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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1897)
IV v K Mi t It if W k ff K f rv - - f is 4 M J VS 5- l - 4SEJ ft w m znk jfiLV5 Ai JX jw fr i2 ifr s I i 3 hT v--- - i THE V AL VOL XII THIS AND THAT 4JotninaEcents Hcpiihliciin Convention Aug Populist Goiivcniion Anc X Democratic Convention August 28 Olil Scttltrs Snarks Sept -2 Schoalommences Sept 6 Cherry county needs a courthouse Wanted Baled hay Davenport Thacheu 0 3 T A Yearnshaw of Cody was in town Tuesday Jen Abel a Gordon barber was in itownilast night Dr dJenedict and wife are located at The Donoher V S Jackson is the proud possessor of tibrand new bicycle Grant Dunn is putting up a new house on Macomb street M V Nicholson visited with rela tives in Ainsworth Sunday Walter Page of Chesterfield spent Saturday and Sunday m town Will Merritt of Longpine guards the push engines Nos 15 and 17 C E Wakefield the Omaha con tractor returned home Saturday T C Hornby has a very fine display of dress goods in his show window Ton Rent Nice large office room in stone building 18 TCHornby Judge Hall of Lincoln refused to en tertain a motion for a rehearing of the Trester case Mrs J Pettijohn returned from her visit to Johnstown and Longpine Sunday night Mrs Minnie Farrell and son Earl are visiting with the family of Jas Hull this week Mrs R J Cook has been quite ill during the last week but is much im proved at this time A very pleasant party was given to the young folks at the home of C A Anderson Saturday evening For Sale or Kent Large ranch in bestportion of Cherry county Ad- dress this paper for particulars 26 C K Glover and family returned Tuesday night from their two weeks outing at Longpine Chautauqua Mrs Minnie Richie returned home to Neligh Saturday morning after a very pleasant visit with friends here Dr Reichard will be at Wood Lake August 23 and 24 prepared to do all kinds of dental work See large bills Rev Bates held services at Eort Ni obrara Tuesday and administered the rite of baptism to a number of persons The 0T E M V railroad will make a special excursion rate to Chad ron next Thursdayon account of Bry an Dr Hardin of Rosebud was in town Friday and Saturday morning went east on a months leave of ab sence Dr Reichard will make a full set of teeth for 500 Extracting free of charge from 8 to 9 oclock the first two days 29 C A Johnson E D Valentine and 3D avid Leach were up from Woodlake Tuesday on business before the land office James Gillaspie was up from the s anch the first of the week and Pete SPeterson accompanied him on his re turn home C J Anderson the stockman was up from Neligh the first of the week looking after his business interests in this county It is said that Brower and Wells have the bicycle habit so badly that they give a rotary motion to their jaws when they eat Messrs Haeber and Grange of Ken nedy shipped a carload of cattle from Woodlake to the Omaha markets tne first of the week Postmaster Sherman has had a new desk put in the postoffice and the walls of the room have been cleaned and freshly calsomined Minnie DeWoody of Ainsvrorth is numbered among the young people of Valentine once more She is working with Fannie Clark Lost Saturday Aug 14 a Spanish coin attached to gold obain Coin is dated 1868 and marked Four Eds Finder leave at this office Dr and Mrs J J Evans attended Chautauqua a couple of days last week the Doctor returning home Friday ev ening and Mrs Evans Saturday - Dr Reichard will be at the Valentine House August 25 and remain 4 days - Painless filling and extracting by the famouB application to the gums 29 Ye editor and wife attended Chau tauqua Saturday and Sunday We re turned Sunday night but our better eeD eighths stayed untS Tuesday m fff ij - - -1 l3vS jt2 Mi- stt Jwij v Y r J5 The lawn social given by the Guild of St Johns Episcopal church at J J Guths last night was a complete suc cess in every way The lawn where the social was held is one of if not the finest in town and it was very taste fully decorated for the occasion Jap anese lanterns hung in the trees and cut llowers adorned each of the tables Ice cream sherbet cake and coffee were served and the Guild cleared 18 by its enterprise Senator Allen and ex Congressman McShane recently went to Washington for the purpose of spcuring the consent of the government to the opening of a cattle trail across the Rosebud Indian reservation from South Dakota to the Elkhorn Valley railroad It is said that by using this trail South Dakota stockmen would save at least 22 per car in transportation charges to the Omaha markets The government has given its consent to the opening of this trail which will be about five miles wide and a pow wow will be held with the Indians at Rosebud on August 26 when an effort will be made to secure their consent This will bring thous ands of dollars iuto Cherry county in the way of trade- will give more busi ness to the railroad and give Omaha another boost toward first place as a packing center Ji I - Tf H StA iAt - vr st5 3SM3trKH C MM - ps jr mr zr 7imiiuiiEr jjtr 1- f - - - - - - 2Vt H 1 9 H A b 1 mSsMBSSei Published for Jonr Years as CHERRY GOUNTY INDEPENDENT About fcw Mexico To The Democrat Four weeks ago I left the sand hills of Nebraska for Farmington San Juan county New Mexico after rnakhig a short but pleasant visit with friends at Chadron and threp days travel from there by way of Denver Colo I reached my destination the so called Sunny Side Orchard which is located one half mile from Farmington and owned by W N Kight one of Fann ingtoirs highly respected citizens It was here that I met my old friend M F Clark formerly of Merriman and widely known throughout Cherry county I found him jovial and good natured as of old He intends mak ing his future home in northern New Mexico where he now thrives on peaches and apricots San Juan county as a stock range has no equal in any portion ofthis country where it has been my good fortune to travel I have passed over portions of many of the boasted stock ranges of the United States I have seen some of the ibest ranches in the west and I have found no place where alfalfa grows more abundant and nutritious thau in San Juan county or northern New Mexico nor have I found any place zo free from the dan gers of heavy snow falls which some times starve out herds of cattle by the thousands on more northerly ranges There is an abundance of stock water and easilv had While this cannot be termed as grand a stock country as in years gone by it still has its- ad vantages with but few draw backs For general farming New Mexico is the country for a northern man to come Farmers depend upon irriga tion which insures never failing crops It is natural fruit country and all kinds of fruit with the exception of lemons and oranges grow here in im mense quantities The climate here is healthful for man and beast beyond 4a question There are no blizzards Very little snow fell here last winter and the thermometer got below zero only a few times The summers are tempered by a gentle breeze and there are no sun strokes The thermometer only reached 90 degrees in the sun while I was there New Mexico is a vast domain not well known or understood But a few years ago few other than cattle men Ruskin Tennessee ready to take up I lived here and they kept vast herds his work in the Cherry county schools He says his people are very well satis fied with Ruskin as a home Last Thursday the business men of Valentine beat the officers of the Twelth at baseball on a score of 35 to 16 The return game will be played here this afternoon Fort Meade plays the Andrews boys at the Post Satur day An unknown man was picked up in the railroad yards at Longpine Thurs day night with his head caved in His worldly effects consisted of 7 in cash a revolver razor and pair of brass knuckles The man lived until Sunday Weather Observer Davenport has es tablished a bulletin board under the stairs leading to his office and same is much appreciated by the public In addition to the daily weather forecast crop and other agricultural department reports will be found on the board At the republican caucus held Sat urday J W Tucker G H Hornby L N Layporte H Razey A Morey A Lewis A II Ferguson L L Bivens C E Sherman J A Hooton F Brav ton and J H Yeast were elected dele gates to the county convention which meets tomorrow Yesterday morning Mrs A T White gave a riding party to about a dozen of her friends followed by a breakfast at her home in honor of the Misses McDougal of Neligh The party left town about half past five returning at eight after a ten mile canter through the Minnechaduza canyons and over the table lands north and made princely fortunes from graz ing them upon free grasses These men made the new comers think this country a sun parched region but it is not that The land boomers would have you beleive this a Garden of Eden Land under ditch sells from 30 to 100 per acre A D GAiLor Bryan at Chadron The Chadron Recorder announces positively that W J Bryau will be in that city on the 26th of this month one week from to day Sorry but we will not be present to listen to his talk Thursday is press day The fact that Bryan is coming so near reminds us of the first time we ever saw him It was in the fall of 1890 when he made his first run for congress against the veteran republi can Connell The two men wyre en gaged in a series of joint debaves on the tariff question Bohanans hall then the largest in Lincoln was filled almost to the point of suffocation that night When Connell made his bow to the audience a storm of applause arose He handled his subject protec tion in a mastertul manner and fin ished in grand style When Bryan came forward with that famous smile upon his lips confident and almost jaunty in appearance an old man at the side of the editor remarked Im sorry for him Bryan spoke and al most from the first held his audience closely As his address proceeded he became more aud more in touch with his hearers as frequent storms of ap plause amply proved and when he reached his peroration the audience was with him to a - man and smiles frowns scornful curve of lips hope indignation and finally enthusiasm renectea rrom speaker to audience as the speaker desired The applause which came at the close of the address was deafening hats handkerchiefs hands feet and vocal organs uniting in making the air look like a whirl wind and sound like a thunder storm The old man at the editors side was among the approving ones The edi tor had a pair of swollen hands next day the result of assisting in the ap plauseand Bryan was elected Oood Optician One of the most capable opticians of the day Dr M G Benedict formerly with Benedict Bros of Cleveland O arrived in the city yesterday and has established headquarters at Sparks Hornbys drug store where he will be engaged in the practice of his profes sion for one week commencing Thurs day Aug 19 and remain until Thurs day Aug 26 inclusive Dr Benedict comes highly recommended and those who wish their eyes fitted in a scien tific manner should call on the Doctor during his visit here He makes a thorough examination of the eyes free of charge and guarantees all his work The Doctor will visit - Valentine -four times a year hereafter and any change required in lenses fitted by hina willbe1 made free of charge During the month of July 8 farm mortgages for 74ii8 wro filed in this count and 7 for 7 were released 2 mortgages on town property for 1200 were filed Chattel mortgages to the number of 72 for 15921187 were filed and 27 for 1010927 were released One of the mortgages filed was for 30000 and two others were for more than 20000 each In Cher ry county this record is accepted as an evidence of prosperity rather than oth erwise and when the stock on which mortgages are held is sold the wisdom of this view will be apparent 4ame liaiVM It is a shame that this or any other paper should be called upon to ask for the enforcement of the game law of the state but numerous complaints from the country seem to require that a word of warning be published As yet no one has complained of any par ticular person but they may do so in which v nt the offender must expect to pay his fine The law provides that any person who kills any grouse or prairie chicken between January 1 and September 1 quail between January 1 and November 1 jacksnipe or plover between May 1 and September 1 shall pay a fine of 5 for each bird killed The law also provides the same penal ty for each bird sold offered for sale or found in anyones possession between those dates It further provides a fine of not less than 5 nor more than 100 should any person go upon the lands of another to hunt trap or kill any of the birds named without the consent of the owner It is unlawful to carry game during the prohibited season The complaining witness in each case gets half the fines collected Any per son hshmg with any device other than hook and line is liable to a fine of not less than 25 Cherry county sports men should take warning Game is becoming too scarce to admit of viola tions of the law going unheeded Contract 3et The school board held a meeting at W E Haleys office last Friday even ing and in the presence of a number of interested spectators opened the bids for the construction of our new school house Five complete bids by four bidders were opened as follows J T Watt Co Lincoln for stone construction 15987 E C Wakefield Omaha stone 13 260 brick 11734 Rathburn Whittecar Ainsworth brick 9997 Fletcher Stolze Ainsworth and Valentine brick 995080 In addition to the above the follow ing bids on painting alone were re ceived and opened H A Kosters 686 W R Dale 650 J A Hooton 625 M Curistensen 445 The board adjourned until Saturday at which time they awaided the con tract to Fletcher Stolze and those gentlemen were notified and Saturday will sign the contracts and furnish the bond required by the board The figures given in the bids for stone construction were a surprise to many as it had been frequently said that the building could be constructed of stone more cheaply than of brick The building will be completed on or about December 15 Chautauqua Press Day Last Saturday was Press Day at Chautauqua and though the attend ance of newspaper men was small an enjoyable and profitable time was had by those there Hon Jas Morris was the speaker of the afternoon Hon A E Sheldon of Lincoln presiding and he made an excellent presiding officer too Judge Morris gave the knights of the pencil an excellent address on the Bonds of Our Union which was listened to with profound interest from the beginning The chairman then called for five minute talks The first of these was Sowing the Sand Hills What Shall the Harvest be by Tiie Democrat man who referred briefly to the work done by the newspaper in building up the northwest and inci dentally spoke on patriotism George Miles was called on to tell about The Editors Patent Insides E E Hum phreys was asked about his Country Subscribers P B Knotts of the Wau sau Enterprise was down for The Newspaper in County Seat Fights Carey Thome told of the Ignorance of the People on Political Subjects O W Hendee spoke on The Adver tising Man A E Sheldon related a f few of the Experiences ot an Editors Wife followed by ye editor and J H Edmisten chairman of the populist state central committee gave his ex periences with the Country News papers in Political Campaigns Oth er talks were made and the meeting closed after C it Glover in a talk on Future Chautauquas had on behalf of the management donated to the editorial association a lot for the use of the pencil pushers in future years The evening entertainment consisted of music by the Longpine band a vio lin solo by Miss Silence Dales of Lin coln a vocal solo and addresses by Judge Morris and O W Hendee the latter being a representative of the Ne braska Independent Miss Dales 13 a violinist of exceptional ability ana is the daughter of Secy Dales of be ttjuM3 uumu vl regents - 3SLrmi friftjff VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY AUGUST 19 189 Mrs ISaton Chas Bredeson Geo H Webb John Y Pearson and wife and Sadie Thosath were Rosebud visitors in town Saturday Mrs L C Sparks entertained a few friends Friday evening in honor of Mrs Dan Petty crew formerly Etta Steele of Edgemont S D Alex Altschuler of Lincoln was in to wn Saturday looking up the records in the Collins case with a view to in stituting habeas corpus proceedings Another newspaper man has been ihonored by the present administration C P Wiltse of the Newport Republi can has been appointed postmaster of his town Davenport Thacher are making a special sale of all odd styles and sizes of shoes in their stock Prices in manv instances are less than half the figure formerly charged Labor Day Sept 6 is a legal holi day We in Valentine should o bserve it In no town in the state have the laborers been more steadily employed this year than in Valentine The F E has two engines Nos 15 and 17 stationed here to assist stock and other trains over the Niobrara hill during the rush The engines will re main here two or three months E J Davenport will go to Fremont in the morning for the purpose of pur chasing a boiler and other apparatus necessary for the steam heating plant which will be placed in the store John Lynn and Lela M Day were married by the county judge Monday The groom is very much older than the bride but they seemed happy just the same when we last saw them Prof and Mrs R H Watson Tues day returned home from Ithaca thistate where they had been visit ing with Mrs Watsons parents Val entine gladly welcomes their return A letter received from W E Waite of Chesterfield says that he has at last found the team uf horses which left his ranch on May 27 One of the horses was discovered near Cooper and the other near Merriman Fred Gordon returned Tuesday from his visit to the co operative colony of ggagggggSfesBeffl DEMOCRAT NO 80 SHOE SALE TO MAKE ROOM For our new goods all of our odds and endsof LADIES MISSES Than anyone else in town and besides he carries the best qual ities The best and most com plete line of gents furnishings Wanted An Idea iBBB Protect your Ideas they may briny you wealth Write JOHN WIDDERBURN CO Patent Attor neys Washington D C for their fl80Q prlxe offer ana new Hat of ona thousand lnrtnttoos wanted Mill Prices for Feed Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Screenings 35c Chop Feed 70c Corn 55c Oats 90c u i 600 t 1300 To the East Via ONeill and the Pacific Short Line The shortest and quickest route to Sioux City South Dakota and all east ern points Save three hours time Equal rates Buy local tickets to lOKeiil When returning take the isamaaHKfli iWa ircexcnHti 8SiEassassESWfr s fa -- Sure connections daily day AND CHILDRENS SHOES AND SLIPPERS Will be closed out REGARDLESS OF COST Look at the prices 25C 50C 85C AND 100 PER PAIR These shoes have been selling at from 100 to S00 Come first and get the most desirable bargains Davenport Thacher The Fruit Season With all its glories is here and as in the past the bes of tame and wild fruits plums peaches pears bananas or anges lemons etc will be found for sale by NORTH OF POSTOFFICE A PETTYCREW Highest prices for Eutter Eggs and Farm Produce Right in Front We are not to be found following the procession when it comes to selling goods because we are in front and pro pose to remain there both in quantity quality and price of our merchandise We are disposing of onr summer goods rapidly and at ruinously low figures but we always keep on hand a large line of dry goods boots shoes and groceries E McDonald Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Crookston also HOT x WEATHER CLOTHING And all other kinds of clothing can be purchased more cheaply of D Stinard Pagifsc Short Line TIME TABLE AT ONEILL XEBEASKA PASSENGER LEAVES 10S0 A M AKKIVES O JSQ 1 M D AI LV EXCEPI SUNDA i Through connections both ways with urns trams uy taking tins line you can sioux uity ana r made with all trains for the East -and Black uo to return the same day connections South Dakota liuv local tickets to ONeill O W MOREY WAT0HMAXEE - AND - JEWELER Fine line of vplain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods C M SAGESER TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaying Shop in the 17 H Moses building HOT AND COLO OATHS THE ELKHORN RAILROAD ClTorth Western Line is to bej to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELO a- Knur i - - W 1 OF NORTH NEBRASKA C0 4