The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, April 08, 1897, Image 8
I lfi I j i v YOU THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT hUCCESSdll TO CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT feOBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher Official lftper of Cherry iy IXeliraska ifilOG Plv Year in Advanc w FUBLllsIiED EVERY THURSDAY Entered at the rost omce at Valentine Cherry county Nebraska as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar tears are paid in full Advertising rates 50 cents per incji Jier month Rates per column or for long time ads made known ou appli cation lo this office Cherry county will save 6200 per Tyear in rem and 100 per year in fuel by voting for a new court house In 20 years that saving will amount to 6000 without counting interest 10 vote3 Vere east oh the ciurt house question last fall and 508 bal lots were cat neither for nor against the proposition Friends of economy ih county government should get out to the election on Mav 4 The democratic party swallowed tmr principal plank in 1SGPree Silver at 1G to 1 In 1893 they will have to swallow the government ownership aud land planks or the party will find itself following the populist procession JAiivoln Josl The proper title of the Dingiey JJiiy says the Kansas City Times vrvuld seem to be an ast to resusci tate the democratic party It would be if the party were united for a strict ly revenue tariff and against bad money With those conditions the IMngley bill wold be a bill of lading via the Short Line straight to the White House Jonhmile The World Herald says that The Yalentine Democrat has called a meeting t the democratic editors of the north half of the sixth uistuct to meet at Valentine As the editor of The Democrat is the only demo cratic editor m that territory there ought to be a full attendance Jveya Paha CaU Thats rigbu there will be a full at tendance but we will wager a font of type that the attendants will not be full even if they are democratic Phoebe Cousins the veteran woman suffragist has at last decided that woman has no place in public life or politics In a recent interview she said Womeu in public life will never prove satisfactory there are limitations that proscribe her success She is naturally a housekeeper I would ad vise all young women to marry and become housekeepers Twenty years ago I with other new converts be lieved -that suffrage for women would prove a panacea for all of the evils of politics I believed that womeu in public life would prove a regenerating influence After twenty years of close observation and experience I have come to the conclusion that women are no Abetter than men The Ains wortb Star Journal asks -If a meeting of tbe republican editors ot this part of the state should be called wouldnt you accept on invita tion Bob Of course wc would if we could get to the place of meeting We realize that we are not the only latilder on tkehill and that there are jof the state lid ac- but lat WILL FALL IN LOVE With utr new line of LADIES SHOES AND OXFORD TIES In Black Tan and Oxblood The very latest and prettiest shapes Jry Goods JDparf men Chock lull of novelties in Dress Goods and Shirt Waists T O ecso JUST ORE YEAR AGO n The Yalentine Democrat was issued under the present management just one year ago this week and we hope and trust it will continue to be so issued for a score of years to come The past year has been an eveutful one The democratic party has been retired from control of national affairs the republican party has been ousted bag and baggage from the state house for the first tiine in its history and sheol has been raised in general In all parts of the country Through it all The Democrat has survived When the present proprietor located in Yalentine there were live demo cratic papers in this immediate section of the state Today there is but one and a number of little would be politi cians are trying to kill it When the editor entered this journalistic field he announced his intention of doing a few things as follows We shall to the best of our ability uphold and do battle for the principles of that the democratic party but in so doing we shall endeavor to treat everyone fairly regardless of political affiliations The Valentine DeuOckat will uphold the canse of every man who is unfairly dealt with regardless of who the oppreason is or what position he holds jg i We are here to give you Mhe best paper Cherry count ever had We do not intend to let politics blind us to anything which may be to the interest of our town or county Has the pa er kept to these prom ises Its readers can but answer yes It has been thoroughly democratic It has treated members of ail parties in a respectful manner when they werede servmg It has upheld democrats re publicans and populists when they were unfairly dealt with Tt has been the best paper for news in the county It has always stood for advancement and improvement in both town and county With such a record there is no reason why it should not receive the support of the people It has no new declaration of principles to offer The old ones are good enough and on them we stand The world moves aud even republi can congressmen sometimes change itheir minds Said Chairman Dinglev of the McKinley bill in 1S90 The greatest relief will be found by the transfer to the free list of sugar and molasses because sugar and mo lasses have become as necessary articles of food as flour aud seven eighths of our consumption is imported a con dition of things which as both sides admit makes the duty a tax that in creases the burdens of the people nearly to the extent of the tariff Said Chairman Dingiey of the Ding lev bill in 1S07 Last year the revenue from sugar was only -29500000 There is little doubt that the increase of nearly three fourths of a cent per pound in the duty will be sufficient to gradually develop beet sugar production in this country and that for the present it will increase the annual revenue 20000 000 making 50000000 from sugar The populist party dealt itself some very hard blows when it ousted the re publican members of the legislature from Douglas county and forced the recount of the ballots on the constitu tional amendments The steals of the republican state treasurer and auditor would have been sufficient to elect every populist candidate two years hence but not content with this they spoiled it all by trying to grab every thing in sight and some things that were not What a chance for demo crats Some mens idea of getting even with an editor is to stop their paper others insist on licking him every time he publishes something displeasing to them and still others adopt the plan -of rewarding him for all - the good things he has ever said about thehl but the former outnumber the latter three to one Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven Gordon Journal something must be wrong at A fight among members of the ture has not been reported for flays the Dingiey tariff bill to iw and prosperity in gobs kwn upon every u rewwium wmii iB vta Little C E Bowring came in from Chey enne Wyoming yesterday morning after his trip through the northwest in the interest of Chamberlain Co Herman Schaffer and Christ Baysel of Omaha were in town yesterday These gentlemen are looking for a desirable location tostart a cattle ranch M JJDolau superintendent of con struction of the Indian school returned home from jSTorth Dakota Tuesday and went over to the school The buildings will be completed about Slav lc With five residence buildings under process of construction three more talked of a livery stable being built a school house under way and a court house in prospect Yalentine can cer tainly claim to have a building boom It is a popular superstition that it is extremely unhealthy to have a cat for a bed fellow Two old maids at Long pine sleep with a feline yet neither shows any symptoms of entering into a decline they are even free from catarrh The recount farce at Lincoln is end ed and the result shows the defeat of the amendments by about 4500 votes Cherry countys was changed from 562 for and 310 against to 1165 for and 34 against What corrupt election boards we must have had Jackson Bray ton yesterday re ceived 50 pounds ol German sugar beet seed from Omaha This seed will be sold at a price which will bare ly cover cost and runners who desfre to experiment uith beets should call early and secure some of the seed be fore the supply is exhausted Xeligh is to have a beet sugar fac tory and they did nor blew much about it eitber if Cheiry count people will work peisistently and earnestly they may secure one of - the coveted factories Wind is good agitation but work only will-secure- improvements According to the report of the con dition of the various banks in this county there was on deposit March 2i the sum of 8157600 divided among the banks as follows Cherr County Rank Rank ot Valentine Wood Lake disk 1931473 22447S1 jii4t Tiie capital stock of the three banks isj0000 On the date mentioned their combined loans and discounts were over 6b0QO Saturdays papers contain the follow ing special from Denver which will be ot interest lo our readers C I Ed inger alias Lo s Angeles the United States soldier just tried here for the murder of Officer Al Moore of this city two years ago was this morning declaied not guilty by the jury which was out nearly fort eiidit hours Edinger was discharged and will at once return to his company at -Port I Niobrara Kebr IJcvmXaH ofFnrkoy things are sometimes the cause of great results Twenty SniuilW Tableaux KaLse the GateY in way ioi leaven summer Time Recitation ironys Turn Kitty Anew jDialogile The Dead Bird JUU i can A Little Storv Class Kesitaiion TheQneer Scholars A Problem Soiift John Brown The Eastern -question was solved in Yalentine the other nijiht by a waiter in a local res taurant in about 15 seconds A num ber of boys were to have a turkey for supper While bringing the foul to the table the hash slinger slipped dropped the platter and the catastrophe resulted in tbe downfall of Turkey the overthiow of Greece the breaking up of China and the disappointment of 11 ungary School Report Term report of school district No 48 for term beginning Jan 41 and ending April 1 1S97 No of months taught 3 Total No days taught 59 Total No o days all pupils attended 8S2 No of pupils enrolled 18 Average daily attendance 15 Average tardiness 4V Average standing all branches 78 Average igc of pupils 10 year No ot grades in school 5 Those pupils who were neither tardy or ab sent during the entire term are Orvllla and Eve Carey Our school closed with a dinner m the day and although the weather was very bad the following program was rendered in the evening to a small but appreciative audience Song Musics Call Opening Address The Church Organ The Little Clock Tableau Tired out Mothers Way Ify KUty Make Dialogue QuKckerv V5 Dan and Dimole By School Jettie Claybaiuth Helen Swartz Eva Carey Mabel Overman Pearl Carey Tommy Swartz YeitaSauerwein Levi Claybaugh Lizzie Brown Bvijjchool Emil Jj Iuenvein Victoria Swartz jjvnie Claybaugh A jmlia Carey vAin Ten -- uttji fc swartz Pupils Brown lUerweir hool I HllPlll Klinllltf nLi - What Sushu saw at the Circus Wartz On ilia Carey Mabel OrmanHeiS SwarlzLizziuj3rowii ilnnttktf Cf kajv A ma- H3i By gojl A Goaooir -A - - u f fTyjTTTI ffi Mr and Mrs Gallop spent Monday and Tuesday at Gordon James Enos of Merriman is on the river this week looking after his horses James Enos was visiting at Wm Dnrris last week and reports a very pleasant time Misses Lura Gallop and Anna Sonesl visited at Kennedy Thursday and Fri day of last week Mrs Leeper daughter and son con template locating at Xemo S J in the near future April 1st has passed- a da that will undoubtedly be long remembered by E L Murphy and Frank Eaton Mis3 Mamie Murphy one of j fields most accomplished young ladies has arrived here to spend the summer with her brother Andrew Dahlgrin has been con fined to his bed for some time with pneumonia but we are glad to note is rapidly recovering Prank Eaton after following the fashion of wearing long locks in tends having his hair shingled when the weather gels warmer and will probably make a shipment soon Miss Dollie Johnson one of Harlans charming school maams spent last week with Lura Gallop Come again Doliie it mates James wear a 2 by 4 smile when you come down to Saints Best We had the pleasure of seeing photo of the GAllop bridge lately which was a beautiful picture that is the couple that stood upon the bridge when taken Kellvs Pa P J Stoltz of Eidora Illinois was in town this week looking after some Cherry county lands in which lie is in terested Congressman SZoivartitt New SSool Have you read What Christ Saw by Hon M W Howard Congressman Iron Alabama Author of Christ Came lo Cong ess Sen sational Startling The Author threatened with exnuisiou from Congress Send no cent- ro the Author and procure a rdp Address Hon M W Howard Hoiwe nfv Representatives Washington D C JLo SiOUPCCitlt mil ItaeSi in One 2ttf y fikingrhe Pacific Short Line at OXeill Train arrives at Sioux City at 240 p m returning leaves at 5 m making close ronneet ions at OXeill in both directions Connections also made with trains to and from Yank ton Sionx Fails Mitr hell etc Bin local tickets to OXeill JUST GFlW12m I have just opened a Steele of groceries m the old Red Front building on ATain street and re speutfully solicit your patronage Everything new and fresh Pro duce taken in exchange r t f r ia Tv TvjTf vtt Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton Shorts bulk 50c per cwt 900 ton Screenings 35c 000 Chop Feed 70c iJOO - Corn 50c ft Oats G5c SirtUwfar Ihe ISitSciirjSeftiioji S 15 nowiurg Jivmir 214 miles eapt of Valen tine will lieid cows the coming season for 7c per head a month No charge for any under oncj ear old Those having eovrs or cattle not necessary to be taken home every night can be yarded with shelter and hay if stormy after tbe IstofMaj No charge until May 1st During April those wishing to have cows or cattle taken out when weather is suitable will be done with out charge March 25 20 and 27 I will be in Valentine to make arrangements for the season Also thos wishing to have horses or colts pas tered by the dav week or month arrangement- for the same will be made JProcla mutton for S2eeial Zilcutlon Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of Cherry county in the state of Nebraska tliat whereas the county board of said county at the regular meeting of said board held ou the 10th day of March ib7 at the court house in Valen tine in said county for the purpose of acting upon and considering the quesiiou of calling a special election for the purpose of voting uuon the question of issuing the bonds otsaid countv for the pin pose of bui ding and furnishing a couit house in said Countj of Cherry aud where as the board after due consideration believes that it would he wise and expedient to call audi election and to issue said bonds aforesaid and said board having found that the assessed valu 1 tion of the taxable property of said county for the year 1896 is 121 5 77 and that said cuimtv can be legally bonded for the sum of Si20io and said board baring ascertained that the highest price bonds could be negotiated for was one hundred cents on the dollar Now tnerefore notice is hereby given that on Tuesdav the 4th day of May next an election will be held at the various voting places in the several election jre cincts of sad county and the qualified votcis of said precincts may vote upon the following pro position Shall the county board of Cherry County in tiie state ot Nebraska issue the coupon bonds of said county in the sum of 12000 for the pur pose of building aud furnishing a court house said bonds to take effect June 1st 1S97 aud to draw interest at the rate of five per cent per annum payable semi annually on the first days of June and December in each year until tbe interest thereon has been fully paid the princi pal aud interest thereof being pajable at the office of the county treasurer of said county said bonds to become due on the first day ot June 1917 providing that the county board of said Cherry eouuty may at its option pa any of said bonds in accord with their issue accord ing to their number at any time after the expiration of trn years front tho date 0 their laking effect And shall the county board of Oherrv countj atoresaid annually levy up n the taxable property of Cherry county a tax suffici ent tc pay interest and principal of said nonds when due and shall said count board at the hit annual tax levy provided by law preceding the maturity ot said bends levy upon the taxable prooeUy of said couutv a um autticient to pay the principal and iuterest not otherwise pro vided for and then unpaid upon said bonds And shall said county board negotiate said bonds at not less than their par value the amount realised irom the sale of siid boud3 to be used in the building and furnishing a county cdiirt house for the use of said Cherry county The tickets used bv those voting in favor of said proposition shall lnne pritited thereon the words to wit For tiie pronosition of issuiin bonds and tax for court house And the tickets used by those- voting against said proposition shall have printed thereon Against the pio posiuon of issuing bouds and tax for court house Max E ititTEL P SniMVA W A Iarkki Board of County Commissioners Attests Geo Kluiovt 10 1 1 Ottirnty Clerks 1 Ll tor ao 4 3 4 2 S 4 4 4 L 49 49 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 U S Land Office Valentine Nebr April Gth 18D7 1 Notice is hereby given that the followimr ivjiued settler lias filed notice of his intention to make filial proof in support of his claim and that said proof will he made Iefore the Register or Receiver at Valentine Neb on Jlav IT ltji7 viz Richard Osburn of Sparks Xeb If K Xo SS04 for tlir swki See 22 Tp VA n It 2 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and ciiltnation of said land vi Charles Maxwell of Valentine Xebr Lafav ette Johnson Aaron W Grooms and lolfn rroomSr of Sparks Nehr 1 1 10 O R JLOVKR Register U S Land Office Valentine Neb f Unvli Tsnr i TIave vou seen them We have about s thirty different patterns and weights every one of which is a harin Amcnsc them are till the standard colors and checks besides a number that are new This is the season when ginghams are wanted and we arc prepared tcf - supply the demand See our window displays Notice is hereliy given thar William A Varyau of Kirksville M has liled notice of intention ti lilnL n fitini nrtfifliarnii fTii rtrffrtr rtt irtirti lJ JlftlJXV Jllllll l UIH IJUIVUI I1IU itiqii jl rr ia mioiiicu 111 aieuiine euiasiiatloii j ues iv ttia l Ui day of Ma I07 u tiiuhr culture aiilieation No 8010 for the nsne nuwh of Sec Ti Tp 2511 ll uw utuun yv Ilitovo r llll l 111 J UlIIUtII IiUi iJarnan Albert JRuimer ami Tiinoliij Testimony of claimant will bt taken ixrore tlie i IM -4 V tIfc Hl I iUl 1UOJ1 VtlJl ll his ofiicv in ICirksile Missouri 01 Mav i5lS07 Also fleiheit Koberrs of Cliicago HI T C j 77u for the ejse1 and eneh See IS Tp 2n Ji 0I1W He names the following witnesses to prove his contiHiioiis chltivation of said laud William Iulmnn Albert Runner John M Yarvan aud Timothy Falbey all of Tollman Nebraska TeMimony of claimant will betaken before the Ciei k of tin Circuit fom t lor Cook Couutv at nis office in Ch cagoIHiinis on Iay 15 Also Jacob E Rcmis if lanesville Wis T f 77i for the s iiei and sinw1 Hec 24 Tp 2u R 3i w lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous cultivation of said land William Pullman John M Yarvan Albert Runner and Timothy Jalbey all of Pullman Nebraska Testimony of claimant will be taken bsfore the Cleik oftlie Circuit Court for lioek County at hi Joliee in Jauesvihe Wisconsin on Mav 15 1kj7 Also Albert Runier or Pnlliau Nebr TV SOI for the sKcSe aud siswii Sec 2 Tp 23n It tw He mimes the foliowiiiir witnesses to prove his continuous cultivation of said land William Iallmnn fames Hanan Jonn M Yarvan anri Timothy Ealbev all of Pullman Nebraska Also John M Yarjau of rullman Neb T C SOU ior the nseli and anoli Sec 20 Tp 2 lie names the following witnesses to prove liis continuous cultivation of said land William Timotiiv Falbevall of Pullman N bmska 10 15 C II G LOVER Register l S Lund Office Valentine Nebr 1 March 25 1S97 f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settierhav filed notice of his intention to make final proof 111 support of hs claim and that said proof will be made before Register aud Receiver at Valentine Nebiaska oh Mav 7 S97 vi- Charles E Roberts of Cody Xebr H E No 9571 for Lots ana 4 and nwfM Sec 4 Tp n R 35 w He uames the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Fred Maybee Oscar Starr Isaac N Garner and Jesae W Garner all of Cody Nebr also Jesse V7 Garner of Cody Neb IT E No 9055 for Lot 1 nenwj1 wncj Sec 01 Tp 33n R 55 w He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud viz Chafes E Roberts Fred Mavbee Isaac N Garner and Patrick all Of Cody Neb 1C 15 C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office Valentine Nebr 1 March 25th 1S97 f Notice is hereby given that Ulysses G Crigcer or Cody Nebr filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Register or Receiver at his office in Valentine Neb on Monday the tenth dav of May 1S97 on timber culture appli cation Mo 7479 for lit 4 sw4sw4 wswM SecaTp31nR35w He nam5 as witnesses William Bnrris of Merriman Neb William Ballard of Cody iseb Nathaniel Ballard of Merriman Neb and tieorge Schadboldtof Cody Neb also Kathaniel Ballard of Merriman Xeb T C No 7G2G for the nw Sec Si Tp V n R SGw He names as witnesses William of Merriman Nebr William Ballard Ulv3ses G Crigger and George Schadboldt of Cody Neb also William Ballard of Cody Xeb II E No 9193 for the blincii Sec 21 sAnwli Sec 22 Tp 32n It 35v He names tiie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land viz Wiiliam Burris of Merriman Neb Ulvses G Crigger and George Schadboldt f Codv Neb and Nathaniel Ballard of Merriman Veo 10 15 C R G LOVER Register U S Land OiTiCK Valentine Neb March 20 1897 f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on April soth lfe97viz Albert Haley of sparks Seb H E No 8C3t for the ne See 14 Tp 34a R 23 w Otn P M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence on and cultivation of said laudvu Newton J Grooms J01H Grooms Jacob Brraehbn I harles Undsyii all of Sharks Nebr 2 K uVlt GLOVER Register i - FRONT JACKSON BRAYTON PROPRIETORS Sole surcnts for the famous FLEXIBONE CORSETS h hh J J a 0 G fr i i 0 a p S S ST 3ptpsi v w w wv w5l The well known stallion Billy Barnes will make the season at Smyser Vincents barn in Yalentine 11 Amos Strong FINAL PROOF NOTICES Claimants and witnesses in final proof eases notice of which appear hi TiieDioiocuat will i tecene a marked copy oitue paper btiouui any errors in description of land orspellinjr of names be discovered notice should he sent to the land offico and this office so correction can he made Land Office at valentmeNcbr I March 21 1P07 i Notice is hereby given that the following named settler ha filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver it Valentine if eh on 5Iay loth 1897 viz Andrew T Barnes of Cody Xebr H E No 1021 for the Lots 3 and 4 of See 21 Tp V R A Flo name1 the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud foeyh A Rose John E Hendricks William Honk and EdwardS Hanks all of Cody Nebr also Joseph A Rose of Cody Xebr II E No 9234 for the mvM Sec 25 Tp 35 R 3 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Andrew J Barnes John E Hendricks William f look and Edward S Hanks all Cody Nelr 0 t t c R GLOVER Register TJ S Jjmd Office Valentino Nebraska March 22nd 1S07 f Notice is hereby given that Nicholas Goschey of Kilgore Nebr hasliled notice of intention to make final proof before the Register and Recei ver at thier office in Valentino Nebr on Wed nesday the 5th dav of JIaj 1SH7 on timber cul ture adplication No 7627 for the ne Sec Tp HuKSlw He names as witnesses Vrank KludciKowski of Kilgore Nebr Richard K Rainsford Stan islawKnifewski and Jtobert Schulze of Nenel Nebraikr f 14 CR HOVER Kccister M US Land Office Valentine Nebr 1 March 9 1897 f Notice is herebv given that the following named settler has liled notice of intention to make final proof hi support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Registsr or Receiver at Valentine Neb on April 27 1897 viz Villiam C St Peters of Pass Nebr H K No ioittffor thee4nw4 nenwii ce 2 elsw4 See lS Tp 23 It w 1 A 1 e names the foIowimr witnesses to oroviw f ic t i is n I in- uiiiiiuiiil n iuiciliu llJJill 11111 UlllUWUJUJi J of said land vi n ilham Steadman James N Steadman Charles II Tail and Robert M traddis all of Pass Nebr 7 12 C R GLOVER Register US Land Oflh u Valentine Neb 1 March 1S97 f Nutice is hereby given that the following-named s tiler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at Valentine Neb on April 2S ly7 iz Morrison A Crawford of Kilgore Nebraska II E SCS4 for the lie1 See J Tp 35 R He names the following witnesses to prove his cnntinuoiiH residence upon ami cultivation ot said landMZ Merrick E Robertson of Kilirore Nebr James W Peed Peter V VauNorstran and Francisco Stump all of Jrookston Neb 7 12 C 11 GLOVER Regiter US LandJOfflce at Valentine Neb March 9th 1S97 f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and mat sam proof will be made before the Register ana iieeeiver at val lfc7 viz dentine Nebr on April 20 John F Hook of Cody Nebr I IE No 9203 for the uemvy sinwk nvViSW Sec 2a Tp J Tn R ajv He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Irwin C Stotts Albert C Riemenschneider James A Childers and Andrew J Barnes all of Cody Nebr 7 12 C R GLO VER Register C S Land Office at Valentine Neb Man he is7 f Notice is - hereb siven that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on April 2rri 1S97 viz John J Stowers of Wood Lake Xeb n T No 10187 for the nel Sec 9 Tp sin R eiw lie names the following witnesses to prove 1m continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Henry H Day George W Dav Joshua Hitt and Adelbert Ivneeland all of alentme Nebr 7 12 C J GLOVER Register Land Office at Valentine Nebraska 1 March 2 1W7 f Notice is herebv given that Peter C Y Meinecke of Detroit Mich has tiled uotice ot intention to make final proof before the ter or Receiver at his office in Valentine Nebr on Saturday tne 17 11 day of April 197 on tim ber culture application No 7S19 for the sw of section No l To xii R SO w He names as witnesses Peter IWrncK Peter- Riege Henry Schlueter and Henry Forath alL of Riege Nebr Testimony f Claimant will be taken before the Clerk of tne Circuit Court of Wayne County at his office in Detroit Michigan on April 13 W f C R GLOVER Register Notice U S land Oliice Valentine Neb April 6 1877 f Complaint havm i been entered at the office by fames S Saults against James 11 Green for abandoning his Homestead enttv No 10163 dated July J2nd 165 upon the swjswU and q mvK and nwiiseH Sec7Tp jaoMisu w 6th P M in Cherry countv Nebraska wtli a view to the cancellation of said partie are hereby summoned to app ir at this ofeee on tne 4th day of June lS37t 10 oclock a n to respond aud furnish coucerain aiii alleged abandonment Testimony of witiesses to le taen tefors Robert Lncas Comiuissionr ot the CC- a Cooper Nebraska on the 23 day of Mav 1337 ac iOocUx rcain 1 i t C R GLOVER Register Davenport Thacher carry a com plete line of coffins and undertakers auppiies 27 X - i i4