The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, August 12, 1897, Image 1
sx IK T- r m M i d v - jfe k tB fte a srm vc sss ae lilo i ft W5Wt W r fi - F I- l 4 Jt ftp 1 vJJLs YOL XII THIS AND THAT Vaiu inaJSvents Scandinavian riistcrs Aug is Lawn Hocial H fvuy 17 Republican Convention Aus 20 Cloimlist Omiventifiii Aug Democratic Convention- AueustJl Old Sell lets Sept 2 3 D L Underwood has -returned from his trip west Henry Stetter spent Saturday and Sunday in Cody F M Baumgartel was down from Crookston Tuesday The Scandinavian Sisters tomorrow night at Cornell Ilall Simpson was ic from the ranch 1 ear Crookston Tuesday W C Shattuck of Gordon was tn own Tuesday on business Work on the new school building is jr1 expected to commence next week M Y Nicholson and Mae OSullrcau tspent Sunday at St Fiancis Mission For Bent Xice large ofrice room in stone building 18 T C Hornbt Mrs Phillips of Xeligh is visiting here with her sister Mrs J G Gibson Talentine is the best town for busi ness and thebesl town for sport in the Dick Cook went up to Cody Monday night to resume his duties on the ranch The annual field day and fair at Norden will be held this year on Sept 15 anT 16 tarvis Richards was in town yester day paying taxes and lookin g after school lantt leases The Nebraska State Sunday School Convention will be held at Norfolk on 7 8 and 5 1897 Charley Cook went up to the west part of the county Monday on the lookout for a school Y II Holmes and J A Douglas were up from Bassett Tuesday as at torneys in a contest case Saturday is press day at the Chau tauqua and each of the local papers will send down a delegate r Irfie ITest Point XJeadwooci and stj Fort Meade ball teams are expected to pmy uiiii licic ucivic ivu Will Anderson of the Anderson stock ranch -south of Cody was doing business in town Saturday Our Rosebud correspondence evi dently missed connections this week Xakpa Tanka is all right Wonder how long it will be before another long sport attempts to lieece Yalentine with a job foot race For Sale or Rent Large ranch in best portion of Cherry county dress this paper for particulars Snks lloiubv are having Ad- 2G Dr Reichf 4 will be at Wood Lake August 23 and 24 piepared to do all kinds of dental work See large bills Miss Lillian Stoner and Miss Iva Efner went toLongpine Tuesday morn ing to attend Chautauqua Education Day Dr Reicliard will make a full set of teeth for 500 Extracting tree of charge from 8 to 9 oclock the firt two days 29 A very interesting communication was received this morning from A D Gallop which will be published next week A restaurant laundry and grocery store has been established in the old -Cornell building on Main street neav depot It X Rainsford and Michael Boltz two well known Cherry county citizens yfrom Xenzel were in town on business Mondav If the people of Valentine will only get out and hustle they can have a house iu process of construction by spring Geo Hershey and family have jsnoved into the Mrs Jones now Mrs McQuado property south of thetlndian freight depot A new sidewalk ou Mam street to the Episcopal church is one of the possibilities and even probabilities of taie near future A gamn of ball is to be played at Fort 2siobrara todas between the officers of the Twelfth aud ness men of Yilentiue the neat frame nwnius put -up in front ol their store today U G Dunn and Harry Hilsinger doing the work The populist county convention to elect delegates is called to meet in Yal entireou Aug 27 dominating con vention will be called later Dr Reichard wiii be at the Yalentine House August 25 and remain 4 day3 3aiuless filling and extracting by the imous application to the gums 29 T II T Geddis who sojourned here a few weeks about a year ago is now engaged in lecturing on Telepathy in Rock couutv The rF E M Y has arranged tor another popular excursion to Hot Springs which will take place next Fri day Aug 20 Tickets good for 30 days W E Efner spent Saturday and Sunday at Lougpine He had the pleasure Sunday of hearing Johnnie Demeritt the Monderful 15 year old boy preacher Battleax Jack OConnor left last night for Hot Springs From there be expects to go to San Francisco thence to the gold fields of Alaska in the spring Joe Potmesil returned Saturday from an overland trip through the Black Hills and has resumed his posi tion with the Cliadron llecordei Windsor Drugstore J W Evans and family of Fremont the piano tuners who were here last year spent a couple of days in town the past week They are making the trip west in a carriage Jackson Brayton and J W Yeast are putth j an exceptionally line orna mental awning in front of their places of business The whole thing is made of iron The Andrews team won the last two games of ball with aSTehgh Thursdays game lasted 11 innings and was won on a score of 7 to 6 Fridays game was a beauty Score 2 to 3 W R Towne and family have moved into the Ferguson property re cently vacated by Dick Ziehan and Jas Hull and family moved into the Strickland property thus vacated Mrs A T White entertained a number of her ladv friends Monday afternoon from 3 to 7 Luncheon was served and Mrs White once more demonstrated her ability as a hostess We publish a number of stock brands this week and more will follow next Dont be disappointed if your brand does not appear It will come in due time No Sept 1 charge W R Smith will sell 12 horses top buggy wagons unti 1 head of harness shot gun and numerous other articles Aug 21 Sale will take place in front of Smysers livery barn at 1 p m of day named Watermelons are now com mon George Schwalm has sold about a carload it snras By the way did you ever notice that you can always get the first of everything at Schwalms Upon deliberation the Old Settlers reunion at Sparks was postponed until Sept 2 and 3 and will be held on those dates instead of Aug 19 and 20 as ad vertised A complete program will be published soon Martin Christensen finished his job of painting at St Francis last week and returned to town Monday While there he covered the cross on the mis sion church 100 feet above the ground with xmre gold leaf Fred Smith was awarded the con tract for furnishing the Fort Niobrara commissary with 300 bushels of pota toes 50 cents is the contract price per bushel J A Hornback will supply 150 bushels of the tubers The ladies of the Episcopal church will give a lawn social at the residenca of J J G nth Tuesday evening Aug 17 This is the first lawn social ever given here and should be well patron ized Begins at 6 oclock Sim Reinert brother of George stopped in Yalentine Monday while on his way home to Ainsworth Sim is an old school mate of the editor and bears evidence of being fairly prosper ous even in these hard times Poor old Jim Keene has only made a couple of millions out of sugar trust stock in the nast fortnight And if Jim who is on the outside and was supposed to be broke anyway can do that what will the insiders do Robert Harrison brought dovn a small limb cut from one of his apple trees Monday which had on it a fine cluster of five apples Bob says he has about forty trees in fine shape twenty live of which are bearing some having as much as two bushels on He also has some cherry trees from which he took cherries this year This proves that by a little care fruit can be grown in the canyons surrounding us dan ford Tribune Tho F E M V is making a rate of one fare for the round trip to Long pine during Chautauqua One and a third fare to Rushville aud return during the races One fare 720 to Hot Springs and return every Saturday and Sunday good returning until Tuesday 4910 to Xashville good re turning until Nov 7 30 85 to Buffa lo account of G A It ou Aug 21 22 Good returniug until Aug 31 with ex tension privilege until Sept 20 The A i 1 IV P TM J 7 V AijJM1 I IIS Hi l0Eibl2R3ie1 IN THE COUNTRY iii0vesi TliesiiKtivsS In company with Mr and Mrs J A Fike The Dkmocuat and wiie had the pleasure of visiting J A Adam- son anci ramiiy bunuay at their place- about 12 miles southwest of town Walter Meltendorf and family piloted the pilgrims first named to their des tination We had frequently heard of Johns plce on the Isiobrara and thought he paid but little attention to tanning so it was a surprise to us when wc learned that the numerous cam passed en the road Johns housi is located on bottom backed by bluffs on and shaded by gigantic elms that have stood for ages His garden or gar dens for lie has four ot them are mar vels of neatness and the amount of garden sass -contained therein is wonderful Cabbages tomatoes sweet corn and beans peas beets cauli flower and celery melons squashes carrots and potatoes anything and everything in fact can be found in those gardens and in large quantities Wild currants plums grapes and chwkecherries are found in immense quantities almost in the door yard and quail squirrels and rabbits play hide-and-seek in the brush Besides all these good things John has a nice bunch of cattle about 90 head plenty of chickens and pigs 4i miles of iaud fronting on the river jibout a dozen good horses a splendid wife good cook and estimable lady all in one and three little girls Speaking of cooking reminds us of the dinner we ate We ought to apol ogize for eating so much but cant do it Those spring chickens about 7 of em all crisp and brown and heaped on one big platter proved tooo much for our manners and we gorged Super latives cannot describe what Fike did He savs the dinner converted him to the 16 to 1 theory 16 pieces of chick en to one man and he gave ocular proof of his conversion Space forbids a further description of this visit and language is too weak to express our appreciation ol the outing but memory will always treasure the name of Adam son For spme thing over a fortnight Tiif DtokjCUat has mud a representa tive making a trip south and west iu Cherry count and iroin what he ob served and what was told him by the scores of ranchmen and farmers he met in the course of his tour it is safe to say that this is a banner year lor the citizens of this county especially ttsuse who are fortunate enough to own huge bunches of cattle There is abundance ot hay in all the sections visited with small prospects of anyone being obliged to begin early feeding so that Cherry county cattle have every chance to come out in good shape next spring It is complained by a number of paities however that the scarcity of good hands will impede theprogress of haying to some extent and make the work rather late Cutting in the vicinity cf Simoon Kennedy and Jirownlee began shortly after July 20 and by the 28th much hay was aheady in the stack West and southwest however work began later many per sons not commencing until about the fourth of this month Among those who are putting up the largest quanti ties of hay may be mentioned Sam Hudson of Simeon Marshall Wolf enden the Kimes boys and G W Burge of Kennedy Peter Roueche Charles and Henry Faulhaber Johu H Harnan W R Kissel Witt Bros the Steadmans It M Faddis McNitt Bros and Enoch Andrews of Brown iee Loomas Pittenger of Mullen E IT Gillaspie Ira Richardson and W E Waite of Chesterfield Anderson Bros Wheeler Bros H It Sears Win M Dunbar D C Nelson Wm Shan gren W II Carson and William Hook of Cody the Richards boys and J W Bownet of Merriman and Ridgeway Simpson of Crookston Of course there are others but those mentioned are the ones who came in the path of Tim Democrat man Everybody is so busy it is hard to tell who Is work ing the hardest fciroat Joo Hace xl foot race was pulled off here Mon day afternoon between two cracker jacks who had struck town and as a result the Talentine boys are a couple of hundred dollars ahead The race was run by W H Copple of Bancroft this state who is said to hold the worlds record for 200 yards and Frank E Wilson of Montana 100 a side was the original bet and proba bly as much more was put up after wards by the backers of the two men the Yalentine contingent placing their money on Copple or Gordon as he was known here Wilson is traveling under the name of Dan Grinrod The distance run was about 90 yards and was made in about 8 3 5 Copjile win ning by a foot and a half Both these men were trying to get a race with the negro sprinter Barnes of Fort Robin son Wilsou has a race matched to take place at Crawford on the 20th but Copple couldnt get a race and has i returned home i or Azores fields of were his the river the north e nvs fss CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT 1 I IP J VI III llii r I VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY AUGUST 12 139 The Episcopal picnic was held in Thachers grove west of town yesterday and was jaile gemn aily attended Lots of fun and eatables were Uie features of the outiHg Will someone kindly inform us of the present whereabouts uf ff J Case of Johnstown L W ioddard of Simeon ana E Bristol of Carlisle Ark These gentlemen left the places named and forgot to leave their ad dresses The Lynch Journal of Lynch Boyd Co is the latest addition to our ex change table It is edited by A C JvicFarland and is column quarto in ally it perhaps the best paper ever put out 13 jjovel counrv a very m at five size Y Northrop went to Irwin Tuesday night to open a station at that place for the stock season Y is one of the swiltest operators on the line anu his promotion from the nirht key at this place is well deserved Arthur Gore takes the night trick hero Miss Pearl llav and her friend Mis Connelly went to Valentine lat night Miss Connelly returns to her home thel e and Miss Kay will visit friends aooutsix weeks Miss Donoher of Yalentine came up yesterday and spent the day with Miss Ray return ing with her last night Cliadron Journal The Woodmen wlio went up to the Hills to attend the logrolling last week misled it thp picnic being put off un til Monday on account of bad weather hut the boys had a picnic just the Sivme aud are loud in their praises of the Woodmen of the Hills country They were shown everything ot inter est from the plunge bath at Hot Springs to the Homestake mine at Liead Morions CJiarae Walter Meltendorf was arrested last Friday motning oi a complaint filed by the village marshal charged with selling liquor to Indians It was claimed that the liquor was sold to Henry Pretty Bird uii the night of July 29 Francis Standing Horse was a witness for prosecution Defendant ws bound over iuo00 bonds which he furnished Telephone fine A telephone line is being construct ed from the depot to the Minneeha duza Mill and the village pump sta tion Beside these three phones one more will be put in some place in town The line is to be constructed of No 14 wire is carried on iron poles about 20 feet high and runs along the alley be tween Main and Cherry streets This is an improvement which has long been needed and in addition to being of gieat advantage to the mill will give tho whole town increased fire protec tion Xtfeciioii 3ia iVM The late lamented legislature re pealed that part of the election laws providing for the election of judges and clerks of election As the law now stands the county judge appoints the election boards at least one week prior to election The judges shall be members of the three political parties polling the highest number of votes The clerks will be selected the same way This year we will vote on what is aptly termed the blanket ballot Each party will have a column of its own and a straight ticket may be voted byraaking a cross at the head of the ticket just under the emblem of the party Each Darty will choose some device to represent them as the rooster for democracy eagle for repub lican plow for populist rose for prohi bition etc If a man can see to dis tinguish pictures he can vote intelli gently Chautauqua Oolncs Tuesday was Education Day at Longpine and the opening address was delivered by Hon Jas Morris on the Three Rs Miss Austin of the Lincoln Normal read a very interest ing essay an Child Culture and this was followed by a very interesting dis cussion by Rev Sisson Rev Bates Mrs Glover and Miss Austin In the afternoon Miss Stoner read a strong and practical paper on now the peo ple Look to the Superintendent and Mrs Glover gave an address full of original humor and pathos on now the Superintendent Looks to the Peo ple Yesterday was W C T U Day and the exercises were presided over by Mrs Mollie Ilawes Glover Reports from Yalentine Ainsworth and At kinson were received and stirring re marks were delivered by Revs Bur leigh and Glassner The afternoon exercises were commenced with a solo by Mrs Walker followed by work of departments An interesting discus sion on Child Study by Mrs Lizzie Crawford came next followed by Scientilic Temperance by Mrs Mc Dougal Mrs G H Hornby presented the L T L work H ti itozB U S s NO 29 LE BLOWING O pt tS Chop Feed 70c Corn 55c Oats 90c M U rt S M a 2 a And all other kinds of cloth i mx can be purchased more cheaply of I TINARD Than anyone else in town and besides he carries the best qual ities The best and most com plete line of gents furnishings Wanted An Idea Who can think of Eome simple thlncrtoDateot Protect your ideas they may bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDDERBURN CO Patent Attor neye Washington D C for their 81800 prize offer and new list of one thousand Inventions wanted Hill JPricesor Feed Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton i Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Screenings 35c 600 1300 To the East Via ONeill and the PaciGc Short Line The shortest and quickest route to Sioux City South Dakota and all east era points Save three hours time Equal rates Buy local tickets to ONeill When returning take the same route Sure connections daily except Sunday H If vqu have noticed our ad vertisements and you probably have or von wouldnt be reading tills one yon have noticed that we never indulge in bubble blow ing that is we never advertise that we will sell goods below the cost of manufacture and things of that sort Ye try to state facts as they are For the next few days though we will make some might prices on goods that we want to get rid of before its time to stock up for autumn You know the kind of goods we mean Dont forgot that we carry gents i furnishings in addition to dry iroods shoes and groceries the T HAGHER he -Fruit Season With all its glories is here and as in the past the bes of tnmc and wild fruit- plums peaches pears banana or- lemons etc will be found for sale bv NORTH OF POSTOFFICE W A PETTYOREW Highest prices for Butter Eggs and Farm Produce Riaht in Front We are not to be found comes to selling i oods v following c procession when it because wc are in front and pro pose to remain there both in quantity quality and price of our merchandise We are disposing of our summer goods rapidly and at ruinously low figures but we always keep on hand a large line of dry good- boot- shoes and groceries E McDonald Indiau goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Croolwton stls ill I u ar a Tis sir- m m i ku s n a a ieiff b A Ba VI t 3 K ii 1 6 Pacific Short Line TIME TABLE AT ONEILL NEBRASKA PASSENGER LEAVES 10o A M AKIil VES 930 P ft D VI L V EXCE1T SUNDA V Through connections botli ways with Black flilh trains by taking this line you can go to SioitK City and return thesaiue dav connections made with all trains for the East and Souta Dakota Buy local tickets to ONeill OWMOREY WATCHMAKER - AND - JEWELEE I Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods O M SAGESEB TQNSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the TV n Moses building HOT AND COLO BATHS THE ELKHORN RAILROAD North Western Line77 is to be3t to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD OF NORTH NEBRASKA 1 1 rf Jsrm tCLfir