The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 13, 1897, Image 7

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A Dnnccrons Lethargy
The forerunner of a trnin of evils whlqh
too often culmlnnte fatally is Inactivity or
lethargy of the kidneys Not only is Brights
d Incase diabetes gravel or some other dan
gerous Integral disease of the organs them
selves to be apprehended but dropsical dif
fusions from the blood rheumatism and
gout are all traceable to the non removal
from the blood by the kidneys of certain im
purities Hostetters Stomacn Bitters depu
rates the blood renders the kidneys active
and prevents their disease
Bootblacks In Parte are licensed do
not run the streets few stands no b03s
mostly old men
Tired Feeling
Afflicts nearly every one at this season
You know just what it means no energy
no ambition without spirit life vitality
Some men and women endeavor tempo
rarily to overcome That Tired Feeling by
great force of will But this is unsafe
as it pulls powerfully upon the nervous
eystem which will not long stand such
strain Too many
VwC3ik people work on
tneir nerves anu
rvous e resuit is seen m
uniorumaie wreens
marked nervous prostration in every
direction That Tired Feeling is a posi
tive proof of thin weak impure blood for
if the blood is rich pure vitalized and
vigorous it imparts life and energy The
necessity of taking Hoods Sarsaparilla
for that tired feeling is therefore appar
ent to every one and the good it will do
you is equally beyond question
I was afflicted
with That Tired
Feeling and general
debility and had no I nwOfBll
nrraeritn and mv 3
blood did not seem to circulate I took
different kinds of medicine without much
benefit and finally began taking Hoods
Sarsaparilla and it gave me a good appe
tite and That Tired Feeling is gone I
Lenrtily recommend Hoods Sarsaparilla
I find it is a cure for weakness and un
steady nerves John 0 Seamans Cort
land If Y Remember
Is the best in fact the one True Blood
Purifier Insist upon Hoods
Hnnrlc Dilfc act harmoniously with
liUUU fill Hoods Sarsaparilla 25c
noctie r
The popping of a
cork from a bottle of
Hires is a signal of
good health and plea
sure A sound the
old folks like to hear
the children cant
resist it
Is composed of the
very ingredients the
system requires Aiding
the digestion soothing
tho nerves purifying
the blood A temper
ance drink for temper
ance neonle
Made onlv br 12
TLe Charles E Uire Co Phfla
1 package nalcs 5 halloas
Sold evcrjxrhere
Ride a K icycle
Youll feel better
look better
work better
ride a Columbia
youll be proud of i
your wheel its the
Oolumuia BiGyelos
Standard of the World
To All Alike
raartford bicycles
Next Best
60 55 SO Q45 E
POPE KFG CO Hartford Conn
Catalogue free froa any Columbia dealer by msil I
tor one a ccat stamp
Battles n Wild Goose
William E Metcalf oC NUes Mich s
onsidered a famous hunter He has
3peut many years in that vicinity and
he many spots where game abounds
ire not unknown to him He is an
ibsolutely fearless man and his
bravery more than once saved him
from being torn to pieces by the iierce
3euizens of the forest While Mr Met
talf loves to relate his many adven
tures there is none that he recalls that
causes him to shudder so much as a
Bght he recently had with a male wild
oose One morning he started out
with a quail net which he set in hopes
Df capturing some of the birds After
accomplishing the setting of the trap
3atisfactority he left The next morn-
the ma was knocked down bt the
suddenness of the onslaught
ing he returned to the scene of his ope
rations and when he approached with
in a few rods of the trap he heard a
loud cackling He crept cautiously
forward and when he came in sight of
the net was astonished to find that sev
enteen fine wild geese had become en
tangled in the meshes and were unable
to get loose Outside and free of the
net stalked along a magnificent gan
der a lordly bird and seemingly mon
arch of all he surveyed As he came
forward the gander eyed Metcalf and
then flew at him ferociously Before
he could escape the bird nad given him
several hard slaps with his wings
meanwhile digging him severely with
his feet and pecking away with his
beak at his face and eyes The man
was knocked down by the suddenness
of the onslauaht of the enraged bird
which did not I6t up in his attack Mr
Metcalf thougfit his time had come
but he finally got hold of a club lying
near by -with which he dealt the gan
der a half dozen blows stunning the
bird Mr Metcalt managed to get to
his feet and then easily dispatched the
gander which was the largest ever
seen in the vicinity The hunters face
was terribly scratched and his clothes
were badly torn -while he smarted con
siderably from the blows of the gan
ders wings He killed the balance of
the wild geese and carried his game
home in triumph though he had had a
fierce fight to gain possession Mr Met
calf could never account for the attack
of the gander unless it was trying to
protect its mates
German students of literature are
much exercised over the decay of polite
letters in the fatherland In scholar
ship it more than holds its own but
neither in poetry drama nor fiction Is
there anything notable being done It
may be said that the same is true of
music Germany no longer leads the
world as she did in this art
Farms in England are selling at a
ruinous reduction of their former -value
and in many cases cannot be sold at all
In many cases farms have been sold for
iess than one tenth of their value twen
ty years ago Well-to-do farmers are
abandoning the business and going to
the colonies or to cities to start life
A proposed building law in Boston
prohibits the erection of any build
ng exceeding seventy feet in height
uless it occupies a whole block owned
y the same person and surrounded on
II sides by public streets and except
ig public buildings grain elevators
iwers spires and chimneys and build
lgs already contracted for or in pro
ess of construction
A 4-year-old infant prodigy was ex
libited recently before the Berlin An
thropological Society He is a son of
x butcher and at 2 years of age learn
ed to read without assistance He
knows the dates of the birth and death
of all the German emperors and many
other noted persons and their birth
places the chief cities of the world
and all the great battles He can read
anything in print and can talk intelli
gently about it but nnds it hard to
learn to write and draw dislikes mu
sic and hates pianofortes The boy is
physically well developed though not
I was a boy I was iHiElSffBy 3
troubled with dropsy HUSHES v I
ray legs swelling until I elig3B
E could not walk and finally jjfggBMBIBi v I
I bursting open and becom t jliillfil I
I ing running sores flSrSsM I
tors gave me up and said I sillllllipBljflf 8
B could not live At this time 1 1 iilllilIlSllal tw I
I began to use Ayers V rllllliPl3liii 8
I riila and after taking fourteen Spffgzili I
bottles I was able to get out and r r
go to work My leg is still tender V It u j 1
and at times somewhat sore but l V- f f
have no hesitancy in saying Ayers V A
Sarsaparilla saved my life J F M
Hazee Tallnlah La Nov 21 1S95 I V
I FOR f WM i
Ayers Sarsaparilla
The Plague Virus
Such scientific authorities in England
as Lord Lister and Professor Frank
land speak with approval of Dr Yer
slns anti toxin for the plague They
are convinced that he has discovered
the true virus of the disease and that
his method of prevention and cure by
vaccination is effective
The Most Precious Gem
Prof J W Judd in a recent lecture
in London gave some facts not gener
ally known concerning the comparative
value of diamonds and rubies He had
the best authority he said for stating
that a ruby weighing as much as five
carats is worth ten to twelve times as
much as a diamond of the same weight
even though the latter might be of the
first water The ruby therefore in
stead of the diamond is the material
which embodies the highest money
value in the smallest compass
By Canoe from Atlantic to Pacific
Mr F C Nicholas recently described
the gold fields of Western Colombia for
the geological section of the New York
Academy of Sciences and incidentally
pointed out a route by which in the
wet season a man might go in a canoe
from the Atlantic to the Pacific across
the northwestern corner of South
America The proposed route follows
the River Atrato to the divide which
lies in a series of swamps and then
by way of one or two smaller streams
reaches the River San Juan which
empties into the Pacific
Spiral Arrow Head
Several chalcedony arrow heads are
reported to have been found in New
Jersey which are so peculiar in form
that if they are genuine relics of In
dian times they seem to indicate that
the red men may have sought in some
cases to give their arrows a twisting
motion like that of a rifle ball The
arrow heads in question are cut in a
spiral shape and one of them makes a
fifth of a turn in its length of two and
a half inches Dropped point down in
water it is said it will perform a com
plete revolution in a space of about
thirty inches
Arms and Legs
According to the result of many
measurements made at the Anthropo
logical Laboratory in London the right
arm in human beings is in a majority
of cases longer than the left arm
while on the contrary the left leg is
longer than the right leg Sometimes
however the relative proportions are
exactly reversed but very seldom does
perfect equality exist between the two
sides The tendency of the right arm
to exceed the left arm in strength is
somewhat greater in men than in wom
en while equality of strength in the
two arms occurs almost twice as fre
quently with women as with men
The Plays of Animals
A German professor Karl Groos has
written a book on the plays of qni
mals in which he undertakes to show
that the desire to indulge in play is a
true instinct among the lower crea
tures As in man the tendency to play
is stronger in young animals Professor
Groos divides animal sports into a
number of classes Among them are
Play hunting in which the prey is
sometimes such as the animal natural
ly chases and sometimes a make-believe
play fighting building play
nursing play plays of imitation
and others
History on a Watch Face
Almost the last work of the Belgian
astronomer Houzeau recently deceas
ed was an article in which while argu
ing in favor of a decimal division of
time he pointed out the origin of the
double set of twelve hours represented
on our watch and clock faces The an
cient inhabitants of Mesopotamia
chose the number twelve as an arith
metical base because it has four divis
ors viz while ten has only two divis
ors viz two and five They counted
twelve hours in the day and twelve in
the night measuring the day by the
progress of the sun and the night by
the progress of the stars across the
sky This system prevailing over all
others has come down to us and so
our watches bear on their faces a sou
venir of those ancient days when the
sun served for a clock hand half of the
time and the stars the other half
Makinpr Railroads Smoother
The fact that within the past fifteen
years two thirds of the unevenness in
railroad tracks has been done away with
on certain lines was discussed at a re
cent meeting of the New York Acad
emy of Sciences The improvement has
been brought about principally through
new designs and methods of manufac
ture of rails A track indicator car
traveling twenty or thirty miles an
hour sums up the inequalities the
ups and downs in the rails for each
mile traversed Formerly the total
Inequality per mile amounted to six
or seven feet even for the best roads
now it has been reduced to only eigh
teen or twenty inches and this rem
nant is said to be due to dents in the
rails It was pointed out that the im
provement which may be carried far
ther brings with it heavier locomo
tives and cars longer trains and higher
To make a mad dog to order tie a tin
pan to his tail A man made mad is
one who after suffering ten fifteen or
twenty years with rheumatism finds
that by the use of a bottle of St Jacobs
Oil he is cured He feels the waste of
his life in pain with the loss of time
place and money and then reflects that
for the expense of 50c he could have
saved all this and lived free of pain it
is enough to make him mad Most of
our sufferings are intensified by delay
in seeking relief and there is much
worth knowing as regards the cure of
pain that we find out at last only by
the use of the best cure It is worth
knowing that for the cure of rheuma
tism there is special virtue in The
Great Remedy for Pain St Jacobs Oil
and as so much can be saved by its use
the cost Is really nothing
Do you think he really loves her
I am sure of it He exchanged his
wheel for the kind she rides Brook
lyn Life
Wns blliou3 or costive eat a Cascaret candy ca
thartic euro guaranteed 10c 25a
To Drill Holes in Glass
The Bulletin dApiculture states that
holes can be easily drilled in glass with
an ordinary drill if the spot is moisten
ed with a few drops of a mixture com
posed of twenty five parts of oxalic
acid in twelve parts of turpentine
Drank for Twenty tears
A correspondent writes I was drunk
on and off for over twenty years drunk
when I had money sober when I had
none Many dear friends I lost and num
bers gave me good advice to no purpose
but thank God an angel hand came at
last in the form of my poor wife who ad
ministered your marvelous remedy Anti
Jag to me without my knowledge or con
sent I am now saved and completely
transformed from a worthless fellow to a
sober and respected citizen
If Anti Jag cannot be had at your
druggist it will be mailed in plain wrapper
with full directions how to give secretly
on receipt of One Dollar by the Renova
Chemical Co GG Jbroadway New York or
they will gladly mail full particulars free
When a girl wants to get you to hold
her hand she says Oh do you know
anything about palmistry The
for Fifty Cents
Over 400000 cured Why not let
regulate or removo your desire for tobacco
Save money make health and manhood Cure
guaranteed 50c and 1 all druREists
Every woman exaggerates a mans
income when she marries him and
when she sues for alimony Atchison
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents
I amount to nothing -said a small
stone as it rolled from its place in a
dam That night a town was flooded
E S OConnor
Improper and deficient care of the scalp
will cause grayness of the hair and bald
ness Escape both by the use of that re
liable specific Halls Hair Renewer
A man should be virtuous tor his own
sake though nobody were to know it
as he would be clean for his own sake
though nobody were to see him
Just try a 10c box or Cascarets canay cathartic fin
est liver and bowel regulator made
To store our memories with a sense
of injuries is to fill that chest with
rusty iron which was meant for refined
For lung and chest diseases Pisos Cure
is the best medicine we have used Mrs
I L Northcott Windsor Ont Canada
Er man kin git hissef inter a heap
o trouble an sponsibility said Un
cle Eben by convincin people dat
hes smahter dan whut he rely is
Washington Star
Cascarets btnnuate Ivor kldney3 aud bowels Ney
Tblcken weaken or arrlpfi JOc
Would you know how to give Put
yourself in the place of him who re
3rrs Winslows Soothing Smup for Children
teething softens the gums reduces inflammation allays
jialn cures wind colic 25 cents a bottle
Womans Nerves
Mrs Piatt Talks About Hysteria
When a nerve or a set of nerves supplying1
any organ m the body with its due nutri
ment grows weak that organ languishes
When the nerves become exhausted and i
die so to speak the organ falls into de
cay What is to be done The answer is
do not allow the weakness to progress
stop the deteriorating process at once
Do you experience fits of depression alter
nating with restlessness Are your spirits
easily affected so that one moment you laugh
and the next fall into convulsive weeping
Again do you feel somethinglike a ball rising
m your tnroat and threatening to choke you
all the senses perverted morbidly sensitive to
light and sound pain in ovary and pain es
pecially between the shoulders sometimes loss
of voice and nervous dyspepsia If so you are
hysterical your uterine nerves are at fault
You must do something to restore their tone
fc H jt i niMvai amx cranrM k
a a m 3xxax
Walter Baker Cos
Breakfast Cocoa
Because it is absolutely pure
Because it is not made by the so called Dutch Process in
which chemicals are used
Because beans of the finest quality are used
Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired
the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans
Because it is the most economical costing less than one cent
a cup
Be sure that you get the genuine article mode by WALTER
BAKER CO Ltd Dorchester Mass Established 1780
A Handful of Dirt May Be a Houseful
of Shame Keep Your House
Glean with
s 50
J KTbcyci
western wheel Works
Examination and advice as to Patentability or InYen
tlonB Send for intkntoss Guide or Hovr to Qet a
PATXXT Patrick OFarrell Washington DC
tsgton DO No chargo till patent
otitned BOpco book frc
EfflMrttte 12iJ9to
13 the yield per acre As easily planted and gotten rl 1
of as potatoes Its the greatest food to ward off hos
cholera and keep hoR3 healthy and happy lu the world
Price only 140 per barrel i barrels for one acre
plant up to June 1st 400 Order to day
liilOOIilch Kradr
pa pen in UUuold
guaranteed arcn
latlou 100000
or we can Insert
t 3 TIMES lu 1450 coun
try papers for
Ik 1 1 is
W l7
CJblcago Newspaper Union
93 Souta Jettenon Street ClAcsgo 111
I Hill I llUsamples The completes ever
issued Sioux City Newspaper Union
12 Pearl Street Sioux City Iowa
y j r
I W I l
V v OW i
in u
Nothing is better for the purpose than Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com
pound it will work a cure If you do not understand your symptoms write to
Mrs Pinkham Lynn Mass and she wUl give you honest
expert advice free of charge
Mrs Levi P Platt Womleysburg Pa had
a terrible experience with the illness we have
just described Here is her own description of
her sufferings
I thought I could not be so benefited by any
thing and keep it to myself I had hysteria
caused by womb trouble in its worst form I
was awfully nervous low spirited and melan
choly and everything imaginable
The moment I was alone I would cry from
hour to hour I did not care whether I lived
or died I told my husband I believed Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound would do
me good I took it and am now well and
strong and getting stouter I have more
color in my face than I have had for a year and a half Please accept my
thanks I hope all who read this and who suffer from nervousness of this
kind will do as I have done and be cured
a r wmJi 92awmmmi i wiii iwjiw jLrgrezss
pie and booklet free Ad STEELING BE JIEDT CO Chicago Montreal Can orKetT fort 317
C fesssj5 The P12 knot the tallow n
S JTJ O candle the oil lamp gas
1MMmffl MlllfX these are stages m the evo R
MJ jWyrrjlit I l yx lution of illumination which J
today finds its highest expo
nent in the electric light
Similar and no less striking has been the evolution of grain and
grass cutting machinery In J 83 J the scythe and the cradle were superseded by
thcMcCormick Reaper The intervening years have seen many improvements
until now we have that model Harvester and Binder the McCormick Right
Hand Open Elevator and that veritable electric light of mowerdbm the
New 4 It is not only the handsomest mower ever built but it is in every
sense of the word the best and if your experience has taught you anything
it is that theres nothing cheaper than the best
IVcCormck Harvesting Aachine Company Cfiicago
The Light Running McCormick Open Elevator Harvester
The Light Running McCormick New 4 Steel Moxver
The LiRht Running McCormick Vertical Corn Binder and
The Light RunniugMcCormick Daisy Reaper for sale everywhere
THE WEST is at
mate unexcelled Waters
beneficial Accommodations
first class at the many large and
small hotels and private boarding
houses Largest plunge bath in the
West Sanitarium experts at bath
houses To reach this resort take
with excellent train ser
vice Palace Sleepers
and all modern
at com
ft B ISIIBn FfFi filaTlllni
1 mo
Write for Hotel Rate3 and Bailroad Fare
General Passenger Agent F E and BT V
TtfA Kf 2- fftp 1nnnil
discharges inflammations
IrtTl U irritations or ulcerations
p5YiL L KCous membranes
v vu rainless and not
rgGTHEtVAHS UHEMICALUO gent or poisonous
or sent in plain wrapper
by expreia prepaid for
31 CO o r 3 bo t ties 275
wrcniar scat on request
Lata Principal ETanlner V B Pension Bartao
3 jrrs In last war I5adjxAieatiin cliira liXy eaca
S C X u
20 97
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use
in time Sold br drnizist3