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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1897)
I t i V t fc 1 Monster Steel Plato A steel plate has just been turned ou feiiy an English lirm that is said to be the largest made After shearing it measures 70 feet 8 inches by 5 feet and is six tenths of an inch thick it is without a flaw and weighs live and a half tons A LETTER TO WOMEN From Mrs James Corrigran For seventeen years I have suffered Periods were so very painful that I would havto go to the doctor every month He said that I had an enlargement of the womb and told my husband that I must undergo an operation as I had tumors in the womb and it was a case of life or death I was ope rated upon twice but it did not seem to do me any good it made me very weak I was troubled with the leu corrhoea a great deaL I also suffer ed with the -sick headache jcoiniting cpells back m ft MM ache all the time terrible pain in my left side chills loss of appetite and could not sleep nights After taking several bottles of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound some Liver Pills and using your Sanative Wash I recovered I can eat well and every one that sees me tells me I am a different per son I can do all my own work sleep well and feel well I am growing stronger every day and am able to go out and enjoy a walk and not feel all tired out when I return as I used to I doctored for sixteen years and in all those years I did not feel as well as I do at the present time I wish that every woman that is troubled as I was would try that medicine Oh ft is so good to feel well and it is all owing to Mrs Pinkhams kind advice and medicine Mus James Corrigan 284 Center St Jamaica Plain Mass pwiiiilIigmiijim brf S2S Every ingredient in Hires Rootbeer is health eivinj The blood is improved the nerves soothed the stomach benefited by this delicious beverage Rootbeer Quenches the thirst tickles the palate full of snap sparkle and effervescence A temper ance drink for everybody 1 Hade only br Th Chirlei E Hires Co Philadelphia A package mctn five gallons pnsiBiittiiMiwiciieamiieiniKiwiwiwiKiieiisiaiitiniwiisiiiitls o Eetab -- 1883 m J N smm mm i witiavAw ttDTw JAiAAsaw wKBBBBBHMMKBm 2ff 8 Od BEST IN THE WORLD tArtto llla ltne v Cjfl nln in distanced all competitors Indorsed by over lOOOOCO wearers asthe DC3t in style flt and durability of any shoe ever offered at S3 OO Itis made in all lie LATEST SHAPES and oxiiicoana or every variety of leather One dealer in a town given exclusive Bale and advertised in local paper on receipt of reasonable ardor GTWnta for catalogue to W L DOXJOLAS Brockton SCasa iaiwilRiMinimiMiiMiMiMiMiMiiiiiaiciieiiitiieiiMt s CLOCK WITHOUT WHEELS ft Runt 24 Hours nnd Works by the Law of Gravity A mysterious clock was found In a private collection by Director Davy of the observatory of Montsouris France lit dates from the time of Henry III and is described in a treatise on clocks published in tho seventeenth century by Father Alexander a Benedictine monk The clock on the outside looks like a little wooden cabinet on the right side figures are carved along the edge In a vertical line representing the TIIE GRAVlTr CLOCK hours from 5 a m to 12 midnight A small metal cylinder with a rod through Its axis is supported by two pieces of string and by turning the cylinder up the two pieces of string will roll up on the rod The interior of the cylinder is divided into eight compart ments of even size These compart ments communicate by very small apertures I II 12 etc with those next to them and by canals R with those on the opposite side of the cylin der The working power is simple A specially prepared fluid is filled into the Cylinder up to the line M N When the cylinder is rolled up and the fluid THE CYLINDERS INTERIOR allowed to settle the cylinder will not fall down but work its way down with a slow and steady movement Each of the compartments in turn is slowly filled and emptied in that slow running motion and the rod on the outside shows the time as the downward mo tion of the cylinder procceeds Oldest of the Old The oldest inhabited house in the kingdom is Dunvegan Castle in the Isle of Skye the seat of the MeLeods of McLeod part of which dates from the ninth century or a couple of hun dred years before the conquest by Will iam the Norman The castle is built on a promontory at the head of a loch and must have been a place of great strength in the days when the MeLeods and McDon alds were at constant warfare Sir Walter Scott spent a night there in the fairy chamber his experiences furnishing matter for one of his Let ters on Deinonology The oldest family in the world is that of Mutsu Hito the Mikado of Japan the throne of that empire having been filled by members of his family for more than 2500 years The present Mikado is the 122d of the line The first one was contemporary with Nebuchad nezzar 66G years before the Christian era The oldest family in Europe is the Austrian house of Hapsburg of 952 Mahomet was born in 570 his descend ants are registered in a book kept in Mecca and no doubt exists of the authenticity o the long line of Ma homets descendants - Most British geologists are now pre pared to admit that the earth has passed through several glacial periods instead of one as is commonly sup posed y lne liie Ine Best Rest Tcstg wmrn m IP w There are two kinds of sarsaparilla The best and the rest The trouble is they look alike And when the rest dress like the best whos to tell them apart Well the treo is known by its fruit Thats an old test and a safe one And the taller the treo the deeper- the root Thats another test Whats the root the record of these sarsaparillas Tho one with tho deepest root is Ayers The one with the richest fruit that too is Ayers Ayers Sarsaparilla has a record of half a century of cures a record of many medals and awards culminating in tho medal of the Chicago Worlds Fair which admitting Ayers Sarsaparilla as the best shut its doors against the rest That was greater honor than themedal to bo the only Sarsaparilla admitted as an exhibit at the Worlds Fair If you want to get the best sarsaparilla of your druggist heres an infallible rule Ask for tho best and you U get Ayers Ask for Ayers and youll get the best w ttl ii Mm TRUMPET CALLS Rums Horn Sounds a Warning Note to the Unredeemed HERE are al ways three pres ent when two of Gods children meet Make it right to sell whisky and nothing else can be wrong pjvery man who thinks he can deceive God iftrs has already de- ceived himself The man who minds his own busi ness will always have something to do Step where God tells you to and you will find your foot planted on the rock Theprajer that comes from a broken heart goes straight to the heart of God The more grateful we are for our blessings the smaller our trials will look If God gives us much to do or endure it means that he will also give us much grace If we do too much for our children they will never be able to do much for themselves It is hard to convince some preach ers that theyare not needed most where the pay is the best It would puzzle an angel to make out what some people mean when they say Thy kingdom come Heavens windows are still waiting to fly open for the man who will take the last tithe to the storehouse There is nothing in the Bible to en courage anybody in thinking that he can be saved by his own good works The preacher whose only usefulness lies in his ability to cure insomnia in his hearers has misunderstood his call There is much praying done in pub lic and private that falls short of a genuine calling on the name of the Lord Men have no patience with the man who fails at a vital point but God bears with him and gives him another chance One of the biggest fools in the world is the man who thinks the devil wont get him because his wife belongs to church Many a man who begins what he considers a promising journey in tho Jericho road meets the robbers at the first bend There is something wrong with the man who goes home from church mad whenever the preaching is aimed squarely at the face of sin REMAIN UNCHANGED Goldbeaters Tools and Cooks Caps as They Were in Ancient Times In almost every kind of trade known to man the years have brought mani fold charges in the way of tools im proved machinery advanced ideas as to the manipulation of material and numberless aids from the fields of science the workshop of the chemist the inventor and the artist But there is one trade in which no advance has been made and that is in the goldbeat ers trade The same tools and the same appliances are used now as in the days when Solomon built his temple and the art flourished in ancient times When Tyre and Sidon ruled the seas when Carthage disputed with Rome the supremacy of the world the goldbeat ers of those days worked with the same implements as those used nowadays It is a very singular thing that in all this endless change this rearranging and shifting the goldbeaters trade should still be conducted on its ancient basis and stand primitive in relations to the other trades and arts that have progressed so steadily and importantly Another curious feature of the trades is the badge of the cooks cap It is the same cap nowadays as the cap worn by the cooks wiio served up nightin gales brains for Lucullus Vitellius and the Roman epicures The cooks of the days of Shakspeare of Charlemagne of all ancient time wore the same shaped headgear the inevitable cooks cap that the chef of a fashionable mod ern hotel wears The times change and people change with them but in this labyrinthian moving and changing it must be remembered that there still exist two symbols sent down through the ages as they were in the beginning Smartness Accounted For In these days of new and improved educational methods it is not surpris ing that the children are becoming wiser than their fathers Up in the North Carolina mountains says the Washington Star an old man has a cabin which is a resort for hunt ers He has a grandchild of whom he is veiy proud She is a pretty golden haired girl and a pet of the hunters who warm the cockles of the old mans heart by singing her praises On a recent trip one of the hunters after a little skirmish with the child went out to the old man who was do ing some work about the cabin and said I say grandpop Nellie is smarter than ever Yes responded the old man proud ly When she was in the citj a-visit-in of her aunt she went to one of those MeKmley garten schools and learned a heap American Feet Are Small American women will be gratified to learn that an experienced Parisian saleswoman considers that after the -women of Madrid Peru and Chili they have the smallest feet of any nation in the -world The best shaped feet in Northern Europe are in Sweden If you want your grave kept in order be good to on old maid before you die It requires some courage to be a trutf friend RUTHLESS WAR Horrible the Cruelties Once Practiced by the Spaniards in Uollntid No page of the worlds history is more replete with tragic horror than that treating of the revolt of the Nether lands against the oppression of Spain Ir was jJays Motley a war of wolf sh malignity wherein every man seem ed inspired by a spirit of special and personal vengeance Fortunate in deed were such as fell In the heat of battle for in the eyes of the victors no of punishment was too ap palling Cruelties too monstrous for de scription were daily perpetrated men saw their towns converted into and solitudes while they themselves were torn limb from limb crimped alive like fishes hanged starved roasted before slow fires pinched to death with red hot tongs flayed alive and broken on the wheel The women a worse fate befel But while we execrate the ruthless cruelty of the Spaniards we cannot hold their opponents blameless for when occasion offered they often retaliated with a sav age reprisal priests and other noncom batants falling victims to their merci less rage To calculate the number slain during this war is impossible At the instigation of Alva alone 18G00 were executed while the number of those who perished by battle siege starva tion and massacre defies computation The Popular Sweet Pea The sweet pea which has become a very popular flower was first cult rat ed in Sicily about the year 1700 and of the four original varieties two came from Sicily and two from Ceylon The time to plant the sweet pea is as soon in the spring as the soil can be turned without clogging j Fortnne Feekinjr Emi rrants Many a poor family tbat seeks the Western tvilds in the hope of winning a fortnne is preserved from that insidious foe of the emi grant and frontiersman chills and fever by Hostetters Stomach Bitters So effec tually does that Incomparable medicinal de fense fortify the system against the com bined influence of a malarious atmosphere and miasma tainted water that protected by It the pioneer the miner or the tourist pro vided with it may safely encounter the dan ger Telephones lor the Sick In France hospitals for infectious ds cases are furnished with telephones so that the sick may converse with their friends without danger of con tagion It is not however a form of conversation that appeals attractively totae imagination Free Sample of a Wonderful Kid ney Cure Sufferers from kidney and rheumatic troubles are mailed free a sample of the renowned Kava Ivava Shrub possessed of wonderful medicinal and curative qual ities and grown in the East Indies by ad dressing the Church Kidney Cure Co 410 Fourth avenue New York An interest ing account of this celebrated remedy in another column of this paper will pay the reader well to peruse Interested in the Concern I hear that Jigson holds quite a re sponsible position and that he is finan cially Interested in the concern he is with Yes they owe him six months sal ary Judy Wnz bilious or costive eat a Cascaret candy ca thartic euro guaranteed 10c 25c In a ton of Dead tiea mere are 1ST pounds of salt Red Sea 93 Medi terrannean So Atlantic SI English channel 72 Black Sea 26 Baltic 18 and Caspian Sea 11 Catarrh Cunt Ho Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS a- they cannot reach tho seat of tho disease Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease and in order 10 euro it you havo to tdko internal lemedies Hulls Ca tarrh Cure is takon internally and acts directly on tuo moou ana mucous surfaces iiaii a ca tarrh Curois no quack medicine It was pro scribed by ono of tho best physicians in this country for yoars and iB a regular prescription It is composed of tho best tonics lmown com bined with tho best blood purifiers acting di rectly on the mucous burfoces The perfect sombination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing ca iarrh Bond for testimonials free TP J CHENEY CO Props Toledo Ohio Eold by druggists price 75c Fidelity and faithfulness are nothiny but constancies of feeling and action and the reflection of constancy of feel ing in constancy of action Baldness is often preceded or accom panied by grayness of the hair To pre vent both baldness and grayness use Halls zlair Renewer an honest remedy The highest volacno in the world is Cotopaxi in Ecuador 19496 feet I never used so quick a cure as FisoV Cure for Consumption J B Palmer Box 1171 Seattle Wash Nov 25 1S93 Thinking well is wise planning well tviser doing well wisest and best of all Cascarsts stimuato Mver kidneys and bowels Nev ir sicken weaken or grlce 10c Whoever has loved known all that life contains of sorrow and of joy Mrs VTlnslirvTs Som mira byrc lor Chiidrei teetlilnu goltens the Kuras reauced inflammation illnvs rain cure vicd cohc S cents a bottle Recollection is the only paradise out of which we cannot bo driven p WILL KEEP YOU DRY Dont be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat If you wantacoat that will keep you dry in the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand Slicker If not for sale in your fj town write tor catalogue to A J luwiiK Boston Mass TlPTHMH JiP TAFTS ASTHMALENE I7 I mil U r2 B H C SZ re ovcr Jb aus WewillmaUairial BR TAFf BROS 45 LIjh St Boefcestcr NYi ftLL ENSIGNS PATENTS CLAIMS J O HN W M O R R I S WASHiHSTOH D CL 3 jn ia last vir 15 abdicating Mfm atty lias 4J34400000W0 Mind this It makes no difference Mfe 9 MI BBI PI T5H 73 A C an v Faen Chronic lit rfc t Fmi dufi Inflammatory g o tho Muscles Joints and Bones is cured by 8PH afsrsalss ma6it eaaenaooaf ANDY CATHABTIG 10 rtJdliLJ MJlllJllJJJgJP AIL QFi Ml M v Mi h aft i im wot Post Yourself Rbotit MiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniinniimnnnnnM Read the new Columbia Catalogue Handsomest catalogue ever issued Tells fully of Columbia and Hartford bicycles Whether you buy the Columbia the Hartford or any other bicycle it will give you valuable and desirable information that every cyclist should know Fully illus trated Free by calling on any Columbia dealer by mail from us for one 2 cent stamp vSSri S tfS Bicycles Harffords 75 60 STanDaRD THE WORLD POPE MFG CO Hartford Conn Greatest Bicycle Factory in the World More than 17 Acres of Floor Space Branch House or dealer in almost every city and town If Col umbias are not properly represented in your vicinity let us know mMMwm gE8 ESS 7 Ci sa FEES If you suffer from any form of Asthma -we will send you Free by mail prepaid a Large Case of tho 2ew African Kola Plant Compound It is Na tures Sore Botanic Care for Asthcsa It acts through the Blood and never fails In general use in European Hospitals it has SO recorded Cures in 30 days We send it Free for Introduction and to prove that it will cure you Address Tfe EOLA J3IPOETIKG CO lias Fonrtli Ac - - Sew Yoric WHEN WRITING TO ADVERT1SEHS plenge say yoa saw tho advertisement In this paper JmI Best Cough Syrup Taates Good Use HI y yClJKES w Qcaranued IlLblr not to itritore iIPnreats caniirion Vll X ciNCKjvnor 1 1 cV 1 CURE C0HSTIPATI0H 25 50 I III JHIl DRUGGISTS J RftQAT TTTPT V fLTTXRHHWffPTI to cure any case of constipation Cascarets are the Idea Izxz flDDUIlU iahl UUnnillUIirjl tiTe nexer crip or pripebat rnuso eaay notnralreralU 8sai i pie and booklet free Id STEELING BE21EDT CO Chicago Montreal Can orKcTT York an Pt9BtB8 The Nan who is Raising a Big Crop realizes that the harvest time is ahead Tal fajrmincr eomnrehends not onlv the prowinz of the tallest grain the B hay the best farming the farming that pays must contemplate something more than this for there is a harvest time and jest in Xw proportion as a crop is saved successfully speedily and economically in just that proportion may be measured the seasons prom or loss Harvesting Machines are the profit bringing kind they are built for long wear hard work light draft and in short to satisfy There are other kinds that dont cost as much but theres nothing cheaper than the best RflcCormick Harvesting Machine Company Chicago The Light Running McCorcuick Open Elevator Harvester The Light Ru nning McCorcnicfc New 4 Steel Mower The Light Running McConuick Vertical Corn Binder and The Light Running McCortnick Daisy Reaper for sale everywhere Wm v -a mi Ar v 4 1 s Ai Urn 1 iliiP MADE BY aker Co LicL5 Established in 1 7 SO at Dorchester Mass Has the well known Yellow Label on the front of every a package and tne traae marK ia cene Lnocoiauere on the back NONE OTHER GENUINE Walter Baker Co Ltd Dorchester ft2ass f3a4tfgb4kfHMfr i i A Good Tale Will Bear Telling Twice Use Sapolio Use a a 3i 33 OP - g 970 ALL m JN ALIKE M InL 1 PI j N u I mtm CURE YOURSELF Use IJig G for unnatural discharges inSaainjatioca irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes rainless ana not THEEvAHSCheUIMlCo gent or poisonous HoA by JtrusslatM or sent in plain vrrapperj by express prepaid for 5100 or 3 bottles 275 Circular sent on request S C X U - - - - 16 97 PATENTS TRADE MARKS Examination and advice as to Patentability of lnvea Sons Send for Isteitoes Guide or How to Get i PATEn Iatrick OTarreUAVasldjictonDC