The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, September 02, 1897, Image 1

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    w v
Comina Events
Bjsbp Graves Tonight
Sd Settlers Sparks Sept 2 3
Social Sept 4
begins Sept 6
I xbor Day- Sept
ert Martin has been quite ill this
Wanted Baled hay Davenport
JktTnACHEK 0 3
Mrs F Mullen of Rosebud was in
town Sunday
F Fischer was on the sick 1st a few
days this week
Rev A B Clark was in town from
Rosebud Tuesday
John Haeber was in from Kennedy
on business Tuesday
Pole Ainslie shook hands with
friends in town Tuesday
Miss Mary Shaughnessy visited in
ttown a few days this week
W H McGloud says he will clear
150 from his melons this year
For Rent Nice large office room
m stone building 18 T C Hornby
The galvanized iron for the Red
Front awning was put up yesterday
J M Clarkson and family are at
tending the old settlers reunion at
Myrtle Pettijohn has returned from
Chadron where she spent the summer
with her aunt
It wont be long until the candidate
will be abroad in the land kissing the
farmers babies
There will be services at the Episco
pal church this evening Rev Bates
and Bishop Graves
E Sparks was inOmaha this week
on business connected with his pro
posed new building
To a casual observer it would seem
that there is altogether too much loose
hay piled up around town
Miss Efaer has moved her millinery
stock into her new room and now has
very neat business place
John M Tucker is clerking in
IJDmvenport Thachers -store during
absence of Len Bivens
13 i n P Hrfthh and familv lfiffc
k A div nichfc for a risifc with Mr Orabbs
IX Dolnk of Tilfnril e Tt
II Christensen went to Lincoln
Tuesday morning as a delegate to the
democratic state convention
Mrs R J Cook and Mrs Walter
Meltendorf went out to J A Adam
sons Tuesday for a short visit
Michael Joseph has moved his store
from Hoffmans place to the Fischer
building north of Lewis drug store
Joe Potmesil is said to be dying at
St Josephs hospital in Omaha of can
cer of the stomach Chadron Recorder
Diseases of the mouth and teeth
treated and mouth put in a healthy
condition by the Omaha Dental Co 32
The comer where the Bank of Val
tentine formerly stood looks rather
lonesome but it wont look that way
About a dozen couples of young
ipeople enjoyed themselves at a danc
Ung party at Cornell Hall Monday
Lee Layporte left town Tuesday
morning for a weeks visit among his
friends in the southern part of the
The old settlers of Cherry and Keya
Paha counties hold their seventh an
nual reunion at Sparks today and to
For fine gold fillings bridge and
crown work see the Omaha DentalCo
All work guaranteed Painless extrac
tion of teeth free See bills 32
Gus Carleon W F Morgareidge G
H Reinert and Lillian Stoner went to
Lincoln Tuesday morning to -attend
the populist state convention
Robert Kiiline fireman on push en
gine No 17 left for his home in Mis
souri Valley Friday on account of ill
nets F Ohler takes his place
Frank Woodford of Pittsburg
Penn brother of Mrs Geo Leanaugh
ia visiting here He contemplates
moTing bin family to this place soon
The county commissioners were in
-session Tuesday and Wednesday for
the purpose of checking up the county
officer and letting a bridge contract
The Wrought Iron Bridge Co of
Canton Ohio were awarded the con
tract for building a o6 foot span iron
bridge across the Niobrara near Gal
lop Prico f 970
Will Clarkson who has been suffer
ing with rheumatism for the past fodr
weeks at the home of his parents iu
this place has returned to his home on
the hay fiats much improved ia health
fcut Still very weak
Cherry county should have an ex
hibit of agricultural products at the
state fair this fall and it is suggested
that the Sparks display be used as such
Last Friday E McDonald com
menced suit against the F E M V
railroad for the injury he received at
Crookston several weeks ago He asks
for 25000 damages
W C McCauley of Fort Niobrara
gave the citizens of Ains worth an op
portunity to listen to some fine violin
music at an entertainment held in that
town Saturday night
W H McCloud wishes us to say
that if the young men who left two
grain sacks in his melon patch Satur
day night will call at his place
he will return the sacks
More sidewalk is being built on
Virginia street Now let the walk be
extended on Main street to theJEpisco
pal church and on Hall street to Wal
cotts and the town wilitbe pretty well
jLast week E J Davenport pur
chased four lots on the corner of Main
and Elmore streets from C H Cor
nell paying 500 therefor Mr D
will probably build a residence on the
lots next spring
Floating hotels real estate flying
in the air and people with wheels are
common things but the people of this
town were treated Tuesday to the
sight of a bank skating down Main
street on rollers
Rev Moore preached his farewell
sermon at the Methodist church Sun
day and left for Crawford Tuesday to
attend conference It is generally un
derstood that he desires to be sent to
some charge farther east
Albert Nenzel of Nenzel was one
of thjse who attended the democratic
convention Saturday He says that it
is almost impossible to secure hands
at his place He recently bought 100
head of steers from Newman Bros
About a dozen members of the Nor
den Y P S Ct E Will visit here Sat
urday and Sunday The local society
will give a social in their honer Satur
day night The Epworth Leaguers
and other young people will be in
This paper was in error last week
when it said G W Morey had traced
The deal was made for cash Morey
disposed of the Efner property to J O
Vincent and the jewelry store build
ing is for sale
Sparks Hornby this week placed
in their drug store a fine double deck
antique oak plate glass top cigar and
tobacco case Other improvements
will follow and it can soon be said that
this is not one of the finest but w
finest drug store in north Nebraska
Edith Stark started Tuesday morn
ing for Lincoln where she will attend
the Normal Edith has received the
appointment as librarian of that insti
tution of learning and we predict that
she will rise soon to a still higher po
sition Her many friends here wish
her success
C K Brower was called to San
Francisco Friday evening by a tele
gram announcing the serious illness of
his father He left on the first train
and it is probable that he will not re
turn In the meantime D E Sherman
is holding down the position of phar
macist in Quigley s drug store
D W Fletcher of this place and Mr
Stnlze of Valentine have secured the
contract for building the new school
house in Valentine We are not ac
quainted with Mr Stolze but we know
that Mr Fletcher is a man who will do
his work well Ainstoorth Star-Journal
Elder A R Julian has served the
six years allotted presiding elders in
the Methodist church and has evident
ly decided to leave the ministry and
enter politics Last week he was nom
inated fcr superintendent of instruc
tion in Dawes county on the republi
can ticket
Bob Taylor the rustler captured by
the cowboys at the Hole-in-the -Wall
fight about a month ago has been
turned looser The authorities seem to
think no jury could be had in Johnson
county that would convict him and
that the cheapest way out was to turn
him loops Harrison Press
John Bachelor a stockman from the
west end of the county was in town
yeBterday While here he bought 106
head of cattle of Ben Hobson for
2460 John lately sold his ranch
at Merriman lor 5000 We under
stand that he has purchased another
south of Wood Lake He will move
to Valentine this fall
School commences Monday with the
following corps of teachers R H
Watson principal Etta Brown gram
mar department Miss Bruoer second
intermediate Belle Callen first inter
mediate Mrs Lizzie Crawford pri
mary The teachers will start the
year very much rested by their vaca
tiom and look forward to the prospect
of entering the new building with en
Published for Four Yer as
Iopnlists Uec Delegates
The populists or tCherry county met
in delegate convention at the coHnty
judges office Friday afternoon and
were called to orderby Chairman G P
Crabb who stated that a chairman and
secretary should be elected Then en
sued a pause Remerkevidently want
ed the chairmanship because he arose
and nominated W F Morgareidge for
secretary Morgareidge was elected
After another pause somebody moved
that the temporary organization be
made permanent This carried J E
Pettycrew R Anderson and J W
Burleigh were appointed a committee
on credentials and reported that the
following were entitled to seats in the
G P Crabb J W Whillans L C
Sparks Jas Ray Walter Meltendorf
G H Q Smith J A Hitt H Rei
nert R Anderson and E E Thorn of
J E Pettycrew of Table
Jas Hudson J S Grooms Richard
Osborne and Lafayette Johnson of
J B Lord W F Morgareidge and
J W Burleigh of Cleveland
The following delegates to the state
convention were then elected J R
Farris W F Morgareidge Gus Carl
son Geo Reinert G P Crabb G Q
Smith and Lillian Stoner
Then came the event of the conven
tion Gus Carlson reported that a
committee composed of himself Rav
and Reinert Jhad met with a committee
of democrats to talk over the fusion
question The democrats had asked
for three nlaces on the ticket ClerkJ
or treasurer gudge and commissioner
The committee reported neither favor
ably or unfavorably but Mr Carlson
thought the populists would hold the
silver democrats and 100 to 150 silver
republicans without fusion Re
marks were called for but not one of
the delegates declared himself- either
for or against the proposition The
convention then adjourned
A Dastardly Deed
At Fort Niobrara last Friday night
occurred one of those events which
arouses in the breasts of men a desire
to iBlliofc summary vengeance upon
the criminal
Without any apparent cause Charles
Bowman a private in A company
Twelfth Infantry shot and almost
killed Felix Walls a comrade in the
same company
Bowman it appears hadbeen drink
ing considerably during t3lie last month
and while at the canteen Friday night
went after Corporal Baker of his
company on some slight pretext and
threatened to kill him Baker with
drew from the controversy and Walls
in a spirit of fairmindedness defended
the corporal Soon after Bowman left
the canteen and a few minutes later
Walls started for his quarters Hard
ly had he left the door when Bowman
approached drew a 38 caliber revolver
and fired Bowman evidently pulled
down lower than he intended and the
ball from his revolver passed through
the scrotum and into the right leg of
his victim missing the febral artery
about au inch In the confusion which
followed the wouldbe assassin made
his escape and has not yet been appre
hended He is a young man about 23
years of age and wore his soldier suit
and black slouch hat when last seen
His term of enlistment would have ex
pired in about two months He was
always a tough character and had few
friends Walls is a teamster well1
known and liked Though serious his
wound is not apt to prove fatal The
bullet is still in his leg the probe fail
ing to reach it
Democratic Contention
The democratic county convention
was called to order at Judge Towues
office Saturday afternoon by Chairman
Robert Good and on motion he was
made chairman of the convention and
M Christensen secretary This being
a mass convention no committee on
credentials was required and after a
few remarks by the chairman the con
vention took off its coat and got to
work The following were elected del
egates to the state convention
Albert Nenzel M Christensen A E
Thacher H Stetter and W R Towne
There being no further business the
convention adjourned to meet at the
call of the chairman and secretary for
the purpose of nominating candidates
for county offices
This was the smallest the most har
monious and judging from the num
ber of spectators the most important
of the three conventions held here
Allen and McShane
Upon their return from Rosebud
last Friday evening Senator Allen and
Hon J A McShane were tendered a
reception at The Donoher by the citi
zens of Valentine the Twelfth In
fantry band furnishing music for the
occasion The reception lasted from
600 until 730 after which Senator
Allen delivered an address at Cornell
Hall Being invited by citizens re
gardless of party the Senator avoided
politics in this remarks and gave a
rambling talk on prejudice patriotism
and kindred subjects His address
was well received
The Rosebud Indians refused their
consent to- the proposed cattle trail
i across their reservation
Bacfy Age J n
The Omaha Dental o will be in
Valentine September 10 11 12 and 13
prepared to do all classes of dental
work at reasonable prices 32
The best thing we have heard for a
long time was got off by WU1 Morgar
eidge at the populist convention last
week Gentlemen said he we that
are here should not take action on this
important question All the goad pop
ulists are at home in the hav and har
vest fields where you will generally
find them Silence assented to this
The perforated condition of the
ground in some localities indicates the
work of the devouring kind of grass
hoppers which infested parts of Ne
braska a number of years ago The
hoppers have been quite numerous
here this season and it may be that
they are breeding up to make a raid
upon our future crops Rushville
According to the present rule of the
redemption division of the United
States Treasury nothing less than frag
ments representing two fifths of a
bank note or greenback will be redeem
ed by Uncle Sam If that much of a
note is presented the United States
writes Clifford Howard in the Sep
tember Ladies Home Journal will
allow the holder one half the face
value of it while three fifths of a note
iwill be redeemed for full value
Who is the home merchant He
helps pay for the streets on which you
walk for the schools to which you send
your children for the church in which
you worship he builds a home which
enhances the value of your own prop
erty who places his name on every
subscription paper for a worthy object
who assists in making this a good gov
ernment and stays with you through
darkness and sunshine Knowing all
this how can you send away for any
thing kept in your own town
The alternative mandamus case of
Rock vs Brown county to compel the
commissioners of Brown county to levy
a special tax to pay off their judgment
against us was tried here Tuesday with
both judges sitting Miss Davisson
our county attorney had her case well
prepared and her plea was such as to
gain for her new laurels in the legal
profession Nothing but compliments
were heard for the little lady after the
tiial Through her efforts Brown
county won and the mandamus was
dismissed Ainsworth Home Rule
A IMelancltoly Affair
Last Friday afternoon a friend of
The Democrat sent us a fine large
watermelon which we carefully placed
in the office stock room and then pro
ceeded about our business When the
time for going home came we with
joyful heart went after our melon but
oh the pity of t The melon was not
there nothing Dut a delicate odor re
mained and that you know is not
very satisfying to the stomach which
is empty We searched for that mel
on high and low but all our efforts to
locate it were melonless Like the
man who kidnapped Charley Ross the
melon kidnapper will probably forever
be unknown
Prisoners Escape
Last Friday night John Neeley and
John Pringle escaped from the county
jail and up to this time have not been
heard from Jailor Massingale had
just brought the prisoners their supper
and m company with Whitman the
Masonic swindler went out for a pail
of water locking the other prisoners in
the jail but not in the steel cage On
the jailors return a few minutes later
he found that the birds had flown and
no trace of them remained It is sup
posed that the prisoners had help from
the outside and suspicion rests upon a
certain individual whose name we are
not at liberty to mention Neeley was
the partner of Collins in the Archer
harness case and Pringle was being
held on a charge of burglary preferred
by Cody parties Neeley has cost this
county several hundred dollars already
and will probably cost it much more
Bravery Exemplified
Good is a brave man when he
is all
by himsplf Western News
This like all the other cries of Rein
ert is made to draw attention away
from himself as the following incident
will show Last week Tuesday the
Indians and halfbreeds camping south
of the depot got into trouble among
themselves and Constable Hammond
secured a posse about 9 oclock to go
over and quell the disturbance One
of the posse was Reinert Georgie
was very brave until the lights ot the
town were left behind when his cour
age began to wane and upon reaching
the government wagons near the ware
house he concluded that he hadnt lost
any Indians and sneaked behind one
of the wagons and made a beeline ior
town Reinert in a brave man when
he is all by himself
P S Since the above has been put
in type our conscience smites us and
we beg our readers to forget the story
NO 82
nsja WMhlarton a C toe ta
ad sew Hit oc one tbositad I
For our new goods all of our odds and ends of
it Alter
tfcslr 1300 prUe oKr
iiwmwim in
JIIillJPriee8er Fee
Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton
Shorts bulk 50c per owt 900 ton
Screenings 35o
Chop Feed 70c
Corn 55c
Oats 90c
Te the EH
Via ONeill and th Faoifio Short Line
The shortest and qniokeit roaU to
Sioax Citfi South Dakota aid U out
ern points Save three hocm Use
Equal rates Buy local ticket to
ONeill When returning take the
same route Sure connections daily
I except Sunday
Will be closed out
Look at the prices
25C 50C 85C AND 100 PER PAIR
Thepe shoes have been selling at from 100 to i00
Come first and get the most desirable bargains
Davenport Thacher
The Fruit Season
With all its glories is here and as in the past the bes of
tame and wild fruits plums peaches pears bananas or
anges lemons etc will be found for sale by
Highest prices for Butter Eggs and Farm Produce
Right in Front
We are not to be f ound following the procession when it
comes to selling goods because we are in front and pro
pose to remain there both in quantity quality and price of
our merchandise We are -disposing of our summer goods
rapidly and at ruinoi1fllxIowfigaTgr5Qfwe always Vppp
hand a large line of drfcgoods boots shoes and groceries
E McDonald
Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Crookston also
And all other kinds of clothing
can be purchased more cheaply of
D Stinard
Than anyone else in town and
besides he carries the best qual
ities The best and most com
plete line of gents furnishings
Wanted An Idea Sg
Protect your ldeaa thtrmmr oriai
PAflfic Short Lwe
Through connections both wavs with Black
Hills trains by taking this line you can go to
Sioux City and return the same Uav connections
made with all trains for the East and Soutu
Dakota Buy local tickets to ONeill
Fine line of plain and fancy
constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W H Moses building
fcNorth Western Line is to best
to and from the