The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, May 06, 1897, Image 1

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Vomlna Event
Ceorftls University GrAiluateMay 7
Musical Convention May 8
tfi Johns Guild Concert May 19
Topu lists and Silver Republicans May 22
Bishop Graves May 23
Memorial Dav May SO
SlxtU District Editors June 5
Now is the time to subscribe
Concert at Cornell Hall May 19
House to rent Miss E I Mills 15
Do not forget the concert at Cornell
Hall May 19
J P Mullen was over from Rose
bud Saturday
Mra Frush will go to a hospital in
Omaha Monday-
D Stinard has been ill of measles
k buWs recovering
G Gunderson of Cody was seen on
our streets Monday
D A Piercy was up from Kennedy
Sunday returning Monday
Will Johns the painter -returned
from the reservation Monday
Milfe delivered 23 quarts for one
dollar 9 Miss Eva Harden
County Superintendent Stoner went
down to WDod Lake yesterday morn
Mrs E Sparks left Thursday morn
ing for a two weeks visit in Sioux
G A Cutler retnrnpd from the east
this week and is already busily at
Every man in Valentine who is able
orwilling to work is busy at the pres
ent time
Ralph Allen of Lonspine visited
with his sister Mrs Frank Hunter
Saral Holsclaw is building a neat
picket fence in front of his property
onCherry street
A Chicago Record circulator was in
town the first of the week working up
trade for his paper
The Red Front has improved the
street in front of the store by covering
the same with cinders
J A Sparks refurnedhome to
Kansas after a visit with his
brother here Tuesday
The entertainment to be given by
8t Johns Guild of the Episcopal
church will be a rare treat
J G Stelter returned Monday
morning from Chadron where he had
been visiting his daughters
Jas Galloway has resumed woSk on
hfSCherry street honsp foundation for
which was partially laid last tall
Walt Keuaston of Butte was in
town Monday on his way home from a
business trip in the sand hills south of
town J
The Yalenino House is doing a
rushing business Landlord Hootan
has engaged a male cook and a new
E J Dolan superintendent of c in
struction of the Indian school was in
town Saturday Hereafter he will be
at Pine Ridge
Miss Kate Donoher and Dr C A
Wells attended a dance at Chadron
Saturday evening and visited until
Tuesday morning
The foundation foe the addition to
Davenport Thachers store is com
pleted and work on the frame portion
will soon be commenced
Bert White was up from Merriman
last week 3nd remained over until
Monday night and took in the I 0 O
F anniversary exercises
The little child of Frank Janfnis
who was in town under the doctors
care a short time ago died at XT
OBryau place a
J A Fike of Valentine and E L
Myers of Newport -stopped off at
Ainsworth Wednesday afternoon on
business Ainsworth Home Rule
Walter Meltendorfs house Is rapidly
approaching completion and when
finished Walter will have one jf the
neatest residence propferties in town
John sfeysr tias moved Wis tfonse
onto the lot south of the livery barn
and bnllt a 12x12 addition thereon
fhisgivea hima neatUmutence
Miss Jessie E King of Gordon is
visiting with Kate and Wren Donoher
while on her way homy from the con
servatory of music at Lincoln
C W Wilkins of Spencer Iowa
has been in town this week looking af
ter business matters He is closing up
some deals entered into by the late W
II H Clark
The mandolin club of Fort Niobrara
Is an excellent musical organization
and that combined with local talent
will make the concert of Ma 19 a dis
tinct success
C V White left for hiB place at
Norfolk Sunday morning Mrs White
and family following yesterday
Ninny friends in Valentine Tfclll regret
their departure
J A Carroll and family have moved
into the Ludwig property near the
Presbyterian church and are keeping
house once more Miss Childe is
boarding with them
Ira Richardson and Jas Gillaspie
were up from Kennpdy Monday and
went to Rwshville the same night to
appear for the state in the prosecution
of a cattle stealiug case
Chas H Hille of the firm of Owen
Ilille contractors and builders of
Minneapolis was in town Monday and
Tuesday went to the reservation to in
spect the school buildings
John Neiss was over from his ranch
on the reservation Monday and caused
J O Vincent to blow himself for
the treats on an old practical joke
Dont say anything about it to Vin
Bishop Anson R Graves will con
duct services at the Episcopal church
Sunday May 23 morning and evening
and will administer the confirmation
rite to those wishing to join the
At a meeting of the trustees and
members of the Presbyterian church
last week it was decided to build a
parsonage Mesdames Quigley Bar
ker and Ludwig were appointed a
committee to solicit funds
C H Cornell is building a neat
16x21 frame building on the lot east
of his building on Virginia street to
be used as a workshop and laboratory
We are empowered to deny the report
that the Senator is to be married
The Georgia University Graduates
a minstrel company of 25 people will
appear at Cornell Hall tomorrow Fri
dav evening This troupe of fun-
makers comes to us highly recommend
ed and should receive good patron
Remember the entertainment given
under the auspices of St Johns Guild
at Cornell Hall May 19 The mando
lin club of Fort Niobrara will furnish
part of the program Seats for sale
at the usual price at Watsou7s drug
C R Watson started for Wisconsin
Tuesday morning to visit his parents
near Green Hay He will be gone two
or three weeks Ye editor is in charge
of the weather bureau during his ab
sence so look out for cyclones and
such things
Patiick Ormsby and Nora ODon
nell were to have been married at
Chadron last Wednesday but Pat re
fused to buv a new suit of clothes for
the ceremony or hire a carrage to haul
the girl to church so the affair was at
the last moment declared off
W G Balard was up from his
ranch at Wood Lake Monday on busi
ness Mr Ballard is one of the men
we always like to see come to town
miirht not be some mistake as to
which daugher was the bride
After the ceremony was conemded
and congratulations extended refresh-
ments were served ana a social time
was enjoyed by all Mr and Mrs
Good left on the night train for Valen
tine where thy will make their future
home A number or their friends
accompanied ttvm to the depot and
generously contributed copious
showers of rice as an expression7 of
their good will A large number of
beautiful and costly presents were re
cived of which we failed to secure a
list Those present were
Hon J A Fike W 8 Jackson aud Miss Edna
Fischer of Valentine
Miss Sadie Dewey Wood Lake
J Berkley F L Coffey Miss Louie Miller
Miss Rose Hatnbnrn of Ainsworth
IVIiss hi Richmond of Johnstown
Mr aud Mrs W B Good of Butkt
Mrs Dr E P Green of Denver Colo
John H Andress Misses Marion Mason Mayi
a fn irliUtniilri lotm 1 II I I flf IfTlta
CHeVeilS OCSS VUHllIllult uciliu uiuviuroi iuul I
uvsaU Maud Lowe and Messrs and MesdameS J
Andrew Lowe H P McKnight Geo A David
son otto Herger J C uastle A May a
Mjnatt Fred Whittemore E 0 DeLand of
J H Andress in Republican Jour
Married Wednesday evening
April 28th at the home of the bridess
parents in Longpine Miss Iva Davis
son to Mr Robert Goed of Valentine
The bride is one of Longpiuea
handsomest and most attractive young
ladies aud well known in thi3 place
Mr Good is at present editor taud
publisher of the Valentine Demo
crat a prosperous newspaper in our
neighboring city The happy couple
have a bright and prosperous future
before them as the Star Journal
identiy believes Ainsworth
KobertGood of the Valentine
Democrat and Miss Iva Davisson of
Longpine were united in the holy
lionds of matrimonv in Longpine
Weduesday night April 28 1897 at
8 oclock The Home Rule wishes
them a happy prosperous and blessed
journey through life Hoijie Rule
Bobert Good a former resident of
-his place publisher of the Valen
tine Democrat and Miss Iva M
Davisson of Longpine were married
Wednesday April 28 1897 The Re
publican hastens to extend
and our merchant are alwaye better I W ThWS
them life of unadulterated joy and
off for his visits He brought news of
Henry Ballards recovery from his re
cent illness
W E Haley and Ed Clark two
legal lights from Valenine stopped in
Springview Tuesday night while on
their way to Uutte Key a Paha Call
Postmaster Haleywill be all puffed
up when he learns that he is now en
titled to the distinction of being called
a legal light
Prof J O Beatty and T A Jeffers
will hod a musical convention here
commencing with Saturday night
Prof comes to Valentine highly
recorriuaended -as an instructor and in
csnnqction with Mr Reatty should
give entire satisfactionto 6ur people
TiKconventionwill lsi Id nighte
much prosperity a la McKmley New i
port Republican
Robert Good of this city and
Miss Iva M Davisson of Longpine
were married aW00 oclock WedLes
day evening April 28 1897 at tiie
homeof the brides parents the Rev
John Andress performing the mar
riage ceremony in an impressive man
ner in the prdsehoe of a large circle of
invited guests W S Jackson of this
city acted as best man and Miss 25
Mae Davhson sister of the bride aC
ted as bridesmaid
The bride is one of the most highly
respected and accomplished iyoung
ladies of Lougniue and while she-
comes to Valentine a stranger shewilL
receive a warm reception that will
make her feel at home and a stranger
no longer
Fike and ladies
Published fot Fonr Years a
ROBERT GOOD AND ollSSCJAT one of the Republicans con tem-
Daughter of the lioiigpfne Republican
Journal Kditor were Married on
April 28 WeMcriptlon of the
Airair by the tnpers
One f the happiest events of they
season occured Weduesday evening
April 28 at the home ot Mr and
Mrs J S Davisson the occasion ba J
ing the marriage of their daughter
Iva to Mr Robert Good
Miss Davissuu has been a resident
of Longpine for a number of years
and is one of our moat highly esteemed
oung ladies Mr Good is a resident
of Valentine Nebr where he is editor
and proprietor of the Valentine
Democrat aud to his host of friends
in Valentine and in Longpine he needs
no introduction
A large number of guests were as
sembled at the appointed hour and at
fifteen minutes past eight Miss-Brown-lee
was seated at the piano aud began
to play the wedding march The
guests arose to greet the wedding
procession whicli was led by Miss Mae
Davisson as bridesmaid aud Mr Y
S Jackson of Valentine as grooms
man followed by the biide and bride
groom clhe party proceeded to the
parlor where Rev J II Andress per
formed the marriage ceremony and
pronounced the contracting parties
Husband and wife
The bride was beautifully dressed in
white Her dress was of white silk
trimmed with lace and her gloves and
slippers were of white kid Orange
bud adorned her hair and a beautiful
bunch of brides roses were in her hand
Altogether the vision was one fair to
see The bridegroom was faultlessly
attired in black and the two looked as
happy as one could well deire to be
The groomsman was also perfectly
dressed while the bridesmaids apparel
out us in some doubt whether there1
ntfmrles a vouns man ofindustrv with
tkrobition of bettering his condi
tio in life which could not be mani
fested more strikingly man by taking
this important step which we hope
neither will ever regret
ipiosa from thfs city who attended
the wedding besides the groomsman
were Miss Edna Fischer J A Fike
and Amos Strong
The Republican unites with the
many friends of this worthy young
couple in extending congiatulations
and wishing them a life of happiuess
and prosperity The Republican
We feel very grateful tor these kind
exnressions of regard and hope to see
thftbhpvs on June 5 If our readers
uotfee that the paper uVlackingln news
they will please excuse us We are at
present located in Vaf Nicholsons
house but expect to move iuto our
own property about July 1
Following is a list of the gifts re
ceived and the names of the donors
-Silver service consisting of teapot sugar bowl
butter dish cream pitcher and bread tray Mr
and Mrs Fred Whittemore H P McKnight
GeoDavidson H Kowe J A Nay E O De
Land Andrew Lowe and daughters Otto Berger
H R Bell F B Mygatt Mrs Dr Green Misses
Bertie Browulee May Stevens and Rev J II
Tahle cloth chocolate set w itor uitriior ana
fancy plate Otto Berger and wite
Bureau scarf aud doilies Jess Whittemore
artMinon Mason
Li a isay
Fallpy plate -Kate Mvgatt
Bopk Marriage ChnieS Rev J H Andress
Carving set J C Castle and wffe
Oil painting rose Mrs H P McKnight and
Bertie Brownlee
Oil painting Moonlight Sceno E Mao Davis
Check on Brown Co Bank J S Davisson
aud wife
All the foregoing are from Longpine
The following tokens of regard were
sent by friends of the couple in Valen
Eight day clock The Court Hotisd Rlnc V
consisting of the following county officers Judge
VV if Tiiwue Treasurer U P Crabb Clerk Geo
Elliqtt Deputy J Pettijohn Attorney Wal
cottMmd their wivs Sheriff Amos Strong
Supeunteiideudent Lillian Stoner and Katie
China dinner set of 95 pieces ThA remnants
of the Hungry Four A E Thauher M V
Nlclnlson and C K Brower
Silver cake tray C R Watson and wife
Glass decanlerand glasses - Mae OSulltvan
Silver knives aud Jorksr R film ir A A
-- -
- vvvv
Silver pie knife AnnaRivens
Souvenir spoon O W Morey and wife
Olive fork Cornell
Ben y spoous D EBhcrman and wife
Silver mounted mirror G H Hornby and
wl -
vSonbon spoon E Sparks and wife
JHlv knife Kate aud Wren Donoher
Fancy i late John Smyser and wife
China tea set T C Hornby and wife
Cutul Edna Fisher
Niiokius W T Kinraid
Fruit basket Dr J C Dwverand wife
Nut cracker and picks J W Yeast and wife
Reception chair St Johns Guild
Pitcher tray and glasses Delia Sawyer
Postage stamp plate and easel E McDonald
and wife
Oak center table W S Jackson aud Frank
From friends and relatives abroad
was received
Silver bonbon basket W B Good and wife
Butka Neb
i Set cups saucers and plats Misse3 Anna
and Lilie Miller Clara aud Lillio Martin Rose
Rathburn Ainsworth
1earl handled fruit knives F L Coffey and
J O Berkley Ainsworth
Sugar shell aud butter knife Lou Richmond
Reepnon chair C A Johnson and wife
Woud Lake -
Photo holder Sadie Dewey Wood Lake
Silver salt cellars LeRoy i each Wood Lake
Cuf glass toilet box Mrs A E Crysler Rock
ferd III
Sugar shell and Initter knife C F Martin
Grand Junction Colo
Doilies -Winnie Tyler Flandreau 8 D
Pie knife T Winter and wite Pasadena Cal
Silver teaspoous Dr Robert Davisson Win
tcrset Jowa
Table cloth aud napkins Dr D DaYisson
Winturset Iowa
Bureau scarf -Mrs G W Waite Stockton
Hand made handkerchief Minnie Gates
Sibley Iowa
Silver fruit knives Dr Lowery Grand Junc
tion Iowa
Sugar 8ueR and butter knife F J Litner and
wife Ochoyedau Iowa
Bond Election
The bond election passed off quietly
Tuesday a very light vote being cast
Up to the hour of going to press all
precincts but three have been heard
from and the bonds have a majority of
60 votes with a fair prospect of win
ning out A queer thing happened
this morning Returns from a certain
precinct were brought in and the car
rier reported 47 votes against the prop
osition and noue for yet at the general
election last fall the total vote of the
previnct was 42 Thi8 is the only
precinct casting as largea vote as was
counted la8tfall
If all went well at Kennedy laat
Bvening Frank Kime and Miss Irene
Wilkinson were married A big dance
and supper waa to have followed the
nuptials and many gueBta were - in
vited Frank ia one of- Cherry coun
tys most popular young ranchmen
arid the bride is well and favorably
known to large1 numbers of our people
Tiro Democrat wishes the couple
much happiness and hopes they will
Tne groom is editor of The BfiMO hasa fang and prospssaue life
NO 1 5
We have an excellent line of new
clothing gents furnishing
goods hats caps boots and shoes
Have a splendid line of
shoes for both ladies and children
Clothing is cheaper and
better than ever Come and see
D Stinard
To fiiouxVity and Back in One Day
By taking the Pacific Short Line at
ONeill Train arrives at Siour City
at 240 p m returning leaves at 5 p
m making close connections at ONeill
in both directions Connection also
made with trains to and from Yank
ton Sioux Falls Mitchell etc Buy
local tickets ta OKeilL
more Groceries Dry Goods and
Shoes each weekjthan e have
ever sold before and that is say
ing a good deal The best help
possible is good goods and low
prices We have that help and
it is bound to bring us that other
help customers WVhave been
adding to ourstock until -we are
crowded for room thats why we build an additiorrtoour store Ouf
customers can find almost everything they want under one roof
Look over our line of spring goods Ask about the portraits
Davenport T hagher
In Pettycrews biock ox groceries fruit confectionery and feed
All our Groceries are fresh and good frruit is the finest and cleanest
Confeciionery the best and sweetest Feedjmre and nutritious
Highest prices for Butter Eggs and Farm Produce
Inventory Sale
We have just completed our spring inventory and have on
hand a large amount of odds and ends remnants etc which
will sell below first cost For instance we will sell
These goods are double width first class quality We sell
Worth 20 cents Must make room for new goods
E McDonald
An efficacious remedy for Habitual Constipation Indigestion Dya
pepsia Sick Headache Biliousness Kidney Trouble
Rheumatism Pimples and Blotches
Price 75 cents per bottle For sale by J H Quigley
For sale at Kennedy by Haeber Grange
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W H Moses building
Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
Korth Western Line is to be4
to and from the ji