The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, September 09, 1897, Image 1

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I- H
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HP IT 17
Comina Kvcnttt
Teacher Association Supt 11
vijirtricl Court Oct 16
- t
f Dr Dwyer now has eight patients in
his hospital
Wanted Baled hay Davenport
TiJAcncu 0 3
Fred Folks is working tor E Mc
Donald at Crookston
May Dwyer ofoodlake registered
at The Douoher Monday
Seekers after vacant houses in town
are having a hard time of it
J G Stetter is building a kitchen
on the east side of his residence
A H Davis of Xorth Platte was in
town this week on legal business
G P Crabb and family returned
front their trip to the Hills Monday
Egbert Bonnen of Pullman was in
town on business Monday and Tues
IIts C R Watson returned Mon
day evening from hervisitiu the east
cm part of the state
Monday was Labor Day and every
body in town celebrated the event by
working harder than usual
Henry ID Marcley and Lizzie L
JJrond were married by the county
judge Saturday September 4
Miss Greason was in town from
Kosebud Saturday and Sunday left
for her school at Devils Lake
J F Prentiss and C B Watson at
tended the old settlers reunion Friday
and went to Norden Saturday
The fame of Valentines schools has
spread abroad and we believe will aid
materially in building up the town
Judge Tucker and Al Thacher at
tended the picnic at Sparks Friday
rXhe Judge was the speaker of the day
For Sale 3 J inch thim ble skein
lumber wagon nearly new Inquire
of J A Hooton at Valentine House
The F E M V depot has re
ceived a new coat of red paint out
side The inside will also be repaint-
morning after a two -weeks visit
jz among old friends in the eastern part
of the state
A union meeting of the Christian
Endeavor and Epworth League was
held at the Presbyterian church Sun
day evening
Alex Dobson is putting up a fine
new house on his ranch near Merri
man and is now in Utah after another
bunch of cattle
John Jack of Bushvilie came in
from the east last evening and is
visiting in town Mrs Jack has been
here several days
E E Edwards and Wm Eulow of
Jordon were in town the first xt the
week on business connected with the
John Enlow estate
0 D Carey was in town from
Crookston yesterday with 40 bushels of
73 cent wheat Last year he got 40
cents for his wheat
J L Ballard is out from Iowa visit
ing with his father W G Ballard
south of Wood Lake aud lookiug af
ter his land interest
J A Foster of Fort Niobrara is
the possessor of a fine
and about 75 records which he will
rent to private parties
Judge Walcott and family spent
several days of last week seeing the
sights in the Black Hills returning
home Monday morning
Henry Graham is clerking in W A
Fettycrews store Fred Vincent hav
ing resigned his position for the pur
pose of attending school
Prof Fred Duff visited Prof Wat
son here last week while on his way to
llushville to assume his duties as prin
cipal of the schools at that place
Miss Bertie Brownlee was the guest
of Mrs Crawford Friday afternoon
and Saturday while on her way from
Gordon to her school at Longpine
Wanted At once a good girl for
general housework Must be a good
coolv Good wages to right party
35 Mrs J C Dwyer
G H Taff of Springfield S D ar
rived in town Monday night for the
purpose of working on the new school
building He is an old fritnd of Joe
The tent social of the Episcopal
Guild last evening was adjourned to
Cornell Hall on account of the wind
The Guild realized 1S25 from their
W A Pettycrew sells a new style
match that isa dandy It lights in a
hurry burns slowly and is so made
that it cant burn the fingers Same
price as the old style
Head the supplement with this issue
of The Desiocrat
It is reported that C K Brower was
married in Council Bluffs Monday to
Miss Kate Bartholomew
W S Barker left yesterday morning
for a woeks visit in Tekamah and the
eastern part of the state
Frank Weeks now has charge of D
Stinards farm and store east of Fort
Niobrara Joe Bristol having retired
from the same and moved onto the
John Smyser and wife Val Nichol
son Mae OSullivan Leona Baumgar
tel of Crookston and Miss Murphy of
ONeiZi made a trip to the Rostbud in
dustrial school Sunday
L W Connor secured the relinquish
ment of Walter Bowrings claim north
of Merriman on Bear Creek and came
down Tuesday morning aud liled fcome
stead papers on the same
Wm Krotter the well known Stuart
lumberman was in town last Saturday
While here he solicited bids from local
contractors for the construction of a
Catholic church at Stuart
Miss Anna Murphy of ONeill was
in town Saturday the guest of Mae
O bullivan Miss Murphy will leach
near Crookston this fall and went to
her school Monday morning
Frank Tait was arranged before
Judge Towne this morning charged
with burglarizing the residence of It
J Cook Tuesday night The case was
continued until Monday morning
T C Hornby and wife started Tues
day morning for a three weeks trip
They intend stopping a day at Arling
ton and will then viit in Davenport
Iowa going from that place to Chi
Even the horrid men turn and
tase a second look in Efners mil
linery store windows Miss Efner
has a One display of her goods and
ladies patronizing her are sure to get
the latesj styles
Prof D A Melton was in town
Wednesday with a load of wheat and
made this office a call while in town
Mr Melton is one of those who do not
regard the good crops of this year as a
result of last falls election
While lif tiner loaded shoterun bv
TUtrsiuui lT6nrcs
of Rosebud- vtisZMfmftZA
The charge of shot from the gun en-
tered his right ride and tore a large
gap under the arm He was operctted
upon and is now at Dr Dwvers hospi
J E Marsteller of Harrison was in
town a day or so last week visiting J
C Northrop and W R Smith brother
and father-in-law respectively Mr
Marsteller is one of the leading mer
chants of Harrison aud was on his
way home after a two mouths vaca
tion in the east
Our correspondent at the Sparks
picuic has failed to make a report
but we are told that in point of num
bers it was the most successful affairs
ever held there The high wind mili
tated against enjoyment but the races
and ball games had many spectators
and were enjoyed greatly
Ye editor and family are indebted
to C R Watson for a couple of tine
young prairie chickens killed Monday
With his characteristic generosity J
A Fike offered us the use of his ice
chest for the purpose of keeping the
birds over night but our experience in
the melon line had made us cautious
and we gently but firmly refused the
Miss Lucy Bruner the only new
teacher in our schools this year arrived
here Thursday night Miss Bruner
has had seven years experience as a
teacher is a resident of Wausau this
state and taught in that place last
year She is a very pleasant lady both
in and out of school and an excellent
pianist We feel safe in predicting
for her success
County Superintendent Briggs of
Sheridan county failed to secure a re-
nomination at the hands of the popu
list party a few days ago and he im
mediately became so disgusted with
the country that he packed up his traps
and left Rushville for iQmball ne
did not even resign from Ins office and
the people of Sheridan county are in a
terrible pickle over it
The Xorden young people who were
to have been here Saturday and Sun
day guests of the Christian Endeavor
ers of this place failed to arrive but
the social was given just the same A
large crowd of young people were pres
ent at Cornell Hall and passed the
evening very pleasantly with games
and songs and social converse Cake
grapes and lemonade were served
W G Ballard one of Cherry coun
tys nest known stockmen was in the
city Saturday in company with W II
and 1 W McClusky of Winside The
latter gentlemen were figuring on buy
ing a bunch of Mr Ballards cattle
which range on the Niobrara south
west of Valentine The party wentto
Woodlake Sunday morning
Later -Mr i sold 100 head of his
stock for SM straight
c J
Published ftfr Fonr Years as
Captured Asa in
A few days ago Sheriff Strong re
ceived word that John Neeley vho
broke jail here three weeks ago had
been seen in Sheridan county and Sun
day night he Kent after his man At
Gordon he was joined by the deputy
sheriff of Sheridan county and then
the hunt began It seems that Neeley
had in some manner got in with a
racehorse man a brother of the Doc
Sutton who was here last spring who
was driving through the country with
his wife Trouble arose and Neeley
skipped out with Suttons wife and
team Arriving at Albany the sheriff
learned that the couple had gone east
and they were traced to this cdunty
near Cooper at which1 poinlNeeley
left the woman and tam and started
weBt on foot A posse was organized
and the fugitive was trailedcbout sev
enteen miles through the sand Jnlls
until hard ground was reached The
latter end of the trail headed tor Pine
Ridge so the sheriffs went ahead and
noticed the Indian police By this
time the pursuing party consisted of a
dozen ajounted and armed men and
thb country was being thoroughly
searched A little after noon they ar
rived at a house twelve miles north
west of Rushville and surrounding the
building closed in Neeley was there
having stopped to rest and get some
thing to eat and was immediately
placed under arrest BY submitted
quietly enough- -who wouldnt after a
chase like that in the hoc sun ard
Sheriff Strong brought his prisoner to
Valentine Tuesday morring Neeleys
face was blistered badly by the sun
and he was a beautiful looking biro
when brought here His only com
ment on his capture was Theres
two weeks of - hard work gone for
Itlethodist Ministers
jit the Xorth western Conference of
the M E cburch held in Crawford
last week the territory covered by te
conference was divided into two dis
tricts the dividing line being -at Cody
Rev J A Scamahoru of Gordoi vas
made presiding elder of theweSt dis
trict and appointments to churches in
his charge were made as follows
Alliance R H Gammon
Chadron O S Baker
Chadron circuit L W HortOD
Cody supplied by B Hunt
Cooper T C Balch
Crawford Oi L Ramsey
Q -- ST A Beck
ittTisoiKspVjlied by iKertttnU
JTTsiv SnrihVa - -yr t nisiF
Hemingford J W Kern
Lakeside T J Hazel ton
Lavaca C L Smith
Rushville C F Qumbow
White Clay G P Snedaker
Whitney C E Connell
Rev P H Eighmy of Longpine
was made presiding elder of the east
ern district and appointments were
made as below
Ainswoith C H Burleigh
Atkinson R A Ball
Brownlee J S Campbell
Butte J W Taylor
Crookston supplied by J A Johnson
Johnstown W O Glasner
Longpine V C Daniels
Newport II L Harvey
Sparks and JNorden F J Atkinson
Springview supplied by L Taylor
Stuart Amos Fetzger
Valentine - O T Moore
Woodlake CF Smith
School House News
Monday morning the first stone fdr
the foundation of Valentines ney
school building was iaid and by night
two tiers each one foot thick of the
west wall were completed Seventeen
men and four teams were engaged in
the work Monday as follows Four
men at the stone quarry four driving
the teams seven laying stone and two
mixing mortar The school house site
presented quite a lively appearance
Norfolk brick will be used in the
construction of the building and a car
load or 7000 is now on the ground
These brick seem to be of a very good
quality well burned and even in color
The balance of the brick will be here
in about ten days
Connection has been made with the
city water works and a hydrant put in
the school ground
Mr Fletcher will be here this week
with two carloads of lumber and workt
on the frame of the building will then
The man who bet that not more than
three Valentine men would be em
ployed loses his money
Teachers Association
The Valentiue Teachers Association
will meet in the High School building
at 1 p m Saturday Sept 11 The fol
lowing program will be rendered ev
erybody is cordially invited to be pres
The Teachers Duty with Regard to
Local Teachers Meetings
v Mrs Lizzie Crawford
Discussion Mrs Florence Austin
Tennessee Exposition from an Edu
cational Standpoint F F Gordon
The jSTebraska Reading Circle
k Lillian V Stoner
Discussion Mrs Sarah Irwin
The Classification of the Verb v
Prof R H Watson
The Nebraska Course of Study k
Lucy Bruner
Discussion Maggie Kibler
L - Jl t
Blorteaso Eccorrt
Duriog the month of August just
passed there were filed with the county
clerk 3 farm mortgages for 61075
and 5 for 128896 weie released 9
mortgages on town property for 6
574 were filee aud 2 for 3000 were
released 78 chattel mortgages for
7619830 were filed and 25 for 8
73755 were released 3 sheriffs
deeds were given during the month
Jury liiHt
Following is the jury for the term of
court which convenes here October 18
Jury called for the 19th
Wm Wagner W L Cohee E S
Lovelett JT Kief J W Curry O
D Carey D W Collett H F Kime
L NLayporte Jesse West J A W
Johnson A E Thacher L L Morrill
Aug Davis Perry Sweariuger James
Xhilders A Steele E E Crane E G
Bristol Barney McNitt Wm Pullman
Ld Dahlgnn Geo Higgms J A
liarse Enrollment
School commenced Monday with a
total enrollment of 227 and seats in
the various rooms are at a premium
j The pupils are distributed as follows
Under Prof Watson 31 j Miss Brown
1 35 Miss Callen 53 Miss Bruner 55
Mrs Jrawtord 53 This enrollment
of 227 on the first day of school means
an enrollment of about 250 during the
winter months and emphasizes the
need of not onlv more rnnm hnt nt
least one more teacher It also means
that there are now in Valentine about
900 people
Good Customers
Larribe Bros and David Gallinaux
were in town from Rosebud reserva
tion one day the past week and while
here cashed over 2000 in drafts which
they received from cattle recently sold
to Omaha firms These gentlemen
usually trade at Pierre S D but up
on this occasion E McDonald sold
them about 700 worth of goods and
other merchauts were patronized to al
most as great an extent This is the
class of trade which pays and Valen
tine gets considerable of it As her
advantages become still better known
she will geUmpre of it
To Girls and Boys
At the Omaha Exposition next year
there will be a Girls and Boys building
uhich will be erected by the girls and
rbftvo of vaevlcar A- Jt tter from
M A Himtevinerabef of the
of education Broken Bow says
I trust every school bay and girl
will begin the first week of school to
set the matter moving by taking shares
at five cents each Ask your teacher
to see that your school is represented
at the Exposition not only in the Girls
and lioys building but also in the edu
cational exhibits
EpiHcopal Chnrcli Notes
Bishop Graves delivered an excellent
sermon at the Episcopal church Thurs
day evening and organized the mission
by appointing the following vestry
Warden M S Hopkins clerk Robert
Good treasurer T C Hornby col
lectors Mrs R n Watson and Mrs
Robert Robinson The Bishop seated
that he would allow Miss Childe to re
main here for the present he being
entirely satisfied with her work
At a meeting of the Guild Saturday
Mrs R H Watson was elected presi
dent and Mrs J W Smyser secretary
Rev Bates will conduct services
Sunday morning and evening
CojnniissioncrH Proceedings
Valentine Keb Aug 31 1897
Board met pursuant to adjournment
Present Max E Viortel chairman P
Sullivan and W A Parker
Bids were opened for building iron
bridge across Isiobrara river at San
born ford southwest of Merriman cnd
the Wrought Iron Bridge Co of Can
ton Ohio being the lowest bidder was
awarded the contract at 97000 con
ditioned that the bridge be completed
in 90 days
The board then proceeded to select
the names of 60 taxpayers from which
to draw 24 petit jurors for the October
term of District court
The petition of Louis Pederson and
others for the opening of a public road
in township 30 range 31 Was laid over
to the next meeting
On motion the clerk was instructed
to draw a refunding order on county
treasurer in favor of J A W Johnson
for 3 10 school tax in district No 67
for the pear 1897 for the reason that
the property was not subject to tax in
said district Also to draw refunding
order in favor of C M Van Meter for
255 school tax paid in distiict No 12
for the year 1895j for the same reason
On motion the clerk was directed to
draw warrant on General rund in favor
of Jas Hudson for 6 00 erroneously
omitted at June meeting
Board adjourned to Sept 1 1897
Sept 1 1897 Board met pursuant
to adjournment All members present
On motion the board proceeded to
the treasurers office for the purpose of
checking up his books and accounts to
July 1 97 Finished checking up
treasurer and made an inspection of
county jail and ordered sheirff to have
same whitewashed at once Where-
lupon the bdard adjourned sine die
R vP if
ft- W
For our new goods all of our odds and ends of
Will be closed out
Look at the prices
250 500 850 AND 100 PER PAIR
These shoes have been selling at from 8100 to k00
Come first and get the most desirable bargains
The Fruit Season
With all its glories is here and as in the past the bes of
tame and wild fruits plums peaches pears bananas or
anges lemons etc will be found for sale by
LTighest prices for Butter Eggs and Earm Produce
Our Fall Goods
Are now arriving and to make room
for them all goods whicli have been in
Stock this summer must go To hurry
them along -we have put prices down
tmbedToek Ererythmg for the hornet
Call and see onr Dry G oods
E McDonald
Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Crookston also-
Tow Lmc Just Received Also
r s rr
in rtu
Call and see us Opposite The Donoher
Everything in our store is new and of
the best quality so you cannot make
a mistake by trading with us Weve
just put in a line of Shoes and Cloth
ing which you should examine
Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line- of sporting goods
Korth Westeni Lino77 is to boat
to and from the