The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 19, 1897, Image 8

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-V - V - 3
BOBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Ofliclsl Payer of
ty Nebraska
100 JPer Year in Advance
Entered at the Postoffice afr ValeHtine Cherry
county Nebraaka as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers untilra definite order
to disconxinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Democratic Convention
A maes convention of the demo
crats of Cherry county is hereby called
to meet in the office of the county
judge at 2 oclock pm on Saturday
August 28 1897 for the purpose of
electing five delegates to attend the
state convention
A fall turnout is requested Con
vention for nominating candidates for
eovnty will be called later
Eobert Good
M Cheistensen Chairman
John Nelss smiled upon us Monday
P Decorey was in from the Antelope Monday
Cbtfi Tackett paid the Agency a call Tuesday
Dc Eardcn left Saturday -on a Uiirty days
TyeriKimmel have started in the sheep
Mr Ayera was over from Crookston we busi
ness Tuesday
MrsTeck and Miss Bniner came hi from
Black Pipe Sunday
Reuben Quickbear niatle a flying tripno Sharks -after
horses Suudav
Nipka Tanka wasunder the weatherlstwee k
and could not hearanuch
Chas Reitercame in Tuesday -to raplemh ih
he allotingoutfits larder
Alex Desecsa was in from JButteCreek dii
business the last of the week
The whifcered bicyclist abandoned bis trip to
the far east oeforc he started
C E BheTi of White Thunder seiiool was i na
couple of dvs the first of the wek
JosrStoUae is making his infinqnee seen if
jDotlelt on Che new poliee quarters
J A Anderson came up from Yalontiue 5
to renew acquaintances at home
Sam Terry was in from Courtis yrench nd
brought gtewing reports of garden truck
JasperHstou came up from Ponca lhe la it of
the week collecting a bill from UneleSam
DP Robinson was saucht on Horeev Greek - and
Trettyladly bruised up by the hailstorm
Mr flushes general superintendent of the
Klkhorn lise was here on business axoaday
MajNinor was the guest air rand 3Irs
Carrollvol Valentine Saturday and Sunday-
Reuben started out with his race
Monday to do up the Bleck Pipe sports
Minnie Whipple went outtovthe 8oaiding
School wday toaccept th position of
taut matean
W C CirtiSand Clerkiueu left Tucbday
lor a weeks tour of inspection f their ran dies
on the east lde
Geo Dilian of Oak Creek and Menard
of White Thunder were with us several days
the first of 2be week
Miss Mary Pavlik returned Monday from
three weeks visit with relatives and friends
Crookston nd Valentine
Adam fiotlthcame up from WhiteJliver Mon
day to report splendid progress in IheJiay field
and cattle losses last winter nil
Dr McConville Chas Bredeson and xQeorge
Webb fraternized with their Masonic ifcrethren
st Valentineaturday eyeningretumin home
ilre Eatoa of Com Creek went to tCrooks
toa Saturday to spend a few day with fciends
Pom there ahe goes to Longpine i to attend
f bauWqua
i8aanHocaa has returned from Jhertvaca
iJtibnjdawait6 the summons to her new sta
Ijpnjbehpanfics schoel J F Bates will
tably take her old place at Big Oak
rrpf Haddemcame in from the Boarding
School 8uodayith his son Rob who dislocated
bis ffm at play In the absence of the Agency
physician Dr Winder with the assistance cf
acUt EUeine put tte troublesome member smi
the road to speedytracovery
v Nakpa Tanka
Siobrara Falls
Laura and Letty IJUson of vlentine visited
rs Keece the latterjjart of last week
Edna and Minnie Afiamson came home Friday
irom their long visit laitown
-Henry Grooms went down to Seven Creeks
Friday and returned Saturday c
Basal Farson i working forRiQbard Grooms
the haying season
8bermeece and his best girl vjstted on tbe
sirtr Sunday
Mr Killer p AKeUogg tad others were over
Bad Boy
J AG wnttofhedforddday
s vurmDB
to fete ranch 8atnrday
etDfant chUd of sir and MrarHale has re
pwaJXromltsreceaSjliness s
JKaeberofthofiRnofHaeber Grange
rciotDwaIe Saturday returnimSunday
MrsC Gee left Kennedy for herald home
ln Buffajp county She wa accompanieJi by her
dancbUr Marlon
F M Mar5haireItfor Frontier county Mon-
syim nicy nead otyearjing steers which he
put Juto els fattening pens-
loifinr mrmtmrit
Wood Laie Neb
The banner yer for the- farmers of
America until tjbis -one came alosg
was 1891 92 w nen She total value of
our exported merchandise consisng
mainly of our surplus farm crops was
101500000 That banner year was
outdone by the record of the fiscal year
1896 -97 wbeieinte total value ef our
exported mcarchantUse conpistiqgchief
ly of our sujrplusfarm crops again was
1051000 But the prosperity
that comes from vast harvests at home
short harv estsabroad and consequently
immense exports of our crops at high
er prices wasoat created by the Mc
Kinley tariff ra 1891 92 tsor by the
Wilson 1 acmiii 1896 97 ao eveniess
by the I toglsy tariff not yst enacted
when 1 be improvement tbegan It
came it j tbercourse of natetre by the
operati on Maws that congress did not
make ind cannot change New Yorli
The present fashion is to omit breast
pocke ts hi all coats waetuer Prince
iUbe rt frock cutaway or sack Even
oven joats are now nsade vithout
Han dkeifehief is carried in the lowerj
et the trousers parfcet or the in-
side coat pocket The siile is now te
kee p tfrafc article hidden as much as
pos sibl The handkerchief should be
pla ya white hemstitched Waltee
Gf jRMaffi in August r Ladies Home
Jo urndt
-A number of important items sre
c rowded out this week but in the gu
t ure we will have more loom and it
rill oot happen again Its nice -to
1 aaveagood advertising patronage fcut
we like o have news too
Mari ilanna oncenrote Ko oian
in publie office owes the public
fthing This theorizes up the men-
toroF the1 present administration Oan
itbe aid that it also sizes up the ad
ministration itself
Charles Richards
xsrriscaii Neb
Rcseoud S D
Gattle holo in
Raime Bier and
Biownlee Neb
HI r rattii
LitOayc3iite Rivers
n zami
itwr 1
7 U4U
J B Smith
Left hip or left side
Swallowtail fork on
both earsunderbit
on right
Horses OW on left
Range on iGoose
nh i iiTir i iiiVmVdViiriMiiiiirmvfffiatiimu
We eatty ut least two lines of goods in which we oxcel
Our assortment of these goods is more so in the Northwest
Groceries Dry Goods and Notions
Hats Caps and Furnishings
Also some below
lett nip
Range Kissels
Paul JDidier
I DG 1
Rosebud S D
Also B4U on left
Cattle undercut on
bath ears
Horses branded 4
-on left shoulder
Range on Antelope
iand Spring Creeks
William M Dunbar
Lessee from Heine Kroeger
Cody Neb
Ml D
fbun I-
ll I s M
Either side
William F Schmidt
Rosebud 8 D
On lift side
Horses branded
same an left hip or
Rangon Horse
John DeCory
JMflwf mWJwl
in low
Bail right
Left ear of cattle
itange neaa oi nay
Rosebud S D
Some branded ID
417 on left side
Horses JD on left
Kange in Meyer co
ou Antelope ureeu
p m ru
7 BBHlftlE fii
rtiXZsir ZSZfaKZstSbJlLJ
Rosebud S D
Tnrrcitla SS
Horses same m
left shoulder
Deerhorn elp on
some cattle
Sam Hudson
Simeon Neb
AE m be
Horses oil left
Range Goose Creek
aid North Loup
Leli hip on cattle
JjCLb suuiuuci Ull
Some Tiorses Lazy
2 on left snoulder
Range between
Gordon and Snake
River and Niobrara
Left ears tagged All catile dehorned
John H Harnan
Brovmlee Neb
LoiuVF Kicliavtls
Meirinian Neb
Henry Pratt
X9 V
Joseph W Bownet
PO addpifie
Merriman Nfcar
JUNiit Bros
P O Brownlee Neb
Right or left side
Horses scne on
left shoulder
Earmark -Swallow
tail clip right
or left ear
Range Big Creek
f tB
Charles H Faulhaher
Brownlee lfebr
Either nghfcor lef
side on cattle
Horses same on
left shoulder
Left carLcmVoff on
Range loup river
To buy SCAtiES guaranteed AS GOCTO AS
JPAIKBAXKS for lesa money they conr e
made Wont unless you get the host A
cheap Scale is the most expensive Investment
you can make It is unreliable and meanB the
ooncr or inter you must buy again Buyeuly
it genuine I sites t Improved JTAKK2KANKM
which will last you a lfetlme and prove the
rlipappKt in the end Koone can then Uputo
1102 Famam St Omaha flib0
HStCL Scales Kpaied
r 0 KfSi
II lis i
On Each Box
Amoricao Beauties
gw u u n n Cu B
4hPeffec s
XtSfioc to ltrufjv ItnUilw
Sealed fifo posals ivlll be received by the Conn
tv Inir off shorn Count v Nebraska un to
nst 31st 1807 at one oclock p m for the cxm jj
stnietmn ol an iron or steei wagon online across
1 1m Niobraia river at or near what i known as
tlip tsanliorn Ford m Townxinp i Kange j
nuabouMi miles south wot or MeiTimaii
lfrsmensions of bridge is ro feet in leiucth
wMtn H feet single span set un iron tubes idled
with concrete bottom of bridge to be 7 feet
nove level o rhcr
Bids should be audreNek to Max E Viertel
Chairman Board of bounty Ooiiiinisswners
Valentine Nebraska and endoisod Rrilgtt
Proposals The hoard reserves the right to re
leet any or all bids
i Valentine Nebr July 201807
Attiiiinietrtitors Xotir r
Estate of John Ealow deceased
The undersigned having been appamreti ad
ministrator of the estate of John Knlow lltte of
the county of Cherry and state of Nebraska de
ceased hereuv trives notice that he will appear
r n - I m t
before tne coiinry court oi ijneny cosmiy ar me j
County court room in vaienniit KoorasKa ar
the regular tena on the first Hloiiday hrSeptem
ber nst 1897 at which time all pen ons having
claims against said estate are notified and le
quested to attend for the purpose cf having the
same adjusted All persons indebted to said es
tate are requested to make imnwjaiate payment
to the undersigned
W E HALEY -Administrator
Dated July 21st 1897 t7 30
Notice to Non ttvHutetit
Tn the District Court 13th judicial distriet in
and for Cherry County Nebraska
Cimrles Bnijton ilaintifi
JcsphlT Bums defendmit
XTo Josenh II Burns iKn resident defendant
You are hereby notiliedtftaton the 21th day or
Arwil 1807 Charles Bniyti plaintilf herein lilod
iTpetition in the District court or Cherry coun
teNebmska against yoW object and praer
twhich are to obtain adjudgment against you
frr the sum of C4W dustm one certaiu promis
vjrvnote executed bv yi and in favor of plain
tiff Vouare iurther ntitiiied that at the same
tune plaintiff Hied ai of attachment
and caused an order of attachment to issue
iLiiiisr von and that tte south east i of section
f3 township 53 range iw has been attiiched un
der said oraer
Von are required tasuiswer said order on or
before the Jth dav of Ssjitember 1897
Dated July 2 ir
Bv Ed CnAitK hirf attorney
U S Land Olfiee Valentine Nebr 1
Fuly 23 1897 f
Complaint having been entered at this officii
by Clinton J Anderson against John T Spurrier
lr failure to compljivith law as to
Entry No 6C4 dated Nov 17 188G upon the
nwh Section li Township Ji Range 33 in Cherry
Countv Nebraska wich a view to the cancella
tion ol said entry eontestant alleging thut the
said John T Spurrier has failed to break or
cause to be broken any part of said tract andv
has failed to plant or cause to be planted any
part of said tract utrees tree seeds or cuttings
and has failed tacnre his laches to this date
The said parties are hereoy summoned to
pear at tins omosuonine mi aav 01 sept iNti
at 1 oclock p m to respond and furnish testi
niony concerning sard alleged failure
J A Fikk Reeeiwr
U SXaikivOIlice Valentine Neb
July 231897
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Jacob Eiumick against George W Moreyfcr
iailure to comply wjcIi law as to timber culture
eiltry No 2i7 dated February t ltis upon the
seUneU and esSeU and swlisei section h2
township30 ranges- in Cherry county Nebras
ka with a view to tixi cancellation of said eiitt
contestant alleging that the said George W
iilorey has failed lOibrexk or cause to be broken
ten acres of said tract and has tailed to plant or J
cause 10 oe planted n acres 01 said tract in
trees tree seeds or catlings and lias wnouy
failed to cultivate or cause to be cultivated any
part ot said tract forthe last live or sx years of
entry and the land broken on said tract hafc
grown up in grass and weeds and claimant lH
tailed to cure His laches to this date the said
parties are hereby summoned to apuear at ths
office on the 2d day of Sept 1897 at It oclock
111 to respond anl furnish testimony conerm
iug said alleged lailme
30 J A KIKE Receiver
U S Land Ollice af Valentine Neb i
July 21 1897 f
Complaint having ben entered at this onlce
by Joseph IJ Miller against Homer W Dimbar
for abaudouhig his homestead entry No lOiHa
dated 2ov it ij upon the nineU and n
mvU section 20 townsliip 1 range 2 in Clierrv
county Nebraska and for failure to ever estab
lish actual iyiidence upon said land with a viwv
to the can jeiiation of said entry the said
are hereby suitimonedrio appear at this otlice on
the 27th day ot sscptember i ii7 10 respond ami
furnii tebticjony concerning aii alleged aban
0 J A Fikr Receiver
U A Land Ofiiee Valentine Nebr i
July 25 1S7
Complaint having been entered at this due
by Peter S Roueehe ajralnst Leonard Corm L tor
abandoning Ins JJoinestesd Entry No 0004 dated
Aug 23 18l4rapon the njneli iiiiiwH Section
2K TownshiniT Range 3i in Cherrv Counl v
Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of vaiJ
entry the said parties are hereby summoned -to
appear at this ofhceonthe2iid dav of Sepwn
ber 197 at 2 lHIock P M to resiond and fur
nish testimony concerning said alleged aband
0 J A Fiice Receiver
Uil Land Ottice Valentine Neb 1
July 231817 f
Complaint having been entered at this oilice by
William Bollwerk against Johann Pollriess for
abandoning his Homestead Entry No jcisi dated
Ich ol 1892 uiwn the wneJi neineh See
19 seseli Section 18 Township 31 Range 32
111 Cherry County Nebraska with a view to can
cellation of said en try the said parties are here
by summoned to appear ut this office on the
2nd day of September 1897 at S oclock a in to
respond and furarsh testimonv concerning said
alleged abandonment
J A Pike Receiver
U S Land Ollice Broken BowNeb
July 24 1S97 f
Complaint bavin been entered at this office
by Preston Hinkson against Charles S Lucas
for abandoning his Homestead Entiv No 872
dated Dec 12th 189J upon the seVi Kection 27
Town hip 20 N Range 23 Wr In Cheri y County
Nebr with a view to the cancellation of said en
try the said parties are herebv summoned to
appear at this oflicaon the 11th dav of Sept 1897
at to oclock a m to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged abandonment
2831 Chas H Adams Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr 1
July 23 1897 f
Complaint having been entered at this office
by Tnaddeus J Foley against the heirs of Emilv
E Holmes deceased for abandoning Homestead
Entry No 1008G dated April 19 1895 upon the
siineM See13 Tp 29 JR 38 sinwl i Section 18
Township 29 Range 37 in Cherry County Ne
braska with a view to he cancellation of said
entry the said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this ollice ou the 22nd day of Septem
ber 1697 at to oclock ani to respond and fur
nish testimony concerning said alleged aband
30 J A Fikk Receiver
U S Land Onlce at Valentine Neb I
July 22 1897J
Notice is hereby given that the following-Earned
settler has filed notice -of his intention to
mala final proot in support of his claim tnd
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at Valeutine Nebr on 3et
8th 1897 viz
William G Ballard of Woodlake Xeb
H E 8704 tor the lots 3 4 and sSinwk sectica
3 township 30 range 28
He names the followingwitnosses to prove his
continuous residence upon sad cultivation of
said land viz
ColnD Ainslie of Simeon cKeb George R1
Horton Jacob Klein and John all of
Woodlake Nebraska
-2732 C R GLOVES Register
U S Land Office Valennae Nebr I
July 12 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim aud
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska ou Aug 20
1897 viz
Henry H Day of Valentine Xeb
H E 9052 for the lot 3 and seJ iuwJi See 1 T
Di R 28
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Frank R Btoivers John J Stowers TFillfaai
P Stowers and Henry Becker all of Valentine
25 sa r CRGUVElJRL ibter
V tif v-4--
Thnts what we aivs ivin those who trv
to keep up with our great end-of-season
Tnst at the present time
make the lowest prices
ve in shape to
esTer known on
In Dry floods lress Goods ITits and
Caps -Boors and Slioes Groceries and
iNorions Come and look the
Everything in otir store is new and of
tlie best quality -so yon cannot make
a mistake by trading ns Weve
just -put in a line of Shoes and Cloth
ing which you should examine
II 11939 I II
I IS 1 I 1 BA BAi I H if
Wnl II sLii a L8 3
I in n III i 11 will- is nereoy KI
uk 9miw rremier cypcwnier
Best Value -Writing Machine
Pir st in Emppavements Honest
Construct Jon and all HJih grade
Typewriter Essentials
ImrrmrnnttoOt H
vUKTittr - 1
04 Smitft Preuikr typewriter go nuSl
Omaha Brandi OSice Corner Seventeenth and Farnam Streets
laimauis anu wirnesses in atnai pnioi cases
nonce oi which
receive a markr
V rVVn Ja v nmne1 settler has tiled notice offcis niresiSoctS
7f land I1 mV of f ke jiiiil proof in support of hin claim tsOJ
errorj in description dispelling names
lit- iucovercii nonce suoum oe srnr 10 rne land
ollice and this ollice so coireetimi i an be made
US Land Ollice Valentine Nebr
AllUSt 11 IKilT f
Notice is hereby given thai the following
named settler has tiled untie- of intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Register
or Receiver at AuleiitiiKcb on Septeaihcr20
1817 vi
llicbard K Eainsford of Xbiizil Xeh
H E 0552 for the seM Sec 1 1 Tp mii R T2w
lie names the lollowing witnsses to prmej
Jus continuous residence upon -and cultivation
of said land viz
Edward Satterlee Michel Iot ami
Nrajewski of Nenzil Neb audi Joseph Hierl of
ieoi gia Neb Also
Michel JJoliz of Xeuxil Xeb
II K M1t for the eSsw4 nwijsw Sec 14 aud
nehnwJi Sec 2 Ti A K 2
We names tlie following -witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon awl cultivation of
said land viz
Edward Satterlee Richard KiRainsford and
Stanislaus Krajewski of Xcncd Neb and Jo
seph iiieriof icorgia Neb
29 54 C R ISLQTKR Register
U S Land Ottice Valentine Nebr
Aig I1fi7 f
Notice is hereby eiven that the followiug
named settler has tiled notice ol his intention to
nuike linal proof in sunport or his claim ami
that said proot will be made before the Register
ir Reeeivtr at Valentine Neb on Sept 2i 1817
Arthur M Sherman of Valentine Xeb
iHE lam for the sneJi and Aswmli Sec V Tp
3ln4l 27 w
He names the following witnesseslo prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud viz
John Crotion Ely D Valentine Raul Kenni
cuttand Willis Bernard all of Wood Lake Neb
M Xi C It GLOVER Register
V S rand Ollice Valentine Kebr i
August 2 Si7
Notice is hereby given that Anna M -Nelson
of Unriington Arkansas has filed notice of In
tention to make proof before the Clark of the
District Court for Boone county at hfcfice In
Hanson Arkansas on Kridav the Hfchi day of
Septejnber 1W7 on timber culttue aUliatiou
No tyjiN for the wiinefi and nmv oIjection
No 13 in township No 2Su nmge No Saw
She names as wituesses 1Jiillip Kullman
Charles Pullman Jason Garwood and Joseph A
Saults all of Pullman Nebraska
Testimony of wituesses will be taken before
the Register or Receiver at hjs ollice in Valen
tine Nebraska on September 14 18H7
28- C it GLOVER Register
iU S Land Office Valentine Nefc I
JiUv 31 lSSC f
Notice is hereby given that William M Black
burn of Hatfield Green Kansas Iuls filed uatic
of intention to make final proof beiore the Reg
ister or reieiver at his ollice in Valentine Neb
on Saturday the nth day of September 1807 ou
timber culture application No 7R21 for the lvi J
sei swhiuej and seinw4 of section No 20 in
township NV 27u range No 2Cw
He names jas witnesses Evans Jt Vandegrift
Harry H Keller Samuel D Montgomery aiul
Oliver J Keller all of Brqunlre Nebr
Testimony ol claimant will betaken before the
Clerk of the District Court for Chase county ir
his office in Cottonwood Falls Kansas on Sep
tember 10 1807
28 33 CR CLOVER Register
Land Office at VaJentineNebr i
August 4 187 f
Notice is hereby given that Egbert Bounen of
ruaiinan iNen mis men notice oi inreiition to
make final proof before the Register or Receiver
at Jzis olhce in Valentine Ncb on Wednesdaj
the2nd day of September 187 on nmber cul
ture application Ho 8128 frr the siSseM aud
sUsKh of section No 29 in Tp 25n range vw
He names aj witnesses William L Kulow
Joseph A Saults William A Metzger and Will
iam iullman ail of Pullman Neb
Also Christian M tzger of Cedar Creel Neb
T 0 80JU for the ui5e4 nm JilJsw section 12
Henanveias wituesses 4illiam L Etilnv
Joseph A S3ults Willhui FulUnau and Egbert
Ronuen all of Pullman Nepr
Testimony of claimant will betaken lxHbre the
Clerk of the District Court for Cass county at his
office in Plnftsjspnth Neb on Sept 18 17
28- CllQfkVtJit Register
U S Land Office Valentine 3Wc
t uJiiIvk liwr
given tnaa tlie
said proof will ie made before tlw Regirajr asr
Receiver at Valentine Nebr ou Aug 2fcJ3K3Zr
Kdward L Murphy of Gallop STac
H 15 No 041 fortlieiieI4neJianO tijMiusE
setirvU See Tp Kn R w
He nniwts the following witnesses soars
his eoiitiiiuous residence upon and mvi j2iw
of said laud viz
Edward VV Dahlgrin and James Euos23Tr
riinan Hazel Hunt aud George SkadbeR tJTSaCg
Nebr Also
William L Dahlgriu of Merrimaa Sfefc
H K No ni7 for the sswli aiul sftSsfeI
Tp iKJii R t7w
He names the following witnesses iU 2bst
his continuous residence upon aud eilftBSBiHn
of said land viz
Hazel Hunt anp OeorieHhadblt ofC5y33sfc
Edward L Murjjliy of Gallop Neb
of Merriman Neb Also
Notice Is hereby given that Edward W iasGjruB
has filed notice of his intention to matit tfaat
proof before Register and Receiver at tarfas
in Valentine on Tuesday the 24th day oflcsu
KS07 on timber culture application N zzter
the nvl4 of Sec No Jl lp 32n R 36v
Henames as witnesses Edward L Esnae
of 4ilIop Neb Hazel Hunt and GeorTsixi
boltof Cody Neb James Enosor MewtrcaEEB
-0 C R fOrER Kepsnec
Land Ofliceat Valentine Netrila
- Jr 8 18iCe 5
Notice is hereby givon that Robert EL Jfe
LaMghliu of Massena Iowa has filed notke5ts
tention to make anal proot before the Herafnr
and Jteceiver t their ollieeln Valentine fete
ou Thursday tlie 2Gth dav of August arHK
timber culture No 8031 for the nlim sL
sw4 swWise4 of section No 11 in tewesfti
No J7 n range No 32w
Henames as witnesses Enoch Andes ttemey
McNUt John J Steen and Floyd vr PvdL33Lj
Brownlee Nebr
Testimony of the above named ii3aaC
will be taken before -the clerk of tke gtrte
conrt for Cass county at his office In JULebs
joii yn oaiuriiay uav or August IHSZ
Also Charlotte M Mcrughlln of litoteses
Iowa T C No 8032 for the slineji geVseai
and ueHswH Sec 9 Tp 27 n R 32 w
She nanies as witnesses John J H5
Hoycl w Pool Euoch Andes and Barney MgEtk
all of Brownlee Nebr
nestn0y claimantwill be taken becfifce
Clerk of the District court for Benton commc
his office in intoii Iowa on August 21 tgsz
- n is OLnvEKXexCtc
U S Laxd OFncn Valentine Nefe4
Notice is herebv iriven r hfiTOLJliSEjL
named settler has filed notice of bis iBfafise
to make final proof in support of his cIaiieR
that paid proof will be made ore Reglsfara
Reiver at Valentine Nebraska on SepL c
FredG Holsclaw of Valentine Xisfc
HE No sure for the seii Sec 23 Tp 34a r
He amines the following witnesses to now
ins coufinunus residence on and cuttlvatkwiaE
said landviz
William Cavanaugh Micliael lfcLaiak
Michael 1itzgerald of Crookston Nebraskr
Thomas Kelly of Valentine
i 33 c R GLOVER RegtSttt
Imd Office Valentine Nebr i
- August 14 lJ7 f
Notice is herebv given that Zaebary T tisol
Hale Ore has filed notice of iMtentlon to mair
final ju eof berore the Register or Receiver at Sl
omce in Valentine eb on Wednesday tfe J
day of September 1897 on timber culture uk6
cation No 7428 for the swi of Sec 22 Tp its
He names as witnesses Abraham Pat
John Daniels Samuel Hudson and Wiliard xor
gareidge all of Simeon Neb
Testimonv of claimant will be taken uefsr
the Clerkof the Dist rice Court fur Iane couoxr
at his oniv m Eugene City Oregon on Septea
30 23 CR GLOVER Keslrter
U s Land Oniee Valentine
August tcttnsr
oiiee is nereoy givn that Charles If
Ilntiiiii linn filnl T T -
4ur1 u u V1 Ul uieiuion n tanKe tntal
proof before the Regmtex tr Receiver ar lib ouVe
in alentine ftebon WeSuesday the 25th day
of September 1837 ou timber culture apulicatioii
h 7Cfor the 1ms l 5 4 of Sec sTpavr
Rane 2fiw
He namesas witnesses John Dale Renjaala
Dale John O Endermau and Ely 1 Valentine
U1 ot Wood Lake Neb
3 3o CIL GLOVER Rciir f