The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, September 23, 1897, Image 8
if i J W isfcrtto 4 UibMt dwiai - - - - I - 4 SQUARE DEAL Official Paper of Cherry CJonn 100 Fein 11tt eh Afamnce Entered at the Post office at Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly tt its subscribers until a definite order x discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in fall 50 cents per inch per month Kates per column or for long time ads made known on appli cation to this office Demoeiatie Tickv yorSupreniH Jndge Fxir Uegents State rniversity E FOKliELl C IOKGEK WENOSVEIf When any man tells jou that Judge J T Sullivan is a former republican ask him tSlOTV nis proot of that as sertion Ke cant do it The Whitman Sun has changed -editors and 11 J Russell will mould the papers opinions in the future If h takes his name as a business motto he lie is all right Sha ke 3n the populist party are found some of the mosthonest honorable- and pat riotic men in our land bwfct there are others just as gotJjwlx are not popu lists Party makesqrotfthe man Sheep are dying oiby the thousand in Australia on account of the short pasturage casedrty dry weather If Vool goes out of sight though it will be on account of the Dingley bill In Brown county the democrats populists and silver republicans bave agreed upon fusion the democrats to take the offices of treasurer and super intendent In Keya laha county the democrats named the sheriff because this paper intends to work and is now working for the- interests of democracy regardless of ail other parties certain persons have sprung the old chestnut that the editor wont last loug and -had get out right away while he cau These persons are at present only scared -they may get lwirt before long The Springview has been bought by the the two papers will be- conselidated Bro lritz must have made a considerable amount- of dough since going to Springview Well we like-to-See the bhoys prosper even though we- dont make anything ourselves A party of emigrants passed through town Tuesday morning on their way to Ifcicbardson county this state Theycume from Cherry coisaty and their only excuse for leaving the country was that their rest was-disturbed bjvtbe little Ilea How is -that for high ICeirB Ye editor and wife went to Lincoln lastSaturday to Omaha Monday the State Fair Tuesday and came home same night The wife stopped off at Webad no help this week and this accounts for ther bummy ap pearauce of -the paper The Fair i immeuse and aboutfifty Cherry county people are then Will tell about r rst week r Tfei 4- dSmiti5t W It Kissel 4j9 llrnwnlee Neb- Also siiine below Itll hip Also MWk right Range Kissids Ranch Thomas IftMTjiiIS I 1 1 J IiT either left side or hip- Hor s slniliPr Range head ot Antelope 7IH I W OF Wheeler Pros Codyi Neb Etta i Rangoon the Snake River and llaf Louis J Kichards ITiTimav Neb Charles JT1 liulliaber IL- Mr JmwmMm Mi Xitt Jh os 11 O rrownlee Neb ltight or lei t side Horses same on left shoulder Earmark Swal low tail clip right or left ear Range Rig Creek rrownlee Nebr Vither right or left slffi on cattle Horses same- on left shoulder Lcrt car cut o1of ciittte Jtaugc Io up river 3Srr John Hi Harnan lVoMilee Neb W p ni aiak mm H6 C w h S51 Itauge louse Greek- Louis R T 111 Itosebud S D Horses Cattle hole in each ear Itaime Bin and Little White Rivers am Jim inian Neb- Charles Richards Mcrrimaii Neb CCK be Horses on left shoulder jnp Mhrshall ct Arolfenden Kennedy Neb Some on the left hip Horses S on left shoulder lrand is small Earmark Juarter clip behind half cir cle forward on leit ear Range Lone Tree Lake TiirSrarnB i r Paul Didier DG 1 n f fr j SSSSM Charles C Ttickett tB s VM w m Itosebud D Itauge head of An telone near St Marys mission Horses brai don on left thigh William F Schmidt Rosebud S D On left side Horses branded same on left hip or slnulder Range on Horse Creek m n W SSI I mm IIIBIIIW Davenport- Thacher carry a line of collins and undertakers fjlies 27 piUMmftryi eaNP apt n 52 TDun w - Ja what yon ctoveYy time you buy a poiuwVnf sugar a can of fruit vbiisho of potatoes -a pai of shoes a hat or cap3 a xy of pants a suit of eMies yard of ribbon or should sen patterns or anything else of THE VftlOfflNE DEMOCRAT EGBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher i C HORNBY hi u 4 JJWJ Wjw n73J 1 SiAl I u Ty p - liSg v t1 Lf C VJ i w - rrr Mill 1iivpyfay Bran bulk 40c per cwfc 700ton Shorts bulk oOc per cwt 000 ton Screenings 3rc GOO Chop Feed 70c 1300 Corn 5e Oats flte Xoticr to iratlitiPtK It coiintv court witliin and for1 Cherry county Nebraska in the matter of the estate or Ferdciiand Ncidcrt deceased Vo the creditor- ol laid Vou arc hercl v notilied That r will sit ar tlie countv court room in Valentine in said comity on the tli dUvof October Is7 Jo receive and ex amine all elanis against sal estate with a view to their adjustment and alltnvnnce The time limited iorM he presentation of claims against said estate is eight months from the 0h lay of lanuarv Ai I 1M7 and the time limited for the payment of debts is one year from said oth da ol lanuarv 1W7 Witness niv liandnnd tin seal of the County - Court this luthitkiv of September 1S7 SEAL WliTOWXE m 7 County fudge C S Land Ollice Valentine N b f September 7 18S7 f Complaint having been enteicd at this ollice byOtlue Loseleit against Elisha Kgteslon for failure to complv with law as to timber cultuiv entrv No 7051 dated May 17 lss7 upon the s nwriand s ne1 section 24 township t range 7 in Cherrv countv Nebraska with a iei to the cancellation of said entry contestant alleging that Ehsha Evleston has tailed to plant or cause to be planted to trees tree seeds or cuttings during the vear Iftiothi Sfeeondo acres of ground broken jii almve described land and since the yearlsno he has not cultivated nor caused the same to be done nor trees tree steds nor cut tings has been planted on the land described since the vear 1M aim lie has Jailed to cm o his laches upto the tiling of this contest the said parties an hereby summoned to appear at this ollice on the tilth day ol October lrt17 at 10 kVlocfc a in to ropond and furnish testimony concerning ssiiil Alleged failure I A KIKE Keeelvciv ApiJliitttiou for Administrator In the County Court in and for Cherry county Nebraska epf 2 Isi7 In Hi iiiiittir iiftbe estate ol A EllCksOU deceased I ilayoTO i AniMisr Krickson bavintr filed in mv ollice a Xion No s titioii in aving for the apimintmeiit of I N Rus sell as adiuiiiistratorof tlie estate of A Erick son deceased all persons interested in said es tate will take notice that 1 have lixctl Satuiday the 2th da oof Septcmlier isit7 as the time and my offijein lentine Cherry count Nebraska asthwnlaiforliearingMiid petition at which time interested may ap pear to show cause it any there tie why such not be appointed Wlinssnv hand and the seal of the County ourt tbis 2i iday of September 1S07 SEAL W RTOUNI - County lodge John Jerv Rosebud JdXDl S II Kosebud S 1 Also 15 IL on leit rside Cattle undercut on- both ears Horses branded 4 on left shoulder IJanire on Antelope and Spiiug Creekn S Some branded William TL J 1 11 1 1 5ii Lesnce from Heine it Kroeger Cody Neb I Either side II 117 on lelt side Horses JO on left hip lange in jieyer Co on Antelope Creek JUlllinel 7 U4U I WW 1 As tmm Left ear of cattle Split linage head of Hay jl ICClv Joseph W Jown3t IVOaddress Nebr Charles Uenard Rosebud S D Range Rig AVhite and ad Rivers Sam Hudson Simeon Neb f LJT Left hip on cattle SsTiS Lt ft shoulder on Hr 1 horses -9 ffiJM l Some horses Lazy 4 zl on left stioilder i i Itlllirf hMtAVflll JjOordon and Snake ivm tj 7 u limi r M2gS1ifejRi V r Latt ears tagged All cattle dehorned tsfe Henry Pratt Rosebud S D Left side Hones- same on Ipffshoulder Deerhorn clip on some cattle JS3BPsi W5k w Pi- - F - i JSZl2 AVilliain Shansren Cody Neb -2 - IM neeK Va f -V fk UV 1 Gie jjiuap unuei sine oi Jnthe District Court lth judicial district in and for Cherrv Conntv Nebraska J The SheridanCountv Hank Incorporated riaintiff Peter J Whitf Moren Whiff V C Shattuck and Peter A Nelson Defendants Peter J WiuflMoieii Whiff and Peter ANel son non resident defendants will take notice that on thhilstday or AugusTlsi7 the Sheridan Comity Btnk plaintiff herein tiled his petition in the District Com t of Cherr County Nebrns ka against said defendants tho object and pray er of which an to forecloso a certain mortgage executed bv defendants Peter J WItilf and Mo ren Whiff to the plaiutifT uion Iota 2 anil 4 and njswM section J township s2 range 40 west of fith p m to secure the payment of one cert in promniissory note dated August 20 ik for the sum of S8GK0 duo and navable one vear from FINAL PROOF NOTICES Land JJTlce at alentine Neb Sent i ibL7 f date thereof that there is now dile and payable onvsaid note amHuor tgage the sum of sfoso ror which sum with interest from August 20 18W plaintiff prays for a decree that defendaHts be retiired t pay the same or that aid premises mav bcsold to satisfy the amount found due Vou are requiredtoanswcrsaid petition on or before the l Ith diy of October lf7 jiateu August i isi7 THE SHERIDAN COlXTV HANK 2- 15y 1 C 1 1 kk A ttorney Claimants and vHtaesncs 111 Imal iroi cases 1 notice of which tjiariii Tik1kmokat will receive a marked copy oft lie paper should any error in description of land orspehing of names be discovered notice should be sent to the land office and this ollue so em reel inn can be made 1 - ts nsuuncimt t Kami Ollice Valentine Nebr September 20 isi7 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of intention to make linal proof in support of his claim and that said proot will be made before the Itegistsr or Receiver at Valentine Neb on October 30 1597 viz Sarah A Ilobbs of Simeon Neb II E No mot -for the wimv4 and wKswK Sec IS Tp 31 lle names the following witnesses to prove his continucus residence upon and cultivation of said land iz Samuel Hudson John P Lord Charles W Pennett and Ienjainin J Felcli all of Simeonv Neb 0m CUtLOVEH Register U S Land Ollice ValontmeNeb Sep l 1S7 P Notice is hereby given that Amw K Childer J of Nenel Nebr has niediKdif of intention to make final svoof before Itcnster and Receiver at lhM7otlk e in Valentine Neb on Kritlaj the 22ii oay of Ocfober lsT en tiniper culture appli cation No 777 t rse1 Sec 2i To Tu i2 ll names as witness - Ceorge L Ms or Nencl NebiM aim Anson Newborfy Charles L Newberrv and Irving C Stmts of Cody Nebr i a C K JLOVSlt Uegister Land Ollice at valentine Nebr i Sept tr ls7 Notice is hereby given that Sylvester Remaly of Johnstown NcbV heir of Elizabeth Remaly dectased has Iiled notice ol intention to make Jin il proof before Register and Receiver at their I ollice in Valentine Neb on Wcdnesd iv the 27h ober isi7 on timber culture si fsr the simi iiwUuw1 an 1 AIt jict Sec lrp2sn lie mines as witnesses- Cyrus May of Iur dum Nebr Henry Miehefi il Johnstown Neb and cvrusHagenand Eli Valentine ot Ved lake Nebr Also Silvester Ifenialy ot Johnstown Xeb heir of Elizabeth Uemaly deceased II Is Nr si7 for the w1 swH Sec and esei Sec 4 Ip JSn R 25W lie name i the following witnesses to prove his continuous i esidenee upon and cultivation of said land vi- Cyru May of Purdmii Neb Henry Mieheel of lonijstowii Nebr and Cyrus liagiii and Eli Valei tine ol Woodlake Neif Ui C R OLIVER Regisler U S Land Ollice Valentine Nebr Sept I lsi7 Notice is hereby given that John IL Rush of Valentine Nebr has Hied notice of intention to make linal proof before the Uegister and Jte ceiverat then oJhce ni Valentine Net on Kri day the 22ml day orciober 18H7 on timber cul tuie application No ii tor Lots-2--4 and swiiie4 Sec To 2in R il w He names as vituessus San ford J Sjiain Inucl M hears Char ki A Rote and- Alono AyersjiUot Keunedy Nebr Also Sanlord Q Spain of Kennedy Xebr II E ltitirn to Lot 2 seliiilv and netswH Sec Tp u Isiw ly naino tlie loliowing w itnesscs ro jirove ins Notice is hereby given that settler has iiled notice ot his intention to make final proot in support of his claim and that said proof will lie made befoie Register anil Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Ocr 21 1S7 Jjucy Cole of Woodlake Xbr II E O jsO for the Lots rand 7 Sec 5 and njneU oec Mpim R 7w He uames the loliowing witnesses to prove his continuous rstdeiice upon and cultivation of sain land vi Neil Haima Ernest rose IJuck lay andvlames 31 Ha i n VsMake Neb - C tiJVER Register II S Land Ollic Vaentine Ncbv ept It S7 f Notict is hereby given that PhiHlRPtillniau of Liullniaii Nebr lias filed notice ot his intention to lmtkc final proof belore the Register andr Je cerverat their ollice in Valentin Neb on Tuesday the 2th day of October ISid on timber culture application No sigh lor the ssei sw1 and Lot 1 Sec M Tp 2iu R rw He iames as witnees Timoihy Kalby William Pullman Jacob A i arvan William MelLar all of Pullman Neb Also Jacob A Varyan ot Pullman Nek T C No 8141 lor the nsw1 sesisw and nwhse1 Sec PJ Tp 2Sn R iOw He names as witnesses Timothy- Falhv William Iullnan Plnllip Pullman WiUiaiii Met gar all ot Pullman Nebr Also William Pullman of Pulman NebivTVC No SLnHor Hie njse1 swjse auL sejsw i Sec 11 Tp2sn Riw He mwies as witnesses TiniotUv FaJly Phillip Piiilinau Jacol v Yaryan and Wihiam Met7g irull ot Pullman Net 34- C It O LO ER- Register V S Land Oiiice Valsntiue Neb i 21 1SI7 Notice is hereby given that Charles Hagedorn of Papillion Nebr has tiled notiCOf mteition to maie lmal prjot before the Register or his cilice in Valentine Ne on Friday the St it day of October IVJ7 on trftibnr culture application NoSfU4 for the sch of section No 7 in township No iwn RaiiLe No t v He names as witnesses Ileniy Sehuitz Iler mai Schultz William Dauofsixy and Frank Khisikufiikev all of Kdgoie Net Jl M C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office alentme Nebr l Agnsi 25 1S97 Notice is hereby given tls t Li7i Ladelv for merly LJhHasiins lns tiled notice of inten tion to make final tiroof bire tue RegjMer or Receiver at- his olhce in Valentine Nebr on Tuesday the I2th -a of October lfJT on thnber culture applKu ion No 7V lor the siuei and s4iw4 ot stfe n Tp 2 Jn R rw He names as witiiesses lieniamin Freeman fSeorgc W Ladelv Elmer K Orr of Newton Nebr Levi N hajporfe of Valentine Nebr Also Elmer E Orr of Xewton Xel II E Ssl for the nesv1 n Jsehaad sej nei See 2 Tp 29 R lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and of said land viz George W I aiely Benjamin Freeman Lizzie Ladelv of Newton Neb Lei N L iyporte of Valentine Neo M K C R LOVER Regime U Si Land Ollice Valentine Nebr August I Ith 18l7 i Notice is hereby givm ihat Charles IL TJIc Da iel has tiled notice of intention to make uiul prot before the Register or Receiver at his ollice in Valentine Neb on Wed se day the 2th day of September 1mi7oii timber culture application No 7S7d for tlie Lots 1 2 4 of 5ec Tp 2iw in- ge 2cw He names s Tom Dae Benjamin Dale JoJiu O Emlerma and Ely I V leutiaa allot Wood Lake Neb ai ss CR GLOVER Regiiter - 0tags Jg3S A r fl I TT WU I m m JACKSON Arthur M Sherman of Valentine Neb U S Land Office A alentine Neb i August IS97 f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hn Iiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proor wiJe irade before Register or Receiver at alentine Nebr on Oct ijth Is97 viz KoberL F Oillaspie of Chesterfield Xeb II E NoUS7forthe sw jiiei nwsel4 and e1 sw1 1 Sec Tp R l He names the loliowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Jacob W Stetter of Valentine Nebr Ira T Richardson Daniel Adanison and Tboma M Fithenry I Neb also Daniel Adam son of Chesterfield Xeb H E No 004j for the lots L and Sec 51 Tp R o and becil Tpjn Ri He n imes the foIiomg witnesses to move his continuous residence upon and cultnation of said laud viz Robert F GiHaspieThomas M Fitzheiirvaud Ira T Richardson of GlKwlerucId Neb Jacob W Stetter ol Valentine Nebr also Ira T Richardson of Chesterfield Xeb II E No 0192 for the inv- See 25 aid neUse 2C Tp 31 Ui II- iii ne the following witiess3Jto prove his esidenee upon and cultivation of sao jaiui w Robert Gillaspie Oai iel Adamson and Thomas 71 S irzhenry of Che terfiell Neb Jacob w Stetter of Valentine Nebr C R GLOVER Register Land Ollice at Valentine Nebraska i August 21 D7 f Notice is hereby given that George W Cole man one of the heirs of Abrae Coleman de ccased has filed notice of intention to make final proof befoie tin- R gister and Iter eiver at their office in Valentine Neb on Tuesday the ith dajrof October 1W7 on timier culture a plicarion No 7vt for the s re and n se1 of No xi m township Nori range SI w He mime as witnesses John II Davis Jsai ih ia is Charles A Hoffman and Alerrieu E Iotison all of Kilgore Neo- 51 rli GLtlVER Register U s Land Office at Valentine Neb i August -21 ISIfT I Notice is hereby given that the ed sfttier has fifed notice oP his iatcniion to 11 Ar - 1 iLiftin i i - i RED HOT TIME vc are uivinu those Wotnr to keep -up -with our great end-of-season N r KICB Just at the present time ve iipsliapc to make the lowest prices ever known oi YTHING In Drv Good Dress Goods Jlnts aal Gaps Boots and Shoe Groceries and Xotions Cofe and look the roods ovec BRAYTON Sitii Premier 9pcwrier Best Value Wriin I3achne First in Emprovcmenfs Honost CioisJrtJCion and a3 Hlh rtpade TiJcwritci Jcsswrjlfals T T rr PT0PmenrHK Qrttr citftsHc Omaha Branch Office Corner Seventeenth and Farnanu Streets l S Ijind Ollice Valentine Nebr Aicz 2 17 Notice is hereby pven that Charlotte- Me Laughiin of liiairsfown Iowa has Hied jotice ot intHiuou to make final proof before the Reg ister or Receher at his ollice m Valentine Neb on TmSdav the 12th day of October ls7 on tim ber culture application No MKfci for the eie1 setuw1 and neisw1 of Sec Tp 27n R2 She names as witneses John JSteen Ifoyd W Pool Enoch Andes and Harney IVcNitt alt of Rrownlee Nebniska Testimony of claimant will be taken- before the Cherk of thODiatrict Court for Renton county at life ollice in Vinton Iowa on October y ts7 2 i7 C It GLOVER Uegister U S Land Ollice Valentine Nebr l August 14 1X17 I Notice is hereby ziven that Zaehai v T Kisk of Hal Oie has filed notice of lutentioii to make final proof before the Register or Reechvr at his ottice irt Valentine Neb on Wednesday ti day of Spteinir 17 n timb i cutur appli cation No 72Stor theswi of Sec lp In Jange2jv He witnesses AirnihnP iavton V- urn Venn- nee i j wiiitaker for abandoning his homotead iei j r illfinilllilllUVIUCI UMIJ iiiciwiti r i r nA 4cysr r l t rS4L w Il otcv and iiiira mi- iiiinmuw nwi HIS I i nn Il jiiii -lf 1 tioi rJi Inwnaliln conti - - - - - - 1 I - I iviuiit iiuju rebiiciits i inuii and rwiLivnruin nx - - - vui w said land viz -II lttW III V 1IUII V I til 14 lt UltlKti John Croniu Ely I Valentimv Paul Ivenni cottand Willis Pii riiard all ol Wood Lake Neb W C R 5 LO V ER Uegi ter U S LawKMhce Vaentine Neb Aumist 2J lsi7 Nice is hereby given rjhat William E Ralwr of Proken Pow Neb ias lijed notice of inten tion make linal pron feiiMv the legistere or Receiver at his ofilce Val ufne Neb on Saturday the ith dav October 1MI7 on timber cultuie ajipheition No so4 tor Hie n ne swiiieVi and iienwi or section No in town ship No Lin range No iv He names as witnesses Ely Valentine Oscar W Mi Daniels John O Eudemaii and Andrew Ward all of Woodlake Neb I Testimoin of claimant will betaken before the i Judge or the County Coiut r Ciiater Count a- his ollice in Broken Bow Neb on ct 7 l sJ7 a i CR CLOVER Register I I S- Daid OflUie Valentine Neb September 2 e Complaint No m2i having been euterediat thi ollice by Eiisha Edwards against WjfIfAvA ith a view to the cancellation of said entry tlie said parties are hereby summoned to anpear at this ofriiie oiu the day of October ls y7 at lt oclock to re spond an J furnish testimony concernint said al leged abandonment J A Fikk Receiver L S Land OriiiKaleiitiroIVeli eptialMi7 Complaint having been entered at this oHer by WMJiam Boliwerk agaiut JHliann Iollriess for abandoning his Homestead Entrv Xo DM1 II ATI t r too 1 -- i - I iiiiiii uLii i - iiiwi mi ne oi nej lie5 Sec l seise4 ttv is Tp 31 Rsa ill Cherrv county Neb witl a view to iu niiicellatioti ot entiy the tid parties are Imreby s iiimnoii j el to appir ad thus ottice on the tbtli dav of Oet Y vf at f ocloek a in to respond and fur- i id 4estimouy ccuceriiing saHl aHeged abandon rteut t7 LA -BIKE Receiver i s Land tmice alentine Nebr September 2 137 t Complaint having been entered at this ofilce by John E Nyearainst Charle A Barnes for abandouiug his homestead entry No 1UUS2 dated Apnl 1 LSiC upon the se iswJi and section r2 township w nmge at in Cherry county Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of said entry the said parties arc hereby summoned to appeartit this ollice on the t Ith day of October isi7 at to oclock a in to respond and furnish testimony concircnin saiili alleged abandonment M A Fikk Receiver OS Mir i - WJisfcr m Kki s 4 The Same Ulan i May be made to loook entirely dif- ferent if the photographer knows how to produce the deception and clothiers i can uo thesame thing M thstsuit of lillill 1111IL III Mlilinill til III iUKi I 1 thataid proofwill be made before Register or 0Ur yctU necUie hat Of shoes lJOk Receiver at aientine NcbnuskaoiiOctober ii sli ibbycome in and well fit yea out- JooTiIiino TAtita nf Tihr - - with R w ontlit HEirflgrioriiestM iTnRsr I everything good s iie eames the following witnesses to prove her reideice upon and cultivation of said Und vi i ebeit E Sherman and Arthur Td Shnnan i of Valentine Nebr George II Uakev -Ii jti I j Clarence M WalcciL of oodlaKe N n Jl V C R GLOVER Jiegi5 or I cheap and uptodats r B Ta j iNARQ i X mt ffn ffle Smi Premier Cewriter go smm kTX i L S Land OHlce alentine Nebr i Sept 22 1W7 Complaint No i2t ha ing been enlered at this ollice by Martin Kcniiealey against Christs Forging for faduie to comply with law as to timber culture entrv No SiT dated March 20th lMto upon the nw1 section township U range 2 in Cherrj county Nebniska with a view to the canccllaton of said entr contestant alleging that Christian Forgeng has failed to cultivate jr cause to be cultivated anj jiart of said tract in the7ears of entiejiding March 20 1897 and said tract lia yrovm ujt in weeds and gniss and there are no ilvin4recs theieonatthU date and lias failed to cure his laches to thtoriate the saiiL parties ate h reby summoned to appear at the 2d day of xovenhttr 1S17 at 1 oclock a to respond ami furnish testimody concerning sid alleged failnse s J A FiKK Receiver T L indOlllce Vadntlae Neh Scpleiiber i ls7 C CoinilaintiKTipgleeenrerei it this ofiXie by Olivw ilrowo airainsti Atla V Pugh for abaudpuing her homscad entry No W57 dated iirjHirnnr iif miiin rbH t iuUiri imi lohn Daniels Samuel Hudson and Vlllard iiiai s tnvnliiiii riiifiiii rurrv t ilil tr oil iT Cl mrtrtli Tli a x t ii i flll I11 V 141 W iiMIVM L Testimony of claimant will be taken before the Clerk of the District Court for Lane countv at his olfice KBugene Citv Oregon on Sejtem ler2t isrr o r C IL OLOVEK Register I S Land Ollice Valentine Nebr Anr hi i7 s Notice is he fbv iriyeii thaTf the mined settler has filed notice ofhis intention to nnke linal uroinn stmnort of his claim and that said nreol will be made forefhe conlinuoiis icsideuce uijon and cutiation of j or Receivi rat rJcntiue Neb on Sept 21 txir said land i lohn H Rush of Valentine Neb ami Daniel M be trs C harles a Pote und Alono Uers ol KennuljNebr 4 ifiC IJJLOV KIi Ilogister US I county Nebraska with a view to the cancella tion ol sud entn the said parties are hereby siimmmel to appear at U S Laud office Valen tine Neb on the isth day of October 1897 at H oclock n m tw resoud and furnish tc tiraonyc concerning said alleged abandonment Contest ant further alleges tnat said Ada V Pugh han v neer made actual settlement noon said land a j iciiiiired by law and has failed to curt lip lUMill J A FiKvJcdvcr - 95