bi I n l y h v W3 T- Is - T i iZZjZrj THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT VOL XII THIS2AND THAT Com inaJRretH County CwmnisIonci Juneli Bull Game lunejV MiirtSssiMCIi Jtces Tone 10 17 18 amlt School Meeting June 29 Independence Daj July Teachers Institute July iS Hl jf Fred Miller has week been quite Hl this The IDonoher is receiving aiiew coat oTpaiaat Levi G Sparks haefceen que ill the past week M Harris is renouoiing the iinterior of her restaurant J C Pettijohn is taking the -school census this week F Fischer made a Ainsworth Tuesday Hying np to fPkft flriinln rn Jsm 4 rfinwr are getting out the gaper and Remember the printer whenou are m town with garden sass Prof A T Schriber was in town from Wood Lake Saturday Why not attend the Fourth of July celebration at Kennedy this year Milk delivered 23 quarts for one ollar 0 Miss Eva Haiiben FoslRsnt Xice large office soom m stone building 18 T C Horns Bail games and horse races are the only topics of conversation nowadays Condemned mule sold at a sale at Fort Xiobraia last week for 40 tier head Almost every street in town where sidewalks are laid now has cross walks Rev Bates held services at the Epis copal church Sunday morning and evening The state apportionment of school funds was larger this spring than ever before Dr and Mrs Bratton of Fort Xio brara are the proud parents of a new baby girl Work commenced Monday morning for I IL Yeasts new residence on Cherrv street X Mrs S S Billiard of in town on a business trip Tuesday 1 company won the Time 1 hour 2 J inin 5 1 Oochou in commainE JjOsebnd was and pleasure race sec today Lieut G A Wagoner of Lavaca was in town Tuesday with the assessors books fiom his precinct Miss Annie Sageser of Bassett ltod with her brother Clarence here a a few days the past week The Fourth of July will be celebrated at Crookston on Saturday Inly wi der tihe auspices of the M W A The family of J F Prentiss anivetf here Saturday night and are now oom fortirbly quartered at The Doncher Rev Bates accompanied by Mrs Carroll and Miss Childe went out to B A Piercys near Kennedy Tuesday Martin Christensen made flying trip to Pine Ttidge this week going Sunday uight and returning Tuesday morning J H Davison of Ainsworth has a good Jack for sale or will trade for horses cattle or good draft stal lion 18 20 Mis Dr Baker of Valentine Xeb made a professional visit in the north part of the county Tuesday Bassett Eagle Jvennedy will celebrate tfce Fourth of July on Monday J uly 5 Remem ber this Full program will be given next week Valentine has not had a business failure or assignment or anything of that sort since we came to town over a year ago Capt Mills of Co E 11th infantry who has been on detached service for a couple of years has joined his com pany here Wing Sing the Chinese laundryman at Fort Niobrara was off bis base last week and spent a few days in the guard house Judge Westover was on Sunday nights passenger returning t o Rush Tille after holding a term of court in IBoyd county fe editor arid family went to Longpine Sunday morning Mrs Democrat remained for a Jew days visit with her parents Jlyannis Grant county is to have a bank soon Bartlett Richards and A A Record of Chadron having decided to locate a branch there Mrs W R Smith went to Valentine last Monday where she meets her bajjd aud nrobablv will sjo irorn Mrs Allen Sparks and Master Leo nard have been visiting with E Spark for severaldays Prof J M Pile of Wayne and Prof A 0 Thomas Minden have been -employed to instruct in the com ing Earm of institute j Monday C IL CorneAl put in a new sidewalk in front of his lots at the southeast corner of Cherry and also fenced the Jots JQ E Sherman was -taken suddenly ill at Wood Lake the first of the week while on his way home -from a weeks outing at the -lakes and was compelled to remain there a tew days John Tucker who has been attend ing the law department of the state university since last lull returned home Saturday night ad will remain her during the summer vacation The Fort Niobrara rkids came to repeat their victory of two wees ago on ihe ball ground but they 4idnt The Valentine -brownies won the game by a scors of 32 to 9 Saturday Miss Iva Efner has purchased the millinery stack of Mrs X W Morey and has tendered her xesitmatiou as teacher in the jublic schools neqtyear Miss Mary Shaughnessy has applied for the position in us left racant For a purse consisting of two horses and harness Monday afternoon J P Suttons gray horse outran one ot Billy Days -bays Distance mile The start was a splendid one and the gray won by a full neck only Until the last of October the F E M will teil Sunday excursion ucfcyts to Hut Springs goud for return until tne loiiowiug Tuesday lor 720 liie rate Lor the T P S O E meet ing at ban Francisco is 2480 Tick ets on sale irom June 29 to July 6 It has come at last Tuesday morn ing Attorney Bnidridge who is one ol the proseecuiers in the Barely defalca tion case at Omaha tiled an informa tion before Judge Baker charging the defense with attempting to bribe jurors Tina shows that Bartley is afraiu 01 conviction Mrs Chas Sparks and son returned to their inline at Valentine last Satur day night after spending a six weeks visit with her sifter Mi Pearl Kay Mrs sparks has made many new lriends in this city and liur departure caused many regrets Uhudrou Sheap shearing will be iu full blast next week The writer roughly esti mated the total amoiinl of the wool crop tributary to Kimball this ear and manes it about 1oOUIM pounds It will probably exceed tins somewhat Tliebe liimres show crease over last year i considerable Kimball 1 C Xorthrop and wife and W R Smith and wile or Harris ju father and mother ut Mrs Morthrop left ou yesterday mornings passenger for a months vinit in Illinois Iowa and Kausjis M C Liuninger of Hot springs has charge of the F E M station duing Mr Northrops ab sence Owing to a miscalculation Max Vier tel and W A Parker came to town Tuesday to sit as a board of equliza tion Upon discovering their error they went into session as brand com misioners aud transacted considerable business The board meets ou the second Tuesday alter the first Monday instead of the second Tuesday ia June G W Fritz editor of the Keya Paha Call is the proud father of a il pouud girl which was presented him last Thursday Bro Fritz did not divulge tuis importautaut item during the edit orial meeting but his filial pride oer came his secretiveness when in private conversation with the editor Sunday The Democrat extends 1 tions The 9th Cavalry base ball club of Ft Robinson came out victorious in the game played Sunday at -that place with the Alliance nine the score being 23 to 4 We understand that the boss team of Ft Niobrara will be here in a short time to play a game with the 9th Cavalry boys which promises to be in teresting as the Niourara nine are re ported to be cracker jacks Craw ford Bulletin ChnrlieM vs IMcknps Sunday afternoon the Charlies not the Chollys by the way played a hot game of ball on the diamond be tween the Presbyterian and Episcopal churches with a picked up nine The game raged fiercely and long and was witnessed by a large number of citi zens The score at the close of the ninth inning stood 31 to 26 hx favor of the pickups Store CrirlN Last Thursday night a baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs Chas G Ander sonv Sunday June 6th Mr and Mrs G II Hornby became the parents of a girl baby This is the fourth girl baby lor Cherry street citizens within the last month and the record thus estab lished by that thoroughfare will be a Lhese ito Chicago Harrism Journal J hjird onfc to break Published forFour Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY JUNE 10 1897 THE EDITQRS MET THE ELKHORN VALLEY EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED A Pleasant Tisae and a Profitable Meeting A Visit to Fort 3olrara 3i Banquet in Town a Business Session in Afternoon and a Public Evening Meeting dThe annual meeting of the ElIOIOIOT VAIiEY EDITOKIA i Association was held in Valentine ou -Saturday June 5 1897 fourteen pa mpers being represented at the meeting as follows C C McHugh ONeill Sun D H Cronin ONeill Frontier -EL H Jenness Atkinson Graphic G W Fritz Keya Paha Call W ST Skinner Herald G A Miles Ainsworth Home Kule I 0 Berkley Ainsworth Star Journal Le- ISoy Leach Wood Lake Oracle H G field Crawford Gazette AV H Davis Harrison Press W S Barker Valan Republican G H Reinenfc Western Xews Roberfi Good The Valentine Democrat Seven weeks ago W S Barker of the Republican G H Reinert of the Western Xews and Robert Good of the Democrat met and decided to invite the editors of the newspapers in the Sixth congressional district to come to Valentine on June 5 and organize a press association for mutual pleasure and profit The local press agreed- to pay all expenses of thebhoys while here Invitations were sent to the ninety odd newspapers in the district and considerably enthusiasm was manifested over Ihe meeting The local press organized by electing Barker president Reinert secretary and fJood treasurer Valentine busi ness men were seen and contributed funds sufficient to provide for the en tertainment of the editors and a skel eton program for the meeting was out lined by the local press Owing to the fact that this was the first meeting of the kind ever attempted in this sec tion the work of preparation was hard army but success attended all efforts that were made This is a condensed his tory of the association up to Saturday The west hound passenger Friday night was met by the committee and the boys who arrived on that train were escorted to The Donoher and put to bed The enstbumd passenger Sat urday morning was also -met and after breakfast a meeting was held at Cor nell Hall and after being called to or der by President Barker a neat ad dress was deliverfcd by Mayor Sparks and the freedom of the city was given to the newspaper men The Mayor said he would not turn over the keys of the city because he had first opened everything wide and then thrown the keys in the river besides repealing all- the ordinances of the town and render ing the police force useless by revok ing their commissions If they wanted more he would give them the com bination of his money vauit He was roundly applauded and tben the car riages were brought and the drivers headed for Fort Niobrara After introductions at the post the1 commander Col John K Andrews ordered out his entire regiment the Twelfth Infantry IT S A for review and -inspection As evolution after evolution was made the regiment marching and countermarching wheeling and per forming the tactics in the manual of arms many exclamations of surprise and gratification escaped from the lips of the visitors The dark green sward of the parade ground the company quarters of the men and the hills and canyons of the Niobrara for a back ground the Colonel and his staff on their splendid horses in the fore the men standing at attention in the mid dle distance with the sun glinting from rifle barrel and white helmet all made a picture which even time that destroyer of love and hate and memory itself will not efface from the minds of those who stood enraptured with the sight The machine like movement of the boys in blue as they obeyed the orders of their superiors aud the clock work precision with which hands and feet obeyed the slightest command evoked many words of praise for them as well as the officers who had drilled them until they were in such a high state of perfection The work and musiof the band too received many flattering words and was appreciated highly and added greatly to the enjoy - iableness of the occasion After the review and while waiting for guard mount the brethren were taken through one of the company quarters and were shown everything of interest from the new rifle and sword bayonet now in use to the Lyon Gordon Journal F R Wing 1 library and kitchen All marveled greatly at the neatness of the appoint ments immediately after guard mount Lieut Angium quartermaster took charge of the visitors and proceeding to the4prairie southwest of the post had his wagon train drawn up for in spection After looking at and ad miring the ambulances wagons and mules the train was started and for the next half hour mules and drivers were kept busy The wagons were placed in position as if to protect the mules from an attack and then start ing over thi prairie in single file were made the object of an imaginary at tack The alicritv with which the wagons were brought together and parked was surprising The Officers Club was the next point of interest and refreshments were served to all who wished to par take Jn charge of Lieut Angium the boys next visited the canteen stables and guard hotse while Lieut Ballou showed ye scribe Bro Lyon and the ladies through the post exchange and the quarters of his company C which l bears the distinction of being the neat est in the regiment if not th8 entire Leaving the post with many thanks to the officers and regrets that their stay could not be longer the boys were shown the wonderful water power of the Minnechaduza and the way it is used and then came dinner which was served at The Donoher at 130 That statement describes it as well as a half column article could At 230 ithe business meeting of the association was called to order by Bro Barker and upon motion he was made temporary chair man and Geo Miles of Ainsworth was elected secretary by a unanimous vote The first thing on the program was a short talk by Rev O T Moore on the Relation Between the Pulpit and the Press The reverend gentleman spoke numberless words of praise for the members of the editorial fraternity and said he knew of no class of people who were more unjustly abused than they On behalf of the churches of the district he thanked the press for the work they had done for them and fadded that though the press was great in the upbuilding of humanity the church was no small factor either The newspaper and the church should work in accord with each other and he asked that the newspapers be still more helpful to the church by sending repesentatives and giving full reports of special occasions in church work He intimated that they gave undue prominence to worldly affairs At the conclusion of the address he was ten dered a vote of thanes H G Lyon was next and read a pa per on Delinquent Subscribers that did the heart of every newspaper man good He sketched for their edifica tion numerous characters which may be met in nearly every locality dwell ing on the trait which seems to pre dominate in many individuals of never paying a newspaper until they want a favor Mr Z for instance who came to the town unknown hung out his shingle and through lib eral notices succeeded in buildmg up a law practice but always forgot to pay a dollar on subscription Farmer X CONTINUED ON LAST PAGE - XU w V NO 20 Davenport Thachei The leading merchantsfof Valentine extend to you a cordial invitation to visit them if you wish Groceries or Dry Goods or anything else in the line of General Merchandise Its a 10 to 1 shot that youll come again Thats what we want Look over our line of spring goods Ask about the portraits BOYS PANTS ONLY 25 CENTS BOYS SUITS ONLY 75 CENTS D STINARD mill Prieenjor Feed Branbulk 40c per cwt 700ton Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Screenings 35c 600 Chop Feed 70c 1300 Corn 50c Oats 80c 4 Flam Straight Talk of the advantage to you of taking the Pacific Short Line via ONeill when enroute to or from Sioux City You save three hours in each direction make close connections with Yankton Sioux Falls and Mitchell trains you can go to Sioux City and return tbe same day and it costs just the same for tickets as via the other line Buy local tickets to ONeill Ranch to Rent 22 mile3 south of Valentine with hay land pasture sod house stable and sheds Also good wind mill and tank A Payton Simeon Race3 June 16 17 IS and 19 3 EVERYTHING In Pettycrews stock of groceries fruit confectionery and feeel IS THE BEST All our Groceries are fresh and good Fruit is the finest and cleanest Confeciionery 1 lie best and sweetest Feed pure and nutrition Iliirhe t prices for Butter Eirsrs and Farm Produce NORTH OF POSTOFFICE W A PETTYGREW Inventory Sale AVe have just completed our spring inventory and have fn hand a large amount of odds and ends remnants etc vhkh will sell below first cost For instance we will sell PIECE GOODS AT 1 0 GTS PER YARD These goods are double width first class quality We sel BLACK LAWNS FOR 5 CENTS Worth 20 cents Must make room for new good- E McDonald SPRING CLOTHING JC We have an excellent line of new clothing gents f nrnishing goods hats caps boots and shoes Have a splendid line of shoes for both ladies and children Clothing is cheaper and better than ever Come and see TO THE PUBLIt Zf In til lit Ion to the Iio of Groceries ivJiicft J re opened at my old atJtrti Oct Jlain Street I will fteveafr carry a stoclt of Noizoi - -Laces Jlihhons Needier il Thread Jiitttons jSc u Socks Overalls IndoiVcT etcfirtd J resjectfitZr a share of your twiCc J M CARPENTER 0 W MOREY WATOHMAKEE - AND - 3EV7SISB Fine line of plain and fancy jep elry constantly on hand Eepairing promptly executed ami done in the best manner Full line of sporting gc Crd C M SAGE TONSOR ARTIST THE ---- j - PccJ Hair cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Mose3 bulk r - HOT AND COLD U 3 - ELKHOSifS RAILROAD fcXorth Western Line to and from Ihc NORTH NEBB - fi r C SUGAR BEET FIEU -OF i A