The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 07, 1897, Image 6

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ht fukntim eniocrnt
KOIJkkt GOOD Kditor and Prop
Well which vaudeville manager will
lgn the Count of Turin first
As usual the threatened uprising in
Afghanistan turns out to be Ameer
Not withstanding Dawson is so far
Dorth the Klondike miners all describe
It as a hot town
As wheat rises it is noticed the pound
loaves of the bakers have a tendency
to go short bv from two to four ounces
And now the Greeks want another
fight with Turkey Wasnt the running
expense of the recent war enough for
An exchange his an editorial query
to this ellect Is the world over
crowded V Certainly as long as Wey
ler is in it
f I
A Kansas man wants to trade a
guitar for a baby carriage Going in
for vocal instead of instrumental mu
sic probably
Since Trinee Henri got his stomach
scratched thoughtful Frenchmen who
are going to a duel will take out acci
dent policies
The prince of Wales has a hundred
pairs of gloves which make it impos
sible for scandal mongers to handle
him without them
Lots of women commit crimes these
days but still men do not seem to
have turned all the Avork over to them
because of the fact
The Washington Star says The
police are still looking in vain lor Mur
derer Fault- Naturally as they are
constantly on a Faultz trail
A man named Hamburger is a mem
ber of the American commission to the
Paris exposition It Is to be hoped that
he wont set his steak too high
The Mullah of nudali has laid down
his arms and dispersed in disgust over
the way In which the names of his peo
ple were spelled in the cablegrams
The women who have gone to Klon
dike to get either a husband or a for
tune possibly both will probably be
glad to get back home without either
A Massachusetts man who left home
a few days ago to walk to the Klondike
says he proposes to lake along a pair
of snowshoes Hed belter also tako
along a pair of wooden legs
A St Louis girl IS years old Las been
married twice divorced twice and se
cured 5000 damages from a railway
sompany all within three months And
yet they call that town slow
A wife in Sedgwick Kan has sued
for divorce because at the time of her
mariage the husband did not inform
her that he was subjeet to epilepsy
Well wasnt he a fit companion for her
Ella Wheeler Wilcox wants a tax
levied on bachelors She also says that
a happy marriage offers more real
pleasure in any one month than bachel
ors find in a lifetime Theu why pun
ish the bachelors further
A New Jersey boy is exciting a grat
deal of wonder in medical circles by
constantly spinning about like a top
We believe he is the first resident of
that State who has ever succeeded in
Mitwitting the mosquitoes
The man who pays cash for what he
buys ought to get a lower price than
the man who gains credit but in or
dinary transactions he pays the same
price which is equivalent to paying the
Interest on his fellows credit
Did you ever think asks Gorbett
that a good punch will knock a man
jut quicker than a bullet or a knife
thrust If there is a subjeet on earth
Mr Gorbett is pre eminently qualified
to discuss it is the efficacy of a good
A young man In Atlantic Iowa took
his girl to the theater and her ticket
won a bicycle He seized the bicycle
os lie had bought the ticket The boy
cott is an unholy weapon but the
young ladies of Atlantic should remem
ber that there are exceptions to all
The cable informs an expectant world
that Mary Anderson Navarro still has
her lovely rose bud coraplexvion If
our Mary will kindly furnish the regu
lation testimonial she will not only
help the manufacturer but enable us all
to have a rose bud hue
The man who is always preaching
Las very little time for practicing He
may be unmindful that faith without
works is void but the people who are
compelIed to continually listen to his
preaching are not and cannot be
blamed for demanding a llttb practic
A burglar in Hancock N Y must
believe in the new woman While he
was filling a bag with silver two girls
in a room overhead heard Iiim dressed
themselves except their shoes and sud
denly confronted him with a revolver
The burglar dashed through a Avindow
but the girls pursued him shooting as
they ran and he dropped his bag of
plunder at a stone wall in order to es
cape Then the girls picked up the sil
ver retraced the quarter of a mile they
i d urn and put on their shoes
The man who makes every other
business his business has more
msiness than he can well attend to
Jut he does not appear to realize this
act for he is continually telling the
ither fellow how he should take care
if his business to his better advantage
sven while the other fellow is satisfied
hat he is doing pretty well without
After a long period of playing pos
sum Russeii Sage appeared on the New
York Stock Exchange and sent the
tock of Manhattan Elevated seven
oints up Accompanying the advance
were many rumors of improvements in
he road which would increase its value
is a means of rapid transit but those
who have watched the management of
he Manhattan since Sage and Gould
ook charge of it place no credit in these
Tories So long as Sage has a practi
al monopoly of the elevated railway
business of New York city he will not
pend a 10 cent piece to improve the
oad The advance in the stock was
uerely a raid by Sage on a lot of un
wary bears on the Stock Exchange
In a talk in St Louis the other day
bishop Vincent touched with consider
ible vigor upon the question of house
work He contended for a considerate
treatment of servants as an honorable
element of the home They should be
respected in their important sphere of
work and their self respect cultivated
The Bishop said that he is in favor of
teaching housework to all boys no mat
ter what their station in life They
should know how to cook make beds
sweep and wash dishes and this in
addition to being useful would give
them a higher appreciation of what is
called womans work No doubt thous
inds of pilgrims to the Klondike would
be thankful to have had a training of
this kind They must do their own
housework now whether they under
stand it or not
A correspondent of an Eastern paper
writes to ask why a disturbance is
made about the use of the plumage of
birds by milliners when bobolinks are
shot daily and served in restaurants
It is true that the bobolink is never
found in his own proper name on bills
Df fare No one with any sentiment
would be willing to eat larks night
ngalcs brown thrushes bobolinks or
doves The accomplished chef gets
around that neatly In his vocabulary
the bobolink is a reed bird and the dove
a pigeon As a sort of retribution
sparrows also are reed birds When
the knowing bon vivant thinks he is
swallowing the trills and roulades of
the bobolink he may really be no near
er that aesthetic feast than the squack
of the sparrow It serves him right
as the enemy of some of our finest war
Chicago Times Herald The state
board of pharmacy has acted wisely in
Jcclaring Avar against apothecaries
and grocers avIio are dealing in adul
terated drugs and chemicals For some
time past an investigation has been go
ing on and the discoveries made by the
chemists employed for this Avork are
startling As the result it is said that
more than 200 arrests will be made in
Chicago Frederick M Schmidt resi
dent member of the board says that
among other peculiar things discovered
by the state chemists may be enumer
ated borax Avhich contains no borax
lithia tablets Avhich contain no form
of lithia quinine pills Avhich contain
no quinine and cream of tartar con
taining 85 per cent of plaster of paris
Comparatively recently several fakers
flooded the drug market with a new
tasteless quinine Sufferers from
ague and other forms of malarial dis
eases purchased the neAv drug eagerly
hoping thereby to escape the bitter
taste of the old familiar product of
Peruvian bark They did escape the
taste but they couldnt shake the ague
That tasteless quinine Avas pulverized
plaster of paris It is this sort of im
position that the board of pharmacy
aims to prevent The use of plaster of
paris in the arts has been knoAvn from
earliest times It is especially valuable
for interior decoration But when it
comes to decorating the interior of ones
anatomy with a plaster of paris frieze
even the most enthusiastic lover of art
would be justified in registering a mild
A Terrible Herodity
A special study of hereditary drutiK
euness has been made by Prof Pell
ma im of Bonn University Germany
His method was to take certain indi
vidual cases a generation or two back
He thus traced the careers of children
grandchildren and great grandchildren
in all parts of the present German em
pire until he was able to present tabu
lated biographies of the hundreds de
scended from some original drunkard
Notable among the persons described
by Prof Pellmann is Fran Ida Jurka
who Avas born in 1740 and Avas a drunk
ard a thief and a tramp for the last
forty years of her life Avhich ended in
1S00 Her descendants numbered S4
of whom 709 Avere traced in local rec
ords from youth to death One hun
dred and six of the 701 Avere born out
of wedlock There Avere 144 beggars
and 02 more Avho lived from charity
Of the Avomen 181 led disreputable
lives There avcto in this family 70
convicts 7 of whom Avere sentenced
for murder- In a period of some
years this one family rolled
up a bill of costs in almhouses prisons
and correctional institutions amounting
to at least 5000000 marks or about
1 250000 Medical Record
Smoke Letters
Japanese jugglers are deft smokers
Several of them Avill sit before a cur
tain and with the tobacco smoke
which issues from their mouths will
Cu a succession of readable letter
i v v BARZI5 - sfliiniii n nnHiii I I iHii Di I in w
Thousands of men impregnated with the Klondike gold fever are now seriously discussing the means of transportation to
the Alaskan treasure fields with a scope of choice as to best motive power lying between horses mules reindeer or dogs
Horses have been tried and found wanting being unable to stand the rigors of s frigid climate Avhile mules it has been as
certained are at a decided disadvantage with their small clean cut hoofs on the hard frozen lands of the far north Rein
deer are good serviceable beasts but the supply is not equal to the demand making the price of purchase too high for the
average prospector
Notwithstanding these proven facts many adventurers will use horse mule oi reindeer as fancy or accident influences
him The Aviso prospector however will choose dogs These animals have been tried and their value fully proven by con
stant use for centuries among the Eskimos and Indians of the frost bitten regions and by traders and the hardy pioneer
who undertakes the terrible overland trip with such intelligent guides will stand the best show of pulling through
A capable dog of the Eskimo variety can draw heavy sledges at a speed and for a length of time simply marvelous He
grows up among ice and snow piles of fur and bales of hide till he has learned his lesson by eyesight before a harness is
attached to him He is a shirk and has to be Avhipped up he is not intelligent he is treacherous and vicious but he can
do the work Kindness has no effect He mu3t have a stern master and must know that he has one Then he does his
work slavishly it is true but well
Other varieties of dogs are now under discussion for Klondike use The St Bernard is a cold weather dog and is very
sagacious but he is a large eater The old English sheep dog could be readily trained and is powerful strong limbed and
capable of great endurance The Newfoundland is dying out but crosses have been retained and this breed will certainly
be utilized Scotch collies are already in servfee in Alaska and make excellent draft animals
The Russian Avolf hound is probably the animal best adapted for the overland service Its speed capabilities are large
and it would require small food allowance There are numerous other dogs that may he tried but they should have a
strain of one or the other of the breed mentioned Even bulldogs may be found to fill the bill At all events poor prospect
ors Avith their eyes towards Klondike should settle on these animals as their beasts of burden and would do well to take a
team of their own thereby saving great anxiety and expense
Ten drops of tincture of iron in Ava
ter taken through a glass tube after
meals will prove a specific for chronic
cases of nosebleed
The aromatic syrup of rhubarb is a
good remedy for hives in children A
teaspoonf ul should be given every three
hours as required
Some of the pleasant flavored pow
ders injure the teeth In case of doubt
you cannot do better than use the plain
mixture of English precipitated chalk
mixed Avith powdered orris root
For dysentery a physician recom
mends one dram of powdered cinna
mon mixed Avith a few drops of Avater
to make into a ball Take it morning
and evening Avashing doAvn Avith a
mouthful of water
There seems to be one sure way
of eradicating Avarts and this is to
soften the excrescence Avith hot Avater
protect the surrounding skin Avith
vaseline rfnd slowly burn off the Avart
with lunar caustic
Many infants are troubled Avith
eczema of the scalp An excellent rem
edy for these troublesome iuintrie
white pimples is a soaking of the scalp
daily with a mixture of equal parts of
castor oil and alcohol
When a splinter gets into the eye and
Avill not dislodge after several days
causing mistiness of sight wash out
the affected member with an eyecup
every three hours Avith a saturated
solution of boric acid
Tincture of iron is one of the most
indispensable household remedies and
should ahvays be kepi at hand It Avill
drive aA ay ringworm and used in
moderation Avill cure the most painful
of all ailments a soft corn
Sl6eping in a narrow hard bed is now
considered conducive to a good figure
throw away your soft mattresses and
even your pillows and you are prom
ised freedom from round shoulders and
double chius Many women are giving
the experiment a trial
It is not generally knoAvn that a
mustard plaster made with the white
of an egg Avill not leave a blister The
egg plays an important part in thera
peutics Avhen understood A raw egg
Avill carry a fishbone out of the throat
and its Avhite skin is a most efficacious
application for a boil
A bran bag is one of the most grate
ful of all toilet accessories It is
cleansing to the skin and very
refreshing It is made by filling a mus
lin bag Avith two quarts of bran one
ounce of orris root one ounce almond
meal and oue small cake of castile
soap cut in small pieces
Here is a physical training direct ion
adapted to most individual characteris
tics Sleep nine hours out of the
bathe in cold Avater exercise
five minutes daily Avith light dumb
bells drink a cup of hot liquid before
breakfast spend half an hour every
day in outdoor exercise make the best
of bad bargains and always keep your
Every season there is a great inquiry
for the famous cholera mixture which
is so reliable The prescription Avhich
is a good one to preserve is as fol
lows but should be put up by a skilled
druggist so that quantities may not be
excessive Equal parts of tincture of
opium tincture of rhubarb tincture of
red pepper spirits of camphor and es
sence of peppermint
Rustics who live on a bread-and-milk
diet nearly always have heavy hair to
an advanced age Avhile people avIio
lunch and dine on meat rarely have aft
er 25 A very clever and Avell knoAAn
doctor claims that meat eating and
baldness go together and he has often
checked cases of falling hair by com
bining Avith local treatment a diet of
milk eggs and fruit
In cases of scarlet fever the entire
body of the patient should be carefully
sponged Avith lukewarm water twice a
day care being taken hoAvever to un
cover only that portion of the body
which is being bathed After each
sponging some oily substance such as
vaseline or glycerine and cold cream
one part to eight should be thoroughly
rubbed into the skin This procedure
not only relieves the itching and burn
ing but prevents the spread of the con
What the man of to day needs mosc
is not athletics in a gymnasium but
plenty of fresh air in his lungs In
stead of a quantity of violent exercise
that leaves him weak for seAeral hours
afterward he needs to learn to breathe
right stand right and sit right And
if the Avoman avIio spends so much
time and strength getting out into the
air Avould dress loosely and breathe
deeply and get the air into her she
Avould have new strength and vigor
and soon be freed rom many aches and
pains and miseries
Here is a wonderful developer for
weak arms and Avrists Get a round
billet of wood tapering if possible
from two inches in diameter to three
quarters of an inch at the smallest por
tion Attach a small line or rope to one
end of it and run this rope In a small
pulley so that by turning the billet or
roller of wood the rope Avill run over
the pulley Attach a Avelght of five
pounds to the end of the rope and roll
up the weight by turning the roller of
Avood As you get stronger take only
that end of the roller AAhich is the least
in diameter
The safest Avay to reduce obesity is to
begin by eating and drinking less and
to take as much exercise as possible
increasing it gradually day by day
Butter fat oil sauces haricot beans
peas vermicelli rice tapioca mac
aroni all fatten Bread should be eaten
in moderation and stale or toasted
All sweets are forbidden Plainly
roasted or boiled meats taken in mod
eration with plain boiled green
Aegetables may be eaten also fruit
apples and oranges especially Goose
berries and currants are good when in
season and for drSzk take lemonade
unsweetened weak tea and black cof
He Wants More Speed
A Washington correspondent tells oi
a Western Congressman whom he once
heard declaiming in a Washington ho
tel about the new navy We musl
have speed in our new sLips he said
Mif I had my way about it we would
never build another cruiser that could
sail less than twenty fathoms an
The Kaiser Wilhelni dcr Grossc of the Noith German Lloyd the largest steamship in the Avorld recently sailed from
Bremen on her initial voyage Unless her scientific builders be mistaken the ship will be a record breaker in the matter
of speed as Avell as in size It is expected that after a few trips the Atlantic will be crossed easily in five days This mon
arch of the seas is 046 feet long GG feet beam 43 feet depth has a carrying capacity of 14000 tons and a displacement of
20000 tons She was built in accordance with the requirements of the imperial German navy department and in case of
war Avill be fitted with guns and serve as a cruiser She lias two triple expansion engines each working on four crank3
with four steam cylinders of the following dimensions High pressure 52 inches intermediate Sd inches two low pres
sure 06 inches each The propellers are three bladed 22 feet 3 inches in diameter with a pitch of 32 feet 10 inches
Thcyare built of bronze and each Aveighs twenty six ons Bilge keels attached to the hull on both sides of the vessel are
expected to reduce the rolling motion of the vessel to a minimum A departure from old models is made in the arrangement
for first cabin passengers their rooms being nearly all placed upon the upper and the promenade decks The dining room is
situated amidships on the main deck takes up the full width of the ship and seats 350 persons There are also tcur smaller
dining rooms Four cabins de luxe have a sitting room bedroom fitted with brass beds and a bathroom The crew of
Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosae mwsrs 450 She can accommodate 400 first class passengers 370 second class aaa8003ieergv
Secretary Wilson Favors Smalle
It neer occurred to me that tofr
were too many colleges said Seere
tary Wilson the other day I always
thought there were not enough I have
heard of men being educated beyond
their capacity and Avomen beyond their
sphere but I am very sure that the
learning they acquired must have con
tributed to their happiness as Avell as
to their usefulness I have heard ol
men being spoiled by education but 1
haAe never seen such a thing and if
seems to me that a man Aho is a fool
Avith an education would be a biggef
fool Avithout one A man avIio is spoiled
by education if such a thing is possi
ble must have ben made of very poor
stuff to begin Avith You cm not make a
silk purse out of a sows ear That hai
been demonstrated by the experience
of centuries but in all my career as an
educator I have never found u boy oi
a girl avIio wasnt the better for learn
ing something and t5y nearer you get
the colleges to the people the mors
people you avIH get into the colleges I
dont believe in the big institutions f
dont belioA e In the centralization ot
educational facilities 1 think that
they do more good if they are scatter
ed The fewer the pupils a professoi
has the more attention he can give
them and while of course he ought tc
have enough to provide him a decent
compensation he ought not to huc
more than he can handle There are
forty colleges in Ioavb already and
they are multiplying all the timv I
hope to see the day Avhen there is a
college in every county and 500 stu
dents in every college Theselocal col
leges may not afford the same privil
eges for a scientific education that a
young man can obtain at Yale or Har
vard or rrineeton but you must re
member that comparatively few famil
ies are able to send their souh to such
Institutions or any considerable dis
tance from home The most useful col
lege for the Western States is one
which lets the students go to their
homes every Friday night and stay
over until Monday morning Some of
the institutions out West are Aery poor
but they are not too poor to giAe a boy
an education and they can teach him
lessons in economy in addition to the
other sciences
Another thing I object to contin
ued the Secretary is the talk I hear
about the extravagances of the farm
ers A farmer has the right to live as
well as anybody provided he can af
ford the expense and I never yet havu
known a man to mortgage his farm to
pay household expenses The condi
tion of our farmers is growing better
and better all the time and I like to
see it Formerly they used to have a
home made rag carpet in the parlor
and bare floors over the rest of the
house Now they have pretty Brussels
carpets and have sent the rag carpets
to the chambers Formerly people Aent
to church and to town in lumber
ous and if they were prettv well
they had spring seats Now nearlv
ery farmer out in my country has
carriage and a handsome set of bar
ness Formerly it used to be the
height of a Avomans ambition to have
a nielodeon or cabinet organ Now she
must haAc a piano Formerly the girls
made their own clothes now they have
their Sunday gowns cut out by the
dressmaker in the nearest town al
though they still do the stitching them
selves And they are all the better for
it This advance has harmed nobody
and has brought a great deal of happi
ness It is the result of education and
refinement and the elevation of the
taste and I do not think those quali
ties are any more out of place in a
farmhouse than in a brown stone pal
ace In the city
While these adAantages and enjoy
ments have added to the cost of liAing
nobody has gone to the poorbouse on
that account The same degree of in
telligence is Just as valuable on a farm
as in a counting house or a manufac
tory and the mortgages that lie upon
the farms of Iowa are not due to c
travagancebut to improvements They
represent more land and improved Im
plements and fine cattle and horses
The farmer get a better crop and
more of it and lie keeps adding to his
own wealth as well as to the wealth of
tbo nation
Liong Reins
It is not generally known that Nor
way can boast of one of the longest
reigns known in European history Har
ald Fairhair the founder of the king
dom of Norway and of the dynasty
which reigned during 400 years became
king at the age of 10 8fi0 and died 03S
If he had not resigned owing1 to his
advanced age in 90 he might have
held the record of Europe which now
belongs to Louis XI V of France Next
to Harald Fairhair conies nis also very
notable descendant Haakon the Old
1217 G3 Avith forty six years of glorious
The Judges Suggestion
The folloAving story is told of Judge
Wilson of Ohio Several lawyer
gathered in Judge Wilsons room af tei
adjournment of court and were dis
cussing the retirement of a member ol
the bar Among them Avas one whos
practice is worth 25000 a year lie
said 1 have been practicing several
years and am well fixed I hav
thought I should like to retire and de
vote my remaining years to studies 1
have neglected Studv law said
fudge Wilson
Hard to Believe
A New London Conn man of an in
genious turn of mind who had a water
meter in his house tinkered its Interior
arrangements so that it ran backward
and at the end of six months the dial
indicated that instead of his owing the
city tor Avater tney owed him Sol a
he says that they brought him a caeofc
for the amount