The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 12, 1897, Image 7

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    Ft u
nied by
rhcea they are
precursors JsS
3k -V f that
ksr y weakness
It is -worse ff
than folly J
to neglect
these symp
toms Any wo
man of com
mon sense will
take steps to
cure herself
She will realize that
her generative system
is in need of help and
Vegetable Sicilian
Beautifies and restores Gray
Hair to its original color and
vitality prevents baldness
cures itching and dandruff
A fine hair dressing
B P Hall Co Pror3 Nashua K Hi
Sold by all Iruggist3
Statue of Washington for France
Mrs George Hearst of Washington
and Mrs S J Field wife of Justice
Field of the Supreme Court have
been most energetic among the pa
triotic women of America raising
money for a life sized statue of Gen
Washington which will be presented
to France in 1900 in recognition of the
debt which the- American people owe
to France The amount thus far se
cured is 22000 and 13000 more will
be raised The total cost will be 35
000 The ladies have chosen Mr
French the sculptor of national repu
tation to model the statue which will
be of bronze
T3uckinchriins D3 e for the Whiskers can
be applied when at home and is uniformly
successful in coloring a blown or black
Hence its gieat popularity
- Gumbo is simply okra soup gumbo
being the name by which okra is often
known in the South Chicken gumbo
Is soup of okra and chicken
I shall recommend Pisos Cure for Con
sumption far and wide Mrs Mulligan
Plumstead Kent England Nov 8 1S95
The true office of our legislators is to
declare an3 enforce only our natural
rights and duties and to take none of
them from us
A box of Glenns Sulphur Soap Is equivalent to manj
EUlphur baths i ont forget It
Hills Usxlr and Whisker Dye black or brown 50c
Mental activity is better than mental
fulness An inquiring mind is worth
more than a mind that is satisfied with
its attainments
Mr WfciiloVg SooTiiiXt SniUP for Children
tcctlilnc wtucs ujo jiuis reduces innainmaiion allays
pain ctf cs wind colic 23 cents a bottle
Franklin X H is a city yet deer
haunt its outskirts
Those Who Heed the First Symp
toms of Nervous Derangement
Special from Sirs Pinkham
A dull aching pain at the lower part
of the back and a sensation of little
rills of heat or chills running down
the spine are symptoms of general
womb derangement
If these symptoms are not accompa
SSisSW v IsN53f35i
zvrxr Tm
iTi y jfm
W5 gm
rw v
632 I
that a good restorative medicine is
a positive necessity It must be a medi
cine with specific virtues As a friend
a woman friend let me advise the use
of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
If your case has progressed so that a
troublesome discharge is already es
tablished do not delay take the Veg
etable Compound at once so as to tone
up your whole nervous system you
can get it at any reliable drug store
You ought also to use a local applica
tion or else the corrosive discharge
will set up an inflammation and hard
ening of the parts Mrs Pinkhams
Sanative Wash is put up in packets at
25 cents each To relieve this painful
condition this Sanative Wash is worth
Its weight in gold
Mr3 George W Shepard Watervliet
N Y sajs I am glad to state thai
I am cured from the worst form of fe
male weakness I was troubled very
much with leucorrhcea bearing down
pains and backache Before using
Mrs Pinkhams Remedies it seemed
that I had no strength at all I was
in pain all over I began to feel better
after taking the first dose of Vegetable
Compound I have used five bottles
and I feel like a new woman I know
if other suffering women would only
try it it would help them
I The Best g
Saddle Coat
ammv v iumuii iiia x rg
Keeps both rider and saddle per
fectly dry In the hardest storms
Substitutes will disappoint Ask for
1807 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker
It is entirely new If not for sale in
your town write for catalogue to
A J TOWER Boston Mass
2Totre Dame Indiana
Classics Trotters Science Law Civil 3Ie
clianical and Electrical JEnjrincciiiijr
Thorough Preparatory aiirt Commercial
Courses Ecclesiastical students atspeclal rates
Booms Free Junior or Senior YearColleqlate
Courses St Edwards Hail for uoys under IS
The 107th Term will open September 7th
1897 Catalogue sent Free on application to
Her A Morrissey C S Cf President
Xliey were standing iu the sunlight
Of the summer time of life
She was still without a husband
lie was waiting for a wife
And her cheeks were rich and rosy
And her lips were luscious red
So he pressed her dimpled lingers
As he looked at her and said
As they stood there in the heather
Where the road had crossed the rill
May we not fare together
Up this long hard hill
Now her hand began to tremble
And her eyes were full of tears
As she trained them on the road that
Wound away among the years
But she had no voice to answer
Him she could not understand
For the future lay before her
Like a far off fairy land
There was sunlight on the heather
There was music in the rill
As they went away together
Up the long hard hill
Oftentimes the way was sunny
Other times twas full of lures
But the love that had come to them
Was the true love that endures
Though the bonny brow is wrinkled
Though the raven lock be gray
Yet the toad might have been rougher
Had she gone the other way
Isow the frost is on the heather
And the snow is on the rill
And theyre coasting down the short side
Of the long hard hill
Cy Wmnan in New York Sun
One Avarm morning in the spriug of
J7S0 Mrs Slocumb was sittiug on the
broad piazza about her home ou a large
plantation in South Carolina Her hus
band and many of his neighbors were
with Sumter fighting for the strug
gling colonies but on this beautiful
morning there were almost no sigus of
war to he seen As yet this plantation
had not been molested and as Mrs
Slocumb glanced at her little child
playing near her or spoke to her sister
who was her companion or addressed
a word to the servants there was no
alarm manifest But in a moment the
entire scene was changed
There come some soldiers said her
sister pointing toward an ollicer and
twenty troopers who turned out of the
highway and entered the yard
Mrs Slocumb made no reply al
though her face became pale and there
was a tightening of the lips as she
watched the men Her fears were not
allayed when she became satisfied that
the leader was none other than the
hated Col Tarleton That short thick
set body dressed iu a gorgeous scarlet
uniform the llorid face and cruel ex
pression proclaimed the approaching
officer only too well But the mistress
gave no sign of fear as she arose to lis
ten to the words of the leader who soon
drew his horse to a halt before her
liaising his cap and bowing to his
horses neck he said nave 1 the
pleasure of addressing the mistress of
this plantation
It is my husbands
And is he here
lie is uot
He is no rebel is he
Xo sir He is a soldier in the army
of his country and lighting her invad
He must be a rebel and no friend of
his country if he tights against his
Only slaves have masters here re
plied the undaunted woman
Tarletons face Hushed but he made
no reply and turning to one of his
companions gave orders for a camp to
he made m the orchard near by Soon
the 1100 men in his command had
pitched their tents and the peaceful
plantation took on the garb of war
Returning to the piazza and again
bowing low the British colonel said
Necessity compels his majestys troops
to occupy your place for a time and I
will have to make my quarters in your
house that is if it will not be too
great an inconvenience to you
My family consists at present of
only myself my child and sister be
sides the servants and we must obey
your orders
In less than an hour the entire place
was transformed The white tents
covered the lawn horses were tied to
t 1
I z J -
the high rail fences soldiers in bright
uniforms were moving here and there
lie fore entering the house the British
culonel called some of his officers and
gave sharp orders for scouring the
country within the neighborhood of
ten or tifteeh miles
This sharp command was not lost
upon Mrs Slocumb nor was she slow
to act upon it herself as wo soon shall
see But for the present trying to sti
11 e her fears she determined to make
the best of the situation and avert all
the danger possible by providing for
the comfort of Tarleton and his men
and accordingly she had a dinner soon
ready fit for a king and surely far too
good for such a cruel and bloodthirsty
man as Tarleton soon was known to
When the colonel and his staff were
summoned to the dining room they sat
down to a table which fairly groaned
beneath the good tilings heaped upon
it It was such a dinner as only the
South Carolina matrons knew how to
prepare and the men soon became jo
vial under its influences We shall
have few sober men by morning said
a captain if this is the way we are to
be treated I suppose when this little
war is over all this country will be di
vided among the soldiers Eh col
Undoubtedlyfhe officers will occupy
large portions of the country replied
Yes I know just how much they
will each occupy said Mrs Slocumb
unable to maintain silence longer
And how much will that be mad
am inquired Tarleton bowing low
Six feet two
The colonels face again flushed with
anger as he replied Excuse me
but I shall endeavor to have this very
plantation made over to me as a ducal
I have a husband whom you seem
to forget and I can assure you he is
not the man to allow even the king
himself to have a quiet seat on his
But the conversation suddenly was
interrupted by the sounds of liring
Some straggling scout running
away said one of the men not quite
willing to leave the table
No sir There are rifles there and
a good man j of them too said Tarle
ton rising quickly and running to the
piazza an example which all including
Mrs Slocumb at once followed She
was trembling now for she felt ssur
ed that she could explain the cause of
the commotion
May I ask madam said Trleton
turning to her as soon as he had given
his orders for the action of his troops
whether any of Washingtons forces
are in this neighborhood or not
You must know that Gen Green
and the marquis are in South Carolina
and I have no doubt you Avould be
pleased to see Lee once more He shook
your hand very Avarmly the last time
he met you I am told
An oath escaped the angry colonels
lips and he glanced for a moment at
the scar Avhieh the wound Lee had
made had left on his hand but he turn
ed abruptly and oyrdered the troops to
form on the right and he dashed doAvn
the lawn
A shout and the sound of firearms
drew the attention of Mrs Slocumb to
the long avenue that led to the house
A cry escaped her at the sight for
there Avas her husband folloAved by
tAAo of her neighbors pursuing on
horseback a band of five tories whom
Tarleton had sent to scour the country
On and on they came and it AAas evi
dent that the pursuers Avere too busy
to haA e noticed the army of Tarleton
Broad SAVords and Aarious kinds of
weapons Avere flashing in the air and it
was plain that the enraged Slocumb
saAv nothing but the tories he Avas pur
suing Could nothing be done Would
they run into the very heart of the
camp Mrs Slocumb tried to scream
and AA arn her husband but not ft sound
could she make One of the tories had
just fallen Avhen she saAV her hus
bands horse suddenly stop and SAverve
to one side What awis the cause
Sambo the shiAe Avhom Mrs Slo
cumb had dispatched as soon as Tarle
ton had come to Avarn her husband
had started promptly on his errand
but the bright coats of the British had
so charmed him that he had lingered
about the place and when the sound
of the guns was heard Sambo had gone
only as far as the hedgerow that lined
the avenue Discretion became the
better part of valor then and the negro
in his fear had crawled beneath it for
shelter but Avhen his frightened face
beheld his master approaching he had
mustered enough courage to craAvl
forth from his hiding place and startle
the horses as they passed
Hoi on massa Hoi on he shout
Recognizing the voice Slocumb and
his followers for the first time stop
ped and glanced about them Off to
thoir left Avere a thousand men within
pistol shot As they wheeled their
horses they saAV a body of horsemen
leaping the hedge and already in their
rear Quickly Avheeling again they
started directly for the house near
Avhieh the guard had been stationed
On they sAvept and on leaping the
fence of lath about the garden patch
amid a shower of bullets they started
through the open lots Another sIioaa
er of bullets fell about them as their
horses leaped the broad brook or
canal as it Aas called and then al
most before the guard had cleared tlie
fences they had gained the shelter of
the Avoods beyond and were safe
The chagrin of the British Tarleton
was as great as the relief of Mrs Slo
cumb and Avhen on the following day
the troops moved on the cordial adieu
of the hostess led the colonel to say
The British are not robbers madam
We shall pay you for all Ave have
I am so rejoiced at Avhat you have
not taken that I shall not complain if I
do not hear from you again
And she neither heard nor complain
ed Everett T Tomlinson in Chicago
Use for Old Street Cars
The many uses to Avhieh the old horse
cars have been put in San Francisco are
indeed striking Iu this city the horse
cars haAe almost entirely disappeared
before the cable and electric cars and
as a result the street raihvay companies
found themselves Avith a large number
of cars upon their hands They Avere
of sale until some enterprising
genius hit upon the idea of utilizing
them for house boats This pioneer
purchased four of these street cars a
15 apiece He then took off the trucks
and running gear and fastened the
bodies of the cars upon a flat boat or
scow Gxf4 feet over all They are
partitioned off so that they make tAYO
large airy rooms 1Sx24 Avith one small
room for a bath closet and kitchen In
each of the large rooms four double
berths are placed and in the kitchen is
a cot for a servant The sleeping
rooms are divided off by curtains de
scending from the ceiling All the
rooms are Avell ventilated as the car
ventilators have not been removed A
railing is placed around the outer edge
of the house boats and there are davits
for boats and a naphtha launch Such
a house boat costs about 900 and the
owner gets good value for the money
The old street cars have also been turn
ed into cheap summer cottages small
conservatories and childrens play
houses and thej have been used for
small shops in the suburbs of San Fran
cisco Out on the ocean beach there is
quite a large colony of them Some of
them are used as shops for purveying
to the needs of bicyclers and a number
of others are utilized by bicyclers as
club houses They are comfortably fit
ted up with baths and lockers for their
clothes and racks for keeping their
wheels Some of them even have small
kitchens for the serving of luncheons
While they are not highly ornamental
as an addition to a landscape they cer
tainly serve a very useful purpose Ar
Not Specific Enoujjh
Am I the only Avoman you ever
Oh no he answered promptly
you are the sixth
The sixth she exclaimed sudden
ly relieving his shoulder of the weight
of her head
Yes he said coldly there are five
before you my mother an aunt and
three sisters-
And thereafter she endeavored to be
more specific when asking questions
Tit Bits
His AVastefnlness
Sapsmith Do you know Miss Sally
I spend a gweat deal of my time in self
Sally Gay Isnt that more like throw
ing it away than spending it Mr Sap
smith Puck
The Peacock rtt Home
The real home of the peacock or pea
fOAVl is in India There they were and
are hunted and their flesh is used for
food As titv birds Iac hi the same
region as the tiger peacock hunting is
a very dangerous sport The long train
of the peacock is not if- tail as many
suppose but is composed of feathers
which grow out just above the tail
and are called the tail coverts Pea
cocks have been knoAvn formany hun
dred years They are mentioned in the
Bible Job mentions them and they
are mentioned too in I Kings 10
Hundreds of years ago in Rome many
thousand peacocks were killed for the
great feasts which tlie emperors made
The brains of the peacock Avere con
sidered a great treat and many had to
be killed for a single feast St Nich
Next to an Approving Conscience
A vigorous stomach Is the greatest of mun
dane blessings Sound digestion is a guar
anty of quiet nerves muscular elasticity a
hearty appetite and a regular habit of body
Though not always a natural endowment It
may lie acquired through the agency of Hos
tellers Stomach Hitters one of the most
effective invifjorants and blood fertilizers in
existence This rine tonic also fortifies those
wlio use it against malaria and remedies
biliousness eontipition and rheumatism
A Possibility
flow is it that your sons head seems
to be drawn to one side Only a year
ago he was straight as an Indian
I can only account for it through
the fact that he did his courting on a
tandem Detroit Free Press
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is taken internally Price 75 cents
Xo one can eat the kernels of the nuts
and expect to raise another crop from
the shells
Qf in
lfrt St5saiTE i MwwBcaiiyaBSWfaSBagagSfgi
Greatest Opportunity Ever Offeree
to Make 3Ioney
Invest in our company James E Booge
pioneer pork packer of Sioux City Iowa
now located at Circle City Alaska
president and general manager and will
have personal supervision of all our in
vestmeut in the Yukon district If you
want to take advantage of the wonderful
opportunities offered to make money write
us for particulars
Yukon Goli Mivivc Is v Co
Office 311 Third Street
Sioux City Iowa
Rain Charged with Electricity
A remarkable shower of electrified
rain recently fell in Cordova Spain
At the close of a close warm day the
sky became heavy with clouds Soon
after dark there AAas a flash of light
ning foiloAA ed by great drops of rain
which cracked faintly on reaching the
ground sparks flying from each of
them This remarkable incident ceased
as the air became heavy with moisture
Try Allens Foot Ease
A powder to be shaken into tlie shoes
At this season your feet feel SAvoIlen
and hot and get tired easily If you
j have smarting feet or tight s4ioes try
I Allens Foot Ease It cools tlie feet
and makes Avalking easy Cures and
prevents SAVollen and sweating feet
blisters and callous spots Relieves
corns and bunions of all pain and gives
rest and comfort Try it to day Sold
by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c
Trial package FREE Address Allen
S Olmsted Ie Roy Y
Austrias neAV Parliament consists of
no less than twenty five different polit
ical parties bitterly opposed to one an
other except in their common hatred o
FITS Permanently Cnrctl Nr fits or nervousness
arier first flay u of Ur Kline Great Nere Re
storer tend for FKEE8200 trial bottlw ana treatise
Dh It U Kline Ltd 931 Arch St Philadelphia Pa
I DR SAMUEL PITCHER of Hyannis Massachusetts
was the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA th same
that has homo and does now S1 y fTFTT 0Th everU
bear the facsimile signature of uzSyToCcQbC wrapper
This is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have alwaits bought sw TT6 on the
and has the signature o f Zz7S wrap
per Jfo one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas H Fletcher is
President a
March 8 18977- QfcLuuijctp
Do Not Be Deceived
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies
on it the ingredients of which evevb lie does not knoA
The Kind You Have Always Bought
j at ct x fs
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You
Eokig stunts
That seems to be the case with the
women who are washing- in the old way
if ou can stand on your head for instance
Almost everyone could do it if it were
necessary or desirable But standing on
the feet is more natural and more sensible
and easier So with soap and
Pearline Everyone can wash with
soap many do But washing- with
Pearline is easier and more sensible
The hard work of soap is neither
necessary nor desirable Everyone
should give up the use of soap and should use Pearline 543
T CCt Peddlers an some unscrupulous grocers vrill tell you this is as
l rJJr good as or the same as Pearline ITS FALSE Pearline is nerer
peddled if your grocer sends you an imitation be honest send it back
a mot n a to rIj T7 f iif f 1 f T f V
i A I I m Li V nau wttn oeugnt xne coming 01 memos r
nLL JTlSJt wonderful meritorious preparation that
will lighten the ills of humanity and will do away with the
in of obnoxious violent purges inconvenient liquids and pills that
rear your iiie our oimpie oecause in
SI OO Bic7fle
absolutely FtiZ
any size style
or color J C ALTEi 702 Xo 2 Slate St Chicago
FEEIGHT AIBIofio3ofio2o0r00w
and Celling Manilla Write lor samples and prices
Ibe Fay llanilla Kooiinc Co Camden NJ
BEmiawLWSlMLSSw 0 Jtff fimt lHNPHH
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use
id time sold by druggists
is 1 toSdsji
nofjo sirutare
Frerst3 essugioa
You find just what you want convenient in form pleasant of taste I
iust like candy and or never tailing remedial action Although
4 made of the most costly ingredients they are sold at a price within 1
t the reach or all s
From Baby to Dear Old Grandpa f
Jk -co - - 0 -0-0 e 0-0-0 9 - m 1 o 9 m 9 e ----- 9 0 0 g
C7 9 lC9 9 P3 0 foa VTk zvM 3
hLFiubirnHifl u n duq 1
H3C8E H IHB H 8ft R J
Send 12c and to
U iiuurni you
Use Big G for unnatural
discharges inflammations
irritations cr ulcerations
of mucous inembranw
Pninloca end
iTtftcTAH3CHEllCALCo gent or poisonous
kClfiCINHATf01 i Sold by DrarrlatB
V 3 a y P or Bent in plain wrarwr
by express prepaid for
J10O or 3 bottles 275
Circular eenr on request
33 97
isztos OO Ko cfcanre till patent
obtain SOpaf e book frea