it if n k r K If v F - i w - I ia - - 1 1 mr 1 z33 CONGRESS AND THE TRUST The Democrats have no quarrel with the tariff that is not the quarrel of the people It may be noted that the Republican press is not entirely silenced by the money power and occasionally an ear nest protest against the iniquities of this the greatest robber act of modern legislation is raised by stanch Republi can newspapers Harpers Weekly in discussing the tariff says The great central fact in the history of this meas ure is the continued domination of the sugar trust over Congress There is some pretense of dispute as to whether the House or the Senate was victorious in the linal arrangement of the sugar schedule But it matters little which schrane for increasing the profits of The sugar trust was adopted The peo ple who speculate in sugar securities have expressed their opinion of this legislation in Wall street The common stewk of the trust was selling at 110 when the work of making the bill was begun and after the conference report 3vas made the stock sold at 140 If the Republican party had been -guilty of no other crime against the people than the passage of the Dingley lariff bill that would be sufficient cause to create a protest so strong and uni versal as to produce the downfall of that organization however when the tariff is simply one instance of greed 2ind rapacity selected from many cog nate acts proposed it is difficult to imagine how these bunded robbers can have the assurance to demand still further suffrage from American citi zens In order to show the absolute subser viency of Congress to the sugar trust it is only necessary to refer to the fact that Secretary Gage proposed an inter nal revenue tax on the advance impor tations of sugar which would have converted s 5000000 into the treasury of the Tithed States and would not have cost the trust a single cent but on the contrary would have left the combine with at least 0000000 bonus to iiiH credit and Congress paid no at tention to the suggestion Let the peo ple reflect seriously on these indisputa ble facts and record their indignant protests at the ballot box in 1S9S and 1100 Chicago Dispatch Object Iicsson from Mexico The lull in the price of silver and its effect on Mexico are the object les sons now most talked about by the Republican newspapers Some time ago the leuder of the Re publican party made a remark to the effect that it would be better to open the mills than the mints This remark was quoted largely commented on loudly and given the widest publicity The mints have not been opened and the mills remain closed The mints in Mexico are open and the udvocates of a monometallic gold cur rency speaking apropos of the fall in the price of silver announce in tones of triumph that it will have the effect of curtailing the business of the Mexi can importer What does that mean Simply that the mills of Mexico will have to open to supply the home mar ket The making of an alliterative phrase is not so productive of prosperity as the making of articles of domestic use by the manufacturers of a nation working full time to supply a native -demand On every occasion Avhen the iroldite goes to Mexico for an argument against silver the best he gets is the worst of it Mexico will open still wider her mills give employment to -more labor save her money to spend at home decline to enrich foreign manufacurers dispense with European luxuries and prosper more brilliantly than ever A few more nec lessons from Mexico ought to settle the currency question Federal hxtravaaancc Economy in governmental affairs seems to have become a lost art Ex penditure has increased out of all pro portion to the growth of the country The cost of carrying on the govern ment has steadih appreciated from in isot to rioosuwo in 1SW From this it will be seen that it costs about Si200000000 more to run the government now than it did thirty years ago There is no evidence that legislators ure careful in considering the matter of expenditures The people of the Tin ted States have been forced by the stringency of the tit s to study the question of personal economy Would it not be a good idea for the general government to lighten the burden of taxation by exercising some thought on this question also There is much said about the necessity of revenue hut little is heard about the need of re trenchment General prosperity cannot be secured through lavish expenditures of public money While wage workers are oblig ed to accept reduced pay while farm ers must be content with smaller prices for products while merchants and manufacturers must make the best they can of dwindled profits the law makers in Congress lavish the peoples money and levy increased taxes to sup ply the funds Already Showing Kvil Effect Consumers are early learning that under the Dingley bill they are con fronted by a hard tangible condition and not a mystical intangible theory Prices of all necessaries are going up without the least promise of an in crease in the income of wage eafners New York grocers have advanced the price of sugar G 10 of a cent a pound This is just a starter From this in crease the Sugar Trust will reap a re ward of 20000000 as the Dingley bill intended it should There has also been an advance of from 10 to 23 per cent on all woolen goods The new law has caused an advance in the price of hides and an increase in the cost of boots and shoes from 80 to 0 cents a pair will follow St Louis Republic Growth of Bimetallism The Republican press has evidently received instructions from the money power to announce that free silver sentiment is dead These instructions are followed obe diently by most of the goldite news papers but the New York Commercial Advertiser refuses to stultify itself We had hoped that the sharp defeat which the nation inflicted on the regu lar Democracy last year remarks the Advertiser might have some chasten ing effect and deter the party leaders from repeating the costly blunder of indorsing the free silver and pro-socialist planks of the Chicago platform This hope however has not been fulfilled The Democratic organizations in all the States outside of New York where con tests are pending continue in the hands of the free silverites It is not a matter of very great im portance to the Democracy that Re publican newspapers solace their read ers with the false idea that the free sil ver sentiment is declining but it is gratifying to know that there are seme newspapers in the ranks of the opposi tion that have independence enough left to admit the fact that free silver doctrine is growing The fact of the matter is that never before in the history of the United States since the demonetization of sil ver began has the belief in bimetallism been more widely held or more firmly cherished than it is to day It is per haps just as well that goldites should flatter themselves with false hope but it is also important that Democrats should know and appreciate their own strength Gold monometallism is losing ground among the people because the legisla tion of the Republican party is so pal pably against the interests of the peo ple When the campaign of 1S0S is ended there will be many Republican newspapers ready to confess that the free silver sentiment is growing and in 1U00 with the election of a free silver President the confession Avill be forced upon them all McKjnlcv8 Bad Pardon Fecord Within three weeks the President has released three men who had embezzled large sums of money intrusted to their care although in eawh case the offense had been most flagrant and in none was any just reason for clemency pre sented These three pardons follow ing one another in quick succession constitute an alarming indication of weakness on the part of the President They indicate that Mr McKinley is lia ble to yield to the appeal of any wife daughter or sister of a criminal who gets to Washington to plead for his re lease on tiie ground that lie was good to his family while he was wrecking a bank and making a lot of people beg gars Xew York Evening Post Government by Injunction This government by induction is tihe most absolute despotism and the most flagrant usurpation known to organ ized society The power of the federal judges as construed by themselves is greater than the constitution or the fundamental rights of man It sus pends the freedom of speech and of the press It destroys individual liberty It exceeds in pretensions and in per formance the exploded doctrine of the divine right of kings No greater men ace to our liberties could be devised than the federal judges arbitrary as sumption of oninpotence and infallibil it v Kansas City Times Home Consumption Not Pufticieiit With enormously enlarged productive capacity a circumstance which is part ly responsible for the great depression of prices the past few years we have deliberately closed the outlet which has boon built up at the cost of so much en terprise and effort Protectionists main tain that it is only necessary to look to Viu domestic consumption but the time for that has passed in spite of our 7o 000000 of population Our great iron furnaces and steel works and machine shops have capacities far in excess of the consumption of our most prosper ous period Fqnnrincr Account with Trusts The situation is just this An aggre gation of trusts and monopolies elects the President controls Congress and tuxes the people generally not for the purpose of raising revenue for the sup port of the government but for the sole benefit and aggrandizement of the com bination Tin act whose passage they have secured by combination virtually prohibits the importation of foreign goods similar to their own and gives them a monopoly of the home market and ability to extort their own prices Atlanta Journal Dinjrleyism the Last Straw The Constitution is of the opinion tbat the country is on the eve of the greatest Democratic revival ever known in the history of the republic All the signs and symptoms point to it The people have come to the end of their patience The tariff monstrosity enacted for trio benefit of the trusts is the last feather that will break the camels back We are about to wituess one of those epoch making revolts that sometimes occur in the history of par ties and it is to be on a scale com mensurate with the reforms to be wrought and the wrongs to be righted Atlanta Constitution Money and the Crops Republican newspapers are congrat ulating themselves and the people over the good crops In this everybody will join them for good crops are undoubt edly worthy of congratulatory men tiou But there is one crop which tlie Republicans are using all their power to diminish and unfortunately for the people they have it in their power to lessen that eicp They cannot reduce the quantity of corn and wheat and oats and cotton but they can curtail the quantity ol money It is just as important that the people should have a plenteous supply of money as it is that i hey should have a generous re turn from the fields of agriculture The mines of silver and gold which abound in the United States will furnish abundance of money if the Republican politicians will open the mints to coin the bullion The fruits of the farmers toil can not be moved without money The prices he receives must be meager ifi there is a meager supply of money The manufacturer cannot dispose of his goods if the people have not the money with which to buy The folly of contracting the currency is never so apparent as during the days of bounteous harvest The crime against the people in closing the mints is never so patent as when the farmers bins are overflowing with grain and his pockets arc empty Set the mints in motion and the mills will open Pro vide the people with plenty of money with which to do business and business will be done The growth of money should parallel the growth of crops Then prosperity will come More of Prohibition than Protection Senator Allison thinks that the ad valorem tax imposed by the new tariff bill will be about 00 per cent The Mc Kinley act average was 4 per cent The average of the present tariff is per cent The first tariff bill enacted for the protection of manufacturers averaged S per cent On many articles the duty proposed in the present measure is greater than the value It is time that the pro tectionists should swap names with the prohibitionists ord -Philadelphia Rec Retrenchment Necessary The time is coining and it may not be far away Avhen we must arrange to govern our expenditures by our in come and make them conform not only to that but also to the problem of our great national debt which one day Ave hope to extinguish hot our Congress men be educated up to the necessity of restricting the expenditure instead of making provision to increase income by additional taxation to meet lavish ex penditure and wo will be nearer thy right track Philadelphia Bulletin Time for a Change in Iowa The State house should be cleaned of the contaminating influences of the tax increasing extravagant peculating offi cials of the present administration The time for looking after the interests of the common people a little instead of fostering those of the corporations trusts and money power has arrived Through the medium of the Democrat ic organization the necessary reforms can lie brought about but in no other wa v Keokuk Const itut ion Democrat McKinleyism on Top for a Time McKinleyism in an aggravated form is on top But public opinion may change again President McKinley of all meat has had reason to mediate up on its variableness It is quite possible that in t lie supreme moment of his ju bilation lie was haunted by an appre hension that the time might not be far away when the country would reject with intensified disgust this large dose of the nauseous medicine that sickened it in ISJO Rochester X Y Herald Kxehaime Comment lucre are surface indications of suf ficient proportions to justify the belief tnat Tom h Johnson expects to tie ugly knots in somebodys political clothing before the close of the Ohio political swimming pool AVashingtou Post When trusts attempt to cover too much ground they become topheavy and work out their own destruction Hence the new billion dollar proposi tion backed by the Standard Oil mana gers is not as threatening as it seems Minneapolis Tribune Simply because he confesses that it he is in the next Congress he will quite likely be the leader of the minority doesnt signify that Speaker Reed is inspired with the gift of prophecy The veriest blockhead in the country could have told Mr Reed as much Springfield Mass Republican Force the merchant to pay an out rageous tax upon his goods let the merchant add the tax to the selling cost of his goods The consumer buys the goods and thus refunds the tax to the merchant but the foreigner pays the tax If you dont believe it ask Ding ley Indianapolis News It is painful to note that right in the beginning of the tariff made pros perity that the immense cotton mills of Fall River Manchester and lawrenee are shutting up In his closing speech on the tariff bill just enacted Mr Ding ley told us that the bill would open up new opportunities for our own labor which will be the beginning of that prosperity that was dispelled in 1892 Now it is in order for Mr Dingley to explain why his bill doesnt work INSPIRED A FAMOUS POEM Mrs Amelia Koehler Who Succrcsted The Last Rose of Summer Considerable interest has been awak ened throughout the country by the an nouncement of the death of Mrs Ame lia Koehler of Mount Vernon New York at the age of 92 owing to the fact that she is supposed to have in spired Thomas Moores famous poem The Last Rose of Summer and to whom the poem was dedicated by its composer The incident as often told hy Mrs Koehler to her friends is full of inter est When she was 13 years of age she was sent to London and there she attended a school kept by a sister of the poet who frequently visited the school and became acquainted with the pupils Moore took a decided liking to her and would spend hours in convers ing with her One day as they were lifel THOMAS 3IOOKE A MUS KOEIII EIJ V tis rhe tasfrose of sum mer sitting in the garden she plucked a rose and placing it on the lapel of the poets waistcoat exclaimed Oh now I have given jrou the last rose of summer And as the story runs this very rose was in fact the last rose left blooming in the garden My child said the poet you have made a beautiful suggestion and when I have written some verses on it they shall be dedicated to 3011 A short time after Moore wrote the famous lines which follow and dedi cated them to her Tis the hist rose of summer Left blooming alone All her lovely companions Are faded and gone No flower of her kindred No iosebud is nigh To reflect back her blushes Or give sigh for sigh Ill not leave flice thou lone one To pine on the stem Since the lovely are sleeping Go sleep thou with them Thus kindly I scatter Thy leaves oer thy bed Where thy mates of the garden Lie scentless and dead So soon may I follow AYhen friendships decay And from loves shining circle The ems drop away When true hearts lie withered And fond ones are flown Oh who would inhabit This bleak world alone Mrs Koehlers maiden name was Amelia Offergeld and she was born in Her father was an officer in the Prussian army and her mother was of British descent She was 15 years old when she married Charles Koehler an importer of Bond street London When he died forty years ago she came to live with her daughter in this country and remained there until her death TO CARRY BICYCLES Brooklyn Plan for Transporinc Wheels on the Trolley Lines Many bicycle riders in cities would welcome the adoption of a plan for transporting wheels in operation on one of the trolley lines in Brooklyn The illustration shows how four bicycles can be carried on each dashboard with- BICYCLE BACKS OX TROLLEY CARS out interfering with the motorman or conductor in any way These racks are also in use in the baggage cars which have been equipped for wheels by the New York Central Long Isl and Manhattan L and other rail roads The racks used on the trolley cars are riveted to the sheet iron of the dashboard instead of being screwed to thft all as in the baggage cars Smart Young Sailors The boys responded with surprising quickness and good order This is the second life they have saved this win ter These were the concluding words of a statement made by Commander Field of the schoolship St Marys at a irtppnnr of tIip Knnrrvi of Rdnnnirm tf www 0 w w w w vru VH New York city a few months ago re garding a rescue made by the boys of his ship On the night of the 23d of February after the boys on the St Marys had turned in the cry was raised on the wharf at the foot of which the ship lies in New York that a man had fallen overboard in the North River The hoys turned out lowered a boat and in a moment were off to the rescue Just as the man rose for the lasthne they pulled him in and in an insensible 1 Xl - J1 l fT wuuuiuuu ue was mseu to me nospr where he revived f fTThn i J n7TM ss y ei A M i ri 3SS - the mans last and the least delay on the part of the handy boys would have been fatal to him But if they had been cariable of delays they would not have been good sailors and they made no delays and did no bungling The school ship on which these boys acted so bravely and promptly this time and have acted as promptly and effectually before is though command ed by an officer of the United States a part of the public school sys tem of New York city The boys are just such as go to the public schools in the most crowded parts of the metropo lis They are good material for the mak ing of prompt quick ready and intelli gent sailors and for much the same causes as those which make them good sailors for the making of good citizens as well Youths Companion Republican Simplicity A story is related of an old Dutch merchant of Amsterdam who having amassed a fortune in trade determined to spend the remnant of his life in the quiet seclusion of his country house Before taking leave of his city friends he invited them to dine with him The guests on arriving at his residence were surprised to see the ex traordinary preparations that had been made for their reception On a plain oak tahle covered with a blue cloth were some wooden plates spoons and drinking vessels Present ly two old seamen brought in dishes containing herring some fresh others salted or dried Of these the guests were invited to partake hut it was clear they had little appetite for such poor fare and with considerable impa tience they awaited the second course which consisted of salt beef and greens This also when brought in they did not seem to relish At last the blue cloth was removed and one of tine width damask substituted and the guests were agreeably surprised to see a number of servants in gorgeous liv eries enter with the third course which consisted of everything necessary to form a most sumptuous banquet The master of the hour then ad dressed his friends in the following terms Such gentlemen has been the pro gress of our republic We began with strict frugality by means of which we became wealthy and we end with lux ury which will beget poverty We should therefore be satisfied with our beef and greens that we inaj not havo to return to our herrings Gay Music at a Funeral People in Yincenues have been wit nessing what as called a gay funeral according to a paradoxical phrase Mr Ferret a resident in that suburban borough for many long years died recently at the age of SO He left in structions in his will that the local brass baud should be engaged for his funeral and that lively music was to be played during the journey to the graveyard The octogenarians rela tives fulfilled his wishes to the letter In the black bcrdered invitations to the interment sent out by them they an nounced the iiames of the airs to be heard during the funeral As the cor tege started for the cemetery the band struck up the appropriate Chant du Depart to the intense astonishment of the master of ceremonies sent by the Pompes Funebres who know nothing about the last wishes of the deceased octogenarian in the matter of music Then the bandsmen played a series of polkas and mazurkas and wound up at the cemetery with the Marseillaise After the funeral alL adjourned to a tavern where drink was ordered in abundance The instrumentalists hav ing been refreshed played more lively music and then everybody returned home apparently satisfied with the days outing This is the third funeral of the kind which has been organized in France within the past twelve months London Telegraph The Union Jack The origin of the word Jack is un known The meaning as understood to day is something shown and hi this sense the application of the word is now limited to the Union flag Some have supposed it to be derived from the jack or jacque the tunic worn in early time by men-at-arms those of Englishmen being decorated with the cress of St George which jackets when not in use were hung in rows side by side thus displaying the blood red cross which was at once their ban ner and their shield Others regard the name as coming from that of the sover eign James Jacobus or Jacques who was the first to hoist it as a national emblem I never You Reason for It hear you speak of your son No There are occasionally some little matters of family history that one does not like to discuss He hasnt disgraced the family name is he No Fortunately he had decency enough to change his name before he would consent to run for the Legisla ture Chicago Post Paved with Grass It is proposed to pave London roads with compressed grass blocks The claim is made that the pavement of these blocks is noiseless and elastic re sists wear well and is impervious to heat and cold Its manufacturers guar antee its life for five years Had Lost Caste no longer Miss Barnes No I cant afford to Wky not She is still riding a 0G wheel while I have a 97 model Chicago Post 4fjf Every one believes he does not get 1wKXlf th2 credit he deserres FOR THE GREATER CITY Monster Sky Scrapinc Tower Pro r posed for New York William J Frye has drawn plans foii a proposed tower to commemorate thet consolidation of greater New York The proposed tower which is to bo 21 10 feet in height would be in most respects the most wonderful structure in the world The Eiffel tower in Parla is 9S4 feetIn height less than half o the proposed observatory tower of Nerwj York The tower is to be twelve sided and built of steel The lowest portion will be 300 feet in diameter and wili be flanked by four pavilion buildingsJ giving the structure a base of 400 feetj The outer walls will be of cement having wire cloth imbedded within thati material Internall the tower will be a labj rinth of steel columns girders beams plates and other shapes in steeU no particle of wood being used in coErj struction or finish and when completed will be a white tower absolutely fire proof Directly in the center will risaf a tube twenty feet in its outward diann eter and ten feet in its inner diameter extending up to and in through thv jspi pifei THE IVKOPOSED TOWER dome roof The inside of the tube wui be smooth and sightseers may enter through doors on the ground floor and look up through the tube ten feet in diameter and 2140 feet in height Elec s trie cars with reserved motor power of compressed air will run spirally around the 100 foot central area making a trip to the fifth floor from the top about a two and a half miloc j ido From thbc point to the top visitors will be con veyed in an elevator This proposed tower is to be built within the nexU three years and somewhere up on the heights where there is a firm rocky foundation New York World A HEART OF BRICK Curious 3Tethod of Prolonsine the- ILife of an Kim Tree I One of the oddest sights of Nerwr Brunswick N J is the elm tree in front of John E Elmendorfs house on Albany street Mr Elmendorf had the tree lined with brick to keep ly alive The tree is said to be nearly 200 years old Several years ago insects attack- ed it and hollowed its heart out Then at a Fourth of July celebration a spariq set fire to the dry interior and destroy ed the greater part of what was Ieft Only the bark on one side and a little pj pin THE BRICKS IX TIIE TKEE of the wood remained At every winds the tree shook and seemed in imminent danger of falling Mr Elmendorf had given up all hope of saving the elm when his wife proposed that they walL it up inside Mr Elmendorf set a ma son at work lining the elm with brick Fully one half of the tree is now solid masonry and it is in a flourishing con dition The side with the bricks faces the street and is easily seen It is two blocks from the Albany street bridges The tree is known as the freak tre and the brick tree New York Sun Gladstones Denial There was a report not long ago tnat Mr Gladstone was learning to ride thee bicycle and its contradiction is the sig nal for Mr James Payn to drop into poetry Mr Gladstone denies he has taken to oiKmg Nor are sc surprised it was not to his liking Though from office and power he be a- receder He will neer be a Wheeler who has been a Leader The Widows Mijrht Dawson declares that if he marries I at ail he will wed a widoc Yes that is like him he Is too lazy to do any of the courting himself--Tit-Bits