The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 26, 1897, Image 1

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ftontlna Event
- Populist Convention Auk 27
TXMiiocTttc Conventiou AuctatJ3
Old SeUIM nirks Sept 2 3
Gus Carlson is still on tho sick list
W S i up from Longpine
Waited Baled hay Davenpout
Thacher 0 3
G3L Watson spent a couple of days
-this week in the country
Anumfeer of kids camped out on
tho Minnechaduza last week
iFok Rent Nice large office room
antone building 18 TGHornby
Every democrat who possibly can
should attend the convention Saturday
Alex Cbarbonneau and W A Bon-
8er were over from Rosebud yesterday
Stock run is not so heavy this week
-as It was lastonly about 20 trains so
fat this -week
Hiss Dickson Mrs
Mrs H R Coming of
Chatfield and
Rosebud are
in town today
Amos Strong went to Lincoln yes
terday morning to attend the republi
can convention
Shaws concrete walk is a failure
Guess Valentine will have to stick to
good pine boards
L L BivenB went to Lincoln Tues
day morning to attend the -republican
state convention
R S Dennis ihas just turned out
some nice specimens of carriage paint
ing for John Smyser
J A Fike spent a couple of days in
Newport the first ot the week looking
after his farm interests
C H Glover was on the sick list last
Saturday and unable to attend to his
duties in the land office
The Indian warehouse at this place
received 365000 pounds of Indian
freight up to August 24 -
W E Efners new business house
on Main street is about completed and
-is an ornament to the town
F M Sewart Secretary of the Black
Hills Stock Association of Buffalo Gap
is in town today on business
F B Eettibone and Z C William
son two stock buyers of Albion were
in town the first of the week
Maj McLaughlin TJ S Indian inr
spector arrived in town last night and
went over to Rosebnd this morning
Dr Reichard will be at Wood Lake
August 23 and 24 prepared to do all
kinds of dental work See large bills
Dr Reichard will make a full set of
teeth for S500 Extracting free of
charge from 8 to 9 oclock the first two
days 29
Davenport Thacher are- selling
shoes for 1 per pair which formerly
old for 4 Better get some of these
QM Christensen went to Chadron to
hear Bryan Jtoday and while gone will
figure on painting 10 Tine Ridge
Indian schools
W R Smith had very poor success
with his sale last Saturday Every
thing went nt a low price and horses
did not sell at all
Born Monday August 23 toH W
Graham and wife a fine girl baby
Henry is is tickled as a boy with his
first pair of boots
Mrs Orris of Sloan Iowa who had
been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs
L H Perkins returned to her home
yesterday morning
Lost Saturday Aug 14 a Spanish
coin attached to gold chain Coin is
dated 1868 and marked Four Eds
Finder leave at this office
11 V Nicholson is having his house
repainted and otherwise improved in
-appearance Of course nobody thinks
thi3 in anyway suspicious
The party who without leave or li
cense took the road scraper from the
race track may save trouble by re-
turning same Immediately
Wood of all kinds is as good as cash
for subscription Several parties who
were to have brought us wood can do
so now Any kind or length
Misses Gertrude and Myrtle Mo
Dougall returned home to Neligh yes
terday morning after a pleasant visit
of two weeks with friends here
Word reaches Valentine that Col
Oglesby at one time Indian -shipping
clerk here has been removed from his
position as special Indian agent
Frank Weeks nephew of DStinard
and family of New York who left
here several years ago for Arkansas
returned to Valentine Friday night
Sisters Laurentia and Borgia of the
Sisters of Mercy Omaha visited with
the family of WE Haley last week
TUhe Cornier is a sister of i Mrs Haley
Democrats will be united this fall
Come o the convection Saturday
Mrs J J McXichoIs of ONeill
visited with her daughter Mrs W E
Hatey from Wednesday night until
Tuesday morning
Senator Allen promised before going
to Rosebud that he would make a
speech here on his return but we are
uuable to announce the exact time
Mae OSullivan -was taken suddenly
ill while attending to her duties at the
postoffice last Thursday and was not
able to resume work until Monday
W H Copple the foot racer
cleaned up several thousand dollars in
Omaha last week and it is said broke
the worlds record running 100 yards
in 9 3 5 seconds
A free for all fight took place in the
Indian camp south of the railroad
last nigbtand this morning some of
the half breeds are nursing broken
heads No fatalities
Last week ijarnes L McElderry of
Woodlake was granted a pension for
his servicesrto the government during
the war Its a pity we havent more
of such news tottjhronicle
Tuesday -a wolf was treed in a rail
road culvert east of town and about a
dozen sports armed with guns-pitch-forks
and fishpoles went out to bring
him in The wolf escaped
MrB W L Mahoney and little son
are sojourning in town while Mr Ma
honey is here with the push engine for
the benefit of Mrs Ms health They
come from Missouri Valley Iowa
O W Hahn threshed his wheat last
week The entire crop yielded about
800 bushels averaging 8 bUBhiels to the
acre Where a fair stand was secured
it went about 12 bushels to the acre
Passenger traffic on the F E is very
heavy these days and a woman is for
tunate who secures a seat in the chair
car i esteraay morning about a doz
en women had to ride in the smoker
The Democrat family are very
much indebted to Mrs D D Dunn for
a lot of yellow wax beans They are
about the finest we have seen averag
ing about sis inches in length tender
and succulent
G P Crabb has been appointed by
Governor Holcomb as one of
ka8 eight delegates to the farmers
congress whichmeets in Minneapolis
Augu8t31 to September 6 Mr Crabb
expects to attend the meeting
There is strong talk ot navmg a
baseball tournament here fair time
Tie Fort Niobrara and other strong
teams have signified their willingness
to come and there is no reason why we
cannot hold another successful tourna
ment Butte Gazette
While in town Monday J B Finney
informed this paper that he has al
ready delivered 150000 pounds of flour
on his Indian coutract He will have
to deliver about 600000 pounds more
At his -mill in Ainsworth he has been
payingbut 60 cents for wheat
Sept 1 the Second Battalion 12th
LVS Infantry commanded by Maj
Humphrey will go to Stuart about 90
miles east of here on a practice march
returning by the 15th of the month
when the first battalion under Lieut
Col Comba will make a trip of equal
C H Thompson left Saturday for
Buffalo N Y for a thirty days visit
with relatives and friends in the Em
pire state Cicero has not visited his
people for several years and will enjoy
bis trip very much no doubt During
his absence Jas Hull will attend the
bar in the Owl Saloon
J A Carroll wife and children left
yesterday morning for Kansas where
MrCarroll goes to assume his duties
as Chief clerk of the Pottawattom ie
ana ureat isemaha Indian agency
Many people in Valentine will regret
the loss of this family and we wish
them success in their new home
The Fort Meade boys came down
from Sturgis last Saturday morning to
play ball with the Andrews team and
the result was a couple of fine games
Score Saturday was 2 to 1 and Sunday
17 to 11 in favor of Andrews Mon
day morning the Niobrara boys went
to Norfolk and we are told they were
badly defeated in two games
J A Fike and daughters Lena and
Mabel visited in Newport a couple of
days last week but were called home
Saturday by a telegram to Mr Fike
announcing the serious illness of his
infant daughter He arrived home on
No 27 and found the babe had very
much improved under the care of Dr
Dwyer and at this writing the little
one seems to have entirely recovered
At Ainsworth Saturday the republi
cans of Brown county nominated E
B Smith for clerk C F Barnes for
treasurer J O Berkley for superin
tendent John Murray for sheriff and
J C Tolliver for judge Three of
these Smith Murray and Tolliver now
hold the positions for which they were
nominated We extend fraternal con
gratulations to Bro Berkley on his
nomination for superintendent
1 - - if-
Pnlriiftlietl for Four Year as
Itcsul15fun UonvcnCiou
The republican county convention
held in this city Jast Friday afternoon
was chiefly notable for the small at
tendance thereat and the large gobs of
harmony which spread over tho dele
gates Verilv it iit coodfor brethren
to dwell together in harmonv Demo
crats please take notice and govern
-yourselves accordingly next Saturdays
The convention organized by elect
ing J Wesley Tucker chairman and
Max E Viertel secretary R B How
ell A Lewis and Andrew Bruce were
appointed a committee oncredentials
and reported the following as entitled
to seats in the convention
J M Ilanna C S Reece and J W
Daniels of Dewey LSke precinct
B S Hobson J J Stowers and R
B Howell of Table
A K Kuskey C P Ilamar N Po
len and Andrew Bruce of Sparks
G M Troffer M E Viertel and T
F Kelly of Minnechaduza
Amos Strong of Cleveland
And the twelve delegates from
Valentine whose names were pub
lished last week All the delegates
were not present but each precinct
named was represented
The temporary organization was
made permanent and the following
were elected delegates to the state con
vention which meets in Lincoln today
Jj L Bivens A Lewis H Razey C
A Johnson Amos Strpng and C S
Reece The convention then
r -
School House oivs
At a meeting of the school board
last Saturday evening it was decided
to allow the contractors for the new
school building to give separate bonds
for the faithful performance of their
work and Tuesday the bonds were
presented and accepted
Monday the foundation confers of
tne scnool neuse were located survey
or Tate doing the work Th building
will face south on Virginia- street the
building being 150 feet from that
street and80 feet east from McCcrab
street This leaves the playground on
thejjastj and north sides of the school
Tuesday excavation work began un
der the supervision of W R Smith
This gentleman will do all the teaming
for the contractors The black dirt
taken from the basement will be used
for grading the giounds Part of the
sand so obtained will be used for the
mason work the balance hauled away
na nsa RnmiNlo
- v J
Last Saturday a plasterer Darned
McGuire jumppd a 16 board bill at
the Valentine House and left for the
east Landlord Hooton telegraphed to
Longpine and the marshal caught the
man locked him in a hotel bedroom
and went his way with the conscious
ness of having done his duty Mr
McGuire however didnt relish the
idea of staying in that room all alone
so he gently raised a window stepped
upon a porch jumped to the ground
visited a saloon and left his regards to
the marshal and disappeared Dep
uty Sheriff Razey went after the pris
oner Sunday bwt the above story is all
he brouglit home
Onite a Variety
As an eyeopener to some of our east-
era friends we give the following par
tial list of articles intended for the use
of Indians which were turned over to
Judge Tucker by Shipping Clerk Car
roll last Tuesday 50 crates or 300
wash boilers- 5 bundles blankets 32
sacks or 4256 pounds of coffee 32750
pounds of corn 5200 pounds flour 5
bundles buckets 10 hoes 10 harrows
10 hay forks 50 hay rakes 1 box shoe
brushes 13100 pounds sugar 10 wag
ons 1 box needles From all which
it will be seen that Uncle Sam provides
a nice variety of stuff for his wards
After the Cattle Trail
Yesterday Senator W V Allen and
John A McShane ex congressman and
present Vice president of the Omaha
Stock Yards Companv were in town
on their way to Rosebud in the inter
ests of the proposed cattle trail men
tion of which was made last week
Mr McShane represents the stock yaTd
people while Senator Allen represents
the feeders of northern and eastern
Nebraska all of whom would be bene
fited by the opening of the trail The
Indians at Rosebud are considering
the matter today and it is very proba
ble thattheir action will be favorable
Business Changes
Tuesday E Sparks traded his bank
building to O W Morey for that gen
tlemans jewelry store building and
the Efner property on Hall street
Morey will occupy the bank building
as a store and residence while Mr
Sparks will put up a new business
building on the corner where the Bank
r of Valentine now stands The latter
bank is being moved to the vacant lot
between Carpenter Vincents and
JacKson Bray tons and in the spring
C H Cornell expects to build a fine
stone or brick block for the accommo
dation of his business
The government has built a great
naval dry aoci at port lioyal aud as
soon as a channel is dugirom the dock
to the sea the United States will not
have to go to Halifax and use Great
Britains dock
At the recent meeting of the Guild
of St Johns church resolutions were
adopted expressing regret at the loss
of Mrs I A Carroll lrom the society
Her voice especially will be missed nt
jfbe services of the church
F E Wilson the Montana Kid
who was beaten in the foot race with
Copple here a few weHs ago made a
monkey of the negro Barnes at Craw
ford last Friday The was job
bed on the stare bus won the race
There would be little demand for
flying machines if all trains ran at the
speed of the Philadelphia and Atlantic
Jity Express which regularly makes
the 55 miles between Camdeu and
Atlantic City in 52 minutes This is
tfaejiastest regular train in the world
- The Mother Lake ball team pub
lished a challenge some time ago to
play the Pullman boys for 100 We
are authorized to state that the Pull
man nine will play them and that the
money is ready They name as stake
holder Frank E Mason of this place
Whitman Sun
On Wednesday the two troops of the
Sixth Cavalry arrived at Fort Robin
son The Ninth Cavalry band mount
ed met them north of Crawford and
escorted them through the main street
of Crawford and on to the post Tho
boys looked weary and were undoubt
edly tired after their march from Yel
lowstone park Crawford Bulletin
Editors and preachers have to handle
their flocks with a great d6al of deli
cacy People are so touchy you
know We frequently have to stretch
the truth mightily in order to make
some people appear right in the eyes
of this world and the minister thon
applies a sort of post mortem polish
that fits them for society in the next
Gordon Journal
A C Hickman formerly of Eureka
Kansas last week secured control of
the Alliance Pioneer Grip having pur
chased Frank Broomes interest in the
paper and succeeds W II Trainor as
local editor and business manager of
the8heet Col Broome will we un
derstand still look after the papers
politics which will in the future as in
the past be national democratic
J B Finney and his attorney L K
Alder of Ainsworth were in town
Monday for the purpose of instituting
replevin proceedings against A D
Gallop to obtain possession of the
latters herd of sheep It seems that
Gallop has been caring for the sheep
for a share of the increase and Mr
Finney not being satisfied with the re
turns has adopted this method of get
ting possession of his property
After clipping our article of two
weeks ago relative to foreign advertis
ers the Hyannis Tribune says No
no they dont catch us either unless
they pay for it And when as you
say country newspapers quit filling
their columns with worthless ads the
oeiter mey win ue orr and tiwir pa
trons netter suited iiive the advan
tage in advertising to home people and
thus encourage them to advertise more
The populist county convention to
elect delegates to the state convention
Will meet in this city tomorrow and at
that convention there will undoubted
ly be more or less talk ot fusion with
democrats What the convention will
decide to de is uncertain The mid
dle of the road element will of course
oppose it but the business brains may
secure a majority of the delegates in
which event the convention will de
clare for fusion
While on his way to Crookston sev
eral weeks ago E McDonald was vio
lently thrown from his seat by the sud
den stopping of the train and was se
verely shaken up Though knocked
senseless at the time he supposed that
no injuries beyond a few bruises had
befell him but last week it was found
that spinal trouble had developed and
this may prove serious but we hope
not The train was a freight and the
engineer who gave vent to his anger
by so suddenly applying the air brake
I was immediately relieved from duty
Beady fer Business
iThe local advisory board of the Ne
braska Childrens Home Society in
Valentine is now thoroughly organized
and is ready to assist in securing good
Christian homes for homeless or desti
tute children who may come under its
supervision also to assist responsible
families in securing such children
Anyone knowing of children without
homes or Christian families desiring
such children will please communicate
with the local board
Pres Rev S W Holsclaw
VicePres M S Hopkins
Secy Mrs C B Sherman
Treas Mrs J M Callen
W E Efner E Breuklahder Mrs
ft H Watson -
V v II
b jj
For our now good3 all of ouf odds and ends of
Will be clo3ed out it-
Xook at the price3
250 500 850 AND 100 PER PAIR
These shoes have been selling at from 100 to 400
Come first and get the mo3t desirable bargains
Davenport Thacher
The Fruit Season
With all its glories is here and as in the past the bes of
tame and wild fruits plums peaches pears bananas or
anges lemons etc will be found for sale by
Highest prices for Butter Eggs and Farm Produce
Right in Front
We are not to be found following the precession when it
comes to selling goods because we are in front and pro
pose to remain there both in quantity quality and price of 5
our merchandise We are disposing of oiir summer goods
rapidly and at ruinously lojjrfigures but we always keep on
hand a large line of dry goodsy boots shoes and groceries
E McDonald
Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Crookston also
And all other kinds of clothing
can be purchased more cheaply of
D Stinard
Than anyone else in town and
besides he carries the best qual
ities The best and most com
plete line of gents f urniBhings
Wanted An Idea IS
Protect toot I deu thsyanj brlag 70 wealth
Writ JOBH WZDDERBURir ft CO Patent Attor
neys Washington D a for their IU00 prtie offer
and sew UK or ose tfcoaiead invaufeuiratea
Mill Prices or JFeed
Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton
Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton
Screenings 35c - 600
Chop Feed 70c 1300
Corn 55c
Oats 90c
To the East
Via ONeill and the Pacific Short Line
The shortest and quickest route to
Sioux City South Dakota and all east
ern points Save three hours time
Equal rates Buy local tickets to
OKeiU When returning take the
same route Sure connections daily
except Sunday
Pacific Short Line
Through connections boUi ways witli Black
Hills trains by taking this line you cm go to
Sioux City ann return the same dav connection
made with all trains for the East and Soutn
Djikota Buy local tickets to ONeill
Fine line of plain and fancy-jewelry
constantly on hand
Eepairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
Hair cuttingand shaving
Shop in the W H Moses building
tKorth Western Line is to besfc
to and from the