The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 29, 1897, Image 1

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CanttniJ JrUeiUft
Toacllor iustitutt lulv ii
Itcnif Aukus 1
Deimviitie Convention- AuguM
Lengpine Chautauqua A up 0 17
KrPmber lie democratic conven
tion August 28
The court house vault has been re
paired this week
YT S Jackson is in i7eizgh attend
mg the ball games
Cltis Gillasme was V3 from the ranch
the first of the week
V E Haley and -Henry Iloenirj
Spent Sunday in Cocy
This is the last day -of the Cherry
county teachers institute
Only about 25 of 300 wagons sent
here for Indian allotment remain
Ton Bent Nice large office room
in stone building
T C Hokxr
A If Ferguson made final proof
Tussday on a Cherry county
Anderson SherApp are turning out
some very line photographs at the SLiaw
Prank Gillette Ainsworth was in
town Tuesday orr E business and pleas
ure trip
There will be so trouble to secure
this fall
for the various county
Mrs CM Baiixy and Mrs L G
Steveoson came up from Woodiake
Wanted At once a laundress
Will pay 400 per week Address
The Donoher
A 32 Thacher presented the valen
tine Brownies with a half dozen nice
new ball bats
Fred Miller s once more able to be
around and is locking after
business ihimself
The republican state convention has
j TUeen called to meet in Lincoln on
Thursday August 2G
A number of our citizens are pre
paring to attend the Longpine Chau
tauqua August 5 to 17
Bev J M Later will hold regular
services at the Episcopal church Si
day morning and evening
Ira T Richardson one ot Cherry
countys best known stockmen was n
owu a few days the p it week
1 1 Wiggins came over from Boe
vbud yesterday and may make ks
Aisome in Valentine in the future
Miss May Jamison of Butte is visii
ucg with the family of J A Hootoc
She will remain here several weeks
Fou Sale or Iient Large ranch
un best portion of Cherry county Ad-
dess this paper for particulars 26
aght and Monday
i have a few thoroughbred Berk
shire pigs for sale from Worlds Fair
P rite winning stock IV E Waite
CiiesterfieldXebr 24
Li Ketchum is making a trip
through the southern and wescern
jvarts of the couuty in the interest of
this paper this week
David llanna drove up from his
Wood Lake rancli yesterday He says
his force of men have already put up
about20t tous of hay
A telephone line irom Sparks
Hornbys lrug store to Dr Dwyers
residence end sanitarium will be con
structed in -the near future
About tht nicest souvenir you car
send that eastern friend of yours is a
piece of beat work or other Indian
trinket See 3IcDonald display
Died at the home of Tudge Zarr
Tuesday morning of chol era infan
tum the infant -eon of Mr and Mrs
Chas Walker burial Tuesday after
W E Haley last week raised the
sides and roof of bii barn about two
feet and also covered the roof
with shingles lie svill now hacs a
sood buggv shed
E Sparks of the firm of Sparks
Hornby was in Omaha last week and
contracted for a new 30- syrup soda
fountain and a ncv cigar qaso for the
Virnrs drug store
1 AI
Whenever we receive a letter which
has a return card or the envelope
printed with a rubber stamp we im
mediately sy theres a cheap nan
and treat him accoringlv
Work on the Ef tier building is pro
gressing rapidly The side are of
steel stamped in imitation cf brick
and the building vill be quits an orna
nsenfc to Main street when completed
F M Walcott left for Lincoln
carrying with him the twelve 1000
Cherry County Court House Bonds
which lie will -present to the state aud
itor for registration after which they
will be offered for sale
John L Ballard and family passed
through town Saturday on their way
from Cody to Iowa Mr Ballard tas
not yet decided whether this move will
be a permanent one omot but we ire
inclined to think it will be not
The guild of St Johns Episcopal
church will give the Sunday school
children a picnic at Bristols grove the
old G A 11 grounds en Wednesday
August 4 The general public k in-
1 H T T
fir ffi W n
vitcd to fill baskets and participants in 1 reviews which were anew and pleas
the merrv maicing
A new walk is being put down in
front of The Donok er This
n2 lvirUir nonlorl nnd if the lil
IUVI1U 1 CJ UlWiJ A UWU IliilA Kiv 11 fl
A IosicMCniiijr tin
sfrtici or anil Lew Jrs
Jnstitute proper closes this after
noon after almost pleant and suc
cessful seiuVi of two weeks Examin
ations w ill be held tomorrow and
Prof Pifc has grertiiy endeared him
self to oair teachers by his kindness
energy urvf enthusiasm and has been
a prirje factor in tns success of the
session Tro bi tter -man could have
been found to handfs the subjects he
taught End none could have been
foui id who would have more thorough
ly i m parted knowledge to the teachers
He very seldom waited words in -the
scl 100I room every sentence containing
some thought or some suggestion
w hich made the teachers think and
j y et everything was presented in so
original and pleasing a manner that
he iisrressions made at the time will
remain with his pupils
Broi Thomas too will long be re-
ing feature to the majority of the
teachers Prof 7 nomas has an inimi
table way of bringing out points of a
lesson or lecture and has a fund of
ance of the property owners on the- anecdotes and a luge supply of native
east side of Main street will prof t by
the example the peonle will rise up
and call them blessed
Max Yiertel and Geo Elliott had a
nice little job Tuesday signing the
court house bonds and interest cou
pons as chairman of the board of
commissioners and county clerk re
spectively The bonds required their
combined signatures in 492 places
F E Davenport safe and time lock
expert of Omaia was in town Mob
day on his yearly trip along this line
Mr Davenporthas been ranking this
point for the last 13 years fce is a
wit which never fvAls to please his
Miss Stoner is to be congratulated
on having secured such such good in
structors as Profs Pile and Thomas
117 O T Mocre lectured Friday
night on Our Personal Besponsibili
ties and we are informed handled his
subject very nicely
State superintendent of instruction
W I Jackson visited the teachers
institute Tuesday and in the evening
delivered a lecturo or talk on Our
Cotnmou Schools Coming
violin conuoisei r and a trout J ced he did he failed to receive a
ast in addition to being a safe expert crowded house hat u was just vs well
Jennie D Staldon wife -of A E
Sheldon of Chrdron formerly editor
of the Signal I ecorder died last week
and was taker to Dentou - -southwest
of Lincoln for burial Mr Sheldons
many friends tLiroughout the state will
sympathize sincerely with him in his
LA Welcbi turned to Omaha Mon-
d Itw making the transfer of the
weather bureau Mr Welch has been
in the weather department fGr8 years
and is one of tre best men in the ser
vice lie is a ery genial gentleman
a pleasant conversationalist aad made
manv friends while here
Geo H Hornby returned Monday
morning from his trip to San Francisco
very much pleased with his summer
vacation He spent four days in
Yellowstone Park while gone and cov
ered 5000 miles on the entire trip He
says that railroad trains were crowded
to the point of discomfort both ways
but he in no wise regrets having made
the trip
Yesterday J W Stetter shipped six
carloads of cattle J II Xeiss shipped
two carloads and E Ormesher shipped
two carloads from this place to South
Omaha A special train carried the
stock from Valentine Last year the
yards here could not have handled c
many cattle belonging to three differ
ent parties but now they can handle
double the number
The Cattle Feeders Loan Company
with capital stock of 500000 has
filed articles of incorporation with the
authorities at Lincoln This company
is composed of packing house men and
bankers and was organized for the pur
pose of lfHniug money to stockmen
who wish to buy feeders the company
taking mortgages on the stock The
principal osiice of the company will be
in South Omaha
The next reunion will be held at
Longpine The following officers
were elected fo the ensuing year Pre
sident P H Eighmy of Long Pine
Vice President l B Whitney ofBas
sett Sec J M Mead of Lusgpiue
Treas F A Whittemore of Long
pine and one vice president for each
county viz
Bock Co Thos Crook Bassett
Brown II O- Paine Amsworth
Cherry J W Tucker Valentine
Keya Paha T V Smitjj Spring-
view Uasselt EafjLt
because many wkc atten ded wished
they had staved a home Mr Jack
son is a spare dudsh looking fellow
and while he may be a well posted
man he certain doesnt kcok it
He may be able to write a good
article for a paper -or do something of
that cort but he certainly cant talk
Corbctt was here last year and made a
very ooor impression but Jackscn did
worse People were ore judiced against
Corbett and they were not against
Jackson The hitters talk was hesi
tating broken and fell of repetitions
and while illustrated with many num
orous anecdotes moct of them lost
their point by the bungling manmr in
which they were delivered It will be
remembered that our own superinten
dent made a strong race for the nomi
nation secured by Jackson and many
comments are heard regarding the ap
pearance of the two on the platform
together It is needless to say the
comments are in favor ot Miss Stoner
Prof Files lecture lact night on
Cranks Fools and Duder was one
of the best we have heard for a long
time While his subject would indi
indicate a humorous talk it was full
ot sound logic and excellent advice to
young and old Columbus Gallileo
Martin Luther were all cranks or
fools He scored the dude in a
fine manner describing it as some
ihmg full of nothing
ClJtSti Iur
Tuesday Mrs L D Barnes came
down from Cody with her live months
old daughter Maggie to have the little
one treated for some infantile com
plaint but the physicians could give
her relief and she dtedat The Ben
oher early yesterday morning The
remains were taken to Cody yesterday
forenoon on west bound freight Xo 2ij
Mrs Barnes wishes to sincerely
thank the people here who so kindly
assisted her in her hour of trouble
Last evening at eight oclock B A
McQuade and Mrs S D Jones were
united in holy matrimony Both the
contracting parties are well known
here and many friends will join us in
wishing them many years of happy
married life Bob is a joily gooduat
ured Irish lad and through his indus
try has built him a home which now
that he has taken unto himself a help-
Y i
i i
B 1 J
FsiIjI felted for Fomv Ycns us
- r -1 r rTn 49th s w tST mm22 fir k fli aaflHL k
15tatJjjr ISurciiii Ohasise
Ths weather bureau apparatus has
all bc n moved into the front rooms
over Davenport Thatfiers store and
T p Davenport is nor- official observ
or The roof of the brilding offers an
excellent exposure fr the wind guage
and vare as well as the thermometers
rsin and snow gauges The roams
formerly occupied by the undo rtaking
department of the store make very
neat offices and Lncle Sam will nave
no cause for complaint against the
new location The telephone has been
placed in the store proper so some one
will always b on hand to answer calls
Mr Davenport has retained C R Wat
son to do the work of the bureau and
that gentleman who has so long and
faithfully served the department will
continue to send the reports from this
Gml fhotojrraiihenc
Anderson Shempp have leased
the Shaw fhoto gallery for two weeks
and are doing some splendid work for
our citizens Mr C A Skempf is aii
lneiJiueretl especially lor ins siwt gun expert phctogranher from Williams-
port Pa and is here for only a short
time on a visit Mr J A Anderson
is the well known artist frcm Bosebud
and we can safely guarantee that any
one who patronizes them will be per
fectly satisfied with their work These
gentlemen do nothing but the best of
work and they do it at city prices too
Photos cost from 2 00 per dozen up
to 500 Their carbon photo for 400
is equal to any that is turned out in
the large cities
Anderson Shempp are not only
expert faoilnmn understanding per
fectly the mechanical details of their
lusineas but they are artists as well
These two things are always essential
to a firrt class photographer and are
too seldom found in our- man or firm j
They aso do enlarging from small
pictures by a photographic process
which insures a perfect likeness and
furnish pastel vvonc to those who de
sire it In addition to making photos
while in town they will sell souveuirs
of Indian life which make splendid
pre cats to eastern frisnds This is
the opportunity of a life time to ob
tain a good photo of yourself your
friends your family or your sweet
heart and should not be overlooked
They will be in town only this week
and nart closing their gallery on Aug
ust 9 They invite you to call and see
specimens of their work even though
you do not wish photos for yoursetf
AcSlreY3 Tynsa S2tt Out
A special to The De iocrat from
Xeiigh says that the residents of the
Gates College town were trea ted to a
hot game of ball at that place Tuesday
between the local nine -and the An
drews Twelfth Infantry team of Fort
Xiobrara Our reporter says that Xe
ligh should not have made any runs
at all but they managed to squeeze out
four on errors In the seventh inning
Breitweisor muffed a fly with two men
out This put three men on bases
and the next man at bat lined out a
three bagger over first base just inside
the foul line and brought the three
men in Feldcamp muffed three foul
tips which would have been third
strikes if held Breitweiser was hit
only 9 times counting rouls and Be
gan was found 17 times The follow
ing tells the story in detail
flayer and pos AB It
Kehicump o y o
Collins b o
Breitweiser i 4 o
KitGerald rf 3 0
Christy i n
Baker lb j j
llelser of n
Shaw If j o
Fritz ss o
Totals 2 o
Player and pos AB 11
Warren lib 5
Corbett c 4 j
Scott ss o 1
Herrig if 4 r
Itonig ob 4 o
Spencer lb 4 o
Bejkwith if 4 o
Dennis ct 4 o
1 2
0 1
u 4 u
0 0 0
s n
0 0 4
00000000 o oj
summary struck out Kecan 7 Breitweiser 7
Base on balls Began l Breitweiser 2 Passed
ball l eldeamp 1 Lamed runs o Time 1 45
empire Williamson Scorer ArundelL
The game yesterday was won by the
Andrews team on a score of 4 to 3 af
ter a very hot game Xeligb marie one
in the first one in the second and one
in the seventh while Andrews made
four in the eighth But two errors
were made in the entire game Col
lins was in the px and Xeligh ony
made 8 hits oil hj ni Wellbaun and
Began pitched for leligh and our
boys scored 9 hits Lak of time pre-
I meet will be in all respects complete 1 vents us giving the score 1 detail
NO 27
Well thits about the size rffz
the humiV weve been iretticruc
ourselves during the last twi sr
three weeks ijettiiiic our stoeS aS
ioods rearranged and it alsoonS
eates the size of the hump 2n
bargain hudters must acquire r2
they want some of those sumnurr
goods and other bargains ttwe
been talking about thev movfi
last very much longer Just now we are selling straw hats and aim
shades at ridiculously low figures Call and look them over ani Ac
cidentally patronize our new grocery department
ifjIfSaHPBrii fl
w ra In 811 Sj p fQ a J
And all other kinds of clothing
can be purchased more cheaply of
Than anvone else in tercn and
besides he carries the best equal
ities The best and most com
plete line of gents furnishings
Wanted An Idea
Who can think
of sonic simple
thing topatent
Protect vour Ideas they mav brine vou wealth
neys Washington D C for their 1SGQ prize offer
and new list of one thousand Inventions wanted
Jlill 1 rices jor Feed
Bran bulk 40c per cwt 7G0ton
Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton
Screenings 35c 600
Chop Feed 70c 1300
Corn 55c
Oats 90c
We Want the People
to know that by taking the Pacific
Short Line they can get through from
Yaukton Sioux Palls Mitchell and
other South Dakota points to the Black
Ililis and intermediate points without
laying over twenty four hours in Sioux
Train leaves Sioux City at 5 p m
making close connections at OXeill
daily except Sundav Buv tickets to
The Fruit Season
i tli all its glories is here and as In the past the bes of
tame and wild fruits plums peaches pears bananas or
anges lemons etc will be found for sale by
Highest prices for Hitter Eggs and Farm Produce
Right in Front
We are not to be found following the procession when it
comes to selling goods because we are in front ancf pep
pose to remain there both in epiantify quality and price of i
our merchandise We are disposing of our summer goods
rapidly and at ruinously low figures but we always keep on
band a large line of dry goods boots shoes and Groceries
E McDonald
Indian goods trinkets and curios a specialty Store at Crookston
- je
pe fTj Slip
Pacific Short m
I E A V ES 1 0 Sf i AM Alt li I VES 9 30 TJK
Through connections both ways with
Hills train- by raking this lino you cac -go rte
Sioux City awl return thesame lav conreoiicto
niale with all trains for the East and JSeraEi
Dakota Buy local tickets to ONeill
Fine line of plain and faney
elry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed 2ZR
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the Y H Moses building
25ortli Western Line is to bestv
to and from the