It rt r fe 1 l r i i i si 1 1 ft i I 2 r i s ill St U s - P 7 K3Z3SS3ESKiSS 05sa4MMM THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT fiOBEET taOOD Editor and Publisher Official Paper of Cherry Coun ty Nebraska 100 JPer Yenr in Advance I mill ii i i TUBLIBHED EVERY THUE8DAY Entered t t he Post olllce at Valentine Cherry county Nebraska ns Socond claas matter - I II I Ml I Thfetpaper will be mailed regularly to itsjfinbscribers until a definite order Co discontinue is receired and all ar rears xire paid in full QSgiJ Adyerismg rate3 50 cents per inch per nvonth Hates per column or for long time ads made known on appli catio7i to this office THAT RECOUNT AGAIN 3he Democrat consistent with its course all along has been actively eu jgaged in showing up the frauds goul mitted by the recount of the vote cast last fall on tho amendment to the constitution relating to the number of premejudges In this work it has had the sympathy of every honest man in the county regardless -of politics CrSfcSSaaBfcssssB 7 m i AN OBJECT LES lrOf SON WHAT THEY SAY The newspaper boys of the Sixth district are taking an active interest in the meeting of representatives of the press to be held here on June 5 as the following clippings show In a pri vate letter Ross L Hammond the genius of the Fremont Tribune and one of the brightest editors in the state says I beg to assure you it will give me great pleasure to attend the proposed meeting if I can gel away at that time I bfclieve the step the Sixth district editoJ js are taking is one that may be made productive of good to the craft Below are a few comments on the meeting by editors Moie have baen received and will appear later We have accepted the invitation and will get there or ubnstf the walking is good The idea of such a meeting is a good one and deserves to be aided and attended by every nev s paper man inthe district Aiwwonii Star Journal An interesting enterLainment and program will -be prepared by winch the boys of the juiiU will became more closely fralernnliyed for the good of the press It it- to be hoped that the organization will means of ac complishing much good Uotiieiibiirr Independent We are in hearty sympathy with the movement to rurni an organization or the publishers of the Sixth - ii t - v is nwuoiu3micuuuuui me yapc Sional district and rrovicieuee per- to show up these frauds simply for the mittmg the Lyon of fhe ti ibe of Judea purpose of casting odium upon the populist party as has been insinuated by sfrtne stnnU bore politicians If that board lmvl been composed en tirely of democrats this paper would shave kickeil still ha tiler than it has The persons who committed the fraud should nt be respected because of their political faith P O Hedlund the republican member exposed the iworkings of tho committee and 3Ir will be ureseut and lend his voice and personal good will toward making the meeting a success foumul It is a commendable movement and oughii to meet witi Im encourage meat of every puohljer m Uie dis trict In tliee dna when organiza tion counts tor everything and in dividualism counts tor nothing the 1 press cant dj better than jjet together and organize for mutual benefit and protection A ilia i tec Hi ij Xoihiug oohUcal i connecfed with v nllliyilMM Kowlby the democrat lost all right to l its rgnxuMiiuii auu Ua iuvitation ev tends to repuhlioiuu poiiuust auu t t the name ol leiiersons partv bv his - r 1 Inn dtmoerutie poohshers vaieiu silence Tht Western Xuws last week in an -endeavor to shield tho recount board tries to lay tlie bi iine for the frauds at the feet of the various county clerks and says -That theve was taupering ftWith the ballots no one seems to -deny ibut that the tampering- should seem onore glaring in repnblicans counties 4a wherein hangs a tale True to its principle ot protecting every man who is unjustly dealt with this paper -must combat the above statement lor a long time lieinert has main tained a discreet silence on this ques tion but now that he has been smoked out his action only exemplilies the old proverb that fools rush in etc Senator Mutz endeavored to take this -same position but he discreetly retired and confessed his inability to locate Xhe fraud If the fraud was most glaring in republican counties why is it that in Brown county which as re publican with a republican clerk the ivote changed was so small The can vassing boards found 331 votes for and 98 against the amendment and the recount is given at6S9 for and 100 against a very slight change compared with Cherry county while in Keya Paha which is populist with a popu list clerk the change was from 169 for and 107 against to SGI for and 25 against Senator Mutz confesses that a change of 40 votes was made in his Own precinct The thing most notice able is that more changes were made in the counties first counted than in ithose which came later Does Reinert impugn the honesty of our county clerk Does he mean to jsay that George Elliott changed or aided or ahetted the change of Cherry countys vote on amendment What a picnie the democrats ot Nebraska should have next fall A republican treasurer steals over 500 000 A populist legislature assists in a fradulent count of ballots Demo crats shoHld capture every office in sight unless they are of the Bowlby stripe 5U5 Pzaak E Moores the republican mayor elect of Omaha has practically admitted that he is a defaulter hy turning over to the county treasurer 111800 of school inoney illegally held by bijn wheu he was clerk of the dis trict court It is said that this action will debar him from taking the mayors chair as the state laws and constitu tion prohibit defaulters hohting public tine boys nae maae ample arrange ments to ee that no newspaper man pays cent for expenses their guests Ifroiu present iuUeiMons we think we will ue there Ktaruvy Dtgnovrat AH who attend will be royally en tertained and the proposition set forth for a ijixthdistrict press association is a good one The uewspaper meu of Valentine are entitled to commenda tion for originating the idea aud for the complete airangeuwntfe made for the meeting ou Juue 5 liiere is no doubt that the meeting will be well attended Journal It is hoped a good organization will be effected at this meeting Forty years ago iu 1S57 the writer joined Philadelphia typographical Union Jtfo 2 and our experience from that time to this has been that these fraternal associations are a power tor good If possible to cut loose from business the Tribune will be represented at the Valentine meeting next month Crawford Tribune The Valentine Colonels have made a move that should receive the en couragement of all the pencil push ers iu the district The clause in the invitation in which all who attend are assured gratuitous food and drink water w infer- should go a long way toward making the initial meet ing a success It nothing uuforseen occurs a representative of the Sun will enjoy Valentines hospitality June 5 Whitman Sun This is a move in the right direc tion The editors of the other con gressional districts ofsthe state should organize on the same day at some point in their respective localities the whole to form a state organization The Sun extends its best wishes to those who shall meet at Valentine on June 5 and the visiting brothers should not overlook the fact to kindly remember Editors Barker Keinert and Good in their efforts in preparing for them such a good time ONeill Sun We acknowledge invitation of The Republican Western News and The Valentine Democrat of Valentine Nebraska to meet witn them at an ed itorial convention of the Sixth con gressional district at Valentine June 5th As an inducement they promise us a plenty of good things to eat We observe that Geo H Reinert is secre tary Robert Good treasurer and W S Barker president of the association It would afford much pleasure to meet with them either in the convention hall or at the table and we will cer tainly try to he present But what puzzles us is how that Mr Good got to be treasurer in a terrible combine of which Reinert and Barker are sec retary and president respectively It would seem that Robert has a decided advantage Newport Republican Fhi8 office is in receipt of a neatly gotten up invitation to tittend a meet ing of the editors and publishers of all newspapers in the Sixth Nebraska dis trict to be held in Valentine June 5th The object af the nieeti js to form N0 Z mmSSSUa ssssSKsSsaSessssgsaftiS v4 i D I a Press Association composed of the editors above mentioned and to fur nish pleasure and rest to the boys of the quill The citizens of Valentine have made arrangements to defray the hotel bills of every newspaper man who will attend and a royal good time is anticipated The craft is badly in need of organization in this section and the siigoesrim will met with th approval of every editor in the north west The idea originated with J B Good of the YArKvnxii Diojockat and he has enlisted the cordial co-operation of AV iS Jrkr of the Hepnb licau and Geo II iReinerr of the Western Xewa chadron lhonrder Col F C Aiuswuyih of the War Department has compiled some curi ous and apparently fairly reliable sta tistics of mortality among the surviv ors of the TJnion armies in the civil war Te finds that there are now I U95fc28 survivors This number will decrease as follows -1 tVV - -4 j W v - J A J v r lKO Tft0 10 10 009900 820187 026201 251727 07000 010 - 0 Therefore according to Ccl Ains worlii eighty years after the war and forty eight jais irosn the present time the last survivor will be depart in At present there are about 700000 survivors on the roll This loaves 005000 who might be added A good percenrauo of Mu ui probnbiv will I e added under the present administra tion In addition to siJrvors tiiere are 21i000 wid ws fe m ibe roll to K o o llMii r 4l rl nll Over the Xevaila deserts a lot lifiTv is fiii irl lyiiwli i2 Wd by doubling the price 1his will not add a cent to the governments rev enue but will increase the irwshiw - - himw ir t y i - - - r lira miTaaw mrrWi 1 wi Now is the time to subscribe 100 j Mrs Nell rXiUI Mfofi visited with Mi i AiiOviiisvin Monday find went to -Arabia on the afternoon train Object Is to get the best ric Cant abject To Us helping Wevt is to sell goorisait prict s to see her sister AU Hitrley iods for the lowest possible figure you We will do it for that will retain cutfomers x f oy w WE DONT OBJECT To comparison withanyone either in regard to price or quality of goodsgwe sell Try us when in need of DRY GOODS SHOES OR GROCERIES w w T fS L J ADMD m r v n - rifj mr t l a nv n ts It XJ WJYXW ho i3 in jil ii i vUnrv of hOTpte ding j in the building- called- a- court- house formerly occupied bv him as a tory and has moved his paraphernalia into the new building on Virginia street I t i i pW r ff ilJ The Longpine Chautauqua will be held August 0th to 1 th inclusive A K Goudy former state superintendent of schools will have charge of the pro gram Arrangements are being made to have one day devoted to the press A vming man in Ainsworlh oJIVis a dollar prize lor bn t wrai propo al of mania dirjrted tn irim by i young lady Ciris wiih mtvipv -id netter look out An editor recently made a roi osirion of Ihd sort acevpjed the f nuosaJ ol t rieii widow and then fuwd iivr tor 55t00 ositnaes when he refused to marry I hnn This ollic is in reeip1 of sx volumes of ttie Diplomatic Corros uondence of tne Ameiicun levolu tiou 1hrouh the couilevy of ton tjressmati W Ii Greene luv which the honor able gentleman has our utmost thanks This work was edited hy Francis Wharton under the direction ot congress and is tion to our hbrarv spleuUiM Jul i Arthur JJowring ol Merriman broiher i Oonduetor Uiruv wtuU ritlin a broncho lat UVjre55av vi thrown Iroin lis jot y je eeiwd a broken j bouiuVr but la imnroviny rapitily undr the cjmv r Jr Fhune The Daues eoonfy t ni tual pniteotive asMieianon mt r id ih otjcji oj JJ p Ifist S tunay lormed a tf mporaiy fvviiozaion ant the roiiowii ojVwi iis lann nresidfj at 15 F Pman Pecin tary Vm irei r A r oili er meeting v ill be hfhl tomorrow to perf cr a permanent oruuz uion DowJf County Journal Foi ice Three big sorrt s hotm K atei anl Ul whit terms lo suit iSiyr - - or im xivi vVil kjI a lot mil- t - fir 0J e per buftif faJ V J3 as j i IL ltOift iili Or Si lOOOfOO aunoiUy a proprialed i i L j JfOt I i J I rv io i ii t we iH il fjiu - tiMt ptuil we nvtxf irom f to rents per pound ill rn fi ri tor Jones proposes u put a fluty of i j arrivir t at oox i iiy it cents tier pound on this artieM there- r tnioi si r - uiatcm eouiiCiiiiiN i VWSt tiilUis rJfiiiJTo fvi V CU I I i t i ijaves w ALARG W j A1F hid lus iica pivny 5idly tmrnea re T j cemly winie tnonUevif vim th jail PiJiri 4HSRgQai G II Cornell has vacated the room iiM fej MW i t i t GENUINE JACKSON FAVORITE WAIST - V fflf idSS H RraSEl1 N E VV I NV n rvi - a LDuD OF nnir yiNJC OICEv CORSETS AND1CELEBRATED IAGKS0N WAISTS JUST RECEIVED s T rnriRJi rafiiT u ntu rfiu wr rAu I THESE CORSETS COME IN ORY VAHiUUS Slb STImS Ml oOLOHS t r ill ha AND ALL CAN BE SUITED iiite per cwr UJ ton v rtunl trok Mote ali of Cjtr To v iMiM - mr j fi Shannon uf Cody Xbr I t tiiii i e i c - it i fjecfiao C3 5 KXSi t i t rJ a r i s i liissa 9C TO THE PUBLIC In fiiTdsfiozi to tsi line G yocerfcA vJiieTi I lercntStj opened at a ofel obi jflfsin Street J trill h imufter carry a atoeft of rivfiuiiH Xjuu JSihbimsi KeeZlcn find Thread Iitttii JVceA7 i m I- y i i at cvNKii xkhAsjca iasfe AtftrVKSji P i A - LXCIlPi SU N V IT S Lund omcc atVatPitine Noli r Ajril -it isrr f Notice i h nby tiv n sttlk r lias liii d notii c of his intonitim to makfi iinsI roof ii siaijjort of hU ctmui md that mud proof will lift madi lfire lCei tpr and Iti feiror at Valeutine tlr ou Jnsm 14tli VA7 iz William O Dell ot Pullman Xebr Fid 0301 the and aSfwli Sc 2S tjj 2t R I In names the foHowinji witnesses to prove hi eontimioua rtiidoucu upon uni cnltivatioa of said land vi lsin Loniis of Mullen Xbr Hirtiere Koers Joeli Culbertson and Sanuid Mcyieitu ot Pullman Nybr U lt i il GLOVIJK Ketcistcr Sorlcs Ove ralli Underwear its Land Ofiica Valentine vbri April L 1W71 eSf iittd If VHtiHtflltiil -7 Nti is herein ptvori tlrit the fottowinr iiaaifi filoti iiotkt of mtOiitidii tn Fscjt califirc of rffisy fnfde 7 il OAEJENTEE niaK tJJiiil nrooi m support u Ins ouuni tint sid proot vii be tiuitia n lin flie ittucr or icritrarValeutint Neo mi tuncTll 1307 vi John L Dallard of Cody Xehr lid VV7 for the s Sw 17 1 n art i Ml loiii lln fiilouiil r VaiiVNVS u nmvp JIIU jtr ETveil ii i aiit ctiHivattuii i LH i i j m Joisatu ivud a ii iii avu -- cwoiii rimer L U Shaonon Iemv r Molliitiy hop iVrd ltd JV17 Jor tle ns vv tidjiust Jn e3lTp iii I ft iiaiiK H the foHmvmx i prtvgiw riiiiui rsdtii o itpnii a i eiiitiuon of j t yd UlVi frviii Klfv itt i Vlfk - m i t r j i r iovin fiui OflSat Valentsne br li Ar i t Xolo1 clvnn tint Hi ir Wi lv r n iinivint r iiu a iM ntfr nitf nUtit tiitiUiiiiRiipii the irsjyr or I Vnet fi V ilynthi oi SiiVTV l u of Film- ivr tCtli r Imp- ipijiiin So 7 7 for lliy ji uul iwi rv i i p zi I a lit- Ii lift- ariVf in Sluix I liy WMiiiJi to - lsrjf 1rJ1 Im price of soap and other arlielw the J nw i with ouritamM avin 1 - 5 n i7 fr ft- irr and soat j Mi i Anderson of Jlrownle Xebr 1 Dakois tiiviKl licii t Hif Neil i nrineinal comnosition of wlweh is ni hvay ovr aloux nv dssiorhfmy i wiifpsri -a prove borax Nevadaha a total popula tion of 4r00 Thus to benetir i feu 700000GQ -people ranst pay double the present pniee for soap This is cer tainly a tax on cleanliness The editor of the Rushville Standard would make a first class republican Tie says Every dollar taen out of Sheridan county ami spent at the Trans- Missis sippi Exposition will have i bard time to get back into circulation in this countv The World HeraM of Monday May 10 says the Peruvian government will cease the coinage of silver after that date and restrictions are placed upon the importation of bullion It is stated that these new regulations are made to check if possible the rapid depreciation of Peruvian silver The senate committe which had charge of the Dingley bill made 1200 amendments thereto The reciprocity clause was entirely stricken out Nebraska Children Home Society The above named society seeks to save the homeless aud dependent child ren of the state The work is looked after by local advisory boards which are appointed by the state superintend ent Rev E P Quivey Ou May 2 a local board was organized for this dis trict with Rev S W Holsclaw as pres ident The children are received by Super in tendent Quivey but all correspond ence with him must be done through the local board It seems to us that there can be no work nearer the Mas ters heart than this the finding of Christian homes for homeless children Committee The annual electiou of officers of ilionechadaza Lodge 192 A F A M will be held at Masonic Hall Val entine Nobr Saturday May 151 Rt 730 p m All members tire cordially requested to be present as that and other important business is to bo trans acted W W Thompson Sec J T JvKuiuy W M - inovA im The Georgia rnveriuv tirabuiosj I curtain being up overt s o houri entertainment Marled with a rm h an1 wound no the same wav Xoficci of Annual Jlcvlimj Notice is hereby given ihat tin annual ueeting of the dtock holders of the Valentino Building and Loan Association will be hed at the Couniy Judges Office in Valentine a on Tuesday evening May IS 1897 at 730 p m It is the earnest eequeit of the directors to have each and every Stockholder present at this meeting W E Haley Secretary 5aJoJra5a Falls We arc very glad to hear from Us once lnore Parties from the west end of the eennty camped near the falls last Monday uiilir They had been to Valentine to make linal proof on their claim Wl Meltendorf and wife spent Sunday on the river Lou Mosher is visiting in tiiis vicjnity Mr Query of Valentine was out in search of his horses Suaday II Grooms and F fleece have been imploring their plates by way of sfctJe trees J A Adamsou has been breaking hnmehos this week it rooms is convalescing slowly VYllHt union of his relations K lib Ia would itl iiiii uo Vhit do you all aaj -- - j Well Mr Editor we wisbjou a plcasaut sail Aoveinot r I lllii imv n ii liMi vi it- -- m n ih vt r Prof J O Deatty S iiuiday night organized a chorus class of about 50 persons the mealing being held in the M E church Prof JeJVrs was un able to be present at the first meeting owing to ill health The class meets every evening at 8 and some of the members give promise of developing very good voices The class will give a public recital on May 22 U S Land OHice Valentine Nebr t April iu 1S07 Notice Is hereby given that Louisa Grant formerly Iouisa Salzmanu of Ihovnlee Netir has tiled notice ot intention to lraiictinai proof befm s le Register or Ke celwrat 11s oilic in Valentine Xe7jrask i on Saturday Mu JHfb day of May t7 on timber culture application Tmi 7i7l for the witieJi skc lie and nel tiee S Tp 7n l3w Site names as witnesses John Hainan John JlalzHiHii Peter H Kouertie and John O Kane of Hrwwnlee ebr ltt J 8 C It G LOVER- Register U S Laud OOiey Vntelft Vebr t JirU21 1f17 J Nofn e is i co tU it Jrn s A avUmiii I nf I API -It liriv fIfi friiM nf iritifn fciaimnijyof cuwmant will be rakeu uviore ou the matrimonial sea and ali tuo luppineaS District Court of Sarpy County his eartii affords for you and your bride xius t j is wfiiac tn Pajlium Nt bniska on June- U is tlw csinicsl vW nS a viti JJvuCov iiS7 C It GLO VKR Kcg Xer - his Itdfinns upon ainl euKivaMini tfrt its ftniUnr t V vV V Ailanz Miriui t loan ilnrv Vm Mif fonv Lr aiat tustaw Wcmtler nil of Ma M Mi in Hit niaJU r o ftftoir j Inifi u i i u i 1 r -- gave a very criniiaoieninstrei show iu To tin riiisui said i iate raiam tartui or nrowniee jvetir Vol Jlt I Tiiat 1 Vltl s at till- f ji it i t - 1 ieiy c r i e i Cornel HaJl last prsaay the i rnt ite m in alcor ne in srid t o auv Jl1sLfcrl -VV - v se work of Al Watt end uu ami thuiilffi of he juggler being esend wur0 TSUlS SPV I of commendation Theshow wa j TlW it ir f - l Siderabiv belTer lhms Ih oniinaiv rti irf iit i wij Voir from sid ii tij L y U 1 - tvitr - 4ViianhH3KliUavirMJA tlW P Laiai Vr t he At UTCWt April l lsi j - - Comuvhitsi Nolu i Khtjrt liyicivviKtiatljnn J W Vrx I j i iuuitii wtiMiiii jiiut Jiis ii t iiiinn ik tt nrinsj u an i prooi nror tbe lifter or Kver i Iii- i i ViJ iirt iMrn cv r Tir i FlNAL NOTICES cm SsiMrfi y lln asM - lv of var ISC m l rrirtieauplicinoii NoT7Tfortlie iiwr i S - r i iMinmMHamI iffilni ws iii tinal proof t e T To P 7 v noli of wlili li rn r In Tub DvMtiruvy wlil j iJu Tinf as lotin Harrsin watdo Miymil any K Crart lvcIIr suid Enuis 11 Vaul error m o Liio or spelling nanus ifr ail of nrownhvplir tntlielanrt Testimin ol Ilainmil will b taken tvifir ollice and this otli so eonrction can lu made th ctfrt of tin- IiNtnut wmrr for xhjun maniM ui mjtM V S Land Oiii je Valentine JCeli i wav Xotii o is boreliy given tuat Frank C liuson of ParinY hnuTji Iowa Im tilnd tiorlt t of Mi i niteutien io make linal proof beforeilie Iteister r iVe er r 1ms in anitin Se on j i tiTinty rt iil ofiii e m whatooni wtL iiittjron on j iay -v nvt i t iS i c n clov Ufier C S IjpzwI oaice Valenl Nonec w l ereby fiv i tiia 1 ic il fcv timber til s 11 iniul vethr U - notkv of b jf itlia ti tmv jippiiatioa 747 1 lor the sei rii c 1 Tp make hn d pro it siiphii of his riaitn 11 ii s w said iirinjf willb iraietcior il inic or If- nam as ivitnes John J Jailard KefervraL Vateiitine Xebr on May ah 13 it Ilenrv naJiard William O Mallard and Johii i vizi iviiniiy lonr Jr by MarySefnacek his eli nl Mm- IK Jnet foi ri of wiih eonniy at v- a4 arenr of ICenjedv NV his oli o in GleiiWo id Iowa ru lime I l i7 Jr J 0 C K OLOVEU t ier -- - - fartlie swi S Vi Ti ft ttw la- ISIS M IlIOWillC Wl4l TjI tpV - hi n szdeiKe upoi and ccitivatfoit V s tAvi orricK Vi l i j MiviJtAll1 Mii trs aiiii c ic T r A - - 4 - Noti e hereby qivon that the foilo viir named settler has tiled notb of his intention io make linai proof in support of his flami and Ihat said proof wilt be made before Kegi tT am Kewivpr at Vniline ebrnslM on rune I lilt Ui7 vi join M Clarkson of Sparks Xebr H K No 04 Jl for the nwU See a Tp 34n K 2w He named the following vitnesse to prov ing cont niinus residence on and cnliivation of said Yr- dcriek Smith of Port Xiobrara Nebraska KijhuiM birn Newton J Uroonis Perry riWsa rioter all ofSparKS Xebr 15 Ji U It G LO VEE irtsister Wilkerson and Saifo ii J Spain till of ini dv Ncbi iica U K iViil uUr U S Land Ofiice V br Aprth jI7 NVhcei1 berc by triveu rIowiu named settler yut aI1 notice of his iau iou v make lirul proof m of bis Suba a id thar said pny will bs efon tlj t j Msc or Rtcciwraf Valentine Neo oa May 17 1V7 iz Iiiohard Osburn of -Sparks Xeb IT E No CSOl for iSi j vH ht o ir Tp n It 2 w He namns tbe following witnesses fo prove hi contimmiw residence njioa and cnltivatua of baid irnil viz Charles Maxwell of Valuntine Xebr nivt ettu Johnson Aarou V Grooms ami John Groamyr orsparl Nebr t i w n il glover i ier Noli or u S Land DIKce Valentine Nebraska- Complaint having been enfrearVhKfteo l yjrimji walker acninvt Edwan IMon Ur 1 lllillll HIS lIOllIKSrlUI 1T1 Xlflifl i Irl NiiVi mber 1 upon then nei ivul n iiwii ot Tp ran av ali P m in Cberrv -- wbraska l vtt i t vyv to the v ttetditioi of xd l W I LU Srilll SlrlPtf ir cmai J appear at this oOlce tin Wtb iv uf Umr Jy ai 10 o clock a m to rospiKid an rfurnUIi hdi niony sal I alleg i aiRiiijiutu s iBiiiifcuuy ui wmnisses t Uf taton bon I Xn jCl r r rrof bei reliu IteirWer or lie- Robert lu as U S Cu j at ConpV eonwk V re I e UthaMis uffve ib Vii nlme Ne mi ob tthi mil day of June IW 10 am andgct acriuaici uHlwdg sec j 1iiilv A- js yr tlu je 6c5 To lim s Heionesasiaeiwe Osir vr vcri l Ey I vaieutioo Andrew It ward and John o Erduinanailoi wood lVe Nebr Wanted An fdea S 8 OT tttilliailiiYSKKicsiraiJtrt Xr i n fi Tjw