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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1897)
U S r - U YOL 211 THIS AND THAT Comina Ji vents Picnic August 0 Jasebnll Aii 5 and C ScniHlinavian Sisters Auk l 11 Settlors Sparks Aug 18 0 Ifcpiibliuan Convention 20 Democratic Convention Aimust 28 Longpine Chautauqua Aug G 17 Hem ember tlxj democratic tion August 28 A fusion ticket this fall should capt ure every oflice T A Fike made a Newport Tuesday J A Douglas returned Monday afternoon business trip to to Lassett Ed Satterlee was down from Npnzel on business Monday C E 3ovring returned from Des Moines Iowa Tuesday night Mrs M M Kichey of Xeligh is visit ing f rein ds in town this week A water main to the new school house site will be laid this week Will Clarkson is ill with rheumatism at the home of his parents in town Judge Jackson came up from Xeligh with the ball team night before last For Rent Xice large oflice room in stone building IS T G Hoknby Prof Thomas Mt for his work in other parts of the state Saturday morn ing The bids on the new school house will be opened one week from tomor row The water was let out of the tank yesterday that some repairing might be done Sparks TJornby are contemplating a number of improvements in their drug store Waited At Will pay 400 The JJonoher once a laundress per wreek Address A G Shaw is putting a concrete walk in front of his photograph gallery on Main street Xakpa Tanka or Big Ears has a nice bunch of news from Ilosebud in this issue of the paper Robert Robinson further improved his store building last week by putting new siding on the same Al Thacher and Dr Wells have moved into their new rooms over Dav enport Thachers store A new sidewalk has been laid in front of the lots between The Donoher and Shaws photo gallery John Gilkerson and Senator ORouke were down from Gordon one day during the last week Bob McQuade has our thanks for a fine bunch of onions which he deposit ed in our sanctum Tuesday The people of Valentine are more to blame for the failure of the court house bonds than anyone else The picnic which was to have been given by St Johns Guild yesterday was postponed until tomorrow Eon Sale or Rent Large ranch in best portion of Cherry county Ad dress this paper for particulars 2G A picnic party of half a dozen cou ples spent Sunday very pleasantly on Paxtons island south of town The numerous rains of the last week are rather tough on those who are en gaged in hayiug or harvesting Frank Sageser spent a few days of the past week in McDonalds store at Crookston while Mr McDonald was at home Mrs J S Davisson of Longpine visited with her daughter Mrs Robert Good from Thursday until Tuesday morning Remember the railroad fare to Chautauqua is only one fare for round trip Tickets good returning until August 18 Miss Maggie Herring returned home to Ainsworth this morning to visit a few weeks prior to taking up her dut ies as teacher in Harmony district M J Dolan came down from Pine Ridge Monday and made a trip to Ilosebud He accompanied his wife this far on her way home to Yankton S D Epworth League topic for this month is St Paul as a Man of Prayer Subject for Sunday -The Prayer at Conversion Leader Rev O T Moore A fourteen-year-old boy has left home to see the wild and woolly west He will doubtless return in due time with a husk whetted appetite for nice plump veal From private advices we learn that Mr and Mrs O O Buck formerly of Cherry county but now of McLean Illinois are the parents of a brand new boy born July 28 T A i T71TriTlT7 C R Glover and family go to Long pine this week to attend the Chautau qua Mr Glover goes in the morning Mrs G and the children go Saturday The old name of the Yukon river was Quickpack This name should stand as a warning to would be tor tune hunters in the Klondike country It was our intention to publish a number of stock brands this week but the supply house has not yet filled our order for blanks They will appear next week The Great American Shows appeared herelast Thursday afternoon and even ing They are a small show but good and we have failed to hear a kick about them The family of Frank Sageser have moved into rooms over the nostoflice and Zeilian the laundryman now oc cupies the house vacated by them on south Cherry street Mrs J C Petti John and children left this morning for Johnstown where she will visit her sister for a lew days From there she goes to Longpme to attend the Chautauqua If you want to be nominated for oflice why not say so We will pub lish announcements regardless of poli tics for 250 the announcement to run until convention time Yesterday morning Pete Peterson pic aded guilty to a charge of assault and battery preferred by one of the soiled doves south of the track and was fined 3 and costs which he paid By the Coming Xation of Raskin Tenn we notice that 11 P Gordon formerly of this place is formau of the colony saw mill also that Mrs Gordon and daughters recently arrived there We have the names of 17 populists and 14 republicans who would like to be nominated for one of the seven offices to be filled this fall Up to date but 3 democrats have their heads up The teachers presented Superintend- ant Lillian Stoner with a fine rocker and French mirror last Saturday At the social the same evening resolutions highly commendatory of her work were adopted J lie v C T u gave a very pleas ant parlor meeting to about 40 of our younger people at the residence of Rev Moore last night The evening was spent in social converse games and music In a recent editorial the Xew York Herald calmly compares that place to heaven If recent weather reports from Chicago are to be relied upon to what locality must her citizens be compar ing that city A directory or bulletin man never has trouble in securing advertisements but a local paper which works sweats and sometimes dies for a town fre quently has a hard struggle to obtain patronage from merchants Five Minnesota Indians filled up on by rum hair oil cologne and a few other things died in great agony A returned Black Hills pilgrim says that Ragged Top booze would do the work quite as well as the mixture of liquids above set forth Xeya Paha county has a rape case in which Joseph n Jvirk 30 years and Berth Tompkins 17 years are principals An attempt was made a week or so ago to abduct the girl but the authorities got wind of the affair and put a stop to it The seventh annual reunion and pic nic of the old settlers of Cherry and Keya Paha counties will be held at Sparks on August 19 and 20 Thurs day and Friday The reunion this year will nartake of the nature of a basket picnic and a fine time is ex pected D E Sherman D D Dunn W E Haley Henry Honig L C Sparks Chas Sparks Jas Hull and wife W A Taylor and wife and P Simons and wife left for Dead wood Tuesday night to attend the fifth annual log rolling of the Modern Woodmen of America of the Black Hills The Scandinavian sisters will be in Woodlake Aug 10 at Fort Xiobrara the 11th and 12th and in Valentine the 13th This is said to be a first class concert company and lovers of music should not fail to hear them They are all Xebraska people too the ladies coming from Ashland and the gentlemen from Lincoln One of the most pleasant features of the Longpine Chautauqua this year will be the appearance on August 7 S and 9 of the Scandinavian Sisters Concert Co This company is com posed of four ladies the Christian sis ters and Mr A E Turner dramatic reader and impersonator and they alone are worth a trip to Longpine Dick Cook returned Monday morn from a two months trip to Colorado with J C Andersons outfit The boys drove about 800 head of cattle from Julesburg across the country to the ranch south of Cody and after haying will go after another bunch Dick says the trip from Julesburg was made in about 20 days and the cattle came through in good shape AGAINST BOARD JUDGE WESTOVER ISSUES A PEREMPTORY WRIT Ordering1 the Canvassing Hoard to Reconvene and Count tlie Vote of the aVeeinctM Thrown Out Other liorlc of Court Judge Westover held a special term of court here Monday and Tuesday and in addition to ordering a number of confirmations and doing other busi of a like nature heard a petition from Rock county by its attorney J A Douglas asking for an alternative writ of mandamus against the comissioners of Brown county to compel them to make a special tax levy for the purpose of paying a judgement held against Brown county for 5541 also asking that the commissioners be fined 500 each for neglecting to per form their duty The court granted the mandamus making it returnable at Ainsworth on Aug 24 A freindly replevin suit between Chas T Jones and W E Haley ad ministrator cf the Enlow estate was heard and Jones was given the certi ficates of deposit which he had left in John Enlows care a short time before he died A divorce was granted Amberson G Shaw from Rhoda A Shaw on grounds that they were uncongenial This is a case which was left over from last fall but was nevertheless a surprise A divorce was also granted Mary Johnson from Chester S Johnson as sessor on the ground that Chester shamefully treated her and called her names at divers times and in various places The couple has two children but they did not enter into the versy J Thackrey of Cooper Irwin pre cinct appeared to ask for a peremptory writ of mandamus to compel the can vassing board of the bond election to reassemble and count the vote of Dewer Lake Eniow and Kennedy pre cincts but by agreement the case was put off until Tuesday morning at 9 oclock M F Harrington appeared for Thackrey and it having been decided that no hard fight should be made the testimony in the case was soon taken and submitted to the court on its merits Judge Tucker appearing for the canvassing board to keep the re cord straight It seems that the -case was pretty much one sided because the judge granted the mandamus with out hardly a moments hesitation The writ commands the board to as semble immediately and count the votes of Xenzel and Sharps Ranch as well as the three before named and this the board will do as soon as D II Thurston can come up from Holt coun ty This settles the court house bond question unless some citizen wishes to contest the election in which event the bonds might be declared carried Everybody should feel glad that the case is disposed of but the county would have been saved about 125 or more had action been commenced sooner For over a month after the count nothing was done but it was finally decided that no action would be taken by the opponents of the bonds and they were ordered printed This cost 50 a special session of the board and a trip to Lincoln all of which would have been saved The utmost good feeling prevails over the decision of the judge and no criticisms are heard On account of the bad weather of the past week which has prevented us from finishing our work here we have rented the Shaw gallery for one more week and will remain in town until Aug 16 until which time we will be prepared to furnish all who come with the same high grade of photos which we have been turning out during the last ten days Anderson Siiempi A man in the Indian territory is liv ing as a hermit because he once found some money that did not belong to him and failed to look up the owner There are a whole lot of people in this country who have money that doesnt belong to them but they are not doing any worrying nr looking up the own ers either I have a few thoroughbred Berk shire pigs for sale from Worlds Fair prize winning stock W E Waite I Chesterfield Xebr 24 JeiIliIjed for Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY AUGUST 5 1897 TO THE PUBLIC Valentine Ineb Aug 2 1897 I am in receipt of the following let ters which are self explanatory Okt State Fair management is ex tremely anxious to procure a full line of exhibits for the coming State Fair from along the lines of the F E M V R R In thi3 Mr Buchanan of that road joins us and will be liberal in transportation both for passengers and freight to that end Our premi ums offered for County Collective Ex hibits this year are large and so ar ranged that all competitors will obtain some portion of the 3000 as high as 500 the maximum premium See provisions in premium list pamphlet pages 05 and GG We will give your products free ad mission and exhibition to the grounds and halls as well as to those accom panying the same Robert W Furnas Secy State Fair It is the earnest request of the Board of Directors that you lend your aid and assistance in collecting and preserving for exhibition some or all of the fol lowing products of your locality SJIEAF GRAIN Wheat Rye Oats Barley Flax Millet Buckwheat Hungarian Alfalfa 3 or 4 cuttings Hemp etc In col lecting preserve two sheafs of each Also select best samples possible of threshed grain in your vicinity Wrap Sheaf Grain in paper hang head down in a dark dry place where mice or in sects will not destroy and notify this ofiice of the amount and variety of all samples preserved Your hearty co operation is invited with the desire upon the part of the Board to further every interest of the State of Nebraska and of every resi dent thereof Yours very truly W IT Dearing Asst Secy Trans Mississippi and International Exposition I hope that all who have products worthy of exhibit will prepare same and notify me and proper instructions will be sent for collection and shipment All products sent to the State Fair can be turned over to the proper authori ties of the Trans Mississippi Exposi tion thus gaining the benefit of double exhibit Yours respectfully C R Glover The Longpine Chautauqua begins tomorrow and indications point to a good attendance This is an institu tion which should be patronized by everyone in the northwest It should not be regarded simply as a local or Longpine affair The program opens tomorrow even ing with an address of welcome by C R Glover which will be followed by music and short talks The real work of the Chautauqua begins on Saturday Judge W F Xorris of Ponca delivers an address in the morning Monday Aug 9 is Womens Day when the president of the Xebraska Federation of Womens Clubs and other women of equal prominence will deliver ad dresses Tuesday is Education Day and at that time Prof Clemmens of Fremont Prof U O Anderson form erly of Valentine but now of Lincoln Miss Stoner Mrs Glover Hon A K Goudy and others will be heard Wed nesday is Temperance Day Thurs day is State Day Friday is Farm ers Day and Saturday is Press Day On all of these days prominent speak ers will be present Monday Aug 16 is Recognition Day and Tuesday the last day of the Chautauqua is Gr A R Day Railroad rates are one fare for round trip and 170 cannot be spent to better advantage Take your family and go down for a few days On July 21 the board of directors of the Golden Irrigation district issued a circular to the taxpayers stating that they had discovered the scheme was not feasible the Snake and Niobrara being incapable of furnishing sufficient water to irrigate the entire district This is too bad and it really does seem that this conclusion could have been reached long ago before the district had been put to so much expense This a great feather in the caps of Miles and Berkley of Ainsworth and they can afford to do a little crowing and say I told you so As soon as the debts of the district are paid it it will be disorginized J W Tucker was this week reinstat ed as receiving and shipping clerk for the Indian warehouse at this place J A Carroll at the same time receiving notice that he had been promoted to the position of chief clerk at the Pott awattomie and Great Nemaha reserva tion in Kansas about 15 miles from Topeka These changes give general satisfaction and Judge Tuckers many friends will congratulate him having regained his position The ball team came up from Xeligh Tuesday night for a series of three games with the Andrews team at Fort Xiobrara The first game was played yesterday and was won by Xeligh on a score of 9 to 1 Up to the seventh inning the game was a beauty the score standing 2 to 1 RAT NO 28 THAT HUMP ss 6 jfl J And all other kinds of clothing can be purchased more cheaply of TINARD Than anyone else in town and besides he carries the best qual ities The best and most com plete line of gents furnishings Wanted An Idea Protect vour Ideas thev may br Who can think of some simple thine to Datent Bring you weaitn Write JOHN WEDDERBORN CO Patent Attor neys Washington D C for their 1S00 prize offer and new list of one thousand inventions wanted JIM I1 vices jor Feed Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Screenings 35c 600 Chop Peed 70c 1300 Corn 55c Oats 90c We Want the People to know that by taking the Pacific Short Line they can get through from Yankton Sioux Falls Mitchell and other South Dakota points to the Black Ililis and intermediate points without laying over twenty four hours in Sioux City- Train leaves Sioux City at 5 p m making close connections at OXeill daily except Sundav Buv tickets to ONeill Well thats about the size of the hump weve been getting on ourselves during the last two or three weeks getting our stock of goods rearranged and it also indi cates the size of the hump that bargain hudters must acquire if they want some of those summer goods and other bargains weve been talking about they wont j c last very much longer Just now we are selling straw hats and sun shades at ridiculously low figures Call and look them over and in cidentally patronize our new grocery department THA The Fruit Season With all its glories is here and as in the past the bes of tame and wild fruits plums peaches pears bananas or anges lemons etc will be found for sale by NORTH OF POSTOFFICE W A PETTYCREW Highest prices for Butter Eggs and Farm Produce Right in Front We are not to be found following the procession when it comes to selling goods because we are in front and pro pose to remain there both in quantity quality and price of our merchandise We are disposing of our summer goods rapidly and at ruinously low figures but we always keep on hand a large line of dry goods boots shoes and groceries E McDonald Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Crookston also Pacific Short Ljne TIME TABLE AT ONEILL NEBRASKA PASSENGER LEAVES 100 A 11 AttRIVES 930 P M D AILY EXCEPr SUNDAY Through connections hoth ways with Black mils trains by taking this line you can go to Sioux City and return the same dav connections made with all trains for the East and Soutu Dakota Buy local tickets to ONeill O W MOREY TVAT0HMAEEE - AHTJ - JEWEtER Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods C M SAGESER TONSGRIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND OOLD BATHS THE ELKHORN RAILROAD Xorth Western Line is to best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD OF NORTH NEBRASKA l i fa