The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 12, 1897, Image 8

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SOBEBT GOOD Editor sad Publisher
Official Paper of Cfaerry Coun
ty Nebraska
lGO JPer Yetr fin Advance
Entered at the Post office at Valentine Cherry
county Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers uatil a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
Advernsmg rates 50 cents per insh
per month Ualeo per column or -or
long time ads made known cu appli
cation to this office
Democratic Convention
A mass convention of the derao
crate of Cherry county is hereby called
to meet in the office of the -county
judge at 2 oclock pm on Saturday
August 28 1897 for the purpose of
electing five delegates to attend the
estate convention
A full turnout is requested Con
ventiou for nominating candidates for
county officers -will be called later
Robert Gooi
M Christensen Chairman
The murderer of Premier Canovas L
could easily have beeu forgiven had he
selected Gen Weyler as the shining
mark for his deadly aim
The Cubans are making rapid head
way in their insurrection Soon they
will win tlieir fight and then the firm
or John Sherman Co will say we
did it
The Premier of Spain was assassin
ated by an anarchist named Golli
which will doubtless lead a lew of our
esteemed -contemporaries to remark
Py Golli this is too bad
The old county campaign shibboleth
the bestiinamforthe place seems to
have been lost in the shuffle of last fall
and the man who dares assert ihis in-
dependence is called a traitor
The democrats must choose an -emblem
to represent their party on the
ballots this fall In other states a
crowing rooster is generally used but
that would not do in Nebraska The
democrats havent much to -crow
iThe government intends building a
factory for the purpose of manufactur
ing its armor plate Xow let it buy
up the Union Pacific and lay a cable
across the Pacific ocean to Honolulu
and it will be fairly started on its road
to independence of corporations
The amount of exports from this
countryup to Aug 3 show an increase
over the same period last year of 80
000000 and the extraordinarily heayy
crop shipments are just beginnint
When this fact becomes known it will
give joy to thousands who are looking
for Prosperity
If country newspapers would stop
publishing foreign advertisements for
anything they can get they would be
agreat deal better off Stick for liv
ing rates and youll get them A com-
recently offered us 10 for an ad
payable at the end of a year and have
i been coming up until they have reached
15 cash in advance We hold out for
20 and will get it-
An exchange remarked last week
that the coal miners were striking be-
cause under a high tariff on coal the
operators could afford to pay better
wages That gives the snap away
According to republican doctrine the
philanthropic operators should donate
the tariff to the workiugmen without
waiting for strikes But they dont do
it The tariff may raise the price of
coal but nobody outside the coal com
bine profits thereby
Our manufacturing exports for the
Year 1897 ending June 30 were 576
357000 or 2678 per cent of the total
This is not only the largest total ex
port of manufactured goods reported
but it is the largest percentage of the
total In 1892 the exports of manu
factured goods were only 1661 per
cent of the total The phenomenal
y increase was undoubtedly due to the
K i effect of a lower tariff in encouraging
-American manufacturers - to seek a
ii ii i awar i Mtmfeowcti rtwaa
ioJfara FalEs
foreign market Few o k World i Nebraska
H I Pi 1
4atf tl b Esns ihm
An unknown apologist for Senator
Allen seemed last week to feel very
much gdeved because we criticized
the Senator a few weeks ago It is
evident to be seen however that the
animus of trie unknown was more to
take a fling at the editor than to sup
port Senator Allen His only defense
of Allen is this which needs no com
tment it being sc absurdly silly
Tis true Senator Allen offered an
amendment to theriff bill he didnt
introduce the tarii bill you see sim
ply to show to the -country that the re
publican senators would vote against
the beet sugar industry of the west
There was no need of a billion dollar
special session of congress and W V
Allen and four other populists showed
their constituents that they thought so
by refusing to vote on the foolish legis
lation that cost all this vast sum
The unknown says that when Allen
denounced fusion with democrats lie
referred to Cleveland democrats
which he if he heard the speech
knows is absolutely false The Cleve
land democrats to the best of our
knowledge never asked for fusion with
populists In fact at that time such a
thing as Cleveland democrats in the
present acceptance of the term
were not known
Senator Allen is the ablest man in
the populist party The editor has al
ways regarded him as an honest man
and honored him accordingly but
familiarity breeds contempt and
because he does not fall down and
worship the Senator whom he knew as
a common lawyer veu before the
Senator became a Judge he is not to
ue ciiuueiiiucu neru wuisiip ueiuuga
to the past ages but it with many
other things dead is being revived by
the class of -men to which the unknown
Allen denounced fusion yet made
it possiblehe introduced a protective
amendment to a tariif bill yet though
present failed to vote on the bill
Where is he at
Mrs Frank JCime is on the sick list this week
The little datghter of Mr and Mrs M Halo is
quite sick
Mrs C A Ge returned from Teachers Insti
tute Aug -2
Sunday School at oclock p m in the Epis
copal church
Mr L Ayers is building a large sod house
about two miles west of Kennedy
Mr and -Mrs Granges son Howard who has
been very sick is recovering slowly
F M Marshall and daughter arrived at Ken
nedy July yo and will remain a bhoit time
Mrs Sears returned Wednesday eve frc mi
visiting her son Samuel She reports crops in a
nourishing condition m Loup Co
Passing through Lone Tree Valley we ob
served several persons engaged in haying Also
Hoticed three new McConnick mowers bough
of J Ii Lee Browulee
A cow owned by J A Gee was struck by
lightning and remained unconsious for four
hours Mr I A Piercy had three head of
horses made blind bv an electric shock during
the btorm ot last Sunday
Mrs Bertha Beece reUuned lorm tlie Fort last
Chas Mosher spent Sunday down the river
some where
Robert Good J A Fikc W F A Meltendorf
and families Sundayed at John Adamsons
Haymakers have been idle the past week on
account of rain Still there are indications of
Parties of hunters with their canine compan
ions have been frequenting these parts of late as
younc chickens are large enough to shoot
There is a iaw prohibiting such proceedings and
it should be enforced even if it cost some of Val
entines prominent citizens something Wliat
think you Mr Editor Youare right Game
is becoming altogether too scarce to admit of vio
lation of the game law Thq prominence of the
parties concerned makes no difference unless
it is to increase their culpability Eu
Everyone is waiting for fair wea
There has been an abundance of rain lately
Rev Horton filled his regular appbintmcut
here Sunday He will have but one more meet
ing unless sent back by tlie conference
The ladies of the church are preparing to give
a Ghost Social the 28th We presume the
young men will secure a ghost for supper if not
W F Morgareidge will attend the Wayne
Normal this year We wish him the success
which he well deserves More of our young men
may follow
Keece and Yingst received word that they had
been awarded contract for furnishing baieu nay
at Ft Niobrara - The boys say if the weather
dont clear up Uncle Sams wheel mule may go
Strayed of Stolen
From my ranch on May 27th one
heavy set black horse five or six years
old weighing about 1050 lbs bought
of Jno Enlow at Gordon in 1896 and
one rangy flat footed sorrel horse seven
or eight years old wish clipped legs and
short tail foretop cut short last season
v eight nearly 1100 lbG formerly owned
by Geo Davis of Georgia Both ani
mals unbranded A liberal reward
will be paid for the return or informa
tion concerning either or botti to W
E WATTE Qhestemeld iherry conntyj
N t
- -
Uosebud S D
Left side
Horses same
left shoulder
Dccrhorn dtp
some cattle
We carry at least two lines of goods in which we excel
VTi l
W1 fe
Our assortment of these goods is complete none more so in the Northwest
Groceries Dry- Goods and Notions jT f HORtRY
iatSj Caps and Furnishings 1 Ve a B a 8 a a lL a
Davenport Thacher carry a com
plete line of coffins and undertakers
supplies 27
We have about 5000 envelopes left
-which we will print and deliver for
350 per thousand Call early and
avoid the rush
Sam Hudson
Simeon Neb
Left hip on cuttle
Lett shoulder on
Sonie horses Lazy
aV Inff Oimttflin
it iuga between
Khftf Gordon and Snake
wtfflCrecrs and Niobrara
-a rfr
tr55K2 SKiiMivr
Lett cars tuiijU All cahle Uthorned
John H Uarnaii
Frownlee Neb
ITorsps on left
Mionld r
Range Goeoe Creek
and North Loup-
jIeirinlan Xeb
ITenrv JPratt
JUcKiit Bros
P O Brownlee Neb
Right or left sidi
llor es same on
left shoulder
Earmaik Swal
low tail dip lurid
or lei l car
v Ty
r ft
1 MM I
I - v 6
Joseph W Bownct
O address
Mernman Nebr
ri y
kt l mi
it a -A isf s fi u ti a Jia
IfiOJ 1JD IVOG53 I Eclipre end Fairbanks Wind-
0 iUS KliJDS
1 b IJa
runs Towere
Rjr SKFflra i ton OutatB Hose Beitmrr
3ii V 9M GrlnderShelcr3Wood Saws
H 4 WM 9F CrIve PoIntSl ripQ
0 afth U krt S Brass coods aud axraittto
J MtaurtfzrA Scales Prices
5 Catalogue r
sSQ2 FarnaJTi St Gmsha Keb
TT e rt
iLr lrS
15n7i Nebr
Either right or left
j hit on cattle
Horses same on
loft shoulder
Left earcut of on
Knngo Loupriver
Sealed proposals will lie received ly the Potin
tv Boar 1 o Cherry Conntj Xoliniska np to Aug
ust 31st 07 at one oclock j in for the con
struction of an iron or steel wason bridge across
theNiobranniverator near what is known as
the Sanborn Ford inVTownship Range w
-and about 12 miles s ovtvh west of iHernman
Dimensions of liridfie is rc fset in length
widtn 14 feet single sjan set on iron tube- tilled
with concrete bottom of bridge to be 7 feet
above level of river
Bids should be addresseK to Max K lertel
Chairman Board of County Commissioners
Valentine Nebraska and endoised Brite
Proposals Tlje board reserves the riht to re
ject anv or all bids
GEO ELLIOTT County Clone
Valentine Ncbr Inly ji 7
Alininiftrutarj Notice
Estate of John Enlow rieeeabed
Tljeumhrsifjned liavmji been aifpointed ad
mimsnatoroi iheestaTeof John Jmisow late of
the county of Cherry and state of Nebraska de
ceased heiebv rives notice that ae will appear
betore the County Court of Chen y counr at the
Coumv Court rum m Valentine Isebs aska at
the tegular term on the fis ht aionda in Keptem
ber nt lPi7 at which time all perso ss bavig
claims atraint said Cbtate are ncinfiud and iv-
ipiesien auiim uji uh- an jk
ot iinvwu the
Xotif e to Xoii SliHiffcsii
Tn tlie District Court lth judicial district in
and lor Chem oiiitv N irUa
Charles Bra ton tlaintnf
Joseoh II Barns defendant
ii lvili i hums non i esjden defendant
You i hereby noiiieU that on rheiorh d of
A pul VM diaries inrjoa phuntift heivrn liid
Sib p it on in the Di nicf com L of Cherry coun
tv Nebraska j gainst you tie object and prjyer
ol which are toobtania judgment against you
for the sum of -04 due on one certain promis
sory note executed by yuu and in hr or ot plain
tiff A ouaro lurther notified that at The snre
time plaintiff iltd an of attachment
and called an oixler ot attachment to iwie
against jouand tbat the Msutn et - ot section
Ji town iip range Lawhas been attached un
der aid older
You ate required to answer said order on or
betore the 6th day of September lSJT
Dated July lKT
By Ei CnAPJC his attorney SO
U S Land Olhcc Valentin Nebr
t hy22WT
Comntaint having been entered at this office
byCfintoh J Anderson agaiut John T Spurrier
1 rfculine to comply w ith lav as to
Jntrv NO UM dated Nov 17 Lssu ujion tlie
la Township 3i Bango in Cherry
Cointv ka vith a lew to the cancelia
tion of Sdideiitri contestant alleging that the
said Jolm T Spurrier has failed to break or
cause to be broken any part of aid tracr and
lias fail id to planl or cause to be planted any
part of said tract in Treus xree seeds or cutcings
and Ins tailed to cure his laches to this date
The said parties are hereoy summoned to ap
pear at this ofiiee on the and day of Sept ls7
at 1 oclock p in to rerptiii1 an i lianisli
jcncevaiitg j ud alu gcj ia aire
5 a k Beeeiver
US Land Ofiiee Valentine Nb i
la j i lii i
Cumplnnt lnvviuj e n cuter d il HisniVre
by iLinmieic Liriiiisr ieor1 W Tdiivv tnr
laiiuu lo compij Kit lv is ry rmber cilusv
entry Iso rji7 dated February 1 VA upon tin
seHue1 and ejsej and ivipisi section
towiidiipi raujei in Cher county Nebras
ki with i view u tne caueeiJatnn ul said entrv
conteitaut alUiing lime the -ant J orjee W
Mole s faded to brel or taa e o be broken
ten aires of saii 1r cr and has ftvWt jdint
is i I u ii iiMi ul - tel ill
tree ii e s i or utKiu aun 1 a wtoiy
failedth curate ir ci ise li i crltivaled any
jiart or said ract for me Ist bv or - of
entry and the laud- broken on said tract lias
trowa up in jrra s aiul iVei and lumant ha
lailed to eun s la -lies lo iii- d iw itc sil
parlies arc hen by sitnimoid to aipear ar this
oiiice on the -mi niv if Sent IK ar ll ociwa a
in to respond an furnish testimony concern
ing said aliened lailurc
JAFTKi Receiver
U S Land Office a Yaentine Xeb
IMV21 hsir t
Complaint baving ire eaicved at this ohiee
by Joseoh f MiSleriiauisifioiMer W Duubai
V S Land Office Valentin Nebr
hI r lvir i
Complaint haviujc becaentt red l olliee
b 1eter S Honerhe svaiust Leonard Coinetrior
abandouini his Homestead Kntry lla v dated
All1 23 191 upo i ihe n ne nnwh Section
28 Townships Ilartre 8ii in Cherrv Veratj
Nebraska with a view to tlie cantf Ibtion of raiu
entry the said parties are heieby summoned lo
appear at this olhce on the 2nd dav of Stpfem
berlSOT at 2 oclock F M to ict jiond ami t Or
nish testinmnycoKriung said- alleged aband
iOument -
SO J A FiKKIiyceiver
U S Land Olhce Valentine Neb
Jlllv2tle7 s
Complaint having hen entered at this t tlice bv
Uilliam iJollwerk against Jobann Iollris lor
abandoning his Homestead Entrv No 01 dated
Men SI 1801 upon the wV2neH nehne1 See
10 sesoU Section S Township 31 Itanw SJ
iu Cherry County Nebraska witli a view to can
cellation of said entry the said parties ae heie
by summoned to appear at rthis otlice on tlie
2nd day of September lw7 at oclock a in to
lespond and furnish testimony coucernm said
alleged abandonment
1 A Fiki Iteeciver
U S Land OHice Bioken low Neb i
July 21 l67 f
Complaint having been entered at tins office
by Preton lliukson airamst Charles tf Liu is
for abandoning liih Homestead Entry No b72
datadDee i2ru 1MW upon tiie sefi Svction
Township 20 N UHng25 V tn Cherrv Comity
Nebr with a view to the cancellation of said en
try the said narties are herebv summoned to
appear at This otiice on the nth ilay of Sent l 07
at 10 oistot k a in to respond and furnish resti
njoiryconceining said alleged abandonment
2SS1 CifAS II Ai3is Ilegister
U S Laud Oflice Valentine Nebr i
July 23 1S97 i
Complaint bavins been entered at this oiriee
by Thaddcus 1 Folev against the beir of Kmily
L Holmes deceased for abandoning Homestead
Entry No 100SG dated April in 155 upon tlie
s neh Sects Tp 2 II vs s uv h Section IS
Township 20 J fangesr in Cheiry conn o Ne
braska with a view to the cancel1arion of said
entrv the fan parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this ofllee on the 22nd day ot eptm
ber 18D7 at 10 oclock a m to lespond and fui
uisli testimony concerning said alleged aband
SO J AJFiice Eeceiver
U S Laud Office Valentine Nebr 1
July 12 lOT f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make filial proof in support of his claim aud
that said proof will be made before llegister and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Aug 20
1897 viz
Henry H Day of Valentine Tb
II E S torthT landseinAvi 3ec 1 T
lie iiurCo tle iuilo v ing v iuuai to pr ve lii
continnpus residence upon aud cultivation of
Frank TI Stosrsrs John J St wjrs TTiHiani
P Stvnr -and lienry Seeker aiL of Valenittie
25 30 C RCLUtFuPieister
- - r
i 1
cut Una
b r if f
i a d If S
Motions Come and look the
same adjusted Ah persons uHU btvi to vnl e- p B Z1 i 5
to IYm undersigacl V -- 53 rH r - K Vi J 1 V W Z
TlntPi lulvStstlfcliJSal s U
zrii rzi3g
U u S St
Cesl asHO Wvltinfi ilacliine
Tirst in EmprovemcnSs Honest
ons2rui2Ioj and ail Hi rade
Typcwrfiep CsscnJtals
ijffj K5aam4 mmhWa or a
That what wo nro o ivinii those who tn
lo keep np with onr great end-of-season
Just at the present time we in shape to
wake the lowo
ever Known on
CEToTiJllMO r I vji
In Dry Good Dre Good Hats and
Cap Uoote and Shoe Groceries and
goods over
Everything in o lit store is new and of
the best quality so yon cannot make
a mistake by trading with us Weve
just put in a line of Shoes and Cloth
ing which you should examine
ra I
i rsras
42 Es ft if CVr
Z 1 Vd a r SAr
S 3 5
h t
1 I LI I
j 4Ju m
Omalipi nraiich Oifir Corr Scvciiteeatli and Farnani Stfeefc
and witiirs
i i
t rr
i IwCO
in linai pHiof eass
neiiiw1 Si Yp 31 U i
lie name ihr icowiae wimesicr t nrov
coiiiiuiiiKis tesiiaiei apoi i enitnitiin
3iul laml viz
Cdvawl SaU iiee kiehard K Kr nvird
tit Aenil I eo ami
seia Uiers ot v i r
ia eb
KtLOIEi it yistcr j
U S OKi rrK rlentme Neb
tine Nebn
2X 33
a turn r
Norice is hereby given that the following
named settler hah Sited notice of hi- intention
to make final moot in support of hir claim and
that said prooi will be made before Kegister and
Eeceivcr at Valtnline NeuraS on hept IS
1S97 viz s
Pied a Holsclav ol Valpntine Xeb
He ijame S the following to prove
his continuous residence on and cultivation or
said andviz
William Cavanaugli Idiclael JleL mhlin
JMiehael Fitzgerald 01 Crookston Nebraska and
Thomas Kcliy of Valentine Nebriska
2 33 C 11 GIJ EK itegisrer
L S Land Olliee Valentine Nebr 1
August 2 fa7
Notice is heieb given that Anna M Nfl wm
of Uuilingroi ArkaiiasJias bled notice of in
tention to make proof bclore the Jerk or tbe
liistnet Court lor Ioone cniity at bis oPiee in
A i till ivt ml IliiLlx till IfttSl lhl of
heptember JSi7 on timber ciilttre appiii aiinii J
io sun lor tne viie t ami njnv3 tn se iioa
o IS in township No 2su ramre No w
r Jie name- as witnesses iuillip Inlbnan
iliituaii J ton tarwtiedanil du epk A
Sauits dll 01 Pullman Nebraska
XeMiniom of witnesses wid be taken before
the ieiritt r or Hcceiverat hi- oruce in alii
niska on hepteiiber 1 1 isnT
U S Land Olliee Valentine Neb 1
July SI P7
Notice is lierebv given that Vrilham te
Of HatSifld Ore u Kansas 2aliled uotke
of intention to make final proof beiorc tlie Reg
ister or lvceivi r at his ulUm 111 alenrine Neb
on Saturday tne nth duv oi heivember H7 n
timber emiiuo application No 7sJl for Hiu w
si swneK and seiiiw4 of section No 20 in
townhip No 27n range Xo 2tv
lie names a- wiriies Eaii R andegnft
Harrv H Keller ramucl D diiiciir iiiid
Oliver 1 Keilerai 01 Urowide Nebr
Te ti1101i of elannani wdibe taken before the
Cleikof the iJi trict Com for t iiise nuaity
his oiLcein CttomJidFa lan as on aep
leniber la l5a7
jr C R GLOVER Ieiri terr
1 Land Oflice at 1
August 5 K 7
Nctfce i hereby gi en that Egri Uonaen of
Pullman NYb bas died notie ol int ton tv
make final proof before- the or Eccerer
athiboaice in VaentJiie Neb on Wednesday
the 22d of SpteiiHr lrtr7 on timber cii
Vire ap Iication No SI tor sci auu
Sj iw of section o m TpSlai range w
lie names a vi ses Viiiiain h Enhw
Josenh A Wilkaiu A Metzgcr aud VIii
iam 1 uUiiiau Jill of 1tilh an Neb
Also hri tiin 5 J of tedir Creec Neb
nsejii anun wH scioi 12
Tp 2in range SGw
He names as witnesses Wiliam L
Jo epn -1 caijts mam Puiliniia and Erfheii
ISonneu all of Pitllman Xepr
Testimony of claimant will betaken before tfce
Clerk 01 the District for Cias coiiuy at fcb
otTice m EMtaaiiitlr Xvb a 13 ij7
r3J - U Ksilv VSiCHer c i
f Xoticp i
n usinriiT
SS a l 8 11 III
U S rmd Oilice Valent iaeNehr t
Julys 187
hereuj given that tho folloinns
1 I H ii Iiar Vil KM - v i named setiler lias iileil norice oihLsintentioat5
itriH it iiiit i ii Wij t Hit jIlK f lliuii ft
error- in des npiHiuut iandorspehiiio ntnies
lie iibTverod notice suulii be to tj ui
w fi 1 i
uiiiiu iii ij m mi i in iii iiun rjj oiaie
i i -T x ir t j v
jlivliy Xj IUllltv Ul jrillitl JTUC
UH Land Oilice Vabmtme Xebr
mviixi it V7 i
xr i r - rjn
ieiKe iuimI proiii in support of iils claim audtttzc j
saai proof will be inade before the
llc ciwr at Valentine Nebr oi Ac 24th EST
ll K yo 94T1 fortlieneltiie and slinchjubi
set uwa riee 52 To cn St S7w
He itarvs tha following witnesses tourer
Milii is iiiietiv iivmi iniiL i it- iiiiiiniiiu I i1y1u Mnv t i
sntira ilil vMw of si i tn yf f mV V I - - -
i WXT V rojwVVM vJ vv SilRrin and James Knos
th tMd nwif d tie mU o ile til - HI i simriliflt
i or ueeenerat vaieinne ii- on repeniiera s
11 i
L liifhcini K 11 tinsford of Xtti
I Uau
U il XYSs lor the m See i J Tp Pi iew j -
L Dtililpjrin of ilerriman 2fe5
373 for the s swi and sise1 Pas
1- w
ne name- ue jriiuiv - n na riirr
I liw mi t Iilll 1 1 iul ii ltllt
runt i tiviiin I
for afandoahiL ids liousra al entry No ICiT V V - nseom ine rosiem e upon ami
Satj Scv lrt int upftii the r2i and n VaViiilMriViv ATh iel Ho and 0Isf
nvi senon rouw i r uvsv in rher v I Vu 1vV at Hunt aim Ctflpe2IiuUoltor f
counrv vebraa and fiaihre to ever oi v K Edward L Murphy onapopNeb
lih actual reMdenue uvon sai i land with a view i lV of vil VmI m emiiui mw Alio
xUCOl LJil Ot DJi i
fn the an 11111111 ul yu enirv Tins -aid nsix Tiisr i Xotre - e ei wwu that Edward W
ni mvimiiiniwfi 1 t ic niipi on i If iL jM I for -In sfv hwmsvi hce It aud i ha- idea iee of ls intention to
the ITth day of Senlomber 1SK7 to respond and
fernish testimonv coneeniing xdl aliwrcd
30 J A f t Oleeei ver
Alono Heath ail ofCodv Neb
witnesses to mave
ody Xeb
lames EtstK
make KrraP
pro i hetoi ie ister and Keceivernr their otfl
en i 11 1 iuvuiuu 01 uie Miivy ijim oavoi AiiinMC
o lK7ontii cUire aopllcanon No 73iSic
I IIVim if VoJt T 120 I SOW
ml He Kdward L Merph
- j ofialop Wb JJael Hunt and Ccorge
I iioll of 1 inly Neb James Knosof lerniuanNAb
-- C J GfiOVEIJ lleghtcr
U - Laim Ohice Valentine Nebr
JulvGthlsST f
Notie i hereby given that John Barhoff oC
Cony Nebr hu tiled notice of Ins intention to
make nnal proof before theHeuisteror Keceifec
at bis oflice 111 Valt ntine Nebraska on Iomfay
tlie hi day of August POT on timber culture ap
plication No soji for the se of section 1 towar
i iiili t X range s w
HENoiariortliisehKfeaTrSsi w4ciitcoinb Vaiiaee Nelson KliKin Jones an
21 29 c II 1LO VEII Register
V Inid Oflice Valentine Nr e
July cell liiifl i
Notsce is hereby given that Herbert C Glorer
of Pipestone Minnesota has tiled notice or kii
intention tonuike linal jiroof before tlie Register
or Receiver at liN olliee 111 Valentine Nebraska
on Tuesday tlie 17th day of Augut 1397 on
b r culture application NoWhki for the wnefA
and n2nw e lion No 27 in township No 31 it
nivza 2 w
He names as witnpssps Charles A Tohiiiit
Kb 1 alentine Vahington Honey and Davkt
Leaeli all of Wood Lake Nelir
Testimony of claimant will be taken before tbe
CJerK of Dixtrit v Court for IiiHtone roarUc
at in olliee in iljieMone Minn on Aug It itvt
24 C R GLO VKR Register
Land Ofiiee at Valentine Nebraska i
Jul 8 lsirr f
Notice is h nby ghen tliat Robert E Afe
frgiilin of Aliissena Sowa has tiled notice of la
tvaiioii to make fin3l proot Iiefore the Reirirfer
and Receiver it their oflice in Valentine Nelr
on Tlmrsday the 2ilIIi day of August 180 mi
limber culture No 8031 for tne nJsw1 sei
siVi v of ectiou No It in towiubln
No 27 n range No fw w
He names ts Enoch Andes Barngr
IrfeXitt John J Siren aud Flovd w Pool ad or
Erow nice Nebr
Jestimoiiy of rhe above named claimant
w HI be t jKen before tbe clerk of the district
eourt for C lss county at hl osicein Atlantic
Iowa on Saturday the 2Jst dav of August 18I7
ANo Charlotte M MeLaiurldin of Maseai
Iowa t C for tlV inei seKnw
and nes w See Tp T n ll 02 w
sin- a John J Steen Flovd
Ioyd wlooi Enoch Andes and Harney MeNitt
all or Jrortiitec Xeor
T stimonj of ckumant will be taken beror the
Lerkol District court for Beaton county at
his in A iaton lra on Aiaitii 1337
i G LO EKReister
r S Iiati OSteat Valcitme Nebi
Julv22 iS97iT
Nvtice is hereby given taat t ha folio
settler notice oi bi fntenfion to
aiike 5nrd oroof in support of fus claim d
t n rr a fc
mi ii uui iji itiAuc uiiore
uju ci ai iias veor
L liCM7
on Sept
Uini ir Baliard of WcorlLiks Xb
H -7 i Le
jt - 4 and aVJnwKi seciroa
He uaaic s the fobtwig witaes3 to provs bis
continuous re itieuitf uvou and cultivatiou of
Colli D Alnslie of Kuoeon Nelh George E
Hon 111 Jacob JJCIeia aud John Ciouin all oil
27 3 - CXLALOVEItaegistec