The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, September 30, 1897, Image 2

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XORERT GOOD Editor and Prop
Dawson City seems to offer an Invlt
tag field of operation for the hot tomalo
When the horseless carriage comes
now shall it be stopped Whoa of
Charles Dudley Warner suggests
pum chewing as a remedy for grief
Great grief
It will be observed that the Sick
Man of Europe is now able to sit up
and notice things
The American navy is a hundred
fears of age Like the Irishmans pig
its little but its auld
Farmers in the Klondike are all
right flour ground from their wheat
cells for 120 per pound
No dear correspondent it is not
cecessary to take a gun along with you
to Bhoot the Yukon rapids
No Klondike argonaut should fail to
take with him a volume of Whittiers
beautiful poem Snow Bound
The Courier Journal says the quality
of Louisville water is bad Hearsay
evidence is not considered good
IAlouette is French for lark and the
way he ran the futurity saved many a
fellow from being out on a lark
Those London editors who are howl
ing for Avar with the United States
would better go count themselves
A thoughtful Buffalo paper editorial
ly regrets that Convict Willis did not
live long enough to serve out his life
sentence Too bad
The Chicago Dispatch says Just as
a man begins to do fairly well making
money along comes a detective and ar
rests him for counterfeiting
A Bulgarian poet was stabebd to
fleath by an unknown assassin the
other day Nobody has been arrested
yet perhaps everybody is satisfied
One of the most puzzling European
questions of the day is What has in
duced Mr Langtry to take the slightest
Interest in his own domestic affairs
An Ohio man wants a divorce from
his bride because she refuses to cook
for his dog Perhaps she is a cooking
school graduate and really likes the
An exchange remarks How sweet
nd foxy of the Duchess of York to
wear her green poplin in Ireland It
Isnt dress the Irish demand Its re
West Virginia is now experiencing
ner twenty seventh annual eruption of
ihe Hatfield McCoy feud and the un
dertakers are behindhand with their
A Kentucky man offers to swallow a
snake three feet long for 3 He will
flot make much on that deal the whis
ky probably will cost almost thpt
That bullet proof cloth which stop
ped rifle bullets at Fort Sheridan can
not be accepted as thoroughly reliable
until its qualities are tested by Yukon
They make quick work of assassins
In Spain Court martial is good enough
for the Spanish authorities and dila
tory appeals and new trials find no en
The Washington Post says There
is always something wrong with that
Chicago postoffice now it has a ghost
Well we suppose the ghost walks
nlarly anyway
Cleveland people are mad because
President McKinley slipped into town
in advance of the proposed reception
The advance agent was again too far
ahead of the show
The Courier Journal is responsible
Cor the statement that a parrot in
Baltimore thirty five years old has just
laid her first egg Polly doubtless
wanted a cracker
It is claimed that General Sheridan
didnt swear that terrible oath as he
came down the Winchester pike Thus
the flood of truth is washing away all
our historical dams
What necessity is there for a cham
tess bicycle anyway The average
pedestrian never is bothered by the
bicycle chain it is the bicycle crank
that causes all the trouble
The duke of Westminster we are
solemnly informed has more children
thaai any oilier member of the British
peerage and still England seldom says
a word about her infant Industries
The Atlanta Constitution says
2entiy a northern poet was attacked
md severely beaten by a Texas des
perado This proves Senator Hoars
isseriion that education is entirely too
I have observed that women very
aficn make fools of themselves in
saiu r Kansas preacher to an
audience of ladies at Emporia the oth
er day What the women observed is
not reported
Wheat is sold at San Francisco and
other Pacific coast points by the cental
of one hundred pounds instead of by
the bushel of sixty pounds This is
the explanation of the wide disparity
In the daily quotations between San
Francisco and eastern markets
The Memphis Commercial Appeal
Bays that a Tennessee justice in Giles
County was considerably embarrassed
the other day by the discovery that the
United States Supreme Court didnt
agree with him He promptly over
ruled the court and went right ahead
It isnt known now whether the Su
preme Court will appeal the case or
Mrs Frances Shaw a Chicago wom
an has discovered a new fireproof en
amel which is said to be wonderful
Mrs Shaw knows very little of chemis
try and yet she has discovered that
which scientists are said to have been
working to discover for fifty years
She is a womanly woman too and
come to think of it it is the womanly
women to day who are making discov
eries which are of practical benefit and
not the ranting propagandists
Many of the news reports from Ha
vana are of very doubtful authenti
city but full credence must be given to
the official reports forwarded by Dr
Brunner of the United States Marine
Hospital Service stationed in that city
He says deaths from all causes are in
creasing rapidly but particularizes
only yellow fever which shows a very
slight increase It would be interest
ing to know what the other causes are
and weather starvation and the crowd
ing of pacificos into the city without
providing food shelter or sanitary ar
rangements for them have anything to
do with the increased mortality
Mrs John A Logan denies that she
fs heading an expedition of women to
the Klbndike region and in a most em
phatic manner denounces those who
have without her permission connected
her name with it She says she is con
stantly being made use of in this way
and is tired of it Mrs Logan is exact
ly right It is sheer and inexcusable
impudence which leads women who are
behind some scheme for their own ben
efit to levy as it were upon those of
their sex who occupy a place of prom
inence and others should follow Mrs
Logans example and denounce those
who attempt it
That property has responsibilities to
organized society as well as rights to
be protected by it is a fact that seems
often to be overlooked by the owners
of large wealth In the long run the
rights of property cannot remain secure
if the responsibility that goes with its
ownership is ignored Wealth demands
protection from thievery and violence
at all times and no society is civilized
that does not afford such protection
But what shall be said of the wealthy
corporate interests that insist to the let
ter upon the rights which law confers
upon property even to the ordering out
of troops in their behalf and then cool
ly shift a disproportionate share of the
burden of maintaining the government
from which they claim those rights up
on the shoulders of other and probably
poorer members of the community A
great deal is heard in these days about
attacks on the rights of property and
it is indeed unfortunate that the wild
and revolutionary talk of a certain
class of agitators should find even as
much response as it does among part
of the population But let wealth re
member the duties it owes to society
and the dangers that menace its rights
will vanish and the power of the revo
lutionary agitator will cease Let hon
est wealth array itself on the side of
the public and honest government
when unscrupulous wealth is trying to
plunder the public In short let wealth
remember the responsibilities which it
owes to society and the rights which it
claims will be accorded without ques
Of late the telephone has been util
ized to a considerable extent in legal
proceedings Affidavits have been
sworn to acknowledgments have been
taken and in one case at least testi
mony has been received by telephone
This last innovation must be credited
to Fort Scott Kas where two wit
nesses described as prominent busi
ness men were permitted to give evi
dence in this manner the attorneys
stipulating that no objection should be
taken to this unusual proceeding An
other case that has attracted unusual
attention is reported from New York
where an afiidavit which had been tele
phoned from Cincinnati and acknowl
edged over the wire was accepted In
the Supreme Court as suflicient ground
for the issuance of an attachment in
volving a considerable sum of money
The proceedings were unusual and in
teresting The facts were telephoned
from Cincinnati over a long distance
telephone line an affidavit was pre
1 red at the New York end of the line
and read to the complainant who was
standing at the telephone in Cincinnati
where in the presence of witnesses he
made the required acknowledgment
It was still necessary to have some one
in New York talk with the complainant
and positively identify his voice This
was done the papers were filed and
the attachment issued The interested
parties announced that several days
delay had been avoided by utilizing the
telephone and by this prompt action it
was possible to have a judgment satis
fied which it might have been difficult
otherwise to accomplish Many im
portant transactions have hinged upon
telephone messages and the courts
have Jong since recognized their ad
missibility as evidence unuer proper re
iMWMaMfiMiijtM MiniVmhmuSSSSmSutmmwfi
There is nothing in her appearance to
suggest the doctrines which shock so
many of her friends She is a tall
beautiful blonde Her face is tender
and thoughtful and her every move
ment is full of grace and refinement
Regarding her theory Mrs Noel says
One of the most perplexing ques
tions in society is perhaps as to the
best methods of dealing with its per
sistent criminals and incapables Thou
sands are born yearly monthly daily
into life which means misery and pain
in body or soul to the end of their days
Everybody knows this everjTbody ad
mits that such lives would be better un
lived that a removal of hopeless cases
of mental and physical deformity to a
short grave before the sunset of their
natal day would be a kindness to the
race and an expression of ultimate love
to the unfortunates themselves How
much suffering both to the weaklings
themselves and to their possible pos
terity would be prevented by toe hu
mane taking away of the insensate in
fantile life before the opening of its
eyes upon the world To such there is
no friend like death and why should
not the law be a ministry of humane
things releasing from the odium of
murder the taking of life when an au
thorized board of humane physicians
should decide it best
Persistent young criminals too
ter efforts to reform them have failed
a certain number of times and those
maimed into masses of breathing
horror and incurable pain and humil
iating helplessness by accident why
should not they be put out of the way
kindly and soL mnly Everything but
humanity is duly husbanded by man
and all tsese useless superfluities and
infections lopped away When once the
race is perfected in love who shall say
that the taking of harmful suffering
The balloon in which Prof Audree sailed away for the north pole was built
much after the fashion of other balloons It had one distinctive feature That
is a strong guide rope which serves two all essential purposes It holds the bal
loon at a uniform height and so prevents the gas from being diminished by ex
pansion and overflow It also serves as a keel to the floating vessel which is
equipped with three large and easily worked sails This balloon had a capacity of
170000 cubic feet in diameter at its widest part The basket or car was seven feet
in diameter and had a depth of five feet Above the car was the observatory
The observatory was equipped with sextants glasses and other instruments
HielExtraorclinary Theory Advocated
by a Chicago Woman
The proposition to kill all invalids
physical and mental as well as the per
sistent and unreformable criminals for
their own and societys good may have
the support of sound and convincing ar
gument but it is none the less revolt
ing The last lips from which one
wrould expect to hear it advocated are
those of a woman yet there is a woman
in Chicago and she is a kind and de
voted mother who has actually started
a campaign in favor of this plan of
slaughter Her name is Maud May
nard Noel and she has three children
She is a close student of sociological
questions and has written much for
American and English magazines
garded as a mercy rather than as a re
Things We Ought to Know
That water is purified by boiling
That olive oil is a gentle laxative and
should be freely used
That good literature should be plenti
fully provided for the boys
That all children girls as well as
boys should be taught self reliance
That sprains may be greatly relieved
by the use of poultices of hops or tansy
That every kitchen should have a
high stool on which one can sit when
That every household should possess
a pair of scissors for trimming lamp
That there is no better medicine for
bilious persons than lemon juice and
That hot dry flannel if applied to the
face and neck will relieve jumping
That if an iron is once allowed to be
come red hot it will never retain the
heat so well again
That the future destiny of the child
says Napoleon is always the work of
the mother
That a room may be swept without
raising a dust by scattering scraps of
damp newspaper around
That in canning or preserving fruits
and vegetables it is always most eco
nomical to choose the best and freshest
That when putting away the stove
pipe for the summer it should be
rubbed with linseed oil and put in a dry
That the rubber rings for fruit jars
when stiffened may be restored by
soaking them in water to which am
monia has been added
That the gilding on trfrnished picture
frames may be restored by gently wash
ing it with warm water in which an
onion has been boiled
Fog and Coal Gas
According to the statement of Pror
Lewes a London fog deprives coal
gas of 111 per cent of its illuminating
power but this is not so astonishing as
is the fact that under similar circum
stances the searching light of an in
candescent burner lose vs much as
20S of its efficacy The r eason given
by Prof Lewes for this phenomenon
is that the spectrum of both the incan
descent and the electric light ap
proaches very nearly that of the solar
spectrum being very rich in tho violet
and ultra violet rays It is precisely
these rays which cannot make their
way through a London fog To this
is attributed the fact that the sun looks
red on a foggy day The violet rays
are absorbed by the solid particles
floating in the aqueous vapor of the
atmosphere and only the red portions
of the spectrum get through The in
teresting additional statement is made
in this connection that the old argand
burner is much more successful in re
sisting a London fog than any of its
later rivals Science
A Cosmopolitan 31eal
au American traveling in Palestine
describes an interesting dinner he ate
recently at a hotel in Jericho We sat
on the porch of the hotel at Jericho
he wrote after dinner at which we
were served with butter from Norway
cheese from SAvitzerland marmalade
from London wine from Jerusalem
diluted with the water from the well
of Elisha raisins from Rainoth Gilead
oranges from Jericho in no respect in
ferior to those from Jaffa or the Indian
River Florida and almonds from the
ast of the Jordan smoking Turkish
tobacco which like the Turkish em
pire is inferior to its reputation and a
qup of coffee from the corner grocery
and promiseless Jife shall not be re- of Jeric 3 Hartford Courant
Description of the Machine Which
Ended GoIHh Life
San Sebastian Michel Angiollo or
Golli who shot and killed Cnnovas Del
Castillo the prime minister of Spain
at the baths of
Santa Agueda on
Sunday Aug S
was executed ac
cording to the sen
tence of the court
martial imposed
upon him after his
trial which sen
tence was confimed
by the supreme
council of war re
Angiollo heard
calmly the news
that he was to be
executed but he
the oabrote appeared to be sur
prised at and bitterly complained of
the frequent visits of the priests de
claring they would obtain nothing from
him He declined to enter the chapel
saying he was comfortable enough in
his cell
An executioner from Bourges per
formed the garroting just prior to
which a priest exhorted the anarchist
to repent to which Angiollo responded
Since you cannot get me out of pris
on leave me in peace I myself will
settle with God
The garrote on which Golli died Is
named after its inventor a Spanish
ironworker who witnessed a bungling
to establish a means of measuring tho
force of the wind at a high velocity
Scientific men have so far been unable
to discover an accurate method of de
termining the force of high winds The
professor has enlisted the interest of
the Illinois Central railroad in his ex
periments and that company has
placed at his disposal a train wth a
fast engine a special car for experi
ments and a section of its tracks at
Centralia The apparatus used by the
professor and his assistants is a some
what complicated one It consists of a
pressure board two steel disks and a
vane fitted upon a freight car These
are supplemented with a speed record
er and with this machinery Professor
Nipher can gauge the velocity and the
pressure in pounds of the wind cur
rent created by a train which rushes
past the experiment car which stands
still Professor Nipher who is con
ducting the experiments is one of the
foremost physicists in this country
For many years he has been head pro
fessor of physics in the Washington in
stitution and is the local authority on
subjects falling within the range of
his specialty
Former Iinister of His Country to
the United States
Count Munimltsu Mutsu former
Japanese minister to the United States
is dead The count was one of the
foremost statesmen of modern Japan
He leaves behind him much political
and historical literature of which he
- -
Where many Anarchtats hsivo Leen executed recently
execution of a relative on the gallows
which was the method employed in
Spain up to about thirty years ago for
carrying out the sentence of death
Garrote wondered that a more ex
peditious and therefore merciful
method had not been discovered ne
little thought then that he would be
the one to furnish his country with a
substitute for the gallows but the
thought haunted him so long that he
at length found it assuming ordered
form in his mind and in time the pon
derous death dealing machine that has
immortalized him in his country came
to be a fact
The two points of excellence claimed
for the garrote are these That it can
be made with reasonable care to kill
instantly and that it sheds not one drop
of blood Force that is measured by
horse power is the agency it employs
and its aim is the breaking of the vic
tims neck
The unfortunate is first made to sit
in a chair directly under two heavy
iron bars one of which is adjusted on
the back of his neck and the other
vulgarly known as the corbatin or
necktie under his chin Then the ex
ecutioner grasps the handle jrives n
vigorous twist and death is instaneous
The entire machine is made of iron
and ordinarily weighs several hundred
pounds They are ordinarily of very
rough construction thus adding to tho
horrifying impression which the cir
cumstances connected with them can
not but leave in the mind of any ob
Persons who have witnessed all sorts
of capital punishment are unanimous
in the opinion that garroting is the
most revolting and appalling of all It
is not always as expeditious as its in
ventor mare it possible to be A
vicious executioner can prolong it prac
tically at will and herein is the sys
tems great drawback as it is now
constituted Cases are citable in which
the process was prolonged twenty
thirty minutes even three quarters of
an hour The executioner merely gave
twist enough to the handle or lever
to choke his victim Then he turned it
back and twisted again this time a
little more than at first and so on un
til his spite having been satisfied or
his Instructions perhaps obeyed he
gave one final turn and ended the tor
tured life Such was the execution of
Maloja in Mantanzas Cuba In 1888
Prof Francis E Nipher Who Is Con
dnctine Interesting Kxpsriments
Professor Francis E Nipher of the
chair of physics in the Washington
University at St Louis is busy with a
series of experiments by
which he
was the author and which will be of
inestimable value to the future Jap
anese historian Mutsu was in the
forefront of the constitutional move
ment and he and the Marquis Ito wero
the leaders in molding the empire into
its present firm and modern form His
services were of incalculable good dur
ing the late Chinese war At the end
of that conflict lie was a member of
the peace convention that framed the
treaty which left Japan with many
great political and commercial advan
tages that it did not formerly possos
Early in life Mutsu did uiiu h traveling
He spent aj ear in Germany during the
Franco Prussian war After the fall
of the Shogunnite regime Mutsu lost
much of his honors and estate and in
1SSJ came to America and Europe to
study educational method He was
I tltf Willi ui v1
Wry w
VW yy
w sy
especially fond of America and did
much to introduce American methods
in the government and educational sys
tems of Japan In 1S8S he was ap
pointed minister to the United States
and was very popular during his stay
in the capital which he was forced to
leave because of ill health His son
was recently recalled to Japan and left
his position as secretary of legation to
attend upon the count Count Mutsa
was 54 years old
Some Tested Points in Diet
The fact that milk has become ei
tremely popular with all classes of phy
sicians of late years is emphasized by
a recent writer in the North American
Review Formerly a fever patient was
forbidden to take the article while in
modern practice it is about the only
food allowed and a well nigh exclu
sive diet of that liquid is said to be
very efficacious in diabetes At the
German spas Carlsbad Wiesbaden
etc a very little bread is allowed the
diet being mostly made up of milk
eggs grapes and lean beef a non
starch diet the rule bread starchy
vegetables hd cereals being almost
excluded Rice is easily digested and
an excellent food except that it
abounds in earth salts Fruits are not
only digested in the first stomach but
they have a large part of the nourish
ment already in a condition to be ab
sorbed and assimilated as soon as
eaten The food elements in bread and
cereals have to undergo a process of
d astion In the stomach and then be
passed on to the intestines for a still
further chemical change before being
of use to the human system showing
the advantage of a diet of lean meats
and fruits
What insect does a tull father rep-
hoes to determine wind pressure and resent A