The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 10, 1897, Image 8

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jfei - n L 1MK
ti i - l m irrf lTrf7 1 nirwwuft
aOBEBT GOOD Eiter and PnblMer
Official Paperof Cherry
tj Stebntska
4WtOO 2er Year in Advance
Entered at tbe PostrGJRoeat ValeHttne iSherry
county Nebri ika as Seccrnl class matter
This paper will be mailed -regularly
Jo itHsutwoa bers untU a definite -order
o discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid in full
The editors came they saw and
they were conquered by the prosperity
generally healthy look of Wslen
ttpays to advertise Five men sip
fplied for the job of working our poll
tax wiftan 48 hours after the paper
vwas out last week
Th inm who ieivs the conn ry and
jfails to give hi address to the post
inusLer or semi it to the paper die has
been rending for several years is too
mean fur tnvn a sat on the bleach e is
aviimi tin reirrection occurs
Did you ever notice how much the
vditors of country papers are addicted
to wean nir belrsor rga trouser waist
bauds When the cupboard becomes
empty at home they tighten the Left
uiaJ ilseu feel too full for utterauce
An exchange reports the following
of a man who was not a subscriber to
any newspapoi He recently sent 50
cents in answer to an advertisement
JIow to make pauts last and received
-sis an answer Make the vrst and coat
We have in our ollice a copy of the
Tiertfordshiiv England Express an 8
page G column jpaper which contains
over o5 columns of advertising No
wonder English merchants get rich
The Express is piite a newsy sheet lo
cally but contains no editorials or
news from abroad England must be
a paradise for newspaper men
Ecs ifSceis m reojpt of a copy of
the Omaha Labor bulletin Vol 1 No
J which is devoted to the interest of
the various labor organizations in
Omaha The paper is spicy and full
of iteais interesting to all union men
and deserves to be successful The
ijpGr is put out by a stock company
ot which our old friend Willis Ilncrs
ipeth foimerly of Newport is presi
denc We presume he is also editor
Kf the Bulletin
We recently heard a man remark
tnat he thought a newspaper showed
ipoor very taste in printing all the
complimentary notices it received
tfrom other papers and that the
ieditor who did it must be aillicted with
ahe big head Not at all News
paper men believe in advertising and
as au editors opinion of his own paper
is apt to be worth very little in the
judgment of his readers he is forced
to give them the opinion of others
Manufacturers and merchants publish
testimonials and newspapers do the
fne thing
At Urbana Ohio last week a man
assaulted a woman was arrested and
sentenced to twenty years in the peni
tentiary A mob gathered to lynch
the fellow the mayor and sheriff called
out the militia a light ensued two
men were killed and a dozen wounded
the mayor dismissed the militia the
mob secured the prisioaer and hung
him and tiae sheriff was forced to flee
from the fcowD Query What was
gained by this mob -violence How
loug will at be before intelligent men
an civilized communities will learn to
respecttlae law The man had been
enttb the penitentiary for twenty
yearsJpractically for life but they
inust shedDlood to appease their anger
This is no better than the acts of the
wnmtive maD and shows a saa jock
if resneet for the law
Gqod things when yon se them and wlien yon see a good
thing you want it thats why we want you to can and examine our
lin of goodstheyre all good things aM youll want them
Mr stock of Shirt Waists is tinexcelled our Shoes are unequalled
whoselands were broad and shekels
manytho takes the paper ftsr years
never pays until he runs for oflice and
many more Has remedy for the evil
of delinquents is amputation It is
better to have a list of 200 paying sub
scribers than 5G0 when two fchirds of
them are delinquents or duadbeats
-Legal Printing by CfC McHugh
vas treated ina very able manner and
the saan who cuts prices and the man
whozasks for oxi trices were unmerci
fully scored His remedy tor the
abuse was kgislation lie would
make it almost a crime for a -man to
cut prices and would compel every
newspaper man on his affidavit of pub
lication to state what amount iie re
ceived for the W3k
J O Berkley spoKe brieDy of the
Duty of the Press to the Public and
advised the editors to try to -give their
papers a higher an better
moral tone to be honest in their ex
pressions of opinion and to support
none but goon tvun men to give lacts
for news not Ues s and to give
eeiy man credit for I is goud deeds
regardless -in politics rt ligioit or any
thing else
LeH y Leach was to have spoken on
the Press m Xehrnsku but
being unprepared gave way to Judge
Morris who gave a talk full of
cences He spoke of the Omaha
publican nf which paper he was at one
time editor of the old m ih i Herald
and other papers airl tukf how the
Omaha Bee made its lirit annearanJB
as a small theatre program one pige
being devoted to the program one to
editorial one to news aod one to i 1
ver linemens
At the conclusion of these remarks a
general discussion of the subjects pre
sented was indulged in and nvich good
derived therefrom Th meeting then
ajturned until suveu oclock to give
the various committees time to meet
and formulate reports Atrer supper
the association was called t i order at
The Republican olhce jul the com
mittee on constitution and by luvs
composed of D II honin J 0 Berk
ley and J W Fritz repiitnd as fol
The name of tlris organization shall
be the Elkhorn Vailev Editorial Asso
ciatioiK The ellicers ot the association
shall be a President a Vice President
Secretary Treasurer and an Executive
Committee composed of four members
and the
These officers shall be elected b
ballot at the annual meeting of the
association except the executive com
mittee who shall be appointed by the
president ad serve for a term of one
Annual dues of this association shall
be twenty live cents
The association shall hold its annual
meeting on the rirst Saturday in June
The duties of the officers of this as
sociation shall be the same as the
duties of like officers in similar organi
It was recommended that the officers
of the local committee which called the
meeting be made officers for the en
suing year Thisgwas a splendid com
pliment to the local press and they
were unanimously elected but upon
the immediate resignation of Robert
Good G A Miles of Ainsworth was
made treasurer of the associalion
H G Lyon was elected vice president
The meeting then adjourned to Cor
nell Hall where at 815 the commit
tee on resolutions composed of Messrs
II H Jenness W H Davis and C C
McHugh read the following report
which was adopted
Resolvtd That we the Elkhorn Valley Edi
torial Association in convention assembled
hereby express to the citizens of Valentine dur
ing our sojourt in their beautiful city our most
gracious acknowledgement of the kind hospi
tality and courtesies received from them an gen
eral butauore especially to Mayor Sparns for
the freedom of the city to Chas H Cornell who
manifested and took such an interest in our
welfare jomfortjiud pleasure to editors Bar
ker of theltepublican Good of the Dkmocbat
andKelnertof the News to whom we owe a
debt of gratitude for the calling together of this
association and who spared neither time nor ex
pense in their endeavors to make our visit most
wrontable and enjoyable And last but not
least to that gallant soldier Col John
Andrews 12th Infantry U S A commanding
Fort Niobrara who marshalled his troops in
grand review for our especial pleasure and en
tertainment Also to the officers of his regiment
more especially to Lieutenant Daniel v Angium
Quartermaster whose affable and courteous
treatment we shall always remember with
G TV Hervey was the first speaker
on tbe program and after a mandolin
and guitar duet by Messrs W A Mc
Cauiey and John Borran read an ex
cellent paper on How the Press can
J Assist in Developing Northwest Ne
braska He advised tha establish
ment of cattle ranches and said in
We now fuidWestern Nebraska a free clear
untrammelod district or country under no
usurped range control or factional strife Its
millions of unoccupied acres invite industry en
terprise and capital to locate It no longer rests
behind the geographical designation of bad
lands and sandy barren wastes The de
spised sand hills have proven that they were not
created without a purpose On the contraA
they have by their rapidly increasing tendency
to vegetal i reversed the knowledge of scien
tific educators who only a few years ago were
pleased to record to their credit barrenness and
unfertility Many peculiar conditions of vegeta
tion are developing in the sand hills all of which
indicate substantial evidence of permanency in
grazing properties Thus it is observed that in
stead of the sand hills becoming less luxuriant
in grasses and vegetation they are annually
growing better and more valuable The valleys
and hay lands that lie between are yearly giving
additional security for their permanency ana
ability to yield crops
The present condition means not le s than ten
years of faithful cattle production employing
every available assistance within reach to place
the cattle supply upon a basis that will mean a
decline in prices It means that there is no sec
tion of country on the continent that will sur
pass Western Nebraska in thp successful prose
cution of the cattle raising bi mess It means
that Nebraska can offer better for
investment m this line of business than any
other section of the west It means an opportu
nity for Nebraska to settle up its unoccupied
millions of acres with small cattle industries
thereby securing not onlv a largely increased
taxablft valuation of property from which will
grow towns and county improvements but it
means the creation of home markets for the pro
duce of the common farmer and the peopling of
this district of country with an intelligent eu
tei prising thrifty citizenship
What have we to offer to the cattle seeking
cattle range investor Hundreds of the finest
stock ranch locations to be found oh the conti
nent with milioa0f acres of the most nuhiti
tious grasses for stock growing purposes With
our clear running brooks and rich native grasses
we Iliuliuiige tuc woiin mm otirbeei plouuclioii
and are indorsed in ihis assertion ai every cattl
inirkfljwhtre the sand hills steer of Nebraska
has made his appearance We arc not only bor
dering upon tile great corn fields of the corn
licit but we are practically within the beef tend
ing district Til irrigated valleys of Western
Nebraska an the sure gram and feed growing
lands of the stite The extent of irrigable lands
iiroiighniif Weirn and Norm western Nebras
ka by gravitation reaches into the milli us of
acres The possibilities of grain production
nuiig these lines wiin the rapidly increasing
acreage of alfalta that greatest of forage and
feed plants known to the stock industry in the
sand hils paes Western Nebraska in advance
ot any rige country on earrh
In addition to the cheap range facilities for
raising and grmvug young cattle the finishing
reqiuMies are within easy reach from which the
liiguest quality oi merchantable product may be
furnished the beef markets of the country
A male quartette composed of Profs
J 0 Neatly T A fellers lie v 0 T
Moore and Wesley ilolsclaw favored
the audience with a song Speed
Awav and were followed bv Hon
las Morris who read a paper contrast
ing The Sermon andltne Newspaper
much to the credit of the latter The
sermonhe said 7ff jbeen a powerful
factor in the pasrbutwas rapidly giv
ing way before the newspaper The
sermon had raised dynasties and madf
them fall had started the crusades aijd
otherwise shownits power Then the
sermon was a power for goodand was
always directed at something Now
the principal query if was How long
shall it bf and the shortest time had
the longest vote The sermon was
polished andgglttering as ice and fully
as cold The sermondealt with men
and abuses as generalities while the
newspaper pointed to individual places
and persons The sermon reached a
tew score people at most the newspa
per hundreds aud thousands With
all the crime and misdeeds of the pre
sent day there would be more were it
not for fear of exposure by the news
paper Judge Morris was roundly ap
plauded as was only just
An instrumental -duet Red Mens
March folio wedaad the chairman
called for talks from various members
of the asroeiation A vote of thanks
was given those who furnished the
most excellent music rendered during
the evening and4the last number on
the program a song Serenade by
the quartette was called after which
the association adjourned to meet at
OXeill on the first Saturday in June
1898 Thus the first meeting of the
Elkhorn Valley Press Association
passed into history
ProfsM O Beatty and T A Jef
fers closed a second term of music in
struction atthe M E church Friday
night with aconcert A splendid pro
gram was presented and heartily ap
predated by the audience The work
of ike chorus u as ocy go 3d and the
solos duets and quartettes were splen
didly rendered Profs Jeffers and
Beatty made many friends in Valen
tine during their four weeks stay who
will wish them success whereer they
go in the future They opened a ses
sion of institute work in Longpine
Tuesday night and from there will go
to It ishville
Xcw Officers
At their regular meeting last Thurs
day night the I 0 O F elected offi
cers as follows
Xoble Grand E J Davenport
Vice Grand L L Bivens
Representative J T Keeley
To the YwnR3Hn Valentine
Hase all Knttiusiasiw
in our Nat
is interested
No one of you
ional game than am I and I am anxious thai
our city should nave a nine that cannot be out
played by any other nine in our region of coun
try and to this end I would suggest that some
capable coach be seenred to direct the practice
so as Vj strengthen every weak point and enable
our players to put up a good game against all
who may come w us
But I must protest against certain violations
ini nf hnili ml nnil miii miipli
lll littt Ul mm i - t
ity as is frequently heard ia disgusting to many j
of our citizens who would delight to witness the
games I would also respectfully ask that you
desist from all practice and play on Sunday as it
is exspresslyf orbidden by the Statutes of our
supreme court a menace to the good order and
pea2e of our community and a great annoyance
to our people You wilt readily see that you
have no more right to thus disregard the law
aud disturb the peaceable citizens than my
neighbor has to beat his wife or set fire to his
Now friends please heed this appeal and give
us all a chance to observe the Sabbath and en
joy baseball Kespectfully
O T Moork
Niobrara Falls
No use leaving the country to get away
drouth this year
Eev Abraham Johnson is seriously ill at pres
ent writing Have not learned the full particu
in regard to his illness
Miss Nora Hacklerlis visiting relatiyes on the
river this week
A party of travelers consisting of twelve men
on horseback one driver and about 75 loose
horses passed through these parts Wednesday
Mr Bush and sons are herding a nice little
bunch of cattle on the river this summer
Several houses are running at large and are a
nuisance to those trying to farm
Bad Boy
Eugene Mossinan made a trip to Chadron last
Miss Meduire spent lasl week wkh Lura Gal
Daniel Alder of Murriman has become a
ranchman of late having been employed as
manager of Mills Bios ranch
Miss Dollie Johnson has been spending a few
davs this week at Gallop
Mr Tracy and mother or Chadron are the
guests of A S Mossinan and family
E L Mnrphv made allying trip to the south
ern part of he county Monday last
Eugene Mann visite I his pn rents Sunday
Mrs Koontz of CouncM Willis hi is here to
spend l he Minimer months with her son I
A 1 Gallop made a business trip to Churn
ranch Saturday
1 M Holmes and family enjoyed a visit with
old friends oL Lavaca recvnlly
It is reported thaf rlifre will bo a couple of
wjddings in thih section of the country soon
How true it is we are unaoU to say as we are not
one of the parlies
Geo Shadbolt is expected home soon from
the west where he went to buy cattle
Edward Dahlgriu bus lately purchased Rev
Hunts place aud will now make his future
abode upon the tableland
Kkiivs Ia
i i ii i 1
of SiiUfou The progam will be carried out in
the lorenoon After dinner addresses will be
delivered by Rev Horton and Mr US Satta
All are invited to attend
Miss Anna Sageser is visiting Miss Maud
Bennet at5resentTholiys lake great inte
rest in sinking lately
Rcece Rros placed their cattle on the Snake
for tho summer tn care of M S Walker Range
is unusually good at this time and stock is gain
ing rapidly
W H SUatton our enterprising merchant
has started two comranies on the road with
gramodhones Tliis in connection with Mr
Strattons Socialisticjviews and is the first of
many plans for organizing a colony of those who
believe the principals of socialism
With the view to assisting a friend in need we
pen the following
Their is jolly bachelor
Around Simeon does roam
Who fur some fair one young or old
Desires to make a home
To lonely life and solitude
Hed forever say adieu
To help along we quote his words
Just any one will do
Ordinance Number 7S
An Ordinance for the purpose of laying side
On the North side of Catharine Street in
front of iots 11 12 13 14 15 and 10 of Block c
On the east side of Hall street between Catha
rine ami irginia streets On the North side c f
Virginia street between Cherry street and Lori
Bo it ordained by the Chairman and Board of
Trustees of the Village of Valentine
Section 1 That the owners of lots num
bered Eleven 11 Twelve 12 Thirteen 13
Fourteen 14 1 ifteen 15 and Sixteen 1G in
Block No Six G fronting on Catherine street
in the original town of Valentine where side
walks are not aireauy proviueu are Hereby or
dered to construct sidewalks in front of said
Section 2 That the owners of lots on the
East side of Hallstreet between Catharine and
Virginia street in the original town of Valen
tine are hereby ordered to construct sidewalks
in frmt of said lots
Skctios 3 That the owners of lots on the
North side of Virginia street between Cherry
sti eesn the original town of Valentine and Lodi
Avtnte in McUoualds addition to sa d town of
Valentineliereby ordered to construct sidewalks
in front of said lots
Section 4 That the said sidewalks ordered
in the foregoing sections shall be made of plank
two inches tliicK and of any width above four
inches to be laid crosswise on 4x4 inch stringers
said stringers to be laid parallel wrn td
street and a distance apart that the ends of said
cross plank will not project to exceed one inch
That wbere a wlk be built in front of a corner
lot said walk shall projeet beyoud corner of said
lot aud into the intersecting street a distauce of
five feet Walks to be built in i substantial and
workmanlike manner aud shall be laid one foot
out from the lot line
Section 5 Where the property owner shall
fail to lakl said walk provided in foregoing
sections within GO days after the passage and
publication of this ordinance It is hereby
made tlie duty Board of Village Trustees to
construct said walk paj ing cost of the same out
of the general fund of said village said costs
with all expenses incurred to be assessed
against said lot or lots
Section 6 This ordinance shall take effect
and be inforced from and its passage
T C Clerk
E Sparks Ohainnan
U S Land Office Valentine Neb i
May ia 1897 i
Notice is hereby given that Fiank H Zauuck
of Oakdalc Nebr has tiled notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re
ceiver at Ills oflice in Valentine Nebr on Sat
urday the dav or June 1897 on T C No 7491
for the smie i and nse1 Sec li Tp 3ln R 2w
lie names as witnesses George Bet of Val
I entine Nebr Willard 1 aiorgareidge William
F iMorgareuige ami v in mm Larson oi Simeon
Testimony or claimant will he taken before
the Clerk of the District Court for Antelope
county at his oflice in Neligh Nebraska on
June i 1897
l7 5 C II GLOVER Register
nyoips uae kiuvu a numiicr oi spring calves umtlication No 7Kt
17 22
tor the niseU sesel4 and
i liii fko
recently in ilUferenJ herds and stock men are I iieswi See22Tn i8n Ui7w
preparing to have a grand hunt soon
Messrs Ileiinet Iludnou and 1ayton visited
Valentine this week
W V Morgareidge is farming piitu extensive
ly tliis spring Mr Morgareidge usually has
good success with hi crops as well as with his
stock biwiness
G V Johnson and family started Monday
for Alabama We predict a return to Cherry
county but wish them a prosperous journey
The Simeon and Gordon Vallv Sunday Schools
have united to observe Childrens dav June 12
V S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
May 17 1S97
Notice is hereby given that Jason Garwood of
Ilillnirin Neb has tiled notice of intention to
make final inof before the RHgster and Re-
i eeiver at their office in Valentine Neb on Mon
I dav the 2sth dav of June 1897 on timber culture
lie names as witnesses Joseph E Cotton
Charles earner mseph A Saults and William
PtiliiiiMii all of Pullman Neb
Notice is also hereby given that Norman I
Si oner of Pullman Nebr has filed notice of in
tention to make linal prom on timber culture
npplicaton No7si for the neVsw1 seJ4iiwi
and nSsoi Set7Tp28n R3iw
He lwnies as witnesses Joseph K Cotton
Joseph A Saults William Pullman and Charles
Carner all Pullman Xebr also
Jason Garwood of Pullman Xebr
H E No HKit tor the Sec 32 and nS
nwli Sec i Tp 2iii RM w
He names tbe following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
i sain land viz
Joseph 12 Cotton Norman J Stoner Joseph
v picnic mil lie neiu in mis nwan sgrme unriii i Sinits ml Willhiiii Piilliimn ill of Iislliiim
-- ------ - - -
C If GLOVER Register
Land Office Valentine Nebr
May 15th 18U7 j
Notice is hereby given that JharIey Good
rich of Coly Nebr has Hied notice of intention
to make final proof before the Register or Re
ceiver at his otiicR in Valentine Neb on Tues
day the uth day of July isu7 on timber culture
application No 7it l for the esw and wseL4
Sec35Tp 34n lt X w
He names as witnesses Andrew Steele
Oscar C Goodrich James A Denison and Com
fort P Starr all of Codv Nebr also
Andrew Steele of Cody Xeb
H E 8752 for thee1 Sue1 and eiseJi Sec 31
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Oscar C Goodrich Charley O Goodrich John
s JNeweii and Henry Heckel all ir cooy ncd
17 22 C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Otfice Valentine Neb
May 3 1817 f
Notice is hereby given that Frank C Jackson
of Pacific Junction Iowa hits filed notice of his
intention to make linal proof before the Register
or Receiver at his otfice in Valentine Neb on
Friday the 18th day of June 1807 on timber cul
ture application No 7474 for the se Sec 1 Tp 30
n R 28 w
He names as witnesses John R Ballard
Henry Ballard William G Ballard and John
Cronin all of Wool Lake Nebr
Testimony of claimant will be taken before the
clerk of the District Court of Mills county at
his oltice in Glenwood Iowa on June 15 187
15 20 C It GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb
April 30 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on June 14th
1897 viz
John M Clarkson of Sparks ZsTebr
H E No 9421 for the nw Sec 9 Tp 34n R 25w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence on and cultivation of
said landviz
Frederick Smith of Fort Niobrara Nebraska
Rishard Osburn Newton o Grooms Perry
Swearingerall of Sparks Nebr
15 20 C R GLOVER Register
Notice Timber Culture
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr I
diay 15 18U7
Complaint having been entered at this oflice
by John H Hill against Gilbert Maxwell for
failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture
entry No 8501 dated January 8th 1891 upon tbe
esel4 swjsek aim seswi See 5Tp 29 K 39 in
Cherry county Nebraska with a view to the can
cellation of said entry contestant alleging that
Gilbert Maxwell has failed to have broken five
acres of said tract during the first year of entry
or any of said land during the second year of
entry and has tailed to cultivate any of said
tract at any time and has failed to ulant or
cause to be planted any trees tree seeds or
cuttiugs Hi said laud aud said land is all grown
up to grass and weeds the said parties are here
by summoned to appear at this oflice on the 5th
day of July 1897 at lu oclwk a m to resimml
and furnish testimony concernimr said alleged
Depositions of witnesses will be taken before
Robt Lucas a U S C C O at his otlic in
Cooper Neb on the 30th day of June lSr7 at in
oclock a in
17--2 C R GLOVER Register
1 itrinmutti jviii nyvcs
wffi msm
utjivi ir ktijiiirt
f Wm-
Claimants and witnesses in final proof cases
notice of which appear in The Democrat will
receive a marked copy of the paper Should any
errors in description of land or spelling of names
be discovered notice should be sent to the land
office and this office so correction can be made
U S Land Office at Valentine Neb
June 5 189 f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof insupport of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at Valeutine Nebr on July
17th 1897 viz
George Coleman of Kilgore Nebr
H E lx0 for the s4ne and neUneh Sec 26
and seMsek Sec J5 To 35 ft l
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
William Beede Crookstou Nebr Merrick L
Robertson Morrison Crawford and William
Storv of Kilgore Neb
20 L5 C It GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebraska l
June 1 1897
Complaint havingbeen entered at this office
by W P Davis against William A Davis for
abandoning his homestead entry o 10012 dated
January 25 1895 upon thi seii Sec M Tp 35 R
31 in Cherry county Nebraska with a view to the
cancellation of said entry said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at Valentine Nebr
on the 1st day of September 1S97 at u oclock p
m to respondand furnish testimony concerning
said alleged abandonment
10 22 C It GLOVEK Register
TT S Tind Office Valniitinn Xphr
J w - --
June 3ra iwn
Complaint haviug been entered at this office
bv Charles Walker against Alfred Dalton for
abandoning his homestead Entry No 10275
dated November 12 1895 upon the wiswj 3ec
35 and nV se See 34 Tp 35 n R 28 w in
Cherry county Neoraska witli a view to the
cancellation of said entry the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this office on the
20th day of July 1897 at m oclock a in to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged abandonment
Testimony of witnessed to be taken before
James E Thackrey Notary Public at Cooper
Nebraska July 1C 1897 at 10 oclock a m
20 25 C II G LO VEII Regis ter
Application for AdminiMtrator
In the Conty Court of Cherry coiintv Nebr
In the matter of the estate of Joseph Brown
Alfred Lewis haviug filed m my office a peti
tion praying for the appointment of himself ais
administrator of the estate of Joseph Brown
deceased all persons interested in said estate
will take notice I have fixed Saturday June it
1817 as the time and my office in Valentine
Cherry county Nebraska as the place for hear
ing of saiil petition at which time and place all
persons interested in said estate may appear
and show cnuse if any there by why such admin
istrator should not be appointed
Witness my hand and the seal of the County
- Court this Ind dav of June 1SI7
- r 19 21 Couutv Indue
SB Ua 15
Application for Administrator
In the 20unty court of Clierry county Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Silas M Waite
William E Waite having tiled in my olllce a
petition praying for the appointment of William
li Waite as administrator of the estate of Silas
M Waite deceased all persons interested in
said estate will take notice that I have fixed
Saturday June 12 1807 as the time and my office
in Valentine Clierry county Nebraska us the
place for the hearing of said petition at which
time and place all persons interested m said es
tate may appear to show cause if anv there be
why such administration should notbe appoin
Witness my hand and the seal of the County
Court this 2flth day of May lsi7
-v 18 20 County Judge
American Beauties
On Kcch Box
Davenport Thacheb
Pacific Short Line