The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 07, 1897, Image 4
j3SSKK22 WMMamubiciJ THE DAYS DOINGS SUMMARY OF LATE NEWS BY WIRE 60ID MANUFACTURED CLAIMS TO HAVE DISCOVERED NATURES PROCESS From the Two Ingredients Anti- mony and Lead Comes Pure and Unadulterated Gold Worth 20 n Ounce Other Sews Items Will Manufacture Gold Tho Klondike the ranri of South Africa the Comstock lode or the fabulous mines of the Aztecs will not be worthy of men tion when the Chicago gold factory begins work About October 15 Edward C Brice will start up his works and ke says will turn out gold by the ton Mr Brice has reduced his proposition to science and only uses two ingredients antimony and lead He claiines to have fliscovered the process of nature in form ing gold lie believes and has demon strated In a small way that gold is a pro duct of volcanic action In his plant he expects to reproduce the forces of nature His chief furnace is a miniature volcano The attributes of heat air and natural substances of the earths formation are united in a great eruption and fusing pro cess and out of the combination comes jgold pure and unadulterated gold mar ketable at the assay offices of the treasury f the United States at 20 an ounce and Mr Brice will if his volcano does what is rpected of it turn out 134 ounces a day That is 2GS0 every twenty four hours JJesides gold he will have a small propor tion cf silver about twenty six ounces to each 134 ounces of gold STEEL BARGES TO CARRY GRAIN Ship from St Liouis to New Orleans for Three Cents a Bushel Stockholders of the Consolidated Ele vator Company of St Louis have practical ly decided to organize a company to build steel barges of light draft in which it is ex pected grain can be shipped to New Or leans for 8 cents a bushel W B Samuel general manager of the company has this to say on the subject A steel barge line will be running on the Mississippi the early part of 189S There is a movement on foot to build stee barges of the latest construction that will firaw but fourteen or fifteen inches of water and carry 800 tons of freight That will make them capable of running during the lowest stages of water in the river and they can carry grain the year round to New Orleans for 3 cents per bushel One of the best known shipbuilders in the countrj will establish a shipyard in St Louis and construct these barges By the first of next March we will have a boat and four or five steel barges ready for the spring trade These steel barges can be operated far cheaper than the wooden barges can Only 3 per cent of the cost of a steel barge will pay for its annual re pairs whereas it requires from 8 to 10 per cent to keep the wooden barges in good condition Owing to the low cost of opera ting steel barges a very low freight rate ean be offered the public KILL FIGHTS IN ST LOUIS Police Prevent a Pugilistic Encoun ter on the Pier An attempt was made Sunday evening -at St Louis Mo to bring off a pugilistic encounter on the river between Billy Ma tian of San Francisco and Brown Low Sexton of that city The pugilists left Saturday for the battle ground hoping to avoid the police When the boat that was to take the sports to the ground attempted to leave the dock twenty police men went aboard and ordered the sports fcack on shore threatening them with ar rest This will put an end to fights in and about St Louis The St Louis sports hoped on the recent decisions in the courts there to be able to pull off a fight once in M while FOR EMBEZZLEMENT Member of a Prominent Cleveland Firm Under Arrest John J Shepherd a member of the firm of Charles II Potter Co at Cleveland Ohio was arrested Monday morning charged with embezzlement Following close upon the issue of the warrant came petition asking a receiver for the firm on the claim that 991000 by Frank Dehaas Bobinson was alleged to be due for street railway stock in the Fort Wayne Consoli dated Street Railway Company which Bobinson says the firmowes him In the warrant for Shepherds arrest Robinson says Shepherd held money and property to the value of 183286 of which he has dnade no accounting Makes Demands of Brazil The French ministej at Rio de Janeiro lias demanded immediate settlement of the Aniaha question and an explanation of Brazils delay in the matter France has ot however resolved to immediately oc xupy the disputed territory A Big Failure in Austria The largest sheet iron manufactory in Austria Hungary has suspended payment frith liabilities amounting to 1500000 Horins The failure has made a great sen sation Troops Will Be Withdrawn I It is announced that the baitalionof troops still stationed at Hazelton Pa will j3jc withdrawn All the militia will then jhave left The miners are nearly all at jfrork and affairs have again resumed their I I ormal condition Gold Seeker Drowned iVnnl has hppn received that ex Mavor hreil Coup of Vancouver B C was drowned in a creek on the Skaguav trail Jiile fording It with a horse He slipped nd was instantly washed away - r ta TWtf iSE THE CEREAL CROPS Final Intimates on Yield Given Quadruple Tragedy in a Hotel Reward Offered for Train Robbers The Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company has offered a reward of S500 each for the capture of the five men who held up and robbed its passenger train at Chickasha Oklahoma Friday A score of deputy marshals with bloodhounds are scouring the country for the gang of outlaws which is responsible for the rob bery Al Jennings leader of the gang was at one time attorney of Canadian County Approved by Municipal League The League of American Municipalities fn session at Columbus Ohio passed reso lutions heartily approving of an investi gation of the federal department of labor nto water gas and electric lighting works with the view of determining whether it would be advantageous for municipalities to own them and declaring the authorities in all cities should co operate with part men t sought in collecting the information Rock Island Earnings The estimated gross earnings of the en tire system of the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railway Company both east and west of the Missouri River for the nonth of September 1S97 are 1S07691 an increase as compared with estimated earnings of September 1S9B of 344023 Weyler lias Not Resigned The Associate I Press is informed from Iie bef so i i ces a nilable at the present iicniMi sin Cap uin Weyler of Cuba aa llol UVrigneil by Orange Judd Farmer The Orange Judd Farmer in its final estimate of the years wheat crop says that figures based on actual thrashing re turns indicate a total yield ot 589000000 bushels of which 873000000 bushels is winter and 215470000 bushels spring wheat With the exception of Illinois and Mis souri the winter wheat yield represents the full capacity of the soil The spring wheat yield in Minnesota and the Dakotas has proved a disappointment the aggre gate being only 120000000 bushels The shortage there is in a measure counter balanced by the good yield in Nebraska Oregon and Washington The report says the corn crop is exced ingly disappointing The outside estimate is 1750000000 bushels Drouth during the past twojiionths reduced the average con dition frflm 82 a month ago to 781 on October I An average oats yield of 287 bushels per acie suggests a crop of 814000000 1 jshels 100000000 more than last year THE PUBLIC DEBT An Increase of i7STH2 During the Mouth The monthly treasury statement shows that at the close of business September 150 1S97 the public debt less cash in the treas ury was 10121227115 an increase since August 80 of 787892 This increase is accounted for by a -corresponding amount of -cash on hand Tiie debt is recapitulated as follows Interest bearing debt 5 8471565510 Debt on which interest has ceased since maturity 1834870 Debt bearing no interest 17SG 15390 Totals The cash in the 1227315500 treasury isi lassified as follows Silver Paper konds disbursing officer 181501064 51S41717 133011339 bal ances etc 18713880 Totals 8503liSlKil Against which there are demand liabili ties outstanding amounting 1o 1535175814 which leaves a net cash balance in the treasury of 2151227S7 KILLS THREE AND SUICIDES in Xew York City A woman and three children were as phyxiated in the West Shore Hotel Xew York Friday night The woman had evi dently killed the children and suicided They registered as Mrs Caroline Uazi nius of West Point and three children The woman appeared to be about 40 the children about 15 18 and 7 The victims were tho wife and children of Robert Rizinius an enlisted man in the regular army at West Point where he was employed as a printer lie had been in the ami thirty years and was expected to retire in a few months The neighbors scout the suicide theory She was merely in the city on a pleasure excursion THIRTY PERSONS INJURED Canadian Pacific Express Derailed in Massachusetts The Canadian Pacific express due in Boston at 830 Saturday night met with an accident at West Medford Mass whereby thirty persons were more or less injured but none it is believed fatally There were eight cars on the train which was running rapidly and the three rear coaches were derailed Sells Her Husband John A Truitt a conductor of the Northern Central street car line St Louis was sold by his wife the other day for 4000 to a woman who declares that she loves the man more than his wife does The deal was the sequel to the following remarkable statement made to Mrs Truitt by Mrs Stephens who lives in thatcity with her father Mrs Truitt I love your husband and I want him I have traveled the world over and he is the first man I ever loved I will give you 4000 cash for him if you will give him up Not as Rich as Believed The San Francisco Call says that the appraisers of the estate of James G Fair have completed their task and will present a report to the probate court in a few days The report will show that the value of the Fair estate has been very much overrated Instead of being valued at from 20000000 to 60000000 the appraisers say the official figures will be about 12000000 These figures were reached after four months of continuous labor SPAIN COMING TO TIME RECALL WEYLER AND REVERSE HIS METHODS New York Junta Leaders Say the Patriots are Willing to Pay Spain a Fair Price for Independence but Spurn All Autonomy Willing to Grant Autonomy A dispatch to the New York Worl from Madrid says The World correspondent called on Premier Sagasta who said in response to queries Why should we need mediation when our intentions long rimI often expressed by the liberal party aim at realizing all that America could suggest Xo Spanish party certainly not the liberals could assent to foreign int fer ence in our domestic affairs or wiii our colonies Xo government could hope to induce the nation to accept such interference We shall reverse completely the policy of the last two years in Cuba beginning naturally with the recall of Weyler Senor Sagasta has met with a hearty response on the part of all Liberal states men and all the Spanish stocks ami securities have risen on the strength of this settlement of the crisis Estrada Talma representative of the Cuban provisional government said To the Cuban patriots it makes little difference whether a Liberal or Conserva tive ministry directs affairs in Spain A change in government in Spain does not alter the case of the Cubans They are now more firmly determined than ever to push the light until the absolute inde pendence of Cuba is acknowledged I be lieve the Cubans are willing to pay a reasonable indemnity to Spain provided she withdraws her troops before the island is completely ruined TEXAS EDITOR MOBBED Brann of the Iconoclast Roughly Handled by College Students YV C Braun editor of Branns Icono clast published in Waco Texas was the victim of a mob of 200 students of Taylor Unversity aBaptist institution Saturday afternoon Mr Branu was sitting in his publishing house when four students called him to the door when they siczed himnnd thrust him into a hack which was rapidly driven to the college campus His captors were armed with revolvers At the campus a mob of 200 students was gathered a majority of whom were armed They siczed Mr Brann pulled him here and there and threatened to shoot him A rope was pro duced and cries of Hang him arose on all sides Mr Brann under threats of death signed a statement saying that an article appearing in the October number of the Iconoclast and reflecting on the university was untrue and further that he would leave town This article was the cause of the action of the students Great excitement was caused by the inci dent The action of the mob is generally condemned Mr Brann declares that he cannot be driven from tho city and will continue his publication in Waco THREE PERISH IN A FIRE Mother and Two Sons Cremated in Massachusetts Three lives were lost early this Sunday morning by the burning of a dwelling house In the center of East Long Meadow Mass The home of George Brownlee her husband and two sons Thomas aged 21 and James aged 19 escaped in their night robes but Mrs Brownlee and her son Thomas were a few minutes later burned in the building their bodies being buried in the ruins Mrs Brownlee losing her head rushed back into the house thinking her sons had not come out Thomas rushed after her to save her and James after Thomas The mother and elder son were overcome while James got out but was burned so severely that he died Mr Brownlee was badly burned on the hands and feet The bodies of the victims were recovered W R ECK IN COLORADO Two Passengers Killed and a Dozen Injured The first section of the Denver and Rio Grande narrow guage train No 4 met with an accident just west of Cotopaxi Colo Sunday morning The accident is believed to have been caused by the spreading of the rails Two passengers were killed and twelve injured The train was made up of one baggage car three tourist cars one coach three sleepers and a pay car One coach three sleepers and the pay car left the track and rolled over on their sides The wreck occurred at the end of a trestle the last car of the train having only passed across the bridge Had the accident occurred while the train was crossing the trestle the loss of life would undoubtedly have been very great A New Cure for Consumption Prof Landerer of Stuttgart Germany who has been experimenting for years in the treatment of tuberculosis has treated 400 patients with a soluble salt of cinamic acid He believes that almost all the patients so treated have been permanently cured Veteran Actor Dead Joseph Proctor the veteran actor died at his home in Boston Saturday after a long illness Mr Proctor was born in Marlboro Mass in 1810 and made his debut on the stage fii 1883 in Damon arict Pythias Earthquakes in the Par East Earthquakes have shaken many places on the northeast coast of Boreno A now island has been thrown up near Mempakul And the Only Word that Fits One sort of book holds its own iu all the mutations of criticism aud that is the sort of book that boys like The eternal boy insists upon action cour age truth and bravery in the yarns he reads aud anything new fangled he drops as stuff only he uses a word of three letters for it Boston Tran script ii l TRAIN ROBBED IN MIDDAY Indian Territory Bandits Clean Up Passengers and Rifle Mail Bandits robbed a southbound passenger train and all its passengers at 11 oclock Saturday forenoon at Siding Xo 1 about five miles south of Minco in the Indian Territory The trainmen were completely surprised and they were not prepared to offer any insistence when five masked men came upon them at the lonely siding Some section men flagged the train the robbers having compelled them to do so Under the pressure of Winchesters and ugly looking six shooters the trainmen express messenger and all of the score or more of passengers were made t climb down from the train and stand in line hands up on the prairie along the railway The bandits secured about 300 in cash and such other valuables in the way of watches pipes and jewelry as were in sight from the passengers and trainmen These haing been thoroughly plucked three of the bandits turned their attention to the express and mail coaches the others standing guard over the helpless crowd on the prairie The registered mail pouches were quickly rifled but the through safe in the express ear resisted all the force and ingenuity of the road agents When the messengers had convinced the bandits that they could not open the strong box they resorted to dynamite Several heavy barges were exploded but the safe proved bandit proof and though it was badly battered its contents were saved to the ex press company Having taken forcible possession of everything that they could carry away the bandits mounted their horses and rode off toward the west THE WEEK IN TRADE The Business World as Seen by Dun Co BC Dun Cos Weekly Review oi Trade says The failures during the third quarter of 1897 were 2003 with liabilities of 28980261 of which 29 were in bank ing with 3387069 liabilities Commer cial failures 2874 with liabilities of 25 575192 average only S899 each lower than in any quarter for twenty three years The amount of defaulted liabili ties is smaller than in any quarter for five years and in fifteen years only six quarters have shown smaller liabilities Manufacturing failures 051 with liabili ties of 6431191 average but 14487 each and trading 2164 with liabilities of 12 835065 average but 5927 each both smaller in average of liabilities than in any previous year of which classified tccords exist Speculation in wheat and cotton has been set back by bright crop prospects The wheat estimate of 500000000 bushels about 200000000 bushels more than would be required for food and seed leaving the smallest stocks for six years without re plenishment was followed by a decrease in foreign buying and caused weakness The price of wheat has declined 5 cents and of corn nearly 2 cents for the week Fight with Cattle Thieves Sheriff Kilborn and posse engaged in a batlle with two cattle thievej on the lower Powder River in Oregon In all about forty shots were exchanged It was dark when the sheriff and his men came upon the bandits who had with them eighty head of cattle Both sides opened fire and Fred Hull one of the thieves was shot through the arm Both escaped in the darkness and Hull rode to Baker City where he called a doctor to dress hij wounds He was arrested in his room Oklahoma Shooting Affray Guthrie Oklahoma advices say At Buck Falls in the Creek Xation John Wilson aged 65 years married a 16-year-old girl and in the absence of Henry Crouse from home the couple went to the lat ters furnished house to live When Crouse returned and attempted to eject them Wil son shot and killed him and then took t7 the woods He has not been captured Decides Against the Railroads A suit brought two years ago against the Lake Shore Railway Company involving the validity of an act of the Michigau leg islature compelling the railroads to issue 1000 mile tickets good for any member of a family for 20 has just been sustained by the supreme court which decides the legislature has the power to enact such a law MARKET QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 5300 to 550 hogs shipping grades 300 to 450 sheep fair to choice 200 to 450 wheat No 2 red SSc to Sc corn No 2 27c to 2Sc oats Xo 2 18c to 20c rye No 2 40c to 47c butter choice creamery 21c to 23c eggs fresh 13c to 15c new potatoes 45c to 55c per bushel Indianapolis Cattle shippmir 300 to 525 hogs choice light 300 to 450 sheep common to choice 300 to S40U wheat No 2 91c to i3c corn Xo 2 white 28c to 30c oats Xo 2 white 22c to 24c St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 boss 300 to 450 sheep 800 to 400 wheat No 2 9Gc to 9Sc corn Xo 2 yellow 20c to 27c oats Xo 2 white 20c to 23c rye No 2 42c to 44c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 250 to 5425 wheat No 2 91c to 93c corn No 2 mixed 30c to 31c oats No 2 mixed 21c to 22c rye No 2 4Ge to 4Sc Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hops 300 to 450 sheep 250 to 400 wheat No 2 92c to 94c corn Xo 2 yellow 30c to 32 oats Xo 2 white 23c to 24c rye 40c to 4Se Toledo Wheat Xo 2 red 93c to 95c corn Xo 2 mixed 2Se to 30c oats Xo 2 white 10c to 20c rye Xo I 47c to 48l clover seed 820 to 880 Milwaukee Wheat Xo 2 spring 87c to S9c corn Xo 3 2Gc to 27c oats Xo 2 white 21c to 23c rye Xo 1 40c to 47c barley Xo 2 40c to 43c pork me5s 800 to S50 Buffalo Cattle 800 to 550 hoc 300 to 475 sheep 800 to 500 wheat Xo 2 winter 94c to 9Gc corn Xo 2 yellow 31c to 33c oats Xo 2 white 25c to 27c Xew York Cattle 300 to 550 hops 350 to 525 sheep 800 to 450 wheat Xo 2 red 95c to 9Gc corn Xo 2 33c to 35c oats Xo 2 white 23c to 24c butter creamery 15e to 23c eggs Western lGc to 17c LITTLE Death ONES BURNED Conies to Two Boys ALIVE and a Girl While Asleep The farm house of A L Gordon eight miles north of Alma was consumed by fire last week destroying the entire contents and ending the lives of his three small children aged 7 9 and 11 the eldest being a girl The mother of the children died two years ago since which time the father and little ones have lived together in the house After putting the little ones to bed Mr Gordon went to the barn to look after a sick horse Returning to the house in about twenty minutes he found the in terior a mass of flames lie made a des perate effort to save the children rushing into the burning structure only to be driven out by the intense heat He was unable to reach any of them The little ones were asleep at the time the father left the house The supposition is that the explosion of a lamp which was left burn ing in the house was the cause of the fire The father is frantic over the ghastly affair and is in a very critical condition from the effects of inhaling the flames in an effort to save his children from theirsad fate Bill Cody Is Willing to Join Gov Holcomb and staff are making preparations to go to the Nashville Expo sition to be there on Xebraska day which is October 8 Adjutant General Barry wrote to Buffalo Bill one of the members of the governors staff inviting him to be with them at the exposition An answer has been received from Mr Cody in which he says that he will be at Xash ville on the 7th and 8th with his show and if the governor and his staff want horses a band regular army soldiers as escorts or if he wants the whole show to turn out it is at his command He desires to help make Xebraska day a big feature of the exposition Many Stolen Articles fioeated Two brothers William and Wallace Stanley who have been farming near Ln adilla were arrested upon the charge ot theft of a wagon load of oats The prem ises of the suspected men were searched and buggies harness bicycles clothing and jewelry to the value of 2000 were found secreted Some jewelry taken from the store of E Rattmann of Palmyra De cember 27 1896 was found and identified They will be given a preliminary hearing at Nebraska City Soldiers and Old Settlers Will Camp The soldiers sailors and old settlers will hold a reunion at Colemans park Green wood commencing Thursday evening October 14 and continuing Friday and Saturday This park is said to be the most suitable in the state for such purposes Captain T C Henry of Fairmont has promised to be present A large attend ance and good time is expected Cuts a Tooth at Eighty One Fred Ilarring an old soldier 81 years of age who has been living with Fred Meedel near Columbus for some time past cut a new tooth last week Medical men say that reports of this kind at that advanced age are exceedingly rare Mr Harrings health is very good considering his advanced age Reception to the Students The Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian Church gave a reception to the students of the Hastings College tho other evening The reception was held in the Presbyterian Church and was attended by nearly 200 students It was a very pleasant affair Omaha Brakeman Is Killed L W Fetter of Omaha a brakeman on the Union Pacific Portland special was run over and killed by the cars at Central City a day or two ago The body was badly mangled A coroners jury rendered a verdict of accidental death Depot at Talmage Robbed The Missouri Pacific depot at Talmage vas broken into recently by burglars They did not get into theexpressor money department This depot has been robbed quite a number of times before Cuts Oil His Leg with an Ax At Brock a station on the Missouri Pacific road B B Bailey a carpenter almost severed his leg from his body with a handax He came near bleeding death before medical aid arrived to Buy a Mill at Maryville The linn of Miller Brothers of Surprise have just closed a deal whereby they be come owners of the Marysville mill prop erty in Seward County three miles west of Staplehurst Found the Stolen Horse and Buggy The horse and buggy stolen at Syracuse recently has been found afew miles south west of Xebraska City It had been aban doned by the thief The horse played out Confirmation at Emerson Bishop Scanned of Omaha confirmed a class of fifty nine at Emerson last week Priests from Wayne Jackson and Ilart ington were present Nebraska Short Notes Morton Taylor the 10-year-old son of Dr Taylor of Plainview broke his arm while playing ball in the school yard the other da j The ninth annual reunion of the veter ind of Cheyenne Kimball and Scotts Bluffs counties occurred in Bayard last week and was a success Charles Werner who lives south of Ster ling was unceremoniously butted through wire fence by a young bull last Friday and as a eonsequeuee carries a couple of ribs iu a sling The directors of the Dawson County Fair Association report that all the premi ums and purses have been paid in full and that there is still a small surplus in the treasury II Hubbard of Chambers took one son to Omaha lo have a portion of his hand amputated on account of a hunting acci dent When he returned home he found another son with a broken leg resulting from a horse falling on him Secretary VauBoskirk of the Western Xebraska Stock Growers Assciation is issuing notice to members of the semi annual meeting which is to held in Alli ance October 12 Several hundred dollars worth of hogs has been lost in the vicinity of South Sioux City within the last few weeks from a dis ease similar to cholera The Richardson Count- Sunday Sehott Association will meet at Salem commenc ing on Thursday October 14 fct 430 and closing on Saturday October 16 at 12 m A fanners elevator company has been organized at Carleton The costs in the two trials of the Good manson murder case amounted to 238078 Merrick County voters will this fall set tle the question whether the county shad issue bonds to build a new jail OFFICIALS ARE NOT SURPRISED Fall of Spains Cabinet Apparently Kxpcctcd in AVasltluton It cannot be said that Cue fall of the Spanish cabinet caused surprise among the ollicials of the Stat Department or anion the members of the diplomatic corps in Washington A urcful inspec tion of the cable news for the past few weeks had left the general impression that the cabinet erected in haste after the assassination of Premier Ganovas could not be expected to 3tirvive long There were several reasons for this ex pectation but perhaps the principal one was the belief that the dissensions among the supporters of the Government caused by the personal encounter between the Duke of Tetuan the minis for foreign affairs and one of the leaders of the dis sident conservatives Senator Comas had not been healed but had been only bridg ed over temporarily Tho dissident con servatives at the time insisted upon the resignation of the duke as a condition of their further support of the Government As the Government depended not upon a homogeneous party but rather upon a union of various elements generally op posed to liberal ideas for its existence this was a threatening condition aud a crisis was averted only through strenuous efforts of conservative leaders Secretary Sherman does not believe that it will materially affee the relatione of Spain either to the United States or to Cuba which seems to indicate an expecta tion on his fart that the new cabinet will be found to be still of a conservative ten dency On the other hand high offieials in the administration expect that a liberal cabinet will be erected If this should be tho case the future is held to be full of promise for Cuba for it is recalled thai the liberals have not hesitated to expre their opposition to the great expenditure of human life and vast treasure in the effort to carry out the repressive conserv ative program for the conduct of tho war It is not believed that the liberals are prepared to go to the length of promising freedom to Cuba but from the expres sions of the leaders of the party is it hop ed that they are willing to grant so liberal a measure of home rule and autonomy to the island that of Spanish sovereignty nothing would remain save a shred in the way of a few preferential duties and per haps the power of appointing some officials corresponding to the governor general of Canada named by the British crown BIG FIRE AT WASHINGTON 3IiIlion Dollar Conflagration Visits the National Capital In Washington fire broke out in the central power station of the Capital Trac tion Company a few minutes before 11 oclock Wednesday night and in thirty minutes the magnificent six story struc ture was doomed The building occupies the entire block from Pennsylvania ave nue to C street and from Thirteen and One half street to Fourteenth street The blaze started on the southwest corner and despite the efforts of the entire fire de partment swept like wind through the enormous building The heat was so in tense that the men were driven from the adjoining streets When it became evi dent that no efforts could save the power station the department turned its atten tions to the adjoining property but the flames leaped across Fourteenth street on the west to a big livery stable and then across Thirteenth and One half street on the east and attacked a row of three story brick houses So fearful was the heat that the firemen could not get within reach of the burning buildings They were driven back foot by foot until the streams from the hose pipes could notreach the fire The entire fire department -was on the scene but so fierce was the conflagration that their ef forts were futile The power house was built four years ago It was six stories in height and besides containing the pow er plant of the Pennsylvania avenue lines of the Capital Traction Company was occupied by dozens of offices The walls began to fall by 12 oclock and with the decreasing heat the firemen were enabled to get to work on adjoining property Two hours after the first alarm was siven the huge building was reduced to a few crumbling walls and damage to the extent of nearly a million dollars had been done The loss on adjoining build ings will not be large as those burned are old and small At one time the offices of the Southern Railway were threatened but prompt work by the firemen checked the flames FEW LEADERS PRESENT Very Slim Attendance at the Ghicao Iabor Convention The much advertised national labor convention in Chicago was not as well attended a gathering as had been expect ed as the original call for the conven tion had been rescinded and many big labor organizations that had been expect ed to be represented were not in evidence Among the labor men present were Frank Egger national secretary and or ganizer of the Hotel and Restaurant Na tional Alliance and Bartenders National League J A Ferguson D M MacDon ald and E Boice of Butte Mont M P Carrick and W A Klinger Pittsburg B R Creeden Wallace Ida and many representatives of local reform organiza tions Many of those present said that Presi dent Gompers of the American Federation of Labor was to blame for the interfer ence of the arrangements of the original call for a monster convention They said the statement issued by Gompers advis ing all labor organizations to keep away from the convention was the result of jealousy Gompers feeling aggrieved be cause his name was not signed to the call HARD TO PUNISH LYNCHERS Gov Mount Has a Difficult Task in Ripley County Indiana An Indianapolis dispatch says that it is believed by many that the State in un dertaking to secure the punishment of the men who participated in the Ripley Coun ty lynching has before it a hopeless task Gov Mount appreciates the situation but he is unwilling to relax his efforts until the Attorney General has demonstrated that it is impossible to secure a jury that will indict the lynchers Judge New has been asked by the Attorney General to reconvene the grand jury and local coun sel will be employed to assist in procuring evidence It is probable that State de tectives are already circulating among the people of Osgood and lie surrounding country Notes of Current Events Five men met death from black damp in the Jermyn No 1 mine near Pvend ham Pa A v - S i