The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 07, 1897, Image 1

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r o o f
Xnighu of Pythias
T7 of P Cherrv Lodge No 109 Kmchts
Mrs Saml
4 V
fl 1T1 17
A F A M Minnechaduza Lodge No 192
Q Aiick vt Frco and Accepted Masons
meet In regular communication Saturday
evenlmjon or before tlie full moon in each
month Twemoers of the order In good and reg
ular standing are cor Jtnlly and fraternally hi
nted i n artft7v W T K i nc ai o W Al
W W Tiwursoj Sees
Eastern Star
R Noithi rii Star Chapter No f
OK Order ol thi Ksistrcn Star met Ls on tlf
second and ftmrlh Tusday evenings of each
mouth at Hornbys imll
V W Thompson Eaista L Ykast
uerctirv Worthy Matron
Odd Fellows
Valentine Lodge No 20
J neudenf Order of Odd Fellows meets every
Thursday evening Visiting brothers cordiai
lv invited - attend our peelings
J T Kkklcv U 1 DAVnxrouT
Secretary JSobie Grand
A OU W Valentine Lodge No TO Ancient
JLX Order of United Workmen meets on the
tlrst and tMrd Mondays of each month
itoeorder Master Workman
Degree of Honor
II Valentine Lodge No Degree of
Dof Honor holds regular meetings first and
third Wednesday evenings of each mouth
Tiycoruer Chief of Honor
D of F Valentine Lodge No Sons and
S Daughters of iroleelion meets first and
third Fridav cvemngs of -each month in Horn
fcvdtonll AiAirv LovJSit President
L mmk Vacmon Secretary
Hed Men
Ttt O II M Sitting Bull Tribe No 22 Tin
J proved Order ot Red Men meet every
aeceuid and fourth Friday venngot each month
si DavenportV Hall Visiting brethreu are
fraternally invited to be present at tue council
of tbe tribe
A SJf uts A H Feuovson
Oliief of ltecords Sachem
Grand Army
A K Col Wood Post No 203 Department
C1 of Nebraska regular meeting second and
Jourth Saturdsvof each mourh a 2 p m sharp
Comrades trom other posts are cordially Invited
to attend John Dit Commander
J WTuoKin adjntaut
A Valentine Camp No 171 Modern
Woodman ot America m jet second and
4iurt Wednesday eveuiugs of each month at
Davenports Hall isitiug neighbors cordially
iuvittd to attend
W 6 Jacksok W E HAIKV
Olerk Venerable Counsel
JX lochias meets every Tuesday evening at
Davenports liau
M CiiKiLTKNsnK E P Roberts
K of R and S Chancellor Commander
Camitm JSvcttts
Teachers Association Oct- 0
Mutator McGanu October 11
District Court Oct 18
hcliuol meeting October JO
liarridgtoa October 23
7Jet0ii Day Novembers
The Democrat 1 per year
Oct 23
Harrington will speak here
Particulars laver
AVant ed Girl
Good wages
foi general work
M S eloh
Ilolsclaw lffc Tuesday
a visit with friends in
Mrs J J McNicbrs of ONeill is
visiting her daughter Sirs IV E
Mrs Morrison Crawford of near
Georgia has been quitp ill during the
past week
Masons are busy at work this week
laving tbe foundation for Sparks new
bauk building
In Sioux county the democrats and
populists fused the democrats getting
eieik aud sheriff
Prof W Y Johnson of Woodlake
was a pleasant culler at these head
quarters last Friday
Wanted Hey -or young man to
leant the printing business Good op
portunity for advancement
G C Hornby of Newport au old
Friend of the editor is wisiting with
his cousins G H aud 9 C Hornby
this week
If you have -any calves to brand see
DrC A Wells and 8 A Sparks
These gentlemen are ezperts in that
line -X 33 This is nota paid local
Senator McGaun of Boone county
will addrpss the people at Cornell Hall
on the political issues of the day on
the evening of Monday Oct 11 Ev
erybody is invited
Born Thursday September 30 to
W F Haley and wife agirl This is
jm old story with Will -and the eigar
market as a consequence -showed very
little improvement
MaeOSullivan went toher home at
ONeill Sunday Val Nicholson ac
companied her returning the same
evening Yal went down again thi
morning and when the couple return
it will be as L Y Nicholson and wife
particulars nest week
Tiie county treasurer iias this vear
paid of two of the eight il0U0 bonds
neld igaiusc the county and has is
Mieda call for two more This call
was made some tiuie ago but neither
4if the botidsdiave oome in yet though
UitTist cJ2 lii5amehasstinjed
Jlepitltiican Ticket
Clerk J W Daniels
Treasurer J E Thackery
Sheriff Amos Strong
Superintendent LI G- Stevenson
Judge Ncls Polen
Coroner A Lewis
Surveyor Chas Tait
Commissioner T P Spratt
Have a little JCovo Feast hut ill I is
not Serene for their Nominees
Pursuant to the call of the chairman
of the county central committee J C
Pettijohn the republicans of Cherry
county met in convention at Cornell
Hall Friday Oct 1 and organized by
electing Dr Alfred Lewis temporary
chairman and C S Beece secretary
J A Brewer J M Tucker and Geo
Bakewell were appointed committee
on credentials Llobson Payton and
Growden on organization Judge
Tucker Dewey Kelly White and
on resolutions The hall was then
cleared of all persons not delegates
and a caucus was held after which
the convention adjourned until 1 p m
Upon reassembling in the afternoon
the comaiitteo on credentials reported
the following as entitled to seats in the
F J Davenport J W Tucker Ed Clarke M V
Nicholson J A Hooton J II Yeast J C
johnCJi Sherman John M Tucker Charles
Green Len Bivens and A j Valentine
E B Gaowden Frank Witt and R S Lee Loup
T P Spratt Ben S Dlobsoii and Frank Riggle
John Bowes and Abe Johnson German
Chas Kilgore and Thomas Loomas tcen
D O Nelsou Wm Hook H F liolilday ami T A
Yearnsbaw Boiling Springs
S 51 Woodward J E TliaekGry Jefferson Win
ship L Lanier Irwin
S A WInslow L Starr Frank Jones B Hunt
F F Kelly G M Troffcr H C Min
J A Bower A K Kuskie A W Sawyer Aetna
Breshbill Sparks
G S Hobbs a M Sherman Cleveland
LC Fayton R Hanjhett Chris Nelson F W
Beck Lavaca
G H Folsom J W Curry P W Pruden G 0
Fairhead Bert White Robt McNamee Jerrv
Kellv Alerriman
J W Daniels A B RIes C S Recce
Lake --
Geo C Bakewell WV Johnson V Honey H
E Dewey E D Valentine Woodlake
S II Dye liert Dye T E Davie Buffalo Lake
Ed Ormesher Wm Clarkson Schlegel
J W Stausbie HC Mason Mother Lake
Will Kimes Kennedy
J D Klmes Gillasple
The report of the committee was
adopted The committee on perma
nent organization recommended that
the temporary organization be made
permanent The recommendation was
favorably actefd upon The resolutions
committee then submitted its report
endorsing the St Louis platform the
stevte platform and candidates and the
acts of Senator Thurston and Congress
men Mercer and Strode The com
mittee recognized and hailed with
gladness the return of prosperity and
expressed deep sympathy with Cuba
The repoit of the committee was
adopted with enthusiasm
2sominations for clerk were then
called for arid John W Daniels and
Bobert Lee were placed in the field
The ballot stood 43 to 32 in favor of
Daniel9 and he was declared the nom
inee of The convention
For treasurer there was but one can
didate J -E Thackery and he was
nominated by acclamation
For sheriff L X Layporte aDd
Amos Strong were named the ballot
resulting 23 to 52 in favor of Strong
At this point a surprise was sprung
Xo ruinations for judge being in order
Judge Tucker arose and placed before
the convention the name of our pres
ent county judge Old Dick Towne
Had a bomb been thrown into the con
vention it would havecaused less of a
surprise The -delegates had not been
informed of the intention of Judge
Tucker deither had the democrats
been consulted Xeedless to say that
after considerable sparring the name
was withdrawn Xels Polen was then
nominated by acclamation
U G Stevenson was nominated for
superintendent Tate for survey
or aud A Lewis rfor coroner without
a dissenting voice
dominations for chairman of the
Couut y central committee were then
called for and the result was amusiug
The party all at once lacked leaders
iJhe position was offered to -Dr -Lewis
to Pettijohn to Xicholson to Walcott
to Elliott toTueker and to -Davenport
Jn turn but -each of them -gently but
ifirmly refused it Exhausting whst
was considered the available timber in
Pnblislicd forFonr Years as
Iojiiilist Tlvhit
Clerk J Yr Burleteli
Treasurer J II Fritz Treasurer
Sheriff G A Waggoner
Superintendent IT Stoner
Judge t
Surveyor Jos Esterbroojk
Commissioner J R Aers
Yalentine the convention then turned
aside and elected C S Keece of Sim
eon aud in his hands wil be the cam
paign this fall C B Watson was
then elected secretary
Pettijohn llobson and Honey were
made a committee to fill vacancies if
auy should occur and then the conven
tion adjourned
Immediately after adjournment of
the convention the delegates from this
commissioner district met organized
and nominated T P Spratt for com
missioner from this district
Turn Down Fnsion and Liose Their
Hope of Winning IVcxt 3IontIi
Pursuant to the call of the chairman
the populists of Cherry county met in
convention at Cornell Hall Saturday
I at 1030 and after a few words bv G
P Crabb and proceeded to organize by
electing George Bemert temporary
chairman and Walter Meltendorf sec
retary The chairman was the whole
thing at the morning session and at
his suggestion he appointed the follow
ing committees On credentials Ira
Johnson Fowler and Lee On order
of business Goodrich Trace well md
Bennett On resolutions Smith Wy
man and Plummer On permanent
organization Carver Galloway and
Bay The committees retired to make
up their reports and in the meantime
the convention listened to an address
I by Hon Cyrus Lindell of Lincoln
The address was an interesting one
and was interrupted frequently by ap
plause His remsiaks on fusion were
well received and altogether he made
a good impression Committees not
yet being ready to report the conven
tion adjourned until 1 oclock
Upon reassembling the committee
on credentials reported but as they
failed to give the names of those who
were entitled to a voice m the conven
tion we must do the same The com
mittee on permanent organization re-
commended that the temporary organ
ization be made permanent Carried
Committee on resolutions reported en
dorsing the state platform which was
read at length denounced partifanship
aud asked support regardless of party
kicked agaibst the suodivision of lands
into 40 acre tracts by the couuty clerk
and denounced the canvassing board
at the late special election because
they did what they considered their
duty The report was adopted
Two planks or the platform outlined
above deserve especial criticism that
caiticising partisanship and placing
principe above party and the one de
nouncing the canvassing board The
convention plainly showed that it was
insincere in the first instance by refus
ing the democrats offer of fusion
Nominations for treasurer were de
clared in order and then the conven
tion got into a terrible tangle Some
one suggested that nomination be
made and candidates voted upon by
secret ballot This was foltgbt hard
but finally adopted Finding it a very
cumbrous method that part of the
motion referring to nominations was
reconsidered and the names were put
before the convention in the usual wav
but tbe secret method of voting was
retained heiice nobody knows whether
delegates voted according to instruc
tions or nok 4tFor ways that are dark
and tricks fiint are vain51 etc
Finally JII Fritz J W Whillans
and O W were nominated and
on the thirdballot Fritz was nominated
he receiving 47 votes out of 77
Clerk came next and Dan Webster
moved that the position be left open
for the demoorats to fill II A Dan
iels asked wat kind of democrats
the chairman hastily calted for nomi
nations and fusion wa3 killed and
with its death all hopes of populist
success went glimmering J W Bur
leigh and A J Plummer were put up
for clerk Plummer withdrew and Bur
leigh was nominated by acclamation
Sheriff was next with three candi
dates Jefan Carpenter A
Commissioner J
Democrat Tiikot
Clerk AY A jMetzgar
AY Cr Ballard
Jas Ghilders
Dr Dwver
A A damson
er and D D Dunn One informal
and three formal ballots were taken
and Waggoner was nominated This
was a hard blow to the delegations
from the southwest
For superintendent there were two
nominations C Y Thorn and Lillian
LI Sconer The latter was nominated
Thorn receiving but 11 votes
The office of judge was passed
Jos Esterbrook of Lavaca was given
the nomination for surveyor
The office of coroner was passed
The convention adjourned and the
ring was triumphant
The commissioner convention had
three candidates before It Mel Doty
oT Schlegel J 11 Ayers of Minnecha
duza and J E Shelliourn of Kewanee
Ayers was nominated
Siomixiate the Best Ticket now in the
Field and will Elect it
Pursuant to call of the chairman
and secretary the democrats of Cherry
county met at Cornell Ilal Tuesday
and organized by electing W B Towne
chairman and J A Hornback secre
tary On motion the chair appointed
the following committees On creden
tials P Sullivan Jas Giilaspie Fred
Miller On resolutions Bobert Good
M Chnstenson Jaa Childors Recess
was then taken to all committees time
to make up reports
Upon reconvening the committee on
credentials reported the following en
titled to seats
W B Towne Bobert Good F Mil
lerJ Martin M Cbnstensen Xrank
Fischer John Stetter Go Schwalmr
P Simons E Flowers--Valentine
Jas Childers Peter Vogt L D
Barnes S W Orraes P Stosch Boil
ing Springs
P Sullivan Phillip Xelson E1L
J A Hornback SparKs
Too CJL 1 1 n oyai a Cli 1 li oriin
oao umao uiiMuc
B Grooms- German I
The committee on resolutions report
the following
We the democrats of Cherry county
in convention assembled do hereby
reaffirm and declare our allegiance to
the platform of principles enunciated
at the Chicago convention and endorse
the resolutions and platform adopted
at the late state convention held in
Lincoln Nebraska
And we endorse heartily the candi
dacy of Judge Sullivan for member of
our state supreme court E Yon For
rell und George F Kenower for re
gents of the state university and we
pledge ourselves to work earnestly for
their election
We further endorse the official acts
of all the officials elected upon the
democratic ticket at the lat electiou
especially our Attorney General Hon
C J Smyth who has shown himself so
true a democrat in the prosecution of
the duties of his office without regard
to persons or position
We condemn as unworthy of a great
party the action of the late republican
convention in completely ignoring the
defalcations of two ex state officials
members of that party Bartley and
Moore and refer this
of these two men to the voters
of Cherry county for judgment
We condemn as strongly the action
of the late populist convention in com
pletely ignoring the efforts of the dem
ocrats to secure a fusion of the reform
forces at the coming election and
charge them with the grossest insin
cerity in speaking platitudes regarding
theirdevotion to the cause of preform
and silver using these as a cloak un
der which they taay secure official po
sition and we farther condemn their
action in attempting to secure votes by
inconsistently denouncing a canvassing
boards acts under the plea that it Was
a republican board when it was com
posed of members of three parties
Lastly and most emphatically do
we fmribrsp tbe acts -of our present
county judge W B Towne who in
his ccial capacity has proven himself
honest efficfeiit and impartial meting
out justice totriend and foe alike and
I Wm tar
tm4 mm J
Jfif I 2j l Br
NO a
That is what our sale of those
stvlish Fall
is and were glad of it thats tho
reason wc bought them Every
thing new and uptodate If you
wish to keep posted on what is
newest you must see our stock
Another thing were proud of is
our new line of cinnillc curtains
and table covers Thevre about
the neatest things in that line this side of Oinaha See them sure
Our Fall Goods
Are now arriving and to make room
for tliem all goods whicli have been in
Stock this summer must go To hurry
them along we have put prices down
to bedrock Everything for the home
Call and see our Dry G oods
E McDonald
Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty
we refer his administration to the
npnnlp nf this fnnnfv as nni tvntnal of
the great party he represents
The report was adopted
Nominations for clerk were called
for and a motion was made that a
committee of two be appointed to wait
on the chairman of the populist central
committee and ask for a place on their
ticket The motion failing to secure
a second Good nominated Wm A
Metzgar and no other names being
presented he vas nominated by ac
P Sullivan presented the name of
W G Ballard for treasurer and he re
ceived the entire vote of the conven
tion for that place
Jas Childer3 was nominated for the
office of sheriff by acclamation on the
motion of John Stetter
Ay B Towne was nominated for
judge without a dissenting voice
The offices of superintendent and
surveyor were passed and Dr J C
Dwver was nominated for coroner
After the adjournment of the county
convention the delegates from this
district met and placed J A Adamson
of German in the field for commission 1
er to succeed Viertel
The ticket named above is without
exception the best in the field every
man thereon being dean able honest
and possessed of the peculiar qualifica
tions need for his office The ticket is
a winner and no mistake
Army OHlCer Marries
Married at the residence of E
Sparks Saturday afternoon October 2
Wm Geo Elliott of Port Niobrara
and Harriett B Corning of Bosebud
Bev W E Bassett of Korden per
forming the ceremony
The groom is Pirst Lieutenant of
Company E Twelfth U S Infantry
stationed at Fort Niobrara and is both
well known and liked in Valentine
A man of sterling qualities he cannot
but prove a good husband The bride
Was formerly superintendent of the
ftosebud schools and has many friends
here who value her highly Having
had much experience in the west she
is just such a wife as will be most ac
ceptable to an army officer fitted both
to move high in society and assist in
the sterner duties of life
The wedding was solemnized in the
presence of a few intimate friends
among them being Mrs Boberts moth
er of the bride from Connecticut
Lieut Hutchinson Xinih Cavalry one
of Gen Coppingers staff and Miss
Carlisle field matron at Bosebud were
groomsman and bridesmaid respect
Store a t rookston also
Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Kepairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Pull line of sporting goods
Wanted An Idea SSI
Protect your Ideas they may bring you wealth
Write JOHN WEDDERBRN CO Patent Attor
neys Washington D C tor their tS0O prlza offer
and new list of one thousand Inventions wanted
Office over
T C Jornby98 Store
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W H Moses building
Kbrth Western Line is to best
to and from the
Pacific Short Line
LEAVES 10G0 A 31 AKRtTES 930 V 35
Through connections both ways with Black
Hills trains by taking this Hue you can go to
Sioux City and return the same lav connections
made with alt trains for the East and Sowta
Dakota Buy loc3l tickeS Vo0NeiJr