The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 26, 1897, Image 7

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Cured by Lydia E Pinkhama
Vegetable Compound
Also Backache
I cannot speak tco highly of Mrs
Pinkhams Medicine for it has done so
much for me I have been a great suf
ferer from Kidney trouble pains in
muscles joints back and shoulders
feet would swell I also had womb
troubles and leucorrhoea After using
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound and Blood Purifier and Liver
Pills I felt like a new woman My
kidneys are now in perfect condition
and all my other troubles are cured
Mrp Maggie Potts 324 Kauffman St
Philadelphia Pa
My system -was entirely run down
and I suffered with terrible backache
in the small of my back and could
hardly stand upright I was more
tired in the morning than on retiring
at night I had no appetite Since
taking Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound I have gainedfif teen pounds
and I look better than I ever looked
before I shall recommend it to all
my friends as it certainly is a wonder
ful medicine Mrs E F Morton 1043
Hopkins St Cincinnati Ohio
Kidney Trouble
Before taking Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound I had suffered
many years with kidney trouble The
pains in my back and shoulders were
terrible My menstruation became ir
regular and I was troubled with leu
corrhoea I was growing very weak I
had been to many physicians but re
ceived no benefit I began the use of
Mrs Pinkhams medicine and the first
bottle relieved the pain in my back
and regulated the menses It is the
best kind of medicine that I have ever
taken for it relieved the pain so quickly
and cured the disease Mrs LrLLTAN
Crippen Bos 77 St Andrews Bay Fla
fcrav 2l BBSO
fl BRtf
The Best
Saddle Coat
R Keeps both rider and saddle per
fectly dry m the hardest storms
Substitutes will disappoint Ask for
1897 rish brand Pommel slicker I
It is entirely new If not for sale in
your town write for catalogue to
J TUWhK boston Mass
Lives Alone in the Belfry
The only man in the United States
who lives in a church steeple is
Hezekiah Bradds the sexton of the
Baptist Church at Westport a suburb
of Kansas City The room is small
scarcely larger than a dry goods box
is just under the bells In that tiny
m he cooks eats and sleeps
Through the small windows that fur
nish light in the daytime he can see a
portion of Kansas City Above his
head the swallows twitter as they fly
in and out through the lattice work
In his small room is a bed a dresser a
tiny stove and a table He has been
sxton of the church for several years
and has occupied his room in the
steeple since his wife left him Some
years ago he married a widow with a
grown son The son proved a bone of
contention and after numerous quar
rels the wife left her husband taking
the furniture with her Then the
church trustees suggested that Mr
Bradds move into the little room be
neath the bells Church members fur
nished the room comfortably and since
then Mr Bradds has lived a lonesome
life Kansas City Times
Electrical Plants in United States
Few people realize the magnitude to
which the electrical industry has grown
in the United States In electric light
ing alone there are more than 10000
plants in operation and the combined
capital employed is more than half a
billion dollars At least 100000000 is
invested in electrical appliances used in
mining and about 15000000 in electric
elevators One of the most important
developments in this branch of science
has been in the direction of electric
railways in which nearly a billion dol
lars capital is employed Altogether the
combined capital invested in all electri
cal enterprises in the United States is
1500000 exclusive of that employed
in the manufacture of electrical ma
chinery which is at least half a billion
Biggest Battleship in the World
The first keel plate has been laid at
BlackwelL Eng of a new Japanese
battleship which will be a magnificent
vessel and the largest man-of-war in
the vorld her displacement with coal
on board being no less than 15500
tons Her armor belt and side protec
tion will be of Harveyized nickel steel
and tapers from nine inches to four
inches at the ends The two barbettes
are to be circular in form and pro
tected with 14 inches of armor The
armament will consist of four 12 inch
breechloading guns 14 6 inch quick
firers in armored casements 20 Im
pounder quick firers and eight 47 M
M machine guns and four smaller guns
on the bridge Her speed is to be 10
Biff Sharks of Olden Days
The modern shark is deteriorating in
ages gone by there were ferocious
shirks such as would make a mouthful
of you without blinking seventy feet in
length Plenty of their teeth have been
found which are five inches long
wiereas the biggest of the teeth be
longing to sharks that exist at the pres
ent day are one and a half Inches long
tl jsi j2k t r sy
The Snow Goose
Snow geese are exceedingly graceful
and beautiful birds of about 28 inches
In length They are sometimes known
as White Brant and Blue Winged
Geese Their range is very extensive
They have been noted in Texas are
abundant on the Columbia river and
Audubon notes that he has seen them
in every part of the United States
which he has visited The young geese
are gray At what period they become
white is not definitely known One
that had been captured while young
remained gray for six years when in
two months time it grew to be a pure
white Dr Richardson is authority for
the statement that they breed in the
barren grounds of Arctic America
They mainly feed on rushes insects
and berries and in turn are very excel
lent eating themselves but are rarely
domesticated Orange Judd Farmer
Farm Fences
One of the first evidences of a thrifty
farmer is the state in wheh he keeps
his fences and the buildings about the
place A fine farm is often made un
sightly by unnecessary fences especial
ly if of the snake fence description
which harbor weeds and insects and
add to the labor of cultivation There
are too many fences on the average
farm and the day must soon come in
which the rails and the expense of
other material will make it necessary
to bring about a change The most es
sential fence is the one defining the
farm boundaries and we suppose this
will remain necessary until there is a
general arrangement in the district to
do as exists in some other countries to
do away altogether with line fences
marking the boundaries with posts or
permanent monuments and the muni
cipalities enforcing strictly the by laws
against cattle straying at large
For the purpose of keeping stock in
the grazing fields a light movable
fence could be in iise so that different
parts of the farm could answer its pur
pose in this respect from year to year
This system may be seen in some parts
of the States and answers its needs
well Much land can be saved for til
lage and the farm kepi in better order
The calculation of the extent of waste
fence on a farm will surprise one We
do not think the safety of the crops
from depredation need be feared and
if the system prevailed damage caused
by the carelessness of others or willful
wrongdoing would meet with due pun
ishment and compensation in damages
Rural Companion
Stacking Hay Properly
The accompanying sketch from the
American Agriculturist showsthe form
of a stack that will best turn water A
pole extends up through the center of
the stack and a bit of canvas of duck
over the apex will assist in turning
rain particularly until the hay is well
settled Light cords extending down
on all sides to pins driven in the
ground will aid in keeping the top of
the stack from being blown off The
stack should grow gradually larger un
til the edge of the roof is reached
Select a knoll for a foundation or put
down boards to keep the moisture from
soaking up into the hay
Cabnacre Seetl Growinsr
It isgworth while for farmers as well
as for seedsmen to select the cabbage
heads that form earliest especially
with the early maturing varieties and
save those plants root and head to
gether to plant for seed in the spring
It may be that the cabbage that heads
earliest has had a richer spot of land
than those surrounding it But the fact
that it does head earliest is in its favor
Plant this cabbage root and head to
gether Less seed will be formed than
if you planted the root and sold the
cabbage But what is the loss on a sin
gle early cabbage compared with the
gain from cabbage seed that will pro
duce early cabbage every year
Pnyinc Their Morteaeea
Farmers are paying their debts is
the oft repeated report of financial in
stitutions that have money loaned on
farnia in the Central and Western
States Not onlyis this true but profit
ing by past experience once farmers
get their debts paid they show little
disposition to borrow again One Ne
braska loan company informs us that
because of this determination among
farmers it is impossible for them to
put out their capital at favorable
rates In other words farmers who
are paying their debts wont borrow
again even for good business reasons
unless the interest is fixed at a reason
able figure That is just right Once
out of debt keep out but if for solid
business purposes a farmer requires
more capital he cannot afford to pay
over 5 or G per cent for it Unless some
such rate can be had let him down
without the loan This is the most ef
fective way of making money easy
It explains why deposits in Kansas
banks are again increasing while their
loans are on the decrease America 0
How to Hoil Water
There is an art in boiling water which
many even among otherwise good
housewives have not learned It is to
begin with a little water but always
use enough so as to cover completely
the bottom of the vessel exposed to the
fire This will boil very quickly So
soon as water boils all further heat ap
plied to it is wasted But a little more
cool water added wiil not check the
boiling as the fire has only to heat that
much additional to the boiling point In
cold weather the waste of heat does
not amount to so much though even
then to boil a kettleful of water quick
ly and get it to the boiling point is oft
en a convenience But in hot weather
the waste of fuel and also of heat that
is then a nuisance by filling a kettleful
at first is a great mistake A large
amount will boil inucii quicker by be
ginning with a little first
Farmers Are Not Penuriona
It is mainly by what city people call
petty economies that farmers have al
ways made their money Their busi
ness is one that has as many details as
that of the retail merchant to Avhom
every penny is important as its pos
session may mean profit to him or the
failure to possess it may mean loss and
possible bankruptcy The farmer in
selling his products is obliged to get all
he can so as to meet his expenses Yet
farmers are not at all niggardly Most
of what they make over and above ex
penses goes in better methods of living
which make prosperity for everybody
Grain Chute and Measnrer
Where the grain is stored above tne
cattle or horse stable it can be brought
Ndown to the first floor by a chute run
Km I
ning directly down
from the bottom of
the bin or bins Tut
a slide at the bot
tom To be able to
measure out vari
ous quantities have
slides arranged at
different distances
above the bottom
the spaces between
each one and the
bottom slide hold
ing quarts a peck
half bushel bushel etc as desired One
slide will answer for all the openings
above the lower one A bit of leather
over the slots inside will keep the grain
from coming out of the open slots This
device will be found a very great con
venience and labor saver
Farm Notes
Save everything that will make feed
Be careful not to let any weeds go to
Cut oats as soon as the straw begins
to turn
Wheat can be stacked with very lib
tie curing
Cultivation can be kept up until the
crop is safe
Do not let the timothy and the red
top get too ripe
It is not necessary to thresh oats that
are to be fed out
Plow up a good patch of nice loamy
soil and sow turnips
Save all of the fruit in some way
Wasting is loss of profit
If any hay is stacked outside let it
be timothy red top or prairie hay
At all times the more comfortable
the stock are the better they will grow
If small grain of any kind is to be
stored be sure that the granaries are in
good condition
If necessary at any time to water
plants remember that one good soaking
is worth a dozen sprinklings
A little grain or bran fed to the cows
daily will help materially to maintain
a good milk flow
The sooner land intended to be sown
to wheat is plowed the bettei Plow
deep and then fine the surface
rian to sell off all stock that cannot
be Avinterc d profitably This means all
that you cannot feed Avell and shelter
It is Avhcn tlie pastures begin to fail
that the cows Avill begin to shrink in
their milk unless something is supplied
that Avill take the place of good grass
Cut oats with wheat braij makes a
better feed for the work teams than
corn It is not so heating and fur
nisnes the elements for none and
jjl1 mmzit
m 1 jpt tjvzj jt a jr r -- - t vi
Mock Giajrer Preserves
Cut the green rind of a Avatermelon
into strips pare off the outside and
cut out the inside until the flesh is firm
Cover Avith Avater into Avhich you have
put soda enough to make the Avater
taste of it Let stand eighteen or twen
ty hours Take out boil in clear water
till the pieces can be easily pierced
Avith a straw drain then put into a
syrup and AAater flavored with pound
ed ginger root Let boil slowly till the
pieces axe clear Brown sugar is pre
ferred for this preserve By substitut
ing lemons and Avhite sugar a clear
delicious preserve is obtained
Cream of Rice Soup
A quart of stock the water in Avhich
a chickeu has been boiled is also nice
half a teacupful of rice a pint of milk
slice of onion half a teaspoonful of
salt half of a small red pepper Wash
rice carefully in cold Avater and add to
stock and seasoning Cook sIoavIj two
hours Put through a sieve add the
milk Avhich has been allowed to come
to a boil a teaspoonful of butter and
half a teaspoonful of minced parsley
Plum Preserves
AHoav a pound of sugar to a pound of
fruit and put the sugar and fruit in al
ternate layers in stone jars Set the
jars in a warm oven and let them re
main some hours or till a syrup is
formed The heat should be moderate
Strain the juice from the fruit boil it
doAvn and skim it Then put the plums
into cans pour over them the hot syrup
and seal at once The fruit does not
cook to pieces by this process
Baked Corn and Tomatoes
Peel and cut up enough tomatoes to
make one pint mix Avith one pint of
corn cut from the cob season Avith one
teaspoonful of salt oiu saltspoonful of
pepper and one tablespoonful of butter
if the corn should not be sweet Put in
an earthevn dish buttered bake one
hour letting it broAvn slightly at the
last Serve in the same dish
Take the yolks of tAvo eggs beat well
and add four tablespoonfuls of milk a
teacup of sugar white or brown large
kitcheuspoonful of lard or butter flout
enough to make a dough Avhich can be
rolled even on board Cut out bake in
good oven Use no more flour than ab
solutely needed
Grated Apple Float
Peel four or five large tart apples
grate sweeten to taste about three
quarters of a cupful of sugar add a
grate or tAvo of nutmeg have the
AVhites of tAvo eggs beaten to a stiff
froth beat them into apples and put
into ice box until served
Fruit Marmalade
Pare equal quantities of apples
pears peaches and quinces Allow a
pint of Avater to six pounds of fruit and
boil till thoroughly done Mash Avell
put into a clean kettle add two thirds
the Aveight of the fruit in sugar and
cook gently for two hours
Household Hints
Silver gilt spoons Avith flower han
dles enameled in natural colors make
a pretty s1ioaa
The provident housekeeper will now
begin to make her supplj of preserves
and jellies for Avinter use
Home made jellies and preserves are
far more Avholesome and pure than
those prepared in factories
The one thing for which lace papei
may be used and be considered good
form on a table is for cheese
Wrap your fruit jars in newspapers
Vand set in a cool dark place The
wrapping Avill prevent the fruit from
A tablespoonful of pulverized boras
added to a pailful of water in Avhich
fine flannels are Avashed will keep them
soft and Avhite
Javelle Avater will take out spots
from clothing if they are dipped into it
for a moment and then into boiling
water The yellow tinge Avill come out
by bleaching
The candelabra is to the fore as a
dinner -table decoration The lights
softened ly colored shades enhance
the beauty of the shining silver and
glittering glass
Paint after it has become dry and
hard can be removed from clothing by
using equal parts of ammonia and tur
pentine First saturate the spots an
Avash out in soapsuds
Grease spots can be removed from
carpets by first covering with powder
ed chalk then with soft brown paper
and rubbing over the spots so protect
ed Avith a hot iron This process is ex
ceedingly useful for dining room use
Grass green enamel is vying Avith the
plain unvarnished avUIoav for popular
ity for tables and chairs for summei
furnishings While the avUIoav used iD
its natural state is neAver the green
Avill not soil so quickly furnishes bet
ter and is really prettier
In summer salt is likely to be affect
ed by the dampness and then become
hardened in its receptacles If a tea
spoonful of pulverized arrowroot 01
cornstarch is mixed with each half
dozen teaspooufuls of salt it Avill not
be affected by the temperature
A mound of flowers composed of dou
ble scarlet poppies and blue cornflow
ers surrounded by a circle of Avhite
blossoms and a tiny American flag
stuck In each corner Is to grace the
center of a table at a luncheon given
In honor of Independence Day
Confinement and Hard Work
Tndoors particularly In the sitting posture
urn far more prejudicial to health than ox
cetisive muscular exertion In the open air
Hard sedentary workers are far too weary
after otfico hours to take much needful exer
cise In the open air They often need a
tonic Where can they seek Invlgoratlon
more certainly and agreeably than from
Hostetters Stomach Hitters a reuovant par
ticularly adapted to recruit the exhausted
force of nature Use also for dyspepsia kld
uey liver aud rheumatic ailments
The Mayor of Milwaukee has ap
pointed three thistle inspectors Avhose
duty it shall be to eradicate Canadian
thistles which have become a pest in
that city
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally Price 75 cents
Women are like some kinds of vict
ualsthe more Ave love them the less
they agree with us
Those nuisances rheumatism and the tout are r
lleved by Glenns Milphur soap
Hills Ualr ana Whisker Dye blade or brown COc
In the new gold region at Clondike
Alaska Avages have reached as high as
15 a day
FITS Permanently Cured No flts or nervownM
after first day or Ur Klines Great Nene Ke
b orer Send for FJCKE SJJOO trial bottle an I treatise
DK It H KLINE Ltd U31 Aich fat Philadelphia Pa
A cross man is not always a Chris
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Uee
ir time bold by druygista
Try AlIenH Foot EaHe
A powder to be shaken Into the shoes
At this season your feet feel swollen
and hot and get tired easily If you
have smarting feet or tight shoes try
Allens Foot Ease It cools the feet
and makes Avalking easy Cures and
prevents swollen tind sweating feet
blisters and callous spots Relieves
corns and bunions of all pain and gives
rest aud comfort Try it to day Sold
by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c
Trial package FREE Address Allen
S Olmsted Le Roy X Y
If parents would be more careful
about their Avalk before their children
their talk to them would have more
If the hair is falling out or turning
gray requiring a stimulant with nourish
ing and coloring food Halls Vegetable
Sicilian Hair Renewer is just the specific
It Is better to have little talent and a
noble purpose than much talent and
do purpose
For lung and chest diseases Pisos Cure
is the best medicine we have used Mrs
J L Northcott Windsor Ont Canada
Vermont and Connecticut coined cop
pers in 17S5 New Jersey and Massa
chusetts did the same in 17SG
Mrs Wlnidows Soothino Sirup Tor Children
teething softens the cuius reduces ln ammaton allays
oaln cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle
X DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Eyannis Massachusetts
was tJie originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA th saryia
that has borne and does now ytt 0Th every
bear the facsimile signature of Czx7c24 wrapper
This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wravver and sea that it in
tne cmcO you have always bought sf Stf 07V ih
and has the signature ofZcAZC wrap
per No one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas E Mctcher is
March 8 1897 Q cttji
Do Not Be Deceived
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer you because he makes a kw more pennies
on it me ingredients ot which even he does not know
The Kind You Have Always Bought
7 Jr 4T mf ff i1
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You
Bicycles 1
The largest bicycle factories in the world unequalled facilities
and abundant capital rat us in position to build most
k economically and give the best values for your money
1896 COLUMBiAS 60
- - - -
I 1897 HARTFORD3 - - - - 50
HARTFORDS Pattern 2 - - J 45
I HARTFORDS Pattern 1 - - 40
HARTFORDS Patterns 5 and 6 30
POPE MFG CO Hartford Conn
If Columbias are not properly represented in your vicinity let us know
I Bile collects in trie blood Bowels become constipated and your whole
system is poisoned
- A lazy liver is an invitation for a thousand pains and aches to
I come and dwell with you Your life becomes one long measure of
S irritability despondency and bad feelingf
f wuk i vi Tvrr fTTr tr t vt
B T3k
avi uissjcK i L i ana in a rc
f r 9 0
i vw v y cleansing puriryingreviiauzmgf
fofrfc r crr Portion of the liver driving all
ft i the bile from the blood as is soon
t shown by INCREASED APPETITE for food power to digest it
ana strengtn to tnrow ort tne waste
4 ioc 25c 50c ivyui J i V i iiX 11YCLI J
A Fair Face Cannot Atone for
An Untidy House
TPRTTflTTrP P A TTl on orders or 2000 q
C XtiiVXJCl X rJXU ft of or Wal1
ma Celling Manilla Write for samples and d
rhe Fay Manilla Hoofing Co Camden A J
lngton DC Ho charje till patent
obtained iopt e book free
m L4 A
flt J itricfKn
Pn US aeaugiaa
Use Bg fov nnnatnrali
discharges inflammations
irritations or ulcerations
mucou8 membranes
n IAN ff
4 V V m
i amlesa and not
iTHEmwCHEMIOLCo gent or poisonous
V LCINCWnATI0 r Sold avx
U 3 A
brrtiin Jf
j uk iu puim wrapper
5irf xpr25f PreP3d tor
3100 or 3 bottles J275
Circular seat on request
35 97
FQUFM70 sel1 stane article good feller JL
1QII AlIartlTceE280113Adaina St Chicago