The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 10, 1897, Image 7

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    Shake Into Your Shoes
Allens Foot Base a powdr for the
eet it cures palurul swollen smart
ing feet and Instantly takes the sting
ut of corns and bunions Its the
greatest comfort discovery of the age
MJens Foot Ease makes tight fitting
r new shoes feel easy It is a certain
cure for sweating callous and hot
tired aching feoU Try it to day Sold
Oy all druggists and shoe stores By
nail for 25 cents in stamps Trial
package FREE Address Allen S
Olmsted Ixi Roy N Y
Smith No 1 do not like jokes which
make fun in any way of religion It
seems to me we are liable to be called
up for them in the next world Smythc
Were more likely to be called down
Philadelphia Press
When bilious or costive eat a Cascaret candr ca
thartic cure guaranteed 10c 25c
Popular opinion is the greatest lie in
the world
Is weakness of the stomach It is the
louroe of untold misery It may be cure 1
by toning and strengthening the stomach
and enriching and purifying the blood with
Hoods Sarsaparilla Many thousands
have been cured by this medicine and write
that now they can cat anything they wish
without distress Remember
Hoods TSa
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purhier
HrinrPc Pilfc act easily promptly and
llwu s I112s
effectively ascents
P sol
FOR 1887
I897 0
at Zft B
8Ws WfMfefc
nPsTtrts Sa5ttFf
tfW WW
jr iT
of Hires Rootbeer
on a sweltering hot
day is highly essen
tial to comfort and
health It cools the
blood reduces your
temperature tones
the stomach
should be in every
home in every
office in every work
shop A temperance
drink more health
ful than ice water
more delightful and
satisfying than any
other beverage pro
Made only tit the Charlei 15
Hlre Co PHUdtlpbla A
raikei 5 gallon
Fork Grown
In the 1897 Colum
bia models a feature
of special importance
is the double fork
crown Itisaspecial
construction which
we have tried and
found to betle
strongest The crown
is encased in nick
eled escutcheons
excluding dust or
dirt and giving a
rich distinctive
finish so that at a
glance the fact that
the wheel is the Columbia is apparent
ioluralia Bicycles
896 ColumbEas g75
HARTFORDS next best 60 550 45
POPE ESFG CO Hartford Conn
AM a B10Y0LE
600 Second Hand tthttla -4 It
Stakes Goodasjsew Sto615
New tiign urauo fo moaei
runy Kuaranieeaeu io it a
Spectal Clearing bale
nip taywuere on approval
Bf e will rir Tsfiiulble arrnt
In rich town Titer un ef umple nhl
to introduce them uur repuutlon u
veil knows throughout tht contrj
Write at once far oar special offer
INKKAt pecdaicns Prospectuses etc ol jmu
Mines of Washinirton free to liustlinir Accnts whu
can sell mining shares Maktin Co Seattle Wasu
JJJr II HOOFING Xotarcheap
strong nnd host Write for samples rAtf
Kington DC No charge tai patent
obtained oO iuc booL free
-5 CY M
-New aU Un fjiu Wayo IillinuUp
Chicken to Fatten l lim
Kunming chickens by force and mc-
tiiical incaiiH to f itten them for tin
ukct is a latter day evolution of the
id try trade in England
I he cramming oJ poultry is not
rhcr new It was practiced n geese
ml to an extent on liens many years
40 by a hand process but now me-
ianical invention has been brought to
ear on this industry
Cramming has been carried to great
perfection of recent years For a week
or two the fowl is allowed to feed it
Jlf in order thai it may get a crop
Then more resolute measures are taken
A generation ago it was done by hand
The feeder made little pellets of food
about the size of acorns which were
dipped in milk and forcibly thrust
down the gullet Now the French plan
is being more and more adopted in
The fattening room is fitted up with
tiers of tiny stalls just large enough
for a chicken to turn in Here the
birds have nothing to do but sit and
grow fat The cramming apparatus is
a kind of pump on wheels containing
a reservoir filled with food of the con
sistency of paste and made of Indian
and barley meal mixed with milk This
is squirted through a thin tube when
the treadle is pressed by the foot The
attendant takes each fowl in his arms
gently opens its mouth with his hand
and thrusting the tube down its throat
into the crop pumps in a supply of food
It is done so quickly that an expert
can feed forty dozen birds in an hour
Experience has taught him the exact
quantity A beginner is liable to make
two serious mistakes He may easily
burst the crop if he does not know ex
actly when to stop and he must learn
to keep the birds neck on the stretch
if he does that the tube passes down
without meeting any obstruction but
should there be any slackness or twist
ing there is great danger of hurting
the throat Success largely depends on
taking care that one supply of food is
digested before the next is given The
fowls are crammed twice a day once
between 7 and S in the morning and
once about dark If the condition of
the crop shows that digestion has not
taken place the bird is not fed and if
the stoppage continues a purgative is
given When sour food is left on the
stomach it soon begins to show the con
sequences in a dark unhealthy looking
skin which contrasts markedly with
the bright pink flesh of a fowl in good
I ill nn i Ui - tliA f Anil f r mi
1 1 UUUl accui i uai i in- nimu uuiriiiiij
process is profitable Chambers Jour
nal gives the experience of a London
poultry dealer as proof A lor of fowls
were sent him from the country He
sold a few at 18 pence 30 cents each
lie sent the others to his fatting estab
i lishmenf kept them under t rearm en
j two weeks and sold them for CG cent
1 each The cost of the food used oy
them averaged only G cents ea eh
Origin of the Sandwich
The Earl of Sandwich an English
nobleman of the last century was a
notorious gambler He became so in
fatuated with the chances of the
J ing table as to give little heed to the
hours for food or sleep This so dis
turbed his household and its manage
ment that his -wife insisted that the
meals should be served at the hours
appointed whether the master of the
feast was at home or abroad Consid
ering his comfort however the butler
was ordered to place in the carriage a
little basket containing bread and
meat cut in slices that her liege lord
might appease his hunger if his stay
were prolonged in the gaming hall
The practice became well known an
luncheons thus prepared were bene
forth called sandwiches
iiiiw i mii i in hi 1 1 1 rr mmrr
f some years I was I lilliIlPiP
quite out of health and iltlli I
took much medicine I lliilllilllla V
which did me no good I fSrtg j
was advised by a friend to rgsg
I or more bottles before stop 1 3gJf 3l
j ping The result was that l illllllillililli
felt so well and strong 1PI1
that I of course think there is Prei
no medicine equal to Ayers Sir- f i If
saparilla and I take great pains 4 j
j to tell any suffering friend of it and V
what it did for me Mrs L A V M V
I Mukray KilbournWis Febli166 I
Ayers Sarsaparilla
FLANNEL petticoat used to be
A a flannel petticoat no matter
how much jou embroidered it
But now it is made in ways that were
never dreamed of in the days when
flannel skirt miking was an art The
newest ones show yokes of white taf
feta to make the waist smaller Wash
silk is used and the flannel which is
very fine is gathered on the silk yoke
The principal trimming is ribbon This
is used for strapping the seams and
tor decorating the top of the ruffle
When lace is put on the ilaun is cut
out underneath and the lace strength-en-ed
with coarse thread stitches put
on invisibly Ruffles of ribbon are set
underneath the skirt or dr op flounces
of white needlework Fiiero is a pat
tern of hand embroidery upon every
flannel skirt but it is done as a finisli
to the ribbon and lace and not as the
main trimming of the skirt
The Kisrlits of y Young Wife
Before everything else the young
woman has a right to expect from her
husband tenderness sympathy and
faith says Ruth Ash more writing in
the Ladies Home Journal of What to
Expect from a Youug Man But
sometimes in his eagerness to make all
life fair to her he fancies she is a doll
and not a vynan And a doll is a very
selfish toy It demands careful treat
ment all the time and it gives nothing
but a pretty appearance in return It
is the foolisi wife who expects infalli
bility in her husband She forgets that
there is i difference between the
housewife and the house moth She
should exprct from her husband polite
ness at all iinies and a certain gentle
ness that -very man possessing the
real instinct of a man gives to a wom
an Bui she should not expect from
him too much She has no right what
vcr io ask of him permission to live a
lazy life herself and to give up all her
days and years to vain and idle
Thoughts When the wife can
uak her husbands home coming a
joy his home staying a pleasure and a
deiight and his leaving home a sor
row then and then only can she cx
pecl a great deal from him
Coilliin for a Narrow Face
The hair should be dressed round to
suit a long narrow face It is always
best to show a coil or so from the side
behind the ears also endeavor to fill
up the nape of the neck as much as pos
sible For a sharp featured face al
ways avoid dressing ho hair right at
he top of the back of the crown in a
iiie wiih hc nose as this so accentu
ates the severe outlines Dress the
hair low or else quite to the crown top
io meet the fringe For a round face
narrow dressings are becoming and can
be taken uell down the neck
Nevr Callinvr for Women
The Parish Council of Langley near
Slough has received an application
from a woman for the post of slaughter-house
inspector of the town of
Coin brook under rheir jurisdiction
She wa recommended by two local
residents is well qualified for the post
but the council preferred to reannoinr
the present male inspector In the ad- I
ioiung Farsn of iver a woman hns
acted as registrar and vaccination of
ficer for several years with the greatest
success Westminster Gazette
tfiiiciilons Footirear
Women are more often too short than
too tall Height they think must be
gained and consequently the ridicu
lously high heeled shoes are decided
upon They do undoubtedly give dig
nity as iong as the wearer stands still
but when the wearer is in motion they
destroy grace even in a room and de
form the feet Thus women are made
to minister to a very short lived fancy
American women s a rule have too
small feet which do not add to their
beauty The better shape a foot is the
smaller it will look but in the dispro
portionately smal foot iNere is always
involved an awkward gait The foot
of a large woman should be larger
than the foot of a small woman or a
slenderly built woman and usually
to her unnecessary sorrow she has a
large one The foot in length should
be the length of the ulna a bone in
the forearm which extends from the
lump in the outer portion of the wrist
to the elbow Of course the ulna is
longer in tall people and to be grace
ful the foot should be also
Marryina a Mail to Reform Him
The most subtle and deceitful hope
which ever existed and one which
wrecks the happiness of many a young
girls life writes Evangelist Dwight
L Moody in the Ladies Home Jour
nal is the common delusion that a
woman can best reform a man by mar
rying him It is a mystery to me how
people can be so blined to the hundreds
of cases in every Community where
tottering homes have fallen and inno
cent lives have been wrecked because
some young girl has persisted in mar
rying a scoundrel in the hope of saving
him I have never known such a union
and I have seen hundreds of them re
sult in anything but sadness and disas
ter Let no young girl think that she
may be able to accomplish what a lov
ing mother or sympathetic sisters have
been unable to do Before there is any
Contract of marriage there should be
convincing proof that there has been
real aud thorough regeneration
Teachnr Daughters How to Shop
A practical mother has determined on
another course for her daughter She
has taught her how to shop It takes
costly experience often to show wo
men the pitfalls of the shops The sta
ples of dry goods housekeeping linens
blankets regular grades of dress goods
as serges flannels and the like the long
list of white goods all such and many
more have distinctive characteristics
useful knowledge of which should be
acquired before attempts to purchase
are made The rage among women for
bargains tempts even the most repu
table merchants to keep seconds in
stock it is valuable to know them at
sight and to reject or accept them as
may seem expedient
Invention for Toilet Tables
L new invention for a toilet tame
whereby we may see ourselves as oth
ers see us will doubtless be greatly ap
preciated by both men and women It
is on the principle of the triptych mir
ror but the glasses are arranged on
long movable arms and on swivels at
the top so that they may be turned
and moved in every direction a most
convenient arrangement whereby a
fashionable woman maj watch her
maid arrange her hair on the sides as
well as in front while she is seated
in front of her dressing table After
the task is completed she can view
the back front and sides all at the
same time
Strawberry Ambrosia
Pile a pretty glass dish with alternate
layers of strawberries and powdered
sugar Pour over them orange juice
and claret in the proportions of the
juice of two oranges and one gill of
claret to one quart of berries Let
them stand on the ice an hour before
A University Ie rrcc
The- Countess of Aberdeen has re
ceived the degree of doctor of laws
from Queens University Kingston
Canada Lady Aberdeen is the first
woman in the Dominion who has been
thus distinguished
- ufficiency of beauty
Whatever is in any way beautiful
hath its source of beauty in itself and
is complete in itself praise forms no
part of it So it is none the worse nor
the better for being praised Marcus
Flower Sprinkled Corsage
Some of the new French corsets
show tiny Quaker la
dies or wee rose buds on their white
ground These corsages are also trim
med with dainty ribbons and white
Why He Was Good
Mrs Cobwigger I hear you were a
very good little boy while I was out
Freddie Were you out ma Why 1
thought you were in the next room all
the time New York Journal
Luminous Paint 1
And now our nights ay well as our
days are to be made hideous by the
advertising fiend Some Cerman has
patented and is preparing to put on the
market in this country a new kind of
phosphorescent paint for use in letter
ing all kinds of advertisements on city
boardings and country fences The
letters show in common black white
or other colors during the day but at
night they shine with a smoky lurid
and altogether weird brilliancy
for Fifty Cents
Over 400000 cured Win not let
regulate or remove our desire f r tobacc
Save- in n ymake health and m nhood Curd
Miar u eed 50e and SI A
The commonest things such as lie
within everybodys grasp are more
valuable than the riches which so many
mortals sigh and struggle for
Halls Catarrh Cure
Js a constitutional cure Price 75 cents
London theaters employ about 12000
Second hand typewriter in good order
for sale cheap Box 335 Sioux City Io
The feeble tremble before opinion
the foolish defy it the wise judge it
the skillful direct it
Just try a 10c box of Casrarets canay cathartic fin
est liver and bowel regulator made
Flies sometimes infect eatables with
cholera germs
mm i Mm
7 U and
LiK rube
rzjffcs sfo thi
Examination and adrlce as to Patentability of Inven
tions Send for Invzntoxs Gmdb or How to Ozt a
patent Patrick OFarreU V ttshmirton XJC
Late Principal xmlrer TJ 8 Pension Burets
i jrs it Urt war loaJjuJicafjii olaizu attv
ell f M t
Risin at iiioruli or xi iilns from wdit
lowland often cnrriH In In folds the ept
of malaria When malarial f ver prevails
no one Is safe tiniest protected liy some ef
llclfitt medicinal safeguard Hot ttcr3
Stomach Hitters Is litli a protection and u
remedy No person who inhabits or sojourns
in a miasmatic region or country should
omit to procure this fortifying agent which
is also the tinest known remedy for dyspep
sia constipation kidney trouble and rheu
The empire of Morocco is the most
important state that is absolutely
without a newspaper
Nearly all women have good hair though
many are gray and few are bald Halls
Hair Kenewer restores the natural color
and thickens the growth of the hair
A descendant of Bob Roy the famous
Highland outlaw died in a Scottish
Two bottles of Pisos Cure for Consump
tion cured me of a bad lung trouble Mrs
J Nichols Princeton Ind Mar 25 Sr
Pullman sleeping and dining cars
fare now in use on all of the three rail
roads in South Africa
Casc a rets itimuate iver ktanejs and bow pis Ser
rrhfkeii Tieaiten 10c
If you are only a picket try to be as
faithful to your trust as if you were
the commander of an army
Mrs Wlimlows Soothino Stkup for Chlldwn
teetlilnc softens the srums reduces lnnammatlon allay
pain cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle
It is said that Mine Pompadour used
to spend 100000 a year in perfumes
A Convincing Letter Prom One of Mrs Pinkhams Admirers
No woman can look fresh and fair who is suffering from displacement oi
the womb It is ridiculous to suppose that such a difficulty can be cured by
an artifical support like a pessary
Artificial supports make matters worse for they take away all the chance
of the ligaments recovering their vigor and tone Use strengthens the liga
ments have a work to do
If they grow flabby and refuse to hold the womb in
place there is but one remedy and that is to strengthen
their fibres and draw the cords back into their normal
condition thus righting the position of the womb
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound is designed
especially for this purpose and taken in connection
with her Sanative Wash applied locally -will tone up
the uterine system strengthening the cords or liga
ments which hold up the womb
Any woman -who suspects that she has this trouble
and she will know it by a dragging weight in the
lower abdomen irritability of the bladder and rectum
great fatigue in walking and leucorrhcea should
promptly commence the use of Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound If the case is stubborn write to
Mrs Pinkham Lynn Mass stating freely all symp
toms You will receive a prompt letter of advice free
of charge All letters are read and answered by wo
men only The following letter relates to an un
usually severe case of displacement of the womb
which was cured by the Pinkham remedies Surely
it is convincing
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
and Blood Purifier cured me when the doer
tors had given me up I had spent hunr
dreds of dollars searching for a cure but found lit
tle or norelief until I began the Pinkham remedies
I had falling and displacement of the womb so badly that
for two years I could not walk across the floor I also had pro
fuse menstruation kidney liver and stomach trouble The doctors said my
case was hopeless I had taken only four bottles of the Vegetable Compound
and one of the Blood Purifier when I felt like a new person I am now cured
much to the surprise of my friends for they all gave me up to die Now many
of my lady friends are using Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound through
my recommendation and are regaining health It has also cured my little son
of kidney trouble I would advise every suffering woman in the land to write
to Mrs Pinkham for aid Mes Emma Pangbokx Alanson Mich
2550 Mnnl WSMsi
HRSflTTlTRTY ITTfiRflKTPPn to cure any ease or constipation CascareU are the Ideal Laxa J
aDOUliUlEihl UUiiniilUrirjU tire nerer grip or Rrlpebnt caase easy natural result Saia4
I pie and booklet free Ad STERLING REMEDY CO Chicairo Montreal Can or Ken Tort
i m o m pppptyptppo joo potcp ottxn
Are you sure
that youre using the right thing
for washing If the work is slow
hard and you have to depend upon
ing then you ought to get some-
lg else And even if you have some
thing that saves work it may be bad
for the clothes You may be ruining
Pearline gives the easiest quickest
most economical washing of anything thats safe to use The
more you investigate and inquire and compare the surer
youll be that Pearline is the only right thing to wash with sto
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you this is as good as
or the same as P arline ITS FALSE Pearline is never peddled
S oO
Western Wheel Works
rs SV
f Xlc 1 io5dj
fy ff Qurau d
iH not j fcMtF
4- fi 1 and if your grocer sends you something in pi
BaCK honest WrV JAft
lace of Pearline be
ES PYLE New York
The More You Say the Less
Peonle Remember31 One
Word With You
fe yzsd
ATKitrntaCHEMICJlLCo gent or poisonous
rr o i r
9 v aN j
l ii Big 6 fc unnatural
discharges mnainwations
lrritationa or ulcerationi
of mucous membranes
oJd bjrJruSsrlsU
or snt in plain wrapper
D7 KTnrpna nin4M r
31 00 or3 bottle 275
Circular bent on request
24 97
Best Couuh Syrup Tastes Good Use
in time bold by drnsslaf