The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 25, 1897, Image 1

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Com Ino Events
Leorat ace Comedy Co starch 29
Farmers Institute April 3
Village Election - April 6
Democratic Editors April 12
haster Sunday April 18
Miss EI Mills has a house to
W E Cady came up from Compton
Jnhn Spall was down from Lavaca
ibis week
W S Garcekm of Lougpine was in
town Tuesday
For Rent Good farm Enquire
of G H Q Smith 4
Jas Childers came down from Cody
the first ot the week
A L Evans of Clearwater
Been in town Tuesday
H E Dewey of Wood Sake
teDded court this week
TTenrv Ilucren of Lavaca was
tending court this week
Wanted to Buy Dwelling house
with three or four rooms
F H Higgins of Arabia registered
at the City Hotel Tuesday
Z N Alderman of Gordon was a
Valentine visitor this week
Tommy Garvey and KatTng were
over from Rosebud Tuesday
Henry Hazard was a representative
of Harlan in town this week
Blankets and comforters at greatly
reduced prices at McDonalds 5
John Borman has been quite ill with
the grip during the past week
Etza Vandegrift was up from
Brownlee on business this week
Milk delivered 23 quarts for one
-dollar 9 Mits Eva Harden
All wool underwear cheap at Mc
Donalds general merchandise store 5
Miss Katie Xoble and Belle Callen
visited ia Gordon Saturday and Snn
Jobn G Maher and his kodak were
muchly xn evidence around Valentine
this week
E C Swigart of Gordon was in
town Saturday evening in search of
Indian curios
H F Schwaberow P K -Price and
C R Carpenter were down from La
raca this week
Jobn P Lackaff one coun
tys prominent farmers was n town on
business Tuesday
Prof O W Keller ofCompton was
among those who came to Valentine
courting this week
Uncle Joe of Sparko is a wel
come visitor to The Democrats
columns onco more
FredPorath Sr of -the German
settlement is recovering from a severe
attack of appendicitis
O W Hahn resigned from the pig
ticket and J M Carpenter has been
appointed in his place
Wm Kotter dealer in lumber and
building material at Stuart was in
town thiB week on business
J H Owen was over from the
Indian school Tuesday and went up to
Pine Pudge the same eveuing
Miss Edna Dwyer had a severe
hemorrhage of the lungs Monday night
but is improving at this writing
J A Douglas of Bassett Bock
oounty is in town today as attorney in
a contest case before the officials here
Prof Floyd Kime of Kennedy was
in town Saturday and started home
Sunday with a wagon load of supplies
C O Murphy and P O Porter were
up from Wood Lake Suuday night and
went ovor to Rosebud Monday morn
- W E Waite son Arthur and
Thomas Fitzhenry were up from Ches
Icrnold last week for a load of sup
Mrs Sauford Parker wife of the
Spencer Uebr banker was in town
Tuesday and went to Rosebud yes
terday morniDg
Wrn Francke has returned from
Garson Cityand local sports can thus
learn from an eye witness all the de
iaiis of the right
Election IVetice
Notice is hereby given that ou Tues
day th 6th day ot April A D 187
an election will be held at the court
house in the Village ot Valentine for
the election of five 5 Trustees for the
said Village of Valentine for the en
suing year which election will be
opened at 9 oclock in the morning and
continue until 7 oclock in the after
noon of the same day
T C Hornby
9 10 Village Clerk
Dr G W Lambley of Ainsworth
has been ill with appendicitis and Dr
Dwyer of this place was called to as
sist him
For Sale Western Cottage organ
Good condition Easy terms In
stalment plan Enquire at Tn e Demo
crat office
When no objection to the election of
a man or men is raised except that ho
is a banker that man certainly de
serves election
Daniel Webster the interesting talk
er from the west part of the county
says he is against the bonds But
why Ask him
W W Parsons F E agent and
Nate Blue liver j man of Ainsworth
were in town as witnesses in the Col
lins case Tuesday
Jas Wellford has purchased the
Fort Niobrara stage route and mail
contract from Geo Adamson and as
sumed possession Tuesday morning
H K Brown was in town Friday
Ki as he is known will try farming
again thi summer and has aoved
from Simeon to Sparks for that pur
D H Thurston has opened -a law
office in the Fischer building just
north of Lewis drug store From this
move it is evident that Harrys busi
ness is increasing
Up to date no valid reason for ap
position to the present board of Vil
lage TrusteeVhas made itsappearance
and indications point to the re election
of the entire board
Davenport Thacher have on ex
hibition in their window the key to
prosperity We are under the im
pression that the real key lies in doing
your trading with them
A couple of weeks ago Geo Higgins
living near Brownlee sold sixty calves
coming yearlings for 26 per head
Who says there is no money in cattle
Numerous sales at 20 are reported
The Leora Lane Comedy Company
is billed to appear at Cornell Hall three
nights next week commencing Monday
March 29 This company comes well
recommended and we bespeak crowded
houses for them
Van Pratt of near Pullman rode
into town Tuesday with 33 coyote and
20 skunk hides strapped to his pony
and sold them to C R Watson He
says they were all caught since the
1st of February in one township
Reports from New York say that at
the spring elections held this week
democrats were almost invariably vic
torious towns which went 500 to 1000
republican last fall giving as great or
greater majorities for democratic can
petition is being circulated to
have the names of E Sparks T C
Hornby D Stinard J M Carpenter
and W S Barker placed on the ballot
at the coming municipal election for
village trustees This makes three
tickets now in the Beld
One of the most pictureqsue figures
in attendance at district court this
week was Senator ORouree of Gor
don With his slouch hat Prince Al
bert low cut vest handsome mus
tache broad shoulders and dignified
bearing the Senator is always a con-
spicous tigure and one which captivates
the crowd especially when he uncorks
one of his numerous bottles of elo
N F Smith for several years super
intendent of instruction of Brown
county died at his home in Ainsworth
Monday evening of rheumatism of
the heart uNute was one of the
editors teachers in years gone by and
though a staunch republican always oo
cupied a warm place in our heart In
his death Brown county loses of
her best citizens and the school a cap
able superintendent
1 Published for Four Years n
Ceurt Work in Proceeding Smoothlv
and fitapldly with Westoyvr on
the Bench IMvorces Granted
in olH Other Mutters
District court convened Monday
morning at 9 oclock with Judge W
H Westover on the bench Not
many important cases were on the
docket and the work of the court is
proceeding very smoothly --
Tuesday the case of Leonard A
Collins charged with burglary was
called The defendant was with-
out counsel and the court appointed
D H Thurston to take charge of his
case The story of the affair as
brought out by witnesses was as fol
lows In April 1895 Collins and k
man named Neely were traveling
through the country and on rhe 19th
of the month Lewis Archer missed a
valuable set of buggy harness and a
riding bridle from his closed barn
Collins and Neeley having passed the
day before they were suspected and a
little detective work located the har
ness iu a box at the railroad station in
Ainsworth where Collins had left them
for bhipmenc He was arressted tried
in county court and bound over broke
jail while waiting trial was recaptured
and again broke jail and this winter
was once more brought back The
case went to the Tuesday evening and
those gentleman retarned a verdict of
guilty to the charge of burglary The
jury was composed of
Manley Wyman F A Higgins
Hugh Mono Robt McXamee
Chris Hoist
Win Metygar
K Raiuaford
B n Hcwett
Wm Cavanaugh
W G Ballard
F 11 Vanish
The jury in the case of State vs
Trester returned a verdict of assault
with intent to do great bodily injury
this morning The case went to the
jury early last eveniug and a decision
wis reached at 2 oclock this morning
The penalty is 1 to 20 years Attorneys
will tile a motion for a new triaKr
Complaining witness Richard Fox did
not appear and a bench warrant was
issued for him
Confirmations were ordeded in the
foreclosure cases of Aultman Miller
Co vs Elias Stilwell et al C W Ly
man vs Jacob Harworth et al W II
Male vs H W Kellogg et al G W
Burge vs Stuart Tait et al P Sulli
van vs E Jarrett et al Elizabeth
Roberts vs T Nye et al same vs W
A Wilson et al W H Male vs Venzil
Kletecka T G Dockstader vs Chas
Burgess et al
The cases of Geo Nenzel vs School
Dist No 47 debt Estate of Ebenezer
D Cameron petition to sell real estate
Elizabeth Fitzgerald vs P J Donoher
et al mandate Bertha Helzer vs Es
tate of A J Helzer petition to sell
real estate E Sparks vs Chas Tate et
al foreclosure H B Sears vs Lottie
Sears divorce Elizabeth M Bind
schaedel vs Jas F Young were
The cases of J W Crowe vs W A
Denny debt J R Lee vs W B
Banks appeal W B Banks vs Algoe
Zorger appeal L R Perkins vs
Milton E Hall foreclosure Clara
Richert vs August Richert divorce
were dismibsed
Divorces were granted August and
Eliza Columbus Charles and Eliza
Robinson Louisa and John Newland
Henry and Luella Lettyet John and
Sarah Good and parties named Rogers
The non resident attorneys who have
been in town this week are M F
Harrington ONeill Alex Altschuler
Lincoln P H ORourke Gordon J
H Evans Thedford
About half of the people of Crook
ton and vicintity are in town as wit
nesses on the Brown case
which is being tried this afternoon
D Hauna Chas Hoyt John Salz
man D A Bristol and Ed T Ross
were evcuaed from service on the jury
on account of illness
Judgment was givew L P Larson
against Arthur Thacher and Wm Bal
werk against Jno Sholtea
State of Nebraska vs Ulysses Hunt
concealing stolen property was dis
State of Nebraska vs Geo W Bell
who was charged with larceny was dis
missed this morning on the grounds
I Chat there waBno cause for actiwni
W G Ballard the Wood Lake
ranchman was in town on jury duty
this week He has just returned from
Iowa where he had been on a months
business trip and says that prosperity
aas not yet struck that state He also
informed us that his sister at Doni
phan this state died last week
Farmers instigate
The farmers had an interesting little
meeting at the county judges office
last Saturday Prof R H Watson of
the Valentine schools addressing the
audience The next meeting will be
held April 3d and a large attendance
is hoped for Prof Watson W F
Morgareidge and 1 F Gordon will ad
dress the meeting the latter speaking
on Condition of the Farmer Its
Cause aud Remedy Come out
Beef for the Indians
Tuesday morning a train of tweuty
five cars of stock came in from Pierce
loaded with Gilman Heller cattle
Nine cars were unloadedhere and the
balance at Irwin and Rushville These
cuttle will be issued to the Indians on
the Rosebud and Pine Ridge reserva
tions about the first of the month
Ttie feed yards at Pierce were flooded
during the recent storms necessitating
the shipment of cattle sooner than was
A Challenge
Valentine March 20th 1897
The undersigned wishing to debate
the following question from the affirm
ative standpoint respectfully chal
lenge any three citizens of Valentine
or Cherry county to meet them in de
bate in Cornells hall in Valentine
May 8th 1897 Question- Resolved
That Capital is Oppressing Labor and
That Labor Should Organize for Self
protection W F Morgareidge
F F Gordon
D H Thurston
liittle Things
Owing to our hurry iu going to preas
last week a partf the paper was not
pnsof AUdJponsscuience num
berless typographical errors appeared
One instance illustrates how one mis
placed letter will change the meaning
of an article We wrote at the bot
tom of au article regarding E Mc
Donald His spring stock is 7iow
being opened the devil handled the
copy and the sentence appeared
His spring stck of goods is not being
opened McDonalds stock is com
For the Negative
At the Cornell nail last Friday
evening F F Gordon H O Tucker
G E Trace well W F Morgareidge
and Chas Reece debated the question
Resolved That the Signs of the Time3
Indicate an Early Downfall of the Re
public the first two affirming and
the last three denying the proposition
D H Thurston was to have led the
affirmative side but he was unavoid
ably absent Ex Senator Cornell pre
sided over the meeting and made an
excellent chairman G P Crabb J
C Pettijohn and W R Towne were
the judges of the debate and returned
a unanimous verdict in favor of the
negative Messrs Gordon and Reece
illustrated their talks with charts
which were very interesting
Man Found Dead
About seven miles west of Merrl
man lastSaturday an unknown man
was found dead near the railroad
track Coroner Lewis was notified
and upon his anival at Merriman a
jury was impaneled and the following
verdict was given
At an inquisition holden at Merriman in
Cherrv county on tue 20th day of March D
1897 bofore me Alfred Lewis coroner of said
county upon the body of an unknown man lying
dead by the jurors whose names are hereto
subscribed the said jurors upon their oath do
say that the said unknown man came to his
death from natural causes In testimony there
of the said jurors have hereunto set their hands
this day and year aforesaid
K B McNamke
B E White
J W Curby
H Geekx
J H Baser
A Bowrino
The man was about 37 years old of
Rohemian birth and when found had
several dollars in silver in his pocket
He had been noticed at Cody and
other place with a companion and it
ia thought tb3 partner robbed the dead
man of his shoes and overcoat both of
which were missing old ones having
been substituted The man was
I filmed at
NO 9
fci i
The very latest things in Dress
Goods and Trimraings
An especially fine line of Lawn
and Percale
Ask to see the latest in Ribbons
wide lace edge
Full assortment of Mens Fancy
Colored Shirts and Ties
Look at onr stock of Trunks and
Yalises -before buying
Spring Good
Davenport 4 Thacher
In Pettycrews stock of groceries fruit confectionery and feed
All our Groceries are fresh and good Fruit is the finest and cleanest
Confeciionery the best and sweetest Feed pure and nutritious
Highest prices for Butter Eggs and Farm Produce
The Largest aqd Befit Stock Ever Brought cxrVelenfcifie
Is now being opened at our store
rrTzAu elegant assortment of the latest stvles
Call and See them
E McDonald
An efficacious remedy for Habitual Constipation Indigestion Dys
pepsia Sick Headache Biliousness Kidney Trouble
Rheumatism Pimples and Blotches
Price 75 cents per bottle For sale by J H Quigley
For sale at Kennedy by Haeber Grange
Wo have an excellent line of new
clothing gents furnishing
goods hats caps boots and shoes
Have a splendid line of
shoes for both ladies and children
Clothing is cheaper and
better than ever Come and see
D Stinard
ETIES at hard times prices Small
fruits in large supply Millions of
Strawberry plants very thrifty and
well rooted Get the best near home
and save freight or express Send for
price list to Nortjj Jend Ktjrskpjes
North Rend Dodge County Neb
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W H Moaea building
Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting good3
fCKorth Western Line fe to best
to and from the
mm mim