The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, September 02, 1897, Image 7

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Commander Philip Hlchborn chief
constructor of the navy has presented
to the city of Hartford through Sen
ator Hawley the figurehead of Ad
miral Farraguts flagship the Hart
ford and it will probably be placed in
some pumic position in the city
Venom Tiihalcd with the Air
And Imbibed with the witter of i malarious
locality has still t certain antidote Experi
ence sanctions conlidence In llostetters
Stoniacli Hitters as a preventive of this
scourge Ail over this continent and In the
tropics it has proved Itself a certain means
of defense and an cradicaat of Intermittent
juid remittent fevers and other forms of
miasma born disease Nor Is it less effec
tive for kidney troubles constipation rheu
matism and nervousness
The Franks took their name from
the Francisques or battle axes which
they threw with deadly effect
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allens Foot Ease a powder for the
feet It cures painful swollen smart
ing feet and Instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions Its the
greatest comfort discovery of the age
Allens Foot Ease makes tight fitting
or new shoes feel easy It is a certain
cure for sweating callous and hot
tired aching feet Try it to day Sold
by all druggists and shoe stores By
mail for T cents in stamps Trial
package FREE Address Allen S
Olmsted Le Koy N Y
Bad luck will pursue you if you car
ry the handle of your umbrella down
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents
Even the joy of kings without kind-
noss is a rank counterfeit
Baldness is either hereditary or caused
by sickness mental exhaustion wearing
tight -titling hats and by overwork and
trouble Halls Renewer will prevent it
Nearly every man believes that fate
has r grudge against him
Pisos Cure for Consumption has been a
family medicine with us since 1SG5 J R
Madison 2409 42d ave Chicago 111
If you chase away a black cat you
throw away your good luck
Mr Winslows Soothing Sinup for Children
tcctlilng softtms Uic cuius reduces innammaUou alias
pain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottlo
Some very large trees bear very little
- Dont be fooled with a mackintosh
V7 11 I ----
B that will keep you dry in the hard-
1 I ot tnrm linv the Fish Brand
fJ Slicker If not for sale in your
town write for ca
lBJi W 1 JJ3 g
fw 4ltns cmcioo
V os y
Boston Mass
WASTED Man or Woman good church
standing to learn our business then act
as Mm and State Correspondent here
i3yon Enclose self addcl stpd envelope
A P T Elder Mgr 27S Mich Av Chicago
SI2 to 385 PER WEEK
can im
cnatlo wor
In fnr ii
Parties preferred lio can Rive whole tirae to the busi
ness Spar hours though may lie profitably employed
Good openings for town and citv work s i ell as country
districu J li OlFFoitD 11th Uu Sts lUehnioiid Vu
B Ktraiwaivi
Get Your Pension
Write Capt 0A eicgetW5iie DC
Late Principal Exmiaer TJ S PectJon Bureau
j 3 vrs in ast wnr 15 abjudicating claims atty
The aest Bed Rope Roofinsr for 1 ct
Ier 6u foot cips and nails Included
Substitutes for Piaster Samples free
flv t ay Manilla Rooling Co Camden J
KA U SaJ 1 i Rton DC Ko charge till patent
Pfi S -- 1 obtained XVO paco booL free
PHI rCUT io sell stanle article eood teller A
uHLLO m Lll AUardyce 11 280 113AdamsStcmcaKo
f fin 1 lo 5 dajiN I
A Guroid J
f not luieturc
Use Big O unnatural
discbarges inflammations
irritations or ulcerations
of mucous membranes
rainless and not
ItHEEvMS CHlMICALCo Sent or poisonous
S C X u
Sold by Drarlt
or sent in plain wrapper
by express prepaid for
fl00 or 3 bottles f275
Circular sent on request
36 97
Dcst Couch Syrup Tastes Good Ose
in time Sold by druzeists
sincerely say that I
owe irv life to Aycrs
Sarsaparilla For seven
years I suffered vatm
that terrible scourge i
Scrofula ia my shoulder 1
and my arm Every means
of cure was tried without sue-
cess I had a jrood physician
who tried in even- way to helpl
1 me I was told to tafco Avers
frTinrma I immediately he i
I n itc nnd nffpr tfikin seven
I - - O - 1
bottles of this rcmedv the scrofula
7 was entirely cured Mrs
1 - v ns rff
tle Fort Fair aeiu ae J an ww
Austrias Imperial Pawnshop
Austria has an Imperial pawnshop
It was established in Vienna in 1707
when there was great distress among
the poor in the southern part of the
empire It was designed as a way to
secure to the starving some means of
immediate relief and by putting the
rate of interest as low as possible and
the valuations as high as possible and
embodying in the sjstem every ad
vantage that could be given to those
who sought to make loans it was found
to be so effective that it soon gained
the Imperal sanction and it was not
long until its managers were made
public officials under the direction of
the Minister of the Interior This is
substantially the status of the institu
tion at this time The rates are so low
that the business done on the cheap
goods and chattels of the poor could
not possibly make the establishment
self sustaining but people wbo have
been suddenly reduced in circum
stances or who are temporarily embar
rassed keep the margins on the right
side and enable the Institution to keep
opn without the aid of a subsidy In
the year 3893 a total of SGG015 articles
were pledged and of these 848562
wore redeemed a remarkable redemp
tion as compared with the proportions
of the average pawnshop The unre
deemed pledges were sold at public
auction and whenever they brought
more than the face of the pledge the
balance was set to the account of the
pledger to be refunded any time with
in three years London Standard
Prom the Sea
In 1833 the surface of Holland cov
ered an area of no more than S7G8
square miles By October 20 1S77 at
the conclusion of a survey it was
found that so vast a quantity of land
had during those forty four years been
recovered from the sea that the area
had increased to 12731 square miles
The Dutch have for some time been
considering a project for draining the
Zuyder Zee It is proposed to reclaim
from the sea about 450000 acres the
value of which is estimated at 320000
000 guilders The cost of this import
ant work is estimated at 1S9000000
guilders or with the accumulated ex
penditure including measures of de
fense and payment of compensation to
the fishermen of the Zee at 315000000
guilders It was stated in 1S69 that the
work would take thirty one years and
that every year 30000 hectares of land
would be restored to cultivation Part
of the scheme suggested a large dyke
thirty miles in length from the ex
treme end of North Holland to the
western coast of Friesland This dyke
35 meters at the base and G meters
high would take nine years to build
Ingenious Enjjlish Shopkeeper
An English shopkeeper carefully
watches the birth announcements in
the daily papers every morning By
this means he is able to know the
birthday of practically every child in
the country whose parents are likely to
indulge in expensive birthday presents
The date of each childs birth together
with the address of its parents he care
fully writes down in a huge f oliowhich
he calls his birthday chart By refer
ring to this chart he knows when his
youthful clients birthday is approach
ing and a couple of days beforehand
he sends the parents carefully selected
specimens of gifts suitable to the
childs age It hardly ever happens
that his stock is returned without a se
lection being made as the mothers are
so delighted with his thoughtfulness
that they havent the heart to rebuff
Men of Letters
Of the following letters from London
Tit Bits the first shqws how to be
amusing though not Irish and the sec
ond how to be witty with a good
An autograph hunter begging a well-
known journalists autograph wrote
If you deem the request unwarranted
on my part send the refusal in your
own handwriting and with your wn
signature that I may know it is au
An Oxford undergraduate wrote to
Dickens Sir Seeing that you insert
rhymes in your serial I send you
The reply was Sir We dont in
sert rhymes without reason
Cannon of Paper
To add to the number of astonishing
things that are made of paper Krupp
the great German manufacturer of can
non has lately completed a number of
paper field pieces for the use of the
German infantry They are intended
for use in situations where the move
ment of field artillery would be im
2sjl J
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Box for Setting Hens
A labor saving device for use in set
ting hens is shown herewith A shoe
box or grocery box of sufficient size is
taken and a nest made in one end as
shown in the engraving the top and
front having been removed to show the
interior The bottom of the box is cov
ered with road dust or coal ashes and a
shelf for setting in water and cracked
corn the best feed for setting hens
Openings for air are made in each end
A hen can be placed on the nest the
cover of the box put on and biddy left
to her own devices until she brings off
-- ir -
her brood This plan takes away much
of the care usually experienced in set
ting hens in spring Farm and Home
Vinegar from Summer Apples
If there were only a larger proportion
of sweet in summer apples they would
be much the best for making into vine
gar as the warm weather causes vio
lent fermentation which soon gets into
the vinegar stage But it is found that
though the fermentataion is rapid be
cause of the temperature the vinegar
resulting therefrom is thin and poor
There is a decided advantage in adding
some sugar after the cider has passed
the alcoholic stage of fermentation It
will increase the sourness of the vine
gar while there will still be the same
apple aroma and flavor which makes
apple cider vinegar the best that can be
produced from anything The fall ap
ples even those called sour have
more sweetness in them than have the
best sweet summer apples The Rus
set apple makes a very rich cider but
it does not ripen until all the warm
weather has passed so it keeps in the
alcoholic stage all winter and is very
apt during that time to be drank by
cider thirsty people The advantage of
making cider from summer apples is
that hot weather brings it so soon to
the vinegar stage that comparatively
Little of it will be drank as cider
Ancliorinjr a Corner
Where wire fencing is used whether
woven wire or straight strands it is of
great importance to have the corner or
end posts linn and unyielding A good
way to accomplish this is shown in the
cut A broad stick of wood is sunk in
the ground and a stout piece of galvan
ized iron wire is tied firmly about it and
stretched tightly to the upper end of
the posr as shown a corner post will
need two wires similarly anchored
Orange Judd Farmer
Tarrinu Sheeps Noses
In summer sheep are apt to be trou
bled by the fly which deposits eggs in
their noses and afterwards hatches the
maggot which burrows in their heads
and often proves fatal Sheep are much
excited when they find this fly run
ning with their nose close to the ground
and rubbing it into any loose soil they
may find Tarring the nose is the best
preventive and always effective if tak
en in time It is easily done by leaving
lar in the field and throwing a handful
of salt over it In their eagerness to
get the salt the sheep will thoroughly
coat their noses with tar It should be
renewed so long as warm weather
lasts for the tar will gradually wear
off and cease to be a protection
Cold Water for Rose Sinus
Rose slugs are very troublesome es
pecially on sandy soil where they will
increase faster than they can be killed
off It is not so generally known as it
should be that cold water thrown with
a force pump against rose bushes Avill
entirely destroy the slugs and do the
roses no harm Water that is heated to
130 degrees or 140 degrees will also kill
not only rose slugs but most kinds of
insect pests
fay Weed in Fields
May weed is not a kind of weed that
seriously troubles the careful farmer
It mainly comes in on hard trodden
places by road sides where if anything
else starts to grow it is crushed out
The May weed not being so easily
killed survives May weed cannot
thrive where there is an undisturbed
and thrifty growth of clover but let tlur
clover be trampled in the mire by
stock and the May weed will be ready
to grow and take the vacant place It
is most often seen aside from road
sides at the entrance to pasture lots
where clover and the grasses are tram
pled to death by stock
Fujrar Corn
To grow large ears well filled out
the soil must be deep mellow and heav
ily fertilized The best growers spread
one inch of rotted manure iii the fur
row and when the corn is six inches in
height sow GOO pounds of phosphate to
the acre and cultivate it in Liquid
manure is an excellent stimulant It is
run between the roAvs at the rate of
fifty barrels to the acre Night soil is
another valuable manure for this crop
twelve two horse loads is the right
quantity to spread broadcast before
planting The manure and soil should
be Avell mixed together Sweet corn
may be planted all through July and up
to the lUth of August For market or
for family use plant every fifteen days
The ground should be deeply plowed
and nicely pulverized
Cracked Wheat for Xonnir Chicks
Some cracked wheat should be given
to chicks even before they are a week
old It is the best exercise their di
gestive organs can have Whole wheat
will be eaten when the chicks are ten
days or two weeks old and should al
ways form a part of their ration It is
especially valuable to make them
feather quickly the grain containing
just the kind of material necessary for
feather production Where wheat is
largely grown the fowls find enough
scattered grains about barns or stacks
so that young chicks hatched in mid
summer will become full feathered be
fore winter and will make early spring
A Cranbsrrv Rake
Our illustration shows a convenient
home made cranberry rake that will
greatly facilitate the picking of these
berries if they are at all thick upon the
ground The rake has tight side pieces
shown by the dotted lines and the
teeth are near enough together so that
cranberries cannot drop through The
rake is taken in the hand in much the
position shown in the sketch The
teeth are gently brought along beneath
the berries and then lifted pulling the
cranberries from the vines The handle
is of course inclined backward as it is
lifted to keep the berries from running
out over the front of the teeth These
latter can be light iron rods bent into
shape by a blacksmith and sharpened
The back and handle should be of hard
wood to hold the teeth firmly Ameri
can Agriculturist
Turnip Flavors in Milk
When cows accidentally get into a
turnip patch or other vegetables that
impart a bad flavor to the milk it can
be made as good as ever for cream and
butter making if it is heated to a tem
perature of 140 degrees This is best
done by placing the vessel in water
which is quickly brought to a slightly
higher temperature All the odor passes
off at this temperature as it is very
volatile In cooling the cream will rise
to the surface It also makes the but
ter come more quickly than from milk
not heated
Agricultural Notes
Insure your buildings against ey
Drainage will greatly increase the
value of wet ground
Roots cannot penetrate a subsoil that
is as hard as a stone
The silo will enable the farmer to
keep more cows profitably
In sections where cyclones are likely
a storm cave shows wisdom
Spare the harrow in the early stages
of corn growth and spoil the crop
The hired man should be a gentleman
among the children in the house
In sections outside the corn belt corn
can often be profitably grown for the
Hay caps are a good investment
They will in a wet season pay for
themselves very quickly
When the surface bakes after a rain
a light harrow should be used whether
the crop is up or not
Hailstorms are likely anywhere and
insurance against them is as necessary
as insurance against fire
Eighty acres intensively cultivated
are better than 1G0 acres under the too
often loose system of farming
For a root that is such unquestion
able value to the hog the artichoke gets
more hard knocks than it deserves
A Nebraska man protects his corn
from gophers by scattering corn
around the field for the gophers to feed
Divide up the farm among the giown
boys if it is large enough to make sev
eral reasonably sized tms and en
courage each to get a home of his own
Do rou allow inoking in the barn
If you lo increase your insurance
That may not be exactly honest but
when a man tries to inirn his barn the
matter of ulll not probably
worry him
Mrs Pinkhams Explanation of the Unusual Number of Deaths and
Prostrations Among Women
the victims were women in their ifrirties and
women between forty five and fifty
The women who succumbed to the pro
tracted heat were women whose energies
were exhausted by sufferings peculiar to Qt
their sex women who taking no thought fjb
of themselves or who attaching no Im
portance to first symptoms allowed their
female system to become run down
Constipation capricious appetite xcstlessness
forebodings of evil vertigo languor and weak
ness especially in tne morning an ltcnmg
sensation which suddenly attacks one at
night or whenever the blood becomes
overheated are all warnings Dont wait
too long to build up your strength that
is now a positive necessity 1 Lydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has spe
cific curative powers You cannot do better
i Wa
I Trade Mark
1398 Golumbias 560 Hartiords 50 45 MO 30
POPE MFG CO Hartford Conn
ot wi inout its vf H
ng lists of rf
KiaSTT Vrf
WP3MS n rS
MW JmEmti
lei i AttiEEaHJPvfjKjy rf wi lii 1
fr3v gffijEtfpjytffi mj
than to commence a course of this grand medicine By the neglect
of first symptoms you will see by the following letter what terrible suffering
came to Mrs Craig and how she was cured
I have taken Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound and think it is the best medicine for women in
the world I was so weak and nervous that I thought
I could not live from one day to the next I had pro
lapsus uteri and leucorrhcea and thought I was go
ing into consumption I would get so faint I thought
I would die I had dragging pains in my hack burn
ing sensation down to my feet and so many miserable
feelings People said that I looked like a dead
woman Doctors tried to cure me but failed I had
given up when I heard of the Pinkham medicine I
got a bottle I did not have much faith in it but
thought I would try it and it made a new woman of
me I wish I could get every lady in the land to try it for it did for me what
doctors could not do Mks Sallie Ckaig linkers Landing Pa
Iter Baker
Breakfast COCOA
Pure Delicious Nutritious
Costs Less than ONE CENT a cup
lie sure that the package hears our Trade Mark
Walter Baker 8c Co Limited
Established 1780 DorchesiGr Mass
You wouldnt think I would give Ripans Tabulcs to a child
like Charlie would you
No indeed He could not swallow one and it would be too
They are all right for him Of course he dont need one
very often and I used to give him a quarter of a one
afterwards half but now he takes a whole one and they
seem to be just what he needs once in a while you
know not often
And he swallows it without any fuss
Yes He dont mind it at all but I cant swallow one
though Im the only member of this family that dont
take RiDans Tabules
Enamel that wears and does
not wear out that is Columbia
enamel It gives that lustrous
lasting and unequalled beauty to
Columbia and Hartford bicycles
Our secret process gives us this
If Columbias are not properly represented in your vicinity lei us know
A Good Tale Will Bear Telling
Twice Use Sapoliol
D a J OC a