If Pi ra m u iN Hi r c 1-6- y w i v V- - THE VOL XII A C Itieineuschneider was ihrwn from Cody Tuesday H W Laveuberg of Cody -spent Monday in Valenticie Tliomas Farren of llosebud ivas in the city Sunday and Monday C91 Watson returned from maha aud Sioux City Saturday uight Milk delivesad 23 quarts for one dollar 9 Miss EvaEbhen Ton Hentc Xice large dffiee room in stone building IS T CHokkby John Neise and Alex CUarbonneau were visitor from Itosebud the last week EarlRiggle of St Marys mission was in Valentine yesterday on a pur chasing trip Elsie Gosey of Eosebud is working in Miss McLaughlins dressmaking es tablishment L Cv Paine formerly- of Ainsworth but now of Lincoln was in town on business Tuesday MtsnW F Bullis is xraite ill this week -and it is feared she will have an attack of typhoid Seventeen events are scheduled to take place at the Kushvilie races next month August 12 to 14 iBy tbs way the Aicsworth Star Tmirnai is becoming about the best locabpper along the lice Foil -Sale or Rent Large ranch in bestjportion of Cherry county Ad dress this paper forjparticulars 26 Messrs Pratt anil Walker df theB Cross outfit on AVhiteRiver were in Valentine Monday ami Tuesday of this week Attend the Great American Shows Thursday July 29 and you will feel better for having been tfcere Admis sion 25 cents D A Piercy of Kennedy was in town triie first of the week He re ports a rain of 280 jinches Sunday nigbtnznd Monday I ha7e a few thoroughbred Berk shire pigs for sale from Worlds Fair -prize winning stock W E Waite iChesterfieldiNebr 2 i Local politics are beginning to warm up aud the woods are full of candi t dates Altogether we lexJk for some livelytimes this fall A letter from Prof Wataon says he and his wife are at Ithaca and that they enjoyed the state university sum mer school very much Prof Pile is giving thorough Satis faction to the teachers his talks on rteachingrfceing especially good and full of useful information Marshal Razey sports a new gray hat with a black band and seen at a dis tance he looks very much like a young bloodiof 21 or thereabouts IIiG Maaon the genial representa tive of Voegele Dinning the manu facturing confectioners at Omaha was -a Valentine visitor on Wednesday AboHt 3Q0 people attended the annual G A R reunion at Bordeaux this year This good indication of prosperity in Northwest Nebraska Ted Harvey Sias returned from the ranch of Adam Smith on Big White river and is now holding down the night clerkship the Valentine house Mrs E D Mason daughter of CW ramer who has been visiting relatives here for the past two months returned home to Creighton yesterday morning Nearly seven ischeo of rain fell dur ing the week beginning July 2nd aud ending July 5th It never rains in Rock county but it pours ITewport Republican Hon V F Cody champion rifle shot and rough rider will appear at every performance of the Great American Shows Valentine Thurs day July 29th Edith Turner the elocutionist was greeted by a splendid audience Tues day night We have not learned the re sult of her efforts to secure a claep in elocution and physical culture VALE should or Pip- worth League meetings For those who have no denominational feeliug the former is perhaps the better This cflice has turned out mece job work iu the last three weeks than at any other period of the same length in its history Envelopes noteheads and statements are our speciality A Tattlesnafce about 2J feet long was killed on the crossing near the court house Friday night E J Dav enport and Capt Archer killed the reptile whidh had eight rattles on its tail The Great American Shows are coming Juy 29th Xot a big railroad show but c small wagon show where you can see it all and feel that you have got your monejs worth Ad mission 25 cents Weather bureau inspector Welch was up from Omaha Tuesday and checked up Observer Watson prepara tory tothe turning oyer of the office to E J Davenport He remained in town until this morning No gamblers or fakirs of any de scription with the Great American Shows An amusement enterprise where ladies and children may attend without an escort without fear of be ing oitenaea aienune xnursuay July 20th Ainsworth intends using a wind mill Instead of steam engine to supply the town with water The wind will be supplied by Berkley Miles et al delivering daily speeches against irri gation while standing in the court house cupola R H Jenness formerly of the At kinson Graphic 1ms been appoiuted receiver at the GXeill land office Dick Jenness is very well known as a leading republican and all around good fellow and his appointment can not fail to give satisfaction Mike Harrington of ONeill has been retained by the anti court house peo ple to prosecute their case Mike wrete to the authorities here and com manded them to recanvass the vote cast at the special election but they have not as yet done it I Wesley Tucker attended the G A R reunion at Bassett last week and reports havicg had a splendid time From 120C to 1800 people were present at the reunion and addresses were delivered by J Wesley Tucker Rev Jas Lisle and Dr W B Ely Charley Tackett is himself respon sible for the statement that he will not serve our Uncle Samuel as court inter preter any more He believes he can accumulate more wealth by staying at home and looking after his cattle and horses and it is more than probable he is right The 17 year old son of Alex Hoff man of near Kilgore who has been in town for several months under the doctors care died Monday about noon and Tuesday mornii Crookston for burial was taken to The boy died of some ulcerous bone disease and was in very bad shape when death relieved him of his suffering Daniel Fowler made this office a call Tuesday He says that his corn is all cultivated and is looking nicely By the way we were in error a couple of weeks ago about Mrs Fowler having been in town The Mrs Fowler who was here is a niece of Dan We have promised to straighten matters with Mrs F when she comes home R L Ketchum one of the most popular and best newspaper and maga zine writers in the west is doing some work on the outside for Tiie Demo crat this week Mr 3etchum has a situation with the Trans mississippi Exposition department of publicity August 1 and is at this time rusticat ing for the fun and experience to be gained thereby A E Thacher and C A Wells will occupy the new rooms over Davenport Thachers store The rooms are four in number two being bed rooms one parlor and a bath room All will be splendidly furnished thejbath room containing in the expressive language of Dr Wells just everything A fine marble wash stand and gas burner for heating water are among the fix tures NTIN THE INSTITUTE FIFTY SIXTEAGHERSAREIN ATTENDANCE And Everyone in Workius Hani Full 2llort of the Institute Work by TtliRs fjura -Wallop Program of Work ThoHe Present lhilosopby 72il S00 Opening 800-81-1 A Arltll B 00 JAritli A Head 1100 945 US History il 10iu IXTKKMIhSrOJi lOtfO lOrKi Gnunnuir 1035 1120 PhYsioIatfV H20 1200 i NOOX 12 00 100 Opening 103 110 Drawing 110 15 Civil Govt 133 210 Book Keeping 2lu J50 - INTKKMISCIN 250 253 GeosraHliv 233 330 Didactics 330 415 Algelmira 415 500 The Institute for Cherry Co con vened at Valentine July 19th with Supt Stoner as conductor Pres J M Pile and Prof A O Thomas instruct ors Forty three teachers came in the first day and at present the enrollment ha reached fifty six The teachers show by their work that they are here for a purpose and the spirit and interest which they man ifest speak well for the educational in terest of our schools Too much can not be said in favor of the work of our instructors They are earnest enthus iastic and practical and the institute can not fail to be of the greatest bene fit to those who attend They present principles rather than methods and are succeeding in the real work of an institute setting the teachers to think ing aud giving them a better idea of their responsibilities and the needs of the schools As usual the institute is composed of the progressive teachers of the coun ty who realize not only the advantages to be- derived but the privilege they enjoy in receiving this special train ing The work of the Institute began at the very beginning of the session and those who are coming in at the eleventh hour will find that they have lost much by their neglect Prof Thomas conducts the exer cises in reading His work is thor oughly practical In taking up the reading special attention is given to work in each grade Language work is being thoroughly canvassed and teachers are becoming convinced that language should be taught from the first day of the childs school life Our teachers are getting a clear un derstanding of the worK to be done and we -may expect good results Pres Pile has charge of arithmetic and under his able management a deep interest is being aroused in this work Practical work is made promi nent problems solved and principles illustrated and better work may be ex pected in this line Our schools need more thorough work in arithme tic and we know that by following Pres Piles instructions the work will certainly improve The work in arith metic has an awakening influence and will lead to more systematic thinking in schools Prof Thomas has charge of the ex ercises in geography As this is a very opportune time for all residents of Ne braska to study the geography of their state considerable interest is taken in this subject Teachers will benefit by this work and will be able to teach lo cal and state geography in a better manner Prof Thomas also has charge of the work in penmanship and drawing Good penmanship is one of the first requisites in a teacher and more care ful thorough work in this line should be insisted upon by our teachers The following are the names of the teachers in attendance Mamie Jeflters U G Stevenson Alma Carlson Ora Kichardson Mrs Kittie Crowe Winnie Crowe Clias B Cook Mary Wats n Eva Williams Jennie Crowe Mrs Mollie Glover Mabel Ilahn Maggie L Herring Edna Johnson Eva L Peyton Martha Maxwell Margaret Kibler Mrs Belle Hornback E Belle Callen Ella Stilhveil Lizzie Hayes Florence Hamar Edith M Stark H O Tucker Ina Flowers C II Doty MaryFarnham Mrs Jennie Eggleston W F Morgareidge Mrs Lizzie Crawford Mary Shaughnessy Katie McLaughlin Clias H Welford NinaLongcor Carl A Irwin Gertrude Grange Laura Tillson Mattie Shreiak C V Thorn Mabel Towne Nellie Bullis S D Ayers Sarah Simpson Mae Davenport Elva Hackler Emma Miller Mrs Lizzie F Johnson Anna Sageser Mrs S E A Fowler Isis Lincoln Lottie Hubbard Lura Gallop Mary Taxton Mrs Carrie A Gee Lillie Collett Eddie Hackler sunshine and quiet -at Fort Meade Published for Four Years aa CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT John Steinbrecher of Ktlgore re cently went to Omaha and passed the civil sernce examination for shoemak er at Pice Kidge His average was 9j and it is very probable that he will re ceive an appointment The school board has advertised in the O maha papers for bids for the new school house Bids for both stone and brick construction will be received and it is hoped that the building will be partially completed this fall We need it The Andrews ball team is at present making a tour of the Black nills They played at Deadwood Saturday Sunday and Monday winning the first game on a score of 12 to 9 losing the second on a 10 to 17 score and the third 1G to 5 Bad weather handicapped the Fort Niobrara boys who are accustomed to The team is now One of the Oldest O Tappert Cual Oil Johnny was In town yesterday in the interest of the Standard Oil Co Mr Tappert is one of the oldest traveling men on this line of road having had charge of the territory from Norfolk to Dead wood since 1SS6 L C Dunn repre senting Peregoy Moore is the only man who has been on the line a great er length Df time Tliey liorsot JWesley Tucker is the proud owner of a claybank mare which he has been having kept at the ranch of JnoShores Yesterday his two sons Harry and John went out after the mare Before start ing they very carefully put up a nice little lunch and made arrangements to take along a goodly supply of spond ulicks for cases of emergency Dont ask them how they enjoyed the lunch or enquire what they did with money because they forgot both and questions might make them feel badly JSreatlaml Wnter A young fellow named liyan was up before Hizzoner Monday charged with stealing a mackintosh from J A Carroll Two other fellows were mixed up in the affair but no evidence could be brought against them so young llyan was left to suffer for his misde meanor alone Judge Towne gave him a bread and water term in jail liyan is but a boy 17 years old and it is sad to think of one so young being so bad Perhaps this experience will teach him a lesson which will be valu able to him in the future Maybe hobos will learn to give Val entine a wide berth when they come along this line Judge Towne is a holy terror to evil doers Cattle Released The South Dakota cattle men and Indian Inspecter McLaughlin return ing from PineKidge last evening hav ing completed their investigation of the trouble between the Indians and whites over the trespassing of outside cattle upon the reservation In an interview with Bennet Irwin who at tended the investigation as a member of S D Association but not person ally in the cattle taken up we learn that the cattle will be released on bond in a day or two and the issue will be settled in the TJ S court This with reference to the cattle taken up but thematter of trespassing in the future will go the interior department on Mr McLaughlins report Ruslmille Stan dard Court House Argument If those who so vigorously oppose a new court house had visited the coun ty clerks office Monday they would have had a good court house argument presented them The rain of Sunday night went through the Are and burg iar proof vault as easily as it would have done had the vault been built of sponge Water stood on the floor in pools and ran down the sides of the vault in rivulets Books were wet and many were covered with green mould and smelled as badly as the lo cal populist dictators articles against The Democrat If the books are kept in that vault much longer they will simply rot away How long will it be before the peo ple of Cherry county learn that it is to their interest financially to build a I court house MOORAT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY JULY 22 1897 THI AND THAT Every youn persoa in town llu i s l I I lttend the Christian Endeavor Coinina Events Ttrartws Institute July 1P 71 Ltftfuiv by OT Moore July 23 b cluro by lrof 1Mb July 28 Cueus July 23 NO 26 THAT HUMP r 1 1 -- - X5 last very much longer Just now we are selling straw hats aniiu shades at ridiculously low figures Call and look them over an os ci dentally patronize our new grocery department Up-to-Date Well thats about the size the liump weve been getting aa ourselves during the last two ar three weeks getting our stock x goods rearranged and it also the size of the hump rfkit bargain hudters must acquire i they want some of those sTrmmsr goods and other bargains wba been talking about they T7mft VENPORT THACH The Fruit Season With all its glories is here and as in the past the bes o tame and wild fruits plums peaches pears bananas or anges lemons etc will be found for sale by NORTH OF POSTOFF1CE W A PETTYCRBffi ITighest prices for Butter Eggs and Farm Produce We have been and are still receiving -new invoices of STRAW HATS FASHIONAMLffi SHOES GENTS FURNISHINGS LACE CURTAINS PORTIERRES TABLE DAMASKS Our stock of these goods is complete See them E McDonald HOT And all other kinds of clothing can be purchased more cheaply of TINARD Than anyone else in aown and besides he carries the best qual ities The best and -most com plete line of gents furnishings Wanted An Idea Who can think thing to patent T7nMn vaii IA one thev mn v hrlncr vnn WAltll Write JOHN WEDDERBOPN CO Patent Attor neys Washington D C for their 1800 prize offer and new list of one thousand inventions wanted Mill P rices jor Feed Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton Shorts bulk 50e per cwt 900 ton Screenings 35c 600 Chop Feed 70c 1300 Corn ooc Oats 90c Hc Want the People to know that by taking the Pacific Short Line they can get through from Yankton Sioux Falls Mitchell and other South Dakota points to the Black Hilis and intermediate points without laying over twenty four hours in Sioux City Train leaves Sioux City at 5 p m making close connections at OXeill daily except Sunday Bav tickets to OXeill Pacific Short Le TIME TABLE AT ONEILL XEBRASKJL PASSEXGER LEAVESiOSO A M AIJRIVES 9jGC K3S D AJLY EXCEPf SUNDA Y Through connections boifc ways vilii VOsuzc Hills trains bv taking this line you can ri Sioux City and return the same dav connertTnc3 made with all trains for tin East and BEu Dakota Buy local tickets to ONeill O W MOREY WATOHMAKER - AND - JEWHEB Jss Fine line of plain and fancy elry constantly on band Eepairing promptly executed 2n done in the best manner Full line of porting goods C M SAGESEE TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND COLD BATHS THE ELKH9RN RAILROAD Xorth Western Line is to beat to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD of NORTH NEBRASKA J v