The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 13, 1897, Image 1

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- 5
Xl Ail
Wning to lounrup
ittin5 t Uittti
Vl mJ h t IN- JVt IS irind l5
liiwi iiivi i
ltiii4 I hmii UaMI i t
itt Kcii1miis May 22
PMim - y
t limrml
Sixth lsir r LMjUv une
A vw i iiiitrjlit
- Cfinuly oiniNiliri l unit
- S jiKi Jiif W
T hcr I9 il
Suw is the tinn to subscribe
IUjimjj to vent Mis s If 1 Mills 15
Martin Ohristns has repainted his
iVSidv UCii
0 wvnt brt
da mriiing
sMrs J O VinMtvrifI sou Ross are
ill wliih uir aslvs
The Hiiw DonohobniMinr is
A T White and family sjent
div on the Schlad
The next
merlin k
RemembKs the printer when you are
dn fijwti with garden sass
Milk delivered 2 3 quarts for one
dollai 0 J iss livA Hakden
a DYiehoff of HuosH fc Falls X
Y registerciirTie Doroher Tuesday
of the
mard of conimissioirors will be held on
I nne 8
With three mm sidewalks ordered
ur neonltMvill snaii have nothing to
kick about
rresiding Eid r Irli in will hold
jartMilv meeting ni the vf Tl church
nexr Stniday
Indications point 1o an increase in
ihe number or bi ycle riders in Valen
4Akh ihis surainT
SL Johns Guild wi meT Friday af
ternoon at 2 oYliuk it the home of
Mrs 1 X Ciuol
Jjs WelUord ba b u iSl this week
ami Oorge Framris has een driving
riio yibrara stajrf
Dr J DiwT ha bvn repainting
iid Viivatiii his sanitti
riuiri tin- rt ttefsc
i v
lTaus TTzrxh is moving his family
With mu nihVc srfeets ft in
prtbahip that fh jTy wLSf Vi Us pres
tirje as a lovers -
Willis Jirirnavd nid family of Wood
Lake visited J E Mlirman tnsd fam
ily a few days the past week
A Howie I Fair orjnni r for the
loyal IFghlsu rs jumped his board
- nil as The Douoher Monday
Alex Hoffman down from
torkston Monday wwh ihe Minue
hadnza ireciuc assessors books
J K Fee was down from ivokslon
2lnday to wuwh the canvas1 of voles
on the court house bond proposition
get a much tor the Anderson
hoys He will bo gone a month oitwo
Homes Wanted For five girls 2
T 10 11 and 14 years old and one boy
siged 12 also fourteen other children
D Stinard has vecovcrcd from his
recent attack f mf n slos and his three
slaughters are now Hi with the disease
Kev James F Pross and wife came
over from Rosebud Tussday and yes
terday morning lei t for a short visit
J G Stetter has purchased the Shaw
properly on Cherry street nd is mov
ing his family and household goods this
Connection with the village water
rriains was made this werk and a water
hydrant now adorns the CaUiviic church
A license to sell liquor as a heverage
m Hay Springs costs 750 Druggist
permits can be had only on the- pay
ment of 150
Lieut W C BnnUt who has been
at Fort Niobrara for some time past
rtirned to Fort Thomas Kentucky
yesterday morning
It is reported thai a high rade ball
game will b plaved in town ere long
betwet n Fort Niobrara and a visiting
team from Omaha
J 17 Setter Monday rerjeied
a a i
1 - JXrl Jt rg
t wo
jarlnadri of vonnjj Colorado cattle and
4Heat them to the ranch Tusdnv i
rare of Jas OsJlaspi
JSro J V Verli of the Stuart Led-
County Clerk ICIIiott Tuesday morn
ing received plans for a court house
from a Council Bluffs Qrm They evi
dently believe than the early bird etc
Chris JSchlotfeldt and J F Prentiss
UWU Ul Llll KV JLUIK JjUtJ UUlIlUilliy Si j
rustling agents wereiu town Satur
day evening Prentiss remained ovei
The Cherrv Countv Teachers Insti
tute will be held in Valentine from the
19th to the 31 si of July Prof Pile of J
Wavne has been engaged as one of the
A dilapidated looking outfit passed
through town Tuesday on the way to
Sheridan county from Arkansas One
by ons the wanderers are returning to
happy Nebnvk
Frank Whitteear left Monday after
noon for Valentine with a horse and
buggy He will visit the Agency and
several other places before returning
Ainsworili Star Journal
If any of our readers hand us a 100
bill in change for subscription they
must not feel hurt if we examine the
bill closelv A counterfeit of that de
nomination is in circulation
Rev J F Moore of Omaha
preached at the M E church Sunday
morning delivering au eloquent ear
nest and instructive sermon using the
Parable of the Sower for his text
J W Stetter returned Saturday
morning from IJichmond Virginia
where he spent the winter and will
remain in Cherry county this summer
His wife is much improved in health
The Omaha Brewing Association
ball club will play a series of three
games with the Fort Xiobrara cracker
jacks on the hitters grounds Friday
Saturday and Sunday afternoons at 2
IJpmember Iishnp
Episcopal church on
Bishop is always a welcome visitor to
43ilentnej ndl49jrmonsjjier 4
to arouse good thoughts m the breasrs
of ids hearers
C A Johnson wbs up from Wood
Lake yesterday or business at the court
house Mr Johnson is one of the best
citizens and heavipst taxpayers in the
Dick Cook has yonp to Colorado to county and needless to say was very
much in favor of the court house bono
Owing to the number of entertain
ments which are billed for next week
the concert which was to have been
given by the Guild of Sb Johns church
on Wednesday the 19th has been post
poned until a date which will be an
nounced later
J M Clarkson contributed a num
ber of fine Early Ohio potatoes to the
larder of The Democrat family last
week The tubers were of excellent
guality and large size showing clearly
that Nebraska soil will produce the
best when properly tilled
Thswir greets and Jackson waists l
Davenporr present new
stvles sizes and cors Tnis flr
idvertisem nr t ir readers this week j
Their prices are li gln and so are their
has Wellford our trpo wns taken
ill ypsteulav presumably with measles
and tlie eoiror is working as a conse
Jackson fc Drayton have just re
ceived a new invoice of Flexibone
in all
m is
the sole agent for the Flexibone
corsets which are said to be the finest
on the market
Mr and Mrs John Clarksou who
t went to their home near Sparks were
suddenly called back to Valentine Fri
day on account of the sickness of
Harry Presho with measles He is
verv id at this writing bi tt under the
nursing of Mrs Olarkson there is
hopes for his recovery
A II Karley ai old resident of this
county sold his claim in Schlegel pre
cinct and Monday started for- Uriiish
Columbia lie took his family with
him and as he is driving through and
intends visiting m the Black Hills and
Montana will probably be on the road
all summer He expects to locate uear
i ii
Ki C2
i r t rM hs cni sc terPSts of thP
s iv New Y -
supervision or irot Workman are
progressing rapidly with iheir work
and are finding quite a number of
bones ol exuuofc animals They have
a some bones of hor es e wfiels and He
phans which the Prof says have been
mined in tw r rtu over twenty thou
sand years They are here ih -the jn
a -
Mnfjenrn off
lVf ijJ
k g -3
ft Xf W ft
Alter tho Ccturns Were CnnvaMseil
ami fn Opposition Kforcrt IDS
1 JTijreHt of the ISjturn aiicl
tlio Moral They Joiut to
The election is over and the bonds
have carried by a majority of 35 votes
according to the canvassing board
whii e met and counted the returns
Monday afternoon
Tii is means that Cherry county is to
have a new court house something
which is a crying necessity
Jt means that those who were short
sighted enough to work against the
improvement are to be benefited as
well as those public spirited citizens
who believe in -advancement and
Up to the time the canvassing board
met Monday evening it was supposed
that he bonds had failed to carry be
cause the vote as reported by the var
ious parties who brought in the re
turns was as follows
Vote on bonds Totl
Al ay 4 1897 Vote
Precincts For Agnst 1806
Buffalo like 47 42
Uoilinj Springs a 30 S3
Uovelatid 3 18 55
UcwevLtilce 4 28 45
Kiiv i3 44
KH 21 45
Gillasniu 3 33 53
icrnian 10 l 21
Georgia 19 H 32
Irwin 33 til
Kewaiiie 7 1 24
Ksnuily 8 20 44
Loup 38 04
Iivaia 2 Oi i9
Merriiiian lti 41 87
lUiiiiiii iiuiliiza 29 7 53
Mother Luke 30 33
eiizel 9 2 24
Pleasant Hill 14 32
S iiirkN 32 4 r
Steen 12 28
Selllegel 14 8 33
Sharps Itaueh 9 33
Table 23 45
Valentine 190 5 216
Wood Lake 43 4 114
Totals 457 4Cf 1410
iUrsvn out 30 78
Correc ceil totals 427 392
and fheretums from those precincts
ere uoireounted In fact from tbese
pwieincts there were legally no re
turns at all the election board in three
precincts failing to sign the poll books
and in the two others no votes either
fr or against were certified to
There will probably be more or less
kicking over this action of the board
but under the law nothing else could
be done There will undoubtedly be
talk of mandamus or contest proceed
ings but the less there is done the
better off the opponents to the bonds
will be
The canvassing board counted all
returns which were properly signed
and certified to They could not
question the validity of the returns
when this was done but if a contest
ensues facts like the following will be
brought out and the vote from each
of the precincts named will undoubt
edly be cast out by the district court
In Buffalo Lake one of the clems
took the oaths of theremaining mem
bers of the board Under the law the
oath must be administered by one of
the judges the clerks having no
authority to administer same
In Boiling Springs the clerks sworo
each other and the three judges were
The ballots from Enlow were not
sealed but came in loose This in ad
dition to the fact that the book was
not signed by the board
One of the clerks in Irwin was not
Xone of the board in Kewanee was
in Kennedy die board was unsworn
anv it is evident that one man signed
treatment of Dr Evans and kind tne Hanws of his four companions on
the board
In addition no return was
A D Gallop appears from the depo
sitions to have been the only officer in
Mernman though five persons signed
the returns
In Mother Lake the board was
sworn in by C S Johnson as assessor
but an assessor has no power to ad
minister oaths only as legards proper-
The party of osteologists under the ty
One of the clerks in Pleasant Hill
swore in the board and the same
thing occured in Schlegel
These are only a fpw of the more
gr s i rrguhrilies noled There are
oilier which in the eyes of the Jaw
wid s in s glaring but those cited
ahri ie sinciput to show what a
uonltib would bring out and wo would
S i i 1
a bs t -
jl jll jy
lnhllfilmd fhv I onr Wars h
U JiM 0 j Jti A
tu tion Flttlii if
r will sell at prbic auction to thG
highest bidder for cash at Fort Nio
brara Thursday June 3 1897 at 1030
a m one 24x32 1nimo barn seven
horses one light wagon two open bug
gies three good saddles and two sets
buggy harness John T Heath
advise the opposition to save their
There is food for reflection in the
foregoing The mistakes given show
a lack of care or education Every
poll book has printed upon it plain in
structions and it seems difficult to go
wrong yet it is done An election
board is supposed to be composed of
men possessing average intelligence
and it is a sad rellection upon our peo
ple when so many eiror are made
This may serve to caution election
boards of the future to be more care
ful in making up returns It is rather
hard to have thn vote of a whole pre
cinct annulled on account of the in
competency of one or two men
The vote throughout the county was
light every precinct except two show
ing a large decrease from the total
vote of last fall the decrease in the
whole county being 488 The twa
precincts which cast nearly the same
vote as last fall were Mother Lake 30
and Buffab Lake 47 A study of the
returns will show that precincts return
ing majorities against the bonds polled
a larger percentage of their total vote
8than did those in favor Wood Lake
for instance polled less than 50 per
cent of its vote Kewanee 33 per cent
Eli lesB than 50 percent Table 50 per
cent Nenzel less than 50 per cent and
so on while Buffalo Lake got out 113
per cent Mother Lake 90 per cent
Gillaspie 80 per cent etc This cer
tainly indicates that the sentiment of
the majority is in favor of the bonds
The canvassing board was composed
of Geo Elliott county clerk W S
Jackson merchant and D II Thurs
ton attorney and they were unanimous
in their decision to throw out the vote
of the five precincts
A rechanical 3Iarvcl
The Edison Vitascupe which will be
seeii here next Thursday evening the
But gross errors were discovered in 2011 is one of the wonders of the
Graves at the jtlie precincts ol Dewey Lake Enlow nineteenth century It should not be
the 23d The j Tvionifilv VphypI and Shams Uanfih confounded with the old timo maprift
Mrs J Hancock relumed Satur
day from Valentine where she in
company with her brother had been
visiting relatives Her brother re
turned on the same train to his home
in Burt countv Stanton PfcJtet
Ttobert Good of Thtc Valentine
Bemopuat was united in marriage
Iaat wtVic to Miss Iva M Davisson of
Longpinea sister of Estelle Mae the
onlv woman countv attorney in the
United States Chctilron Recorder
-v I f D-
lantern orstereopticon There is as
vmuchidifference between the two as
there is between a music box and a
phonograph The magic lantern
shows stationary pictures only while
the Vitacope reproduces actions looks
and all but speech Figures grow
larger or smaller advance or retreat
before the eyes of the audience in a
very lifelike manner The scope will
be at Fort Niobrara Wednesday and
in Valentine Thursday Dont fail to
see it
Xew Sidewalks
Petitions were presented at the last
regular meeting of the village council
for a sidewalk on the east side of Hall
street from Catharine to Virginia and
on Virginia street from Cherry west
The board ordered the walks built
J J Guth built 120 feet of walk in
front of his Cherry street property last
The railroad company laid 180 feet
of walk along its lots on Catharine
street Monday
L N Layport has built another 150
feet of walk along the south side of his
Cherry street walks are badly in need
of repair and if they are not put in or
der soon a damage suit may be the re
Iecoration Day Program
Sunday May 30 sermon at the M E
church by Rev O T Moore Com
rades meet at J W Tuckers office at
1030 a m and march to the church to
attend sermon All other societies are
invited to meet and march with the G
May 31st Decoration Day All old
soldiers aud all citizens desiring to par
ticipate in the decoration exercises are
requested to meet at Cornell Hall at 9
a in sharp At 930 drive to Fort Ni
obrara and decorate graves returning
to Hall at 1130 Adjourn for dinner
reassembling at Hall at 100 p m
Music by Twelfth Infantry Band
Son by Quartette
Oration by Comrade J A Scamahorn
March to cemetery and decorate graves return
and adjonrn until 730 p m
Music by the Band
Sohk by Quartette
Solo by Mrs J A Carroll
Address b Hon J A Carroll
Music by the Band
Address by Hon J V Tucker
All are iDvited to attend and assist
the old bo sin decorating the graves
of their deceased comrades and help
us have a good time
- w
We have an excellent line of new
clothing gents furnishing
goods hats caps boots and shoes
Have a splendid line of
shoes for both ladies and children
Clothing is cheaper and
better than ever Come and see
D Stinard
Precinct committeemen and al
others Interested in the welfare of th
populist party are requested to meet
in Valentine on May 22 at one oclock
p m to consider matters of special im
portance to the psrty
G P Ciabb Chairman
Really we hardly kno
to advertise during th
Changeable weather I
If yon want a genuine bargain i
call on us We can Suit
Look over onr line of spring goods Ask al
V 1
I H i
1 K
In Pettycrews stock of groceries fruit confees
All our Groceries are fresh and good Fruit is the
Confeciionery the best and sweetest Feed pun
Highest prices for Butter Eggs and Fan
Inventory Sale
We have just completed our spring inventor
hand a large amount of odds and ends remna
will sell below first cost For instance we wii
These goods are double width first class
Worth 5a0 cent3 Must make room for
E McDc
An efficacious remedy for Habitual Constipation
pepsia Sick Headache Biliousness Kidney
Bheumatism Pimples and Blotcln -Price
75 cents per bottle For
For sale at Kennedy by Haeber Gr
0 M Si
Hair cutting an
Shop in the W i
Full line of
o w
- -
Fine line of plai
elry constat
Repairing pronrp
done in the
orth Western
to and i