The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, July 01, 1897, Image 5

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V f
Cheers Shake tle Ground ag She
Passes in the IVauvon l Jtibilci Pa
rades Peopic from AH Parts of the
Earth Help Celebrate
Wonderful Sijcht London
The crowning fetituro of the o4Iiciil cei
ebration of the sixtio h anniversary of the
coronation of Victoria as Queen of the
United Kingdom of Grout B itaiu and
Ireland has come and goiie and all Lon
don is congratulating itself upon the com
plete success of one of che greatest nono
lar demonstrations of modern times A
religious service of lirevity und simplicity
a royal pageant of uJiiUHJCodtuted
a mighty o tburt of iKilriot5m
and evidence of parson- iovt iliee w e
the principal of the
day that London hia ww een
The most stupendous lwjjtxint in lrt
tors a concourse erf tho millions mm
the ends of the oardu gutierol to d Ivoi
or Xo the nien and to odd to rho frlory of
her diamond jnhlta a tadc L w lillwt itd
part without a kVuh md vrtthit iia w
in all Uie marveoiis ofioct iloet mHv
siv iHM haps of ail tho bihoc tim irwv
day was the mighty nitiVtixudo of niouie
spectators pai ked ki tr tix iin of
suffocation into vory twtiilrtlvij irk iso erf
the six iiiile route o tiio tZZ parade
Eight million souJa orery
civiilzeu and every tviTago iwrfnii
-on the face of tlv filaini uritidvr A ami
-elbowed at eery ixxhvt of vtttK vaul
-the aged queen as o i ww Unroc xnid
the throng wat jdven iwiimgii li as
never Pharaoh nor Otwitor rxvem d fnmi
the uyriads of xlm okSeii mne The- ihx
-cession itself was tiu uvues4 imsso uiay
niliccnt that ever isuet wl befrroen tho
Tanks of admiring nuidtTids Lfc nxwd
da three sections ootuvjljtkkting fttr rlij di
vision moved into Pioudiliy while fir tiiiir
order of parade tsho ckiiist oC Btg
lauds mighty eiuiiw 3od tho vi
The procession inoyd fra
Palace nearly oci time The roar of
cheers that marked ita etmrso up Consti
tution Ilill told tlw beaming- of the story
-of the queen anions J jer poopk while the
artillery in Hyde Park by a royal suilute
of sixty guns Umiulorod the fact to
thousands oIoewixs3 The queen had
actually started
The processioii wuo practically in three
sections as far as St Pauls though tho
two last en routo to tho cathedral weiv
consolidated as they moved into Picadilly
The scores of trootw and companies
were literally too iiuummxhis to- ex
cept as a brilliairt wlHk It seenicd like
nothing so muh as ivxiu treau o bur
nished gold Honing iatvooJi dark banks
of human beiaga jjatiiortid to witness its
passage to a land of Jighe
Then tlie liist xxt of the
escort rode iato vv vr tK Second Life
Guards As their wti known brilliant
uniforms appeared vho w hisper ran elec
trically Shes cining Tin guai ds
were soon by the- escort of
British and foreign iiriixjes ilauy faces
were known ceconwd tuid cheered
This brilliant -escort wtu composed of tin
flower of Europia adroit s FoJIov mk
the princes cnjnv tlw kard of llojior A
cheer broke forrii liit s mel to shako
the ground renewed sahi ui again as
her majestys wiviei artVKioheil The
carriage in wiiieh mnjtty rode now
came alrest It VlVjS built ib nt v quar
ter of a century- ago The lvody wkvdark
claret lined Tvrii ornKHion tho mold
ings outlined w5tu btuxis of brass I5l
side her maj ty ytnio tho Princese of
Wales opposite Krr umjiy her royal
highness PnneeCXHTttian -On the left
of her majesty rod hU ntrcl higliness
the Duke of Gaiibia oil th e right his
royal highness Uk Priueo of Wals who
was followed by thrf Duk ii of Connaught
the general offit er cvnmnandjiig
ServtcreB t Bt Pauls
The great beJs of PaulV brolco oit
in happy ehorus Jk trvo jiwifa carria ge
started from TenqUp lr and only eeaetl
as her majesty semvp Koppod in front
oi uie siqis ml ijk raoarai Wifih Uto
stopping of the qm refV cjw ria the iic
ture was eomplV -id tho swelling hyTiir
that had risen m tl summer air from
live clioristvrs of in r TiKjjttys haixl niv
al Westminster Abbey and Kt Panfs
ceased its grand in no ilong
drawn soft amen The Mn ice was
eibout Jo beirin Td irlshop of Ivndua in
full canonicals rl u nlmrt I ollect af
ter whieh as her istajesty sat with bowed
liead the archlibshup of Canterbury an
aiounced the bpnedivtion Then aiiridst
-the further rimring of bells the national
jinthem was sung and the Queen drove on
in lo other scenes
As 3er majesty CEt ered the gxtes of
the palace at 2 ooci n distant gun in
Hyde Park annornc d to an much of life
world as was not Imfwv the gate- that
the great procession -van over The event
seluug prepared had patsiinl into historv
sxrr FAis
H in
f UB celebration of the sixtieth
fl versiry of the accession of Queen
victoria to lie tliroiie ol Great Brit
ain and Ireland makes pertineat a review
of the caieer of this irreat and venerable
ruler this good qi en aiid motlir whose
life has ben an example and an inspira
tion to her people
The story of the sixty years of Vic
torias reign cannot the briefly fold Its
theater has been the world its actors in
principal and auxiliary parts the ma
jority of the human race And yet the
personal history of the queen has been
singularly uneventful It is only when
one reaches out to the peoples and coun
tries vith which her government has had
relations and considers the duration and
importance of thoe retoliccis that one be
gins to realize the vast influence Queen
Victoria has exercised over sty many hun
dreds of millions of pcopJe
Only three of Queti Victorias prede
cessors ruled over fifty years These
were Henry 111 ftfry ix years Ed ward
III fifty years six months a ud George
III her grandfather liftynrae years But
during the last ten yrs of the tatters
life his mind was wen imd the virtual
sovereign was the prinoa regent
Sketch of Her Career
Victoria Alexriwiva Queen of Great
Britain and Ireland and Empress offlncfta
was bora at Kensington Palace London
May 24 1S10 Her father was Edward
I vliiih r nc 1rvliry iwl hi lirtr hr Mf
tMaU ot rui
orM oil it Itvrt t i P i
Ihrko Kei ftxvlv ol Kktg Gkorge
III iwl Ivor uxrtSK wtw Vftrtoria Maa y
LouJwu dMrhiwr erf LwrtH rti Dike tif
asKl a istev oJf tffc
hito Krui Leoivokl ofBelgiaiu
Bor th pivit Qtie cwffliinK tind
couiAm her ihi jvwr her fatlK dSwl
ktiri Cl ti ejul Msrnikig of tlte yoiHift
IKKtM to DtSflitvy Oi KV4 iiiid K
fr t the iukis liw rfio tw is baat
tln 6H5 iaciiiKxJ ia tue tYflinau
gi vTn tlu Ifriuoess VHetoria uiuei how
been bodb 5pod uiul wieo Sh vwa ediv
ctinod uaiuvT Lii Hiour wiifhfi ej5
JHld Uti glXlLil ItS niJlO hi
tual iwuviiits bin on aioraj mid ixiiacyus
Go uttsiiisSig hes ejbKliMn45lx jxur a
rrid oGii vjih gav u tionoe at
ftvjiowng jicrsoaal hotter to Qnoen kolft v wmsvw
Mliitlu r JJeid pcial envyj x Wg
n vi iiiwkm riTvMvt M iTiji nni1 7rrtL jii Jnd KaitKVi Of IHdilK
GrvatfCaUrAiaFrlw tl iiino ani oa t elutlf of Uiu im of the UniJ I
iatnt Ur ejutviH frHriutloosttiMMi Oxr e illdu aiinlwi ur U your urn- tis waoESIcni
CT tarown or iii vajj
eottUrruji iwsttpdrncuiiry w ihskiiifi your ui iiusmp iw nw umw iiu
wiJifii tiDiin liuTvivinnt c ainiis x vii
it Ve nJyaiiK to Uio rti lH of avftUtudo tna iiSwct iltw to jotir jieraonal
MyjMwrllfow iimsvi awl iwcs bnnor anil inisimnqr DKW3 ia j tiiiM ovdr
er ntia estsbJlshed in he pnldic heart
flxl ifiifl Jifh V4 deeily nvwimexl tli the
exxu s cjmI Iji Hue nition
Up to Ciwi yi 1S01 tho IWu of Queen
Xlosoiitt tvtvd lxisi ci of u oinofeen tiJliv
qna lLipiiiwfisw Hot inoriK b3 whom
sho wus doevly jvtttKsliftd tw 6iired to
enjoy a peiovfiil oW uu Iler iuisband
waej to lie aH tia t devoteil utd
ooiiHiftiiiaa uoaiid li fwid Cheir niiio eliil
davn vPrt grooving u lieaitihy lui uuy and
dsitrfti Ail VhAt tin vikmW could grant
of wettii tuwl v er hre uul Iver
ek3e8 JHAibter luii beeii hftpplly married
to tiio htufar of ojta of t3io nwtc powirfnl
k5iikGb3 of Duys lVe5vick nf Pius
shi a pjtiuo aioc aminiioo virtues ajl
5iiKiil1ciiea adxlel luter U hi lniUituit
wuilw Ln Titiy lSil t3ia q uoeu test dnvr
liwisngham lltwxviwid fo riois ftuio nuXdkv sad Ll Dcniilx cxuiio i
hns swr iTxx hi IsLvr yndfritv sd tank gitvttu rivw ia tio
ptvui of iw1 moSx ir VTlthin a aixCh
K5n WSUitisi IVV diftd anjl ctj he
kift uf iue the cuiwjv dMUveid iiiki
r2x ftjJkwhvjj day 21 1SW dha
t imcJy VT Iin3fd iMie3 Ixuc it vtij
not nun Jkiij lii sf rhe iMvtnr j5j
that siK vrrt ciI i Vrtmr hittu
iVom t5e iK jfhjhiy k iaVeiixl
ScJl to Ix1 pipii lre be l
rvuMoit Ulvo ue uh
vvt th tat vrSieinosio
Hi4iniJtod by tsivot
unruilkv1 liapiitiMd 9iidikui4y iv
by n grrt twcw Ht
ou hvr miad tine f r
wibw ilvod hi ikhohito iHrtiromeot
as fiir iw iKvsablo H jKibilo
diiiKs kwiulii mekiiidi
tuJUmt crctont lhia siiectaclM
- V1 tCVlUWiiwinni -
mtirt gfTJKsiiJry umiiilKt CI i iujid I iabi grk amid xo gorjjrja
A ivcw flftw of rfky acf fvkniviiXlofl loo tlho Ea iitih iopitt mid avni tlie
itrtv hi riw mhKs j o E iLgiJsA oa quoou a hold niou tlieJr nfftx fcioiM w3u3i
for H wv hft sid tlt Wicol of
tK nri w of HiMiovKM to wliieh TVokn ia
bnjiH wj w ry laI beoro her Ci
tho khi gry nvejubersnf 13 vxiext nofrowiupt
being KtiirAL
Ii S4ik Qxvn Vknoria waa maxriod to
ortjfJtt PrtiKT Albert vf
ivotiiititf aiMi piii4 ooukl hmo kie
a3 vrfiich riiis5r tMlay nnfchMigei tuiid
itooomos K5mri os of India
Fcr raer yoors f tor tho dea tl of uyr
h iwbjual tho juojn did not ajiport r lKfix
Parliadiwwt In 181G wlvo ttgain ttjiiW ajeil
vWxw a mmwMMmmmMMmmmmmim
w v- v a1 itiiwx wWimMyffi4ttffifSMitvmi hawju v lAttvvvx wu
Gotha The union was one of love and i at the opening of that body but did not
not of state policy and a happy and model
umon it provel Lho English peoih did
not take kindly to it at first Although
Prince Albert was a man of rare mental
glfrs as well as personal attractions he
nrRcd Jn tire beghming to impress Ins
wartls upon the snbjeets of his queen
They ffisSkol him beca nse h vrn not an
Dnglfelnnmi In Parliament the nse
bravfts wi angled orer the question of Irw
ircriirnbrafion qfKHn Cletl over Iris ofrow
rmcf Jyfe jilacv wst to tlie inecii and
orcr -tee bill to corsrTtTrte htin rogwri in
arse of iho qxnxifa death Thy vivirhl
nxyt give Mm the fiUe of Prints Consort
tmtil JS57 Fon r yearg afler tJrfe Prince
AJbert died Dec 14 1SC1 ImU by tfc H
tiuie the noblcDcss of the mans
at tvmpt to read her speech as she had
doio in the earlier yenrs In April 17SG
an act of Parliament authorized her ma
jesty to assmiie the title of Empress of
India In 1887 the jubilee of her reign
was celebrated with much rejoicing with
processions speeches and flags gasore A
new coinage was adopted at the mrat to
conrmemortrte the year A ll tire
governments and great men of Eu
rope showered gifts and cojigratuhvtiotis
npern the forrrwiate queen
friq m w m m r
v Mfiii Miniw
a vay
o frivi
L nHvlnnnif tr
- - ft
tne runcrtw i iai ftinwracMiw m wjsuiuk m yiur ucw - iniwjvvii wnq
iflrlcycsiiiiiiiirrttdtryadxniKr in science arts una iijuurr wei ikjiii wn A Mw
O tu In
g lW
vyhua v u have lrM rU od te nila laylHoiiyllonrish thrnuctiout traromrnT tmder jasi
X 1 ofinui 1 i cud ur kw vmtuiii cntluue att uk n Uw tuctions ef all ho liw in Mr
X It AimI 1 d ry tsi Q jour iaa1fty yi 116 wily ktvjslns ur wwl friiuvl
av v iv
OO 035K3Kvl tM
avKiu m wm mm j wm r
i cd miiWlUir s51
Jy to fli iM lPlf sriVw
of ferf ns i fjoai i
17 S v7 K iJll W
If ho queen 3ia set herself strenuously of 5
to uuj virv i abh in aer lire K tons been to
wxww Kunij vx irer eoiiiT 5efoiii
vr trmo irip ivnicri - v
Sf wllY NlinnMllni - 1 41 -
CitV Ur avii uuu uie same wag tj
or me continental courts But the qu
1 v
has changed all this Her rdatioos as
w4fe and mother were a nnble example o
what true wonmuhood sJiouJd bo tml the
very puritj of her life shamed otliGis iirto
patterning after her On tlio subject of
court etiquette Queen Victoria is- the
most exacting sovereign in E urope She
li k BtSvJC5fmriif
j t
J i
-1 VSKW98 B
fcw 1VM21 W
ith of tho 14iM e it tk fov i
lsr bereawmoivt fa SSSSgKSgSSMffiS i
of grief often MSIMIS
who haw a Hfo of fMm2tm Jk
jxM niptwi iiMliri a
90 urewfI utw i f 5MMUW1 3 fSSSSZ iVVA
a uunl of yirs j ilJd 7ifr
insists upon tho observance of
detail of ceremony and tlio coise
quenee i s ihat every o uo who come- iftto
contact with her has to be thoroughly
drilled In the oberva nee of forms As
to h pir personal appearance the QiKMm lvis
lieiYrCf said tbitt she w ruH vuzail for
a quotn fox sbo is but 1 feet 10 iruihes
in hoighi Ikvt h spito that vho is oa
ofjcjiskwis a woiKin of extraordinary dig
Attempts Upon Ker Iife
Althwigh she QiiHn from tho tano of
her ifiiccessjou tn the fhroivo law enjoyed
to the ftiHt oxwni the rospect al af
foetBu of heo Mibjocts no lesr tiiui five
attemii all rortnmvtely u uiooetrsfnl
have been uwdo to assassinate hop Uo
fivt in rniio 1S40 by i crazy kid named
Oxfnt nnoHlver hi May 1S 1 by Uu
FnuR is who vh wvtiiwed to Ikv Itwig
ed for rive ofioivv lrat the tentenco wvs
eommnited to iTan fvrtittion for life ISie
third was ir Tu ly rf tho same year by oivo
J W Bean vlio x only punJhincJt was
in icrin tin frnj rfb in
ly i by William Hamilton an li isilwnan
who Wii s rransjiortid for seven yvarat tixi
fifth in Arrl 18S2 by Iioderk k IcIt va
n Scotrtnnnn who was ordered to 1k wur
AiumI during her majestys pleasure and
is we beliere still in jirison
Tlie queen Is very wealthy in fact the
wealthiest woman in all the worid Dur
ing the sixty- years that she ba been on
the throne she has been able to avo from
her civil list and the revenues of the
Duchy of Lancaster sums witih in
terest added now amount to close upon
10000KK Sheinherited fom herQius
band property which is now valued at
20OO0UO and fnmi time to time sub
jects die who leave her all or nearly all
their projierty It ia estimated that her
fortune to day amounts to SloO000000
The Queens Fmuily
Of the queens nine children seven s ur
vivo These are Victoria Dowager Em
press of Germany and mother of Kaisei
William II Albert Echvard Prince ol
Wales Alfred Duke of Saxe Coburg
Helena Princess Christian of Schleswig
IIoMein Louise Marchioness of Lome
Arthur Duke of Con naught and Beatrice
whose husband Prince Henry of Batten
berg died of fever during the Aslinntee
war in 1890 The Princess Alice Duch
ess of Hesse Darmstadt died in 1S7S and
the Duke of Albany in 1S1
A Hst of her grandchildren and great-
grandehdoTen wouW till hal a eolum
By mtimage into tne a
iiies iher descenda
of tfoo leading
craason Iihii
is tho motvt
Nf t iS i lr
S TT Tr S 1 p 2 T
Notary Publ
Real Estate
Sfsssv p AK asassa wnrga fps
Valentine Nebraska
1000000 Bond Filed
Office in JP O Buildins
Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated
making it now more than ever -worthy of the
reputation it has always borne of being
Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Eoom Good Sample Eeora
2Z JT DOKOHEIZ Projrrietor
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent withCOnservativo banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
---- - - t tt mrr r iujmujumllji
C H COKXEIjIj President Jl V XICMOU50N Cashier
Valentine Nebraska
A General Ban7ciii Business Transacted
Buys a2id Sells Bomestie and JSToreign JSoccliangc
Correspondents Chemical National Bant N9W York Klrst National Bank Omaha
11111 i in hi mi i ii ii i ii I Lra
t M
Hli ii B 8
a ii
liafiraaaaHa a
This market always keeps a supply of
In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Sal
kjixjjixj jiciiiio jjiaaiost avui iiJiu V UiULaOte3j
At St6tters01d Stand on Main Street
OS the Choicest Brand