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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1897)
r ItOHKkTCOOl Kditorand Prop Valentine - Nebraska Japan comes to the front with a de falcation of 710000 And yet they cav that country isnt fully civilized The Memphis Scimitar says Miss ittye O llayme left this morning for California Poor girl Even marriage cannot help that name While Queen Victorias reign has Jeen notable in many respects it has -experienced many things which Fm glishmen would like to forget The Houston Post undoubtedly is right in saying that this is a time for rober second thought But why net have such thought first occasionally A woman in Buffalo wanted to buy the entire police force of that city and have the men shot and cremated And they actually locked her up as a crazy woman A New York inventor claims to have tPscovcrcd a way to prevent eggs from spoiling and says he can keep them fresh forever This will be glad tid ings to the one-night-stand actors A New Jersey Avife has applied for a Hivorce on the ground of extreme cruel ty because her husband put a live turT tie in her bed That woman doesnt seem to have found matrimony a soft snap When you have fixed upon a plan fven in trivial matters do not reverse It except for good reason Decision- of character Avill thus in time become habitual and habit has Avell been de Bcribed as second nature If we struggle to overcome a fault or to resist a temptation and succeed the time comes Avhoe Ave lose all desire to commit the Avrong the self restraint is over and Ave enter into the true free dom Avhere desire and duly are one Miss Claire Ferguson of Salt Lake City has been commissioned a deputy sheriff Unless Miss Fergusons hcays paper pictures Hatter her Ave are ready to wager that if she ever issues an at tachment for an unmarried man sho will land him Rockefeller one day gives nniliion rlollars tc endoAV a church jv college The next day Avith a stroke of the pen he raises the price ofSOme product of oi for a week and gets it back This Is business 4n partnership with re ligion -The Waller Texas Free Press says Who Avouldif t be an editor When he goes to liis office he funis that some friend has been there and left melons fruits and vegetables And the best part of it K there being no graveyard here Ave have prospects of living al ways The riiillipshurg Pa Record says Our handsome young friend Jack Uarnes is spending a few days in town Jack is ail right and a nice bo a hut those rattlesnake pants are cork ers Well they might be Avorse sup pose they Avere trousers An insurance publication in the East as issued Fire Tables for IS07 From this series of figures it isseen that in 1S0G the losses were S11S000000 a tic crease of S24O00O00 from the losses of 1S95 22110000 under those of ISOL 50000000 less than 1S1KJ and U000 000 loAver than 1802 Unfortunately here is no text Avith the figures sIioav ing the cause of the encouraging de crease The editor of the Merkel Texas Mail rises to remark that the editor of the Guide has merely assumed greatness rwith no provocation Avhatever 10 don such an unbecoming disguise His puerile attempts at Avitticisms are ir reducible and proportionately irrele vant lie is about as much of ai edi torand gentleman as a sheep is a hilly goat This ought to help io boom the undertakers business a little Sir Aslimead Bart lot ts information from a source usually reliable that Queen Victoria Avill soon abdicate may he correct Stories of Victorias ap proaching abdication have been set afloat at least once a year ever since the prince consorts death in sii and the Avorld is at last getting skeptical on 4his point There has been no volnii 4a ry abdication in the annals of British royalty Fcav English sovereigns die and none resign The expected has happened and isai rer William has Avritten a play The Jerman Emperor Avas long overdue for something eccentric and a survey of the field showed that Avhen he finally hroke out it would be hi the histrionic dine There Avas nothing left lie had l erformed in music made faces and ether unpleasant pictures gone to catch Avhales and caught Tartars ruid done about everything else from failing to go in Avhen t rained to bluff Jug the other powers of Europe Noav it was time for him to rise up and shine jtgain and naturally he Avrote a play JV description of the piece has been pub lished but it is nut material to the epi sode beyond establishing the fact that the dramatic attack is acute The play will lie praised by lh critics and pussi iIy acted and that Avill end the matter as far as the public is concerned But William ought to sustain ihis latest freak longer than has been his custom with the others He ought to inject a part for himself and go into the acting line for a season He needs the train jug in detail He has been appearing in various star parts in the European theaters of peace and Avar but has failed to make a good impression chief ly because the audience has mistaken his heroics for farce comedy The play the thing but William must be in it A genius in Rochester X Y nas dis covered or thiiks he has the cause of the hard times He says it is bicycles There are JJOOOO bicycles in that city of 1S00U0 inhabitants This wiseacre estimates their cost at 92100000 and that the owners do not earn any more wages because they possess the wliei Is and therefore concludes that the bulk of the oAvners economize in the matter of food boots and shoes clothing shaves drinks street car rides liver ies and so on That genius thinks that the wheel Avhich has afforded so much pleasure and brought rosy checks to heretofore pale faces in such large numbers is destined to keep on main taining hard times That genius will bring up in a madhouse if he does not throw over that peculiar phase of the bicycle question His friends should present him with a bicycle and set him to riding it That Avill be the surest way to divert him from suicide or an insane asylum What the Avorld wauls on the bicycle question is information that Avill lead to the extinction of the scorcher Chicago Times Herald For main years James Aram resided and pros pered in the pretty village of Delavan Wis He was not Avhat might be term ed a rich man at his death a few weeks ago lie had taken part in most of the enterprises calculated to ad vance the interests of his town It is apparent that he Avanted io live in the thonghts of the people after he nad crossed the river for he generously re membered several of the churches and the cemetery association and then di rected that 920000 lie used in buildng a home for superannuated Methodist ministers and their families to be lo cated at Delavan That Avas to be in memory of his father and mother lie did not stop there but left another 920000 to be used in establishing a public library and reading room Tii -se be monuments that are They are none the less valuable ni the less prized because the man ay hose memory Avill lie preserved by tn in budded them himself Fortunate in deed is the village or city that has y James Aram living or dead f vhic of the boasts made upon the ac cession of the present czar Avas tlJt there Avould be greater religious free dom for the subjects of Russia Ac cording to information lately received however it would appear that on the contrary the established church is go ing to greater lengths than ever in its prosecution of dissenters With the aid of the government extreme meas ures are being resorted to to punish those Aiio refuse to conform to the regulations of the State church These are being carried on by the chief pro curator of the holy synod who has al ready made himself notorious by his Avork against the dissenters The laT ter are said to number from ten to twelve million embracing many seers and A arieties of belief The curious thing about the prosecutions is that they are being carried out against some persons Avho oAving to the absence of a formulated creed try to strengthen the basis on which their faith is built by conforming themselves to the moral and practical demands of Christian ity That is certainly strange ground for prosecution but the procurator finds it sufficient for the harassing of these people It will only soav deeper the seeds of the whirl Avind Avhich Rus sia is to reap A movement is on foot to secure par dons for the notorious Younger broth ers Avho have been in prison for the last tAventy one years for complicity in the robbery of the Northfield Minn bank and the murder of two men at that time The Younger and James boys Avere the leaders of a desperate gang of bank robbers and murderers of that day at Avhose door many crimes have been laid but to Avhom are at tributed by admirers many of those qualities Avhich distinguish better men Jesse James Avent to his bloody ac count many years ago His brother Frank is living a life of comparative decency among a community Avhere the James boys Avere regarded as deities The Youngers Avere captured and have since been in prison The Avarden who is said to favor their release speaks of their having given tAventy one years of honest manly and faithful service to the State and a St Paul neAvspaper professes to discover that there is something fundamentally good and noble in men Avho preferred capture and probable death to deserting a Avounded brother It is asserted that during their incarceration they have been thoroughly reformed and that no good can be had by their further im prisonment If this is really the case they might be liberated but there is no use in becoming maAvkish about the matter Salary of Senators There is a common impression in this country that the salaries of the United States Senators are larger than ihose of the Representatives As a matter of fact the two classes are paid exact ly the same 9t 100 a year each Avith allowance for stationery and mileage There was formerly a difference in the salaries the Senators being paid a per diem for attendance the amount being somewhat greater lhan that of the Representatives but many years ago this difference Avas abolished Cabinet Ministers receive 98000 a year each and this fact is probably responsible for the popular blunder many persons supposing that a Senator is paid as much as a member of the Cabinet We Avouldnt be a prodigal sou for xao little veal there is in it LOGAN THE S0LDIEK HIS VALOR AND RESOLUTION DESPERATE CRISES IN When Klack Kaglc Charge the JJaltte Line Knew Not Fear Chiv alrous with Women and the Unrest ing Friend of the Nations Veterans Black Jaeks Career John Alexander Logan one of natures captains Avas born in Jackson County 111 Feb 9 1820 In a mighty drama he played a commanding role When he had hung up his sword he was raised to a se lect group of his nations statesmen and there he continued to sustain the respect that his blameless valor had Avon him on the bloody field Named to sit beside the head man of his countrymen he led gal lant charges in that civil campaign that shook the eventful summer of 1884 and though uiiic warded with victory he for feited not the love and admiration of his followers ayIio afterward saw Avith satis faction their swarthy chieftain continued in his statesmans chair Witli powers unabated for future high service he Avas suddenly called on the 20th of December 1880 to exchange his toga for his shroud These are the influential facts in John A Logans distinguished career He Avas of Irish slock his father emi grating from Ireland to Maryland to Kentucky to Missouri to Illinois He was educated at a common school and by a tutor and at Sliiloh College lie served in the Mexican war and served ac11 After the Mexican Avar he studied law In I8l he was graduated at Louisville University admitted to the bar and be came partner of his uncle Alexander M Jenkins He was now developing the gifts that made him a man to be chosen to lead Therefore in 1S12 and in Sj he sat in the Illinois Legislature He Avas also elected prosecuting attorney In IS12 removed to Benton Frank din County gress and Avorked Avell for the reduction of the army lie Avas elected to the Forty second Congress but Avas chosen United States Senator before that Congress convened He took his seat March -1 1871 He be came chairman of the Committee on Mili tary Affairs He had tilled the corre sponding position in the House of the Forty first Congress His term expired he resumed the Itav in Chicago but -main avis elected to the Senate to succeed Oglesby and tool his 1 M LOSAX AS COTOXEI OF SI ST UN First War Picture Mm Tt WTl r M reSri 65 H rvyVA m ILLINOIS seat in the extra session convening March 18 1870 He Avas re elected in 1885 af ter a memorable fight signalized by the loyalty and endurance of Logans faithful IO In the presidential convention of ISS4 in Chicago Logan reeei ed for President on the first ballot O Aotes Blaine sub sequently being chosen Logan Avas nom inated for Vice President and Avith his associate Aent doAvn in the defeat out of Avhich arose J rover Cleveland Lofrnn at Atlanta The moment in Gen Logans career Avhich the sculptor has chosen to depict in the monument unveiled at Chicago is r ji7 iL4 N cwin J Car s PZi v j 6- I F i W0 HH K T yfM V rs8tWe r i InCer rAVIJS r V jJ uw mjmM i 7 and with fury a tempest of thunder and fire a hailstorm of shot and shell And when night closed doAvn the battle was ended and the Federal troops Avere mas ters of the field Some of the regiments that Avent into that sanguinary conflict came out Avith but thirty men and one Avhich A ent in in the morning Avith 200 the Twentieth Illinois came out Avith but fifteen As Logan appeared at the baltie of At lanta so he appeared in all the conflicts in Avhich he participated during the He Avas the idol of the common soldier Avhcn ever he Aas seen galloping recklessly in the most exposed positions his long locks floating in the Avind the men set up a cry of Logan Logan avc11 folloAV Avhere the Black Eagle leads Care for His Men Dr Roler Avas Avith Gen Logan during the entire Avar He declares that one of Logans marked characteristics Avas his care for his men During battle he ex pected them to fight to dare anything Avhich promised victory At other times no commander could have been more at tentie to questions of food shelter and hospital care Dr Roler relates an ex ample of this Avhich occurred at Ilunts ville Ala The army spent tAVO or three months there in Avinfer quarters Logan was popular even with the Southerners there because of his fairness and genial ity One of the Union generals now dead Avas knoAvu to sympathize strongly Avith the enemy although in Federal uniform This general and his stall had been quar tered in a large mansion in the outskirts of the town It belonged to a Southern gentleman to A hom that particular gen eral was much attached He promised that Avhen he and his staff retired the house rbould not be ocupied further by the army When the time came to move hoAvever theie Avere many sick and Avounded to be left behind The4 only available house suitable for a hospital Avas the old gentlemans mansion Dr Roler called on Logan and related the circum stances Logan at once said When it comes to a conliict between our friends and our Avounded soldiers Ill take the part of the Avounded and immediately ordered the house to be used for hospital purposes In1 1 w At w t vftiw7 i wwBaFoaVvE r52 -- x5 s iSU GENERAL LOG AX AT TIE BATTLE OF ATLANTA In 18 10 he Avas a presidential eiectoi on the Buchanan and Breckinridge ticket In 18S as a Douglas Democrat he Avent to Congress In 1800 he Avent again He Avas a Douglas man in the presi dential year of 1800 but Avhen he heard the South threatened trouble he said lie Avould shoulder his musket to have Lin coln inaugurated In July 1801 Lincoln had secession on his hands and Congress was in extra ses sion Troops Avere leavmg Washington for the front Logan quit the halls of Congress chased the troops grabbed a gun and stayed at Bull Run until there Avere extra good reasons for leaving the field lie returned to Illinois in August re signed his seat in Congress organized the Thirty iii st Illinois and Avas made its colonel Sept lS lie was at Belmont at the head of his own hot bayonets and lost a horse lie led his regiment at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson at the hitter assault getting a Avound that disabled him for some time March 5 1802 he became brigadier general of volunteers That summer the people at home said Come back Logan and run for Congress and Logan re plied 1 lniA e entered the field to die if need be for this Government and never expect to return to peaceful pursuits un til the object of this Avar of preservation has become an established fact In Grants northern Mississippi cam paign Logan commanded the third divis ion of tin Seventeenth army corps under McPherson He Avas made major general of volunteers Nov 20 1802 He fought at Port Gibson Raymond Jackson and Champion Hills He com manded McPhersons center at Vicksburg and made the assault at the explosion of the mine His column first entered the city and he Avas made its military In November 1SGH he succeeded Sher man in command of the Fifteenth army corps In 1S04 he led the advance of the Army of the Tennessee at Resaca repuls ed Ifardee at Dallas and drove the enemy from -his line of Avorks at KenesaAV Moun tain At Atlanta he succeeded McPherson and saved Sherman from disaster When Atlanta fell Sept 1 1804 Logan went home and took part in the presiden tial campaign but returned to Sherman and act ice service until Johnston surren dered April 20 1S05 May 2 he was appointed to the command of the Army of the Tennessee The Avai over he resigned his commis sion saying he did not Avish pay Avhen not on active duty President Johnson ap pointed him minister to Mexico but he declined the honor In 1800 he Avas elected as a Republican to the Fortieth Congress and was a mali nger in the impeachment trial of President Johnson He Avas fected to the FortA first Con- when he took Gen Mcphersons com mand at the battle of Atlanta This Avas one of the bloodiest battles of the Avar It Avas July 22 1804 Hood had succeed ed Johnston in command of the Confed erate forces and these Avere intrenched in Atlanta Gen Sherman however be lieving that the enemy had evacuated the city ordered McPherson to move forward in the direction of East Point and over take the Confederates Major Gen Lo gan commanding the Fifteenth army corps was oidered to press the enemy on the left flank Avhile Gens Schofield and Thomas Avere to attack his right and rear McPherson soon discovered that Sherman had been completely misled and ordered Logans troops to go into position for battle About noon the firing having become general all along the line by that time McPherson rode out almost alone to obserAo the carrying out of his orders In passing through a ikutoav bridle path he came upon a stray company of Confeder ates from Hardees corps lying down in As an instance of his unfailing courtesy to the enemy and especially to Avomen and children Major Mitchell one of Lo gans old staff officers and a Board of Trade man now in Chicago relates the folowing incident When the army was encamped at llunts ille a Southern avoiii an Avhose husband and sons were in the Confederate army applied to Logan for protection She lived alone Avith her two daughters and was afraid that the fam ily might be molested in some way Lo gan at once stationed a guard at her house and kept it there until the army moved Logan never could resist the appeal of the old soldier After the bitter campaign of 1884 an old A olunteer lame and broken in health presented himself before the general one evening lie preferred a re quest compliance Avith Avhich would have placed Logan in the position of an appli cant for faA or from the administration Much agitated at the old mans story the general at last excMmed stormily m9lk - fM 7iHk LsjZx3 ZfL iKi YSe m Tmgm v r V i ffOJtV V wi iU nzzr vbijj v jUCrfl MEMBERS OF THE LOGAN FAMILY PRESENT AT THE DEDICATION the Avoods The captain commanded Mc Pherson three times to halt McPherson supposing it to be a detachment of his own troops Avith his usual courteous man ner lifted his hat Immediately after perceiving his mistake lie Avheeled his horse Avas fired upon and killed Jen Sherman at once ordered Logan the next in rank to take command NeAcr did a general on either side in the four years war display more superb qualities of courage lie brought order out of chaos and victory from defeat The news of McPhersons death having spread Lo gan ralliedthe troops Avith the cry Mc Pherson and roA enge Logan took com mand on that famous black stallion of his and became a flame of fire and fury lie Avas everywhere his horse covered Avith foam and himself hatless and begrimed Avith dust perfectly comprehending the position giving sharp orders to officers as he met them and planting himself firmly in front of fleeing columns Avith revolver in hand threatening in tones not to be mistaken to fire into the advance did they not instantly halt and form in order of battle The battle Avas resumed in order I have never asked a political fa or from thh administration and I never will The poor A olunteer stole out of the room abashed and disappointed After half an hour the storm began to abate in Lo gans mind lie rose and said to Mrs Lo gan as he Avent out Mary I can ask nothing of this admin istration myself but Ive got to do some thing for that pour fellow or 1 shant cep to mght He put into execution a plan Avhich soon brought his comrade all that he had asked Liunoheon in Two Courses The bicyle club held a picnic in the River Bottom Park on Wednesday evening Lunch consisted principally of onions and garlic Martinsville Post The peat bogs of Great Britain and Ireland are estimated to be the to nearly 4000000000 tons of coal WORK OF COKGEBSSJ THE WEEKS DOINGS IN SENATE AND HOUSE A Comprehensive Digest of the Pro ceedings in the Legislative Cham bers at Washington Matters that Concern the People Lawmakers at LaiOr The conference report on the tariff bill was adopted by the House shortly after midnight Monday by a vote of ISo to US This ecllpes all previous records The result was accomplished after tAvelve hours of ontinuons debate But tAVO speeches avcic made by the Republicans one by Mr Dingloy in opening the debate ami one by Mr Payne of New York in closing it In all ten Democratic and one Populist speeches were made The sugar schedule Avas the main point of assault Every Republican in the House who was present voted for the report The Demo crats villi five exceptions A oied against the report The exceptions were Slay den of Texas Broussard of Louisiana Meyor of Louisiana Davey of Louisiana and Kleberg of Texas An analysis of the A ote slnws that ISO Republicans and five Democrats voted for the report ami I0t Democrats and twelve Populists against it The tariff conference report was pre sented to the Senate Tuesday but little progress was made on it beyond the for ma readmg of about of the re port Mr Tillman openly threatene a filibuster rntll next December if V Jon bagging and cotton ties were not n toreil to the free list but the threat ws regard ed as semcAvhat facetious Tie- sugar amendments occasioned a long debate and the lumber amendment also brought out animated criticism from Senators Teller ami Pettigrew Early in the day the S nate passed a joint resolution au thorizing and requesting the Pro ddent to take all necessary steps for the release of the Competitor prisoners from prison at Havana Representative Mitchell of New Yoik has introduced a bll in the Houe to establish a currem y resere fund for the redemption of Faired State and trrsury notes of 1890 The fund shall aggregate at the start Sl0UOijo of Avhich not over 100OiOWh -dl of gold and the remainder of Initci States treasury notes The fund shall be added to fom lime to time as tin freasurvs cash balance exceeds 7001 000 hut shall never aggregate more than 2U0fnMJ00 The fund shall be useI to redeem Fnited States and treasury notes Avhich shall not be reissued except in exchange for gold to be deposited in the reserve final The Senate concluded the formal read ing of the tariff -conference report Wednesday Mr Jones made a content again t the conference committee on the griiind fiat it had exceeded its aJithority in vi amending the paragraph relating to printing pper as to place a retaliatory duty against the countries paying an ex port bounty on Avood pulp His point of oriler was debated at much length and finally overruled by Vice President Ho bart This removed the only obstaclo thus far encountered by the report The reciprocity amendment and the abandon ment of the stamp tax on bonds and stocks developed much criticism Wliero the H mse mt Mr E ans from thfytfTf mittee on Ways and Means reported a joint resolution Avhich finally pa sed re questing the Piosident to make uch in AestigafKins as Avill elicit all the facts in reference to the restrictions put upon the sale of American tobacco in foreign coun tries under what is knoAvu as the Rcirie or government contracts It also author izes the President to enter into negotia tions with the governments of those coun tries Avth a Aiew to obtaining a modifica tion of these restrictions In the Senate Thursday the debate on the report Avas participated in by Sena tors Chilton of Texas Jones of Arkansas and Petiigtow of South Dakota rn oppo sition while Mr Aldrich took frenuent occasions to defend the report against the criticism of these Senators The credenti Js of the new Senator from Thomas B Turley win succeeds the late Senator Harris were presented to the Senate by his associate Mr Kate Mr Tuiley was then escorted to the Vice Presidents desk where the oath of otiice ais duly administered In the House Mr Stone introduced a bill to authorizo the appointment of a monetary commis sion and to provide for its expenses 0iio hundred thousand dollars is approprhfteof by the terms of the bill for the expenses of tin commission This bill has been pre pared Mr Stone after consultation Avith II II Ifanna chairman of the convention and is understood to haA e the approval of the administra tion In the Senate Friday a House Mil passed aitthoriziug the President to stis pend discriminating duties iniiosn on foreign lessel and commerce Mr Alii son tli moved to proceed with the tariff conference reirt but Mr Tillman ton tested tni s with a motion to p Vr an investigation of alegeo sctiral -peculation iir snirar stock Mr A Id on ade the point of that de bate n t si order ami the pre ddiujl er the point A joint v ti fr the of jiM rwtuv building at the In rnariomil exposition at Omaha consideration of the tariff r ori - then resumed and Mr Telle i f Colorado took the floor for a genera rpe i liie Ilou e pa ed tic bill pass ed by the Senate to ratify the compact caten I into rweei the States of Siwtb iakot Nebraska relative to the illicit - y be Counted the Geese ider Henry V of Kugfcrad aa u t of Pailiament ordered all the jwese in jrr f to h eorsTrL gad rje hT - eountles were ifxrr4 to rur i i sx arrmv feathers fr mi rsiir 1 tile kfit J2ssje Trance is tIoIrg away virJj ttte r f hi ii p and there is a rettirii to fur o tile beautifol stately dances tl xal ujt the gn otte the pavau I which lent grace to eighteenth century Tl be a than with jrate S Hawaiis Best Safeguard j - iiuvrk au ring over Ilav avU f better defense for th islands J half a dozen warships chas gtt maintaining an uncertain St Louis GIohe DennJersr K fc T y i 1 v 1 Ji f t A