The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 11, 1897, Image 7

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Vegetable Sicilian
Beautifies and restores Gray
Hair to its original color and
vitality prevents baldness
cures itching and dandruff
A fine hair dressing
B P Hall Co rrop3 Nashua KH
Sold by all Druggiste
A Georgia Negro Prodigy
Robert Gardhire is a negro aud au un
educated one but when it comes to
figures he cant be stopped by any
mathematician in the world lie is a
humble resident of Augusta and is em
ployed as a laborer at the Inter State
Cotton Oil Company In multiplication
Gardhire is as quick as thought Be
fore the average person can set the fig
ures down with a pencil Gardhire has
given the correct answer and yet he
cannot say how he does it
He was asked what was the sum total
of 99 times 07 and without repeating
the figures to himself Gardhire an
swered off hand tG03 How much
asked some one is HOI times 32V
Without stopping a second Gardhire re
plied 10032 And thus for over half
an hour numbers were thrown at him
ypd he gave the correct multiplication
Wke a flash In the multiplication of
fractions the man is equally proficient
and there seems no limit to his powers
which are almost occult
Gardhire cannot remember when he
first became aware of his power and
does not even know how he discovered
it He says that when the figures are
given to him he sees their answer im
mediately Simply by glancing at a
long line of figures he can tell immedi
ately what the addition is Augusta
The Dutch people consume more to
bacco per head than the people of any
other country
I fS I
f ip - f
i tiff sf 2
S3 SHOE InthWorid
For 11 years this shoe by merit alone has
distanced all competitors
Indorsed by over 1000000 -wearers as the
best In style fit and durability of any shoe
ever oITered at 300
It Is made In all the latest shapes and styles
and of every variety of leather
oue dealer in 1 town given exclusive saie
amHadvertlMMl in lonal paper on receipt of
reasonable order Write for catalogue to W
Douglas Hrockton 3Iass
y jig
m ms
f 5fJs
FoStH Stirrer nram Price J15M
Not a fleeted
ly gases
No RUST nor RATTLE Outlaws tin or iron
A Iliirahloiilivtituto for PlaNter on -walls
Water Prool Miciittiinzr of same material tho
best cheapest in t he marketWrite f orsamplesetc
ever -bails
seudrurddre8 Wewlllinatlairia lKtile
JR TAFr BROS is fclmS Rochester N Y I
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use I
in time Sold by druggists
Night in the Desert
R Talbot Kelly the English artist
who illustrated Slatin Pashas Fire
and Sword in the Soudan has written
a paper for the Century which he calls
In the Desert with the Bedouin Mr
Kelly has drawn a number of striking
pictures for the article A bit of this
description is as follows Night In the
desert is very solemn Surrounded by
these sandy wastes melting in the
gloom the silence of nature is almost
painful and the occasional howl of a
jackal or neigh of a horse only serves
to accentuate the succeeding stillness
while the wonderfully rare atmosphere
makes the stars appear of such unus
ual size and nearness that one feels op
pressed with a sense of lonely little
ness I am often asked how I occupy
my time in the desert my reply is
Painting Everything is paintable
and the desert is always beautiful In
finitely varied in texture and local
color prolific of wild flowers and in
sect life its interest is unending while
its trackless expanse undulating to the
horizon seems like an ocean suddenly
petrified intb absolute rest and im
presses the mind with a sense of vast
ness and repose which nothing in my
opinion can equal Again as the ef
fects of varying weather pass over
the silent land how perplexing are
the quick transitions from gray to gold
as passing sunbeams play hide-and-seek
among its billows or when the
white heat of day gives place to the
violets and yellows of sunset Added
to the intrinsic beauty of the desert it
self are the innumerable subjects
always ready to hand now a goat
herd watching his flock or a party of
Arabs exercising their horses about
the tents domestic duties in full swing
a negro slave roasting coffee over a
fire of cobs black robed women flitting
from tent to tent or a group of gaily
dressed children the girls playing
kuucklebines in the sand the boys
as usual indulging in the mischief
readiest to Iiand Everywhere a pic
ture An artists paradise indeed the
only drawbacks of which are ones
utter inability to accomplish a tithe of
the subjects surrounding one and the
discomforts and hardships of its life
Arc the Most Disagreeable Months
of the Year in the North
In the South they are the pleasanteM
and most agreeable The trees and shrubs
put forth their buds and flowers early
vegetables and fruits are ready for eating
and in fact all nature seems to have awak
ened from its winter sleep The Louisville
Xashille Railroad Company reaches the
Garden Spots of the South and will on the
first and third Tuesdays of March and
April sell round trip tickets to all principal
points in Tennessee Alabama and West
Florida at about half rates Write for ad
vertising matter and particulars of ex
cursions to C P Atmore General Pas
senger Agent Louisville Ky
Stupid Litigation
A stupidly obstinate piece of litiga
tion has just been settled by the house
of lords Two Aberdeenshire land own
ers quarreled over the right to fish in
the River Dee which borders their es
tates for 150 yards Both admitted
that the fishing was of no value but
they have speut 1 5000 to have their
rights decided
Mr Goodman Williams County 111
writes us From one package SalzerS
German Coffee Berry 1 grew 300
pounds of better coffee than I can buy
in stores at 30 cents a pound
A package of this and big seed cata
logue is sent you by John A Snlzer
Seed Co Lit Crosse Wis upon receipt
of 15 stamns and this notice
A Bijj Shark
A shark measuring sixteen feet in
length is announced as having been
captured lately in the harbor of Sydney
X S W The lishs stomach on being
opened was found to contain a large
dogs collar a mans coat a briar wood
pipe some coppers and a great number
of safety pins
JiSTiryalOchoxor Cascarete candy cathartic tin
est Hvur and bowel regulator made
Americas First Railroad
Tlif first American railroad was laid
in 1825 It was three miles long from
the granite quarries of Quiucy Mass
to the Xepouset River
To Pearline Users Only
You have confidence in Pearline You
must have or you wouldnt be using it
But what do you do with it besides the
ordinary washing- and cleaning Theres
a long- list of things in which Pearline
ought to be helping you Why isnt it
so For everv purpose for which
you would use soap and water Pearline
is better You ought to be ready enough
to believe that with what vou mut
know of Pearline
but have sold direct to the
consumer tor St years at
wholesale prices saving
theui the dealers
nis snip any wnere
for examination be
fore sale Every
thine trarrauted
100 ntyles of Car
riacesaostvleaof Har
ness Top BujiRiesas low
as 35 Phaetons as low
as 855 Sprinc Wasrons
Road Wacons etc Send
vVy7 Kwv
- y rm Srn V a
No 606 SurreT Vricewitheurtaint lampi
A goeJ u tells for SilOO for
lurge free Catalogue hde pron and 50 A good as irllt for f
He that Works Easily Works Sue-
cessfully Tis Very Easy to
Clean Housie With
i i
His mood was very much the same
No matter what he saw
He sighed for sunshine till it came
And then abused the thaw
Washington Star
Watts What was the longest prize
fight on record Potts Vocal or man
ual Indianapolis Journal
Madge is such a peculiar girl
How so She thinks she hasnt any
peculiarities Chicago Record
Scribbler Does your wife laugh at
your jokes in the paper Punster Yes
but onlj on payday Commercial Ad
He was a reckless youth How old
are you he asked boldly S r she
said I am not old New York Even
ing Journal
Editor to comic paragraphist Your
jokes lack originality Comic para
graphist irritably So does your criti
cism Tid Bits
Does j our wife call you as many pet
names as she did when you were first
married Er not as many pet ones
Indianapolis Journal
Smith Jones seems to have no
thought for anything except his clothes
Brown Yes he is perfectly wrapped
up in them Yale Record
When a woman is on her wedding
trip she thinks her husband has quit
loving her as soon as he gets interested
in a bill of fare New York Press
Were you at the play last night
Yes How was it Oiit of sight
Confound the women why dont they
stop wearing those high hats Chi
cago Times Herald
Id rather be most any man
In historys class or fames bright bands
Than Atlas for he always had
A world of trouble on his hands
Cincinnati Tribune
Van Duder I want to know some
thing Miss Amy Amy I have thought
for years Mr Van Duder that that
was just what you wanted Harlem
Mrs Bigsby lets her husband prac
tice on his cornet at home Whats
that for It gives her an excuse to
be away all the time Chicago Rec
Is he a scientific fighter Scien
tific echoed the pugilist contemptu
ously Why he couldnt parse a single
sentence of his challenge Washing
ton Star-
I know where you can get an eight
day clock for 70 cents An eight day
clock Hows that Oh it lasts eight
dajs Then you get a new one Har
ard Lampoon
Dorothy is much encouraged about
her literary ambitions Why Has
she sold anything No but her hand
writing is getting worse and worse
Chicago Record
Each day his roses as surprises
Come If he knew the stupid thing
That in two months at present prices
Hed save enough to buy a ring
Contributor What a surly sort of
chap that fellow who writes your jokes
is Editor sadly Yes he is and from
what he sends me Im afraid hes been
out of humor for a long while An
Fuddy Theres Fumble over oppo
site He prides himself upon the good
things he gets off in conversation Dud
djr Should rhink he would they occur
so seldom you know Boston Tran
Little Borcham relating his Alpine
adventures There I stood the terrible
abyss yawning at my feet That Brute
Brown Was it yawoiing when you got
there or did it start after you arrived
New York Evening Journal
Young wife I always thought you
were the bravest man in the world
while we were courting You wouldnt
go to Canada in case of another war
would you dear Not if the war was
with Canada Detroit Free Press
Hattie Whats the matter with Gus
tavus He never calls any more Hor
teuse Why one night wjien he was at
the house I called him the light
of my life and papa came in and said
it was about time the light was put out
Yonkers Statesman
Humorists Wife You must not trou
ble your papa just now clear in his
present mood he is not to be trifled
with Humorists Child What is he
doing ma Humorists Wife He is
writing things to make people laugh
Tid Bits
Family Doctor Well let me congrat
ulate you Patient very excitedly
Am I going to recover Doctor No
not exactly but well after long con
sultation we find that your disease is
entirely new and if the autopsy should
prove the fact we have decided to name
it after you Tid Bits
Dennis Arrah Pat and so yez have
come back to shtay Why didnt 3Tez
loike it out West in that place where
yez had such a good job Pat Och
its no place fer a Christian nion Den
nis There aint a liviu soul about the
place that hasnt died wid the malay
rinm Cleveland Leader
Visitor gruffly Are you the editor
Editor without looking up from nig
work I am Stranger more gruffly
Do yon hold yourself responsible for
every tiling appearing in the paper
Editor prising tois six feet three inch
es I do Whats on your mind Vis
itor meekly Oh nothing at all I as
sure you I was under the impression
that the little man over in the corner
took all the responsibility Spare Mo
A Prominent Iowa Educator Painful
Kxpcricnce as Related by Him to u
Newspaper Man
From the Gazette Cedar Falls oxca
La grippe that dread disease that
had such a run throughout this couniry
three or four years since left many who
were previously in robust health with
shattered constitutions and seemingly
continued invalids
Prof A H Nye living at No 200
Olive street Cedar Falls Iowa was
among the number left in a precarious
condition by the disease No strength feet
and limbs badly swollen in fact almost
helpless Prof Nyeis a native of New
York State having come West in
healthy robust man He is a school
teacher by profession having served as
county superintendent of schools of this
iilackhawk county several terms ami
he has the respect of all with whom he
comes in contact His helpless condition
called forth the sympathy of the entire
community He tried the best medical
skill procurable and spent most of his
ready means in the vain endeavor to re
cover his health and had about given up
completely discouraged Ue had stopped
taking medicine being convinced that
there was no help for him Some one who
had heard of Dr Williams Pink Pills
spoke to him about them and urged him
to give them a trial His poor success
with eminent physicians made him skep
tical and he had no faith in what was
called proprietary medicines and would
not listen to this advice for some days
The friend being persistent however and
having faith in the Pink Pills would not
let -up until he had finally prevailed upon
the sufferer to send for a box which he
reluctantly did and after receiving them
decided to give them a fair trial The
first box relieved him in a surprising man
ner yet he was not convinced that it was
the medicine that had helped him but the
weather which had turned pleasant and
did not send for a further supply until
he was again about as bad as before tail
ing the pills Then he concluded he would
make another trial and took three boxes
and to day is nearly i not quite as well
as before the attack of la grippe It is
needless to state he cannot say too much
for Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale
People for people who have been left in
poor health from la grippe or any other
cause Anyone wishing to test the validi
ty of this letter can write Mr Nye No
2500 Olive street Cedar Falls Iowa and
lie will cheerfully recommend the medi
cine and state his condition before and
after using
Dr Williams Pink Pills contain in a
condensed form all the elements neces
sary to give new life and richness to the
blood and restore shattered nerves They
are an unfailing specific for such diseases
as locomotor ajaxia partial paralysis St
Vitus dance sciatica neuralgia rheuma
tism nervous headache the after effect of
la grippe palpitation of the heart pale
and sallow complexions all forms of
weakness either in male or female Pink
Pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent
postpaid on receipt of price 50 cents a
box or six boxes for 20 they are never
sold in bulk or by the 100 by addressing
Dr Williams Med Co Schenectady NY
Married at the Age of 2
The smallest wedding ring probably
ever made is that which was used for
the betrothing of Princess Mary
daughter of Henry VIII to the Dau
phin of France The Dauphin was born
Feb 20 1518 aud as a matter of state
policy the bridal ceremony took place
Oct 5 of the same year with great
pomp at Greenwich The two-year-old
bride was dressed in cloth of gold
and blazing jewels Cardinal Wolsey
placed the diminutive ring of gold upon
the childs finger and Admiral Bonni
vet as proxy for the boy bridegroom
passed it over the second joint Tin
bride was blessed and mass performed
by Wolsey the King and the wh lc
court attending
5100 FOR 14 CENTS
Millions now plant Salers seeds but
millions more should hunee offer
1 pkg Bismarck Cucumber 15c
1 pkg Round ilobe Beet 10c
1 pkg Earliest Carrot 10c
1 pkg Kaiser Wilhelm Lettuce 15c
1 pkg Earliest Melon 10c
1 pkg Giant Yellow Onion 15c
1 pkg 14 Day Radish 10c
6 pkgs Brilliant Flower Seeds 15c
Now all of above 10 packages includ
ing our mammoth plant and seed cata
logue are mailed you free upon re
ceipt of only 14 cents postage
25 pkgs Earliest Vegetable SeedS1U0
21 Brilliant Blooming Plants 100
John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse
Very Polite
Our new neighbor are very polite
said Mrs Perkasie to her husband
when he came home at night
Are they
Yes I sent to borrow their step
ladder and they told me they hadnt
uiie but if Id wait awhile theyd semi
and buy one Harpers Bazar
Tkeiu is more iu iui i section of thi
country than all other disoasm put together
mid until the last few years was supposed to be
incnriiblo For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it u local diiease and prescribed loral
remedies and by constantly failing to cure
with local treatment pronounced it incurable
Scienco has provon catarrh to be a constitu
tional disease and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment Hall3 Catarrh Cure manu
faetuiedby F 1 Cheney Co Toledo Ohio ia
the only constitutional cure on the market It
is taken internaUy in doses from ten drop3 to a
leaBpoonfuI laots directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system They offer
one hundred dollars for any case it fails to
cure Send for circulars and testimonials Ad
dress F J CHENKY CO Toledo O
jK8SoH bv IH ULgistg 75c
Too True
Funnicus I tell you I find it pretty
hard work turning out a column of
jokes every day
McCabe Yes theres no fun in it
Philadelphia North American
Halls Hair Renewer cures dandruff and
scalp affections also all cases of baldness
where the glands which feed the roots of
the hair are not closed up
Fisteil Eiirht 31onths
Mathias Sether died near Decatur
Ind after fasting it is said for eight
months He had selected his burial
place and had designated his tomb
stone He left word that photographs
of him were to be taken after death and
distributed among his friends and this
was done
CASCAKEls ttimuate liver kidneys and bowels ev
er sicken weaken or gripe 10c
The most facile play writer was Lope
de Vega He wrote over 1800 dramas
besides a vast quantity of other works
About 300 of his best plays are pub
lished in ft thirty volume edition
Over the Precipice
Hosts of Invjillds tumble to destruction Mm
ply because they will excreixe no discretion
In tl mhttcTH of eating ilrlnkbn and the
avoidance of excltln chucs and above all
In the Item of medication They persist in
dosing themselves in stitMin ami out of rea
son with drastic ami violent remedies op
ates nml mineral poisons The best the
safent the pleasantest substitute for such
hurtful no remedies is Hostetters Stomach
Hitters potent for malarial rheumatic
uervouo and bilious complaints
Hounds Lost in a Foj
A fox hunt in the Quoin country came
to an untimely end recently The pack
of hounds ran into a bank of fog and
could not be found again till the next
On to the Kootenai
The call of 1897 is On to the Kootenai
the wonderfully rich mining country Mon
tana Idaho and British Columbia where
so many mines of gold silver copper lead
iron etc have been discovered during the
last year or two and new towns and indus
tries established The town of Hosslaud
grew from 200 people to i000 in 20 months
Maps and descriptive matter of the entire
territory sent free oy W B MeNider I
P A Sioux City and Northern 11 IL
Sioux City Iowa
The only amaranthine flower on
earth is virtue the only lasting treas
ure is truth
An Atlas of tin Northwest
including maps of the United States and of j
tne world giving a mil detailed descrip
tion of each of the northwestern states
population history business interests etc
Absolutely correct and brought down to
date Size 15x20 A valuable addition to
any home or oflice Can be had for 25 cents
in postage bv applying to W IiMcNider
G P A S C N IL 11 Sioux City la
The last summer was the wettest and
most disagreeable one Switzerland has
had in thirty years
for FiTty Cents
Ovr 400000 cured Win not let
regulate or remove your desire fir tobacc i
Savi niuiivy make fieal tli and in nhood Cura
KuaiMn eed 50c and 1 all aruaglbt
The naval academy at Annapolis has
sixty seven professors and 242 stu
J Will it
P The que
Thats n
stlon is xv
S For She
April May are the months in which to
purify the blood for at no otheir season
is the body so susceptible to benefit
from medicine The peculiar purify
ing and reviving qualities of Hoods
arsaparilla are just yhat is needed to
expel disease and
Fortify the System
against the debilitating effects of mild
weather The blood at this season is
loaded with impurities which are
promptly and thoroughly removed by
Hoods arsaparilla and strength
health vigor and vitality succeed to
I weakness debility and that tired feel-
I mg Hoods S jrsapanlla cures all dis
j eases arising from or promoted by im
pure uujou ivememuer
the Best
Sprlns MedU
Hue 1 Hood Co Lowell Mass
Hnnrlc llc nre lv Is easy to
l iuuu r11 tnke easy to operate
Good Excuse lor Escaping Service
A London coroner the other day ex
cused a juryman who said he was a
railway servant and had been on duty
all night
I believe my prompt use of Pisos Cure
prevented quick consumption Mrs Lu
cy Wallace Marquette Kan Dec 12 i5
There are in Loudon alone according
to the last census 411300 women work
When lilllous or costive eat a Cascarot candy ca
thartic cure cuarantecU 10c 25c
The total number of theological stu
dents in this fount rv is 75HS
Mrs WlDfliown Boothiko Stbcp far Children
teething solteng tne sums reatices inflammation
tllari taiu cure riii mlic 25 ceste a bottlo
eaor fc
hydon t vou c S l JSCObS Oil
It will cure it thats
fj vtrl n nrl pertain
MiWJLJB JFna KLJl J6fH t3 91 B3 TrS Ea 83 f 57
jjflKH i 9Mtm7fF y
t io muttmsmmmjMWaW all
23 50 ML iFgfBlll J lf DRUGGISTS
5 JPQATTITI V finflRfiNTRtfn to cure anrrascor constipation Cascarets arc the Ideal Lara
I HDOUllUlJCiLl UUflttttlUJiQl tire neTcr srrip or jrripehnt cause eaiynntnralrcsnlta Sam-
X pie and booklet free Ad STERLING BE3IEDT CO Chicazo Montreal Can ornetr Tort sni
iBll0ii ills fill 101 lPtSjbL J
For the last 20 years we have kept Pisces Cure for Con
sumption in stock and would sooner think a groceryman could
get along without sugar in his store than we could without
Pisos Cure It is a sure seller RAVEN CO Druggists
Ceresco Michigan September 2 196
For a long time said the farmers wife I suffered from gastric troubles
and dyspepsia After all my meal I experienced a disagreeable heavy sort of
feeling and oftentiines in the morning mv tongue would be coated in fact fhis
would be the case for whole days at a time I had recourse to the whole cate
gory of correctives aperients laxatives etc but the relief I found was only
temporary Indeed in most cases after I had taken them for any length of
time the early efficacy seemed entirely vitiated I had so often seen in the ad
vertisements of
the statement one gives relief that at last it so impressed itself upon me that I
decided to give them a trial A trial was entirely convincing and in a short time
I was well While I have now no regular use or them I always keep them on
hand to be used in case of emergency
The Rocker Washer
is vtttuiid to msh IOO PIECES IN
CMC HOUR as cloan cs eanba vrsjhrt
on tho wuhboanL Villa fer piieas and docrip
11 97
plense say you saw the advertisement
in this paper
in 1 to 5 dsj
cat la stricture
jPrtTenU coaupoa
Use Big 3 for unnatural
discharges inflammations
irritations or ulceration
of mucous membranes
THhVANSGHEUCiLCo gent or poisonous
CIHCUIXATl0I 1 oia BjDraezuta
V 3x 7 T r nt In plain wraroer
by express prepaid for
J100 or 3 bottles 275
Circular sent oa request