The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 13, 1897, Image 6

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The Plague his black hand lifted
Was floating down the Rhine
HJb hark a soft lined coffin
On each side grew the vine
t EU struck the miller at his wheel
The woodman by his tree
Before him rose the prayer and hymn
Behind the Dirige
Jfie found them spinning wedding robes
He left them digging graves
High over faces pale and wrung
The earth heaped up its waves
He struck the baron at his gate
The peasant at the plow
And from his sable banner shookw
Darkness on every brow
At this time in belfry room
Five sextons drained the wine
Red from the toil that brought the fee
And made their old eyes shine
Their scats were cedar coffin planks
All velvet trimmed and soft
The chalice cups by them defiled
Were filled and emptied oft
They drank A long reign to King
A wet year and a foul
As screaming through the openloops
Flew in and out the owl
Their shirts werp made of dead mens
Dead men are meek and dumb
And each one wore a dead knights ring
Upon his thievish thumb
Down from the boarded floor above
The heavy bell rope swings
It coils around the bowls and flasks
The cups and drinking tilings
The cresset throws a gkoni of black
Upon the red tiled floor
Three faces dark on two the lights
Their golden lustres pour
Beside the table sink the steps
That lead into a vault
A treasure house no thieves but five
Dared ever yet assault
And through the darkness to the left
Winds up the belfry stair
Up to the old bell chamber
Up to the cooler air
The wall was hung with coffin plates
The dates rubbed duly out
Dead men are very dull and slow
In finding these things out
They toast The Doctors of Cologne
Who keep the clmrch spades bright
Such toasts as these such feast as that
Were fit for such a night
Far far above among the bells
The wind blew devil fierce
The sleet upon the baggar fell
And stabbed him carte and tierce
There was a pother in the roofs
And such a clash of tiles
That dying creatures sobs and groans
Were heard around for miles
They drink to Peter and to Paul
And All men underground
Then with a laugh and wink and nudge
The passing bell they sound
They drink to tlie tree that gives the
And the tree that guards the dead
The coal black tree with the blood drop
So poisonous soft and red
Is God then sleeping No See there
How one tears at his throat
And baring neck and shoulder
Bids all his fellows note
A plague spot blue and swollen
Shows ghastly on the skin
And on his knees he prays to Christ
To yet forgive his sin
Dead And the eldest tolling
The rope that oer them hung
Called with a curse Lads fill your cups
Let another song be sung
Then reels his white face sickens
And as he staggers down
Another drags at the heavy bell
Stamped with the cross and crown
So every time a toper fell
Another rose to toll
And all the rest screamed out a dirge
For the sinners passing soul
And round they stirred the gallon jug
And high they flung the cup
With half a song and half a prayer
They tossed it filling up
N ow but one left and he though faint
Staggers towards the rope
And toils first draining cup and bowl -
Half dead without a hope
Tolls till tlie old tower rocks again
Tolls with a hand of lead
Then falls upon the wine drenched floor
Upon his fellows dead
Walter Thornbury in San Francisco
Eva Norrington inserted her latch
key into the keyhole of a Bedford
square boarding house and entered
It was a dismal windy rainy Novein
ber evening and ever since lunch she
had been paddling about London
-climbing grimy stairs of newspaper
offices and talking to people who did
not seem especially plf ased to see her
Her skirts were wet rod a wisp of
damp hair was tumbling over her eyes
On the hall table disclosed by the
flickering gas jet were some letters
A year ago to day said Eva to her
self as she closed the door against the
wind Has he written or has he for
He had not forgotten Eva picked
up the letter from the hall table look
ed quickly round at the closed hall
door and at the baize door that led to
the kitchen stairs and kissed it Then
she went up stairs to her bed-sitting-room
with the letter in her hand and
joy in her heart
Hateful little room she murmured
to herself as she struck a match and
lit the gas But its the last4 time
thank God
The room was not really bad a bed
in the corner a wash stand a ward
robe here and there a picture on tlie
walls and a table by the window rath
er rickety on which lay a heap of man
uscript a half finished story
I will burn that before I go to bed
to night said Eva as she caught sight
of It
Then sjhetook off her hat and cloak
drew the only easy chair under the gas
jet and sat down Angering the letter-
she did not open it at once Now tbat
happiness stretched in front of her it
was pleasant to linger on the confines
of misery to look back on the life she
was to leave
It is not every one said Eva re
flectively who can make experiments
in life without expense
Eva Norrington had been the pride of
the provincial town which gave her
birth At the high school no girl could
stand against her Her form govern
ess who now and then asked her favor
ite pupils to tea even said she might
be a head mistress one day To Eva
this seemed absurd But when at the
age of 20 she gained a guinea prize
for a story in a weekly paper she be
gan to think that at least she might be
a great novelist At any rate she felt
sure that somewhere ahead of her
stretched a career and as her 21st
birthday approached she announced to
her startled parents her intention of go
ing to London in search of it There
upon ensued a series of domestic scenes
such as have been common of late in
the homes of England whereiu the par
ents play the part of the apprehensive
hen the daughter that of the adventur
ous duckling The duckling invariably
gains its point and so it was with Eva
Norrington Having refuted argument
and resisted persuasion for a certain
number of weeks Eva obtained a
grudging consent to her departure The
townspeople knew not whether to ad
mire or disapprove But they had read
in novels of young ladies who took
their lives and latchkeys into their own
hands became famous and married
respectably after all So during the
weeks of preparation for her campaign
Eva became something of a figure in
local society and more than one dinner
party was given in her honor as well
as plentiful advice as to the neces
sary precautions against London guile
and many recipes for guarding against
the colds induced by the fogs that in
fest the metropolis
Eva was almost happy for she had
the hopefulness of youth and beauty
and all the exhilaration of taking her
life into her hands and fashioning it as
she would with none to raise objec
tions to the process She would have
been quite happy but for Allan Craig
For Allan Craig whenever he heard
that Eva was bent on going to London
to make a name for herself promptly
offered her his own for a substitute It
was a good enough name and at the
foot of a check it was generally respect
ed as Allan Craig had lately stepped
into his fathers business as estate
agent and was prospering Eva was
disturbed but she turned not aside
from her project Eva had mapped out
her life and Allan Craig was not includ
ed in the scheme
As she sat fingering her letter in her
bed room she went over the parting
scene in her mind The details of it
would only increase the delight of the
letter For Eva had learned during the
last year that happiness is so rare that
it deserved to be rolled on the tongue
and not swallowed in haste It was at
a dance on the night before her de
partureher last dance so she thought
before she started life in earnest They
were sitting out a dance together for
Eva was not disposed to think unkindly
of Allan though she might resent his
intrusion into her scheme of life She
remembered how there had been silence
between them for some moments how
Allan had leaned his elbows on his
knees and dug the heel of his dancing
shoes into the carpet
And so you are quite determined to
leave us said Allan
Of course replied Eva My boxes
are all packed
Full of manuscript novels and other
One novel and several stories
I cannot understand why you want
to go when
I want to well to live a larger life
You mean you want to live in a big
ger place
Well not exactly I dont think you
quite understand
I quite understand that there is not
enough scope for you here and that I
am a selfish brute for trying to keep
you from your ambition Look here
Eva can you honestly say that 3ou
dont love me a little bit
Allan had risen and was standing
over her Eva looked up at him She
could see him standing there now big
comely with something in his eyes that
thrilled her half with fear and half
with pleasure She rose and faced him
I shall be sorry to leave you very
Then why
Cant you see Allan I know I have
it in me to do good work and I must
be where good work is wanted Here I
am hampered in Loudon
You may fail said Allan with a
note of hope in his voice Then Eva
I shall succeed I know I shall
Will you write to me
Eva hesitated She was half in
clined to give in to that extent Allan
had mistaken her hesitation
No he said There shall be no
selfishness in my love for you I will
wait a year from to night and then
if London is no go you know there
will always be me You cant expect
me to pray for your success can you
Eva placed on her mettle looked him
in the face
I am bound to succeed she said
and turned to go The1 waltz had ceas
ed in the room below and a rustle of
skirts and a ripple of tongues had taken
its place
Eva once the last time perhaps
She turned again laughing
Quick she said some one will
A woman may forget many things
but no woman ever forgets the first
time a lovers arm was around her
waist and a lovers lips upon her own
Aud as Eva satin the corner of a third
class carriage in the London train next
morning looking forward to the ca
reer before her the remembrance of
fcfciwjii imJwwmihwa
the support of Allans arm persisted In
obtruding itself Having got what she
wanted she had already begun to doubt
if she wanted what she had got For
a career after all is rather a lonesome
sort of a thing
Such small success as may come to
the inexperienced girl upon her first
incursion into literature came to Eva
She lived sparingly worked hard and
never made the mistake of refusing
invitations on the ground of work She
staid up a little later or got up a little
earlier instead A weekly column on
Health and Beauty placed at her dis
posal by the youthful editor of a new
womans paper who had met her at
the Writers Club and thought her pret
ty paid her weekly bill at the boarding-house
Her stories found frequent
acceptance and occasional welcome in
the minor periodicals and a happy
meeting with an editor at a dinner par
ty paved the way to her appearance
In a widely read magazine By the
end of the year Eva Norrington had
got so far toward the realization of her
ambition that when people heard her
name mentioned they wrinkled their
brows and tried to remember where
they had heard it before At home of
course her fame was great The pa
pers in which she wrote circulated free
ly in the town her stories were discuss
ed at afternoon teas and townsfolk
were glad to think that they participat
ed to some extent in the literary work
of tlie century
All this time Eva was horribly lone
ly She knew plenty of people and
Jiked them they were kind to her some
of them because they liked her for her
self others because they saw that she
was marked for ultimate success Hav
ing advanced a certain distance along
the road she had longed to travel she
could judge better whither it would
lead her It would lead her to a place
in the newspaper paragraphs to a place
on the bookstalls to a place in the pho
tographers windows and to a place
at Bays water or South Kensington
This then must be the end of the strug
gle and the turmoil of the fight And
how she hated the fight A fight where
in victory would bring her no nearer
to the actualities of life for she had
come to learn in the years struggle that
our social system by no means places
women on an equality with men and
that whereas men can buy the coveted
fruit of the tree of knowledge of good
and evil by the pottle women must
buy the tree outright and pay cash
It was terribly unfair And the most
unfair thing about the whole business
was that while success was almost
within her grasp success was not what
she wanted There is no fun in liv
ing your own life when that is precise
ly the life you do not want to lead
It was not as though Allan Craig ha
never kissed Eva Norrington
She opened the letter cutting the en
velope with her nail scissors For some
distinction must be made between your
first love letter and your bootmakers
bill She felt like one who has held
his breath to feel what suffocation is
like The letter was long Eva read
quickly at first then slowly knitting
her brows as she turned the pages and
came at last to the signature Ever
your friend Allan Craig
The letter lay for some minutes in
Evas lap while she looked vaguely
round her room
He is afraid of spoiling my career
my success has put an insuperable
barrier between us she murmured
The phrases of the letter had burned
themselves into her brain 0 Allan
I wish I could tell you or do you want
to hear
When the dinner bell rang an hour
afterward Eva rose wearily from her
writing table where she had been
toiling over her half finished manu
script She had not burned it
Five years passed before she saw Al
lan Craig again and then the meeting
was unexpected at the exit of the
theater where Eva had gone to see the
hundredth performance of her play
Allan was obviously proud of knowing
her and introduced his wife to whom
she gave graceful recognition It was
raining and Allan offered to see Eva
to a cab They stood for a moment on
the steps to the entrance
Yes said Allan in answer to Evas
polite question all is going well We
have a little daughter Eva my wifes
name curiously enough
He stood by the hansom as she enter
ed guarding her dress from the wheel
As she turned to give the address he
I ought to congratulate you on your
success It is very sweet to me You
know you owe it all to me Are you
Yes I owe it to you she said lean
ing forward as the apron closed upon
her and the attendant constable grew
impatient Come and see me Tues
I cant think why I should be so
silly said Eva to herself as she stuff
ed her handkerchief back into her pock
et and felt for her latch key when the
cab drew up before the hall door of her
flat at Kensington Black and White
Many curious remedies have been
recommended for the cure of rheuma
tism but none more curious tlian a vest
made of snakes skin Not long ago a
tramp was arrested in one of the streets
of Paris and was found to be wearing
a closely fitting jersey made of the
skins of snokes cleverly woven togeth
er and he claimed that this odd gar
ment was a splendid cure for rheuina
eism and other diseases that attack the
bones He said that he had been in
the army and while serving in Tonkin
had contracted rheumatism by sleeping
upon the bare ground A native made
him the snakes skin jersey and ever
since that time he had slept upon the
dampest ground wlh impunity
The man with the largest mouth is
not always the one who talks tihe loud
Some Practical Sirsjreations Arc Made
to Housewives
Very little attention is given to the
furnishing of the kitchen even in the
most particular households If a new
house Is being built the careful house
wife may charge the architect with
certain conveniences for the room but
generally the matter is left wholly to
his directions and unless he is a tyro
he is not apt to disappoint expectations
Modern improvements in plumbing
and in ranges provide the most conve
nient of permanent fixtures It is
scarcely necessary to warn one against
the old style of shut in plumbing that
left innumerable crevices and crannies
to give lodgment to dirt and vermin
The very best results are obtained from
the use of iron pipes instead of lead
and if this be used there is much less
chance of sweating and the
queut rotting of the adjacent wood
particularlj if the pipes be painted
The wood work of the kitchen is fully
as important as that of any of the rest
of the house Pine is generally chos
en and is as good as any other wood
It should be oiled and given several
coats of hard varnish or else painted
in yellow or buff
The drain pipe and traps below
should clear the floor sothat one may
easily clean around them The coping
should go close to the wall and rising
from it should be a high splash board
while a quarter round beading should
cover the joint between tlie two The
hot water boiler should not be jammed
tightly into the corner but should
stand a few inches from the wall This
will permit it to be cleaned on all sides
an important consideration if the boiler
be of copper
A very common mistake is made in
putting in a sink that is too small and
in providing no place for the draining
of dishes a sink is never too large
even for the smallest family and if
space will permit it is well to put in
one that is a couple of sizes larger
than needed at both ends should be
wide draining shelves As to furnish
ing proper this is a very simple matter
although many people seem to think
that it is sufficient to tramp into the
kitchen any delapidated and broken
down furniture from other parts of the
house There is really no excuse for
this course as the cost of excellent new
kitchen furniture is nearly nominal
There should be two plain deal tables
a large one and a small one the latter
just about the height of the range or
stove This will be found extremely
convenient in cooking if drawn close
to the range to hold utensils The
chairs should be of the kind that have
solid wooden seats but there should
also be at least one comfortable rock
ing chair anything that is in the na
ture of an ornament and that has no
utilitarian use is wholly out of place
and should be banished from the
The design presented has a kitchen
arranged in accord with the question
contained in this article A descrip
tion of cut A movable table B boil
er C closet iJ low table F counter
U fC Powl I -- 1
fM jg
I3l hJ
shelf H chairs M dresser N towel
rack P pantry R range S sink T
hinged table V veranda
Copyright 1897 by the Co operative Build
hiij Plan Association
Poisonous Plants
When we take nto consideration the
poisonous qualities of the vegetables
and plants with which we are surround
ed we are led to wonder how it is that
children and heedless persons go about
and escape with their lives Little chil
dren especially who have the habit of
putting so many things into their
mouths ought to be carefully watched
It will surprise many persons to be
told that old potatoes which have
sprouted contain a definitely recognized
poison known as solanine New pota
toes which are so eagerly sought after
early in the season would be poisonous
if eaten raw The heat of cooking de
stroys their toxic qualities The root
of the common kidney bean is a most
powerful narcotic The jimsonweed is
dangerous to life The bark of the
common elder is a deadly poison which
fact was never suspected until five boys
near Tarry town N Y chewed tlie
stalks supposing they were sassafras
They all died within a few hours The
bulb of the narcissus is deadly poison
A small bit chewed may cause death
while to chew the leaves is to put one
self in danger of the most violent at
tacks of vomiting Yew berries are
deadly peach pits and cheirry kernels
contain prussic acid and any quantity
of them eaten may prove fatal Wild
parsnip has many ills laid at its door
although families claim that they have
saved the seeds of the wild parsnip and
cultivated therefrom roots that were
used as food without any injurious ef
fects It would be well for the Agri
cultural Department to publish a bulle
tin containing the names and descrip
tions of injurious plants and scatter
copies of it broadcast through the coun
try Who knows how many children
die of diseases induced by eating soma
familiar plant New York Ledger
No Two Seeds Nor Even Two Leaves
Exactly Alike
It is said that in individual trees
scarcely two leaves can be found ex
actly alike What is true of leaves is
true of seeds and indeed of every
part of a tree It is also true of the
behavior of trees during their life ca
reer In acorns especially one may note
a remarkable difference in their beha
vior Some species of acorn will pre
serve their vital power without much
difficulty for a couple of years while
others can rarely be found with life
after a few months Some when put
into the earth will remain months be
fore sprouting while others will sprout
before they are fairly oui of their cups
on the trees
The acorns of the live oak of tlie
South often sprout before they fall
The process of germinating is among
the most remarkable of all American
trees The root pusrDs out from the
acorn to a distance of many inches be
fore it enters the ground the root then
goes into the earth while the bud or
plumule ascends to form the incipient
tree trunk The young tree of the live
oak will frequently be - distance of six
inches from the acorn In this respect
the behavior of this species of oak cor
responds nearly with what is almost
universal in monocotyledonous seeds
Another early sprouter is the com
mon white oak These have not been
known to sprout on the tree but they
scarcely reach the ground before the
little radicile prepares to enter the
earth It does not wait to get to the
surface of the earth before doing this
On shelves or boxes where there is
some number of them together the
whole will be a mass of roots before a
few weeks after gathering On the
other hand the nut of the burr oak will
remain a long time before showing any
disposition to sprout It is these vary
ing characteristics which make rules
for the transportation of seeds difficult
each kind has to huve a method of its
own So far as the two oaks are con
cerned it has been found better to
send young plants long distances than
the acorns them olves Meehans
It is a fact well authenticated that
corsets were originally adopted not
for health or comfort but to conceal
physical defects that fruitful source
of numberless oddities of fashion
When or by whom the first corset was
worn is buried deep under the cobwebs
of time It is safe however to con
clude that they had their beginning in
stiffened bands of cloth that Grecian
and Roman women wound round their
bodies The physical beauty of these
women was a paramount consideration
both to themselves and their liege lords
They called these swathing bands fas
cia and zona The former was made of
heavy linen or kid and was worn next
the skin between the waist and the
bust The Romans greatly admired an
undeveloped figure and resorted to
measures to retard natures growth
These heavy bands were frequently
bound about the chests of growing girls
The zona was also a flat band but
worn over the tunic it was generally
red in color and though ordinarily sim
ple in design women of rank frequently
made their zonas gorgeous with bright
colored embroidery and studdings of
jewels The fourteenth century saw
the introduction of a garment that bore
the first semblance to the corset of to
day It was cut to conform to the fig
ure and was laced sometimes in front
sometimes at the back It was made
of various materials and was often fur
bordered which was excusable since
it was laced over the skirts
Confidence the Keynote to Success
Doubt and unbelief mean destruc
tion to any business and a man who
loses confidence in his own affairs finds
failure awaiting him in a short time
writes Evangelist Moody to his Bible
Class in the Ladies Home Journal
Uncertainty disqualifies for work and
usefulness and doubt that causdd the
recent state of depression in our busi
ness interests Financiers and econo
mists differed in their views regarding
the political causes of this feeling of
insecurity but they generally agreed in
directly attributing the reverses to th j
lack of assurance in business circles
Confidence is essential to success in
every pursuit of life And feis self
same truth is no less evident in Spirit
ual things than it is in temporal affairs
The only Christian life that is useful
to the church of God and to fellowmen
is the one which is assured of its own
salvation Distrust and unbelief mean
sadness and care to any soul but joy
and rest come with the certain knowl
edge of forgiveness and favor with
A Loose Talker
Mr Bellefield I dont like Spiffins
He has wheels in his head
Mr Bloomfield Dont you think that
is an expression to be condemned
Mr Bellenfield Indeed I dont 1
know that Spiffins has wheels in hjs
Mr Bloomfield How do you know
Mr Bellefield By the spokes that
come out of his mouth Pittsburg
Chronicle Telegraph
Out of the Hnnninp
Watts I suppose when one takes Ad
ams conduct in that fruit deal into con
sideration that he can hardly be called
a gentleman
Potts He could not have been a
tleman anyway How could a man be
a gentleman without any ancestors f
Indianapolis Journal
rMj3Jiaaai afess
McKinley Taking Chances in Dispens
ing with Guards
The change of administration has re
moved a burden of care from the bu
reau of the secret service From this
time on its detectives Will not be called
on to guard the President at all hours
of the day and night assuming respon
sibility for his safety This task has
been theirs for the last four years dur
ing which Mr Cleveland may be said
to have been surrounded always by a
cordon of hawkshaws Even at Gray
Gables sentries took watch and watch
about the house and no person was
permitted to approach without giving
a satisfactory account of himself if a
stranger In Washington for a long
time the last President never went out
driving without the escort of a buggy
drawn by a fast horse and occupied
by two men armed to the teeth When
ever he made the trip between Buz
zards Bay and the capital Government
detectives accompanied him and in
New York the metropolitan police force
was called on to take care of him
Mr Thurber always claimed that his
chief knew nothing of these precau
tions taken in his behalf but it seems
beyond question that Mr Cleveland
feared assassination Two Presidents
of the United States already have been
shot to death and it is not surprising
that an incumbent of that office should
feel nervous on the subject Threaten
ing letters are frequently received at
the White House and cranks of all
sorts constantly besiege the mansion
There is always the possibility of an
other Guiteau and it cannot be denied
that Maj McKinley is taking some
chances when he dispenses with the
guards who have been accustomed to
protect the body of the President
Even at receptions two men of great
muscular strength invariably stood
close to Mr Cleveland ready at an in
stants notice to seize any person who
might make a motion to draw a
Lalltyettes Courtesy to a Woman
The visit of Lafayette to America as
the nations guest is graphically recall
ed in the Ladies Home Journal by
Jean Fraley Hallowell who writes of
When Lafayette Rode Into Philadel
phia one of a notable series of arti
cles on Great Personal Events The
welcome given Lafayette in Philadel
phia is said to have exceeded in its
warmth and enthusiasm that extended
to the distinguished visitor in any other
city In connection with his riding
into Philadelphia the central figure of
a resplendent pageant an interesting
incident is thus recalled Lafayettes
barouche was passing on 11th street
the house where dwelt the widow of
Robert Morris financier of tlie revolu
tion a sister of the revered Bishop
White Mrs Moms was at her win
dow and recognizing her after many
years Lafayette rose up in his car
riage and bowed to her The rare cour
tesy was instantly- discerned by the
thousands congregated at this point
and it semed as if the people would go
mad with enthusiasm The recogni
tion of Mrs Morris seemed to set them
aflame Even Lafayette appeared stir-
prised that the simple act should evoke
such a wave of frantic huzzas Shout
after shout rent the air women vied
with men in their efforts to show tc
Lafayette that his graceful act touched
them So great was the furore that
the hero had to rise again and again
in his carriage and it Avas several min
utes before the wonderful enthusiasm
had abated But if the applause sub
sided at the special point where it had
been wafted into a flame it was re
kindled again and again and carried
along the entire route of tlie march
By a simple act he had aroused tli6
people and the fruits of it remained
with him all through his visit in thss
Quaker City - -
Hish Heels
Women are more often too short
than too tall and consequently try to
gain height by putting on high heeled
shoes and thesp do undoubtedly give
dignity as long as the wearer stands
still but in motion they are graceless
even in a room and deform the feet
Thus women are made to minister to
a very short lived fancy and from a
physiological standpoint we cannot
recommend them American women as
a rule have too small feet which do
not add to their beauty The better
shape a foot is the smaller it will look
but in the disproportionately small foot
there is always involved an awkward
gait The foot of a large woman
should be larger than the foot of a
small woman or a slenderly built wom
an and usually to her unnecessary
sorrow she has a large one The foot
in length should be the length of the
ulna a bone in the forearm which ex
tends from a lump in the outer por
tion of the wrist to the elbow Of
course the ulna is longer in tall people
and to be graceful the foot should be
also Most people would be surprised
that the foot should be as long as the
forearm and would be inclined to dis
pute the fact unless proven by expert-
ence Large women pinch their feet
in tight shoes because they are asham
ed to have them in proportion to their
bodies thus in time they deform them
until they are out of all proportion to
the body
Lawyers Levity
First Attorney You dont look hap
py Did the judge hand down his opin
ion to day
Second Attornej Yes second hand
He affirmed the lower court Cincin
nati Commercial Tribune
Very Much in Doubt
Laura Mr Willis said I looked just
like a poster girl
Flora How complimentary
I dont know whether it was or not
He strikes me as a man with too much
sense to be an admirer of poster girls
Cincinnati Enquirer
t t gjf