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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1897)
I i THE DAYS POMS SUMMARY OF LATE NEWS BY WIRE WAR IS INEVITABLE ENGLAND AND THE BOERS LIKE LY TO FIGHT So Think the Leading Officials of the Transvaal Mexico Likely to Retaliate Against the United States Other Items of Interest Transvaal Looks for War ALondon dispatch from Cape Town says that the Het Dageblad the Dutch newspaper declares that leading officials of Transvaal speak openly of war with England as inevitable South Africa is a mass of unrest The agitation which has been confined to the Transvaal and Cape Colony is spreading beyond those countries and now threatens to involve the whole vast region south of Zambesi The existence of these troubu lous conditions has been for some time within the knowledge of the colonial office But the strictest injunctions of secrecy have been laid on the entire staff and nothing leaked out until the simultaneous publication this week of news of revolts in Bechuanaland and Delagoa Bay Both outbreaks are potentially serious The Bechuanaland difficulty is closer to England because immediately within the British sphere of influence There the oc cupying troops have come into direct con flict with Galiskwe one of the most capa ble of the native chiefs a gigantic and daring black who has been suspected of plotting mischief With an outbreak in Rhodesia but re cently repressed with outbreaks In Gaza land and Bechuanaland now in full swing it is natural that Englishmen should hesi tate to take a false step in the campaign to crush the Boer oligarchy which has been resolved upon Should a war come with the Dutch it would be extremely embar rassing to be menaced in the rear by a widespread native revolt MAMMOTH OHIO CAVE Believed to Be Greater Than Ken tuckys Great Cave The discovery of a vast subterranean passageway at Castalia Ohio has caused many visitors to inspect the new cave The cave situation is the source of Castalia Creek and extends underneath the town Entrance as yet has been made with diffi culty but the splendor of the interior is marvelous when shown by the illumina tion of torches The state geologists will inspect the cave this week after which the opening will be enlarged- It is believed the cave is connected with the Perris Cave at Put-in-Bay and also with Flat Rock Cave which would make it extend over an area greater than that of the Mammoth cave MEXICO TO RETALIATE May Bar American Hogs and Pack ing House Products The framers of the Dingley bill are much interested In a semi official report from the City of Mexico to the effect that a retalia tory tariff bill is to be introduced in the Mexican congress this week It is stated that in view of the practically prohibitive duty on Mexican cattle provided by the Dingley bill the Mexicans will pass a pro hibitive duty on American hogs and pack ing house products which comprise one of our most important articles of ex port to Mexico CANNOT GET CROSBYS BODY Weyler Refuses to Let Marriott Go Beyond the Lines Gen Weyler replies to Gen Lee that he cannot grant permission to Mr Marriott to go beyond the lines to secure the body of his colleague Mr Crosby of the Chicago Record Gen Weyler says he would like to oblige in the matter but he is not will ing toassume the responsibility of protect ing Mr Marriott where he cannot do so Mr Marriott went a week ago to the Span ish line nearest the scene of Crosbys death Part Heir to 80000000 William Schermerhorn of Berrien Ind -has just been advised by the state depart ment at Washington that he is one of seventy heirs to an estate of 80000000 in Germany and that the division of it will be made at once Mr Schermerhorn is a farmer and the news of his good fortune is gladly received Japanese Warships for Hawaii The government of Japan has decided to send two warships to Hawaii stopping meanwhile all emigration The Japanese press is urging the government to take a firm attitude toward the Hawaiian and American governments Lamont Declines to Be Interviewed Daniel S Lamont ex secretary of war has arrived in New York from abroad with his family He declined to be interviewed as to his reported selection for the presi dency of the Northern Pacific Railroad Eight Persons Killed While mass was being said in a church near Castres France in the department of Tarn the roof collapsed Seven women and one man were killed and thirty per sons were seriously injured McKinley inWashington President McKinley and party returned to Washington Monday Ask the Government for Work Hundreds of unemployed workingmen gathered in front of the Parliament build ings in Toronto the other day and asked the Ontario government to provide work for them so that they could keep their wives and children from starvation Seized by the British A dispatch from Cape Town announces that the British have secured Inyack Island at the entrance of Delagoa bay and a squadron of warships irom that port will proceed there to take pdssession of the island and proclaim it British territory V ORTM CAROLINA COLLISION fhrce Persons Killed and Six Badly Injured The northbound Florida special on the Southern Railway No 86 and local south passenger train No 11 collided at JIarrisburg a small town thirteen miles north of Charlotte N C killing three per jons and wounding six The northbound special was late in leav ing Charlotte but was given the right of vay its orders being to pass the local nrain at Harrisburg where there is a sid ing No 11 had slowed up preparatory to king this siding and was but 100 yards from the north end of the switch when the xpress running forty five miles an hour Sashed into it The two engines came to gether with a terrific crash which re lembled the sharp crack of thunder Just previous to the collision Engineer Tunstall ipplied the air brake and jumped Many jf the passengers on No 86 were thrown from their seats but none of them were aurt The two express cars on the north sound train were shattered into thousands 3f piece3 and soon after the accident the postal car of the local caught fire but by the use of chemicalsthe flames were ex tinguished THE WEEK IN TRADE Statistics of Commercial and Finan cial Failures for the Quarter R G Dun Cos Weekly Review Of Trade says Out of 4006 failures with liabilities of 60752561 in the first quorter 74 banking failures covered more than a fifth of the amount 12774560 and 8845 failures with liabilities of 35947892 or nearly three fifths are classified according to branches of business leaving only 587 failures and less than a fifth of the lia bilities 12060019 in branches of manu facture or trade not specified A sudden collapse in the wheat market exceeding 3 cents in a day appears to have no other cause than a belated perception that past accepted estimated reports of yield and consumption official and otherwise have been misleading In spite of floods which must have materially affected the prospect cotton has only advanced an eighth during the week Receipts thus far still indicate a supply of American considerably greater than has ever been consumed in one year but uncertainty about the coming crop in duces much buying MOODY ON INGERSOLL Famous Evangelist Noncommittal About Pope Boh Dwight L Moody who is in St Louis was asked Friday what he thought of Robert GIngersoll who is billed to lecture in that city Why dont you ask me what 1 think of Corbett asked the evangelist in a slightly nettled tone I neversaw Ingersoll in my life 1 dont know a thing about him He does not in terest me in the least So hes going to lecture on Truth is he continued Mr Moody Well thats what I have been preaching for thirty years I preached it last night in my ser mon on Sowing and Reaping That is the truth and you cannot get away from it You go to Ingersoll when he gets here and show him my sermon on Sowing and Reaping If he denies anything in it let me know Id just like to see what hed say about it Iiife Savers Avert a Disaster The schooner W T Chappell of Alpena Mich lumber laden and with a crew of five men anchored off Au Sable in the northeast gale Shortly afterward both anchor chains snapped in the fierce seas and the schooner was driven before the gale in a helpless condition for several miles She was finally sighted by the life savers at Tawn Point about four miles above the station The lifeboat immedi ately started to the rescue and after a long struggle with wind and sea succeeded in reaching the helpless boat The life savers were successful in working the schooner into East Tawas Bob Kneebs Free The trotting mare Bethel or Nellie Kneebs which was seized when Robert Kneebs the horseman recently released from a German prison after serving a sen tence on the charge of ringing was ar rested will be sold by the government at public auction The lowest bid which will be admitted is 15000 marks Kneebs was released from prison on Thursday Seven months of his nine months sentence was deducted in view of the fact that he had already been in prison for that period Fishermen Resist Sheriff The sheriff and a force of deputies went to Jones Island near Milwaukee for the purpose of evicting a family named Mushe from premises claimed by the Schlitz Brewing Company The islanders turned out several hundred strong and drove the sheriff and his men avray They returned with re enforcements charged and cap tured the premises but not until they had been doused with water hot and cold and with water seasoned with red pepper Clubs were freely used and several shots were fired Bryan Gets a Bad Fall Hon W J Bryan was injured at St Au gustine Flaby the caving in of the piazza from which he was speaking Nearly 400 men and women were precipitated about twenty feet to the ground and many of them were injured but none fatally Mr Bryan was picked up unconscious and re moved to a physicians office where an ex amination revealed that he had received no injuries of a serious character Referred to Congress Secretary Long has referred to congress all papers relating to armor plate bids opened Thursday He recommends that authority be given to readvertise and make contracts for armor not exceeding 400 a ton Brown Wagon Works Fail A receiver was appointed Saturday at Dayton Ohio for S W Brown Co proprietors of the largest wagon and car riage wheel works in the country Burmahs whole system of state rail roads L 000 miles in length lias been bought up by a syndicate for 30000 000 TALL SYCAMORE DEAD EX SENATOR EXPIRES SUDDEN LY IN WASHINGTON Mr Voorhees Had Been In Poor Health for Several Years The Mississippi Hiver Passes All Pre vious Marks at New Orleans Ex Senator Voorhees Dead Daniel W Voorhees ex United States senator for Indiana died at 5 oclock Sat urday morning at his home in Washing ton He had been in poor health forsev eral years suffering from rheumatism of the heart His friends therefore expected to hear of his death suddenly Last re ports however were that he was showing signs of improvement nis death there fore while net entirely unexpected came with a sliock Daniel Voorhees was 76 years old and prior tb his retirement from public life on March 4 last he was for many years one of the most picturesque figures in the senate He was born in Ohio but was taken by his parents in his infancy to a pioneer home in the Wabash valley of Indiana with which under the sobriquet of the Tall Sycamore of the Wabash his name has since been associated throughout a long and honorable political career The funeral was held Monday at Terre Haute Indiana THE HIGHEST EVER KNOWN Mississippi River Passes All Pre vious Marks at New Orleans Advices from New Orleans Monday state that the Mississippi River gauge fluctuates between 18 and 182 feet This brings the record up to 1 of a foot higher than given by any official data compiled The river is certainly booming and in spots the water washes over the aprons of the levees making extensive deposits of mud The authorities however deny any addi tional apprehensions and are resourceful in combatting any inroads made by the river rapidly applying temporary bar riers of sacks filled with earth and such other devices as appear most expedient In the adjoining parishes of St Bernard and Plaque Mine the levees suffer most from wave washes but the officials charged with the duty of maintaining the embank ments in good shape are straining every nerve to keep out the water The present dry weather is a godsend and the rain soaked levees are drying quickly facili tating improvements In spite of the ris ing river the situation can be described as satisfactory ANOTHER PEARL BRYAN CASE Head and Headless Body of a Woman Found in Illinois Boys passing through some woodland five miles northwest of Mt Vernon III Monday found a womans head lying near the public road leading from Mt Vernon to Riverview They reported their dis covery and a party was organized for a search for the body It was found 200 yards from the spot where the head lay with the flesh stripped from the bones both the trunk and head being so badly decomposed as make to possible The testimony at the prove that the body was recognition im inquest went to that of a woman who was in that locality early last Novem ber She refused to divulge her name but said her home was in Carmi 111 and that she was going to St Louis The theory is that another Pearl Bryan murder has been committed It is said a suspected party left the country about the date of the womans disappearance GYMNASTIC FESTIVAL Immense Attendance Expected at the Coming St Louis Event St Louis is busily preparing for the members and visitors who will attend the twenty seventh festival of the North American Gymnastic Union which is to be held there May 6 to 11 Probably 10000 members of the various gymnastic unions of the country will be in attendance and it is thought that nearly 100000 visitors will be in the city during the week The fair grounds have been rented for this years festival and most of the exercises will be held in the big field within the race rack The Central Passenger Association has granted a rate of one fare for the round trip from all points in its territory Illinois Central Earnings The gross receipts of the Illinois Central from traffic for the month of March were 1736161 an increase of 1330 over the same month of last year For the eight months ended March 1 1897 the excess of receipts over operation and taxes was 4 715126 a decrease of 639947 for the receipts in excess of the expenses during the same period of the preceding fiscal year Gen Fullertons Body Found A dispatch received by the Baltim6re and Ohio officials in Washington from Cleveland says that the body of Gen Joseph S Fullerton of Washington has been found in the river eight miles below the scene of the Oakland wreck in which he was killed about three weeks ago Leaves a Fortune to the Church By the will of the late Miss Winifrede Martin who died at the Hotel Altamont Baltimore April 4 nearly if not quite 1 000000 is bequeathed to various Catholic churches and charities in Maryland and California Colorado Shooting Affray A shooting affray occurred at McElroys Hall Altman Colo Monday evening in which Jack Cox instantly killed Bob Daly and wounded Harry Miner and Sam Lash ley and was then shot fatally No Free Library for St Louis The measure providing for a tax for a free library building in St Louis was lost at the polls A two thirds vote was nec cessary Tiie vote was 17000 short of that number Durrant to Die June 11 Theodore Durrant was for a second time on Saturday sentenced to be hanged for the murder of Blanche Lamont in San Francisco The execution is fixed for June 11 ALABAMA TORNADO The Town of Arlington Hit by An other TwlBter Telegrams from Ozark Ala and Vel dosta Ga crossing the ill fated town of Arlington Ga show that this section was visited Saturday by another tornado as cending the Apallachicola Valley and sweeping northward with terrific force to the confluence of the Chattahoochie and the Flint Rivers where it divided in one direction going toward Ozark where tim bers were uprooted and houses blown to pieces Several lives were lost among them Mrs Powers who was caught beneath the falling tim bers of her house and crushed Her hus band was unable to save her and was him self badly hurt but he rushed off through the blinding rain and intense darkness for assistance The rest of the family were rescued among them a baby three weeks old whom the mother protected at the loss of her own life The second section of the tornado was deflected upon the Flint valley breaking across south Georgia and passing through Arlington where but a few weeks ago nine children were killed in the ruins of their school house Reaching Valdosta the storm became intensified in fury and trees were blown down In every part of the city- INSURED FOR 1000000 Mrs Stanford Takes Oufthe Largest Life Policy Ever Issued Mrs Leland Stanford signed the con tract Friday in San Francisco by which her life is now insured for 1000000 The policy is said to be the largest ever issued and was written by a company of New York By the terms of the contract Mrs Stanford is to pay an annual premium of 170000 and upon her death 1000000 will be paid by the company to the Leland Stanford jr University Should she live ten years and continue her annual pay ment of premiums the university will re- ceive at her death 2000000 instead of 1 000000 Opening Grants Casket The work of opening the steel casket containing the remains of the late Gen Grant was begun Friday The outer case which inclosed the casket is fastened by 150 bolts the heads of which are nearly one inch in diameter Theheads must be drilled through and pounded down before the case can be opened It was estimated by the men in charge that the work would take about three days to perform The public will not be given an opportunity to view the removal of the casket That will be done under cover of night and at an hour which will not be made public Freight Train is Blown Up A Big Four freight was annihilated by an explosion at the Belt junction at Indianapolis Ind The trouble probably originated in a car loaded with whisky The car had a hot box After the terrific explosion a fire company rushed to the scene but the entire train of fourteen cars was destroyed The trainmen escaped in- j jury but Otto Crenshaw who was sleeping in one of the cars was pinned to the burn ing floor Bids Asked for Torpedo Boats Proposals were invited by the secretary of the navy Saturday for the construction of three 30 knot torpedo boats The boats must be completed within four months of contract The bidders are left ample scope for original ideas as the department pre scribes in its circulars only the barest out lines of the crafts for the construction of which congress has appropriated 800000 Nashville Invites King of Greece The executive committee of the Centen nial Exposition at Nashville Tenn has adopted a resolution inviting the King of Greece and the royal family to visit the ex position and expressing sympathy with Greece in her present crisis Ashland Wilkes Sold for 7500 At the horse sale in Lexington Ky recently Ashland Wilkes a famous trot ting stallion 15 years old and sire of John R Gentry 2O0K was sold to Brook Cussy Lexington for 7500 He sold at a private sale a year ago for 5000 Australian Ball Tossers Arrive The Australian baseball players on a tour of the world have arrived at San Francisco They will play the opening game with the Olympics next Sunday MAEKET QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle common to prime 350 to 550 hogs shipping grades 300 to 425 sheep fair to choice 200 to 550 wheat No 2 red 64c to 65c corn No 2 22c to 24o oats No 2 15c to 17c rye No 2 29c to 31c butter choice creamery 17c to 19c eggs fresh 9c to 10c potatoes per bushel 20c to 30c broom corn common growth to choice green hurl 25 to S0 per ton Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to 525 hogs choice light 300 tq 425 sheep common to choice 300 to 450 wheat No 2 87c to 89c corn No 2 white 25c to 26c oats No 2 white 21c to 23c St Louis Cattle 300 to 550 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 300 to 525 wheat No 2 91c to 93c corn No 2 yel low 20c to 22c oats No 2 white 18c to 20c rye No 2 30c to 32c Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 500 hogs 300 to 425 sheep 250 to 525 wheat No 2 86c to 88c corn No 2 mixed 2oc to 26c oats No 2 mixed 20c to 21c rye No 2 37c to 39c Detroit Cattle 250 to 525 hogB 300 to 450 sheep 200 to 500 wheat No 2 red S3c to 85c corn No 2 yellow 24c to 26c oats No 2 white 20c to 22c rye 32c to 34c Toledo Wheat No 2 red 86c to 87c corn No 2 mixed 23c to 24c oats No 2 white 16c to 18c rye No 2 34c to 35c clover seed 455 to 465 Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 65c to 07c corn No 22c o 24c oats No 1 white 19e to 21c buley No 2 2Sc to 33c rye No 2 32c to 34c pork mess 775 to 825 Buffalo Cattle 250 to 525 hogs 300 to 450 sheep 300 to 550 wheat No 2 red 82c to 84c corn No2 yellow 27c to 28c oats No 2 white 22c to 24c New York Cattle 300 to 525 hogs 350 to 475 sheep 300 to 550 wheat No 2 red 76c to 77c corn No 2 2Sc to 29c oats No 2 white 21c to 23c butter creamery 15c to 21c eggs West ern 9c to 10c STATE OF NEBRASKA NEWS OF THE WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM State Auditor Has Issued His An nual Statement on All Insurance Companies Doing Business in the State Other State News Fire Insurance Business in 1800 The auditor of public accounts of this state has issued his annual statement of the risks written premiums received losses incurred and paid by lire and other insur ance companies except life and accident The report is or the year ending Decem ber 31 18 The report shoes that joint stock lire insurance companies wrote risks amounting to 8973986028 leceiving therefor premiums amounting to 1377 68643 The losses for the year reached 55318809 and the losses paid for the year 62060950 Nebraska farmers mutual insurance companies wrote 1042709292 received an income of 7988053 and pafd expenses amounting to 2955409 TheIosses paid foot up to 5525276 and the amount of in surance in force is 2193993884 N Miscellaneous companies wrote 12166 53762 in risks received 7030426 in pre miums and paid losses amounting to 16 70682 Nebraska mutual companies two of which are at Omaha and two at Falls City wrote 5819S669 in risks received 3255375 in premiums and incurred 15870 in losses College Students Suspended Considerable excitement prevails among the college students at Crete owing to the suspension of four students About three weeks ago a crowd of about twenty being refused admission to a fellow students room proceeded to remove the obstructions and make a friendly call anyway A door which stood in the way suffered slightly and the faculty ordered four of the mis creants to pay 5 into the treasury for the damage done This they refused to do on the ground that all were equally concerned and should stand the expense They of fered to replace the old door but this was refused The four boys were then sus pended The student sympathy is with the bojs - Sell Pies to Buy Base Balls In connection with the regular weekly session of the nigh School Literary at North Loup a pie social was held which not only resulted in an extraordinary amount of amusement but also netted a neat sum to the committee which had the affair in charge The pies were auctioned off to the highest bidder some of which sold as high as 75 cents each the average being about 25 cents An element of in terest was added by selling by number the purchaser eating with the woman who baked the pie and some surprising revela tions followed the completion of the sale The proceeds will be used to purchase athletic appliances for the use of theschool Shiloh Veteran Association The fifth annual meeting of the Shiloh Veterans Association was held at Stroms burg About 100 visiting veterans were there from different parts of the state An elegant supper was furnished by the Womans Relief Corps after which the concluding exercises were held at the opera house which was filled to its utmost capacity by eager listeners Rev J H Pressen gave the address of welcome The principal speakers were John Lett Bene dict Dan Brown C B Couch C Ander son George B France of York A C Swarz Bryan Pitt B Herrington and several others The old officers were re elected for the ensuing vear Strike a Mighty Plow of Water Some persons in the west end of Chase County have been experimenting with an artesian well When this got down about 115 feet they struck water which flowed out of the top of the well the hole being ten inches in diameter with force enough to throw up large sized stones that were dropped in the well The flow is about 800 gallons per minute A number of other wells will be put down in the county and if a like success is had the question of irri gation in that county will be solved Diphtheria Scare at Ashland There is considerable excitement at Ash land caused by a case of diphtheria in the the county three miles south of that town The wife and two married daughters of Randolph Bryan visited a married daugh ter in DeWitt recently and the eldest girl took the black diphtheria and died there The mother and youngest girl returned home Now the younger girl has been taken with a severe case of it The town people fear it will spread and precautions are being taken Injunction Stands Tor the Present Judge J R Thompson of the district court at Grand Island rendered his decis ion in the injunction case of the members of the Shelton lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen against Grand blaster Tate of that order The decision is tem porary against the grand master as it spe -cities that the injunction shall stand until the appeal of the Shelton lode fromthe decision of the trial court at Wood River is decided Plays with a Gun and Is Killed While Newton Chapman of Archer a young man about 20 years of age with two other companions was in a barn fooling with a gun it was accidentally discharged The load entered the hip joint fracturing the bone Young Chapman died shortly after the accident Judge Getts Is Exonerated Among the cases tried at Osceola was that against Judge C W Getts who was charged with taking illegal fees and mutilating the record The jurys verdict was that the man was not guilty and there was no cause for the complaint Found Not Guilty of Forgery The trial of Swan Benson at Osceola who was charged with forgery ended with a verdict of not guilty The costs in the case will be over 509 This was the first criminal case tried by the new county at torney John Tongue Nebraska Men Lost In Wyoming Word has been received to the effect that two of the Johnson bojs were found dead north of Cheyenne Wyo and as the other two have not made their appearance they are thought to have been frozen to death The were on their way from their home near LaGrange to Cheyenne with hogs and were caught in the recent storm Governor Offers a Reward Governor Holcomb has offered a reward of 200 for the arrest and conviction of the murderer of David Jones killed March 12 in Gage County AMENDMENT IS LOST Canvass Shows that It Lacks Many Votes The recount of the ballots cast for the constitutional amendment relating to an increase in the number of judges of the supreme court has been finished and the legislative commission linds that the amendment failed to receive a sufficient number of votes to make it a part of the constitution of the state The legislative commission found ac cording to its recount that the amendment had received 976 14 affirmative votes or an increase of 18C05 over the number of votes returned to the state canvassing board last November The commission finds that 87 029 votes were cast against the amendment or 867 votes less than returned last Novem ber The total vote of the state as returned by the commission was 280361 as against 230795 as discovered by the state canvass- ing board last fall The fusion majority in the legislature has held from the first that the amendment required but a majority of the votes cast for senators and representatives The commission finds that the total vote cast for senators was 201375 and for representa tives 203552 If based upon the total number of votes cast the amendment lacked 17537 Based upon the total vote for senators it lacked but 3044 Based upon the total vote for representatives it lacked 4133 Eased on an average of the total vote br bo h senators and representa tives the amendment still lacked 3587 votes Jfolcomfo Is President House roll No 183 to authorize the in corporation of mutual insurance compa nies was signed by the governor on the 7th inst and on the 8th the papers for the formation of a new company under the law were filed with the state auditor The directors of the new company are C E Coffin of Lincoln E 3IBartlettof Omaha B E Paine of Lincoln D C Stratton of Pawnee City J B Conway of York Jas II Casebeer of Blue Springs and C R Wright of Genoa The officers are S A Holcomb president E 3L Bartlelt vice president C E Coffin treasurer and W B Liech of Lincoln secretary The title of the new company is the Nebraska Mercantile Mutual Insurance Company its purpose being the insurance of city and village property in this stale on the mutual plan Consolidate Express Oilices It is understood that the Adams Pacific and United States Express Companies offices at Beatrice will be consolidated in the near future and the present Adams agent W H Mosely placed in charge of the entire business It is also understood that G F Salle of the United States and Pacific Companies will go to Grand Island vhere a like consolidation will be effected Bank Winds Up Its Business The First National Bank of Exeter has suspended It has gone into voluntary liquidation The bank is in sound condi tion and most of the time for the past three years has had available funds enough to pay all depositors but owing to the un profitable nature of the business the stock holders wish to withdraw their capital and invest it in other lines of business Oppose the Irrigation Bonds The annual election of the Ord irriga tion district was held last week for the purpose of deciding whether directors in favor of or against selling the 50000 in bonds issued some time ago should be elected Two out of the three divisions elected directors opposed to placing the bonds on the market while the third was a tie Fanner Drops Dead Dave Zahl a farm hand living near Nor folk suddenly expired while driving into town in company with his brotiier and in other man The deceased formerly lived at Bassctt and was working for August Kawn two miles nortli of the former city Western Nebraska Stock Growers The Western Nebraska Stock Growers Association held its semi annual session at Alliance with well toward 100 members in attendance The legislature was asked to pass the bill now pending which is of so much interest to stock men Xcav Creamery at Schuyler Ground has been broken and the founda tions of a new centrifugal system cream ery laid at Schuyler The plant will be operated by the Schuylar Creamery Comr pany a co operative association with a capital stock of 6000 The County Wins After being out exactly twenty six hours the jury in the case of Dawes County vs the Chadron Banking Co returned a ver dict for the county for 2615 the amount of county funds on deposit when the bank failed a year ago Three Years for Assault Trank Maxwell convicted at Aurora of assault was sentenced by Judge Sedgwick to three years m the penitentiary at hard labor The act was committed at Giltner some months ago and the victim was a 16-ear-old girl Nebraska Short Notes Tilden is making an effort to secure a grist mill The Polk County jail is without an occu pant One hundred thousand sheep are being fed in the vicinity of Chilton The Wilber mill is shipping large quan tities of corn meal to the south A Pierce hunter is reported to have killed ninety six ducks and three geese in one days shooting Work on the irrigation ditches near Bay ard is being pushed as rapidly as possible All over Nebraska come reports to the effect that Arbor day will be extensively observed The Grand Army boys of Chester are making strenuous efforts to raise enough to build them a hall and are circulating among their friends and the public in gen eral for subscriptions Recently while Henry Stanclift of Alex andria was burning grass around the build ing where his corn is stored he wa3 startled by two bullets passing his eara He dis covered that four thirty eight caliber cart ridges -were in the grass and two of them exploded making a close call for him A Burr Otoe County fanner has a flow- v ing well which 13 only sixteen feet deep There is some talk of the various lodges at Leigh pooling their issues and buildfn a large hall In many places Nebraska farmers are sowing spring wheat where winter wheat has been killed out Scotia is now without bankinj or any Kinu antl the people there greatly inconvenienced as a result facilities are Heavy losses on the sheep industry are reported from the west part of Cherry County A Bowering being among the heavies losers V 4