The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 29, 1897, Image 1
th r n h fc v Vr A - HP IT I saii VOL K il JL JL JLJi 1 XII THIS AND THAT Comina JSventn Ward Entertainers April 69 30 Womans Guild Concert Coming soon Populists and Silver Republican May 22 Bond Election Jl ay 4 iemorial Day May 30 Sixth District Editors June 5 Work for the court house Miss E I Mills has a house rent May wheat sold at 100 cents bushel in St Louis last week to Wm Steafiraan came up from Pass Monday Amos Strong went down the road yesterday morning The Womans Guild will give a conceit in a short time per u Wm Boyer is improving his resi dence property by planing trees Hereafter anything that is good to eat will be taken on subscription C W Massingale is giving his Cherrv street hotel a coat of paint Gilrnan Ilellar unloaded 35 cars otxjattle in this county last Friday - Ir Meier the Omaha chemist re turned home the last of the week Milk delivered 23 quarts for one dollar 9 Mits Eva Harden Deputy Sheriff Razey went to Browulee Monday returning Tutsday evening Miss Mary Shaughnessy is at home again having closed her school atNen zel last ween Measles are epidemic in town and the work of the schools is sadly inter rupted thereby The Sons and Daughters of Protec tion give promise of developing into a very flourishing order W S Jackson and Miss Edna Pischer attended the wedding of the editor at Longpine last evening Mrs Tosie Frush has moved to the E I Mills house on flail street Mr Lessard has taken charge of the res taurant E Sparks has tapped the water A main on Main street laid rput in a hydrant near the rear of his dwelling Mr Clarke well known here re ceived his discharge from the U S army and started for Chicago Monday morning J A Fike went to Newport yester day morning and stopped at Longpine onhis return to attend ye editors wedding -A F E Gillette and son Bert of Ains worth were in town Monday on busi ness They brought a lot of mules up with them Lost The key to the Episcopal church between the church and the residence of R Cook Finder will please leave at this ollice Wallace Craigie was hit while at the bat and sustained a fracture of oue of the small bones of his lelt arm The well known stallion Billy Barnes will make the season at Smyser Vincents barn in Valentine 11 Amos Strong A stockmens protective association was organized at Chadrou last week The association wili meet ever Satur day when all estrays will be repurted A call for a meeting of silver repub licans has beeu issued by G E Trace well and eleven others The meet ing will be held in Valentine on May 22 The first public ball game of the season was played at Fort Niobrara Sunday afternoon The game was witnessed by a number of people rroin town Ed Glarke 3nd W E Haley started Tuesdav morning for a weens trip through Keya Paha and Boyd counties on business connected with the Xamoreaux estate Mrs E L Maioney of Valentine is iter i j x - ifti ir 21 r Bf lis - 9fciw t 1 with it i vrVjMgMfr rdm ji iW m - Prof J N Stead man made this office a pleasant call Tuesday He and Wm Steadman and 11 M Eaddis were up from Pass on the St Peters final proof case A E Thacher of Valentine visited in the city last Thursday and returned to his home Friday He is one of the leading merchants of Valentine Chadron Recorder Arrangements are beine made to have the G A 11 and various secret orders in town to unite in observing Memorial Day May 30 Program will be published in a short time Married at the residence of the brides parents in Longpine yesterday evening Hubert Good and Miss Iva M Davisson Rev John Andress officiat ing Particulars next week John Ferstl has just received a large consignment of fruit and shade trees and small fruit plants and cuttings All desiring to besmtify or improve their property should call on him at once 12 C R Glover returned from Arling ton Saturday While gone our worthy register of the land ollice had the pleasure of attending the reception given to J Sterling Morton in Omaha on Arbor Dav The contract for grading the lakes and lagoons of the Trans Mississippi Exposition has been let and the work will begin at once the contract re quiring that the work shall be finished not later than June 25 J W Spirk Pierce Neb son-in-law of Mrs Ray spent Sunday with rela tives here on his way to Hot Springs S D Mr Spirk is traveling salesman for the Valentine and Pierce flour mills Cliadron Journal Ed Clarke bought a horse of 0 W Hahn last week paying 50 therefor The horse is a six year old sired by the famous Quinine and his dam was a thoroughbied Kentucky Whip Ed is justly proud of his purchase Precinct committeemen and all others interested in the welfare of th populist party are requested to meet in Valentine on May 22 at one oclock p m to consider matters of special im portance to the psrty G P Crabb Chairman Hon O P Billings representative from this district has been quite ill rsliiCe 1 eUvVmnV home fro in Lincoln and last week came to Valentine and has been at Dr Dryers sanitarium receiving treatment He expects to start for his home at Nordeu torn or- row Hereafter we will have to say ye editor and family went to such and such a place 3ro Berkley is about the only bachelor left and if he gets lost in the sand hills many more times we wiif conclude that he strayed from the road while tning to make up his mind to act sensible Geo H Palmer of Broken Bow has been annoirned denutv U S Marshal succeed W II Lidduird iii the bixth H O Tucker closed his school north w of town on Thursday of last week and is becoming a familiar figure on our streets again E Blake of Hot Springs inspector for the South Dakota Stock Associa tion put in several days here and at Rosebud this week Oa account of the editors absence some mighty interesting figures and items are left out of this weeks paper Watch for them later Greece and Turkey have crowded Cnba out of our metropolitan news papers Mankind always has had a weakness for eatables Congressional distnct Mr Liddiard ltiionns theijtaudaid that he will be allowed to go on and finish up the work that he has already commenced which will be done at the next term of the U S coustliushville Standard We hereby publicly assert that if at the ciose of this administration the country det3 not experience a revival of business such as it has not known during the past four years then will this paper cease to be republican and we will walk down to the polls arm in arm with Mr Joice and east our first democratic or populistic vote Gordon Journal A novelty in the way of a civil suit was tried in Justice Lenons court at Guthrie Center and the case was one of the most hotly contested Knovu in Years The uoint at issue was whether While playing ball Sunday afternoon - lne wjfe ai0I1g With ule husband could be held lor the payment of a subscnp tion to a newspaper The evidence showed that lhe paper had beeu taken and read in the family Justice Leuou decided that the wife was liable for the payment Delphos 0Courcnt C It Watson A T White and Tom Yearnshaw ot this place and D W Parmalee of Rosebud went out on the Boidman fishing last week Messrs Watson and Pannalee returned Sunday afternoon and reported that the crowd had caught about 200 trout up to the time they left As evidence of good faith they brought about half that number home with them and ve editor had the exquisite pleasure ot diuing off one of the scrumptious beauties Sunday evening Mrs J M Bates started Friday morning for Lincoln Nebr to be ab sent for some weeks visiting with friends Mr James Pettijohn of Valentine was in our city on Saturday looking after his farm interests on the flats Mr Iemjoha la a prominent candi date for Register of the Land Ollice a position he is abundantly able to fill - h is tpoiuimut wUl meet vih C v nis iiSji j i - OH TFiT717ti tW4Ml yt J A Adding to The Donoher Last Friday morning work was be gun on the basement of a 25x40 two story frame building to be erected on the lots just north of The Donnher hotel which when completed will be used as an anne to that institution the two buildings being connected by a bridge The new building will con tain 9 bed rooms and a large sample room whu completed and is a much needed addition In the basement will be installed a heating plant prob ably hot air The building will have Abquare front and will present quite an imposing appearance Eugene Patten of Loup City who for a couple of weeks assisted 0 M Sageser in caring for his barber xrade left Tuesday night for the t Mr Patten evidenth concluded that the tODKntrt nmff55Viin wna Tf 85 Rp m Xisllsshpti or Ftfssi ypaiw ERRYCOUNTONBE - trbNUc INS UP- JkJh Iveedy Nebr April 21 1897 To the editor Valentine Democrat - - We voted m November last upon the proposition to bdndCherry county for twelve thousand dollars to build a court house We decided against the proposition Now the advocates of bonda fearing to wait until another fall at a general eleition to again submit the proposition- when it could be voted on without expense to the coujity and inconvenience to the people have caused a special elect ion to becalled on the 4th day of Miy next to force these hond upon the taxableifoperty of th county relying upon the non attendance of a large percent of the voters on account of the planting season and general hurry of spring work We oppose the bond proposition for the following reasons K - 1 The proposition has been so recenily presented to the people and voted down - 2- Half of thesurnppored would build a court house sulficent to ac commodate Cherry conuTy for years to oomec 3 The designiig Uxv m pM not to betolerated in making extravagant expenses to the laxj a us of the county forthe purpose of defeating the will of the majority and bonding their property- A Voter The Dkmookat is pleased to publish the above letter having often requested men who were opposing the bonds to give their rea sons for so doing in print Itiliard to argue a question unless one has some idea of the oppositions base This letter comes from a well known man and one is -impressed with the evident ear nestness of the writer Lie gives three reasons for his opposition to the bonds and to the best of our ability we- wilL answer his ob jections 1st The proposition has so recently been voted down55 Ordinarily that would be a valid objection but it this instance it is not About 300 citizens of this oovfnty petitioned for the election and more would have done so had they been given an opportunity The county board could not well overlook the expressed wish of the people had they been so inclined These petitioners recognized the fact that the vote at the last election was no criterion of the sentiments f the people The total vote of the county was 1410 The total vote on the bond proposition was 902 a difference of 50S This shows that people had not studied the question and did not take enough interest to express their sentiments either one way or the other and many voted against the proposition who will now after study and at a special election vote for it As a sample of the indifference shown Voters precinctKenned cast a total of 30 votes on the project lo for and 15 igainst while the total vote cast was 44 37 voters in Wood Lake TO in Valentine 3G in G illaspie 42 in Lavaca 36 in Merriman and various numbers in other pre cincts neglected to vote on the proposition At thcspecial elec tion every vote will be cast either for or against and the will of the people will be determined 2nd If any objection is to be made against the bonds it is be cause they are to be ioy tejtASivfujR6itroiuity paid- SG000 for a frame court house and vaults and was crowded for room The building recently burned down Brown county paid 10000 for a court house and it is not sufficiently large Cherry county is a larger wealthier and ino s populous county than either named and should haveNa county Inulding which will be in propor tion to her importance As Voter knows the best is always the cheapest and he should remember that if a court house is built it will not be a temporary structure but one which is to accommodate the county for all time Our people should not be niggardly Economy is advisable at all times but parsimoniousness is reprehen sible 3rd JNo designing few5 are responsible for this movement and no extravagant expenses are contemplated The 300 signers of the petition for special election cannot be called a designing few and their designs are specifically shown in this extract from the petition We further beg to represent that the rooms now occupied are inefficient and dangerous that the destruction of our records by fire would entail incalculable loss upon the county and that the annual rental of S800 now being paid would pay the interest on the pro posed bonds and leave a balance of 200 per annum to the credit of the taxpayers of the county thus saving enough during the life of the bonds to discharge one third of the debt- all of which is re spectfully submitted Once more we wish to call the attention of our readers to Sec tion 2082 on page 420 of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for 1S95 headed Division of Property which says All the property both real and personal belonging to the county or counties from which such new connty was formed shall 33E dividkd by the several county boards of the counties inter ested between the county or counties from which such new county was formed and the new county in proportion to the assessed value of property for the last preceding year which has been taken from such original county or counties and carried to such new county In case the said property cannot be divided or removed the county receiving the same suall pay to the other a proportionate value for the same SfiHSi i Xll fl fl3 A TH 10 OT tt Bti US g4 H K3 V- W 9B T Tift iHi - CI MT S 3 I i VALENTINE CHERRY- CO NEBRASKA BlTRSDAY APRIL 29 1897 Kanch Barns Surned About 2 oclock last Thursday after noon the barns on U O Bryans ranch ciught tire from matches in the hands of a boy and burned to the ground with their contents One of the barns was a frame and the other a log build ing Luckily they contained nothing but a couple of sets of harness and a wagon at the time of the fire As it is eutimated that the loss will amount to about 800 The machinery of the soil culture process now in opt ration on the farm of C BVJBoydi arrived Saturday and was put together by the inventor Mr Campbell of Itforth Dakota who was heraon the ground fo put the machin ery in operation Excellent results are expected from this business and it is hoped that it will demonstrate all JLhat is claimed for soil culture rhUkilM T IriTi i i ii i fwJaRPi - Siar ToicrrtzZ tfiflyq P WANTED W saT Jjni Ti We have an excellent line of new clothing gents furnishing goods hats caps boots and shoes Have a splendid line of shoes for both ladies and children Clothing is cheaper and better than ever Come and see BOYS PANTS ONLY 25 CENTS ROYS SUITS ONLY 75 CENTS TINARD I To ioiixCllty anil Back In One Day By taking the Pacitic Short Liue at ONeill Train arrives at Sioux City at 240 p m returning leaves at 5 p m making close connections at ONeill in both directions Connections also made with trains to and from Yank ton Sioux Falls Mitchell etc Buy local tickets to ONeill NO 14 We want help td get rid of more Groceries Dry Goods and Shoes each week than we have ever sold before and that is say ing a good deal The best help possible is good goods and low prices We have that help and it is bound to bring us that other help customers We have been adding to our stock until we are crowded for room thats why we build an addition to our store customers can find almost everything they want under one roof Look over our line of spring goods Ask about the portraits Our Fill i a nurn I H IS kj i a I i 81 l4 fa mB Ska J 1 1 nUiiLii M I II I jf i g 3a I ft V ELii Y I nisiJI I u tyrssn uw2 B U UQMu WB In Pettycrews stock of groceries fruit confectionery and feed IS THE BEST All our Groceries are fresh and good Fruit is the finest and cleanest Confeciionery the best and sweetest Feed pure and nutritious 9 Highest prices for Putter Eggs and Farm Produce NORTH OF POSTOFFICE W A FETTYGREW Inventory Sale We have just completed our spring inventory and have on hand a large amouut of odds and ends remnant3 etc which will sell below first cost For instance we will sell PIECE GOODS AT 10 OTS PER TAR These goods are double width first class quality We sell BLXOK LAWNS FOR 5 CENTS Worth 20 cents Must make room for new goods E McDonald KERNS T HP TD PTT V jII Vj u rx A FOR LIVER AND KIDNEYS An efficacious remedy for Habitual Constipation Indigestion Dy pepsia Sick Headache Biliousness Kidney Trouble Hheumatism Pimples and Blotches Price 75 cents per bottle For sale by J H Qttigley For sale at Kennedy by Haeber Grange 0 M SAGESER Knw gp r t jfy p it I I KN KlAI u ynvuir iim Hair cuttiag and shaving Shop in the W II iloses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS 0 W MOREY WATGEMA2EE - AND - JEWSLEE Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner -Full line of sporting goods 1 IIl to and SUGAR unoTi ELKHQ RAiLROAi North Western