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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1897)
V L k j fed r Il I1 i 1 s tf I EV 4 r r 5 t -- f r j v ft 9jaf r IITTIT VOL XII THIS AND THAT Coininajtvcnts Democratic Editors April 10 Juistcr nuiiaay April is Miss I irent Arhor Day- April 22 Jcneral Icai hers Association April 24 Bontl Election May 4 Work for the court house Mills has a V house to G J A Douglas of Bassett is in town today Jim Steadman came in from Ken nedy Saturday 3so blood was shed at the village election Tuesday Henry Ballard was up from Simeon during the jpast week Eev Bates will be here on Good Fri- day and Easter Sunday Ve would like to hear from Kellys uncles and cousins now Bert Martin returned home from Ainsworth Sunday evening Brown eounty taxpayers owe the county 70000 unpaid taxes Blankets and comforters at greatly reduced prices at McDonalds 5 Geo Adamson has at last settled down on his farm near Sparks IN D Jackson of 2sTeligh spent a couple of days in town last week Milk delivered 23 quarts N for one tlollai 9 Mrs Eva Harden All wool underwear cheap at Mc Donalds general merchandise store 5 The Leora Lane company went to Gordon last night after the show at post J Carmichael IT S land office in spector was in town the first of the week G H Hornby is taking an invoice of hishardware furniture and other stock iS Ealm Sunday AbrUllwilL be fit tifagly observed at the- Episcopal church T 1 UBLLtJl piUSpeUb JLUL gUUU ULUp III STebraska was never seen at this time of the year C B Watson and Gus Stromsburg killed CO ducks on the lakes south town last week of Rev O L Ramsey formerly of this place is a candidate for chaplaincy in the TJ S Army The curfew ordinance is working all right and no kids are seen on the street after S p m Dr TI P Meier chemist for the Cud ahy packing couipany is in town town this week on business J IT Quigley went up to his ranch at Cody Tuesday afternoon M Chris tensen accompanied him for a few days fishing on the ranch lake Cherry county is in better shape financially than any of her neighbors and yet she has no court house It is probable that rents will be lower this summer than formerly so many new houses having been built We will have a car of choice early Ohio potatos next week Price 60c per bushel Davenport TnAcnER School District So 1 Valentine is not in debt a cent employs five teach- ers and pays them good too wages cash W E Waite came in from his ranch at Chesterfield Thursday and Friday I morning started for Ghicago on busi ness The election board was composed of Chas Maxwell L IN Layport G W Beamer P M Hackler and John Simpson Carter Harrison democratic candi date fortnayor of Chicago was elected Tuesday by a majority over all other candidates Owen Hille were awarded the contract tor building the new hay barn at Fort Niobrara Saturday The barn will cost about 3000 E McDonald is in town this week lairing an invoice of his general mer chandise stock Mrs McDonald has charge ot the store in Crookston v Rev O S Baker of Cliadron is as- at 230 eaekafternoon i m W 7w I jl i J Ed Spencer section foreman is now occupying the rooms over the F E depot recently vacated by J C Korth rop Pete Donoher who has been con nected with the TJ S internal revenue office at Omaha came home for a visit Saturday night and some time t r sb OffiNo cwLWjea mmm S- iS JF3 will remain for The trustees of the M JE church Saturday decided to not sell the par sonage it having been found that to erect a new building would increase the church debt Saturday was a blizzard day for towns east of us the snow at Ains worth and Longpine drifting badly Valentine received considerable mois ture but no blizzard J W Whillans Tuesday commenced work on his new residence on Hall street south of the present school building The building will be of concrete 28 feet square This office has a large wall map of the United States 5x8 feet in size pre pared by the Interior department of the government which it will give to any person who can use it The new house being built by G H Hornby on the old M E church site at the corner of Hall and Elmore streets is nearing completion It will be occupied by Dr J J Evans A cordial invitation is extended to the teachers of the Ainsworth and Longpine schools to attend the Cherry County General Teachers Association to be held in Valentine on the 24th inst T C Hornby has had two windows placed in the rear of the upper story of his building run a partition through the old ware room and now has very neat quarters for the new dressmaking establishment Martin Christensen returned from rr it l i decbratingof theoSicerbfllsintn cavalry He has four or five Jobs of painting to do here Louis Seiderman living 4i miles northwest of Itushvilie fell from the railroad bridge west of5that town Tues day night of last week and brake his neck Deceased was a single man and a native of Holland A young man who is so unfortunate as to possess a dollar bill should fold it into as small a compass as possible Then unfold it and he will notice it in creases Keep the increase and send the dollar to the printer We are told that Henry Eazey vil lage marshal and deputy sheriff of Cherry county is a candidate for the office of deputy TJ S Marshal for this district Prank Whittemore of Long pine is also a candidate and there are others Dr J G Dwyer returned Friday morning from St Louis where he had been attending the commencement ex ercises of the Missouri Medical College ot which institution he is a graduate About two hundred doctors were given certificates this year The stockmen who vaccinated their young cattle several weeks ago have not lost a single head since It icosts about 20 cents per head yet it v ould pay any one well to try the experiment who are losing cattle with the black lea Repiiblican Miss Lena HaV ribs who has been visiting her sister Mrs J A Fike for the last seven months leaves in the morning for Bonk Springs Missouri to visit relatives prior to returning home to Mt Vernon Illinois J A Fike accompanies her as far as Omaha S F GUman proprietor of the Min uechaduza Mill last week contracted for the sowing of 250 acres of wheat In his estimation this is going to be a good year for wheat in Nebraska both in regard to quantity and value of the crop Much of the winter wheat in Iowa Minnesota and the Dakotas has f been killed The Hungry Pour held a seance at The Donoher Priclay night entertain ing a few friends Oliver Twist Brower was master of ceremonies and the hill of fare included ovstprs raw listing lev Moore in his revival ser anu stsvei ceiery crackers coffee vices this week Song service com- strawberries and cream and cigars in mences at 730 pm Prayer meeting terspetsed with choice witticisms and wholesome good naf ivf ur ff vn tiW i ts f iVi XX r XJ Si jfesc SVTtL J r tirL WiiiS1 TflA w -a v M ur stj Tr S H iTTWCiC QfT B tT r J ti FTTVSV VLJ F MrnJi n JT 3 i n Fa i w rsiyirAj T - rz tnjif Xp lnllta1icl ior Vanv Ycjtrs as COURT HOUSE BONDS TJie Two Principal Objections to the Iskug are Answered The more the court house bond prop osition is considered the more it grows in popular favor and it will continue doing so until May 4 In another column will be found the elec tion proclamation of the board of county commissioners which will fully explain the amount and character of the bonds and reasons for calling the election At present the county is paying 800 rent per year for five rooms in which to transact its business and house its records Every year that amount is given away the county having nothing to show for the money The interest on the 012000 bonds at 5 per cent will be 600 a year This interest may be called for convenience rent Here is a direct saving of 200 per year which in 20 years the length of time the bonds will run will amount to 4000 or one third the entire cost of the new building It is estimated that at least 100 per year could be saved in fuel which sum will in 20 years amount to 2000 This added to the saving in rent gives a direct reduction in the ex penses of the county of 6000 in the 20 years But this is not all This saving of 300 per year can be invested in county warrants or other security drawing 7 per cent interest whieii will greatly increase the amount available for paying the bonds when they be come due That at least 6000 will be saved to the county in the 20 yelirs cannot be gainsaid Many think that the new issue of bonds will necessitate the creation of a sinking fund to provide for their pay ment and that the levy for this fund will so raise the tax rate that it will become burdensome Xot at all A sinking fund will of course be created Forttllobinson Friday morning where but as the county is now retiring S000 he has been doing someof his artistic worth of bonds the levy for the court n house wilTsimply take the plaeerokthat which has been formerly made for the Kef unding Bonds and the tax rate will remain practically the same as it now is With the increase in valua tion of taxable property the rate will grow less This will we think cover the two objections which are most urged against the bonds viz That they will add to the countys expenses and raise the tax levy and other objections will be met later on ISound Over Under SSOO Bonds Yesterday afternoon Frank Tate was arraigned before Judge Towne on a charge ot stealing a saddle bridle two revolvers pair of spuis scabbard and belt blanket 6 silk handkercheifs and 4 in money from Sidney Irwin foreman of the Overton Ranch in the west part of the county The prelimi nary showed that Tate stayed at the ranch named a few days about the middle of last month and when he left on March 19 took with him the articles named without leave or license He sold one revolver gave away a hand kerchief and tried to trade the saddle The value of pioperty taken was 5550 The above is the condensed testimony of Sidney Irwin Sam De France J A Saults J S Saults Jas Harnan C K Smith John Carpenter aud J W Whillans The defense in troduced no testimony and Judge Towne placed the prisoner under 500 bonds to appear at district court Two charges of horse stealing were pre ferred by JarvisBichards to one of which the defendant plead not guilty waived examination aud was placed under 300 bonds The other charge was not pressed The defense will probably be that Tate intended and and tried to return the horses and sad dies which would dispose of the charge of grand larceny F M Walcott and J J Harrington of CNeill prosecuted and Ed Clarke and J Wesley Tucker defended A number of witnesses be side those named were present but were not called R J Cook yesterday received somi fL interesting souvemers from U C Kurd of Plainville Ohio in fne shar ol koaaK views or various scenesi thf ami Hi nrjrf nf thu nnnnh1 ifOrrvw while Mr and Mrs Hurjl wfese rtCtl camping last fall They wH probably return for a nlonthvacation this t CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY APRIL 8 18 97 tannxhrd TIiiiiksvI Monday evening while coming to the post office for the mail one of Jas Wellfords horses attached to the Fort Niobrara stage slipped its bridle be cameTrightenpd and ran avav The team started diagonally - for Taylors restaurant turned and broke a hitch ing post tore out three of the awning supports in front of Carpenters gro cery narrowly missed the plate glass windows of the Red Front ran into a stone stepping block broke loose from thestage and went home The - i nessvas ruined the tongue of the stag was splintered but nobody was hurt r J l i T 1 GUI licxUlcut Iead While walking with his wife on the railroad track lh miles west of Cody Tuesday afternoon H W Carter aged S5 years dropped dead without apparent cause Coroner Lewis was notified and immediately went to Cody and held an inquest The jury com posed of H F Ilolliday W A Metz gar L E Stuart Peter Vogt A C Iliemenschneider and Clarence Catoomb returned a verdict of death from natural causes presumably apo plexy This is the third death which has occured on the railroad right of way between here and Itushvilie with in three weeks and in no case has the company been connected with them and i of P Last Thursday night E Bonnell instituted Organizer E Lodge Xo 6 Sons and Daughteis of Protection at Hornbys Hall the lodge starting out with 21 charter members The order elected the following officers i Past President A Lewis President C IGiuver Vice Pres Mrs Y A Pettycrew Chaplain Mrs G P Crabb Maishai E 1 Thorn Treasurer Mrs Jennie Lewis Secretary Mrs Z V Vachon Inside Guard Fred Vincent Outside Guard Archie Pettycrew Trustees O W Morey W A PfjttyGrw Mrs 0 B Glover Medical Examiner A Lewis This is a fraternal insurance order and gives promise of ilouiishing great ly IiKS jftofeatcd Tuesday all day the pigs kept up a squealing and when the votes were counted in the evening it was found that they were not in it a little bit The vote on village trustees was as follows P F Binions Citlzen Bv Potifion E Sparks Uiti7en By Petition 80 J 11 Cornell Citizen 75 I C Hornby Citizen Petition 7 1 1 S Lndwip Cition 70 D Stinard HyPeftion 01 W S Jackson Uy Petition 59 C 11 Watson Uv Vet ition 47 f M Carpenter Py Petition o0 V S Baiker By Petition 25 It is but fair to Walter Jackson to say that he would have received a much larger vote had he not declared that he would not accept the office if elected The first five named will be the vil lage board for the ensuing year as they have been for the year just passed The banks will once more run the town according to one of the opposition but if they run it as they have heretofore nobody will kick The vote as cast is a very flattering endorsement of the old board and this paper which was the only one supporting them Selah General Tcacliers Association The General Teachers Association of Cherry county will be held in Val entine Saturday April 24 1897 The program will be presented by teachers from the Western Crookston and Val entine divisions of teachers work It is hoped that as many teachers as pos sible will be present and assist in mak ing this the most profitable session ever held in this county A cordial invitation is extended to all friends of education to meet with us Morning session begins at 10 oclock dXm The program is as folio ws - Music -a - rt The Teacher of the Future Mls3 Iya Efner The object o the rrIrs Lillian Soloman Discussiotl 3v iiirf Chas Eeece KAflT A mm hS tifti siHil -or ratruns nfeCiiSSfiLi f moSclois reacii v iZkvny fix smumiai Li vtj lS Bir j am SSt i ro juwMf jGuarkii Jmtf - - arc What riace have pjumseraana writinc I AVr aittyMarv lifqmiSsfnn iUSSFJliinip fa The ProisLiBnt aucatofe of the p i Mhs 1 AjfJJs XU miiUrVU Hurlev ThacfcCTV5 resent Jf Lottie jQtfbhaVYr V Kowmn Kncrins ac tvMQ jWWWW - - v r TZeJXJl wMb UKiVVJUlU -v i TWI1 v TSS ditcher out of School Xi Jaora ufii rrr f fjTT A4m rat ks rB61tcfelTn fcHo atMven HiSjmwpyM yv fit A iii bH vliAI Ill N mm NO 11 LE WIFE Ih that one who always patron izes reliable merchants and does not trade with every traveling fakir who happens along- 3he will examine goods before bnying and pnrehase where she can get the best goods for the least money Thats where we come in at We keep the best o everything and1 sell at the lowest margin of profit Groceries clothing liats and caps trunks and valises underwear and outer wear dry goods etc Thagher YTHING In Petfyerews stock of groceries fruit confectionery and feed IS THE BEST All our Groceries are fresh and good Fruit is the finest and cleanest Confectionery the best and sweetest Feed pure and nutritions Highest prices for Cutter Eggs and Farm Produce NORTH OF POSTOFFICE W A PETTYCREW prina Goods - The Largest and Best Stock Ever Brought to Velenfche Is now being opened at our store EflKBSOIS AND SHIRT WAISTS J Am elegant assortment of the latest styles Call and See them E McDonald KERNS LIVERCURA FOE LI YEE AND KIDNEYS An efficacious remedy for Habitual Constipation Indigestion Dys pepsia Sick Headache Biliousness Kidney Trouble Eheumatism Pimple3 and Blotches Price 75 cents per bottle For sale by J IT Quigley For sale at Kennedy by Ilaeber Grange f We have an excellent line of new clothing gents furnishing goods hats caps boots and shoes Have a splendid line of shoes for both ladies and children Clothing is cheaper and better than ever Come and see BOYS PANTS ONLY 25 CENTS BOf S SUITS ONLY 75 CENTS GgW r WJ Jl jaaste t a- CJar ti TtJklJl OTHBGhrrdOf for the s syaswwi xAmite TINARD ISpES AK1 PIiAKT A fuU line FRUIT TEEES Ot BEST KTIES at HARD TIMES PRICES Small mils in large supply Millions ol Rhraiuhorrir rvlonl c vwp fl Pf n i iui j i vit uuijvy UllJ I ilTUJ TOOted int U0 RRW npur Unri and siiYA f rcigiit or express Send price list ttxKoRTH Bend Kursei iSorth Lend Dodge County Xebj Vlr G M SAGBSEE TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and sharing Shop in the TV H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS OW MOREY vVATOHMAKEE - AND - JEWELER Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly exeeutefnr done in the best ma Full line rra