tote and AIouzi
Jjers all or Kouiedv Nebr Also
tjanfoni Q Spain of Kennedy Xebi
Jl Ji 1000 for Jot 2 swUnet se iuwHand
I IILn4 rf a 1 2111 li ilW
He names the toliowiiig witnessesto prove his
eoutinuoiis residence upon and cultivation ol
said laud viz
John H Hush of Valentine Neb and Daniel
M Cliarles A Rote nnd Alonzo Aveis of
Kennedy Nebr 34 30 C JtGLOVi K Register
c S Land Oflice at Valentine Neb i
Si nr f77 f
Notice is hereby given that the followufi nam
ed settler has lil d nonce of hs usteiiMOu t
mike final in suppoit of ins ciaun anu
that said ptoof will be made hefoje Registei
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on et
23 lst7 17
Lacy Cole of Wood lake Nebr
II 15 102SO for the Lots c and 7 Sec Sand nXnei
ee S Tp 2n R 27 w
He names thottollowhg witnesses to jirove his
centinuous residence upon and cuUivation of
said and viz
eii lianna truest Lamina Ambro e Buck
ley and James M Hanuaali of Woodhk Nt b
- R GLOVER Register
U S Ijind Oilice Valentine Nebr I
Sept II IS07
Notict i hereby- given that lMuillp Pitllman of
Pullm m Nebr has filed notice of Ills intention
to make final proof before tiie Itegister aud ie
ceherat their dice ii aleniine Neb on
1 uesclay the Jfith day of October Iu7 on timber
culture application No PltX for the bei
sw4 and Lot I Sec 31 Tp gm It 35w
He names as witnesses Timothy Falby
William Pullman Ja ob A Yarvan William
Metzaar all of Iulliiiaii Neb
Also Jacob A Varjan of Pullman Neb T O
o 8141 lor the nsw sesw i and invjise1
rice 12 fo 2Sn R 3GW
He names as -witnesses TimothV Falby
William Tollman Phillip Pullman William
iueizgar an oi miiinnn Nebr
Also William Iullnsauof rmiman NdbrTC
No 8153 for the ii4se swhaA and sksw1
Sec 1 1 Tp 2n R 3w
He names witnesses Timothy Falby
Phillip Pullman Jacob V Yaryan and Viliam
Metzgar all of Pullman Neb
3 89 C It C IO V ER Register
Tj S Laud Office Valentim Neb
eit 27 157 f
Notice is hereby given that Ernest M Snook
of Fairlieid Iowa hs filed notice or intention to
make final proof IjcPu e Register and iteceiverat
rh iiiiiee in Valentine Nebraski on Satnrrt iv
iHia fitii day of November 117 on timber culture
apjjiieaiiou no iyj ior inc auu ssw
ot section No 13 in townsh p Nj 311 rrne TV7
lie names as WJnesscs Elv u Valeuiiie
James H Day Will L hrylerand rYar
IiVee all of Woodldkc Nebraska
3 4t C R GLOVER Register
TJ S Liiid Oilice N i
Yemeni rer7 iRfir 1
Complaint having been enteied ai this
byOthe Lovelett aganst ilislui iJglestou ror
failure to comply vih law a to timber rultare
entry No 70l lrXi t May 17 l umji the rz
nwand sVSneS section 21 ton nsbip l range 27
m Cherrv count Nebraska with a view to the
cancellation of iaiil entr contestant alleging
that Ehsha lgleton has failed to pi nt or
be planted to trees tree seetK or cutsings
C iring the year I8C0 the second 3 acres oi ground
oweii on above des ribed land and since the
ycarlSOOhe has not cultivated nor caused the
simp to be done nor trees trtv seeds nor eat
tings has been planted on tae land described
Gince the jear lijOO and he has failed to cure his
Uehes up to the fihng of this contest the said
parties are hereby summoned to anpeir at this
otliee on Hie IGth dav ot October 107 at 10
oclock a- m to respond and lnniih testimony J
Cyrils ivlav of Purdinn Neb Henrv MIIii
v v i
nf rAti4n X l 1 ri - 7 I
i WUJSU51UHH mui auu cynis uagin ana im
Valei tine of Wooulake Neur
31 33 C R V LO VER Register
II S Land Ollice Valentine Nebr 1
Aug 2G 1SD7 f
Notice id hereby given that Chirlotte 31c
laughlino Dlairstown Iowa has filed uottce
of intention to make final proof before the Reg
ister or Receiver at his ollice in Valentine Neb
on Tuesdavthc 12th day 01 October 197 on tim
ber ulturoapphcat ion No 6032 for the e4ueli
senwjj and neHswH 01 See i Tp 27n R
She names as witnesses John JSteenFloul
W Pool Inoch Andes aud Barney McNKt all of
Brownl e SeSraska
Teuiimnny al claimant will be taken before the
Cherk of the district Court for Renton county
at- his oUicin Vinton Iowa on October 11 1SU7
C2 37 C K GLOVER Renter
J A FIKE Receiver
s Land Ollice Valentine Nebr 1
Sept 27th 1S97
Complaint having been entered at this ollice
by HetbertC Dve ivniust Charles A W sixer
for failure to complv with law as to timber ul 1
lure entry Mi 72u2 dated May it IB57 ipou tnf
lot 1 sVine4 and senw1 section v township
27 range 3C m Cheriv county Nebraska with a
view to the cancellation of said entry contest
ant alleging that claiiujnr Ins failed break or
cause to be nroken the first r utps during first 1
year after entry and has Ihtled to cire his oHpin
laches im to the date of titt conocit the slid I
patties are hereby summoned to appear a
oihee on the stii day of NoVeinoer lsV7
o clock ii m to rciiHJiil arfd igruiah teitinus y j
stri failure
iv 1
fj S Land Oitice Valentine Nebr I
Sept 29 187 f
Complaint having been enlered at this oflice
by Etta E Wiltse against William II Blankia
ship for abandoning his homestead entry No
y20 dated February 1 mi upon the tut c seel
nou 21 township 3i range 2t in Cherry county
Nelna ika with a view to the ca icellatiou of
said entry the srid are hereby summon
en to appe r at lois oilice oi tli j th liv of No
veniiierlf97 at i oclock a m to resjiond ami
furnish testimony concerning said alleged aban
K 33 C R G LOVER Igister
U S Land Ofliee Valentine Nebr
WePL 22 1897 t
Complaint No sr24 having been entered at thi
oflice by Marlin K nnetiy against Christlait
Iorgeng for failure to comply with law as to
timber culture entry No 8 dated March 20th
lKio upon tlienw action 24 township 31 range
- urn uDusiLV rtuuriisKS wiui view to this
im i ij r n i a
iike linal jrool beiore the hegisier ami R- rr v itt aiiegm
eiver at then oflicB in Valentine Neii on Tri - at Christiui lorgeng has failed to cultivate or
ay the 22nd day of October 1807 on timber i1 lo lvated any part of safd tract ia
e application No 7S71 for Lots 2-3-1 ami tlurJ enmng March 20 1897 anil
iiiul - on i i siiu iraci nas irrown oo in mil itto m
4 j I tii it oi i
U S Land Oitick Valentine Neb 1
aentW 1S7
Complaint having been entered at this oflice
by dliani Rollwerk against Johann Pollriess
for abandoning his Homesteul Entry No3381
dated Mch 3tt lSiti upon the viua neK
nei S Sec 19 See 13 Tp 34 IW2 in Cherrv
county Nb with a view to the cancellation of
said tfiirry the said p irties are herebv sunnioa
ed to appear at this office on the 18th dty of
Oct jso at oclock a m to respond and
testimony concerning said alleged abandon
ment 3137 J A FIKE Receiver
T J J vf J I
I fefV rry i V v ILL V t
The Sams Man
ATay be made to loook entirely dif
ferent if the photographer knows bow
to produce the deception and clothiers
I can do the same thin If thar Sm of
1 j
vuurs voir necKTif huh t -
suuc3 ijok
shabby come ia and well fit yon out
with a
new outliSr avervthirtw nni
ind uptodatg
O r
o 6Jj
9 0
Just at the present time we in shape to
make the lovesfc prices ever known on
We Wave just received a large stock clothing from one of
the bigges concerns in the country and are making fohio
hitherto unheard of prices in order i o turn our money cpiiek
All styles sizes weights and colors A sood fit guaranteed
r i o r k
duim cx DnM
Fine line of samples from which to get tailor made clothe
Ut SialfD Prtiier Cypewi
Cest Vue Writing Jachlne
Fffsl in Smppovnments Hones
4isirsiciJoii end nJf Hihradc
Typewriter Essentials
r T r
3 1Tt -
TriiprcpttaBt the Order fk
OftlKJIfl R
A fV
TM 5t2f1l PWf PmuimsHtm ST - s
v vv wyyi wi asm jow syracast n 2 Usf
Omaha Branch Oflice Corner Seventeenth and Farnati Streets
there are no living trees thereon atthU date and
has failed to cure his htehes to this date the said
jarties are hereby summoned to appear at this
lilCe On till 11 llav of iivt k
I ocloekarn to respond and furnish tcititnody
j concerning said alleged failure
3 J A F crcr Receiver i
U S Lind Oflice Valentine Neb i
September 22 187
Complaint naving been entered it this onice
bv Oliver u Brown igaiiis Ada V Pugli for
aban Ipnlnghtr hony jtead entry No O0j7 dated
October n Jl upon tiie n25 l neiswl and
swinet section s township range 21 in Cherry
unity Nebraska with a view fo the cancella
tion of said entry the said parties are heretiv
vjium uied to appear at U S Land oirn Vaten
Une Neb on tiie2sth day of OcIoImt 187 at M
dock h m tw respond and fiirnUh tetIraony
oneerning said alleged ab iudonment Contest
mt further alleges tunc suci Ada V Pugh haw
never made actual settlement- upon said land as
required by law jukI lias fahed ty cure her lachta
up to dare
33 j a Fucir Receiver
U S Laud Oilice Valentine Neb 1
22 1877 f
Complaint No s7fi having been entered at thw
oil ce by Lbsha EduanLs agarnst William A
vviuaker for abandoning his homestead entry
No ys40 dated June 20 1SI4 upon the lots 2 2 anrl
1 section i and lot I sreetion 30 township 2K
range 37 in Onerry County Nebniska with a vW
to the cancellation of said entry the saM parties
are hereby summoned to appear at this oiflcc on
tne 20th dav of October 1S17 at 11 oclock to re
spond an 1 furnish testiunmv t onceruingsaid al
leged abandoiinient
J A FrKE Receiver
vy u