The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 19, 1897, Image 7

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Tale Told by the Ioc of the Good
Ship Trpaz
Robert H Folger the oldest iractic
ing lawyer in America has at his
home In Mnssillon Ohio a treasure in
the way of a ships log kept by his
father Captain May hew Folger of the
good ship Topaz While making his
last cruise in the Pacific Captain Fol
ger discovered the surviving mutineer
of the ship Bounty and his colony on
Pitcairn Island The entry in the log
book is of extreme interest Captain
Folger says Saturday Feb 1 1S08
at 2 a m saw Pitcairn Island bearing
south Lay off and on till daylight
At 6 a m put off with two boats to ex
plore the land and look for seals On
approaching the shore saw smoke on
the land at which I was very much
Mirprised as the island was said to be
uninhabited I saw a boat paddling
toward me with three men in her
They hailed In the English language
and asked who was the captain of the
ship They offered me gifts of cocoa
nuts and requested I would laud there
being a white man on shore I went
ashore and found an Englishman
named Alexander Smith the only per
son remaining out of nine that escap
ed on board the ship Bounty Smith
informed me that after putting Cap-
rokeut ir rorQEK
rain Bligh in the long boat and sending
her adrift Christian their chief pro
ceeded with the ship to Otoheiti There
all the mutineers chose to stop except
Christian himself and seven others
who took wives and also six men as
servants and immediately proceeded
to Pitcairn Island where they landed
all the goods and chattels ran the
Bounty on shore and broke her up
This took place as near as he could
recollect in the year 1700 soon after
which one of their party ran mad and
drowned himself another died of fe
ver and after they had remained
about four years in the island their
men servants rose up and killed six
of them leaving only Smith alive and
he desperately wounded with a pistol
ball in the neck However he and the
widows of the deceased arose ani put
all the servants to death whicli left
him the only surviving man on the isl
and with eight or nine women and
several small children He immediate
Sfpf lAYent to work tilling the ground so
that it produces plenty for them all
and he lives very comfortably as commander-in-chief
of Pitcairn Island All
the children of the deceased mutineers
speak tolerable English Some of
them are grown to the size of men and
women and to do them justice I
think them a very humane and hos
pitiable people and whatever may
have been the crimes or errors of
Smith the mutineer in times back he
is at present a worthy man and may
be useful to navigators who traverse
this immense ocean I tarried on shore
with the friendly Smith and his truly
good people till 4 p m and then left
them and went on board the Topaz and
made sail steering for Masafuera
having received from the people on
shore some hogs cocoauuts and plan
Diamonds in an Extinct Volcano
An interesting discovery from a geo
logical point of view was recently made
by an explorer in the mountains of
Witzies Hoek Natal On the summit
5of an extinct volcano on the edge of a
lake that occupies the crater sound
ings revealed a layer of sand inclosing
small diamonds It would be interest
ing to know whether these diamonds
-were there accidentally that is as the
result of washing operations carried on
by the natives or whether this dis
covery corresponds to an actual mine
of diamonds for the hills of Witzies
Hoek are not situated in regions
known to be diamond bearing On the
last hypothesis the presence of precious
stones in the crater of a volcano would
xloubtless throw some lisrlit on the for-
fmation of the
Genie Civil
gems in nature La
Doctors and Patients
A physician with a large practice
sees strange sights some humorous
some pitiful and some irritating Sir
Benjamin W Richardson commenting
on the fact that these singular sights
lend to produce in the doctors mind
the feeling All things are alike to
all says he once surprised a bishop
by saying that the writer of Ecciesi
astes must have been a doctor
Once a woman -who kept a fuel store
brought her husband to Doctor Rich
ardson in a little cart with his body
covered with small coal under the idea
that by this means she was keeping
him warm Another woman to whom
he prescribed an ether mixture there
fore volatile first made it warm in
order that it might be agreeable to
He was called in the early days of
his London practice to visit a servant
in a large house and overheard the
mistress ask the housekeeper What
sort of a man is he and how did he
come Did he drive
I think youll like him maam re
plied the housekeeper but poor man
he is only a walking doctor yet
People made a distinction between
the walking and the driving doctor in
forjBcr days A physician with a large
paying practice used to ride in a chariot
which cost three hundred guineas Now
people do not care if a doctor comes in
a landau or a brougham or a cai
provided he comes quickly
The old physician was known by ev
erybody as a doctor He wore a long
broad tailed coat kneebreeches Hes
sian boots a frilled shirt with ruffles
at the wrists and a large white cravat
of the finest lawn He carried a caaij
with a perf orated box at the top which
held camphor or some other smelling
substance When he was called to a
consultation he expected to find a
table spread with wine glasses a de
canter of brandy and a bottle of wine
Oldest College Men
Samuel Ward Chandler of Philadel
phia and the class of 1S22 now nearly
ninety four years of age is Harvards
well preserved oldest he is the father
of Francis W Chandler professor of
architecture in the Massachusetts In
stitute of Technology Dartmouths
oldest living graduate is Mark Went
worth Fletcher of Wayne HI class of
1S25 who is within a few months of
being as old as Harvards oldest Emil
ius Kitchell of Monticello Mo
who is in feeble health in his eighty
eighth year is Amhersts oldest he
was in the class of 1S28 of which he
is the sole survivor The oldest Will
iams graduates of the same class of
1S28 are Joseph Lyman Partridge of
Brooklyn ninety three years of age
and Rev Ebenezer Harrison Stratton
of Branchpoint N Y The oldest for
Bowdoin College is Frederick Waite
Burke of New York City ninety one
years old of the class of 1824
Wesleyans oldest and indeed her very
first graduate is Daniel H Chase whe
lives at Middletown and now and
then attends the morning chapel ser
vice Mellen Fitch of West Newton
and the class of 1S2G now ninety trwo
yeai s of age heads the list for the
University of Vermont Lawyer Al
bert Ware Paine of Bangor Me at
Waterville Me Dr Benjamin D Silli
man of Brooklyn X Y holds the sen
iority for Yale Boston Journal
Played Marbles IjOtir Ago
Dean Farrar thus describes Oliver
Wendell Holmes when he made his last
visit to England in 1SSG He was an
old man and his diminutive figure per
haps showed that he could never have
had groat physical strength It is a
fatiguing thing to go over the abbey
and he undoubtedly felt tired and was
glad to get back to my house for a cup
of tea But he has recorded the intense
pleasure the visit gave him and he told
me that he thought those two hours in
the great Temple of Silence and Recon
ciliation were among the most inter
esting he had ever spent He mentions
also the curious fact that we are often
more struck by little things than by
great Amidst the imposing recollec
tions of the ancient edifice he writes
one impressed me in the inverse ratio
of its importance The archdeacon
pointed out the little holes on the
stones of the cloister benches where
the boys of the choir he should have
said of the Monastic school used to
play marbles before America was dis
covered probably centuries before it
may be It is a strangely impressive
glimpse of a living past like the graffti
of Pompeii
The Pension Society of German Jour
nalists reported at its recent meeting
in Munich an increase in membership
from 474 to 501 ninety seven of whom
received support last year
Pistols and Pestles
The duelling pistol now occupies its proper
place in the museum of the collector of relics
of barbarism The pistol ought to have beside
it the pestle that turned out pills like bullets
to be shot like bullets at the target of the
liver But the pestle is still in evidence and
will be probably until everybody has tested
the virtue of Ayers sugar coated pills They
treat the liver as a friend not as an enemy
Instead of driving it they coax it They are
compounded on the theory that the liver does
its vork thoroughly and faithfully under
obstructing conditions and if the obstructions
are removed the liver will do its daily duty
When your liver wants help get the pill
that will
Ayers Cathartic Pills
t 11 KJJ N v v i t I i f f -
VI Bk 111 - At r m - -- 1IJ jm I PW4
I f VfcWjfc iJ A WWl
v rzr - mmy aumu
0 t -
Drajrcinir Newly Plowed Land
When land is plowed for winter grain
after midsummer it needs all the mois
ture that the soil when plowed and a
good deal more to make a good seed
bed The turning of the furrow expos
es a much larger surface to the air be
sides making a hollow beneath whicli
also helps to dry out the soil above it
Early in spring when the land is cold
this large exposure to the air which is
then warmer than the soil may be ben
eficial Even then we never wanted to
let Hie furrow lie more than one or two
days without putting in the harrow
to break up the clods formed by the
plow and which if they dried in that
state could not be made into a good
seed bed that season But in late sum
mer if it is necessary to plow the rough
furrow should be dragged over as
quickly as possible It will press the
furrow down causing weeds and stub
ble to begin to rot The roller also is a
help to this But it is better to run the
smoothing harrow over the rolled sur
face so as to roughen it The compact
ness of the soil brings moisture to the
surface and the roughened surface
makes a mulch which prevents too rap
id evaporation American Cultivator
For Pickinir Gooseberries
It is the habit of our American sorts
of gooseberries to grow in a tangled
mass of branches close to the ground
The result is most difficult picking and
scratched hands The first picture
shows a simple plan to obviate the diffi
culty If one has many bushes this
plan will prove especially advanta
geous The stout wire ring is put under
the low lying branches and hooked
Then the three wires are hooked into it
the wires drawn up and hooked over
the stake that is stuck down in the
middle of the bush One can then reach
under the bushes very easily Ameri
can Agriculturist
Kuril Out the Stumps
To get rid of stumps in a field the
contrivance shown in the illustration
is an advantage It is made of sheet
iron supplemented by
two or three lengths of
ordinary J inch stove
pipe The lower part
must be large enough
to slip over the stumps
A hole is dug between
the roots or at one side
partly under the stump
large enough to build a
fire After the fire is
once fairly started the
cylinder is slipped over
the stump and the
pieces of stove pipe are
added The whole arrangement acts as
a stove and the whole stump is burned
out completely Orange Judd Farmer
Dryinjr Wet Grain
All who are used to handling either
brick or tile know that when thorough 1
ly dry they will absorb a great amount
of water without being saturated Ad
vantage is taken of this fact by grain
dealers and farmers who place dry
bricks whicli are easiest to handle and
least likely to break among damp grain
to prevent it from heating It is sur
prising what an effect this will have if
a very few bricks are interspersed
through the heap Each brick will ab
sorb fully half a pint of water if it is
dry to begin with Thi will dry out
the surplus moisture out of a good
many bushels of damp grain Tis
might be iised in mowing away damp
hay or grain in the bundle though in
neither of these positions is there so
much likelihood of injury as there is
where threshed damp grain is closely
confined in bins
Gleaninjr After Grain Harvest
It is a great mistake to let any stock
except poultry glean after the grain
harvest has been gathered The poach
ing of the soil and injury to young
clover caused by other stock running
over the fields more than offsets what
good the stock can gain by gathering
the -wasted grain heads There are
very few wasted heads in modem grain
j rj
f -
if jw s w trr
I Tlfl
harvesting except such as are bent
down and cut off with too little straw
to be gathered in the bundle If al
lowed a free range the fowls will gath
er most of the grain and they will pay
best for it as grain so gathered al
ways sets the hens to laying again
Grain Cheaper than Hoy
It is undoubtedly a serious loss to
have so much of the hay crop injured
by excessive rains as has been the case
the present year Yet this may be in
part made an advantage to farmers if
it turns their attention to grain as a
cheaper source of nutrition than even
the best hay can be More than this
if given with enough hay or straw or
cornstalks to distend die stomach
grain is better feed because more eas
ily digested In the coarser fodder so
much of the nutrition goes to sustain
animal heat or the processes of diges
tion that comparatively little is left to
make flesh or milk or fats The knowl
edge that some grain -with hay makes
cheaper nutrition is not half so widely
extended as it ought to be If it Avere
there would be a better demand for
grain and it would sell at better prices
Shade for Cows
The fact that with good pasture a
cow is able to eat as much in a few
minutes as she can digest in several
hours is not properly appreciated by
most farmers If it were they would
at least provide shade trees in their
pasture lot or better still have a cool
darkened room Avhere after eating her
fill the cow can lie and contentedly
chew her cud secure from the attacks
of flies It is the digestion of food rath
er than eating it that fills the milk pail
Yet we have known farmers who cut
down shade trees in the pasture be
cause as they expressed it the cows
would lie in the shade all through the
day only eating at night and morning
when air is cooler and the grass is like
ly to be moistened with dew
Sorjrhum for the Silo
While no kind of grain as feed can
supersede corn in cheapness and value
sorghum is a formidable rival to it for
fodder especially when put up in the
silo It stands drought better which
is likely to make it popular in the arid
portions of the AVest where corn often
fails The sorghum has too tough a
stalk to feed green but when cut and
put in the silo there is enough fermen
tation to soften the stalks so that they
can be eaten The sweetness of the
sorghum furnishes carbonaceous nutri
ment iust as does the starch of corn
grain and in even more palatable form
Wherever cane sugar is made in the
South the workmen wiio attend the
grinding always grow fat from the
sugar they ear
Transplantinir Vegetables
In setting out cabbage and celeiy the
top should be shortened severely so as
to lessen evaporation This will make
a very vigorous growth beside prevent
ing the setback which a withered leaf
on a transplanted plant always gives
Willi each transplanting there will
come a large mass of roots so that aft
er being twice transplanted the cab
bage or other vegetable will grow with
out any perceptible check If the
weather is not suitable heel the plants
in covering tops and all for two oi
three days Then the roots will be
ready to grow at once
For Public Watering Troughs
Pennsylvania has a law providing
for the payment of 5 per annum out
of the public read fund towards the
Maintenance of watering troughs for
teams and other animals at disitances
of not less than five miles apart The
object is a humane one but it requires
running water to make it available for
constant use
Reclaiinine Wet Places
The farmer who does his whole duty
will reclaim the wet places on his farm
by tilling lie will know also how to
drain it and will have a map of the
drain so he can locate it in after years
if anything gets wrong The business
farmer can locate a tile exactly in any
part of the drain
Farm Notes
Good size is always an important
item in a breeding ram
Iiow the ground for wiieat and then
apply a dressing of manure
The best sheep are the most profit
able under all circumstances
An excess of food induces indigestion
and is worse than a spare diet
When prices for any kind of stock is
low then is usually a good time to in
There is no advantage in digging the
late potatoes until the weather becomes
A small flock of sheep well cared for
will bring a better return than a large
one neglected
Too much of the stock goes to market
in an unmarketable condition to make
the most out of it
It is a mistake to sow grass clover
wheat or iycyin e fall without a thor
ough preparapmtbf the soil Have the
surface iii a fine tilth
Better results can be secured with
both clover and timothy if the condi
tions are such that the seeding ian be
done this month rather thar
The most productive 3 Srtte
larius eon easny ue nuuiiBftR muj
So Royal Road
Tudid the famous Greek mathema
tician was asked one day by King
Ptolemy whether there was not a
shorter and easier way to the knowl
edge of geometry than that which he
had laid down in his tElements No
indeed said he there is no royal
road to geometry In the same spirit
when Alexander the Great wanted to
learn geometry by some easier and
shorter method he was told by his
teacher that he must here be content
to travel the same road with others
for the things of this nature are
equally difficult to prince and people
Manx II ntn or
The Manx people are very plain
spoken Hall Gaiue who is their ac
knowledged historian tells a good story
of agrumpyoldMethodistwoman inthe
Isle of Man who could never be satis
fied with her preachers One of them
being about to leave called to say
good by Well good by she said
and God bless ye and may the Lord
send a better man in your place Next
day his successor came to see her
Well I hope the Lord has sent a good
man she said but theres none so
good that comes as them that goes
An Abominable Legacy
A tendency to rheumatism Is undoubtedly
uiierited Unlike many other leyieies it re
mains in the family The most effectual
means of checking this tendency or of re
moving incipient rheumatism whether pre
eistent in the blood or not is to resort to
Ilostetters Stomach Hitters as soon as the
premonitory twinges are felt Nullifying the
influences of cold exposure and fatigue the
Hitters not only fortine the system ugahibt
their hurtful consequences but subjugates
malaria liver and kidney complaint dyspep
sia and nerve disquietude
Paris and Her Obelisk
If the obelisk in Central Park were
to be treated as Paris proposed to treat
her Cleopatras needle there would be
a great outcry Paris is searching for
sensations for her exposition of 1000
One of the propositions is to bore
through the needle which stands in the
Place do la Concorde send wires
through the excavation and install an
electric lislit on the summit The engi
neering features of the proposal are
striking for it will be necessary to dig
under the hbaft and work upward from
the bottom
Try Allens Foot Ease
A powder to be shaken into the shoes
At this season your feet feel swollen
and hot and get tired easily If you
have smarting feet or tight shoes try
Allens Foot Ease It cools the feet
and makes walking easy Cures and
prevents swollen ind sweating feet
blisters and callous spots Relieves
corns and bunions of all pain and gives
rest and comfort Try it to day Sold
by all druggists and shoe stores for 2uc
Trial package FREE Address Allen
S Olmsted Le Roy N Y
A High Compliment
No more elegant compliment was
ever paid to a preacher than that of
King Louis XIY of France to Jean
Batiste Masillon bishop of Clermont
Said he I have heard many great
preachers and the effect they produced
on me was that I felt thoroughly sat
isfied with them Every time I heard
you I have been dissatisfied with my
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents
London Bobbies
The London policeman goes on the
force at a salary cf 5J per week with
the assurance of a raise to S at the
end of eight years service He has
in addition his uniform boots coal
money and some -other extras as well
as the promise of superannuation pay
at the end of 2t5 years service
Dandiuft is an exudation from the pores
of the skin that spieads ami dries form
ing scurf and causing the hair to fall out
Halls Hair Ilenewer cures it
IJast of Napoleons Soldiers
The last French survivor of Waterloo
was banqueted last mouth at his home
in France His name is Baillot and
his age is 104 He was 22 at the time
of the battle and though many of the
French troops were younger than him
self he alone is left of Napoleons host
of G1000
Pisos Cure for Consumption has saved
ine large doctor bills C L Baker 4228
Regent Sq Philadelphia Pa Dec S 9
A Computation
But my dear if you discharge the
girl without notice she may make it
cost us a couple of pounds You know
there is an agreement about notice
Yes and if I give her a months
notice she will manage to break 5
worth of china before she goes
Spare Moments
Mrs IVInslowfc Sootiiing Sxucp for Children
roetlilng softens the awns reduces lnniinutatlon allays
pain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle
O YM1tt1rt n m rtOI J
tm dSU iagPSoHBKR 5J U ft
TkritisSA T tXha PfiJI
4a v
Iff A- 5p
Tells Hor Experience Witb
A dull throbbing- pain accompanied
by a sense of tenderness and heat low
down in the side with an occasional
shooting pain indicates inflammation
On examination it will be found that
the region of pain shows some swelling-
This is the first stage of ovaritis in
flammation of the ovary If the roof of
your house leaks my sister you have
it fixed at once why not pay the same
respect to your own body
Do you live miles away from a doc
tor Then that is
all the more reason
why 3ou should at
tend to yourself at
once or you will
soon be on the flat
of your back
You need
not you
4 1- - tt
self go
your own
LA i I
frtfflftil CM
ISotre Dame Indiana
Classics Lettp s Science Law Civil Me
chanical and Electrical Engineerings
Thorough Preparatory and Commercial
Courses Ecclesiastical students at special rates
Rooms Free Junior or Senior YearColegi3te
Courses St Edwards Hall for boys under 13
The lOTth Term will open September 7th
1897 Catalogue sent Free on application to
Rev A Morrissey C S C President
Gal our Pension
ritaCapt OFAEEELL PeasierAgsstWasticstcs D6
12 to S35 FEH WEEK-
can be
Ine for un
Parties preferred wh5n gle whole tnre to the bnsi
na nnv o hnm uiirh mnr h nrnfitnhlr pmnioved
Hood opening toriwn antl city work as nefl as country
districts 3 E riproBD mh Main Sts Richmond Va
The best Red Hope Rooflncr Tor 1 ct
per sq foot diu and nails included
rillGJ Suostltutcs ior easier 3am pies nee
iiauuia jkoouuk vu v ujuutui -
ff fa I to S
If 1 Gsxranucd U
sex holds
ing hand to you and
will advise you without money and
without price Write to Mrs Pinkham
Lynn Mass and tell her all your symp
toms Her experience in treating female
ills is greater than any other living- per
son Following is proof of what we say
For nine jTears I suffered with fe
male weakness in its worst form I
was in bed nearly a 3rear with conges
tion of the ovaries I also suffered
with falling of the womb was very
weak tired all the time had such
headaches as to make me almost wild
Was also troubled with leucorrhcea
and was bloated so badly that some
thought I had dropsy I have taken
several bottles of Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound and several of
her Blood Purifier and am completely
cured It is a wonder to all that I got
well I shall always owe Mrs Pink
ham a debt of gratitude for her kind
ness I would advise all who suffer
to take her medicine Mrs Anie
Curtis Ticonderoga N Y
Of THEimil 75
One Standard
One Price
Two short sentesces that
mean a great deal to every
bicycle rider The first
denotes a quality of ma
terial construction and
elegance wblcb stenda
for the worlds pattern
The second emphasizes
the fact that do one can
bay en 1897 Colombia
cheaper than yon Just
remember these two facta
1896 Columbias S60
Hartford Bicycles
de except the Columbia 50 45 40 30
POPE MFG CO Hartford Conn
Catalogue free from any Columbia dealer by mail
from as for one cent stsnp
Ufa ffgfl BKIJI
XiSS K3 2l liS VJi t
hA fcaxMir i in i kmi inn if j
Dont be fooled with a mackintosh f
orrubbercoat If ou waniacoatflsIjSjp
that will keep you dry in the har
est storm buy the Fsh 3ranj3 Lr
Slicker If not for sale in your ffap
town write for catalogue to 2 JbiK
A I TOWPR Rnstnn Mice K3jK
-- - iJTI c
In 1 UO high gradf
papers in Illinois
guaranteed circu
lation 100000
or wecaii insert
it 3 TIMES Jii 1 SSO conn
try papers lor
Chicago Newspaper XJniOTi
03 Soum Jefferson btreei Clilexco 1U
Brevity Is the Soul of Wit
Good Wife You
Use Bis i to unnatural
discharges inflammations
irritations or ulcerations
Of III U CO II 4 TTmhrnM
Prtrtaa iainlo and not irn
THjM33CHEMICJUC0 fient or polsoou
iClNCiN1ATUrl Sold by
or sent in plain wrapper
by expresi prepaid for
cn or3 bottle t275
Circular sat oa request
Lata Principal Zzazalaer tr a Ttaslon Bsrcaa
3 yrz ia last var 15 adjndicaJlni daircn atty Mae
PCT 01PU nnlcfety Send for300 Inventions Wain
Otl nlUny ed Edgar Tate Co 245 BwayxY
S- C N U
34 97
i Cough Syrup Tastes Good Ues
In time Sold by drnrreists I
PIi aea a7B gfSYtfMEa