The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, June 10, 1897, Image 4

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The Result of Butcher Weylers
War Policy Is There to Crush the
War Not to Heed the Distress and
Suffering of the Inhabitants
They Cry for Pood
A New York Heralds Havana dispatch
hf June 7 says A strange appeal on be
half of the starving and dying reconcen
trados in Matanzas who excited pity in
the hearts of Lee and Calhoun has been
made to the people of the United States
Since the United States has begun
measures for the relief of its citizens in
Matanzas the desperate plight of Cuban
reconcentrados there has resulted in a
petition signed by a hundred of them in
which they beg in the name of common
humanity that they may be included in the
charity The petition is headed An
appeal to the United States It is now
on its way to Washington The principal
part of it is as follows
For ome time past we have been contem
plating the Idea of an appeal to your charitable
feelings for relief for those of our people who
are bitterly suffering the consequences of a
most Inhuman way of waging war We have
witnessed day after day scenes of horror which
no language can describe and yet no voice can
be lifted in protest against them To Spain we
cannot apply for succor But what are we to
expect f romSpaln when her worthy represent
ative here Weyler Is inclinereut cold and de if
to our misery and coolly says his mission In
Cuba Is not to look after the starving popula
tion but simply to end the war according to his
own notions He has converted into deserts
sections of country where abundance once
reigned Upwards of in000 victims of this sav
age system of warfare have been crowded into
Matanzas without providing for their most
natural wants Many a child perishes in the
streets unable to stand so many and such long
continued privations As for us we cannot do
our work openly We have to beg for food for
the hungry and clothes for the naked conceal
ing ourselves and our names as If we were do
ing something wrong and we therefore suggest
that if any relief is to come It should be In
trusted to the American consuls for distribution
Very respectfully
One Hundred Citizens of Matanzas
Congressman Bailey Is fbr Silver
Champion Tor President
Congressman Joseph W Bailey ol
Texas the house leader of the Democracy
has come out flatfooted for the renomina
tion of William JBryan for president in
1900 This is an announcement of con
siderable political importance coming
from the source it does Mr Bailey has
just returned to Washington from a stump
ing tour through the first congressional
district of Missouri and has felt the pulse
of the Democracy of that state besides
having recent close relationship with Dem
ocratic leaders from all parts of the coun
Patent Attorney Tries to End Two
Lives on Pennsylvania Avenue
Charles Barber a patent attorney shot
his former stenographer Dorothy E
Squires on Pennsylvania Avenue Wash
ington D C Monday morning and then
turned the pistol on himself putting a bul
let in his brain causing instant death The
extent of the girls injuries are unknown
Barber was considered unbalanced by his
friends He had been annoying Miss
Squires with his attentions until she ap
pealed to the courts for protection He
was under bonds to keep the peace
Twenty Five Executed by the Spani
ish on the Philippine Islands
Officers of the steamer Pupbe which has
arrived at Vancouver B C from the
orient- state that when in the Philippine
islands on their last trip it was learned
jthat the Spanish government had captured
twenty five Roman Catholic priests sup
posed to be in sympathy with the rebels
and roasted them
Calhoun Back from Cuba
William J Calhoun special commis
sioner to Cuba to investigate the death ol
Dr Ruiz arrived in New York Monday
accompanied by Secretary Fishback Cal
houn said the commission held three sit
tings between May 20 and June 1 at Ha
vana Regulus and Guanabacoa The
papers examined in this case were chiefly
military records A final report -will be
made to Washington by Gen Lee Cal
houn declined to give his opinion of the
Turks Commit Excesses
It is officially announced that the Turks
have committed serious excesses in
Epirus violating women defiling churches
and engaging in general pillage Turkish
Irregulars it is further announced have
committed similar excesses in the villages
around Larlssa
Worlds Bike Records Broken
Two worlds records have been broken
on the new three lap track Sacramento
iCal Otto Zeigler cut the time in the
single paced mile scratch professional to
205 2 5 and in the handicap to 206 8 5
Idle Iron Mills to Start Up
The Universal mill of the Pottstown
ilron Company the Valley mill of the
iGlasgow Iron Company and the Claddale
IBolling Mills of Pottstown Pa will start
ioperations during the present week
A Famous Catcher Dying
Clarence Baldwin known in the base
ball world as Kid Baldwin once q
famous eatcher has been taken to tha
Cincinnati hospital as a charity patient a
hopeless wreck Many efforts to assist
him in a reformation proved futile and
Uow a chronic ailment promises to shortly
iend his life
High Hats to Be Barred
The mayor of San Francisco Cal has
approved of the order of the board of su
jpervisors prohibiting the wearing of high
hats at theaters The law will be enforced
TV ill J 1 fltf f
Members Wont Take Part in the
Diamond Jubilee
At the annual meeting of the Irish Na
tional League of Great Britian in Man
chester England T P OConnor M P
and president of the league made a speech
urging that the present is no time for re
jcrimination and that the members of the
league should devote their energies to liv
ing issues There was a largo attendance
A resolution calling upon the Irish to ab
stain from taking part in the diamond
jubilee of Queen Victoria was presented
and carried An amendment to the reso
lution declaring that the condition of Ire
land was due not to Queen Victoria but to
the legislation of the men selected to make
the laws was rejected
To Continne Until Turkey and
Greece Conclude Negotiations
It is officially announced that an armis
tice has been signed between the Greek
and Turkish military commanders in
Thessaly and Epirus Although the ar
mistice has been signed a clause stipulates
that a meeting of the Greek and Turk
ish delegates shall be held to settle the de
tails of the armistice on the sea If there
should be a failure to agree in this matter
the whole convention will be void The
armistice is to continue until the conclu
sion of the peace negotiations In the
event that these should prove abortive
either party must give twenty four hours
notice of an intention to resume hostilities
General Conference at Richmond
Ind Adjourns Sine Die
In Saturdays United Brethren general
conference at Richmond Ind the consti
tution for the Preachers Aid Association
was reported and adopted The committee
on revision of discipline lecommended a
number of slight changes a few of which
were agreed to A proposition was made to
have the bishops appoint a large commit
tee three months previous to the next gen
eral conference to revise the discipline and
report The conference adjourned sine
die Saturday night
Kansas City Cyclist Fatally Hurts a
Pedestrian in a Collision
Madison Staley Wilby a stockman aged
55 years died at Kansas City from injuries
received in being run down by a bicycle
ridden by Nebon J Stevens an insurance
agent Stevens lost control of his wheel
in attempting to rido down a steep grade
in Eighth Street from Walnut to Main
striking Wilby and hurling him to the
granite pavement and fracturing his skull
Stevens surrendered to the police but was
Would Hang Ravishers
Gov Bushnell of Ohio in an interview
nt Columbus stated he favored the enact
ment of a law making the penalty for ex
treme cases of criminal assault death He
thought that punishment commensurate
with the degree of crimes was the surest
prevention of lynchings such as
that at Urbana He consulted one
of the judges of the supreme court upon
the matter and the latter coincided with
his views
Duel Between French Deputies
M Thomson and M Mirman members
of the French chamber of deputies fought
a duel Sunday growing out of an article
written by the latter attacking M Thom
son M Mirman was slightly wounded in
the forearm The latter is a radical social
ist and gained considerable notoriety
through his protest against being confined
in barracks as a conscript during the elec
tion of a president to succeed Casimir
Forestry Order Suspended
The forestry order of President Cleve
land issued February 22 last under which
some 21000000 acres were set aside from
the public domain has been suspended
until next March President McKinley
signed the sundry civil bill Saturday
which contains the compromise amend
ment concerning the forest reservations
temporarily suspending Clevelands order
and in the meantime modifying its scope
Diamond Theft Denied
The premier of Hyderabad telegraphs
to the London papers Monday morning
that the story which was circulated to the
effect that the imperial diamond the prop
erty of the nizam of Hyderabad had been
stolen is pure fiction
Noted Canadian Surgeon Dead
Dr W H Strange oneof the best known
physicians in Canada and deputy surgeon
general of the militia forces of the country
died at Toronto Sunday
Luetgert Is Indicted
The grand jury voted a true bill against
A L Luetgert the rich sausage manufac
turer of Chicago charging him with the
murder of his wife
Weekly Bank Statement
The New York weekly bank statement
shows a reserve decrease of 1295000 The
banks now hold 45820000 in excess of
legal -requirements
Kentucky Distillers Fail
The M V Monarch Company distillers
of Owensboro Ky have assigned The
liabilities are 100000 assets about half
Michigan Peach Crop Hurt
Prominent growers predict for Michigan
a peach crop this year that will not equal
10 per cent of the usual yield
Current Condensations
Asphalt pavement was first laid
Paris in 1854
The occupants of a balloon a mile
high command a radius of ninety six
Galvanized iron Is not galavnized at
all but is coated with zinc by being
plunged Into a bath of that metal and
muriatic acid
Ink black red or blue contains disease-breeding
bacteria micrococci and
saprophytes according to German doc
tors who have been examining school
ink and have cultivated a bacillus
found in it that proved fatal to mice in
four days
Statement Made by Mrs Gaumer
Declares the Men Killed by the
Soldiers are Martyrs in a Holy and
Righteous Cause Other Items
Bury Their Dead
A dispatch from Urbana Ohio Sunday
says The funeral procession following
the body of Farmer Upton Baker to the
grae passed through here today on its
way to the burial place at Point Pleasant
in Ciark County It was an immense pro
cession People on the streets here took
otf their hats and stood with bared heads
as it passed All expenses were borne by
citizens of Urbana The ceremonies at
the home and at the grave were brief and
Upton Baker and Harry Bell were stand
ing side by side near the jail when they
were killed last Thursday night
Mrs T M Gaumer gave a statement to
the press It contains the following pas
With a sorely chastened hand and
mind I desire to take this means of show
ing to our menus our neartteit apprecia
tion of the many kindly words shown us
during the fiery trial of our recent afflic
Never did soldiers die on any battle
field for a more holy and righteous cause
than did these brave boys for the purity of
their homes for mothers daughters and
sisters They should be looked upon as
heroes willing to spill their blood for the
holiest of all and any cause
Mrs T M Gaumer
Unexpected Outcome of the Spanish
Ministerial Crisis
The queen regent of Spain has confirmed
SenorCanovas thepremier in his ministe
rial powers and the cabinet will remain in
office with personnel and policy un
changed All the leading members of the
senate and of the chamber of deputies
who were consulted by her majesty as
well as three marshals have advised the
recall of Capt Gen Weyler from Cuba
At a cabinet council held Sunday after
noon at his residence Senor Canovas the
premier announced that the queen regent
had renewed his powers and those of the
cabinet in terms most flattering to him
and all his colleagues
It is understood that the government
does not contemplate any immediate
change in the supreme command in Cuba
The surprise and displeasure of the
various sections of the opposition are not
easy to describe
Richard Caldwell Kills Mary Jenk
ins and Is Killed by the Sheriff
Richard Caldwell of Memphis shot and
killed Mary Jenkins of Cario 111 because
he was jealous of the favors she had be
stowed on others Immediately after the
shooting he fled to a lumber yard back of
town where he was found two hours later
by the officers He was ordered out with
some difficulty when he opened fire on
the officers His first shot passed through
the wrist of Deputy Sheriff Geo W
Moore who returned the fire killing Cald
well instantly Moore was acquitted of all
blame by a coroners jury
Think He Was Murdered
The coroner of Terre Haute Ind is in
grave doubt as to the cause of the death of
a man supposed to be James Butts a well
to do farmer living east of town Near
Twelve Points a sort of road house
north of town a street car ran over a man
last week The head was on one rail the
feet on the other and when the wheels
struck the body the top of the head was
cut off the brains being scattered along
the track A bottle of whisky was found
on the dead mans body Some time ago
at the same place a rotten tie was placed
on the track derailing a double deck car
Much mystery envelops the case The
position of the body leads to the belief
that the man may have been murdered
and his body placed across the track
Mudscow Blows Up
One of the three mudscows in tow of the
tug Andrew II Green was wrecked Mon
day by an explosion of gases just after
passing through the Rush street bridge
Chicago The explosion shook the build
ings in the vicinity causing considerable
damage August Americus who was on
the scow was blown into the river and
drowned Great excitement was caused
by the first report that the tugs boiler had
exploded and all the crew had perished
Collide in the Thames
The steamers Bittern and Ystroom both
bound for Amsterdam collided in the
Thames early Sunday morning The
Ystroom foundered two of her passengers
being drowned The remainder of her
passengers and crew were taken on board
the Bittern which was damaged The
Bitterns second officer and carpenter were
Robs King of Swindlers
The king of gold brick swindlers Harvey
Knowlton better known as Piebel
George a man who is famous in his line
from the Atlantic to the Pacific was held
up at Seattle Wash last week and robbed
of Sl500 Anthony Mellon his partner in
crime stood behind a revoher and made
Knowlton stand and deliver
Riot in the Deputies
During a discussion of the labor troubles
in the French chamber of deputies Satur
day M Gerault Richard a socialist mem
ber was suspended for referring to some
of his colleagues as police spies He re
fused to leave and was ejected by the
guard Another socialist protested and
the session closed in the wildest disorder
Died in a Bath Tub
Thomas W Booth ex president of the
Merchants Exchange president of the J
W Booth Commission Company and one
of the best known men of St Louis was
found dead in the bath tub at his residence
by his wife Monday lie had been suffer
ing from a complication of diseases
Designated as Ministers Plenipo
tentiary in Letters to Faure
It is learned from an authorized French
source that the letters of credence pre
sented to President Faure by Senator
Edward II Wolcott of Colorado and his
colleagues of the United States monetary
commission designate them as ministers
plenipotentiary to France Great Britian
and Germany with the mission in con
cert with the United States ambassadors to
those countries to discuss monetary
questions and to come to some agree
ment on bimetallism President Faurtf
carefully avoided making a statement to
them at the audience which he accorded
to the commissioners at the Elysee palace
on Wednesday last which might be in
terpreted as a promise to take any steps In
the matter No doubt the government of
France is friendly to the American mis
sion but nothing tangible will be done
beyond expressions of sympathy and the
assurance that the matter will be seriously
San Francisco Police Now Believe
Hoffman was Murdered
San Francisco police have now aban
doned the previous theory of suicide in
connection with Wholesaler Hoffmans
mvstrrinns death and begun working on
the supposition that the merchant was
murdered The detectives who are con
ducting the investigation announce that
there are no new developments although
they somewhat reluctantly admit Figelj
bookkeeper and confidential clerk of
man has not satisfactorily explained his
movements immediately prior to Hoffmans
death No one else has come under sus
picion and the police say they have no
present intention of preferring a charge
against Figel The latter is still under
surveillance however
Von Tausch Acquitted
Her Von Tausch former chief of the se
cret political police who has been on trial
in Berlin Germany nearly two weeks
charged with perjury high treason and
forgery was acquitted Saturday Baron
Von Leutzow who was tried with Herr
Von Tausch and who was charged with
defrauding the imperial army service and
with forging a receipt for the purpose of
willful imposition was convicted The
court sentenced Von Leutzow to two
months imprisonment taking into consid
eration the fact that in certain cases he
had acted for the secret political police
which employment the court added
made it almost impossible for a man to
preserve his sense of honor
Confesses to the Theft
The mystery of the disappearance of me
sum of 18600 from the German American
National Bank in St Paul on Saturday
last was cleared up when Assistant Pay
ing Teller Tzschau who was arrested
Wednesday confessed to the theft i
Tzschau had a confederate George K
Jackson a salesman for the Nonotuck
Silk Company Seven thousand and nine
hundred dollars of the stolen money was
Indians to Protest to McKinley
A delegation of full blood Cherokee In
dians have gone to Washington where
they hope to protest to President McKinley
against the changes proposed in Indian
Territory Claiming to represent 12000
full blood Cherokees they will ask the
president not to sign the Indian appropria
tion bill which carries some obnoxious
Durrant Secures a Stay
Theodore Durrant will not be hanged
Friday June 11 his attorneys having
gained for him another four months lease
of life at least the action of the circuit
court in San Francisco Friday in granting
permission to appeal to the supreme court
of the United States serving as a stay of
execution until further action is taken
Denver Block Scorched
A fire Saturday morning damaged the
Patron is Thomas Block at Denver to the
extent of 310000 The loss to the tenants
who were mostly lawyers is quite large
on account of water
Small Cyclone in Tennessee
A small cyclone Friday night damaged
property in the vicinity of Gadsden Tenn
The loss is several thousand dollars No
one was injured
Chicago Cattle common to prime
350 to 550 hogs skipping grades
800 to 375 sheep fair to choice 20
to 500 wlieat No 2 red 67c to 68c
corn No 2 23c to 24c oats No 2 17c
to ISc rye No 2 33c to 34c butter
choice creamery 14c to 15c eggs fresh
8c to 9c potatoes per bushel 15c to
80c broom corn common growth to choice
green hurl 25 to 70 per ton
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
525 hogs choice liffht 300 to 375
sheep common to choice 300 to 450
wheat No 2 74c to 76c corn No 2
white 24c to 25c oats No 2 white 20c
to 22c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 83c to 85c corn No 2
yellow 22c to 23c oats No 2 white 17c
to 19c rye No 2 31c to 33c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 475
wlieat No 2 79c -to 81c corn No 2
mixed 25c to 27c oats No 2 mixed 19c
to 21c rye No 2 34c to 36c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 200 to 475
wlieat No 2 red 76c to 78c corn No 2
yellow 24c to 25c oats No 2 white 23c
to 24c rye 35c to 36c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red- 76c to 78c
corn No 2 mixed 24c to 26c oats No
2 white 18c to 20c rye No 2 34c to 36c
clover seed 420 to 425
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 69c
to 71c corn No 3 22c to 23c oats No
- white 21c to 23c barley No 2 28c to
33c rye No 1 34c to 35c pork mess
725 to 775
Buffalo Cattle 250 to 550 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 red 80c to S2c corn No 2
yellow 27c to 28c oats No 2 white 24c
to 25c
New York Cattle 300 to 550 hogs
350 to 450 sheep 300 to 475
wheat No 2 red 74c to 75c corn No 2
2Sc to 30c oats No 2 white 21c to 23c
butter creamery 12c to 16c eggs West
ern 10c to He
Board of Public Lands and Build
ings Makes a Report to the Gov
ernor on the Dr Fall Case
Recommends His Removal
Reports onthe Dr Fall Case
The Board ofpublic Lands and Build
ings has made a report to the governor of
its tindings in the Dr Fall case In its
letter to the governor the board says Our
apology in troubling you in this matter
must be found in the fact that in a few
weeks you by virtue of the law passed last
winter will be in charge of the man
agement of this institution and the
board will cease to have anything
to do with it in that respect
The report says In our opinion the
welfare of the institution and that is
all we desire demands that -whatever ex
ecutive action shall be taken in the matter
shall be taken by you and not by us
Then after a long review of the case
using 3000 words to recite what has al
ready been before the public the board
finally sums up the matter as follows
Our conclusion upon the whole case is
that he has repeatedly violated the law
almost without exception disobeyed the
orders of the board held its power and
control over the institute in contempt and
that the best interests of the public service
demand that he be removed as superin
The report is signed by albthe members
of the board
Supreme Court Decides that George
Morgan Must Hang
The supreme court of Nebraska has de
cided that George Morgan the convicted
murderer of little Ida Gaskill at Omaha
must pay the death penalty for one of the
most henious crimes ever committed within
the state and has fixed October 8 as the
day upon which he must hang
The finding of the lower court was
affirmed at the sitting of the supreme
court June 2 and Sheriff McDonald was
notified of that action by telephone Soon
afterward Deputy Sheriff Stryker and
Jailer George Shand notified Morgan of
the action of the court The condemned
man took the matter very coolly smil
ing in a self possessedmanner as he re
marked -Well that ls not the lastchance
anyway In this remark he had refer
ence to a motion for a further hearing
which his attorneys intend filing in the
supreme court
Deputy Sheriff Tony Black was detailed
temporarily as death watch and a constant
watch will be kept over the movements of
Morgan until he has started for the scaf
fold or has been granted a further lease of
Reach a Verdict on Rose Case
The coroners jury at North Platte
which has had the investigation of the
death of Calvin Rose under consideration
ever since May 24 having been unable to
agree on a verdict at the time has at last
brought in the following finding That
the immediate cause of the death of the de
ceased was blood poisoning caused by
puncturing the xirethra with an instrument
jn his own hands carelessly used by him
self We further find that the careless use
of said instrument was caused by his in
toxicated and debilitated condition caused
by drinking to excess and exposure We
find that the liquor that caused his intoxi
cation and debility was furnished to or ob
tained by him in the saloon of Guy A
Laing where he remained for a period of
twelve hours and where he received mis
treatment and abuse at the hands of
parties unknown
Gateway for Trade to the Gulf
Superior with its already well developed
railroad facilities and its fine outlet for
transportation of grains and corn to Texas
and Mexico over the Santa Fe route has
become one of the important points for
southern shipments At present the
transportation rates enable grain buyers to
pay 18 cents for corn Well informed rail
road men of Kansas City have been looking
over the town recently and unhesitatingly
pronounce it the gateway to the deep water
pavigation of the Gulf of Mexico and that
upon the completion of the Gulf road to
Fori Arthur it is sure to become a compet
itive railread point for all southern ship
ments In fact it is the natural source for
a large portion of the shipments and travel
to the gulf
Circus Enterprise a Failure
Perry Mathews Syndicate Circus
Museum and Menagerie Company came to
grief at West Point last week It had
been traveling in hard luck for some time
the weather and roads beintr acrainst it
Tt showed to a very small house at West
Point and at the close of the performance
the proprietors were arrested on complaint
of a Wisner hotel man for attempting to
evade payment of a board bill Immedi
ately thereafter suits were instituted
against them by teamsters farmers and
their own employes Attachments were
taken out and the show is now hopelessly
stranded An effort is being made to ad
just the various claims and reorganize
Boys Foot Is Crushed
While the Kearney and Black Hills en
gine was doing some switching at Eddy
ville Lawrence Keefe a boy about 12
years of age got into a box car to take a
ride After the car stopped he started to
get out when another car was shunted
against it and he was thrown so that his
right foot was caught under the wheel and
terribly crushed He was teken to Kear
ney and about half the foot amputated
Convention of Danish Lutherans
A national convention of the Danish
Lutheran Church of America was held at
iBlair with delegates from all parts of the
union Xearly 1500 were in attendance
Thieves Get Very Little
Some parties supposed to be tramps
rentered the office of Mr Isaacson at Wahoo
and took about 80 cents from the drawer
He also lost a coat
Too Heavy for the Sidewalk
While a crowd of children was in front
of C L Olds confectionery store at Fre
mont where a candy prize was to be given
away the sidewalk gave way precipitating
them into the open space below Fortu
nately no one was hurt and the children
crawled out none the worse for their mis
Extending the Telephone System
The Xebraska Telephone Company will
commence work on a new telephone line
from McCool Junction to York and Fair
mont in about two weeks
Osgood Must Be Tried Again
The prosecution in the case of D F
Osgood at Tekamah for aiding and abetting
arson received a severe setback the other
day The defenso brought a plea in abate
ment and claimed error in the records of
the county court in regard to Osgoods pre
liminary hearing in that court The prose
cution demurred but after considerable
argument on the point involved Judge
Letton found for the defense The county
court omitted from the record of the exam
ination that portion of the finding where
that court is obliged to believe there is suf
ficient cause to hold the accused for trial
in district court The legal proceedings
in the caseso far disposed of will now have
to be repeated A new information was
immediately sworn out against Osgood
He gave bond for appearance in the sum
of 3000
Found Dying with Baby in Arms
Mrs Esther Heisner widow of the late
Henry J Heisner committed suicide at
her home eight miles southeast of Litch
field by cutting her throat with a razor
Coroner Jones and Sheriff Patton were
summoned from Loup City and an inquest
was held Mrs Heisner had been sick for
several days The deed was done while
the family was all out of doors and she
was found dying with her 6-months-old
baby at her side All evidence pointed
toward suicide and a verdict was so
rendered by the jury Mrs Heisner had
recenlly mourned the death of her hus
band and two children and she had often
said the grief was irioro than she could
bear Two small children are left alone in
the world
Lincoln Bank Failure
The Merchants Bank of Lincoln which
closed its doors June 1 had 8800 of state
and 5G0O of county money The bank
had a capital stock of 50000 about one
half of which was held by eastern parties
It has bills receivable amounting to 85578 f
real estate 7500 and furniture and fix
tures 2800 The bills payable are 5800
and total deposits 36000 Of the latter a
large majority is by the state and county
and individual deposits of stockholders
The failure has caused no excitement that
has been felt by the other banks of the
city and it is believed there will be none
It is the general opinion that the depos
itors will be paid in full when time is given
to realize on collections
War Relics Missing
Some time ex Gov Furnas was at the
state house and while visiting in the rooms
of the adjutant general of the Nebraska
National Guard expressed surprise that
the flags guidons and other relics of the
Second Xebraska and the four companies
of the Curtis Horse were not in the state
house The Curtis Horse was made up
from Xebraska men but was consolidated
with the Fifth Iowa cavalry The relics ofi
the First Xebraska are at the office of the
adjutant general but the whereabouts of
the others are unknown General Barry is
making every possible effort to find the
missing relics as their proper place is at
the state house alongside the flags of the
First Xebraska
Right of Way for Telephone
The Shelton town board as its regular
meeting last week passed an ordinance
granting the Xebraska Telephone Com
pany right of way through the village and
if the same arrangements are made with
Wood Kiver and Gibbon the company
promises to have its line in and ready for
use by August 1
Will Celebrate on the Third
A mass meeting was held at Franklin
recently by the business men to consider
holding a celebration the Fourth of July
It was decided that a celebration be held
on the 8d as the Fourth comes on Sunday
Committees were appointed and work com
menced to raise funds and to make it a suc
Farmer Tries Suicide
Mr Morrison a farmer about two miles
from Fort Calhoun attempted to commit
suicide by shooting himself The bullet
passed through one of his lungs but he is
still living The doctors think he will
probably recover but he will be a cripple
for life He has a wife and one child
Confidence Men Get a New Trial
The supreme court has reversed the
judgment of the district court of Douglas
County in the case of Williams Stone and
Whorton who were convicted of robbing
Thomas Thompson of 20 last September
through a Aim Ham game The case is
remanded for trial
Cold Keeps Back the Corn
Farmers are beginning to complain that
the growth of the corn is being seriously
retarded by the continued cool weather
Much of the late planted corn failed to
come up and is now being replanted Small
grain potatoes and fruit are doing well
Opens a Xew Meat Market
A butcher shop and meat market has
been opened at Elgin by Mr Chapman
Elgin has been without a meat market for
some time
Nebraska Short Notes
A vigilanee committee is being formed
in Ashland to put a stop to petty thieving
A Wisner firm has fed 3270 head of
sheep during the past winter and realized
a profit of 115 per head on them
August Grotsch a farmer living near
Stanton was gored so severely by a savage
bull that he died shortly after
There is an unusually large number of
cattle being brought into Garfield County
this season by local stockmen
The patronage of the Schuyler creamery
has increased until it has become neces
sary to put in additional machinery
A M Byers of Dubois received a carload
of cattle from Toronto Canada last Satur
day and hae placed them on his ranch
southwest of town
TheEepublican Valley poultrv breeders
met recently at McCook and organized an
association It is intended to hold monthly
Indications are that Ked Willow County
will soon contain more cattle than have
been within her borders at any time since
the free range days
The Alfred Dean Post of Grandy re
ceived from the United States government
monuments for all the soldiers buried in
McCain cemetery and placed them in
position la3t Monday
oan ivorth the defaulting treasurer of
Pierce County is out on parole
Many Xebraska towns are already mak
ing arrangements to celebrate the Fourth
The success of the Seward Co operative
Creamery up to this time is very satisfac
tory to those who started the enterprise
While showing how a patent road
seraper worked David Weigland of Scrib
ner let the blade fall on his foot cuttin
off two toes
A movement is on foot among the busi
men of Clearwater to organize a joint
stock company for the erection of a flour
ing mill