The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 17, 1897, Image 8

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EOEEET GOOD Editor smcl Publisher
ffiittl JPaiier olCfaerry
- - -
i i
Kutered at the lostw SFpe at Valentine Cherry
Stfounty Nebraska isml las3 matter
Tiis paper will ite mailed regularly
ttiifrt ubfirile uiutil a definite orjder
fb discontinue is received and
rwira are paid in full
AdvHiring rates 50 cents per inch
per month itates per column or for
long tiniH arls made known on appli
cation to this office
And Cuba stIli Struggles under -the
Spanish yoke Nothing is being Stine
lor wv in Coixgr
One miirhty good thing can be -said
in lrtvorof the present state
ration Money is coming into and
being paid out of the state treasury
hi rue nipidJy tlian ver before
Tlre aetttfu dl Judge Baker in sent-
Democrats haw always contended
thai a protective tarill beiictibed no
rebutthe iiiaunfaelurrr and they
show their faith in shar contention by
voting for the varioussehedules in the hje
f tJitit lomiaiiLC ustneLs I s 1 1
whether r nw thev will vote lr the
completed hHIrla annShyr juestion
An pxchsst Hurrrests the following
formula is a measure of economy for
the Associated Press in renortimr the
proceedings of congress
Monday Met talked adjourned
Tuesday Met talked adjourned
Wednssday Met talked adjourned
JXriit sOuay Mrt talked adjourned
Friday Met talked adjourned
Saturday M s talked adjourned
It is rather early in the
JtZMMuiZmastMite iimrrrf iAfVtwmi
The meeting of too editors of north
west Nebraska at Ttfeiirine last Sat
urday at which tli writer was present
was one that for its enjoyment and
success m every detail will ever be a
pleasant memory to those who were so
fortunate as to e there Our enter
tainment by trie generous and hospita
ble people of Valentine was royal
such as the country editor is seldom
given and it is needlef fs to say that
there will always be a warm spot in
our hearts for thai beautiful little city
and its citizens -Northwestern Press
The boys of the Elkhorn Valley
Press association who were present at
the -Valentine meeting last Saturday
will long have a tender spot in the
region of their hearts for the citizens
ol that enterprising little city and to
the officers at Fort Xiobrara for the
hospitable treatment accorded them
The next meeting of the association
will be held in this city in June 98
and we can assure the boys that they
can come prepared to have a good
time ONeill Fromtier
The meeting of Use editors of the
sixth congressioal district was not
largelv attended but there was a start
made and many a powerful organiza
tion started and grew to usefulness
with Jess promise at the budding Per
haps by J 398 the wave of prosperit
will manage to sweep across the old
encmg jury bribr to two yeitra in sixth and thebovs can mount her and
tlm comity nJ -will have a salutary
efloer upon that clss f citizens The
people of this iPtHvb want a fair trim
of cases incwurr and Judge Baker hit
the nail m the head when he said that
jury lixing was one of the most
heinous cririptn the calender
be on hand at the next meeting Let
us hope so drawjonl Jlit Helm
The entire time spent in the hustling
city of Valentine was one of interest
and pleasure The business men and
especially the newspaper hoys of Val
entine know how to entvviain make
you welcome and huve you ieei per
fectly at house aiiir tht m We say
to yidi tiivf if ii ever receive an in
vital ion U Vaiemine pauic your grip
and ro or voi will rejriet it
all vaur
Ai Hftourih Home I nit
The o ieos or Vileniitiw soared no
innus tj niaki tse oe jiudou an
able oie to ail pi it and everything
dt irabie ui ie vviy or entertainment
was provided free It was a mosc en
joyable vitij utd the meuibers of the
local prcs3 deserve much credit for the
pare they pel formed in making the j
meetiiii a snreebs and cnir visit one
Campaign v H Vv Ihonmis nFrhP nMifil
for newspapers s begiu puffing the
county tickets of their parties when
no candidateshave been nominated
or conventions called and the paper
Vvhich does it lays itselfjliableto con
siderable criticism Such actioE
shows that it intends supporting the
ticketTgardles3 ofrfee fitness of the
men nominated it shows a servility
which is absoluteIydegrading and
igives visible evidenceofthe fact that
party not men is whatsit wants lo
Seven thousand is the estimated
number of Americans w zo sailed for
JEurope last weekCThere will be prob
ably 150000 to leavethis country for
a foreign irip this summer taking
iio drop accross the water 50000000
So it goes every year persons who
kEOWlittleenoqgh about stheir own
icountry seeking the advertisement of
atur of Europe QThis year there is
isaifito be a special attraction in Lon
don in the queens jubilee The page-ant-of
royalty andinobihty has entice
jnenfefor Americans apparently
though for no very creditable reasons
It vis -a kind of snobbishnessthat is too
Few people know that John Wesley
waB ever in America -Few know
that it was he and not Robert Raikes
who established thefirst Sunday school
in the world It was John Wesley
who -preached the first Methodist ser
in oa delivered in the United States
In The Ladies Home Journal for
June Rev W 3 Scott will tell in the
Great Personal Events series the
-story of -When johnrWesley Preached
n Georgia which ip said to be one of
ihe most interesting narratives iu this
iaei 3UccyiiJ criea
long to be remembered Gordon Jour
At the editorial meeting held at
Valentine thw oth an association wee
orgauized to be known as the Elkhoru
Vailey Rress Association for social and
fraternal uurnoses The citizens of
UlIUlllU lli I VitVJ laiwimw - ww vv
draggers for the royal manner in which
they were entertained during their
viBit to that thriving city Spring
view Herald
The people of Valentine treated the
boys royally The only thing to be
regretted was the loud snoring by Mc
Hugh and Miles It was a source of
annoyance to the writer Cronin and
Berkley especially the latter who is a
little deaf and would be obliged to
iiave the trump repeated to him every
time it was made Atldnson Grajrfiic
Greatcredit is due Messrs Barker
Good and Reinert for the management
of the meeting While the sincerest
gratitude is extended Mayor Sparks
and Hon ChasfCornell for the hearty
welcome they gave the boys and the
efforts they made to extend the hospi
talities of the bustling busy town of
Valentine AinswortJi Star Journal
Too much cannot be said in praise
of the hospitality and -entertaining ab
ility ofihe Valentine people Every
thing that would tend to make the
boys enjoy their visit was done
Crawford Gazette
Space prevents us giving a detailed
account of the meeting but we must
say that for genuine old fashioned
hospitality the Valentine bGys cant be
beat Keya Paha Call
Its a pity when a pretty girl will use
powder with the thought that it en
harices her beauty One day recent
ly we noticed two very beautiful girls
in a crowd who had almost entirely
spoiled their good looks by big dabs of
powder Luckily no young men were
with them or visibleevidences of She
powder might haveeen discerned on
i mesjuiirMJfhouIderc
V t
Good things wlisn you see them and when yon see a -good
tiling you want it thats why Ve want you to call and examine our
liaft of goods theyre all good things and youll want them
Our stock of Shirt Waists is unexcelled our Shoes are unequalled
Through the courtesy of Adjutant
Barth we are permitted to publish the
following extract from Circular 2so 15
dated June 11 1897
At the Tune Field Day for this post
held yesterday when a detachment of
one officer and 35 men from each com
pany each man equipped with a rifle
side arms and 40 rounds of ball car
tridges made a forced march of Sg
miles lromhere to Valentine Nebr
and return the following was the re-
Name of Actual Penalties Corrected
DethmL time in min time
li m s Is in s
OOl D l 23 fl 0 1 23 4
15 1 U 33 0 1 L4
K 1 liS 40 0 1 23 41
II 1 30 JI 0 1 30 20
C 1 33 3 0 1 33 29
F 1 35 CM r 1 40 M
C 1 33 r3 10 1 43 S3
A 1 50 51 0 1 5G 59
A penalty of 10 minutes was im
posed for the loss of a man enroute
from here to Valentine a penalty of
5 minutes for a similar loss on the re
turn trip
In view of the above results and in
accordance with the provisions of Cir
Xo 12 c s from this office the Athle
tic Championship Pennant is awarded
to Company D 12th Infantry
Twelfth Infantry vk Xinth Cavalry
Accompanied by about sixty of their
friends from the post the Twelth In
fantry ball team went to Fort Robin
son last Friday night and crossed bats
with the Ninth Cavalry club a series
of tlireegames being played The re
sult of the first game was as follows
by innings
Robinson 2410032 02 14
Niobrara 410031133--16
The Sunday game was still easier
for our boys the score being
Robinson 0 00401110 7
Niobrara 15334100 17
The game Monday was the prettiest
of the series and was stubbornly
fought all through as the following
score shows
Robinson 2 0 0 0 1 2 10 3- 10
Niobrara 0 0 2 110 2 12- 0
Among those who accompanied the
club from Fort Niobrara were Capt
Evans and Lieut Harbison Smith
and Davis The boys are full of praise
for Fort Hobinson its garrison and
Xcw IPius Firm
Last Saturday C R Watson who
has for several years run the drug
store bearing his name sold his stock
and -fixtures to E Sparks and T C
Hornby Mr Watson retains owner
ship of thebiiilding and will still hold
his position of 17 S weather observor
He has made many warm Mends
while in the drug business and has
built up a fine business besides acquir
ing the reputation of owning the best
and neatest drug store iu the north
west The members of the new firm
t are well known in this county Mr
Sparks beingpresident of the Cherry
County Bank and Mr Hornby proprie
tor of the big stone store
Cows Mens and Hogs
Theres millions in the cow just now
Theres hundreds in the hen
Theres thousands in the growing pig
Thats snoozing in the pen
Theres money in them each aud all
In -every kind of beast or fowl
Save dogs and rats and Thomas cats
The horned toad and the owl
The man who makes the money though
Must have the stock to feed
Enough to meet requirements
Though not the rofebers greed
While beef and pork are selling high
Theres a market fair for milk
And chickens plump and eggs if cheap
Will dress the wife in silk
As a mortgage lifter theyve no peer
Even wheat and corn cannot compare
With cows and hens aud hogs
In our Nebraska fair
It isquite amusing to stroll around
the residence portion of town of an
evesing and watch the solid substan
tial citizens make hay with a lawn
mower By the way we notice that
Chas Sparks has bought a new lawn
mower butifce hires a man to push it
and thus loses all the fun
Are You Musical
Will sell at a great sacrifice a mando
lin guitar violin banjo and trombone
all iirst class instruments Address
J A Fostek Band Quarters Fort
Niobrara 21
Davenport Thaefaer carry a com
plete line of coffins and undertakers
supplies 27
Wanted An Idea
who fiflti think
of some simple
thins to patent
frotcct your ideas thoy may onng you
ceye Washington a fontheir 1SO0 prise
i jyi new 1UI vt cue thoufcaudinveullvfifi waut
Xiobvitra Fss
j Where oh where is no la t winters over
j coat
Kcv Johnson is recovering from his recent
Mamie Atlamson has just recovered from an
attack of measles
Frank JJeece has a pel iR3iise that very much
resembles a kanraroo
Elmer Cole and wife of Port Niobrara spent
Sunday with relatives on the river
Many farmers and gardeners are eomplaiiirg
of cut worms eating their early produce Mr
Johnson informs us that their crop of goose
berries was entirely destoyed by the worns
Bad Boy
Alex Hoffman sold a nije lot of cattle to be
delivered at Cody yesterday
Died on June 4th 1897 Mrs Jackson mother
of Mrs VJ Peterson aged 72 years Buried
on the 5th at Georgia Cemetary
We hear complaints on every hand of dninken
Indians in and about Georgia Parents com
plain of fear for their children if sent to town
The party wlio is furnishing the Bug juice
had better look a little out for theres a God
in Tsreal
We had heard a good deal said of a Pundup
and until this week were ignorant of what con
stituted an outfit for that business Wo were
favored ivith a sight of one a few days ago It
consisted of 103 horses 14 men l wagon They
were looking for I D brands
Mrs Henry ITeckel is on the sick list
Alev Morse went to Alliance last week to help
trail some cattle over
F P Mills of lorcloii was down in these
parts last week buyine steers
T S Newell and wife of Cody were down on
the river visiting a few days lasfweek
I B Nichols and O C Goodrich went up to
ward Gordon ashing the first of last week
1 15 Nichols and children went to Merriman
last Friday to attenl the school exercises
F H Uohinson went up to Kohert Kooutz
last Satarday to assi t in doctoring calves
Miss Kate Thompson closed a three months
term of school in district No 75 last Thursday
If there is a eporters reunion and th o walk
ing is good we will try and take Ivellys Pa
along with us
Messrs Burleigh and Morgareidge branded
cattle Monday
Misses Jennie Morgareidge and Isis Lincoln
came up to attend tiie picnic
J B Lord is on tiie sick list this week Noth
ing of a serious nature however
Mr and Mrs Dell Howley are visiting with
Mrs Uowleys parents We are pleaded to see
them in Simeon
Misses Maud Kfiiiiett Anna Sagcser and J C
Tieece went to IJrowniee to attend the picnic
there Tuesday
W Y Morgareidge Mhs
Kdiili M Stark vsero with in Childrens lry and
sited Wends until Sunday
C W isemiPlt brought the supi lics for the
Childrt its Uay picnic from Vdli ntiiu Friday
Mr i can ahvajs he depended upon to do his
part in assisting public movements
KraPiillinsrs ot tiie Western News force
must be our neighbor and as Kxim is of m ami
able a turn we invito him to nt our humble
cottage and regale ts with iris hmuoroiiF rme
C V Thorn of Salt Lake City Hah passed
through Simeon Thursduv He reports having
had a trood time during his sojourn in the west
and will return to his labors in thai city in about
five week
V M St rati on and wire are the proud parents
of a bright baby girl The new comer arrived
the 14lh All eonrrued are doing well Mr
Stratton is providing a smoke tor his unmet ous
friends to celebrate the occasion
Ve cant close v lihouf giving a report of our
liii iiie AUhonghve presume the readers of
Tin DitMorj T are tired of reading such news
The day was all that eould have been wished
for The grove furnished ample shade ana
everything seemed to favor the picnicers
Teams pedestrians hor ebrekers buggies and
dinner baskets began to arrive by S a m and
by 10 tiie grove contained over one liundredpeo
ple The stand committee were kept busy serv
ing refreshments At the proper time the au
dience was called to order and the forenoon
program carried out witii credit to ail who look
part That finished dinner was announced and
if any one went away hungry it was no fault of
the ladies After all had feasted and rested or
der was again called and addresses were deliv
ered by Supt Ifeece V F Morgareidge and
Eev Ilorton So closed our lirst Childrens
Day exercises at Simeon
Carlton rind Lord Comedians
This celebrated comedy company
will be with us next week playing at
Port Monday Tuesday and Wednesday
nights at Cornell Hall Thursday Fri
day and Saturday This organization
is a strictly first class one with a splen
did repertoire of 20 plays They carry
eleven sets of scenerv and among the
members area number of high cIsgs
singing speciality people direct from
Hopkins Chicago Theatre This com
pany will open here in the powerful
comedy drama entitled Destiny
during which will be introduced their
famous specialities The Carlton
Lord Comedians are specially engaged
by the Lead Deadwood Theatres to
play one solid month this summer
They come highly endorsed by the
press of the various cities that they
have recently played and a feast of
high class comedy and drama is assured
the amusement loving patrons of Val
entino and vicinity next week Seats
are now on sale at Quigleys Drug
Application for Atlminintrtitor
In the County Court of Cherry cojntv Nebr
In the matter of the estate of Joseph Brown
Alfred Lewis having filed in my office a neti
tlon pra ing for the appoinliBeut of himself as
administrator of the estate of Joseph Brown
deceased all persons interested in said estate
will take notice I have fixed Kaftirday June 19
17 a tiie time and my office in alentine
Cherry county Nebraska as the ii ice for h ar
intr of Ki jfi uirition it which time Hid nhice ill
and show cause if any there by why such admin
istrator should not be appointed
Witness my hand ami thescal of the County
Com itiis 2nd davof June 1S97
ItKil County Judge
4ff I
mtm k
1 U hi
itivumi inmn t g jn
U S Land Olnee Valentine Neb
June 10 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that John Dale of
WoodLake Nebr has filed notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re
ceiver at his office in Valentine Nebr on Tues
day tne 27tn uay ot Jiuy isu on timuer culture l
apnlL a ion No 8055 for the lots 1 2 53neM I
He names as witnesses Charles H Mc
Daniel of Johnstown Neb James M Hanna
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
May 17 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that Jason Garwood of
Pullman Neb has filed notice o intention to
make final proof before the Rcigster and Re
ceiver at their office iu Valentine Ieb on Mon
day the sth day of June 1897 on timber culture
application No 7930 for the nse sesuM and
neliswli See 22 Tp R 37w
He names as witnesses Joseph E Cotton
Charles Camer Joseph A Saults and William
Pullman all of Pullman Neb
Notice is also hereby given that Norman D
Stoner of Pullman Nebr has filed notice of In
tention to make final proot on timber culture
application No 786 for the neMswJ1 se inw
and nse1 Sec 7 Tp 2n R0w
He names as witnesses Joseph E Cotton
Joseph A Saults William Pullman and Charles
Carner all of Pullman Nebr also
Jason Garwood of Pullman Xebr
IL K No 10249 for the iHinei Sec 32 and n
nwii Sec 33 Tp 2in R 3G w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land vi
Joseph E Cotton Norman D Stoner Joseph
A Saults and William Pullman all of Pullman
Neb 17 22 CR GLO Vtlll Register
U S Land Ollice Valentine Nebr i
May 15th 1S97
Notice is hereby given that Uiarley O Good
rich of Coiy Nebr has filed notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re
ceiver at his office in Valentine Neb on Tues
day the titli day of July 1897 on timber culture
application No 7014 for the eJSsw1 and wiise
He names as witnesses Andrew Steele
Oscar V Goodrich James A Denison ana Com
fort P Starr all of Codv Nebr also
Andrew Steele of Cody Xeb
H E 8752 for the eHneM and Sec 35
Tp 34 R 35
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
earn miiu viz
Oscar O Goodrich Charley O Goodrich John
S Newell and Henry Heckel all f Cody Neb
17 22 c R GLOVER Register
Notice Timber Vulture
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr 1
May 15 1897 f
Complaint having been entered at this office
by John H Cull against Gilbert Maxwell for
failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture
entry No 8501 dated January 8th 1S91 upon the
c jse1 swiise1 and sesw1 Sec 5Tp 29 R 39 in
Cherry county Nebraska with a view to the can
cellation of said entry contestant alleging that
Gilbert Maxwell has failed to have broken five
acres of said tract during the first year of entry
oratiy of said laud during the second year of
entry and has tailed to cultivate auy of said
tract at any time and has failed to plant or
cause to be planted any trees tree seeds or
cuttings on said land and said land isall grown
ihi trrass and weeds the said n irtips arc hnrR
1 Mimmoccd to appear at this office on the 5th
nersoiiB interested m said mav aniear i -flay -of July l T at 10 oclock a m to resuond
auuurmsn testimony concerning saia alleged
Depositions of witnesses will be takeu before
Robr Lucas a U S C C C at his office iu
Cooper Neb qu the 30th day of June 1J7 at 10
oclock a in
7 li GLOVER Kcsiotcr
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in The Democuat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should any
errors In description of land or spelling of names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office and this ollice so correction can be made
U S Land Offick Valentine Neh
June 15th 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
tomake final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on July 27
18i7 viz
Alonzo IT Ferguson Valentine Xeb
H E No 9155 for the swViswiJ See 34 Tp 34
and lot 3 and sVs swi See 3 Tp 33 R iSw
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence on and cultivation of
said landviz
William Hunter Martin S Welch John B
Jones and Wesley Massengale all of Valen
tine Ncbr
21 20 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office at Valentine Neb t
June 5 1837 f
Notice is hereby civen that thcfollowlns
ed settler has filed notice of his intentioa to
make final proof in support of hi3 claim and
tnat sain prooi win De maue Deiore register
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr oa JttlT
17th 1897 viz
George Coleman of Kilgore Nebr
H E 9000 for the sneH and neKneJi Sec 2S
and seMseLi Sec 23 Tp 35 K31
He names the following witnesses to prove to
continuous residence upon and cultivation off
S3 id lind viz
William Ueede Crookston Nebr Merrick XL
Robertson Morrison Crawford and William
Story of Kilgore Neb
20 25
C E GLOVEK Begistec
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
May 131897 J
Notice is hereby given that Frank H Zanuck
of Oakdale Nebr has filed notice of intentioa
to make final proof before the Register or Be
cei ver at his office in Valentine Nebr on Sat
urday the 2Gth day of June 1897 on T C No7l
tor tne sjneH anirntseii aec is id 3in a zw
lie names as witnesses George Beer of Val
entine xseor wiiiaru u aiorgareiage wiutanz
F Morgareidge and William Carson of Simeon
Nebraska i
Testimony or claimant will be taken befota
the Clerk of the District Court for Antetop
county at bis office in Neligh Nebraaxa cm
June 25 1897
17 22 C R GLOVER Eegisfcr
RlvD Valentine and William McDaniel of Complaint having
w w
Wood Lake Nebraska li S
abandoning his ho
p fjinvF Register
i k wiAwu newsier i
- - -
January i5 1895
US Land Ollice Valentine Nebr I
June 10 lS97f
Notice is herebv given that the following
named has filed notice of intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
thai said proof will be made before the Register
or HHiivr atViiiiitin Neb on July JG 1807
Michael Mone of Cody Xebr
II K for the ne5 Sec 21 Tpii R 3lw
He tin following witnesses to prove
his uitmunu residence upon and cuItiatiou
of -aid IjikI viz
lames II fuigley of Valentine Nebr John
Nolan Vithtir Heath and Hugh N Mone of
Cody Nebr also
Arthur Heath of Cod Xebr
II E fi7M Tor the v1 Sec IS Tp 33n R 34w
lie name- th following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
James II Quigley of Valentine Nebr
Michael VouelJugh II Mone and John Nolan
ot Cody Nebr also
John Xoian of Cody Xebr
II E JI440 for the nei See 13 Tp 33 n R 34 w
He names the following v itnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land vi
James II Quiglev of Valentine Nebr Hush
II Mone Michael Mone and Arthur Heath of
Cod v Xebr
C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebraska 1
June 11897
been enterod at this otSoo
against wiuiam a utis ter
homestead entry No 10012 dated
upon tin sefci Sec 81 Tp 35 B
31 in Cherry county iNeurasKa witn a view to sae
cancellation of said entry said parties aro
hereby summoned to appear at Valentine Nebr
on the 1st day of September 1897 at 2 oclock p
m to respond and furnish testimony concerols
said alleged abandonment
19 2 O R GLOVER Register
wmiwl W
05 Length
U s Land Ollice Valentine Nebr
June 3rd 1897 f
Complaint haviug been entered at this oSIoo
by Charles Walker against Alfred Daltoo toe
abandoning his homestead Entry No NS75
dated November 12 1S95 upon the wswJi 3ec
35andnise1iSec 34 Tp 35 u R ii w in
Cherry county Nebraska with a view to the
cancellation of said entry the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this office on the
20th day of J uly 18U7 at lo oclock a in to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged abandonment
Testimony of witnessed to be taken before
James E lhackrey Notary Public at Cooper
Nebraska July 1G 1897 at in oclock a in
0 23 C R GLO VER Register
American Beauties
Davenport Thagher
Pacific Short Ljhe
LEAV E5 10 30 A M ARRI VE3 0 SO P K
Through connections both ways with Black
Huls trains by taking this line you c3ir go 8q
Sioux City and return the same day conacMoa
made with all trains for the East ao Souti
Dakot i BiiylccalticketaloCHKcBl