The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 15, 1897, Image 1

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lstcr Sunday April 18
Arbor mv
m 22
Teachers as
General Association April 21
Bond Election May 4
A Foot Xotc
To the slocking she said
With a smile that wis bland
Ere I hie mc to bed
I will take you in hand
As her needle ho eyed
With his mouth all askew
The stocking replied
Ill bo darned if you do
Work for the court house
Clean up the alleys and back yards
Miss E I Mills has -a house to
JJno Whipples
family bave
Miss Lena Hawkins left for home
Jast Friday
-3 A Fike returned from Omaha
Sunday night
M V Nicholson visited in Ains
worth Sunday
Prof A J Wallingford of Kennedy
is in town today
C E Bowring left for TJes Moines
-yesterday morning
Dr W E McConville was over from
Rosebud yeBterday
Dr Evans has moved into his new
residence on Hall street
Anew court house means a saving
of 200 pei year in rent
The fishing season in Lake Minne
chaduza has commenced
Steen of Steen precinct was in
town on business this week
Tfke sidewalk to the west part
town will soon be constructed
-Blankets and comforters at greatly
reduced prices at McDonalds 5
A new stone business block
Main street is beiug talked of
Milk delivered 23 quarts for one
dollar 9 Mrs Eva Harden
U and Is court house article was
received too late for this weeks paper
All wool underwear cheap at Mc
iDonalds general merchandise store 5
r Hiss M Reynolds has opened dress
r -making parlors over T C Hornbys
Sheriff John Murray of Ainsworth
-was in town on business last Friday
D E Sherman has been ill this
week suffering from an acute attack
of colic
D H Thurston is assisting County
Treasurer Crabb with his omce work
this week
Chas Sparks is able to be around
again after having had a severe attack
of quinsy
Ed Clarke is in Cody today
been called there to look after
legal business
While riding Sunday Wm Beamer
Jr was thrown from his horse and
sprained his ankle
Many men are attending church reg
ular now who never went before Let
the good work go on
Mrs Frank Frush is very ill of can
cer and in addition needs assistance
JEIere is a worthy object of charity
The bad weather of last week has dis
appeared in the whencenessof the what
and everything is once more lovely
There will be an Easter entertain-
ment at the Presbyterian church Mon
day evening to which all are invited
A party of Longpiueites enjoyed a
a bunting and fishing trip in the south
east part of Cherry county last week
We will have a car of choice early
Ohio potatos next week Price 60c
perbusbel Daventokt Thache e
Notice T C Hornbys new advertise
ment His special sale of embroidery
should be attended by every woman in
W H Carter one of our prominent
stockmenfrom the west end of the
county was in town the first of the
Prof J O Beatty organizer of
muBical institutes will be here on the
2odor2 ith to organize a class in
vocal music
Cattlemen are paying good prices for
young stock this spring two-year-old
Bteers selling for 28 to 30 per head
Bassctt Baffle
At the City Hotel Sunday evening
Judge Towue officiating Frank Yeo
man and Amelia Sowley the latter of
Bosebud were married
The atandpipe for the industrial
school on the reservation amvedVlast
Ex Senator Daniel Voorhees who
for years represented Indiana in the
upper branch of Congress is dead
Davenport Thacher have some
beautiful pictures in their show win
dows which were enlarged from photo
The election in the irrigation dis
trict last week went wet That is
directors favoruble to the Big Ditch
were elected
The chances are growing favorable
for the Elkhorn company to extend its
line of road into Lead this summer
Bald Mowfltain News
Dirt which was taken from the cel
lar of toq Bed Front building is being
hauled into the street near Breukland
ers blacksmith shop
Gilman flellar unloaded 9 cars of
cattle here last week and Sunday they
were started for Bosebud under the
care of Foreman Chas Strickland
Frank Mullen and A M Charbon
neau come over from Rosebud Tues
day and yesterday morning started for
Sioux Falls S D to attend TJ S
A E Thacher returned Tuesday
night from Omaha and Chicago where
hehad ben on a combined business
and pleasure trip for a couple of
A T White and Tommy Yearn
shaw had a successful trout fishing
trip to the Bordman last week return
ing Sunday evening with 256 of the
speekled beauties
Spring is here and grass is green
and prominent and obscure citizens
are busy making garden and that
tired feeling is becoming prevalent
and were glad of it
The Presbyterian people are hauling
material tor a foundation onto the lots
east of the church and will erect a
parsonage thereon The building will
be 28x28 feet in size
The Printers Auxiliary credits Bro
Fritz with running a paper at Spring
view S D The Auxiliary evidently
doesnt consider Keya Paha county as
a part of the United States
Mrs E McDonald returned from
Crookstou last Friday business in the
store there being so brisk that she
could not attend to all customers
Mr McDonald reiieved her
Mr Luke Bates 4s home from
ney where he has oeen attending
school for the past two years It Is
reported that he will spend the sum
mer in Longpine Longpine Journal
D M Underwood wife and family
who have been ill with measles at Dr
Dwyers sanitarium are once more
well and have moved into the house
recently occupied by Dr J J Evans
Yesterday afternoon at the resi
dence of Judge Towne on Cherry
street S J Pittenger and Miss Nancy
Lou Long were married The con
tracting parties came from Mullen this
C M Sageser laid off part of a day
-this week and went hunting This is
the first time Clarence has done such a
thing for a year but a journeyman
barber happened along and he im
proved the opportunity
If the residents on Hall and Ma
comb streets want sidewalks as badly
as they need them why dont they
petition the village board for same
No use kicking because you dont get
what vou never ask for
The currew bell was placed in posi
tion on the town flag pole yesterday
afternoon and when its dulcet tones
ring out upon the air at 3 oclock each
evening wise young people will im
mediately hie themselves home to
Mr Bates will be in Valentine Good
Friday and remain over Easter Ser
vices on Good Friday at 1030 in the
morning and 730 in the evening
Saturday Easter even at 1030 in
the morning Easter services at 11 a
in and 730 p m Sundav school at
f 10 a m at which services Holv Bap
tism will be administered to a class
of children
While returning to the irrigation
ditch survey camp about 40 miles
southwest of here last week A Q
Morrison jjad a narrow escape from
serious injury While driving along
the Snake his wagon overturned and
rolled down the creek bank dragging
the horses with it Mr Morrison es
caped by jumping and curious to say
no damage was done to either wagon
horses or driver Three dozen broken
eggs was the sum total of the loss sus
Easter is to be observed at the
Methodist church next Sunday with an
all day service In the morning the
Pastor will preseut the work of Christs
church throughout the world and the
present needs of the evangelizing
forces In the evening the Sunday
school will present itsannual mission
ary program Good music and fine
floral decorations are prepared Much
yams jic upui witieu to mase tins a
week When completed it will be lad and happy time Everybody is
feet ia diameter and 60 feet high firrvited to be present
The Objection of the IMviwionists is
Xnllifled bv the Iakw
On May 4th the voters of Cherry
county will be given an opportunity to
say whether the county shall continue
paying 800 peryear rent for a
or build a de
cent building at an expense which will
not raise the tax levy one mill above
that now assessed
In opposition to this proposition
th ere are numerous objections urged
Some of them are foolish some idiotic
and some bear the impress of right
upon their face Two of the principal
obj ections urged were answered last
week conclusively we think In the
southern and western portions of the
county there are numerous advocates
ot division of the county and these
divisionists are almost to a man
against the bonds They say that if
the county builds a court house and if
the county is divided the new county
will be out all the taxes they have
paid on the bonds This is being
urged with much persistence and
many believe it is true Men have
told this paper that if they were con
vinced that they would receive their
money back they would vote for the
bonds because they were convinced
that a new building is needed and that
it would be economy to have same
Section 2082 on page 420 of the
Compiled Statutes of Nebraska for
1895 headed Division of Property
All the property both real and per
sonal belonging to the county
or counties from which such new
county was formed shall he divided by
the several county boards of the coun
ties interested between the county or
counties from which such new county
was formed and the new county in
proportion to the assessed value of
property lor the last preceding year
j which has been taken froui such origi
nal county or counties and carripd to
such new cmnty In case the
said property cannot be divided or re
moved the county receiving the same
shall pay totlw oilwr
for the same
The foregoing is Sec 16 of Art I
Chapter 18 entitled Counties and
County Officers and by thi3 descrip
tion can be found in any statute of the
state Look it up There is no way
of getting around it If a new coun
ty is formed from a portion of Cherry
the new county can recover its propor
tionate interest in all property be
longing to the county of whatsoever
kind it may be lands buildings books
moneys etc
7uduo Towne Fined Them
Monday Albert Webster a soldier in
company A 12ih infantry filed a com
plaint against Dan Mahoney for pre
senting him with a beautiful black eye
and Daniel was fined 500 and costs
amounting to 475 by Judge Towne
Dan then swore out a warrant against
Albert tor assault Sunday night and
Monday morning and exhibited a bad
ly bruised face in evidence of his
truthfulness and so Albert was given
a dose of 500 and costs
This row is the result of bad blood
of long standing and the penalties ad
ministered may tend to settle the dif
ficulty Webster has a wife out in the
country and Daniel has been making
his headquarters at the wifes place
for several years Besult jealousy
and numerous threats of violence by
Webster The woman has frequently
asked for protection from him and if
he gets jerked up before Hizzoner
again it may be that he will have to
answer to several very serious charges
Daniel is an old man of Irish descent
and his tale in the court room was both
pitiful and laughable as with tears
streaming down his wrinkled old face
he told how Webster didnt let me
shlape a wink for two nights and held
a knife over me hear rt Webster
addressed a few words to the court
room as he expressed it and grand
iloquently told how he would bring
scores of witnesses to prove his inno
cence but he didnt
Catharine Lynch commonly kuown
as Kate Murphy was up on a charge
of drunk and disorderly pleaded
guilty and was given 10 and costs
Total 14 60 The girl did not have
the monejT but was released on the
promise of her landlady Jennie
Lester to produce the simoleons by
Judge Towne gave this last offender
a severe lecture and intimated that if
any more girls were brought before
him on a disorderly charge he would
not simply impose a fine but would 6ee
that the offender behaved herself for a
few days at least i e sho would be
confined in the city bastile for a term
of days The disorderly element are
hereby warned to keep out of the
clutches of Judge Towne
r w
Stole a Horse
Tuesday Sheriff Strong filed a
complaint against one Goo Snnrr for
horse stealing and yesterday morning
started for Burwell Loup connty to
bring that worthy home Snurr is
charged with having stolen a 5-year-old
bay horse from G W Burge on
the 25th day of March
Moid n Kaneh
W E Haley Tuesday sold to Geo
Schwalm theokl Dewey Ranch about
35 miles southeast of Valentine the
sale being made for cash George has
contracted with three young men to
run the place until January 1 when he
will probabiy take charge himself
The major portion of this ranch lies in
thebottom of the Big Ditch reservoir
and is one of the best places in the
county for stock raising
A jLarse Ulortjrure
Monday April 12 the largest mort
gage ever filed in Cherry county was
put on record in the county clerks
office The mortgage was given to
Rice Bros Nixon of South Omaha
by John Tinnen and T B Irwin to
guarantee the payment of 30000 and
is secured by 1000 three- and four year
old steers and 2000 two year olds It
is deals of this magnitude that shows
the confidence capital has in Cherry
county stock
Plant licet Seed
Parties who intend plantiug beets
this spring should begin preparation of
the ground as soon as possible Every
farmer who possesses land capable of
raising befits should plant at least a
quarter of an acre Three poimds of
3eed costing 75 cents will be sufficient
to plant this amount ot land Neligh
has secured a sugar factory Aius
worth is in a fair way to do so and
Valentine should be the next on the
list Ground should be plowed some
time in advance of planting
Clean up
City Marshal Razev is verv anxious
that all alleys and yards should be
cleared or retuse at once before he is
compelled to remove the rubbish by
order of the boa rd of health No re
fuse will be allowed east of town here
after Cornells pasture just west of the
Rosebud road being designated as the
proper dumping ground Any of the
numerous small canyons thereabout
will Teceive the retuse and n will not
then interfere with the public health
valentine should be given a thorough
cloning this month
Joke on the Judge
The attorneys got a good joke on
Judge Kinkaid Wednesday during
the trifil of the irrigation case of
Fenner vs the Mirage Irrigation Co
In examining a witness Judge Crites
made some reference to a dam site
Judge Kinkaid who was writing at
the time did not catch the Grst part of
the query and rapping on the desk
looked severely at the audience and
attorneys and in a most impressive
tone remarked Tut tut gentlemen
I do not allow such language in this
court room while I am on the bench
A broad smile spread over the faces of
the attorneys who could hardly con
tain their laughter and when the mat
ter was made clear to the Judge he
joined in a hearty laugh at his ex
pense Chadron Recorder
A afew Hotel
Wednesday J A Hooton who has
been living in the Ludwig house on
Cherry street took possession of the
Stinard property on North Main street
and will transform the building into a
hotel to be run under the name of
Valentine House Mr Hootan is an
experienced hotel and restaurant man
and comes to Valentine well recom
mended as a genial host and honest
business man It is Mr Hootons in
tention to run a first class hotel and
his table will be second to noue when
it comes to a question of viands either
as regards quantity or quality and his
charges will be very reasonable 1
per day for transients with the usual
reduction for regular boarders The
public is invited to give the Valentine
House a trial and is assured that it
will not be disappointed Mr Hooton
formerly conducted a hotel at Butte
and during several years business in
that place never lost a boarder 12
Xo Money on Deposit
Last week a certain young gentle
man from a neighboring town came to
Valentine to mase arrangements for a
local1 business man to start him up in
business in his native town The
young gentleman started out to see the
the elephant and he saw her To
show his gratitude to the aforesaid
local business man he borrowed some
money of him giving therefore a
check This was not sufficient in
amount so he prevailed upon an old
friend of his to advance money on
checks also When the checks were
presented for payment the cashier of
the bank on which they -were drawn
returned them with the indorsement
No funds and likewise added a few
comments on the y gs standing in
uwiiiu JUOY ttda
j glVtJll
an opportunity to settle at once thus
saying him from the disgrace of ex
posure It is probable that he will in
the future leave his check book at
home unless he has funds in the bank
n i
Pnhlfoltcd for Vovv Years as
D Stinard
ToSionxCity and Back in One Bay
By taking the Pacitic Short Line at
ONeill Train arrives at Sioux City
at 240 p m returning leaves at 5 p
m making close connections at ONeill
in both directions Connections also
made with trains to and from Yank
ton Sioux Falls Mitchell etc Buy
local tickets to ONeill
NO 12
Is that one who always patron
izc3 reliable merchants and does
not trade with every traveling
fakir who happens along She
will examine goods before buying
and purchase where she can got
the best goods for the least money
Thats where we come in at We
keep the best of everything and
sell at the lowest margin of profit
Groceries clothing hats and caps
trunks and valises underwear and
outer wear dry goods etc
venport Thacher
In Pettycrews stock of groceries fruit confectionery and feed
All our Groceries are fresh and good Fruit is the finest and cleanest
Confeciionery the best and sweetest Peed pure and nutritious
Highest prices for Butter Eggs and Farm Produce
Spring Goods -
The Largest1 and Best Stock Ever Brought to Veientine
Is now being opened at our store
An elegant assortment of the latest sfcvles
Call and See them
E McDonald
An efficacious remedy for Habitual Constipation Indigestion Dys
pepsia Sick Headache Biliousness Kidney Trouble
Kheumatism Pimples and Blotches
Price 75 cents per bottle For sale by J H Qnigley
For sale at Kennedy by Haeber Grano e
We have an excellent line of new
clothing gents furnishing
goods hats caps boots and shoes
Have a splendid line of
shoes for both ladies and children
Clothing is cheaper and
better than ever Come and see
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the Y II Moses building
Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on liand
Kepairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting good3
Hforth Western Line is to best
to and from the