The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 18, 1897, Image 1
w ft H V JLs - f r THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT VOL XII THIS AND THAT Com ina Events Debate March 19 Temperance Meeting March 20 District Court March 22 Kaster Sunday April 18 District court next week The Year Books are all gone Miss E I Mills has a house to rent G George Elliott solcFthree more lots this week Temperance rally at the M E church Saturday night Fob Rent Good farm -Enquire of G H Q Smith 4 X C Sparks has been on the sick list xbe past week A new stove has been placed in the couoty judges office Geo N Davis was tip from Simeon the first of the week The agricultural department have been distributed Geo Xeanggh returned home seeds from the west Saturday night ft U Ilewett of Gordon registered at TheDonoher Monday A position on the school board just now is not an enviable one Blankets and comforters at greatly reduced prices at McDonalds 5 Come in and gei a copy of the Agri cultural Department Year Book f Enoch Flowers was down from the Teservation a few days last week T Y Sunderland of Brownlee reg istered at the City Hotel Monday Y Burleigh and wife were from the ranch at Simeon Tuesday in AH wool underwear cheap at Mc Donalds general merchandise store 5 G A Waggoner of Lavacca called at the great moral headquarters Tues--day Dril Sherman hns almost entirely re covered from his recentr attatk of the grip Nothing will drive -away that tired feeling like 52 doses of CRAT Tun Demo- E J Davenport wife and son re turned Saturday morning from Wash ington Mrs C Pi Watson leffc Tuesday morning for Creighton to visit her mother We acknowledge n very peasant call from Prof Alex Burr of Pullman Tuesday For Trade Town 4ot for buggy and harness Inquire at Tiie Demo ciiat office 8 J M Camm an old resident of this -county died the first of the week in Xew York C J Bruce son of the postmaster at Penbrook visited in town a few days the past week Judge Kinkaid is holding court at Ainsworth this week Judge Wpsto vor comes here 11 M Faddis of Pass stopped in town Friday and went on to Gordon Saturday evening Mrs Win Erickson ot Kennedy was in town the past week having ome dentistry done Rev O T Moore is at Simeon this week assisting Hev Horton in his re- vival work at that place Mrs O T Moore went to Lincoln last Friday morning to visit her mother for a few weeks P F Simons has a regular prize- fighters face this week the result of a severe attack of neuralgia W A Donser returned from the east Saturday and went to his home on the reservation Sunday Prof W D Ricketts of Eli was one among the many assessors who called on the editor Tuesday Tal Nicholson returned from his visit to Liucoln this morning looking fatter and sassier than ever Mrs J G Stetter gave a tea party Just Wednesday evening in honor of Mrs W II Carter of Deadwood The favorite expression Thusday was Today it is pig or no pig and ftomorrow it will be pug or no pug Pigs goes Will Clarkson and family from f the hay flats south of town visited with jTM7ClarK son and wite thisweek The Indians received their annuities the first of the week but aie not a lowed to leave the reservation for ten tlays J M Clarkson and family who have been living in town this winter will return to their farm in a couple of weeks II A Wagner special agent of the Fidelity and Deposit Co was in town the past week looking over Treasurer Crabbs books Miss Maggie Herring has returned from Ainsworth and is prepared to give lessons in oil printing Call at H C Querys 8 Assessors meeting citizens meeting county commissioners meeting pig or no pig meeting and Presbyter iau supper Tuesday Mrs Finson of Creighton visited with her daughter Mrs C R Watson a iew days last week returning home Sunday morning The basement walls of the new school house will be 20 inches the first story 18 inches and the second story 16 inches in thickness Mrs Kate Wellford is agent for all kinds of musical instruments Best manes See her before ibuying Sheet music furnished on short notice 5 Wm Francke was the Valentine representative at the big fight in Car son City yesterday he having left for the scene of the battle Sunday morn ing W A Petty crew is very 111 of grip and is confined to his room H W Graham has taken a position as clerk in the store pending the proprietors recovery It is not often that so large a num ber of representative citizens from various parts of the county get to gether as were at the assessors meet ipg Tuesday C II Glover attended court at Ains worth this week retur ning home last evening No cases of importance were called and the jury was dis charged immediately E McDonald presents an advertise ment to the readers of The Demo crat this week which will be of in terest to buyers His spring stock of geevds is not being opened Those who are of the opinion that the present vault in the building called the-court-house provides ample pro tection for the records are invited to inspect the same before talking T C Hornby has one of the finest and most complete lines of shoes ever brought to Valentine and every pair of the lot was made to order You will miss it if you do not call and see his slock From the quantity of seeds and reading matter distributed from this office one would think the editorial kitchen should be filled with vege tables this summer and The Demo crat columns with correspondence The court house at Bassett burned to the ground Tuesday night This should be a solemn warning to Cherry county The building burned was far superior to the one in use here and ample vaults offered protection to the records The Bank of Valentine yesterday filed a bond with the county commis sioners to secure deposits credited to seven or eight county runds County Sinking Road Bridge School Bond and General funds are deposited in the Cherry County Bank C A Johnson the Wood Lake banker and well known stockman was in town one day recently aud regaled the editor with stories of his trip to Mexico Arizona Texas and other points south Mrs Johnsons health was very much improved by the trip The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian chuch gave a supper and old fashioned spelling school at Cor uell Hall Tuesday evening which was a very enjoyable affair and was largely attended Judge Tucker was teacher and all the young folks were schol ars and the famous old blue Webster spelling book was used Nobody took first prize Pnbliahed for Fonr Years as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY MARCH 18 189 FITZ WINS IN THE I4TH The Democrats Prediction Verified The Fight By JKoundH BYt ROUNDS 1st Fitzsimmons refused to shake hands Time called at 1207 Fitz forced the lighting and landed 3 times Corbett landed twice 2nd Corbett started the muss and the fighting was of a vary rapid char acter and Corbett jabbed Fitz fre quently but did no serious nature 3rd Corbett got in a hard left hook on the body which made Fitz savage Corbett gets in frequent blows on Fitz heart and short ribs while the latter lands but lightly The round is decidedly in Corbetts favor and he re tires laughing A q 4th Corbett rushed the first half and Fitz the second Blows are ex changed frequently and Corbett has the best of itJ 5th Hard fighting by both men and Coibett gets first blood by a blow on Fitz nose- Up to this time Corbett seems to be the better man 6th Start with a clinch and wrestle Fitz goes to hisknees for the limit and is covered with blood but fights like a demon while Corbett shows signs of weakening 7th Fitz looking bad and Corbett puffing Livel kfighting with not much advantage 8th Fitz forcing it and gets lifted off his feet by a blow on the neek Fitz gets the worst of the round 9th Both men land but Fitz blows are more frequent than Corbetts Fitz spits blood out of his mouth and goes after his man and foices him back being apparently the stronger of the two and drags him to the ropes 11th Clinch Fitz receives numer ous jabs on body but the blows lack force and Fitz forces his man to the corner 12th Both rush matters Fitz spit ting wads of blood Round is decid edly in favor of Corbett 13th Terriffio fighting Fitz get ting in a hard one on Jims face 14th Jim lands left jab on Fitz face Fitz counters with terrible right swing on Corbetts neck and has him going back Fitz lands a terrible left hand jab on Jims body and he goes the floor with a frightful look of agony on his face The time keeper ooiinta Corbett out and Referee George Siler decides that Fitzsimmons wins The blow that did the business land ed over Corbetts heart The last round lasted just one minute and forty live seconds Assessors meet The assessors of Cherry county at their annual meeting on the 16th or ganized by electing Alex Burr chair man and W D Ricketts secretary In order to expedite matters a com mittee of three consisting of I N Russell P W Pruden and P Roueche was appointod to draw up a schedule of assesmeut values and the meeting took a recess for a short time to allow the committee to formulate their re port which was as follows Horses 3 to 20 Cattle 3 to 9 Mules and asses 3 to 20 Sheep 50c to 75c Hogs 1 per cwt Farms 50c to 3 per acre This was discussed by the assessors pro and con and was finally adopted and all assessments this year will be made in accordance with this schedule Considerable talk over the values of horses was had and personal property especially harness and saddles and wire fence on land leased or appro priated by the owners thereof came in for a large share of comment It was finally decided to allow assessors to value this according to their best judgment The meeting is said to have been one of the largest of the kind ever held in the county the following precincts being represented by the men whose names are opposite that of the pre cinct Precinct Assessor Buffalo Lake Alex Burr Boiling Sprgs A C Reimenschneider Dewey Lake J W Daniels Eli W D Ricketts Gillaspie I N Russell German Henry Porath Georgia Chas Hoffman Irwin S M Woodward Kennedy Dell Rowley Loup P S Roueche Lavacca G A Waggoner Mother Lake C S Johnson Minnechaduza J H Searby Merriman P W Pruden Nenzel Ed Satterlee Pleasant Hill J H Saull v Sharps Ranch Herman Schultz Steen C Laney Schlagle E Ormesher i Table Valentine Woo Lake T P Spratt John Dtiua E D Valerate CITIZENS TICKET HAt a mass meeting of the citizens of Valentine held at Tnr Democrat office Tuesday afternoon the following persons were nominated for village trustees by acclamation E Sparks P Simons 1 T C Hornby C H Cornell D S Ludwig This is the preseut board without change and it is a tribute to their efficiency that they should bo selected to administer the affairs of the munic ipality for one more year Under this board the debt of the town has been kept at the lowest possible point and all necessary improvements have been granted and made The board has always been willing to do what seemed the will of the people and no fault can be found with their manage ment of affairs or administration of the ordinances ou I tint Escape PaylneTax Wednesday Deputy Sheriff Razey levied on the goods and chattels of E E Payer for 6153 personal tax and got the money Payer was loading his stuff at Gordon preparatory to moving to Indiana when apprehended Peo ple who intend leaving the county should be sure to call on the treasurer before hastening away as they are almost sure to have costs to pay in ad dition to the amount of the tax Surprise Party Last Thursday evening a number of the friends of Miss Ina Flowers met and in a body proceeded to the home of the young lady where a very plea sant evening was passed The sur prise was complete and the enjoyment of thejguests perfect Those present were Misses Daisy Zarr Nora Mas singalc Jessie Frush Carrie Dillon Edith Brandon Josie Flowers and Lelah Frush Messrs ChasB Cook Roland H Robertson Norval Pf under Warren Cook Wm Beamer Murk Zarr and Frank Flowers Council DIeetiiic The village trustees held a postponed meeting of the board last night and transacted a considerable amount of business allowing bills discussing ways and means and acting upon petitions The curfew ordinance petition for which was circulated several weeks aqo was passed without a dissenting voice The school board has asked that water pipes belaid to the new school house site Action on the mat ter was deferred A committee was appointed to see about getting a side walk laid on Catharine street to the west part of town ViK or no PiffY At the county judges office Tuesday night the pigs as they call them selves nominated the following for village trustees W S Jackson C R Watson O W Hahn D Stinard P Simons This ticket is composed of good men the slate having been made up after careful deliberation several days prior to the meeting but just what the issue is upon which they are running i3 a deep mystery Judge Tucker said they all loved pigs but as that is not an uncommon virtue it does not ex nlain the situation Another Surprise Party Tuesday evening fifteen of the friends of Miss Mabel Towne met at the residence of W A Pettycrew and proceeded to her home on Cherry street and gave her an old fashioned surprise party A splendid time is reported Judge Towne periormed a marriage ceremony that evening and it is recorded that he immediately afterward told the young people pres ent that he was ready for the next but none of the following who were there responded Bertha Thorn Inez Pettycrew Mabel Hahn Edith Petty crew Tacy Collett Myrtle Pettijohn Alma Carlson Frank Thorn Walter Thorn Jert Martiu Archie Pettycrew V A Northrop John ISullis Earl n X I Jap SPRING CLOTHING X BOYS PANTS ONLY 25 CENTS BOYS SUITS ONLY 75 CENTS D Stinard TKEES AND PLiAJfcT A full I line FRUIT TUBES Df BEST VARI ETIES at hard times pkices Small fruits in large supply Millions of Strawberry plants very thrifty and w ell rooted Get the best near home and save freight or express Send for NO 8 - AN ALMOST ENDLESS LINE SPRING -GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING COME AND SEE THEM Davenport Thacher EVERYTHING In Pettycrews stock of groceries fruit confectionery and feed IS THE BEST AH our Groceries are fresh and good Fruit is the iinest and cleanest Confectionery the best and sweetest Feed pure and nutritious Highest prices for Butter Eggs and Farm Produce NORTH OF POSTOFFICE W A PETTYCREW I i M WW M i f Spring Goods - The Largest and Best Stock Ever Brought to Vdentiie Is now being opened at our store DRESGOODS AND SHIRT WAISTS - An elegant assortment of the latest styles 7 T Call and See them E McDonald KERNS LIVERCURA FOR LIVER AND KIDNEYS An efficacious remedy for Habitual Constipation Indigestion Dys pepsia Sick Headache Biliousness Kidney Trouble Rheumatism Pimples and Blotches Price 75 cents per bottle For sale by J H Quigley g G M SAGESEE TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shon in thr W FT Morr hnildintr We have an excellent line of new -- clothing gents furnishing HU I ANU UuLU uAlSlb goods hats caps boots and shoes TTavP q snlfmrlifl linft of shoes for both ladies and children Q W MOREY r 1 T J fining ib uuuapci uu WATOHMAXEB - AUD - JEWELBE better than ever Come and see Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods THE ELKHORN RAILROAD ftbrth Western lane is to beat to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELD of price list to South Beto Kurseries ilftDTli MCOD10UA Kcrtb T2zZ Podge Geunty Ne WU nlffl WMSmRoWk