OUR - GREEN WHEELER - SHOES TIE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT iEGBET QOto Editor nd PnbViHier M I - - - 1 I Ofefftt frtf of Ckerry Coor ty fttebfifctka Per fattr in Advance PUBLtSfiED kVEBY THURS DAY Catered at tu rot offi at ValpatlneOkerry county Nebraska at SPcdad clw toattr This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a deflnfto order to discontinue ii teceived aa all ar rears are paid la fall Advertising rates 50 centejper inch per month lUtes per column or for long time ads made known appli cation to thttffise An African effplorer regwrts meet Ing with a tribe of natives Ariose fet iches ate empty gin bottle There are plenty of men ell over theorld who wonhlp the boStle butfcStthe dead oldler kind There are nsonypersonain the world who get Creajfc f or being fi3e because they keep ttfei mouths shut when as i to open them The local conventions f populists in all parts of tfte country -ere declaring against any snore fusion with Demo crats A fusion whicii fuses only the votes anm gives all ho desirable officers to the Democrat is no longer popular w4ta Foposts Harrison Press TIib Press evidenCly is not well ported on fusion polities in Nebraska or else it is engaged erth an heroic at tempt to mafce the populists led and thus break tiio fusion Will thaPress please tell aawhat the demo crats gotJut of the state congression al senatorial representative or county fusions tn he last campaign that enviQus The outcry from Jall street and othpr centres of speculation over the proposed tax on transactions in bonds and stocks is a repetition in a small way of the protest f wealth against r tne income tar Whenever and howev er it is propoaed to isake wealth pay even a sniaji posfeion of its just share for fchesupport i the feder al government the -same outcry is made It is confiscatin8 it is vspolia jtion of a class it is populistic laid upon property A small stamp tax von bonds and stock certificates certainly cannot op pregs anybody as taxes on food cloth ing fuel and shelter in many cases do The amount of the proposed tax in each instance would ibe relatively infin itesimal In the aggregate it cannot be a burden fcoanyone wlw -either buys se curities as an investment or gambles in rthem as a speculation In the existing laws as in the bill pending in congress - practically the jientire 500000000 required annually or support of the gojarnment is sec tirel by taxes on consumption Such axes are bpth arbitrary and unjust jTJbey are levied with no regard to the jn principle of taxation which takes accpunt of I benefits received and 2 ability to pay The rich nieu who ob ject fco special taxes need to be remind ed that in the gradual repeal of taxes ainosithe war wealth ami jtoepresent ativecthave received nearly all the efits n 1866 the internal revenue col lection were 31090984 Qf which whiskey beer and tebacco fd only 56OOGjfl0D TJfcie rt waBcollectd from manufastuyflsiincome8J grciesJQpeipts liqensea ks aiLlrnaclmpnies stamps vak almost whJly nfact from yvii BuftjfJjjJii about al ijxw ou vffflLih have beon repealed th custmr ejections chiefly on see- essarie8 were -nearly as greatIast year j in 1860 aentea ihe men of wealth to consider things Their tion Qfthe small Income tax was ex tremely short sighted and foolish and iheir opposition to stamp tax on Giae3 now would be equally so Mtyi Yorlj World X rV The democratic state conventim is called to meet in Lincoln on ay Sept 1 at 2 p m Cherry -county 53 entitled to five delegates J H Tutblll was the lucky uyer of two carloads of exceptionally at steers from a Soath Dakota grower who drove theut into Cody Mondey Daniel Burr of Omaha was in town on business matters Tuesfiay He is an old timer in this state and la quite a middle-of-the-road populist politi cian wtesn at homenfi is proud of the factthat never lb thio life has he voted for either denftforcts or republi cans for office Among the RosetfcrS people in town Saturday were Miss Spear Mrs and Miss Sennet Wm 3tLight and wife J P Estes and family FranK Mullen and daughter Chas Bredeson John Brown J A Anderson Chas A Shfimpf W C Courtis L M Hardin H J Barnes and Geo II Webb A letter from Kennedy says that the celebration there on the filth was a grand success about 450 people be ing present many of them being from Steneon Brownlee and Woodlake The program was faithfully carried oat and the display of fin works would tmve been immense but for a spark from a Boman candle which set the tfhole box afire at once Several horses ran away at this unexpected display and three of them were badly hurt but no persons were injured The Democrat is in receipt of a Jnge poster announcing Long Pine acKattefor fact it is aboct an even Chautauqua Aug G to 17th A eonrf Chance tbt tfcey dont feow enough punepromisett aliwno attend ine prop er thine to do ii you want to net ihc full benefit of the assembly is for friends and neighbors to club together and go into camp getting settled by 4 p to of the opening day then rest and enjoy the program as it comes Dont rorgefclo take along your ham mocks bathing suits swings bicycles fishing tackle and your best- girl Kates one fare for the round trip within 150 mile Parties wanting tent s should write F A Whittemore Snpt of Giounds at once giving him ample time to sup ply their wants The addition to Davenport Thach era store is now completed and the grocery department i5 in ship shape order ThiB firm now has a store 25 feet wide and 125 feet long with ware room and the entire building is full of goods -night the gas plant equippedwithVteHbach burners was put in operation and the effect was immense The pure white light of the gas burners -made the yellow stores -look very sickly by comparison tins lignt is certainly the best in theworld and Davenport Thacher are to be congratulated up on having it in 4heir store When the dry goods department is rearranged and the decorations completed theirs will be one of the finest stores in Ne braska - Htraycd or Stolen Prommy ranch on May 27th one sheavy get black horse five or six years old weighing ahout 1050 lbs bpught 9fjJno Enlow at Gordon in 1896 and jQfleangyilat footed sorrel horse seven Qrejght years old wish clipped legs and eqiort tail foretop cut short last season weight nearly 1100 lbs formerly owned by GeoDavis ofeorgia Bothtani mals unbranded A liberal reward will befpaid for the return pr Informa tion concerning either or both to W E Wait e Chesterfield Cherry county Nebraska 29 11 L B Nichols went up to Bordeaux to attend theoldlers reunion F R Yanish is workingicn a barn for Mills Bros HugkBovill Tom Franks and F R Yanish each purchased a new MeCormick mower last week A severe hail storm struck the river about 4 milefi above Cranes bridge oce day last week It knocked the garden sass put quicker than Fitz old Corbett S A Winslow and wife anfi p C Goodrich and wife went up to the reuniocIonday we were in erjor last weekwfcen we reported that Hugh Bovilland wife were Uie parents of a new bafcy Somebody mlsinfowpejd us Niobrara Fals Crops irtfine condition and present indications of a rain Judge Jowne and family and MtvBrown were visiting friends in this neck of the woods Sun day DElmer Cole of Fort Niobrara came out to see bis wifo Sunday and find her improving Mrs O will remain three weeks longer Mrs Lizzie Medtendorf and Miss Maud Towno of Valentine are visiting at J A Adamson this week A party of 8 persona went from this part to the Snake Mondayin quest of June berries but stated if they bad eaten all tbeywantefi they would have bad none to bring home John Adamson has Jeased the land formerly owned by Walter Fialc and a partnership ar rangement has been made by him and R and H Grooms and Frank Reece to cut the rye on the land They expect to thresh the crop Chas Mosher will work Isr J a Adanigpn during the baying season iPrank iteece informs us that his wife is on the sitka list JBfhard and Henry GrftMjs went over p Shlwrle last 3f ondav 1 Bad Boy Commissioners Proceedngs Con tinned from first pafi James Chlldere jodfr e of election andltn Frank Mogle Wm Hook L E Stuart ckrk Michael Mono R Hanchett adge and returns Ed Valentine N W Heflloy G A Waggoner clerk Elijah Pitman T E Small ure of house HEDowey judge of eleetUm and rtn A M Levee John Parks clerk Leroy Leacp P Chandler judge Oliver Hallaae of house Geo N Dawk clerk of eleoiko and rtns John Lord W D Morgareidgaudge W G Carrion C W Bennett School Dist No20luso of hocse J N Russell judge and Tstnrns Dan Barnea Joe Jennett Geo E Russell clerk Dan Adamson R F Gillaspie house for election Will Body Samuel Lilly Oeorpe Sheik clerk Harry Kellur Georije Sheik use of houre L Laufer judge of olection and rtns AJflhort SM Wood ward J foThackeray clerk Andrew Nelson J E Thackeray use of hotse for election I N Garner judgo ofeloction SAWinslow O C Goodrich and returns Oscar Starr clerk W D Ricketts School Dist No 49 use of -house Alex Hoffman judgeof election and rtns Ufcarles Hoffman V J Peterson Elmer McLaughlin clerk Jabn Hoffman School Dist No 82 use of liouso Ernest Bowden judga cf3lection and rtns Felix Nollotto Will FoBter John Foster clerk TtosJFowler School Dist No i use ofouso N J Grooms judgof election and rtns John Grooms er J A Hornback H F Barker clerk C W Hudson School Dist No 71 use cf rhotreo JL N Layport judgfrti election M Harris Chas MaxweU Hnry Taylor clerk William Beamer Timothy Falby judge otelection andrtns JL Boseberry Afex Burr Clarence Smith clerk William Pullman D Hilt house for election J R Lee judge ofelection and itns Ira B Spencer Christ Peterson John Harnan clerk - Georgo Keller Loe Fritz house for election C S Johnson judge of election and rtns J A Stansbie Tlios Stansbie A T Davis clerk LLMorriU J A Stansbie boose for elsqtion John J Porath clerk of glactjon anq rtns VI A Wilson Peter Reimera judge Peter Riege Henry Porath Peter Roimers house for elactjon C H Doty clerk of election and tqb CEDoty MEDoty judge E Ormesher FGReeco School Dist No 6 use of hooco Amos Strong boarding prisoners Elmor McLaughlin 2 00 John Hoffman 2 00 8 M Woodward 2 00 Geo Shoik 40 O C Goodrich 1 85 R F Gillaopie 2 00 Dan Barnes 2 00 WGCanion 2 00 A M Leyeo 2 00 Ed Valentine 2 00 Elijah Pitman 2 00 Wm Hook 2 00 Jas Cb jldors 2 00 Joe Hobson 2 00 Howard Jaycox 560 Mike Eennealy 2 09 Ed Murphy 10 00 W R White 2 00 J H Harnan IS 50 John Whillans 1 00 GHQ Smith 1 CO A Lewis 10 68 Jedso G ranger 11 00 W G Ballard 11 00 M G Houee 8 20 Manley Wyman 9 05 J W Sears 3 SO J W WhiUane 2 GO Ely Valentine 6 10 Affi ftctmittedly tee neatest nicest rnst stylish find best wearing -shoes on the market and we are proud of them Our stock of these shoes is complete embracing all sizes styles and widths Colors brown tan black oxfrfood and green Grd62e8 Dry Goods fcfed Notions HP M f Pi K I QV Hats Oftpfl and Furnishings 1 J ilKJiXWO T j 780 200 J 00 200 200 17 20 2 00 200 200 2 00 200 t60 200 200 200 200 200 0 20 2 00 200 200 200 2 00 18 00 2 00 200 2 00 2 00 200 Frederick Sheik judge of elections and rtn 1G 00 200 200 2 00 200 2 00 12 30 2 00 200 200 200 200 200 200 1180 200 2 00 2 00 6 60 200 200 2 00 200 200 540 200 200 2 00 200 200 600 200 200 2 00 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 19 00 200 200 200 200 200 14 50 2 00 200 200 200 200 24 00 200 200 200 200 200 600 200 200 200 200 200 4 60 200 200 200 200 200 700 17 50 On motion the following amounts were do dpcted from the claims allowed above and qrdorod applied on delinquent personal taxes C RDoty John F Porath m Wilson Thps fltanBbio L L Morrill JIlLee John Harnan G W Erita Dave Hilt M Harris Chas Hudson Tbos Fowler 2 00 600 200 200 200 14 50 200 200 200 200 200 200 M E Doty Peter Reimerts Peter Roige J A Stansbio A T Davis Ira B Spencer Ira BSpsncer Clarence Smith HenryTaylor J A Hornback N J Grooms Ernest Bowden Alex Hoffman A J Short J E Thackeray I N Garner Oscar Starr Dan Adamson John Etabrook wit for Slate vs Burnett and Johnon 1 20 Margnrelto Slmpfer - - l B F Carter w 2 20 James Davis 2 20 N W Hoffloy - l 0 Adell Abbott 160 Edward Carter - 2 20 Charles Carpentftr 2 20 John Jones 1W J S Shaefer - 1 in Mary E Morgan 150 Ira Johnson justice feH 11 M John Estabrook constable 9 r0 On motion the commissi ohKn districts Were redistricted so as to embrace fce following ter ritory the names givon being precincts 1st Dist 2d Dist 3d Dist Minncchadnza German Table Valentine Schlagle Kewaneo Sparks W D Morgaireidge a 00 OnEach John Lord John Parks NWHeffley Frank Mogle L E Stuart Chas Long Fred Jones A B Overman Jas Searby WillCrano C K Smith Sam DoFrance W R Towno A Lewis W E Cady R iiainsford Wm Cavanaugh FHSiggina iLouib Smith Ernest Bowden Will Archer M Wooosard 200 260 2 00 200 5 00 120 200 200 200 200 A200 8 03 50 5 00 15 60 315 800 940 COO 840 340 32 55 Henry Porath 1 69 On motion the following claims wore sjected Ed Clarke expenses in caseBtato t Huri 3 53 Bar NEWEST MODELS FANGY and PLAIN Wood Iake Dewey Lake Buffalo Lake Mother lako Cleveland Kennedy Loup Pleasant Hill Sten MAKE Lavacca Jrwin Merriman Eli Boiling Spring Gillaspie Sharps Ranch Georgia Nenzel Enlow Whereupon board adjourned to July 1 ISO July 1 1897 Boatd met pursuant to adjourn ment Members alipresent On motion the following bill was rejected C C Parker paid for keeping cattle taken on eXeeution in th9 Dobson case 101 90 On motion the bid of Dr Alfred Lewis as county physician was accepted and contract entered into for the faitirful performance of the same On motion the bond of Dr A Lewis county physician was accepted On motion the treasurer is hereby authorized to bringsuit against any person orpersons whoso taxes are delinquent whenever he may deem tho sameneces8aiYto protect the best interest of the county Whprenporitho board adjourned Attest Gko Elliott Clerk Are 1ott JI union i Will sell at a great sacrifice a mando lin guitar violin banjo und trombone all first class instruments Address J A FofvTEic Band quarters Fort Niobrara 2 1 Xafivo Timber Cult it re U B Land Cilice Valentine Nebr 1 Julv s 17 ComplaintGaviii been entered lit this oftice by George Van Buren against the heirs of Abmni Coleman deceased for failure to comply wim law as to Entrv No 7R34 dated Jan 2 1RS0 ipon the S2NE4 X SE 4 Sec tion 3 ToHvshii 3 Uantre i In Cherrv cniint Nebraska with a view to the cancellation 01 said entry contestant alleging that the heirs ftf said Abrani Coleman deceased have wholly failed to cuUtvate or cause to be cultivated any part of said tract In the years of lSW 1895 w that said tract hass growi up in grass aiul weeds that Kaid tract had been whollv aban doned and allowed to become wild and the heirs or claimant had wholly failed to cure their lars to this date Kie said parties tire hereov sum moned to appear at this omce on the 20th day of Aug 1897 afO oclock i in- to respond Irani furnish testimony conce ruing alleged fail ure J iVjFikk Receiver 1U Xotice S Laad Ofiiee Valentine Xebraska iiny iay Complaint having been entered at this tfnice by John K Walker against Edwin Dixon for abondnning lus homstcad entry Xo 1027fi drt ed November 12897 upon the nineU nmv hi Section 33 Township 2 11 Uange ss w in Cherrv county Nebraska with view to tin cancellation cf said entrv the said parties Are hereby summoned to appear at tlusollicf on tht 25th day of August 1S07 at 10 a m to respond and furnish testimony concerning said aliased abandonment 25 28 CItCLOVEIt UegKter Application for Aifoninlntrtor In the CountyGoiirt of Cherry County Nobr In the matter of the estate of IiwranceUculttn deceased Robert HKoont having Hied in my oflice a petition praying for of himself as administrator of the estajo of Lawonce Doolaiivdecesed all persons iufcrested in said estate will take notioe that I have lixcd July 24 1897 as the time and mv office in Valentine Cherry county Nebraska us the place for hearing sam petition at wnich time and place all per- owa itou in nam i iaie may appearana show cause if any there be why sufcli adminis trator should not be appointed Witness my hand and the seal of the Coi ntv -- Court this 8th day of July 18U7 SEAL W It TOW Xt - County Judge Taken Up xVtiPJSsAereJyKlven thaton the 1Gtl lav of May 1897 1 took up on section 2 township u range 33 in Cherry county Nebraska the oiov aug described ummals cr yiicaidy uorse wiui wnite leit hind foot and on the left hip Age about efojit 1W10 Weight aijUllt lUMpOUlllS me gray horse with white faxe branded - O on rijjht shoulder Age uiioui four KlJ years weight about 90Q pounds THOMAS LINDKER Cody Nubr F C Company Gobseti American Beauties 200 I lir 2 95 -Bi 1 I w 200 KSliM 200 Sffiam 200 Jwiil IMulifflk 200 SI II 111 200 fMiM filHll a 00 P85 1 w 384 juy 6 60 Jf GGRAEO SHjfPES ABTSST30 EFFECTS All Lengths FBTMERBONE DORSE T GO SOLE MANUFACTURERS SOLD BY Davwort Thacheb m VWrrzT D Y5 JJ l lv a xA V I - J FLEXIBONE nOUDDED ALL 6a Tu WATCH US i Wc doifr handle quite as lor noods a the larire departmeht stores in Omaha or Chicago but we do handle all WW- the latest novelties and uptodate articles and would like to have you give us a eall before sending away for u oods If von want the latest and best in S17MMER DRESS GOODS PARASOLS iSEGLKfE SHIRTS GINGIIAMS or SHIRT WAISTS You will Hud it in our stock of good it can be found anywhere RED FRONT Everything in our store is new and of the best quality so you cannot make a mistake by trading with ns Weve just put in a line of Shoes and Cloth ing which you should examine V B - G 3 a r w - r 0Xr 0 0 - Claimants and witnesses in tinal proof vuc notice of which appear in Thk Drmockat will Notice is hereVsi mven thai th follow ns named settler has uied notice of his intention to make final prom in support of lnS claim and that Lsaid pi 001 will tie made before the Register or neiTiwrni aieuuui ieor 011 Aug jhu isy viz Edward L Murpliy of Gallop Xebr nnian Hael Hunt and George Miadbolt ot ody iSeiir Also William LDalilrin of Merriman 2seb If E NoW73 for the sjswH and sise Sec 35 TpJn K 37 w lie names the following witnesses to prove hi coKtuiuous residence upon and cultivation oi saui laud vi 1 Bazel Hunt aim Geonre Shadbolt of Codv Neb - i t award l iWtirpm ol Callup Neb James Juios of Merriinan Neb Also Notice is hereby given that Edward W Dahlgrin lias Hleii ntifice nt hi intfiitinii tit muL c imil the iiffj of sec No21 In 32n K 36v He names as witnesses Edward L Murphy of Wallop Neb i Bazel Hunt and George shad bolt of CodyNeb James Enosof Merriman Neb 2 30 C K GLOVEH Kegister U S jiand Oflice Valentine Nebr 1 Inly 12 J7 Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler ha Hbid notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Kegister and Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Aug 20 1897 viz Jlenry H Day of Valentine Neb H E 9052 for the lot 3and seinwKi Sec l T 34 Ii 28 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Frank K Stowers John J Stowers iriljjam r Mowers and Henry Keeker all 01 iseorasKa 25 3H c BGLOVER Jtegister U S Land Ollice Valentine Nebr 1 July 6tn IK17 J Notice is hereby given that John Karhoff of Gotiv Nebr has filed notice of his intention to rnake final proof before the Hegister or Receiver a nis omce m valentine Nebraska on Monday the 16 day of August 1897 on timber culture ap plication No S029 for the se4 of section 1 town ship 31 N range 35 w Up names the following witnesses Clarence Cuteomb Wallace Nelson Klihin Jones and Aloizo Heath all of Cody Neb iJ 29 C R CLOVER Regiater L S lind Oflice Valentine Neb 1 July 6th 1W7 i Notice is hereby given that Herbert C Hover of Pipestone Minnesota has filed notice of his intention to make final proof before the Registtr or Receiver at his ollice in Valentine Nebraska on Tuesday the 17th day of August 197 on tim ber culture application No 8W3 for the W ne1 and aejtion No 27 in township No 31 n range 25 v He names as witnesses Charles A Johnson ElvD Valentine Washington Honey and David Leach all if Wood Lake Nebr Testimony of claimant will be taken before the Clerk of the District Court for Pipestone countv at his oflice in Pipestone Minn on Aug 14 mm 24 2y u R xLO VER Register U Laud Olhec Valentine Neb 1 June 10 18H7 t Notice is hereby given that John Dale of Wood like Nebr has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Iiei er or Re ceiver at his olhce in Valentine Nebr 01 Tues day Uie27th davot Julv 1S97 onuubr culture application No H forth lots I 2 siiie Stei Tp JMi R2C He names as witnesses Charles Daniel 01 Johnstown Neb Jainv M Hanua fclyw Valentine and Illiam iDaniel of rtoou 3K rseoraKa C R GLOVEP II Me- Jloui ter ft VINCENT fc fc i Snitt Premier ypesriJer Best Value iWritini Machine first in Improvements Honest Consnjsi3u nd all Kih rade TypevrtierEsf3cntiaIs T T ART BOOKJrT FRER A A 1 V BMitutAy fnMAtulA y ottteJTgf Vc S5eo m Ouialia riuKli Onicc Seventeuuth find Farnara Stroets FINAL PROOF NOTICES AOr -large a stoek Land Ollice at Valentino Nebraska July 8 1897 f Notice is h reby civn that Robert K Laughlm 01 Miiabuna Iowa has tiled notice of Mi- receive a iiiarKeu cipyoi paper mioiiki any tention to makeJnal proot baforo th Rertster emu in iieMripuiiii 01 iaiHi rpeiui 01 names ancl Receiver ofhcr In Valentino Nebr be discovered notice should be sent l tin land ou ihurvlay the day of August 1837 oa onico aim iHismuce so ran ne mane Mmir Sn jJOnr for lhn nwi v r S Laid OHlce Valentine Nebr Janes 21 18Q7f Notice is hereby given that the rollowinx nanieri settler has filed notice of bis intontloB to niakoliiuJ proof in support of his claim snO that said proof will be made before the KegisSec or Jteceivtr at Valentine Neb on Au 9 18S7 viz Joseph Birl of Georgia XebM II E KiAiJjor the eine1 and neHsei Sec 13 and nwMswJi Sec 20 Tp 34 31 w He names the following witnesses toprove his continuous residence upon and cultirattofi oC nroof before Itciilir iul lincpiiMr ir tliiir ittleo i Said hllld Viz l - Ktitft m f b ction No U n towniBtv L So 27 u rag No 21 u U iS Laad Oflice Talent inc Neb He nitiis a witui MM Knoch Andes Baniflc Julvs 1897 r wc Mtt John j and Hoyd w roolallo Urownlee Nebr Also Charlotte M McLaughlin of Masaent Iowa T C N W32 for tho sHnef seJaw5 ami neliSv1 x a Tp 27 n K 33 w 1 Floyd w Pool Enoch andea and Harny MfrNttC i all of Krownlcc Nebr Tuatimouv of botli above named claimant 11 E No JMot for theneUneU andssiicJi and will he taken before the clerk of the distiirC seiuwfc Sec 32fp Ui It 7w 1 court for Cas count v at bis otnee In Atlacti lie nanius the following witnesses to prove lima on Saturdav the day of August 137 his continuous residence upon and cultivation vr C K GlVOKU ItHgistor of said land vi Ktlward W Dahlgrin audlarucs Knos of in Valentine on luesday the 21th dav ot August I m Sebastian Seaboldt Michael Boltz BlcSsftS 1897 on timber culture application No 7525 for Wisioru and Joseph Stosch all of NenzeLKift R GLOVER Reglsttr US Land Office Valentine Nebr June 10 1837 f Notice is hereby given that the followI named settler has filed notice of intention to make final proof in support of his claim nd that said proof will be made before the Registtr or Receiver at Valentine Neb on July 26 UK viz Michael Mone of Cody Nebr H EM03 for the nek Spc 21 Tp33n R 34W He names the following witnesses to proTe his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz James H Juigley of Valentine Nebr Jofca Nolan Arthur Heath and Hugh N Mone or Cody ebr also Arthur Heath of Cody Xebr II E O for the se Sec 18 Tp 33n R 3tv He names the followlne witnenqp to mm phia Valentine coidimioiis residence upon and cultl ration of jum Kiim vi James H Cuigley of Valentine Nebr Michael Mane Hugh H Mone and John Nolan of Cod j Nebr also John Xolan of Cody Xebr H E 9410 for the whi Sec 13 Tp 33n P 34w He names the following witnesses to prove hl continuous residence upon and cultivation ot stiiu iuiu vi James H Onlirlev of Valentine VAhr tx Mone MIcbswl Mone and Arthur Heatb oZ Ccxly Nebr C Ii GLOVEP Register L S Land Office Valentine Nb t June 15th IS97 f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proor will be made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on July 7 1897 viz Alono II Ferguson Valentine Xeb II E No 9155 for the sw4swj4 Ser 34 Tp 34 and lot 3 and s swi Sec To 33 It 2Sw He names the following witnesses to proTe his continuous residence on 3nd cultivation or said landviz V illiam Hunter Martin rf Welch John B Jones and Wesley Massengale all of Valen tine Nebr 21 20 C R GLO VER Register US Laud Office at Valentine Neb 1 Notice is hereby given that thofolowhrgam ed settler has filed notice of hfc Intentmn to niiike linal nroof in sunnorr of m ui that said proof will be mado hpi rl r at -July on S7 IT1I1 1 vw George Coleman of Xilgore iJebr II EOiforthesineu andauVinev Sac -a and see1 See l Tp r It 31 He naiM s the following untnesses to prove his continuous reaidfiire uuoa and ciatlrallou of said land z William Beel Crnnlrctin 7aV - V rf ti i X 7y4crricit r i f R G LOVER Register A r